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国内外甜高粱种质遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用24对扩增带型稳定的SSR引物,研究了206份国内外甜高粱种质资源的遗传变异,共检测出220个等位基因,每对引物检测出2~19个等位基因。引物位点的多态信息含量指数(PIC)变幅在0.50~0.87。利用220个多态性标记计算206份甜高粱品种之间的遗传相似系数(GS),范围在0.32~0.96之间。利用SSR标记遗传相似系数矩阵,按UPGMA方法对206份甜高粱品种进行聚类分析,将其分为A、B两大组,B组只包含3个品种,与其他品种遗传关系较远,A组进一步被分成15个类群,农艺性状近似的聚在同一类群。  相似文献   

黔南60份茶树种质资源遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索黔南野生茶树种质资源的遗传多样性,利用SSR分子标记技术,对黔南60份茶树资源进行了DNA遗传多样性分析。结果表明:15对引物均显示多态性,基因多态性百分率为98.64%。15对SSR引物共扩增出147个观测等位基因和73.778 6个有效等位基因,平均每个引物扩增9.8个观测等位基因,4.918 6个有效等位基因。15个通用位点共产生280种基因型,平均每个位点18.7种基因型。遗传多态信息量变异范围为0.123 9~0.926 8,平均0.572 5,平均观测杂合度、平均期望杂合度和平均Shannons信息指数分别为0.470 0、0.602 3、1.464 4。经聚类分析后,60份材料间遗传相似系数在0.205 1~0.863 6之间,以平均遗传相似系数0.477 5为阈值,可将60份种质资源聚为8个类群,其在分子遗传水平上的分类结果与其材料来源分类的结果并不完全一致,而且材料来源地间遗传距离与地理距离不存在显著的相关性,有少部分同一来源的材料分散在各个类群中。研究认为,黔南茶树资源间的遗传差异较大,遗传基础较宽,具有丰富的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

利用ISSR标记对33份绿豆种质进行了遗传差异和亲缘关系分析。 结果表明,从46条ISSR引物中筛选出10条扩增条带清晰、多态性高的引物,利用这10条引物从33份绿豆种质中共扩增出118条条带,其中多态性条带115条,多态性位点比例98.18%。遗传相似性与聚类分析结果表明,供试绿豆种质间的遗传相似系数范围为0.50~0.98之间,平均0.68。当遗传相似性系数为0.682时,供试33份绿豆种质资源分为4个ISSR类群( ISSR Groups,IGs),第Ⅰ类群包括产地为黑龙江、吉林共9份和河北的1份绿豆种质资源,第二类群包括河南、山西和陕西的所有和河北的4份绿豆种质资源,第三类群为来自泰国的5份绿豆抗虫资源,第四类群包括山东和内蒙各2份绿豆资源;当遗传相似系数为0.98时,供试的33份绿豆种质资源可被全部区分开。 ISSR分析结果表明, ISSR类群划分与绿豆的地理来源存在一定相关性;而同一类群中,地理来源相同的绿豆种质间也存在一定的遗传差异。  相似文献   

为揭示紫花风铃木(Handroanthus impetiginosus)的群体遗传变异特征,对广东省6市12个群体72份种质材料进行遗传多样性和群体遗传结构分析。结果表明,9对引物共扩增出123个等位基因位点,引物的平均多态信息量为0.754,具有较高的多态性。12个群体均具有较高的遗传多样性,群体间平均有效等位基因数为3.272个,平均Shannon指数为1.159。AMOVA分析表明群体间遗传分化程度相对较低,群体内遗传分化程度较高。群体的总体遗传分化系数为0.077,处于中等程度。基于Structure分析、主坐标分析和NJ聚类分析均可将12个群体分为2大类群,分组结果具有一定相似性,表明供试紫花风铃木群体遗传结构较为简单。这为紫花风铃木优良种质资源的利用、遗传变异和科学育种提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

鸭茅种质遗传变异及亲缘关系的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢文刚  张新全  马啸  彭燕  黄琳凯 《遗传》2009,31(6):654-662
利用SSR标记技术对来自世界5大洲的53份鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata L.)材料的遗传变异及亲缘关系进行了研究。用筛选的15对引物对53份材料的DNA进行PCR扩增, 获得下述结果: (1)15个位点共检测到127个等位基因, 每个位点等位基因变幅为5~12个, 平均为8.5个, 多态性位点率 (P)平均为95.21%; 多态性信息含量(PIC)范围为0.30(A04C24) 到 0.44 (A01F24), 平均为0.36; (2)材料间遗传相似系数(GS)范围在0.43到0.94之间; 地理类群间的GS值在0.73到0.91间, 其中亚洲(P,90.55%)和欧洲(P,86.61%)类群遗传多样性丰富, 表明供试鸭茅种质具有丰富的遗传变异; (3)根据研究结果进行聚类分析和主成分分析, 可将53份鸭茅材料分成5大类, 来自相同洲的材料能聚为一类, 呈现出一定的地域性分布规律。  相似文献   

黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)的ISSR位点遗传多样性分析   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:22  
选用11个ISSR引物,对黄淮麦区96个小麦推广品种(系)进行遗传多样性分析。共检测到96个多态性位点,每个引物多态性位点数平均为8.7个,变幅为3~23个;ISSR引物的多态性信息含量PIC变幅为0.601~0.941,平均0.791,表明ISSR具有较强的品种间区分能力,是研究小麦种质资源遗传多样性的有效分子标记技术之一。96个品种(系)间,Nei’s遗传相似系数变化范围为0.53~0.91,平均为0.60,品种间遗传相似性变幅较大,表明黄淮麦区不同小麦品种(系)间存在着不同程度的遗传多样性差异。根据品种间遗传相似系数聚类,96份材料被聚成8大类群,共14个亚类,类群与系谱和原产地无关。  相似文献   

为了明确广西野生茶树种质资源的遗传背景,该研究从广西的宁明县、金秀县、苍梧县收集到14份地方野生茶树种质资源,以17个国家级茶树良种作为参照,采用EST-SSR分子标记技术,探讨了广西这三个地方野生茶树与国家级茶树良种间的亲缘关系以及广西地方茶树自身的遗传多样性。结果表明:15对EST-SSR引物共检测到68个等位基因,平均每个引物可扩增出4.53个,其中多态性位点为60个,多态性比率达88.2%。平均观测杂合度、平均期望杂合度、平均Shannon信息指数分别为0.42、0.55和0.97。PIC值在0.23~0.74之间,平均为0.52,多态性较好。遗传相似系数在0.53~0.9之间,平均值为0.71,31份供试材料在遗传相似系数为0.71分为5组群,76%参照品种聚在A组群,而广西本地的野生茶树资源则主要分布在B、C、D、E组群。利用该研究中的4对核心引物即可将31份供试材料全部区分开,挑选其中10个多态性较好的等位位点进行编码,构建31份供试种质的DNA分子指纹图谱。这表明广西野生茶树资源与国家级茶树良种间遗传差异较大、亲缘关系较远、遗传基础宽、多样性非常丰富,可作为茶树育种的亲本或开展茶树功能基因研究的材料。  相似文献   

半野生大豆种质资源SSR位点遗传多样性分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
利用12对SSR引物对67份半野生大豆种质进行了遗传多样性的检测分析,结果表明,12个位点共检测到184个等位基因变异,平均每个位点等位基因数目为15.41个,平均多态性信息量,平均遗传多样性指数,平均遗传距离分别为0.849,0.706,0.118,根据SSR分析结果,按欧式距离将67份半野生大豆种质聚类并划分为5个组群。  相似文献   

种质资源的遗传多样性是育种工作的基础,本研究利用SSR标记对鹰嘴豆资源进行遗传多样性分析,旨在发掘鹰嘴豆资源中丰富的遗传变异。从48对鹰嘴豆SSR引物中筛选出18对核心多态性引物,对96份不同来源的鹰嘴豆种质资源进行SSR标记的遗传多样性分析。结果表明,18对SSR引物共检测到115个等位变异,占总检测位点的52.99%,每对SSR引物可检测出3~10个等位变异,平均6.39个;平均每个位点多态信息量(PIC)为0.8107,变化范围为0.6661~0.8984。Shannon's信息指数平均为1.4769,变化范围为0.0607~1.9584。PGMA聚类结果表明,在遗传相似系数0.59处,可将96份鹰嘴豆资源分为6个类群,类群Ⅰ包含9份资源,类群Ⅱ包含2份资源,类群Ⅲ包含28份资源,类群Ⅳ包含4份资源,类群Ⅴ包含40份资源,类群Ⅵ包含13份资源。本研究对我国鹰嘴豆种质资源的评价与利用、优异基因的挖掘、育种亲本材料的选择等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

该研究从110对SSR引物中,选用47个扩增稳定、条带特异的SSR多态位点,对42种159份桉树种质材料进行PCR扩增,通过统计条带构建二维数据库的方法,进行遗传多样性分析和聚类分析。结果显示:(1)共检测到137个等位基因,平均每个位点等位基因数为2.915个,各位点等位基因变异范围为2~7个。(2)遗传多样性分析结果表明,平均Shannon’s信息指数为0.181,平均观察杂合度Ho为0.068,平均多态信息含量PIC为0.182。综合各指标分析发现,位点eSSR-GR018、eSSR-GR083和eSSR-GR109的多态性程度最高,反映的遗传信息量更大,能够在桉树种质资源的遗传多样性分析和种质鉴定等方面发挥更大的作用。(3)非加权类平均法(UPGMA法)和主坐标分析法(PCoA法)聚类分析均表明,159份桉树种质材料分为两大类群,且昆士兰桉和少花桉间具有较高的遗传相似度,很可能产生杂交种;聚类结果与基于形态学的HillJohnson分类系统基本一致。研究表明,中国引种的桉树种质资源具有较高水平的遗传多样性,该研究所选用的47对SSR引物可有效地应用于桉树种质资源的鉴定分析。  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is a type of cultivated sorghums and has been recognized widely as potential alternative source of bio-fuel because of its high fermentable sugar content in the stalk. A substantial variation of sugar content and related traits is known to exist in US sweet sorghum. The objectives of the study were to assess the genetic diversity and relationship among the US sweet sorghum cultivars and lines using SSR markers and to examine the genetic variability within sweet sorghum accessions for sugar content. Sixty-eight sweet sorghum and four grain sorghum cultivars and lines were genotyped with 41 SSR markers that generated 132 alleles with an average of 3.22 alleles per locus. Polymorphism information content (PIC) value, a measure of gene diversity, was 0.40 with a range of 0.03–0.87. The genetic similarity co-efficient was estimated based on the segregation of the 132 SSR alleles. Clustering analysis based on the genetic similarity (GS) grouped the 72 sorghum accessions into 10 distinct clusters. Grouping based on clustering analysis was in good agreement with available pedigree and genetic background information. The study has revealed the genetic relationship of cultivars with unknown parentage to those with known parentage. A number of diverse pairs of sweet sorghum accessions were identified which were polymorphic at many SSR loci and significantly different for sugar content as well. Information generated from this study can be used to select parents for hybrid development to maximize the sugar content and total biomass, and development of segregating populations to map genes controlling sugar content in sweet sorghum.  相似文献   

Elshibli S  Korpelainen H 《Genetica》2008,134(2):251-260
Genetic diversity in date palm germplasm from Sudan representing 37 female and 23 male accessions was investigated using 16 loci of microsatellite (SSR) primers. Eight female accessions from Morocco were included as reference material. The tested SSR markers showed a high level of polymorphism. A total of 343 alleles were detected at the 16 loci. The number of alleles per marker ranged from 14 to 44 with an average of 21.4 per locus. A high level of expected heterozygosity was observed among Sudan cultivars (0.841), Morocco cultivars (0.820) and male accessions (0.799). The results indicate that the genetic groups of the Sudan cultivars and/or males do not follow a clear geographic pattern. However, the morocco group showed significant differentiation in relation to the Sudan groups, as measured by F (ST) values and genetic distances. The effect of the methods of pollination and cultivar selection on the genetic structure was clearly detected by the weak clustering association that was observed for the majority of accessions originating from Sudan and Morocco as well. This suggests the need for further investigation on the genetic diversity of Sudanese date palm germplasm. A deeper insight will be revealed by a detailed analysis of populations originating from different geographic locations.  相似文献   

EST-SSR markers were applied to estimate the genetic diversity for 30 accessions of Nelumbo nucifera, 6 accessions of Nelumbo lutea and 14 hybrids between these two species. The 52 of 123 EST SSR markers (423%) were screened and then applied to amplify the 50 Nelumbo accessions. A total of 177 alleles were identified, and the number of alleles per locus and Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) value varied from 2 to 8 with an average of 34 alleles and from 063 (NNFB 1059) to 091 (NNFB 750) with an average value of 079, respectively. Jaccard similarity coefficients of the amplification results were analyzed by NTSYS pc2.11 software and the genetic similarity coefficient was from 024 to 086. The clustering dendrogram constructed by UPGMA method indicated that 50 accessions of Nelumbo could be divided into four major groups at the similarity coefficient of 037. Group I and group II included Nnucifera; group III included the majority of Asian American lotus hybrids; and group IV included Nlutea. In addition, the Asian American hybrids were closer to Nnucifera based on genetic relationship, which is consistent with the traditional classification result and the previous reports.  相似文献   

Amygdalus mira (Koehne) Ricker is native to China and has many good economical traits. However, its genetic diversity information has not been extensively studied. In this study, to assess the genetic diversity and relationships of A. mira and other peach species (nineteen accessions from Zhengzhou, Henan Province and seven accessions from Harbin) we used simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Here, 10 SSR primers were used, and 100% of the SSR primers were polymorphic, with an average of 5.5 alleles per primer pairs, suggesting that these primers were informative for this study. Additionally, polymorphism information content (PIC) value ranged from 0.82 to 0.96 with an average of 0.91. All the accessions were clustered into two groups (cluster 1 and cluster 2) based on SSR data. Principal coordinate analysis recovered similar results that all accessions were divided into two major clusters. The genetic variations within and among populations were 63.9% and 36.1%, respectively. In conclusion, A. mira maintains high genetic variation levels. This research will be potentially useful to aid breeding and enhance the economic and ornamental value of this wild peach.  相似文献   

设施用厚皮甜瓜品种SSR标记遗传多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用分布于甜瓜12条染色体上的72对SSR引物,对我国中东部设施内栽培的30个厚皮甜瓜品种进行分析;56对SSR引物在30个品种间表现为多态性。共检测到138个等位变异,每对引物的等位变异数变幅为2~6个,平均为2.6个。有效等位变异为86.16个,平均为2.25。每个SSR位点的多态性信息量(PIC)变化范围为0.045~0.725,平均为0.390。30个品种间遗传相似系数变幅为0.274~0.974之间,平均值为0.665,且90.4%的供试品种其遗传相似系数在0.474~0.824之间,亲缘关系较近;以遗传相似系数为原始数据,按UPGMA方法将30个品种划分为3大类群,结合系谱分析结果表明,我国中东部设施适宜种植的甜瓜品种遗传多样性不够丰富,多数品种间的亲缘关系较近,欲进一步提高中东部地区设施甜瓜产量和品质还需要拓宽亲本选择范围,扩大遗传背景。  相似文献   

The genetic characterization of Indian sesame cultivars and related wild species was analysed using 102 simple sequence repeat (SSR; microsatellite) markers. Of these, 62 were novel sesame-specific microsatellites isolated in the course of the present investigation by constructing genomic libraries. Characterization of the 68 sesame accessions and three related wild species using 72 polymorphic SSR primers resulted in the detection of 170 alleles. The number of alleles ranged from two to four with an average of 2.5 alleles per locus. Polymorphic information content of the markers ranged from 0.43 to 0.88 with an average of 0.66. UPGMA cluster analysis grouped all the accessions into two major clusters with a genetic similarity ranging from 0.40 to 0.91. A moderate to high level of genetic variability was observed. The three wild accessions used in the study formed separate clades and distant genetic relationships were observed between the cultivar lines and wild species. Differentiation of genotypes according to geographical region was not observed. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) analysis revealed that a high percentage of variation was within populations (87.1 %). An overall F st of 0.11 among the populations indicated low population differentiation. The SSR markers developed will be useful for further genetic analysis, linkage mapping and selection of parents in future breeding programmes.  相似文献   

38份晾晒烟种质资源遗传关系的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SSR标记技术对38份晾晒烟种质资源的遗传关系进行了分析。从自己开发的近3000对烟草SSR引物中随机选出30对引物,在38份供试材料中共检测出173个等位基因,每对SSR引物可检测的等位基因数为2~11个,平均为5.77个。38份材料间遗传相似系数(GS)的变化范围为0.165-0.928,平均GS 为0.546。表明38份晾晒烟的遗传多样性丰富,遗传差异较大,亲缘关系较远。聚类分析表明,在L1(GS-0.165)处可将38个品种分为2大类,即晾晒烟类群和美国从烟草起源地收集的烟草(TI:Tobacco Instruction)类群;晾晒烟类群又可进一步分为4组,其聚类结果与所期望的结果基本一致。表明SSR是一种有效、稳定和可靠的分子标记,能较好地从分子水平上揭示烟草(尤其是晾晒烟)种质资源的遗传背景和亲缘关系。  相似文献   

一粒小麦是普通小麦种质改良的重要资源。为了从一粒小麦中发掘有用基因,选取了100对位于普通小麦(Triticum aestivum,2n=6x=42,AABBDD)A染色体组上的SSR标记,对34份一粒小麦材料进行了遗传多样性分析,并对其进行了白粉病及叶锈病的抗病性鉴定。结果表明,有69对标记在34份一粒小麦上检测出多态性,这些多态性位点包括670个等位变异,每个位点上有3~19个变异,平均每个位点上的变异为10个,位点多态性信息量(PIC)变幅为0.167~0.936,平均为0.694。通过聚类分析,将这些材料分为3个类群。通过对这些材料进行抗病性分析,共鉴定出15份抗小麦白粉病材料,21份抗小麦叶锈病材料,12份兼具白粉病及叶锈病抗性材料。这些研究结果表明:一粒小麦材料中蕴含了丰富的遗传变异,抗病材料丰富,可以作为普通小麦遗传改良的重要基因资源。  相似文献   

Molecular characterization and genetic diversity among 82 soybean accessions was carried out by using 44 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Of the 44 SSR markers used, 40 markers were found polymorphic among 82 soybean accessions. These 40 polymorphic markers produced a total of 119 alleles, of which five were unique alleles and four alleles were rare. The allele number for each SSR locus varied between two to four with an average of 2.97 alleles per marker. Polymorphic information content values of SSRs ranged from 0.101 to 0.742 with an average of 0.477. Jaccard’s similarity coefficient was employed to study the molecular diversity of 82 soybean accessions. The pairwise genetic similarity among 82 soybean accessions varied from 0.28 to 0.90. The dendrogram constructed based on genetic similarities among 82 soybean accessions identified three major clusters. The majority of genotypes including four improved cultivars were grouped in a single subcluster IIIa of cluster III, indicating high genetic resemblance among soybean germplasm collection in India.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12298-014-0266-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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