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为了探讨控制水稻(Oryza sativa L.)颖果发育的因素,选择了颖果干重有显著差异的Ootikara(大粒,36mg/粒)和Habataki(小粒,18 mg/粒)两个水稻品种,比较颖果重量、胚乳细胞数、果皮和胚乳的结构以及某些生理活性等变化.结果指出:与Habataki相比,Ootikara子房壁细胞和颖果的持续生长期长,最终颖果的胚乳细胞数目和每个细胞的平均干重大;Ootikara颖果的脱氢酶和H2O2酶活性、穗的呼吸速率、剑叶的绿色程度和光合速率等维持高水平的时间长;Ootikara子房背部维管束失去功能的时间也较迟.结果表明,大粒品种的库容大和生理活性期长是其颖果能显著增大的生理原因.  相似文献   

三种粒型小麦品种胚乳细胞增殖动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以三种粒型小麦品种(系)为材料,观察了不同品种和同一品种不同粒位籽粒胚乳细胞增殖动态。结果表明,用Richards方程能较好地模拟胚乳细胞增殖动态。强势粒胚乳细胞分裂起始势高,达到最高增殖速率的时间短,活跃分裂期长,可分裂出更多的胚乳细胞。弱势粒胚乳细胞增殖起始势低,细胞分裂速率变化缓慢,其最终胚乳细胞数显著低于强势拉。不同品种间胚乳细胞数有一定的差异,表现为大粒饱满品种(鄂思1号)>不饱满品系(95A-10)>小粒饱满品种(华麦8号)。胚乳细胞增殖速率变化为单峰曲线,强势粒胚乳细胞增殖速率曲线偏左,弱势粒胚乳细胞增殖速率曲线偏右。  相似文献   

为了明确糯大麦与非糯大麦颖果发育的差异,该研究以糯大麦代表性品种(‘白青稞’、‘甘垦5号’)和非糯大麦代表性品种(‘扬农啤10号’和‘苏裸麦1号’)为材料,采用体视显微镜观察、组织化学染色、树脂半薄切片和光学显微镜观察等方法,比较研究了糯大麦与非糯大麦颖果及其胚乳淀粉体发育的过程。结果显示:(1)糯大麦和非糯大麦颖果的形态变化,以及鲜、干重和含水率等的变化规律基本一致,生长曲线均呈"S"型。(2)两类大麦颖果胚乳和果皮的I2/KI染色结果不同,糯大麦胚乳的I2/KI染色结果为红褐色,其果皮被染为蓝黑色,而非糯大麦胚乳和果皮均被I2/KI染成蓝黑色,表明糯大麦和非糯大麦的颖果果皮里直链淀粉含量都较高,且糯大麦胚乳内以支链淀粉为主,而非糯大麦的胚乳内以直链淀粉为主。(3)糯大麦胚乳淀粉体的出现时间早于非糯大麦,且其中小淀粉体的比例高于非糯大麦,淀粉体充实状况也好于非糯大麦。(4)与非糯大麦相比,糯大麦表观直链淀粉以及总淀粉含量较低,但可溶性糖含量较高。研究表明,糯大麦颖果生长规律与非糯大麦类似,但内含物淀粉的积累规律不同。  相似文献   

薏苡胚乳发育及营养物质积累的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薏苡 ( Coix lacryma- jobi)授粉后 2 d,游离核胚乳已转变为细胞胚乳。授粉后 3d,中央细胞被胚乳细胞充满。起初 ,全部胚乳细胞均进行分裂 ,一定时期后 ,细胞分裂主要发生在胚乳周边区。授粉后 1 0 d,表皮停止平周分裂变为糊粉层 ,内方的数层形成层状细胞行平周分裂直到颖果接近成熟。胚乳内部生长则依赖于细胞体积扩大。胚乳基部 (颖果基部的胚乳 )形成了数层传递细胞。授粉后 9d,淀粉积累。授粉后 1 0 d,糊粉层及其内方数层细胞产生了脂体 ,后者的脂体以后又消失。授粉后 1 3、1 5 d,糊粉层细胞的液泡积累蛋白质。授粉后 2 0 d,液泡变为糊粉粒。授粉后 1 5 d淀粉胚乳细胞产生蛋白质体 ,营养物质积累持续到颖果成熟。还观察了胚和胚乳发育的对应关系。  相似文献   

该研究以春性小麦品种‘扬麦15’和半冬性小麦品种‘烟农19’为实验材料,在小麦花后6~8 d进行低温处理,对花后不同发育阶段的小麦颖果进行取样,利用树脂切片技术观察了果皮、胚乳和养分运输组织的显微结构,以探明花后低温条件下小麦颖果发育的显微结构特征。结果表明:(1)花后低温延缓了两个小麦品种颖果早期和中期发育过程,推迟了‘扬麦15’灌浆期,缩短了‘烟农19’的灌浆期,最终降低了两小麦品种的粒重。(2)花后低温减缓了小麦颖果发育早期果皮细胞的凋亡以及中果皮细胞中淀粉体的降解速率。(3)花后低温明显降低了小麦胚乳发育早期和中期淀粉体和蛋白体的积累量,缩短了灌浆时期,降低了胚乳充实度。(4)花后低温条件下小麦颖果韧皮部发育缓慢,筛管分布范围缩小;同时胚乳传递细胞的发育变慢,细胞壁上壁内突数量明显减少。研究发现,花后低温使得两小麦品种颖果早期发育过程延缓,具体表现在果皮的凋亡推迟,贮藏物质积累量减少,养分运输组织变得不发达,胚乳充实度降低,单粒颖果干重下降;同时两小麦品种对低温的响应又存在差异,花后低温下春性小麦颖果灌浆期被延长,半冬性小麦灌浆期被缩短。  相似文献   

镉胁迫对水稻颖果充实和淀粉合成关键酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
盆栽试验研究了Cd胁迫对水稻(扬稻6号和粳稻941)颖果充实过程中颖果鲜千重、可溶性糖和淀粉含量以及淀粉合成关键酶活性的影响,结果显示Cd胁迫:(1)降低了颖果淀粉合成关键酶的活性,缩短了颖果维持上述酶活性的天数;(2)降低了颖果可溶性糖的含量;(3)颖果灌浆减慢,鲜重、干重增加速率减缓,灌浆的天数变短,最终成熟颖果干重降低.说明,淀粉合成关键酶活性下降和维持活性的时间缩短使淀粉等贮藏物质的合成和积累降低是Cd胁迫降低颖果粒重的原因之一.  相似文献   

不同粒型品种花生开花后叶片中几种保护酶活性的变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
不同类型品种花生叶片的CAT活性变化趋势一致 ,均于花后 2 7d达到高峰 ,花后 6 7d之前小粒型 >大粒型 >中粒型 ,之后为大粒型 >中粒型 >小粒型 ;POD活性于花后 37d和 77d达到高峰 ,酶活性表现为中粒型 >小粒型 >大粒型 ,且中粒型品种变化剧烈 ;SOD活性表现为大粒型 >中粒型 >小粒型。荚果发育前期 ,CAT和SOD活性高 ,发育后期POD活性高。大粒型品种保护酶SOD起主要作用 ,小粒型品种POD和CAT起主要作用 ,中粒型品种介于两者之间  相似文献   

水稻边缘细胞的生物学特性及对铁毒的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水稻为实验材料,从19个品种中筛选出来相对耐亚铁的水稻品种中优9288和敏感品种汕优10号,研究水稻根边缘细胞的生物学特性及对铁毒的响应.结果表明,第1个水稻边缘细胞几乎与初生根同时出现,当根长为25 mm时,边缘细胞数目最大,分别为1165个(中优9288)、1311个(汕优10号);两个品种边缘细胞活性随着根长的增加而增强,在根长20 mm时活性最强,随着根的进一步伸长,活性下降;根长为2 mm时根冠果胶甲基脂酶(PME)活性最高.随着亚铁溶液浓度的增加,中优9288的边缘细胞数目先增加后减少,当浓度为100 mg/L时达到最大值,汕优10号的边缘细胞数则一直呈现减少趋势;两个品种边缘细胞活性随亚铁溶液浓度增加而降低,当亚铁浓度增加到400 mg/L时,活性有所回升,但当浓度增加到800 mg/L后存活率又下降;根冠PME活性随着亚铁溶液浓度的增加先上升后下降.有关铁毒影响水稻根冠PME活性的机理进行了讨论.  相似文献   

蔗糖代谢为水稻胚乳发育提供物质和能量。为明确二者的量化关系,本研究通过调节源库关系获得不同源供应水平下的代表性粒位籽粒,进而分析了蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖及可溶性总糖的含量与胚乳细胞增殖的关系。结果表明,改变品种的源库比例(源大库小),下部粒位籽粒胚乳细胞数目明显增加,总体上,可溶性总糖含量与细胞数目呈极显著负相关,与细胞增殖速率呈极显著正相关,高的蔗糖/葡萄糖、蔗糖/果糖有利于胚乳细胞数目增多。在细胞增殖前期(花后5d),高葡萄糖、己糖含量有利于提高胚乳细胞数目,高葡萄糖含量还可提高细胞增殖速率。细胞增殖中后期(花后7d),蔗糖、果糖和葡萄糖含量与胚乳细胞数目、增殖速率呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

测定102份宁夏水稻种质资源(23份宁夏本地品种和79份外引品种)籽粒铁的质量分数,分析不同品种籽粒铁的质量分数间的差异及其与粒形性状的相关性,并对水稻籽粒铁的质量分数进行遗传分析。结果表明,宁夏水稻种质资源籽粒铁的质量分数为7.75~80.93 mg/kg,平均值为15.25 mg/kg,标准差为8.34,变异系数为54.69%。鉴定筛选出矮血糯、宁农黑粳和长粒5号3个富铁水稻种质资源;水稻籽粒铁的质量分数与粒长呈极显著正相关,与粒厚呈极显著负相关,与长宽比呈显著正相关,而与粒宽和千粒质量的相关性不显著。对宁农黑粳/京香1号杂交组合的292个F2单株籽粒铁的质量分数进行频率分析,发现其籽粒铁的质量分数整体分布呈趋于单峰的偏正态分布,说明水稻籽粒铁的质量分数是受多基因控制的数量性状遗传。  相似文献   

The developing caryopsis of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was examinedhistologically at successive stages of grain-filling in orderto identify the factors which determine the distribution ofstorage protein in the endosperm, and which terminate the depositionof endosperm protein. The storage protein was deposited at theperiphery of the endosperm, and this distribution was apparentlycaused by the radial pattern of cell development in the endosperm,and by the proximity of the peripheral endosperm cells to thenucellar epidermis. The nucellar epidermis directly surroundsthe endosperm and functions as the pathway for amino acid transportto the endosperm. During the later stages of caryopsis developmentthe nucellar epidermis became compressed by being ‘sandwiched’between the expanding endosperm and the rigid hull (the tightlylocked palea and lemma) which encloses the caryopsis. It isproposed that this compression of the nucellar epidermis blocksthe supply of amino acids to the endosperm and thereby terminatesthe deposition of storage protein in the rice grain. Oryza sativa, rice, caryopsis (development), endosperm, grain filling, nucellar epidermis, storage protein  相似文献   

Morphological, cytological and quantitative DNA changes associatedwith endosperm development in rice caryopsis were investigated.Following a brief free-nuclear phase, the endosperm became cellularby the 4th d after anthesis. While the mean length and breadthof grain attained maximum values at about 10, d after anthesis,f. wt of the whole grain, and of the endosperm separately, continuedto increase until about 16 d after anthesis. Cell divisionsin the endosperm continued until 10 d and following stabilizationof the cell number, the nuclei attained irregular shapes. Thesize of the nuclei and nuclei and the amount of nuclear DNAvaried considerably during endosperm development. The endospermnuclei did not retain the expected 3C–6C DNA level afterthe first few rounds of division and nuclei having more than30C DNA were frequent 8 d past anthesis. The highest C valuerecorded was 74C in a 16-d-old endosperm cell. Oryza sativa, rice, caryopsis, endosperm, cell number, nuclear area, nuclear DNA content, endoreduplication  相似文献   

Apical dominance in assimilate filling impacts grain growth in basal spikelets of rice panicle. In this study, organic materials of the pericarp, apoplasmic space and endosperm of the apical and basal caryopses, and photosynthesis of the flag leaf were measured during early part of grain development in three types of rice cultivars with similar phenology, but difference in grain weight and size in the dry and wet seasons of 2006 and 2007, respectively. Photosynthetic activity of the flag leaf was consistently low in small-seeded cultivars. Rates of grain filling and cell division of endosperm and concentration of assimilates, starch, proteins and chlorophylls of the caryopsis were lower, but spikelet ethylene production and peroxidase activity were higher in a small-seeded cultivar compared to a big-seeded cultivar. Similar disparities in grain filling and other attributes were noticed for the inferior basal spikelets of the panicle compared to the superior apical spikelets, except the assimilate concentration of the pericarp and endosperm. Temporal fluctuation in assimilate concentration of the organs were similar between the cultivars. Concentration of apoplasmic assimilates mostly exhibited negative correlation with that of pericarp and endosperm. Compared to the apical spikelets, correlation was more negative for the basal spikelets. Conversely, correlation was positive between the concentration of apoplasmic assimilates and endosperm cell number and grain weight of the cultivars. Ethylene released from the spikelets at anthesis affected growth and cell division rates of endosperm and enhanced protein and chlorophyll degradation and peroxidase activity of the caryopsis. It was concluded that variation in spikelet ethylene production may be responsible for differences in size or weight of grains among rice cultivars and spikelets at different locations of the panicle. The concentration of apoplasmic assimilates could be an indicator for grain filling capacity, and ethylene regulated the concentration by affecting pericarp activity for assimilate unloading.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is essential part of development and cell homeostasis of any multicellular organism. We have analyzed programmed cell death in developing barley caryopsis at histological, biochemical and molecular level. Caspase-1, -3, -4, -6 and -8-like activities increased with aging of pericarp coinciding with abundance of TUNEL positive nuclei and expression of HvVPE4 and HvPhS2 genes in the tissue. TUNEL-positive nuclei were also detected in nucellus and nucellar projection as well as in embryo surrounding region during early caryopsis development. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of micro-dissected grain tissues revealed the expression of HvVPE2a, HvVPE2b, HvVPE2d, HvPhS2 and HvPhS3 genes exclusively in the nucellus/nucellar projection. The first increase in cascade of caspase-1, -3, -4, -6 and -8-like activities in the endosperm fraction may be related to programmed cell death in the nucellus and nucellar projection. The second increase of all above caspase-like activities including of caspase-9-like was detected in the maturating endosperm and coincided with expression of HvVPE1 and HvPhS1 genes as well as with degeneration of nuclei in starchy endosperm and transfer cells. The distribution of the TUNEL-positive nuclei, tissues-specific expression of genes encoding proteases with potential caspase activities and cascades of caspase-like activities suggest that each seed tissue follows individual pattern of development and disintegration, which however harmonizes with growth of the other tissues in order to achieve proper caryopsis development.  相似文献   

The results of a light and electron microscopic study of the caryopsis coat and aleurone cells in ungerminated, unimbibed rice (Oryza sativa) caryopses are presented. Surrounding the rice grain is the caryopsis coat composed of the pericarp, seed coat and nucellar layers. The outermost layer, the pericarp, consists of crushed cells and is about 10 μm thick. The seed coat, interior to the pericarp, is one cell thick and has a thick cuticle. Between the seed coat cuticle and endosperm are the remains of the nucellus. The nucellus is about 2.5 μm thick and has a thick cuticle adjacent to the seed coat cuticle. Interior to the caryopsis coat is the aleurone layer of the endosperm. The aleurone completely surrounds the rice grain and is composed of two cell types—aleurone cells that surround the starchy endosperm and modified aleurone cells that surround the germ. The aleurone cells of the starchy endosperm contain many aleurone grains and lipid bodies around a centrally located nucleus. The modified aleurone cells lack aleurone grains, have fewer lipid bodies than the other aleurone cells, and contain filament bundles (fibrils). Plastids of aleurone cells exhibit a unique morphology in which the outer membranes invaginate to form tubules and vesicles within the plastid. Transfer aleurone cells are not observed in the mature rice caryopsis.  相似文献   

The cereal caryopsis is a complex tissue in which maternal and endosperm tissues follow distinct but coordinated developmental programs. Because of the hexaploid genome in wheat (Triticum aestivum), the identification of genes involved in key developmental processes by genetic approaches has been difficult. To bypass this limitation, we surveyed 888 genes that are expressed during caryopsis development using a novel high-throughput mRNA in situ hybridization method. This survey revealed novel distinct spatial expression patterns that either reflected the ontogeny of the developing caryopsis or indicated specialized cellular functions. We have identified both known and novel genes whose expression is cell cycle-dependent. We have identified the crease region as important in setting up the developmental patterning, because the transition from proliferation to differentiation spreads from this region to the rest of the endosperm. A comparison of this set of genes with the rice (Oryza sativa) genome shows that approximately two-thirds have rice counterparts but also suggests considerable divergence with regard to proteins involved in grain filling. We found that the wheat genes had significant homology with 350 Arabidopsis thaliana genes. At least 25 of these are already known to be essential for seed development in Arabidopsis, but many others remain to be characterized.  相似文献   

Mature grain from 31 rice ( Oryza sativa L.) cultivars grown in the same location was analyzed for soluble sugar content to determine quantitative differences in this parameter. Cultivar variation in caryopsis sucrose content was 4-fold ranging from 15 to 59 μmol sucrose (g fresh weight)−1. Soluble reducing sugar ranged from 7 to 15 μmol hexose (g fresh weight)−1. Soluble sugar content was much greater in the outer part of the grain than in the endosperm. Caryopsis enzyme activities were measured in 8 cultivars having a range of grain sucrose content. No relationship between grain sucrose content of these cultivars and the level of enzymes of sucrose metabolism, glycolysis, and oxidative pentose pathway was established. Caryopsis respiration after 1 h of imbibition also was not related to the amount of soluble sugars available in the grain among these 8 cultivars. The results show that there are significant differences in the sugar-accumulating capacity of the caryopsis of different rice cultivars. The detection of a fructose 2,6-bisphosphate-sensitive, PPi: fructose 6-phosphate phosphototransferase (EC in the endosperm suggests the presence of a regulatory mechanism for sucrose/starch partitioning established in other plant tissues.  相似文献   

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