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报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae山牵牛属Thunbergia(山牵牛亚科Thunbergioideae)6种、叉柱花属Staurogyne(瘤子草亚科Nelsonioideae)和老鼠簕属Acanthus(老鼠簕亚科Acanthoideae)各1种植物在扫描电镜下的花粉形态。山牵牛属植物的花粉粒为圆球形,均具螺旋状萌发孔,外壁纹饰以光滑或颗粒状为主,偶具棒状突起。具螺旋状萌发孔被认为是该科独特而较原始的花粉特征。叉柱花属的花粉粒为圆球形,具3孔沟,外壁平滑。老鼠簕属的花粉粒为长球形,具3沟,外壁具细网状纹饰或具小穿孔。花粉形态特征支持传统上将上述3属置于3个不同亚科的处理。  相似文献   

生长抑制剂对黄虾花的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄虾花(Pachystachys lutea)又称金苞花,属爵床科的半木质化草本,在福州地区春至冬初皆有花。花苞黄色串状并缀有白色小花,富有雅趣,为一种花期长,观赏价值高的盆花。黄虾花盆栽通常茎节细长,基部叶片脱落,株型高挑,影响其观赏价值。栽培上控制株型,一般采用的摘心方法不能使茎节间缩短和防止植株基部叶片脱落。本试验采用生长抑制剂CCC、B9对黄虾花株型的控制及其它效应作初步探讨。  相似文献   

为更好地指导盆栽小菊的引种和栽培,筛选适宜粤港澳大湾区产业化生产应用的优良品种,该文以荷兰引进的30个盆栽小菊品种为研究对象,从观赏性和适应性两个方面选取22个评价指标,基于层次分析法(AHP)构建了一套盆栽小菊园林应用综合评价体系。结果表明:(1)花色、花径、冠幅和观花期等4个评价指标权重值居前,是影响盆栽小菊观赏价值的关键因子。(2)利用该评价体系对30个盆栽小菊品种进行综合评价,将其划分为优秀、良好、一般和较差等4个等级,各等级品种数所占比例分别为16.67%、26.67%、43.33%和13.33%。从中筛选出‘西奥’‘马里奥’‘红粉佳人’‘绿色心情’和‘卡斯蒂赫’等5个优秀品种,这些品种普遍具有花色艳丽、花径大、花期长和抗旱性强等优点,可在粤港澳大湾区规模化生产。同时筛选出‘德里粉’‘朝阳繁华’‘粉草莓’‘小乒糖心’‘夏之恋’‘迪迪’‘红日’和‘小行星’等8个优良品种,这些品种整体性状表现优良,可作为园林应用的补充材料进行小规模栽培。采用AHP法可有效进行盆栽小菊品种综合评价与分级,并筛选观赏价值高、适应性强的优良品种供园林生产应用。  相似文献   

报道了湖南省被子植物新记录种7个,即红枝崖爬藤(Tetrastigma erubescens)、云南黑鳗藤(Jasminanthes saxatilis)、常绿悬钩子(Rubus jianensis)、线叶马兜铃(Aristolochia neolongifolia)、大别山马兜铃(Aristolochia dabieshanensis)、山牵牛(Thunbergia grandiflora)和指叶山猪菜(Merremia quinata),其中山牵牛属(Thunbergia)为湖南省新记录属。同时,给出了各新记录种的地理分布、生境及主要识别特征。这些植物的发现不仅丰富了湖南的植物多样性,也对研究湖南与周边区域植物区系之间的关系具有一定意义。  相似文献   

为使龙船花属Ixora 植物在园林配置中得到合理、科学的应用,采用层次分析法(AHP法)构建龙船花属植物园林应用综合评价体系。从观赏性、适应性、配置应用等3方面选取花色、花序大小、小花数量、花冠裂片形状、花期、花叶比例、叶色、株高、株型、耐寒性、光照适应性、耐湿性、耐旱性、丛植或片植、孤植、盆栽等16个指标,通过构建判断矩阵计算各层次指标权重,准则层的权重范围为0.2017~0.4547,指标层的权重范围为0.0159~0.1308。采用3个标度赋值各指标的相对重要性,制定评价体系的评分标准。为检验该评价体系的可行性,选取9种常见龙船花植物进行综合评价,评价显示:邦德红仙丹草I. coccinea var. bandhuca、橙红龙船花I. coccinea、龙船花I. chinensis得分最高,具有较好的园林应用前景。该评价体系具有可行性,可为龙船花属植物引种及园林应用提供参考。  相似文献   

以涟源龙山国家森林公园67种彩叶植物为研究材料,采用AHP法(层次分析法)从叶片观赏特性、其他观赏特性、生态适应性三个层面设置10个具体的评价指标进行综合评价.结果表明,67种彩叶植物通过综合评价分为3个等级,Ⅰ级(即优秀级,综合评价值>3.5)的彩叶植物有21种;Ⅱ级(即良好级,2.5≤综合评价值≤3.5)的彩叶植物...  相似文献   

以广东省仁化至博罗高速公路(仁化至新丰段路)为例,通过对该路段沿线乡土植物调查,运用层次分析法(AHP)对388种乡土植物的环境适应性、培植特性、功能特性和经济效应进行评价和综合分析。结果表明,在一级指标中,环境适应性权重最大(0.5476);其次是功能特性(0.2051)。在选取的14个二级指标中, 耐贫瘠权重最大(0.1642),耐旱能力和耐寒性的权重相对也比较大,分别为0.1533、0.0916。根据AHP模型,对所调查的388种乡土植物进行评价,其中评分80分以上适宜高速公路绿化的有64种。结合观赏性、耐寒性评价和市场苗木供应情况最终筛选出20种乡土植物作为仁新高速沿线绿化的建议树种。  相似文献   

在查阅文献资料和标本的基础上,对位于福建省漳州市、厦门市、泉州市、福州市及宁德市的7个海岸样带的海岸植物组成、生活型及生态适应性进行了调查和分析;采用层次分析法构建了海岸植物园林应用综合评价体系,并据此筛选出适于福建海岸园林建设的原生植物种类。结果表明:7个海岸样带共包含74科229属323种海岸植物,其中原生种有278种、外来种有45种;含种数较多的科包括禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)、莎草科(Cyperaceae)、豆科(Leguminosae)和大戟科(Euphorbiaceae),共包含92属151种,分别占总属数和总种数的40.17%和46.75%。福建省海岸植物生活型大体分为乔木、灌木、草本、藤本及其他5类,其中草本占优势;草本、灌木、藤本和乔木的种数分别为204、64、31和14种,草本和灌木的种数分别占总种数的63.16%和19.81%。按照生态类群可将福建海岸植物分为陆岸沙生生态类群、盐生湿地生态类群、基岩海岸及海岸林生态类群、广生境生态类群4类。福建省海岸植物园林应用综合评价体系共包含5个一级因子和19个二级因子。一级因子中权重值排在前2位的因子为生理适应性和美学特性,权重值分别为0.276 2和0.218 9;二级因子中盐碱适应能力的权重值最高(0.082 7),栽培成本、养护成本、资源数量和植株形态观赏性的权重值也较高(均在0.070 0以上)。采用这一评价体系从福建海岸原生植物中共筛选出适于海岸园林建设的植物40种,这些植物的得分均在3.00以上且观赏性强、生态功能较佳。此外,还针对滨海滩涂地带、沙滩开阔地带和基岩质海岸带提出了几种人工植物群落景观营造的植物配置模式。  相似文献   

目的:对甘肃省野生铁线莲属(Clematis)植物的分布特征及观赏性评价进行研究,为野生铁线莲属植物的开发利用和优良性状品种的选育提供理论基础.方法:以甘肃省42种(含变种)野生铁线莲属植物为研究对象,分析其分布特征;采用层次分析(APH)法对甘肃省野生铁线莲属植物花色、花径、叶类型等13个指标进行观赏性综合评价.结果...  相似文献   

应用模糊数学方法评价52种观叶植物的观赏性,确定各种植物所处等级及又同一级别的排序,讨论模糊数学方法对于评价多指标且指标难以量化的多样品的优劣等级与名次的先进性与不足。  相似文献   

爵床科观赏植物种类繁多、形态各异、花色绚丽、应用方式多样,是开发新型栽培花卉品种的重要资源。文中在实地调查的基础上,总结了爵床科观赏植物的主要形态特征、观赏价值以及园林应用方式,着重以实例的形式展现爵床科观赏植物在花境、盆栽、绿篱、边坡绿化以及垂直绿化中的应用,最后列举20种有较好开发前景的爵床科观赏植物。  相似文献   

The cuticular and epidermal anatomy of two species of Mendoncia (subfamily Mendoncioideae) and eight of Thunbergia (subfamily Thunbergioideae) has been studied. The species of Mendoncia are characterized by the presence of diacytic stomata on hypostomatic leaves, subsessile glandular hairs with a globular head, non-glandular hairs with a stellate hair-base, and the absence of cystoliths. In Thunbergia the cuticles show diacytic stomata on hypostomatic leaves, subsessile glandular hairs with a panduriform head, and non-glandular hairs with a two- or more-celled simple hair-base. Cystoliths are absent. The presence of diacytic stomata in all the investigated species of Mendoncia and Thunbergia , as well as in the other genera of the Acanthaceae, is considered as significant. The retention of Mendoncioideae and Thunbergioideae as subfamilies of the Acanthaceae is justified from the present investigation.  相似文献   

To explain current ornamental plant invasions, or predict future ones, it is necessary to determine which factors increase the probability of an alien species becoming invasive. Here, we focused on the early phases of ornamental plant invasion in order to identify which plant features and cultivation practices may favor the escape of ornamental plants from domestic gardens to abandoned agricultural land sites in the Mediterranean Region. We used an original approach which consisted in visiting 120 private gardens in an urbanizing rural area of the French Mediterranean backcountry, and then visited surrounding old fields to determine which planted species had escaped out of the gardens. We built a database of 407 perennial ornamental alien species (most of which were animal-dispersed), and determined nineteen features that depicted the strength of species’ propagule pressure within gardens, the match between species requirements and local physical environment, and each species’ reproductive characteristics. Using standard and phylogenetic logistic regression, we found that ornamental alien plants were more likely to have escaped if they were planted in gardens’ margins, if they had a preference for dry soil, were tolerant to high-pH or pH-indifferent, and if they showed a capacity for clonal growth. Focusing only on animal-dispersed plants, we found that alien plants were more likely to have escaped if they were abundant in gardens and showed preference for dry soil. This suggests that gardening practices have a primary impact on the probability of a species to escape from cultivation, along with species pre-adaptation to local soil conditions, and capacity of asexual reproduction. Our results may have important implications for the implementation of management practices and awareness campaigns in order to limit ornamental plants to becoming invasive species in Mediterranean landscapes.  相似文献   

通过实地调查,对厦门地区冬季观果和观花园林植物进行统计,分析其生活型、观赏特征、色彩和应用频度。结果表明,厦门冬季具有观赏价值的观果植物有20科22属25种(含种下等级),观花植物有33科51属63种(含种下等级)。厦门冬季观果植物以常绿乔木、灌木为主,果色以红色系为主,高应用频率的观果植物优势不明显;观花植物以乔木为主,花色以红色系、黄色系为主,高应用频率的观花植物优势明显,开花呈衬式花相的种类占多数。厦门冬季观果与观花植物资源较为丰富,但冬季表现较好的观果种类较少,而一些表现较好的植物未普遍应用,植物景观营造不合理,针对此问题提出改善厦门冬季植物配置的建议。  相似文献   

South Africa is home to approximately 10% of the world's flora, many of which are endemic to the country. A large number of South African genera have been improved for horticultural use and many of these are economically important as cut flowers or ornamentals on international markets. The genus Crocosmia, an attractive member of the family Iridaceae, has potential both as an ornamental plant and for cut flower production, although market potential of the species may be increased by improving the size of the flowers and inflorescence. Polyploidy has been used as a tool in the improvement of ornamental plants and has led to the development of several improved ornamental species. This study established a micropropagation protocol for Crocosmia aurea, using seed as the source material. Tetraploidy was induced by treating seeds with colchicine. These seeds were subsequently germinated and multiplied in vitro using the established protocol. The resulting tetraploid plantlets were successfully hardened-off and used to study the effect of the induced tetraploidy on the plant characteristics. The tetraploid (4n) plants were found to have longer, wider leaves as well as longer inflorescence stems and fewer, but larger, flowers than their diploid (2n) counterparts. These polyploid selections have potential in the ornamental/floriculture trade.  相似文献   

运用层次分析法(AHP)建立唇形科芳香植物综合评价模型,根据福州市10 种唇形科芳香植物的引种栽培表现,从观赏价值、开发潜力、抗逆性三方面筛选15 个评价因素,进行定量综合评价并对其在福州地区的适应性与园林应用作分析。结果表明,芳香气味的舒适性、加工价值、叶色、花色、驱避性和耐热性是福州地区芳香植物综合评价的主要指标,综合得分最高的3 种芳香植物分别是百里香Thymus mongolicus、迷迭香Rosmarinus officinalis 和留兰香Mentha spicata,具有广阔的园林应用前景。  相似文献   

Shirokova AV 《Ontogenez》2008,39(4):273-281
Rose vervain is a little-known ornamental annual plant. The adaptive properties (drought and cold resistance) and long period of flowering make this species promising for growing in flower gardens and containers. Chemical mutagenesis widely used for various plant species was applied to induce character variation in Rose vervain. The properties of development of flowers and inflorescences in lines descending from the M3--M5 mutants generated by the seed exposure to chemical mutagens diethyl sulfate and nitrosomethylurea were considered.  相似文献   

Rose vervain is a little-known ornamental annual plant. The adaptive properties (drought and cold resistance) and long period of flowering make this species promising for growing in flower gardens and containers. Chemical mutagenesis widely used for various plant species was applied to induce character variation in Rose vervain. The properties of development of flowers and inflorescences in lines descending from the å3–å5 mutants generated by the seed exposure to chemical mutagens diethyl sulfate and nitrosomethylurea were considered.  相似文献   

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