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目的应用无创遥测技术观察运输应激对Beagle犬部分生理指标的影响。方法 16只Beagle犬随机分成两组(每组8只),即对照组和运输应激组,并利用大动物无创生理信号遥测技术,分别监测清醒自由活动状态下对照组和运输应激组应激4 h后Beagle犬的心电图、活动、皮肤温度和呼吸参数的变化。结果 Beagle犬心率、RR间期、QT间期、活动、皮肤温度、呼吸均具有明显的昼夜节律变化(P〈0.01);与对照组比,运输应激后Beagle犬心率、活动度、呼吸频率、每分钟通气量和潮气量均显著增加(P〈0.01),RR间期、PR间期、皮肤温度均显著降低(P〈0.01),相关分析表明运输应激对Beagle犬心率、活动、皮肤温度和呼吸频率具有显著的相关性(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论运输应激可引起Beagle犬生理学指标的明显改变,但除皮肤温度外,运输应激(4 h)对Beagle犬昼夜节律变化破坏不明显;利用无创遥测技术平台可建立理想的Beagle犬生物模型,可用于动物福利和药理毒理学评价研究。  相似文献   

Beagle犬已经在科研领域得到广泛应用。我场的Beagle犬种群也逐渐增加 ,产量扩大 ,已用于多项实验研究。了解我单位Beagle犬体内外寄生虫的感染情况及感染程度 ,有利于提高实验犬的质量 ,加强饲养管理。同时 ,常规、定期、随机检查 ,对掌握Beagle犬的生长发育等状况也很有必要。1 材料和方法本所饲养场Beagle犬 1 2 0只。分为 3组 ,第 1组为 2~ 4月龄幼犬 ,体重 2~ 4kg ,共 30只 ,♂♀各半 ;第 2组为 5~ 7月龄待发犬 ,体重 6~ 8kg ,共 66只 ,2 9♂ 37♀ ;第 3组为 1 2~ 36月龄以上种犬 ,体重 9~1 1kg ,共 2 4只 ,8♂ 1 6♀。体外寄…  相似文献   

目的应用高脂饲喂联合链脲佐菌素(STZ)构建Beagle犬T2DM模型,并观察其相关特征。方法将普通级雄性Beagle犬30只随机分为3组:对照组,高脂组,糖尿病模型组,每组10只。糖尿病模型组饲喂高脂饲料同时在饲喂2个月时注射STZ;高脂组饲喂高脂饲料;对照组饲喂普通饲料,连续饲喂5个月。定期测定动物Lee指数、空腹血糖、胰岛素、尿糖,并在3月时进行OGTT试验,试验结束后进行血脂等血液生化检测和肝、胰腺组织病理检查。结果高脂组和糖尿病模型组高脂饲养2个月后Lee指数显著增加(P0.01),并出现高胰岛素血症和胰岛素抵抗伴血脂异常;糖尿病模型组STZ注射后空腹血糖显著升高(P0.01),且持续3个月维持在高血糖水平;而高脂组的空腹血糖无明显变化(P0.05),糖尿病模型组OGTT试验3 h血糖值11.1mmol/L,且3 h未恢复,胰腺组织病理学检查出现一定程度的损伤和病变。结论高脂饲料饲喂诱导Beagle犬胰岛素抵抗和高血脂症,但未能形成高血糖状态,而高脂饲料饲喂联合注射STZ后Beagle犬在出现高血脂症的同时发生胰岛素抵抗,与人类T2DM的胰岛素抵抗伴高血糖、高胰岛素血症和高血脂等典型症状相似。  相似文献   

目的 测定正常Beagle犬生理指标,比较不同性别间各参数的差异,以建立健康成年Beagle犬相关生理学参数的基础正常值.方法 根据国家(成都)中药安全性评价中心制定的标准操作规程(SOP)并参照国内外相关资料,对200只4~8月龄Beagle犬的心电图、血压、呼吸、血液学及血液生化等指标进行检测.结果 200只犬均为窦性心律,雌性犬心率较雄性快(P<0.01);血液学指标中RBC、Hb及HCT值雌性均低于雄性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);血生化指标中雌性犬高于雄性的是BUN(P<0.05);雌性犬低于雄性的是TP、ALB、GLU、TC及K+的含量(P<0.05或P<0.01).结论 在本实验室条件下,雌雄Beagle犬之间部分指标有统计学差异,本结果可为Beagle犬的实验提供正常值参考.  相似文献   

通过小鼠单次给药急性毒性试验和Beagle犬重复给药毒性试验,评价益母草注射液(YMC)的安全性。用半数致死剂量法对小鼠进行急性毒性试验,观察小鼠的死亡情况和急性毒性症状,用Bills法计算半致死剂量(LD50)。将32只Beagle犬根据体质量、性别随机分为YMC 240.99 mg·kg~(-1)、120.50 mg·kg~(-1)、60.25 mg·kg~(-1)组和0.9%氯化钠注射液对照组,每组8只。静脉滴注给药,每周给药6 d,连续180 d,停药恢复30 d。对Beagle犬进行临床症状、体质量、心电图、血液学、血液生化学、血清电解质、尿液及组织病理学等检查。YMC小鼠静脉给药LD50为845.64 mg·kg~(-1),急性毒性症状主要表现为跳跃、烦躁、嗜睡、活动减少、阵挛性抽搐、眼球突出、尿失禁。重复给药毒性试验,Beagle犬出现呈剂量反应趋势的流涎、呕吐症状,未见肝、肾毒性,其余各项检测指标也均未见与药物毒性相关的明显异常。YMC小鼠静脉给药LD50相当于临床拟用剂量的394.6倍,YMC重复给药毒性试验对Beagle犬的安全剂量为120.50 mg·kg~(-1),相当于临床拟用剂量的56.2倍。提示YMC具有较高的安全性。  相似文献   

目的检测不同性别年龄段Beagle犬的血液学和血生化指标,解剖称量分析8~12月龄Beagle犬脏器重量、系数等基础数据,为实验用Beagle犬的应用与研究提供参考数据。方法采用HITACHI-7020自动生化分析仪和SWELAB—AC920EO血球自动分析仪,检测了3000多只次不同性别和年龄的健康Beagle犬的血液学和血生化数据;解剖128头Beagle犬,称量及计算正常Beagle犬各内脏器官重量及系数。结果和结论获得正常Beagle犬的血液学RBC、HCT、MCV、RDW、HGB、MCH、MCHC、PLT、WBC、LYM、MID、GRA等指标正常值及标准差,血生化ALT、AST、ALP、TP、ALB、BUN、CREA、GLU、TCHO、TBILI、TG等指标正常值及标准差;获得Beagle犬心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、左右肾、脑、肾上腺、胸腺、甲状腺、睾丸、前列腺、子宫、卵巢等内脏器官的重量和系数正常值及标准差。  相似文献   

目的比较自发性及雄激素诱导犬前列腺增生模型的特点,为更好地评价治疗前列腺增生药物奠定方法学基础。方法成年雄性Beagle犬12只,随机分成2组,B超探测符合要求的老年Beagle犬6只,依次设为对照组、睾酮组和老年犬组(即自发性前列腺增生组)。睾酮组动物去势后,经肌肉注射(im)2.5 mg/kg的睾酮,对照组动物给予等体积溶媒,老年犬组动物不给药,连续4周。每周称重一次,最后一次给药24 h后,B超探测前列腺体积,采血,取血清备用。麻醉处死动物,取前列腺,称干湿重,测量前列腺体积,计算前列腺脏器系数,组织切片,HE染色后镜下观察前列腺病理组织学变化,并进一步利用显微图像软件测量前列腺上皮高度及腺腔面积。利用磁酶免和ELISA方法检测血清及前列腺组织中睾酮(T)、双氢睾酮(DHT)、前列腺特异抗原(PSA)和前列腺酸性磷酸酶(PAP)水平。结果①给药后,各组动物体重增长总体呈平稳趋势。②B超结果显示,去势Beagle犬给予睾酮4周,前列腺体积大于对照组(P〈0.01),老年犬前列腺体积大于成年犬(P〈0.01)。③解剖结果显示,睾酮组和老年犬组实际前列腺体积均明显大于对照组(P〈0.05),且老年犬前列腺体积大于睾酮组;睾酮组和老年犬组前列腺湿量和脏器系数均大于对照组(P〈0.05),且老年犬前列腺湿重和脏器系数均大于睾酮组。④病理形态分析显示,睾酮组犬前列腺镜下主要表现为腺体增生,尤其是腺上皮增生,而老年犬则更多表现为间质增生。显微图像分析结果显示,与正常对照组相比,睾酮组前列腺上皮高度增加(P〈0.01),腺腔面积增大(P〈0.01);老年Bea-gle犬同样表现为前列腺上皮高度增加(P〈0.01),腺腔面积增大(P〈0.05),但上皮高度要低于睾酮组。⑤激素检测结果显示,与对照组相比,睾酮组血清中T、DHT和PAP水平略升高,前列腺组织中T(P〈0.05)、DHT(P〈0.01)、PAP(P〈0.05)和PSA水平升高明显;老年犬血清中T、DHT和PAP水平略升高,前列腺组织中T升高,但DHT、PAP和PSA水平均较正常组为低。结论自发性和睾酮诱导的犬前列腺增生模型均可用于前列腺增生药物评价,但模型间存在一定的差异性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨地塞米松联合牙髓干细胞(DPSCs)治疗对糖尿病Beagle犬种植体周围炎龈沟液中炎症因子及转化生长因子-β3(TGF-β3)的影响,阐明其潜在的作用机制。方法:9只健康成年Beagle犬随机分为对照组、模型组及治疗组,每组3只。采用四氧嘧啶(50 mg/kg)诱导法构建糖尿病模型,模型组及治疗组继续建立种植体周围炎模型。造模成功后,治疗组采用地塞米松喷雾+犬来源的DPSCs+Bio-Oss骨粉+Bio-Gide膜覆盖处理,其余两组予以PBS溶媒对照,每周1次,持续12周。治疗完成后,采用X线片观察种植体近、远中边缘骨高度的变化,酶联免疫吸附(Elisa)试剂盒检测龈沟液中肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)及TGF-β3水平。结果:与对照组比较,模型组Beagle犬种植体近、远中边缘骨高度明显下降(P<0.05),龈沟液TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6含量均显著升高(P<0.01或P<0.05),TGF-β3水平下降(P<0.01);地塞米松喷雾联合DPSCs治疗后,种植体近、远中边缘骨高度增加(P<0.05),龈沟液TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6含量明显降低(P<0.01或P<0.05),TGF-β3水平显著回升(P<0.01)。结论:地塞米松联合DPSCs治疗对糖尿病种植体周围炎有明显的改善作用,其机制可能与降低炎症因子含量及上调TGF-β3水平有关。  相似文献   

FGF21对糖尿病Beagle犬降糖作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨成纤维细胞生长因子-21(FGF21)对糖尿病Beagle犬的降糖作用。[方法]通过注射四氧嘧啶(ALX)50 mg/kg和链脲霉素(STZ)30 mg/kg溶液,建立糖尿病Beagle犬动物模型。糖尿病模型复制成功后,考察25μg/kg、50μg/kg和100μg/kg的FGF21以及阳性对照50μg/kg的地特胰岛素注射液(Det),每72 h给药1次,连续给药10次后,对糖尿病Beagle犬血糖等生化指标和肝脏、胰腺组织切片的影响。[结果]与模型组相比,FGF21各剂量给药组Beagle犬体重呈现升高趋势(p0.05),各给药组血糖、糖化血红蛋白水平均显著降低,并呈剂量依赖性,即随着FGF21给药剂量的增加,治疗效果更明显,其中高剂量组治疗效果最佳,治疗后空腹血糖达到8.77±5.74 mmol/L,糖化血红蛋白浓度4.89±1.36%,C肽浓度为0.010±0.000 nmol/L,与模型组存在显著差异(p0.01、p0.05、p0.01)。FGF21各剂量组肝脏和胰腺组织病变程度明显减轻。[结论]FGF21对Beagle犬有明显的降低血糖作用,FGF21各剂量组肝脏和胰腺组织病变程度明显减轻,为糖尿病治疗提供了新思路。  相似文献   

目的模拟临床给药途径,Beagle犬腰椎穿刺置管多次鞘内注射巴氯芬注射液,观察其局部刺激性,同时进行犬行为学观察,为巴氯芬注射液安全性评价提供依据。方法12只Beagle犬分为假手术组,生理盐水对照组,巴氯芬给药组。行腰椎穿刺置管,使用单通道微量注射泵泵入给药,给药剂量为1000μg/d,生理盐水对照组给予生理盐水0.5mL,连续给药7d,恢复期7d。每日进行行为学观察,给药结束及恢复期结束时每组麻醉2只动物,取给药部位脊髓进行组织病理学检查。结果给药及恢复期期间动物行为未见异常,给药结束时各组均有部分动物观察到置管处表皮感染现象,进行局部消毒处理后在恢复期第3天恢复正常。组织病理学检查发现给药及恢复期结束时各组动物脊髓均可见血管周围炎细胞浸润或脊髓内钙盐沉积,各组无差别。给药结束时巴氯芬组1例动物脊膜处有肉芽组织形成,判定与置管操作有关。结论巴氯芬注射液Beagle犬腰椎穿刺置管连续7d鞘内注射,给药剂量为1000μg/d对脊髓无局部刺激性作用,动物行为也未见异常。  相似文献   

Three groups of one summer old rainbow trout were exposed for 22 days either to normoxia (100%) or moderate oxygen supersaturation; 120% and 140%. After the exposure, all groups were transported for three hours in hyperoxic conditions (123% O2) thus simultaneously experiencing density and handling stress. The recovery of rainbow trout to multiple stressors was measured in normoxic conditions. Moderate oxygen supersaturation did not have any negative effects on growth, feed conversion and blood hematology measured over 22 days. On the other hand, the combined effects of the stressful environment in the fish farm and oxygen supersaturation resulted in a 3-fold increase in plasma cortisol levels in those with 100% and 120% O2 supersaturation and a 2-fold increase in the 140% supersaturation group. Furthermore, the stress response after transportation was lowest in the 140% group 24 hours after recovery but highest after 70 hours. Moderate hyperoxia or transportation stress did not change glutathione concentrations in liver indicating that routine sampling does not affect hepatic glutathione status. Our results indicate that moderate O2 supersaturation (<140%) could be considered as feasible in cultivation of rainbow trout since no harmful effects were found.  相似文献   

The purpose of the pilot study reported here was to evaluate serum and fecal total and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) responses to dietary change in five Maltese x beagle dogs with suspected food hypersensitivity, compared with those of five clinically normal dogs. Clinical parameters (pruritus, otitis, and diarrhea) improved in the Maltese x beagle dogs during feeding of a novel diet, and signs were exacerbated by oral allergen provocation. Relative concentrations of serum and fecal wheat-, corn-, and milk-specific IgE were determined by use of an ELISA. The onset of clinical signs of disease was accompanied by an increase in serum allergen-specific IgE concentrations. In contrast, changes in clinical signs of disease or allergen-specific IgE values were not seen in the control group undergoing the same regimen. Total serum IgE concentration was measured by use of the ELISA, and comparison with known quantities of a monoclonal IgE allowed absolute values to be reported. Values were high in the Maltese x beagle colony (7 to 34 microg/ml), compared with those in the control dogs (0.7 to 6 microg/ml). Total serum and total fecal IgE concentrations did not change in either group during the study. Although allergen-specific IgE was detected in the feces of both groups, significant interassay variability made interpretation of the results difficult. The authors concluded that these Maltese x beagle dogs satisfied the currently recognized clinical criteria for the diagnosis of canine food hypersensitivity. Furthermore, the clinical and serologic responses seen in these dogs in response to oral allergen provocation suggest that this may be a useful model for the study of spontaneous food hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin (Hp), serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cells (WBC), reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs), the antioxidant barrier (Oxy-adsorbent) and thiol groups of plasma compounds (SHp) were measured in ten dogs that had been transported a distance of about 230 km within 2 h (experimental group) and in ten dogs that had not been subjected to road transportation (control group). Blood was collected via cephalic venipuncture before road transportation (T0), after road transportation (T1), and more than 6 (T6) and 24 (T24) hours after road transportation in the experimental group (Group A) and at the same time points in the control group (Group B). The GLM (general linear model) Repeated Measures procedure showed a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.0001) and a significant rise (P<0.0001) in the concentrations of Hp, SAA, CRP, WBC, ROMs, Oxy-adsorbent and SHp after road transportation in Group A, underlining that physiological and homeostatic mechanisms are modified differently at various sampling times.  相似文献   

目的:研究雷诺嗪缓释片在比格犬体内的药物代谢动力学,并与参照制剂比较,为其是否具有缓释特征提供依据。方法:首先建立血浆中雷诺嗪浓度的液相色谱-串联质谱联用检测方法,并考察方法的专属性、准确度、日内日间精密度、回收率、线性范围等。采用随机对照试验设计,将12只比格犬随机分为A、B组,每组6只,分别服用1片雷诺嗪缓释片(500 mg/片)和1片参比制剂雷诺嗪片(500 mg/片),均于给药前和给药后不同时间点采集血样,用已建立的液质联用方法检测血样中雷诺嗪的血药浓度,计算2组比格犬的药代动力学参数。结果:受试组和参照组半衰期t1/2分别为13.3±8.3和2.36±0.92 h,峰浓度Cmax分别为923.9±340.5和3205±1314 ng/mL,达峰时间Tmax分别为1.6±0.38和0.88±0.14 h,曲线下面积AUC0~∞分别为6252.1±2860.3和9916±4305(ng·h)/mL,清除率Cl分别为11.3±9.8和6.39±3.95 L/(kg·h)。受试制剂雷诺嗪缓释片和参比制剂雷诺嗪片的药代特征和血药浓度-时间变化趋势明显不同,受试组血药浓度缓慢上升和下降,峰值较低;而参照组血药浓度峰值显著高于受试组,有明显的突释效应。结论:液质联用检测方法准确可靠,适合体内药代动力学研究;与参比制剂雷诺嗪片相比,受试制剂雷诺嗪缓释片符合缓释片的基本药代动力学特点。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: SCH 206272, a neurokinin 1, 2, and 3 receptor antagonist, administered to beagle dogs results in testicular toxicity. Therefore, a series of experiments were conducted to determine whether this observed toxicity was associated with changes in reproductive hormones and hypothalamic gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) levels. METHODS: Male beagle dogs were administered 30 mg/kg SCH 206272 for up to 7 days. Blood samples were collected at the end of the dosing period for reproductive hormone analysis. Male reproductive organs were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and the hypothalamus was stained for GnRH. RESULTS: Intact male dogs exhibited SCH 206272‐related decreases in pulsatility and magnitude of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone, which were associated with seminiferous tubule degeneration, oligospermia, and epithelial atrophy in the prostate gland. Neutered dogs also exhibited SCH 206272‐related decreases in LH and FSH. In a subsequent reversibility study, intact male dogs exhibited decreased LH, testosterone, and FSH, which exhibited recovery by 2 weeks post‐dosing; however, seminiferous tubule degeneration and oligospermia did not exhibit recovery by 2 weeks post‐dosing. Dogs administered SCH 206272 also exhibited an increase in mean number of GnRH‐containing neurons in the hypothalamus and an increase in GnRH mRNA/neuron, which exhibited recovery by 2 weeks post‐dosing. CONCLUSIONS: SCH 206272‐dosed dogs exhibited rapid decreases in reproductive hormones and subsequent testicular pathology. Collectively, these changes in hormone levels suggest that the observed SCH 206272‐related reproductive tract findings are the result of alterations in hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal function. However, a direct effect on the testes cannot be definitively ruled out. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:517–525, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A comprehensive stress assessment is vital in understanding the impact of the pre-slaughter procedure on animal welfare. The transportation and handling process was commonly reported to cause stress in animals. This research utilises electroencephalography (EEG) as an alternative stress indicator to non-painful acute stress measurement. EEG has been proved to be instantaneous and sensitive with specific results. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the stress level of goats subjected to two different transportation duration and the effect of lairage based on their EEG activities and blood parameters changes. Eighteen adult male goats were divided into two transportation stress groups based on the transport duration: the two-hour (TS2) and six-hour (TS6) groups. Then, each group was then again divided into three smaller groups according to the lairage duration, which was three-hour (L3), six-hour (L6), and overnight (L12) groups. Blood was sampled before transport, after transport, and during slaughter while EEG was recorded before transport, after transport, after lairage, and during slaughter. Results revealed that there was a significant decrease in beta wave activity compared to baseline in TS2 goats (P < 0.05) after transportation, whereas no significant difference was detected in the TS6 goats. At the same time, goats from the TS2 group showed increase in creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) compared to that in TS6 goats. Together with the observed cortisol concentration, these findings showed that the TS6 goats were fully adapted to the transportation stress while the TS2 goats were still under stress. As for the lairage duration, it was observed that the TS2L3 goats showed lower EEG activities than the values obtained after two-hour transportation, while lower EEG activities were found from the TS6L6 goats after six-hour transportation. Therefore, it can be concluded that three-hour lairage was adequate to lower the impact of two hours transportation stress, whereas six-hour lairage was required to reduce the impact of six hours transportation stress. Finally, it was also found that the TS6L3, TS6L6, and TS6L12 groups took a long time to die after slaughter than the TS2L3, TS2L6, and TS2L12 goats based on the time their EEG activity reached isoelectric.  相似文献   

Here, to determine the effects of transport stress on blood parameters in dogs, we investigated the changes in hematologic and serum chemical parameters in healthy beagle dogs transported from Beijing, China, to Osaka, Japan, to obtain the background data. Only the activity of serum alkaline phosphatase increased clearly upon arrival, a change attributed to transport stress, but the activity gradually reduced afterward. No marked changes in levels of other blood parameters were noted. Our findings here suggest that alkaline phosphatase is a useful tool for studying transport stress.  相似文献   

S Fukuda  H Iida 《Jikken dobutsu》1992,41(2):131-137
In order to clarify individual differences in bone metabolism among colony-raised beagle dogs, histomorphometric values of iliac trabecular bone and values of serum biochemical constituents related to bone were examined in 10 and 17 beagle dogs raised, respectively, under our two breeding systems in which differences in factors such as exercise, ultraviolet rays, and mineral content of the diet affect bone metabolism. At the age of 14 months, all dogs were injected with tetracycline hydrochloride and calcein twice for double bone labeling in order to measure dynamic as well as static parameters by bone histomorphometry and the ilium was later biopsied. The measurement on cancellous bone areas of undecalcified iliac sections was performed with a semiautomatic image analyser. Values of total calcium, phosphorus, alkalinephosphatase activity, parathyroid hormone and calcitonin in serum were also determined. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the two groups in histomorphometric values, except for the osteoid volume (p less than 0.05) and osteoid surface/trabecular surface ratio (p less than 0.01) in females, or in serum biochemical constituents, except for alkalinephosphatase activity (p less than 0.001) in males, indicating there were virtually no individual differences in bone metabolism in normal colony raised beagle dogs.  相似文献   

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