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目的:构建脆性X相关基因1(FXR1)的真核表达载体并检测其对神经节苷脂(GM1)浓度的影响。方法:以pYESTrp3-FXR1为模板,利用PCR扩增FXR1基因,PCR产物经EcoR I和Xho I双酶切后插入真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)中,获得的阳性克隆进一步酶切及测序鉴定;将构建成功的pcDNA3.1(-)-FXR1转染SH-SY5Y细胞后,采用Western blot检测FXR1的表达情况,同时采用ELISA试剂盒检测细胞内GM1的浓度。结果:PCR扩增产物为1.9 Kb的片段,与FXR1基因大小相符,阳性克隆经双酶切后获得两条分别为5.4 Kb和1.9 Kb的片段,测序结果与GeneBank中序列相同。构建成功的重组质粒pcDNA3.1(-)-FXR1转染SH-SY5Y细胞后,细胞中FXR1的表达增加,同时有效提高了细胞内GM1的浓度(P0.05)。结论:成功构建了真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)-FXR1,FXR1的表达增加可以提高SH-SY5Y细胞中的GM1浓度,这些为后续深入研究FXR1基因在神经组织发育中的调控功能及其在脆性X综合征(FXS)中的作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

脆性X相关基因1编码蛋白FXR1P是一种RNA结合蛋白,其所结合的靶RNA目前所知甚少。本研究应用酵母三杂交技术对本课题组从pRH3-cDNA人脑海马RNA表达文库中筛选到的一种可能与FXR1P存在相互作用的RNA IQCE进行研究,以验证该RNA与FXR1P的相互作用。方法为:提取利用酵母三杂交技术初步筛选得到的酵母阳性克隆的质粒,转化大肠杆菌Top10,利用其质粒不相容性分离插入了目的片段的pRH3′-cDNA质粒,将该质粒转化入含目的基因FXR1的酵母菌株L40-ura3/pHyb lex/Zeo-MS2/pYESTrp3/FXR1,进行一对一的酵母三杂交验证,最后将该片段进行测序。测序结果为IQCE的一段编码序列,而目前尚无研究报导FXR1与IQCE的相互关系。结论:提示FXR1P与IQCE mRNA存在相互作用,IQCE可能是FXR1P发育调控网络组成成员之一。  相似文献   

目的:构建携带人脆性X相关基因1(Fragile X related gene 1,FXR1)与增强型绿色荧光蛋白(Enhanced green fluorescent pro-tein,EGFP)的融合表达载体并进行表达,为研究FXR1基因在脆性X综合征中的作用机制奠定基础.方法:以重组质粒pYESTrp3/FXR1为模板,PCR扩增FXR1基因,将扩增片段双酶切后连接到质粒pEGFP-N1中,形成重组表达载体pEGFP-N1/FXR1,并用脂质体法转染人胚肾细胞,荧光显微镜下观察GFP在细胞内的表达及Western Blotting检测FXR1的表达情况.结果:成功构建融合表达载体pEGFP-N1/FXR1,在人胚肾细胞实现表达,检测到融合蛋白EGFP/FXR1.结论:本实验成功构建EFGP和FXR1重组共表达载体并可在真核细胞中表达,为进一步研究FXR1在脆性X综合征中的作用机理奠定基础.  相似文献   

脆性X综合征(fragile X syndrome,FXS)是最常见的遗传性认知障碍疾病,也是一种与自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder,ASD)相关的严重的基因疾病.它主要是由于脆性X智力低下基因1(fragile X mental retardation 1,FMR1)的异常扩增及其上游Cp G岛的异常甲基化,导致其编码的脆性X智力低下蛋白(fragile X mental retardation protein,FMRP)表达减少或缺失引起的.FMRP与miRNA(micro RNA)均具有翻译抑制活性,而且FMRP在生物化学和遗传学上均与miRNA调控通路有相互作用.此外,越来越多的研究发现miRNA调控通路在FXS的发病和治疗中发挥作用.因此,本文对miRNA的功能及其与脆性X蛋白家族成员间的相互作用进行阐述,为在miRNA水平了解FXS的发病机制奠定基础.  相似文献   

张俊  黄英 《生命的化学》2007,27(4):305-307
X脆性综合征(fragile X syndrome,FXS)是由X脆性智力低下1(FMR1)基因5'端非翻译区CGG重复序列的异常扩增,导致X脆性智力低下蛋白(FMRP)缺失引起的.非编码RNA是除编码蛋白质的mRNAs以外的其他所有RNA分子,已被发现在中枢神经系统中具有重要的作用,如微RNA与BC1/BC200 RNA参与了X脆性智力低下蛋白的翻译抑制.认识非编码RNA与X脆性综合征的关系不但能加深对X脆性综合征的分子机制的理解,而且有助于揭示学习与记忆的奥秘.  相似文献   

脆性X综合征(FXS)是一种遗传性智力低下疾病,其发病率仅次于21三体综合征.脆性X智力低下蛋白(FMRP)是FXS的关键性致病因子,该蛋白由脆性X智力低下基因1(FMR1)编码所得.FMR1在神经肌肉和睾丸组织中广泛表达.脆性X相关蛋白1(FXR1P)则是由FMR1的同源基因脆性X相关基因1(FXR1)编码所得,并且与蛋白质和RNAs之间存在着相互作用.许多疾病都涉及到FXR1表达的改变.为了了解FXR1P与CMAS(胞嘧啶单核苷酸-N-乙酰神经氨酸合成酶)相互作用所产生的的生物学效应,我们构建了FXR1的过表达载体,并观察其在PC12细胞(大鼠鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤细胞)和VSMC(血管平滑肌细胞)中的表达以及继而对于细胞形态和CMAS活性相关的许多细胞指标的效应.我们证实,FXR1基因的过表达可以提高PC12细胞中CMAS的活性,并对于该类细胞的生长提供一定程度的保护作用.PC12细胞是一种较为常见的用于研究神经系统疾病的细胞系.结论:我们推测FXR1P是一个组织特异调节因子,可以改变PC12细胞而非VSMC细胞中神经节苷酯(GM1)的浓度.  相似文献   

脆性X综合征为最常见的遗传性智力低下性疾病之一,是由于FMR1基因异常导致其编码的脆性X智力低下蛋白减少或缺失所致.研究发现脆性X综合征尸解病人和FMR1基因敲除小鼠(KO鼠)神经元树突棘发育不成熟,模型小鼠海马区代谢性谷氨酸受体所触发的长时程抑制(LTD)延长,不成熟的树突棘导致突触功能障碍被认为是脑功能异常的基础.最近的研究表明,应用代谢性谷氨酸受体拮抗剂能改善由FMRP缺失所导致的突触和行为缺陷,表明mGluR功能过度激活可能参与了脆性X综合征的发病过程,但具体机制不明.FMRP是一种mRNA结合蛋白,可作为翻译抑制因子负性调节突触后膜mRNA的翻译和表达.因此推测FMRP缺乏和减少可能导致mGluR激发的mRNA翻译增多,参与神经系统发育的蛋白过度表达,而影响树突棘的发育,但具体机制仍不清楚.本文对mGluR和脆性X综合征的研究历史和最新进展进行了讨论.  相似文献   

目的:本研究利用酵母三杂交系统从人脑海马回cDNA文库中筛选FXR1P的靶RNA,以进一步阐明FXR1基因的功能。方法:将表达FXR1P全长的质粒pYESTrp3/FXR1转化酵母菌株L40ura3/pHybLex/Zeo-MS2,检测毒性和自激活性;应用酵母三杂交技术从人脑海马回pRH3′-cDNA文库中筛选FXR1P的相互作用RNA;分离初步筛选的结果,再次转化含有诱饵质粒的融合菌株L40ura3/pHybLex/Zeo-MS2/pYESTrp3/FXR1,重新验证阳性结果;最后对阳性结果的外源插入片段进行测序和生物信息学分析。结果:酵母三杂交的筛选得到了3个阳性结果,经过测序和同源性分析,其中一个阳性结果中的插入片段为K-ALPHA-1 mRNA的部分序列。结论:K-ALPHA-1 mRNA可能是一种新的FXR1P的靶RNA。  相似文献   

脆性X综合征的基因诊断与产前诊断   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探讨简便、快速、准确、价廉的脆性X综合征的诊断方法,对6个智能低下家系进行了细胞遗传学检查,以及PCR直接扩增FMR1 5'端(CGG)n<\sub>重复序列、RT-PCR扩增FMR1基因的cDNA序列的分子遗传学检查。A家系先证者脆性X染色体高表达(35/273),分子遗传学检查证实为脆性X综合征全突变患者;B家系先证者及其母亲无脆性X染色体表达,分子遗传学检查证实为非脆性X综合征患者;C家系的男性胎儿脆性X染色体表达(5/93),先证者及其母亲未发现脆性X染色体,分子遗传学检查证实男性胎儿为脆性X综合征全突变患者,其母亲为前突变携带者,哥哥为嵌合体患者;D家系先证者脆性X染色体高表达17%,其姐姐脆性X染色体5%,分子遗传学检查证实先证者为脆性X综合征全突变患者,其姐姐为嵌合体患者;E家系先证者及其母亲,F家系先证者发现可疑脆性X染色体,分子遗传学检查证实为非脆性X综合征家系。结论: PCR直接扩增FMR1基因(CGG)n<\sub>重复序列联合RT-PCR扩增FMR1基因cDNA 序列简便、快速、价廉。可用于脆性X综合征的筛查、诊断及产前诊断,有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

RNA结合模体蛋白3 (RNA binding motif protein 3, RBM3) 受低温应激产生,参与介导亚低温的神经保护功能,但其作用机制及其下游靶分子尚不清楚。本研究构建了人RBM3基因的重组表达质粒,运用一种新型的、非放射性方法即翻译表面感应 (surface sensing of translation, SUnSET) 来检测RBM3过表达对细胞总蛋白质合成(global protein synthesis, GPS)的影响。结果显示,RBM3过表达使细胞总蛋白质的合成水平上调23.7% (P < 0.001),这与RBM3过表达引发的真核翻译延伸因子2 (eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2, eEF2)及真核翻译起始因子2α (eukaryotic initiation factor 2α, eIF2α) 的活性增高相一致。对RBM3可能的下游靶基因内质网蛋白3 (reticulon 3,RTN3),以及Yes相关蛋白1 (Yes-associated protein 1,YAP1) 的表达进行分析。结果显示,RBM3使RTN3及YAP1在蛋白质水平的表达分别提高了51.7% (P < 0.01) 与43.3% (P < 0.01)。与蛋白质水平变化相比,RBM3使YAP1在mRNA水平上调了2.0倍 (P < 0.001),但对RTN3的mRNA表达未见显著影响。以上研究表明,SUnSET是一种稳定、可靠的细胞GPS的检测手段;RBM3可显著促进细胞GPS,且对其下游基因RTN3和YAP1存在靶向关系。本研究的结果为深入探讨RBM3的神经保护作用机制提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Fragile X-related 1 protein (FXR1P) is a member of a small family of RNA-binding proteins that includes the Fragile X mental retardation 1 protein (FMR1P) and the Fragile X-related 2 protein (FXR2P). These proteins are thought to transport mRNA and to control their translation. While FMR1P is highly expressed in neurons, substantial levels of FXR1P are found in striated muscles and heart, which are devoid of FMRP and FXR2P. However, little is known about the functions of FXR1P. We have isolated cDNAs for Xenopus Fxr1 and found that two specific splice variants are conserved in evolution. Knockdown of xFxr1p in Xenopus had highly muscle-specific effects, normal MyoD expression being disrupted, somitic myotomal cell rotation and segmentation being inhibited, and dermatome formation being abnormal. Consistent with the absence of the long muscle-specific xFxr1p isoform during early somite formation, these effects could be rescued by both the long and short mRNA variants. Microarray analyses showed that xFxr1p depletion affected the expression of 129 known genes of which 50% were implicated in muscle and nervous system formation. These studies shed significant new light on Fxr1p function(s).  相似文献   

The formation and storage of memories in neuronal networks relies on new protein synthesis, which can occur locally at synapses using translational machinery present in dendrites and at spines. These new proteins support long-lasting changes in synapse strength and size in response to high levels of synaptic activity. To ensure that proteins are made at the appropriate time and location to enable these synaptic changes, messenger RNA (mRNA) translation is tightly controlled by dendritic RNA-binding proteins. Fragile X Related Protein 1 (FXR1P) is an RNA-binding protein with high homology to Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP) and is known to repress and activate mRNA translation in non-neuronal cells. However, unlike FMRP, very little is known about the role of FXR1P in the central nervous system. To understand if FXR1P is positioned to regulate local mRNA translation in dendrites and at synapses, we investigated the expression and targeting of FXR1P in developing hippocampal neurons in vivo and in vitro. We found that FXR1P was highly expressed during hippocampal development and co-localized with ribosomes and mRNAs in the dendrite and at a subset of spines in mouse hippocampal neurons. Our data indicate that FXR1P is properly positioned to control local protein synthesis in the dendrite and at synapses in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome, the most common form of hereditary mental retardation, usually results from lack of expression of the FMR1 gene. The FMR1 protein is a cytoplasmic RNA-binding protein. The RNA-binding activity of FMR1 is an essential feature of FMR1, as fragile X syndrome can also result from the expression of mutant FMR1 protein that is impaired in RNA binding. Recently, we described two novel cytoplasmic proteins, FXR1 and FXR2, which are both very similar in amino acid sequence to FMR1 and which also interact strongly with FMR1 and with each other. To understand the function of FMR1 and the FXR proteins, we carried out cell fractionation and sedimentation experiments with monoclonal antibodies to these proteins to characterize the complexes they form. Here, we report that the FMR1 and FXR proteins are associated with ribosomes, predominantly with 60S large ribosomal subunits. The FXR proteins are associated with 60S ribosomal subunits even in cells that lack FMR1 and that are derived from a fragile X syndrome patient, indicating that FMR1 is not required for this association. We delineated the regions of FMR1 that mediate its binding to 60S ribosomal subunits and the interactions among the FMR1-FXR family members. Both regions contain sequences predicted to have a high propensity to form coiled coil interactions, and the sequences are highly evolutionarily conserved in this protein family. The association of the FMR1, FXR1, and FXR2 proteins with ribosomes suggests they have functions in translation or mRNA stability.  相似文献   

Fragile X Mental Retardation Syndrome is the most common form of hereditary mental retardation, and is caused by defects in the FMR1 gene. FMR1 is an RNA-binding protein and the syndrome results from lack of expression of FMR1 or expression of a mutant protein that is impaired in RNA binding. The specific function of FMR1 is not known. As a step towards understanding the function of FMR1 we searched for proteins that interact with it in vivo. We have cloned and sequenced a protein that interacts tightly with FMR1 in vivo and in vitro. This novel protein, FXR2, is very similar to FMR1 (60% identity). FXR2 encodes a 74 kDa protein which, like FMR1, contains two KH domains, has the capacity to bind RNA and is localized to the cytoplasm. The FXR2 gene is located on human chromosome 17 at 17p13.1. In addition, FMR1 and FXR2 interact tightly with the recently described autosomal homolog FXR1. Each of these three proteins is capable of forming heteromers with the others, and each can also form homomers. FXR1 and FXR2 are thus likely to play important roles in the function of FMR1 and in the pathogenesis of the Fragile X Mental Retardation Syndrome.  相似文献   

FMRP蛋白6种异构体与FXR1蛋白间的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脆性X综合征是最常见的遗传性智力低下疾病,其致病基因FMR1存在复杂的选择剪接.FMR1基因的功能及其选择剪接的生物学意义尚未阐明.FMR1蛋白(FMRP)与脆性X相关蛋白1(FXR1)可形成异源二聚体.采用酵母双杂交体系研究了由FMR1第12、14、15外显子不同选择剪接方式产生的6种FMRP异构体与FXR1蛋白的相互作用,以期从蛋白质相互作用的角度探讨FMR1基因选择剪接表达的生物学意义.结果表明各种异构体与FXR1相互作用的强度随异构体蛋白肽链长度的增长而减弱.外显子12、14、15的选择剪接虽然不能开关式控制FMRP与FXR1的相互作用,但其C端亲水区在一定程度上影响相互作用的强弱.提示选择剪接对FMRP与FXR1异源二聚体的稳定性产生影响.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome is caused by the absence of expression of the FMR1 gene. Both FXR1 and FXR2 are autosomal gene homologues of FMR1. The products of the three genes are belonging to a family of RNA-binding proteins, called FMRP, FXR1P, and FXR2P, respectively, and are associated with polyribosomes as cytoplasmic mRNP particles. The aim of the present study is to obtain more knowledge about the cellular function of the three proteins (Fxr proteins) and their interrelationships in vivo. We have utilized monospecific antibodies raised against each of these proteins and performed Western blotting and immunolabeling at the light-microscopic level on tissues of wild-type and Fmr1 knockout adult mice. In addition, we have performed immunoelectron microscopy on hippocampal neurons of wild-type mice to study the subcellular distribution of the Fxr proteins. A high expression was found in brain and gonads for all three proteins. Skeletal muscle tissue showed only a high expression for Fxr1p. In the brain the three proteins were colocalized in the cytoplasm of the neurons; however, in specific neurons Fxr1p was also found in the nucleolus. Immunoelectronmicrsocopy on hippocampal neurons demonstrated the majority of the three proteins in association with ribosomes and a minority in the nucleus. The colocalization of the Fxr proteins in neurons is consistent with similar cellular functions in those specific cells. The presence of the three proteins in the nucleus of hippocampal neurons suggests a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling for the Fxr proteins. In maturing and adult testis a differential expression was observed for the three proteins in the spermatogenic cells. The similarities and differences between the distribution of the Fxr proteins have implications with respect to their normal function and the pathogenesis of the fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   



The family of Fragile X Mental Retardation Proteins is composed of three members: Fragile Mental Retardation 1, Fragile X Related 1 and X Related 2 proteins. These proteins are associated with mRNPs within translating ribosomes and have the capacity to shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Great attention has been given to FMRP due to its implication in human hereditary mental retardation while FXR1P and FXR2P have only recently been studied.  相似文献   

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