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小地老虎雄蛾中胚层生殖道和附腺的细胞结构和分泌功能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过光镜、电镜及组织化学等方法,研究了小地老虎生殖前期雄蛾中胚层生殖道和附腺的腺细胞结构和分泌功能,以及与精子形态和数量变化的关系,结果表明:(1)以缢缩位置、解剖形态、细胞结构、分泌方式、精子形态变化和数量变动为依据,将中胚层生殖道划分为修精囊、输精管、贮精囊、精包腺1~5段等8个区段;(2)中胚层生殖道和附腺具有相同的组织层次,自内向外分为单细胞上皮层、底膜、肌肉层和围膜等4层,但缺少表皮质内膜;(3)中胚层生殖道和附腺的腺细胞具有旺盛的合成和分泌蛋白质的能力,主要有内质网型和液泡型两种,前者有发达的粗面内质网和高尔基体,后者具有致密的核糖体和分泌泡;至少有4种分泌方式:即颗粒顶泌、液泡顶泌、胞质局泌和胞间分泌;修精囊、贮精囊、雄性附腺、精包腺1段的顶泌物为糖蛋白性质(PAS阳性)、局泌物为非糖蛋白性质(PAS阴性)。  相似文献   

张小霞  常岩林  冯晓丽  石福明 《昆虫学报》2011,54(10):1118-1126
为阐明优雅蝈螽Gampsocleis gratiosa Brunner von Wattenwyl雄性附腺的结构与功能的关系, 本文利用透射电镜(transmission electron microscope, TEM)技术研究了优雅蝈螽雄性附腺的超微结构, 利用微分干涉相差显微镜(differential interference contrast microscope, DIC)技术并结合雄性附腺匀浆提取物与精子束在体外的短暂培养, 研究了优雅蝈螽雄性附腺对精子束的作用。结果表明: 优雅蝈螽雄性附腺3类腺管组织结构相似, 腺管管壁为单层上皮细胞, 缺少内表皮, 说明其来源于中胚层。上皮细胞富含粗面内质网、 线粒体、 高尔基体, 具有分泌细胞的特点。腺管管腔中分泌物有4种形态, 即电子透明的物质、 电子致密的颗粒物质、 细纤维状物质以及绒球状物质。上皮细胞的分泌方式主要有2种, 即顶质分泌和局部分泌。乳白短腺管的匀浆提取物参与了帽状精子束解聚的过程, 乳白长腺管和透明腺管的匀浆提取物有维持精子束活性的作用。本研究结果为进一步阐明螽斯雄性附腺的生理功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)是雌雄同体、异体交配的腹足纲贝类,其生殖系统较为复杂,通过解剖学和组织切片技术对成体瘤背石磺的生殖系统及产卵前后的组织学变化进行了系统的研究.结果表明:(1)雄性生殖系统主要南阴茎囊、阴茎、雄性附性腺、两性腺(早期主要产生精于)和储精囊等部分组成,而雌性生殖系统则由两性腺(后期主要产生卵子)、生殖细胞输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、受精囊和阴道等组成;(2)雄性生殖系统的组织学结构在产卵前后变化较小,但两性腺、卵蛋白腺和黏液腺的组织学在产卵前后变化显著;(3)产卵后的两性腺由于成熟卵子的排放,整体结构松散,部分腺泡中有少量未排出的成熟卵细胞和卵黄合成早期的卵母细胞;(4)产卵前的卵蛋白腺中含有许多强嗜碱性的小颗粒(组织学结构类似于卵鞘中的胚胎外周蛋白),产卵后腺体中的颗粒相对较大,且呈嗜酸性;(5)产卵前的黏液腺中存在嗜碱性区、嗜酸性区和混杂区三种区域,但是产卵前黏液腺以嗜酸性细胞为主,而产卵后的黏液腺中以嗜碱性细胞区域为主,且分泌管道中有一些嗜碱性物质.由此可见,卵蛋白腺的主要功能是分泌卵蛋白包裹受精卵形成卵外周蛋白层,而黏液腺则在产卵过程中分泌黏液物质形成卵鞘结构及链状的卵带.  相似文献   

小地老虎雄蛾中胚层生殖腺缢缩瓣膜结构和功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文通过光镜、电镜和生化分析等方法,详细观察了小地老虎雄蛾中胚层生殖腺缢缩的形态、数目、位置和细胞特化的瓣膜结构,并研究了缢缩的瓣膜结构和隔离中胚层生殖腺分泌物的功能。结果表明:缢缩是雄蛾中胚层生殖腺上显著收缩段,有7个,分别在雄性附腺—贮精囊、贮精囊—精包腺1段、精包腺1~5各段之间,精包腺5段—C形管;缢缩自内向外为4层,即瓣膜细胞、底膜、肌肉和围膜,肌肉层发达;缢缩瓣膜结构是细胞极度伸长特化形成的,其特点是:多数细胞伸长超过原长度的一倍以上,顶区膨大呈蘑菇突,纵横交错堵塞管腔,其顶段的微绒毛致密而细长,稠密的粗面内质网和稀疏的高尔基体环绕在核的四周,细胞间隙发达;缢缩瓣膜结构具有隔离相邻区段中胚层生殖腺分泌物的功能,致使各区段分泌物在蛋白质电泳谱带数和迁移率,以及经PAS染色后在腺腔横切面上的构象存在显著差异。  相似文献   

优雅蝈螽雄性附腺结构与分泌蛋白特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过组织切片和SDS-PAGE方法,研究优雅蝈螽Gampsocleis gratiosa Brunner von Wattenwyl雄性附腺的结构及分泌蛋白的特性。结果表明,优雅蝈螽雄性附腺由3类腺管组成:乳白长腺管、透明腺管和乳白短腺管,腺管的管壁组织结构相似,从内到外依次为单层上皮细胞、基膜、肌肉层,不同腺管管腔分泌物H-E染色后呈现不同颜色。SDS-PAGE分析各种腺管的分泌蛋白具有特异性。  相似文献   

本文报道应用组织化学反应方法初步观察了腔阔盘吸虫(Eurytrema coelomaticum)尾蚴及后蚴体中单细胞腺的组织化学成分及其生理功能。尾蚴的5对大单细胞腺主要分泌粘蛋白、酸性粘多糖及微量碱性蛋白质,当子胞蚴被排到外界时,此腺体物质分泌出充满子胞蚴内囊腔并包被着各尾蚴。尾蚴在此腺体分泌物保护下渡过其在外界生存的时间。尾蚴的4对小单细胞腺主要包含中性糖蛋白及结合氨基的蛋白质(可能是含酶物质),此腺体物质可能是在尾蚴进入昆虫宿主(草螽)体内穿钻其胃壁进入血腔时分泌出能溶解胃壁组织帮助尾蚴的穿钻行为。成熟后蚴的穿刺腺对PAS反应呈强阳性,其分泌物可以溶解囊蚴的囊壁,使后蚴迅速脱囊。各幼虫期其他器官组织的组化成分也经观察。  相似文献   

交配是蜱类繁殖过程的关键环节,诱发雌蜱发生一系列的生理变化,并最终产卵。蜱雄性附腺分泌物在交配过程中发挥着重要作用,具有保护、活化精子,促进受精、卵巢发育和卵黄发生的功能,并对雌蜱的生殖生理行为等产生影响,如诱导雌蜱快速吸血和加速产卵。本文在简要分析蜱雄性附腺结构和分泌物生化特性基础上,系统阐述了蜱雄性附腺分泌物中各种功能因子的研究现状,着重论述其在精子获能、诱导雌蜱吸血、促进雌蜱卵巢发育和卵黄发生等方面的进展,并对未来研究提出了展望,以期为此领域的研究拓展思路。  相似文献   

陈长琨 《昆虫学报》1992,35(2):142-147
用电镜和光镜以及组织化学方法研究了小地老虎(Agrotis ypsilon)幼虫蜕皮腺的形态与结构,及其在5龄—6龄幼虫的蜕皮期和预蛹—蛹的变态期的变化,并对蜕皮腺分泌的蜕皮液进行了组织化学分析.结果表明:(1)幼虫期的蜕皮腺共有15对,其中12对位于胸部1—3节和腹部1—9节的背侧面,其余3对位于前、中、后胸基节窝的外侧,至化蛹30小时后逐渐解体;(2)蜕皮腺的分泌细胞均为“液泡型”,在幼虫每次蜕皮期间出现周期性变化,随着蜕皮过程的结束,细胞由分泌状态进入静止状态,体积逐渐变小,色泽由乳白色趋向透明,液泡变小或消失,内质网数量溅少,液泡内含物对PAS反应减弱;(3)蜕皮前蜕皮腺分泌细胞的内含物PAS强阳性,表明蜕皮液是粘多糖或糖蛋白性质的,它通过导管分泌到新旧表皮层之间.  相似文献   

家蚕雌性附腺及其Ng突变体蛋白质组双向电泳图谱分析   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
分别对家蚕(Bombyx mori.L)正常及Ng突变体雌蛾件附腺分泌部组织的蛋白质进行提取,并采用双向凝胶电泳和计算机辅助分析方法,对提取的蛋白质混合物进行分离和比较分析。用银染的方法,平均每张电泳图谱可以分离约700个蛋白质点,其中大部分的蛋白质点分布在pH4~8范围内,在分子量上主要集中在30~70kD区域:比较分析发现,有4种蛋白只在正常性附腺组织中特异表达,而有2种蛋白只在Ng突变体的组织中特异表达。另外约有29种蛋白在正常性附腺分泌部组织中的表达水平明显高于Ng突变,而约有15种蛋白在Ng突变体的分泌部组织中表达水平较高。这些差异蛋白质可能与Ng突变的形成和导致这种突变体的性附腺不能正常分泌粘性蛋白的性状有关。  相似文献   

棕尾别麻蝇雄性附腺分泌物的生理功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrina Robinean-Desvoidy雄性附腺的分泌物中包含许多生物活性分子,将成熟的雄性附腺分泌物注射到未交配的雌虫体内,发现其能影响雌虫生殖活性的很多方面:如降低雌虫的再次交配率;增加卵巢内的含卵量;缩短交配后雌虫的寿命。另外,还证明附腺分泌物中存在有可抑制革兰氏阳性菌的物质的存在。  相似文献   

The secretory cells of the digestive glands remain highly activeduring the entire period of prey digestion and absorption ofnutrients. They appear to play a major role in gland activity.A model of the digestive gland's activity on stimulation isproposed. It is very similar to that suggested earlier for Dionaeamuscipula. After the digestion and absorption cycle, destructiveprocesses are initiated in the glands. These appear similarto those observed in the glands of the ageing, unstimulatedleaf and are not associated with feeding. Pinguicula vulgaris L. carnivorous plant, digestive glands, ultrastructure, protein secretion absorption, senescence  相似文献   

The structure and secretory activity of the accessory salivary gland in two species of Conus were examined using routine and histochemical techniques of light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The composite layers of the accessory salivary gland of Conus are a luminal epithelium, fibromuscular layer, submuscular layer, and a capsule. In C. flavidus and C. vexillum, the luminal epithelium is formed by epitheliocytes and cytoplasmic processes extending from the secretory cells, whose perikarya form the submuscular layer. The processes carry secretory cell products (chiefly Golgi-derived glycoprotein) across the fibromuscular layer and terminate between epitheliocytes (at the bases of the secretory canaliculi) or beyond the surface of the epithelial cells. Conus vexillum is distinguished from C. flavidus by its high content of lipofuscin. Epitheliocytes are the only microvillated cells in the accessory salivary gland of Conus. In C. flavidus, epitheliocytes extrude secretory granules, various types of cytoplasmic blebs and clear vesicles by apocrine “pinching off”. Clear vesicles are shed from the tips of microvilli. The luminal epithelial cells of C. vexillum similarly egest clear vesicles, but normally undergo additional holocrine secretion to release lipofuscin. The secretions of epitheliocytes appear to be major products of the accessory salivary gland: consideration of secretory activities by both epitheliocytes and secretory cells will therefore be necessary when directly investigating accessory salivary gland function in Conus.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the tubular and acinous salivary glandsof Nucella lapillus (L.) has been studied and some histochemicaland enzyme tests have been carried out. The clusters of subepithelialcells of the tubular glands secrete a glycoprotein composedof chains of tubular macromolecules resembling secretions knownto have adhesive properties which may assist in boring. Thesecretion is rich in disulphide groups, as are many toxins,and is believed to be responsible for the recently demonstratedpharmacological activity of the glands. It is proposed thatflaccid paralysis is induced in prey by envenomation with thissecretion during rasping, after soft parts have been exposedby an ‘anti-predator’ reaction to secretion fromthe hypobranchial gland of Nucella. The secretory vesicles ofboth types of gland cells in the acinous glands have heterogeneouscontents indicating that their secretions are complex. The majorcomponent in those of the mucous cells is an acid mucopolysaccharidetypical of a lubricant or releasing agent. The ciliated basalcells resemble typical enzyme-secreting cells and the majorconstituent of their secretion is a finely granular glycoprotein. (Received 8 January 1990; accepted 5 June 1990)  相似文献   

The gland of Leiblein of the muricid Nucella lapillus and thenassariid Hinia reticulata has been examined by scanning andtransmission electron microscopy. The origin and functionalsignificance of its complex organization and its relationshipwith the rest of the mid-oesophagus in Nucella are discussed.It is absorptive as well as secretory, and a mechanism is proposedby which solute-rich fluids may enter the gland. Its epitheliumis composed of occasional mucous cells and two major cell types:ciliated cells engaged in protein metabolism and unciliatedcells responsible for uptake and storage of lipids and carbohydrates,both of which show evidence of pinocytotic uptake of solutesand intracellular digestion in lysosomes. Some enzyme activitypersists in the residual bodies they shed by apocrine secretion,but they remain intact in a mucous string until they reach thestomach. Preliminary ultrastructural examination indicates thatthe gland absorbs cadmium not only from the blood but also directlyfrom its lumen and that it may have the capacity to sequestera wide range of toxins. The same types of cell occur in Hiniain which their cyclical activity has been correlated with feeding.Similar cells have been identified in the oesophageal glandsof other prosobranchs. The foregut glands of carnivorous caenogastropodsare compared with the gland of Leiblein. There is an inversecorrelation between the role of the mid-oesophagus in digestionand absorption and the complexity of the stomach. (Received 16 August 2004; accepted 24 January 2005)  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy in conjunctionwith histology and dissection were employed to investigate theforegut anatomy of Sayella fusca (C.B. Adams, 1839), a commonNew England pyramidellid snail. Certain aspects of the feedingapparatus of S. fusca, including the buccal pump and proboscisanatomy, depart from the characteristic pyramidellid plan. Somedifferences such as the position of the introvert/proboscisaperture and the common oral and stylet canal are shared withthe genera Turbonilla, Eulimella, and Pyramidella. Three characteristicsof the feeding apparatus are unique to S. fusca: (1) the buccalpump is not divided into two pouches but exists as a singlemuscular bulb; (2) the entire lumen of the buccal pump, notsimply a portion of it, possesses a cuticular lining; and (3)the salivary ducts never enter the muscular walls of the buccalpump. Histological studies of the salivary gland indicate thatthree types of secretory cells are intermittently distributedthroughout the entire gland rather than characterizing distinctregions as described for other members of the family Pyra-midellidae.In contrast to previous findings, the gland cells of S. fuscaexhibit a merocrine secretion. The taxonomic value of the buccalpump and proboscis morphology are discussed. *Present address: Dauphin Island Sea Lab, 101 Bienville Boulevard,Post Office Box 369–370, Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528USA. (Received 9 November 1993; accepted 1 October 1997)  相似文献   

卢筝 《昆虫学报》1998,41(2):174-178
小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon Rott.雄性外生殖器由第8腹节的5对肌肉支持,它具有充分功能的抱器(clasper)和第9腹节的侧骨片,具有8对外生殖器特有的肌肉。具有一对由第9,10,11节原始腹部神经节的侧神经组成的成对的粗大神经干9+10+11,神经干的神经分支分布神经到外生殖器。  相似文献   

The eccrine sweat glands of the cat foot and toe pads have been studied by light and electron microscopy before and after stimulation with mecholyl. The ultrastructure of these glands in the cat is found to be entirely comparable to that in the human (13). The ultrastructure and staining properties of the secretory segment of the two species are identical. The ductal part of the feline gland is shorter and the ductal cells have only scant mitochondria as compared with the human. Since Brusilow et al. (1) have observed that the secretion of the cat foot pad is isotonic as compared with human sweat, which is hypotonic, and since the secretory segments of the two species are structurally identical, the striking difference in the morphology of the duct is regarded as being responsible for the difference in the chemistry of the secretion of the two species. Thus the duct in the human is capable of reabsorbing sodium and chloride.  相似文献   

玉吊钟气生不定根根尖区域的部分表皮细胞经分裂可形成多细胞根毛。根毛长0.03mm左右,具单列细胞、双列细胞和叉状分枝类型,由基细胞和毛体细胞二部分组成。电镜显示,基细胞内部结构与表皮细胞相似。组成毛体的细胞都有分泌功能。在分泌活动期,细胞内形成大量内质网,并膨大成囊泡状或溢出囊泡,分泌停止,内质网即消失;其细胞结构的变化及主要由内质网参与分泌活动与蜜腺细胞在分泌活动中的结构变化类似。故推测多细胞根  相似文献   

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