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探讨不同剂量60Co-γ射线辐射‘石硖’龙眼接穗后,辐射对嫁接成活率以及性状变异的影响。结果表明:不同剂量60Co-γ射线辐射对‘石硖’龙眼嫁接成活率和生长均有不同程度的影响,经60Co-γ射线处理后,嫁接成活率都比对照低,且各处理随剂量增大,成活率也随之降低,呈现一定的规律性,新梢生长受到一定程度的抑制。  相似文献   

应用基于AHP的模糊综合评判法,对广西34个龙眼品种(单株)8个果实性状进行综合评价,并进行基于两阶段聚类法的品种等级划分。结果表明,桂明一号、中圆、细核脆香、石硖、国庆一号、桂香龙眼、良庆1号、良庆2号、茂寿综合性状优良;中秋一号、国宝、桂圆0503、佳圆1号、良庆3号、早熟广眼、桂龙早1号、中秋(北流)、桂圆0506、巨乌等15个品种次之;桂圆0504、桂圆0502、冰糖果、软枝大乌园、迟白露、大乌圆8213、福隆、大广眼、油面石硖、桂圆0505则较差。  相似文献   

本研究通过比较在不同月份采用经不同浓度ABT 1号生根粉处理的硬枝和嫩枝接穗嫁接的灰木莲成活率,探讨不同嫁接时间、不同处理对灰木莲嫁接成活率的影响。结果表明:1~2月份是灰木莲嫁接的最佳时间,此时嫁接能使灰木莲嫁接成活率达到48%;灰木莲硬枝嫁接的成活率是嫩枝嫁接的11~29倍,因此灰木莲宜采用硬枝接穗进行嫁接;虽然,从全年来看经ABT 1号生根粉处理的接穗会对灰木莲月均嫁接成活产生不利影响,但在1~2月份用100 mg/L的ABT 1号生根粉处理硬枝接穗嫁接,可使灰木莲嫁接成活率达到80%和75%,是未经ABT1号生根粉处理的1.45和1.41倍;因此,在最适合灰木莲嫁接的1月份和2月份期间使用适宜浓度的ABT 1号生根粉能提高灰木莲的嫁接成活率。  相似文献   

提高沙田柚茎尖嫁接成活率的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了可以影响沙田柚茎尖嫁接成活率的部分因素。结果表明 :当沙田柚接穗选择带 4个叶原基的茎尖、枳壳砧木选择黑暗培养 1 4d的实生苗或培养基中蔗糖浓度选择 7.5 %时各自的嫁接成活率较高。若在茎尖嫁接切口外缠绕 parafilm胶可令成活率明显增加。若在培养基中加入 GA3、6-BA和 IBA则明显抑制嫁接成活率。GA3、6-BA和 IBA处理接穗和砧木均可提高嫁接成活率 ,其中以 1 0 mg/L GA3处理效果最好 ,嫁接成活率可达 45 % ;6-BA和 IBA处理虽然也可提高嫁接成活率 ,但是同时又增加了接穗的脱落死亡率。  相似文献   

以两个通过群体选育获得的云南普洱茶优良品种‘云瑰’和‘福云6号’为接穗,均以茶树品种‘短节白毫’为砧木所形成的嫁接复合茶树为研究对象,通过代谢组学技术,对两个品种的接穗与接穗母本的代谢物进行分析,考察嫁接前后茶树品种‘云瑰’和‘福云6号’的差异代谢物和共同代谢物的种类、数量变化特征。结果发现:(1)两品种茶树嫁接后比嫁接前的农艺性状均有所改善,嫁接优势明显。(2)相对于‘云瑰’,‘福云6号’的接穗与接穗母本茶叶中差异代谢物的数量与种类都比较少,说明‘福云6号’嫁接在‘短节白毫’上时,接穗能最大程度地保留母本的特点。(3)‘云瑰’的接穗和接穗母本茶叶中检测和定量了115个差异代谢物,且含量表现上调的代谢物数量低于下调的数量;‘福云6号’的接穗和接穗母本茶叶中共检测和定量了47个差异代谢物,且含量表现上调的代谢物数量高于下调的数量。(4)‘云瑰’的接穗和接穗母本茶叶中差异代谢物在38条KEGG通路中富集,大多数已经鉴定的差异代谢物存在于苯丙氨酸代谢等相关途径中;‘福云6号’的接穗和接穗母本茶叶中差异代谢物在21条KEGG通路中富集,大多数已经鉴定的差异代谢物存在于与嘌呤代谢等相关途径中。该研究结果对充分发挥茶树嫁接技术在茶叶生产中的作用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

虹吸输液滴干技术作为一种新型的输液技术,能显著提高龙眼对调节剂的利用率。该研究利用虹吸输液滴干技术来研究氯酸钾与多效唑对龙眼成花的影响,同时探索从花芽生理分化期开始控制龙眼冲梢的方法。结果表明:氯酸钾输液滴干不但能够促使龙眼提早开花,而且能够提高其成花率、抽穗率、雌雄花比例与坐果率。不同品种龙眼对氯酸钾的敏感度不同,‘石硖’对氯酸钾最为敏感,但稳定性低;‘储良’对氯酸钾的敏感性低,但稳定度高;‘桂香’对氯酸钾的敏感性与稳定度居中。从整体上看,‘石硖’的处理效果最好,最佳处理次数为3次,每次施用7.5 L浓度为1 g·L-1的氯酸钾,处理后枝梢成花率、枝梢抽穗率、雌雄花比例、坐果率分别为53.67%、59.38%、16.01和19.58%。多效唑输液滴干对‘桂龙1号’的控梢效果显著,有效促进了龙眼成花,并以160 mg·L-1的多效唑溶液处理效果最佳,抽梢率为15.16%,抽穗率、雌花率、花穗长、花穗宽和坐果率分别为96.53%、10.36%、21.95 cm、12.96 cm和38.37%。药剂输液滴干技术施用氯酸钾和多效唑对于龙眼成花坐果有积极作用,该研究结果为实现高效、省工、环保的果园管理模式提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

以‘储良’和‘石硖’2个龙眼品种的成熟叶为材料,对叶片的周长、长、宽、长/宽、宽×宽、长×长、长×宽等指标与叶面积的相关性进行分析,建立9种模拟回归方程。结果表明,‘储良’和‘石硖’的叶面积均可用叶片的周长、长、宽、长/宽、宽×宽、长×长、长×宽等指标进行估算,基于叶长×叶宽建立的9种叶面积回归方程R2均最高,拟合效果最好,且相关性最大,因此叶片长×宽可作为龙眼叶面积估测的首选指标。基于叶长×宽建立的9个回归方程中,一元线性方程、二次方程、三次方程、幂函数能较好拟合,其中以幂函数估算的精度最高,较适合用来估测龙眼的叶面积。‘储良’和‘石硖’叶面积对应的较为精准的叶面积幂函数方程分别为:y=0.751x1.006和y=0.986x0.973。最适合两个龙眼品种的总叶面积幂函数方程为y=0.869x0.988。  相似文献   

成年沙田柚树试管嫁接及微繁殖的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别以两类沙田柚侧芽为接穗、酸柚为砧木进行了试管嫁接,结果表明:不同嫁接方式、接穗大小以及不同激素处理均直接影响到试管嫁接成活率.对大田侧芽而言,接穗大小以茎尖为宜,1.0mg/LGA3或0.5mg/L6-BA处理效果较佳,嫁接成活率分别达50%和30%;对侧枝沙培萌发的侧芽而言,接穗大小以茎尖 1个节间为宜,2.0mg/LGA3或0.5mg/L6-BA处理效果较佳,嫁接成活率分别达90%和80%.在相同条件下,后者的嫁接成活率一般明显高于前者.两种沙田柚嫁接苗的试管微繁殖没有明显区别,在MS 6-BA0.1mg/L培养基上均可分化不定芽,继代的嫁接成活率可达90%以上.  相似文献   

调查不同品种、嫁接方法、接穗贮藏时间、接穗老熟度、嫁接天气状况等因素对橄榄幼树嫁接成活率和生长势的影响。结果表明,橄榄幼树嫁接应选晴天,采1~2年生枝在2d内接完,腹接和嵌接方式互有优劣,不同品种嫁接效果差异很大。  相似文献   

提高沙田抽茎尖嫁接成活率的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了可以影响沙田抽茎嫁接成活率的部分因素。结果表明:当沙田抽接穗选择带4个叶原基的茎尖、枳壳砧木选择黑暗培养14d的实生苗或培养基中蔗糖浓度选择7.5%时各自的嫁接成活率较高,若在茎尖嫁接切口外缠绕parafilm胶可令成活率明显增加。若在培养基中加入GA3、6-BA和IBA则明显抑制嫁接成活率。GA3、6-BA和IBA处理接穗和砧木均可提高嫁接成活率,其中以10mg/LGA3处理效果最好,嫁接成活率可达45%;6-BA和IBA处理虽然也可提高嫁接成活率,但是同时又增加了接穗的脱落死亡率。  相似文献   

1 A lodgepole pine seed orchard at the Prince George Tree Improvement Station (PGTIS), with up to 60% of grafted trees attacked by the Warren root collar weevil Hylobius warreni was investigated to determine whether relative monoterpene composition or scion : rootstock interactions of grafts affected susceptibility to attack. 2 There was a significant relationship between relative levels of α‐pinene, β‐thujene, β‐pinene, δ‐3‐carene and limonene in scion and rootstock in unattacked trees, indicating a potential effect of the scion monoterpene composition on their composition in the rootstock. 3 Relative content of δ‐3‐carene and β‐phellandrene differed significantly in root stocks of attacked and unattacked trees but, for individual clones, a significant difference was only detected for β‐phellandrene in one clone. δ‐3‐Carene levels may have been too low in the examined trees to exert a strong effect. 4 Interestingly, attack status was significantly associated with two scion monoterpenes: α‐thujene and α‐terpinolene, both of which had higher levels in unattacked than in attacked trees. 5 Warren root collar weevils appear largely unaffected by monoterpene content, but further study is required to determine whether high levels of δ‐3‐carene imparts some level of resistance to attack, and to verify whether the observed effects of scion monoterpenes are real or artefacts of the analysis. 6 Hylobius warreni‐attacked trees had smaller scion : rootstock diameter ratio (i.e. a large rootstock diameter relative to the scion diameter) than unattacked trees. This effect was consistent among clones, and was not due to the absolute diameter of the rootstock or the scion. Trees with increased diameter‐growth at the root collar (e.g. some grafted trees) may have increased susceptibility to attack by H. warreni, or diameter‐growth at the root collar is affected by the attack.  相似文献   

Root pressure was measured continuously over spring in eight clonal kiwifruit rootstocks selected from seven Actinidia species (A. chrysantha, A. deliciosa, A. eriantha, A. hemsleyana, A. kolomikta, A. macrosperma, A. polygama), using pressure transducers and miniature compression fittings. Rootstocks that promoted scion vigour developed root pressures up to 0.15 MPa before or during scion budburst, whereas those that reduced scion vigour developed root pressure up to 0.05 MPa only after scion shoot expansion. When several seasons were compared, the date of onset of root pressure and the magnitude of pressure achieved were consistent for each rootstock. Root pressure was first recorded between late July and early September in vigour-promoting rootstocks, while scion budburst and initial shoot growth were in late August and early September. Vigour-reducing rootstocks did not develop significant root pressure until October. The date of onset was similar for the grafted rootstock and ungrafted plant of the same clone, but was not clearly related to the timing of shoot growth by the ungrafted plant. In the grafted plants the leaf and xylem water potentials of the scion were more negative, midday turgor was 0.3-0.5 MPa lower, and wilting was sometimes observed in developing shoots growing on low-vigour rootstocks, indicating that water stress was contributing to reductions in growth. Leaf turgor was correlated with average root pressure but not pressure measured during the day, suggesting that root pressure was not supporting transpiration during peak flows and was, instead, indicative of higher root hydraulic conductance. The rapid temporal rise in root pressure observed each spring in the various rootstocks was not accompanied by changes in xylem sap solute potential, but when rootstock clones were compared those that developed higher root pressures had higher sap solute potentials. Xylem sap solute potential varied between rootstocks from -0.07 MPa to -0.15 MPa, while root pressures measured at the same time varied between 0.0 MPa and 0.09 MPa, suggesting that an osmotic mechanism could account for the observed root pressure. Differences in phenology between the rootstocks and scion appeared to account for the rootstock effects on shoot growth, and changes in root pressure provided a useful indication of seasonal changes in root hydraulic properties and solute transport behaviour.  相似文献   

嫁接辣椒根系特征及根际土壤酶活性与青枯病抗性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘卫士’辣椒为砧木,‘新丰2号’为接穂嫁接,通过人工接种青枯病菌研究嫁接和自根辣椒根系特征、根际土壤微生物及酶活性的变化,探讨嫁接辣椒的抗病机理.结果显示:接种青枯病菌前,嫁接辣椒的根系重量、总长度、总体积、表面积、根尖数和分叉数均显著高于自根苗,根系活力、根际土壤放线菌数量和比例,以及根际土壤酶(多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶和脱氢酶)活性也明显高于自根苗.接种青枯病菌后,嫁接辣椒的根系受伤程度较自根苗轻,根系重量、总长度、总体积、表面积、根尖数和分叉数的降低幅度均显著小于自根苗,根系活力、根际土壤微生物数量、放线菌比例及土壤酶活性明显大于自根苗.研究表明,嫁接辣椒根系发达,根系活力增强,根际土壤放线菌比例增加及酶活性提高是其青枯病抗性增强的重要原因.  相似文献   

通过Na2CO3,胁迫对黄瓜嫁接苗和自根苗耐盐性差异的研究,揭示黄瓜幼苗的耐盐机制,为设施黄瓜生产提供理论依据。实验以孝感早瓠瓜为砧木,津春四号黄瓜为接穗,采用不同浓度Na2CO3,溶液对黄瓜嫁接苗和自根苗进行处理,研究其对黄瓜幼苗的生理胁迫效应。结果表明:在0—7000mg/L范围内,随着Na2CO3,处理浓度的增加,黄瓜嫁接苗和自根苗的株高、茎粗、叶面积、地上部鲜重、根鲜重、叶绿素和根系活力均下降,但嫁接苗受抑制的程度显著低于自根苗;脯氨酸、丙二醛和根冠比均呈上升趋势,且这三项指标均表现为嫁接苗显著高于自根苗;叶片SOD酶活性均呈先上升后下降趋势,均在Na2CO3,处理浓度为1000mg/L时达到最大值,且嫁接苗的活性显著高于自根苗。嫁接苗的耐盐性优于自根苗,Na2CO3胁迫条件下,嫁接苗和自根苗的生长条件盐浓度以不超过3000mg/L为宜。  相似文献   

The anatomy of the graft tissue between a rootstock and its shoot (scion) can provide a mechanistic explanation of the way dwarfing Malus rootstocks reduce shoot growth. Considerable xylem tissue disorganization may result in graft tissue having a low hydraulic conductivity (k(h)), relative to the scion stem. The graft may influence the movement of substances in the xylem such as ions, water and plant-growth-regulating hormones. Measurements were made on 3-year-old apple trees with a low-pressure flow system to determine k(h) of root and scion stem sections incorporating the graft tissue. A range of rootstocks was examined, with different abilities of dwarfing; both ungrafted and grafted with the same scion shoot cultivar. The results showed that the hydraulic conductivity (k(hroot)) of roots from dwarfing rootstocks was lower compared with semi-vigorous rootstocks, at least for the size class of root measured (1.5 mm diameter). Scion hydraulic conductivity (k(hs)) was linked to leaf area and also to the rootstock on to which it was grafted, i.e. hydraulic conductivity was greater for the scion stem on the semi-vigorous rootstock. Expressing conductivities relative to xylem cross-sectional areas (k(s)) did not remove these differences suggesting that there were anatomical changes induced by the rootstock. The calculated hydraulic conductivity of the graft tissue was found to be lower for grafted trees on dwarfing rootstocks compared to invigorating rootstocks. These observations are discussed in relation to the mechanism(s) by which rootstock influences shoot growth in grafted trees.  相似文献   

Phase change in loblolly pine:Shoot development as a function of age   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The growth behavior of grafted scions from 1-, 4-, 8- and 12-year-old ortets representing five half-sib loblolly pine families was observed over a two-year period (three for strobilus production) following grafting. Significant, persistent decreases in total number of cycles produced, height and diameter increment, number of branches produced, foliar surface area and total scion biomass were observed with increasing age. Needle length, diameter, and ability to form male and female strobili increased with increasing scion age. The persistence of these differences is not a function of size since the scions were the same length at grafting. The significance of these results to the establishment of breeding orchards, early genetic evaluation, and the nature of phase change is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of mixed industrial effluents on growth, dry matter accumulation and mineral nutrient in Eucalyptus camaldulensis seedlings were studied. The objective was to evaluate the adaptability of E. camaldulensis to effluent, tolerance to excess/deficiency of mineral elements and ultimately to determine suitable combinations of industrial/municipal effluent for their use in biomass production in dry areas. Different irrigation treatments were: T(1): good water; T(2): municipal effluent; T(3): textile effluent; T(4): steel effluent; T(5): textile effluent+municipal effluent in 1:1 ratio; T(6): steel effluent+municipal effluent in 1:2 ratio; T(7): steel+textile+municipal effluent in 1:2:2 ratio; and T(8): steel+textile effluent in 1:2 ratio. High concentrations of metal ions and low concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Na, N and P in soil and seedlings of T(4) resulted in mortality of the seedlings within a few days. Addition of the textile/municipal effluent increased the survival time of the seedlings for two to three months in T(6), T(7) and T(8) treatments. Among the remaining treatments, the seedlings of T(2) attained 131 cm height, 1.97 cm collar diameter, 19 total branches and produced 158 g seedling(-1) of dry biomass at the age of 10 months. The seedling of T(3) produced the least growth and biomass. Growth equivalent to that of the seedlings of T(1) treatment was achieved when municipal effluent was mixed with textile effluent (T(5)). There was a decrease in soil pH, EC, SOC, NH(4)-N, NO(3)-N, PO(4)-P and basic cations and increase in the concentration of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn with T(4) treatment. The reverse trend was observed in T(3) where a high concentration of Na might have reduced Mg and micronutrient concentration in seedlings potentially affecting root and leaf growth. Mixing of effluents may be useful in tree irrigation to increase biomass productivity, which is evidenced by improved growth in T(5) and survival in T(6), T(7) and T(8) treatments. Further, reduction of toxic concentration of metal ions in effluents may be helpful for a long-term field application.  相似文献   

鄂西北濒危植物红椿天然种群动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用相邻格子法对分布于鄂西北的3个红椿(Toona ciliata Roem.)天然种群(竹山、谷城T1和谷城T2)进行统计;采用立木径级结构代替种群年龄结构的方法,分析了各种群不同龄级的个体数量动态指数( Vn )、静态生命表及存活曲线,并对3个种群进行谱分析。结果表明:3个红椿种群均属于增长型种群,自然状态下竹山、谷城T1和谷城T2种群个体数量动态指数分别为46.27%、53.46%和37.71%,标准化存活曲线分别为Deevey Ⅲ型、DeeveyⅡ型和Deevey Ⅱ型。3个种群第2龄级﹝2.5 cm≤胸径(DBH)<7.5 cm〕幼树的死亡率均较高,竹山种群第3龄级(7.5 cm≤DBH<12.5 cm)幼树的死亡率最高,谷城T1种群第7龄级(27.5 cm≤DBH<32.5 cm)大树的死亡率最高,谷城T2种群第6龄级(22.5 cm≤DBH<27.5 cm)中树的死亡率最高;3个种群第1龄级( DBH<2.5 cm)和第2龄级个体的平均期望寿命均较高。竹山、谷城T1和谷城T2种群的基波振幅分别为1.0616、1.0971和0.7882,明显的小周期分别出现在第4、第2和第4波序,表明分布于鄂西北的红椿天然种群更新存在着周期性,且存在小周期的多谐波叠加,种群波动与龄级的Vn值相吻合。种群动态分析结果表明:由于红椿的强阳性生理特征,其天然种群受环境筛抑制和环境干扰,造成幼树个体损失和中龄级个体不足,这是造成红椿濒危的主要因素,因此,建议加强人为正向“干扰”以制造林窗、增强种群天然更新能力、引种造林,以保护和利用红椿这一濒危植物资源。  相似文献   

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