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小地老虎雄性附腺细微结构和功能及高温的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
陈长琨  朱荣生 《昆虫学报》1995,38(2):179-183
本文通过光镜、电镜和生化分析等方法,研究了小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)雄性附腺的细微结构和功能,结果表明:(1)雄性附腺是一对管状腺,基段粉红色,中段桔红色,端段乳白色。形态分化在蛹前期完成,分泌功能在羽化后4天进入旺盛期;(2)附腺细胞属蛋白质合成型,具有旺盛的合成蛋白质的能力,胞内含有致密的粗面内质网和游离核糖体颗粒,大量的分泌液泡均匀地分布在细胞质中;(3)顶浆分泌和局部分泌是腺体的二种主要分泌方式, 前者分泌的颗粒物为糖蛋白性质(Pas阳性),后者吩泌的网状物为非糖蛋白性质(Pas阴性),二者在腺腔内呈有规则的放射状排列“4”雄性附腺分泌物具有种的特异性,小地老虎、棉铃虫和粘虫等夜蛾科昆虫分泌物的蛋白电泳谱带存在明显的种间差异,高温(32℃)抑制了雄性附腺分泌某些蛋白质的能力,从而改变精液的成分。  相似文献   

小地老虎雄蛾中胚层生殖腺缢缩瓣膜结构和功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文通过光镜、电镜和生化分析等方法,详细观察了小地老虎雄蛾中胚层生殖腺缢缩的形态、数目、位置和细胞特化的瓣膜结构,并研究了缢缩的瓣膜结构和隔离中胚层生殖腺分泌物的功能。结果表明:缢缩是雄蛾中胚层生殖腺上显著收缩段,有7个,分别在雄性附腺—贮精囊、贮精囊—精包腺1段、精包腺1~5各段之间,精包腺5段—C形管;缢缩自内向外为4层,即瓣膜细胞、底膜、肌肉和围膜,肌肉层发达;缢缩瓣膜结构是细胞极度伸长特化形成的,其特点是:多数细胞伸长超过原长度的一倍以上,顶区膨大呈蘑菇突,纵横交错堵塞管腔,其顶段的微绒毛致密而细长,稠密的粗面内质网和稀疏的高尔基体环绕在核的四周,细胞间隙发达;缢缩瓣膜结构具有隔离相邻区段中胚层生殖腺分泌物的功能,致使各区段分泌物在蛋白质电泳谱带数和迁移率,以及经PAS染色后在腺腔横切面上的构象存在显著差异。  相似文献   

雄性中华乌塘鳢贮精囊的结构与功能   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用组织学、透射电镜及酶联免疫吸附分析法研究了雄性中华乌塘鳢贮精囊的形态结构 ,并探讨其功能。结果表明 ,贮精囊是一对精巢的附属腺体 ,结缔组织隔膜将贮精囊分隔成为许多小室腔。被膜和隔膜中含有平滑肌纤维、毛细血管、成纤维和纤维细胞以及间质细胞。隔膜上排列单层上皮细胞 ,呈柱形、立方形或扁平形 ,生殖季节粗面内质网、管状嵴线粒体和高尔基复合体发达 ,上皮细胞顶部聚集许多无膜包裹的分泌颗粒 ,分泌后细胞器退化 ,胞质中出现大量的大空泡。成纤维细胞具有合成分泌胶原蛋白的结构特征。贮精囊中的间质细胞与精巢中的Leydig型间质细胞形态特征相似。在生殖高峰期不论贮精囊的近端、中央或远端均先后贮存大量的精子 ,混合在分泌物中 ,贮精囊不同小室的上皮细胞发育并不同步。精液加贮精囊液的实验表明 ,贮精囊液有助于增强精子活率和延长精子寿命 ,并能促进受精率的提高。贮精囊纤维丝状分泌物呈深紫红色的PAS阳性反应 ,提示分泌物为粘多糖蛋白 ,贮精囊液含有 17α羟孕酮、PGE2 和PGF2α,能体外诱发雌亲鱼产卵 ,具有性外激素的重要作用  相似文献   

陈长琨 《昆虫学报》1992,35(2):142-147
用电镜和光镜以及组织化学方法研究了小地老虎(Agrotis ypsilon)幼虫蜕皮腺的形态与结构,及其在5龄—6龄幼虫的蜕皮期和预蛹—蛹的变态期的变化,并对蜕皮腺分泌的蜕皮液进行了组织化学分析.结果表明:(1)幼虫期的蜕皮腺共有15对,其中12对位于胸部1—3节和腹部1—9节的背侧面,其余3对位于前、中、后胸基节窝的外侧,至化蛹30小时后逐渐解体;(2)蜕皮腺的分泌细胞均为“液泡型”,在幼虫每次蜕皮期间出现周期性变化,随着蜕皮过程的结束,细胞由分泌状态进入静止状态,体积逐渐变小,色泽由乳白色趋向透明,液泡变小或消失,内质网数量溅少,液泡内含物对PAS反应减弱;(3)蜕皮前蜕皮腺分泌细胞的内含物PAS强阳性,表明蜕皮液是粘多糖或糖蛋白性质的,它通过导管分泌到新旧表皮层之间.  相似文献   

优雅蝈螽与暗褐蝈螽精子束的显微观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文应用微分干涉相衬法对优雅蝈螽Gampsocleis gratiosa Brunner von Wattenwyl和暗褐蝈螽G. sedakovii (Fischer von Waldheim) 雄性精巢管基部、输精管、贮精囊和精包,及雌性受精囊中精子束的形态变化进行了观察,对探讨螽斯近缘种的生殖隔离机制和生殖生物学具有重要意义.结果表明:这两种蝈螽的精子束通过精包转移到雌性受精囊后,精子束的形态发生了显著变化.精巢管基部的精子为游离的单个精子;输精管、贮精囊和精包中精子成束排列形成较分散的精子束,精子束头部包裹有粘液帽;雌性受精囊中的精子束的精子呈羽状排列,精子的头部汇集在中央轴上.两种蝈螽精子束形态差异不显著.  相似文献   

孙少轩 《昆虫学报》1966,(4):303-319
详细描述了斑蜡蝉两性生殖系统各部分的结构与组织学。精巢由6条互相分离的精巢管组成,而卵巢则含有14条典型的端滋式卵巢管。用组织化学方法测定了雄性附腺各段的分泌物的成分,它们分别构成精包、精液与精包鞘。订正了过去文献中关于雌性生殖系统某些部分的解释:过去误称为雌性附腺的其实是受精囊及其腺,而过去误称为受精囊的其实是接纳及消化精包的交配囊。受精囊腺的细胞具有一条曲折的细胞内分泌小管,贯穿内膜开口于腺腔。交配囊体及交配囊管上皮折突的内层为腺细胞,有孔道通过内膜与腔相通,它可以分泌一种(或多种)酶以消化精包。此外还从卵黄发生的速率与精包授精的关系,讨论了精包作为一种蛋白养料的来源,在雌虫营养与生殖上的重要性。  相似文献   

张小霞  常岩林  冯晓丽  石福明 《昆虫学报》2011,54(10):1118-1126
为阐明优雅蝈螽Gampsocleis gratiosa Brunner von Wattenwyl雄性附腺的结构与功能的关系, 本文利用透射电镜(transmission electron microscope, TEM)技术研究了优雅蝈螽雄性附腺的超微结构, 利用微分干涉相差显微镜(differential interference contrast microscope, DIC)技术并结合雄性附腺匀浆提取物与精子束在体外的短暂培养, 研究了优雅蝈螽雄性附腺对精子束的作用。结果表明: 优雅蝈螽雄性附腺3类腺管组织结构相似, 腺管管壁为单层上皮细胞, 缺少内表皮, 说明其来源于中胚层。上皮细胞富含粗面内质网、 线粒体、 高尔基体, 具有分泌细胞的特点。腺管管腔中分泌物有4种形态, 即电子透明的物质、 电子致密的颗粒物质、 细纤维状物质以及绒球状物质。上皮细胞的分泌方式主要有2种, 即顶质分泌和局部分泌。乳白短腺管的匀浆提取物参与了帽状精子束解聚的过程, 乳白长腺管和透明腺管的匀浆提取物有维持精子束活性的作用。本研究结果为进一步阐明螽斯雄性附腺的生理功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama是柑橘黄龙病的传播媒介。本文利用Ste REO Discovery V20体视显微镜对亚洲柑橘木虱成虫内生殖系统进行解剖观察,并探索了亚洲柑橘木虱雌雄成虫内生殖系统的形态变化规律。结果表明:雄虫内生殖系统由1对精巢、1对输精管、1个精泵、1个射精管、1对附腺和1个贮精囊组成。雌虫内生殖系统由1对卵巢、1对侧输卵管、1个中输卵管、2个附腺、1个黏腺和1个受精囊组成。交配前期和交配期的雄虫精巢饱满,精巢在交配后期明显萎缩。交配期和交配后期的雄虫贮精囊都明显大于交配前期的贮精囊。雌虫受精囊在交配前期、交配期和交配后期依次增大,交配前期的受精囊呈不饱满状态,交配期和交配后期受精囊呈饱满状态,内有白色精包。交配后期的雌虫卵巢内有大量成熟的橙黄色卵。  相似文献   

麝鼠泌香期香囊腺形态及组织结构的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈玉山  周爱莲 《兽类学报》1996,16(2):151-154
麝鼠香囊腺由腺细胞、支持细胞和排香管组成。其分泌腺属复管泡状腺。发育初期的腺泡胞质内含有大量的粗面内质同、光滑内质网、高尔基复合体、中心粒和线粒体、香腺细胞间连接发达,桥粒、半桥粒广为分布。胞质内含有电子致密度高和电子致密度低的两种分泌颗粒。其分泌方式为顶浆分泌。  相似文献   

铃虫交配过程中精子的转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计了棉铃虫交配前后贮精囊、复射精管和精包内真核精子(束)的数量,以此来验证棉铃虫交配过程中是否存在精子回流现象。结果表明,棉铃虫在交配时将复射精管内的精子全部转移至雌蛾体内,不存在精子回流现象。  相似文献   

The vas deferens, seminal vesicle, penis and common genital atrium of the monogenean, Diclidophora merlangi are lined by a very flat, lamellate epithelium. The structure is apparently syncytical, although nuclei or perikaryons have not been observed. The epithelium extends to just inside the gonopore where a septate desmosome marks the union with body tegument. There is minor regional variation in structure. The terminal portion of the seminal vesicle and the penis lumen are lined in part by the luminal cytoplasm of the prostate gland which surrounds this part of the reproductive tract. The prostate gland cells are synthetically active and produce a characteristic secretory body that is released either singly by exocytosis, involving membrane fusion, or in bulk via apocrine secretion. The secretion is acidophilic, PAS-positive and reactive for protein. The penis is sucker-like in structure and armed with a ring of 16 genital hooklets. Cilia have not been observed in any part of the male reproductive tract, and sense receptors are not apparent in the tegument surrounding the gonopore.  相似文献   

Histology and lectin histochemistry were performed in the infraorbital gland of the Japanese serow. The gland is composed of glandular tissues and a pouch filled with the secretion. The tissues consist of an inner layer of sebaceous glands and an outer layer of apocrine glands. The male sebaceous layer is made up of the ordinary type, whereas the female's layer consists of the ordinary and modified types. In the apocrine gland stained with Arachis hypogaea (PNA), nine different patterns of glandular tubules were distinguished on the basis of staining of the cytoplasm, the Golgi area of secretory cells and secretion. Secretory modes of apocrine secretion and exocytosis were included in these stainings. Myoepithelial cells stained constantly with Glycine max (SBA) except when only the Golgi area of secretory cells was positive. The modified sebaceous gland was stained with PNA, SBA, Ricinus communis I (RCA), Triticum vulgaris (WGA), Canavalia ensiformis (Con A) and Ulex europaeus I (UEA), while the ordinary type was positive in PNA, RCA, SBA, WGA and Con A. The secretion in the pouch was stained with PNA, RCA, SBA, Dolichos biflorus (DBA), WGA and Con A. These findings suggest that the modified sebaceous gland contains large amounts of glycoconjugates and the apocrine gland shows a cyclic secretory process of apocrine secretion and exocytosis.  相似文献   

The cutaneous glands of the forehead and the metatarsus were studied by histological and histochemical methods and electron microscopy in adult male and female impalas in various seasons of the year. All glandular areas consist of apocrine and holocrine glands, which, however, occur in different proportions. Our findings in the apocrine gland cells suggest (1) the synthesis and exocytosis of a glycoproteinaceous secretory product stored in secretory granules, (2) typical apocrine secretion of the transformed apical cytoplasm, and (3) transepithelial fluid transport. The Golgi apparatus and apical membrane have binding sites for several lectins (PNA, HPA, RCA I, WGA). Cytokeratins 7, 14 and 19 are expressed at various intracellular localizations, suggesting an active role in the secretory mechanisms. The glands of the male forehead show marked seasonal changes in activity that are correlated with the main phases of the reproductive cycle, with the highest cellular activity occurring during the rut in April/May. The female forehead glands are only moderately developed and do not undergo seasonal changes. The metatarsal glands are of equal size in males and females and show no seasonal changes in activity. This study supports the hypothesis that (1) forehead glands in the male have a signaling role in the rut and (2) the metatarsal glands have a more general, probably social role maintaining and restoring contact between herd members.  相似文献   

We describe herein the sperm morphology of the harvestman Iporangaia pustulosa. Adult males were dissected, the reproductive tract was schematized and the seminal vesicle was processed by light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The male reproductive tract is composed of a tubular testis, two deferent ducts, a seminal vesicle, a propulsive organ and a penis, similar to that observed in other Opiliones. The spermatozoa from the seminal vesicle are oval, aflagellate and immotile, presenting a nucleus surrounding an invagination of the cytoplasm, as well as a complex acrosome and projections on the cell surface. In the testis, spermatozoa are devoid of projections. In the seminal vesicle, they gradually acquire the projections with tufts adhering to it. Consequently, spermatozoa in various distinct stages of projection development can be found in the seminal vesicle. We believe that these projections (1) could help transport sperm along the male and perhaps female reproductive tracts; (2) are used to anchor the spermatozoa inside the female spermatheca in order to avoid mechanical displacement by the genitalia of other males and (3) may play a role in oocyte recognition. We propose that the evolution of aflagellarity in Opiliones is related to the unique morphology of the female reproductive tract. Since eggs are fertilized on the tip of the ovipositor just prior to being laid, there is no advantage favoring sperm mobility. Additionally, female sperm receptacles are small and males that produced small spermatozoa would have a higher chance of fertilizing more eggs.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the seminal vesicle and reproductive accessory glands was investigated in Bittacidae of Mecoptera using light and transmission electron microscopy. The male reproductive system of Bittacidae mainly consists of a pair of testes, a pair of vasa deferentia, and an ejaculatory sac. The vas deferens is greatly expanded for its middle and medio-posterior parts to form a well-developed seminal vesicle. The seminal vesicle is composed of layers of developed muscles and a mono-layered epithelium surrounding the small central lumen. The epithelium is rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and secretes vesicles and granules into the central lumen by merocrine mechanisms. A pair of elongate mesodermal accessory glands opens into the lateral side of the seminal vesicles. The accessory glands are similar to the seminal vesicle in structure, also consisting of layers of muscle fibres and a mono-layered elongated epithelium, the cells of which contain numerous cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and a few Golgi complexes. The epithelial cells of accessory glands extrude secretions via apocrine and merocrine processes. The seminal vesicles mainly serve the function of secretion rather than temporarily storing spermatozoa. The sperm instead are temporarily stored in the epididymis, the greatly coiled distal portion of the vas deferens.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to study the sexual differences in secretory mechanisms and intracellular calcium ion dynamics in the Harderian gland of the golden hamster. In both sexes the Harderian gland consisted of small and large lobes. In the intact control male glands the secretory portions of both lobes showed wide lumina that contained secretory material and cytoplasmic fragments, suggestive of the occurrence of exocytosis and apocrine secretion. After perfusion with HEPES-buffered Ringer's solution containing 10 microM carbamylcholine (CCh), the glandular cells showed features of enhanced secretion and a rise in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). In the intact control female gland the lumina of most secretory portions in the large lobe contained porphyrin accretions, and exocytosis was the sole secretory mechanism. Stimulation of the large lobe with 10 microM CCh did not raise [Ca2+]i or cause enhanced secretion. The small lobe in females resembled the male gland in secretory functions, and CCh administration caused enhanced secretion and a rise in [Ca2+]i. Castration in males abolished apocrine secretion; exocytosis became the sole secretory mechanism, and stimulation of the glandular cells with CCh did not cause enhanced secretion or induce a rise in [Ca2+]i. To the contrary, in females, castration restored apocrine secretion and CCh administration caused enhanced secretion and a rise in [Ca2+]i. Castration did not affect the secretory mechanisms and the effect of CCh on the glandular cells in the small lobes of both male and female glands. The present study points to the possibility that sex hormones may control the functioning or expression of muscarinic receptors in the Harderian gland of the golden hamster.  相似文献   

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