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鄱阳湖及其支流长江江豚种群数量及分布   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
肖文  张先锋 《兽类学报》2002,22(1):7-14
在1997 年11 月至1998 年11 月的134 d 中, 大致按一年四季, 分4 次对鄱阳湖及其主要支流中的长江江豚种群数量、数量的季节变动、分布、行为、江豚栖息地环境、人类活动对江豚的影响进行了考察。江豚的分布主要集中在鄱阳湖湖区, 赣江、信江、抚河等主要支流的中下游和支流入湖的湖口附近。冬、春、秋3 个季节鄱阳湖水系长江江豚种群数量的估计值分别为91 头、431 头和260头。即, 鄱阳湖江豚的种群数量约为100~400 头,其种群数量随季节、水位、鱼类资源的变化而呈现出相应的变化。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖是长江四大家鱼索饵、育肥的重要场所,近年来鄱阳湖出现了枯水季水位严重降低、枯水期延长、湿地面积缩小的现象。为解决鄱阳湖水资源、水文、水生态等问题,建议在鄱阳湖入江水道兴建控制闸水利枢纽。然而,拟建的水利枢纽工程将打破鄱阳湖与长江的天然连通性,可能会对四大鱼类洄游过程产生影响。通过构建二维和三维水动力模型,分析鄱阳湖水利枢纽建设后入江水道与枢纽洄游通道的水动力学特征,结合实验和文献获得的草鱼幼鱼和成鱼游泳能力参数,阐明了枢纽建设对草鱼洄游的影响。结果表明:在设计调度模式下,草鱼幼鱼入湖期间,湖口段适宜通过天数达到83.74%以上,说明湖口及入江水道的水动力条件对洄游的影响较小,同时,枢纽工程处在过鱼高峰期仍能保持较高的过闸效率;草鱼成鱼出湖期间,丰、平水年闸前水动力条件对洄游的影响较小,仅在枯水年闸前流速几乎静止,草鱼适宜出湖天数偏低。在该调度模式下,水利枢纽建设运行后鄱阳湖整体水动力条件能够满足草鱼洄游需求。目前设计的鱼道在高、低水位时期均出现局部流速过大的现象,不满足过鱼条件。从四大家鱼江湖洄游的角度为鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程设计和运行提供科学参考。  相似文献   

研究于2020—2021年使用Simrad EY60鱼探仪对鄱阳湖进行了秋季、春季和冬季共3次的水声学调查,并同步开展渔获物调查作为补充,分析鄱阳湖鱼类资源时空分布变化特征。结果表明:在季节分布上,鱼类目标强度和密度值都存在显著差异(P<0.05),在目标强度上表现为冬季[(–51.0±14.13) dB]>春季[(–52.10±4.59) dB]>秋季[(–52.71±9.95) dB],在鱼类密度上表现为冬季(54.61 ind./1000 m3)>秋季(46.10 ind./1000 m3)>春季(18.54 ind./1000 m3);在水平分布上,鱼类资源空间分布不均且不同湖区间有显著差异(P<0.05),秋季鱼类主要分布在中部湖区松门山,冬季鱼类主要分布在北部湖区通江水道;在垂直分布上,秋季和冬季均表现为底层>中层>表层,春季表现为表层>中层>底层。综合来看,鄱阳湖鱼类时空分布与鱼类的生活习性如产卵、育肥和越冬等因素密切相关。研究结果为从宏观空间尺度分析区域鱼类时空变动特征提供参考,也为鄱阳湖禁捕效果评估及生物完整...  相似文献   

杨潇  马吉顺  张欢  周琼 《水生生物学报》2021,45(5):1093-1103
为阐明鄱阳湖不同水文期浮游生物群落结构特征及其影响因素, 研究于2017年8月(丰水期)和12月(枯水期)在鄱阳湖湖区典型水域设置5个采样点进行浮游生物采样调查。研究期间共鉴定浮游植物8门75属186种, 丰水期与枯水期均以硅藻门和绿藻门为主。共鉴定浮游动物4类76种, 丰水期与枯水期均以原生动物和轮虫为主。方差分析显示: 浮游植物密度与生物量在不同水文期之间的差异均为极显著(P<0.01), 浮游动物丰水期密度高于枯水期, 但无显著差异(P>0.05), 浮游动物生物量(P<0.05)在不同水文期差异显著。冗余分析(RDA)显示: 丰水期透明度和浮游生物呈显著负相关关系, 电导率和浮游生物呈显著正相关。透明度、电导率与营养盐是影响丰水期浮游生物群落结构的主要环境因素, 枯水期水温和溶解氧是驱动鄱阳湖浮游生物群落生态分布的主要环境因素。基于Shannon-Wiener(H′)、Margalef(d)和Pielou(J)等生物多样性指数的水质评价结果表明: 鄱阳湖研究区域水质状态处于寡污-中污之间。研究揭示了2个水文期对通江湖泊浮游生物的影响: 季节变化不改变湖泊浮游生物的物种组成及优势种, 但显著影响浮游生物的丰度及多样性。  相似文献   

为掌握禁捕初期鄱阳湖鱼类群落的结构特征, 研究于2020年4月(春季)、7月(夏季)、10月(秋季)和2021年1月(冬季)在鄱阳湖21个采样点开展了渔获物调查。全年共采集到57种鱼类, 隶属于8目12科43属。优势种有贝氏?(Hemiculter bleekeri)、短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)、蛇(Saurogobio dabryi)、和似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)等4种鱼类。江湖洄游型、江海洄游型和河流型鱼类物种数共占比45.61%, 平均体重<20 g的物种的丰度占所有渔获物丰度的88.47%。在空间结构上, 基于鱼类丰度的非度量多维排序分析将鄱阳湖分为通江水道和主湖区两个大的空间类群, 方差分析表明通江水道鱼类丰度显著低于主湖区, 但多样性高于主湖区。在季节变化方面, 不同季节渔获物丰度、生物量和多样性的差异极其显著, 高水位时期(夏、秋季)的多样性高于低水位时期(春、冬季)。2020年10月在鄱阳湖主湖区中部的S9和通江水道的S20两个采样点发现了鄱阳湖历史文献中没有记录的广盐性近海鱼类——鲻(Mugil cephalus), 可能得益于长江禁捕, 由于消除了捕捞压力, 促使了该鱼类的资源恢复和上溯, 也不排除其他人为因素的可能, 因而需要更长时间序列的跟踪和监测。研究为全面评估鄱阳湖禁捕的生态效果提供了基础数据, 也为制定鄱阳湖鱼类资源的保护政策提供了参考。  相似文献   

The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) is an endangered freshwater porpoise subspecies unique to the Yangtze River basin. Seasonal variations in local distribution of the animal, as well as fish presence, sand dredging, ship navigation, and bridges were examined as potential factors affecting the occurrence of the animals. Passive acoustic surveys were performed regularly from May 2007 to August 2010, near the conjunction of the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake. The distribution of the porpoises was seasonally site‐specific. In May and August, the animals were detected more often at river junctions than in the lake, but vice versa from November to February. The rate of the porpoise detection was significantly higher in areas of fish presence than in areas of absence. The number of porpoises detected did not differ significantly between the sand dredging operation and the prohibition period (in 2008), although the number of vessels obviously declined in 2008. Ship traffic and bridges also did not appear to affect the presence of porpoises. These results showed the relative importance of the various environmental factors, which is important for conservation of not only Yangtze finless porpoise but also endangered isolated cetaceans.  相似文献   

淡水湿地中日益严重的微塑料(MPs)污染已引起全球关注。为了解鄱阳湖典型湿地微塑料的时空动态特征,相继于丰水期和枯水期采集鄱阳湖流域五河入湖段和鄱阳湖汇入长江出湖段的水体和沉积物样品,分别采用消解抽滤法和浮选分离-消解抽滤法分离水体和沉积物中的微塑料,采用显微镜、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪和扫描电镜鉴定分析微塑料表征。结果表明: 鄱阳湖各区域丰水期水体和沉积物微塑料丰度范围分别为32.1~127.3 n·L-1和533.3~1286.6 n·kg-1,枯水期分别为87.1~295.5 n·L-1和460.0~1368.0 n·kg-1,与其他淡水湿地相比,鄱阳湖具有较高的微塑料丰度,且各区域间呈时空差异性。研究区微塑料的主要形态有微球、碎片、薄膜和纤维等,相应聚合物成分主要为聚苯乙烯(PS)、聚丙烯(PP)和聚乙烯(PE)等;水体中微塑料以微球类(丰水期35.7%,枯水期52.0%)为主要形态,沉积物中以碎片类(丰水期45.8%,枯水期69.7%)为主要形态;两个水期水体和沉积物中均以小粒径(<0.1 mm)微塑料占优势(>50%),不同粒径微塑料丰度随粒径增大呈减少趋势。鄱阳湖湿地微塑料的潜在主要来源包括工业废水排放、城乡生活污水处理厂排放、农业和渔业活动以及生活垃圾处理不当。  相似文献   

水文变异条件下鄱阳湖流域的生态流量   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘剑宇  张强  顾西辉 《生态学报》2015,35(16):5477-5485
受气候变化和人类活动综合影响,鄱阳湖流域水文状况发生变异。河流生态系统适应了变异前的水文状况,变异后势必会影响当地生态系统。基于此,采用8种变异检测方法对水文变异进行综合诊断,阐明水文变异原因。在此基础上,采用15种概率分布函数分别拟合5站各月变异前日流量序列,最终确定5站点各月最优分布函数及所对应的概率密度最大处的流量,即得河道内生态流量。研究表明:(1)抚河于1962年发生弱变异,赣江、修河于1968年发生中变异,信江、饶河于1991年发生弱变异;(2)变异后,赣江、信江、饶河、修河生态需水满足率平均上升11%,抚河生态需水满足率下降32%;(3)水文变异增加提高生态需水满足率,水利工程建设降低年均生态需水满足率、提高干季生态需水满足率。高森林覆盖率提高干季生态需水满足率,对年均生态需水满足率影响不明显。研究结果为鄱阳湖流域水资源管理及区域水资源规划与配置提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
刘宝贵  刘霞  吴瑶  钟正  陈宇炜 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8205-8213
鄱阳湖是中国第一大淡水湖,具有"丰水为湖,枯水为河"的独特特点。为探讨鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构及其时空分布的特征,于2009年全年采集其不同季节、不同水位期的浮游甲壳动物样品进行定量分析。结果显示,鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构总体与河流浮游甲壳群落具有相似性。无节幼体、象鼻溞、剑水蚤等河流优势类群在鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物中占优势;而哲水蚤和溞属仅在低水位季节占优势,枝角类丰度仅在高温、高水位、流速缓的季节高过桡足类。丰水期浮游甲壳动物平均丰度和生物量远远高于枯水期,可达枯水期的50倍,差异极其显著(P0.01)。温度和水位变化引起的环境因子改变是导致鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物发生季节演替的主要原因;而营养盐对浮游甲壳动物的影响并不显著。空间上浮游甲壳动物群落构成明显不同,年均丰度最高和最低的点均出现在河口地区。因此:对于换水周期短,水交换速率快的水体,应该充分考虑水文条件对生物的影响。  相似文献   

Water movement in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) has a significant effect on the biogeochemical process in wetlands. This study investigated the water movement in the SPAC in Poyang Lake wetland, which is a protected area with an important ecological function within the Yangtze River basin, under different water-level conditions by analyzing the responses of river, groundwater, soil and plants to precipitation using stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. The results show that the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions (δ18O and δD) of soil water decrease with increasing depth due to the near surface evaporation. During the dry season the water-level in Poyang Lake is low, when it rains the influencing depth of precipitation and evaporation on soil water isotopic signatures was 20 cm below the ground surface. The rain water infiltrates into the soil, recharges groundwater and flows to the river. When the water-level in Poyang Lake is low, the Xiu River is recharged by the groundwater, which recharges the soil water by capillary rise. During the flood season, the water-level is high and the water in Poyang Lake reaches or covers the meadows, recharges the groundwater and soil water. In the meantime, the water in Poyang Lake can be recharged by rain water when it rains. During the dry season when it doesn’t rain, plants mainly use groundwater, but soil water is preferred and plants don’t use rainwater directly when it rains. When the lake water-level is extremely low, the plants in Poyang Lake wetland may suffer from water stress, which is harmful for plant growth.  相似文献   

长江江豚主要栖居在近岸浅水水域,喜好泥沙质类型的河岸。但在长江干流,有很多自然河岸被固化,河岸固化给长江江豚分布和栖息活动造的影响仍不甚清楚。2016年3月—2017年1月,对长江干流2个自然河段江豚的数量和分布做了12次考察,并收集了这2个河段岸型的相关数据,来分析固化河岸对江豚栖息活动的影响。12次考察累计发现江豚215头次,平均每次考察观察到江豚(17.92±7.09)头次。研究区域的固化河岸约占岸线总长的59%,分析发现,仅约13.9%的江豚分布在固化河岸水域,86.1%的江豚均分布在自然河岸水域。江豚在单位河岸长度的分布数量与该段固化河岸长度所占的比例呈显著负相关(r=-0.639,P0.01)。在自然河岸,分布在近岸50 m水域的江豚占31.8%,而在固化河岸,仅观察到2头江豚活动在近岸50 m水域内。由此可见,固化河岸对江豚的近岸分布有明显影响。调查还发现,安庆城区建设带约10 km江段12次考察均未发现江豚分布,城区建设带可能对江豚栖息已造成严重影响。长江干流的固化河岸所占比例非常高,研究结果提示这可能导致长江干流江豚栖息地的丧失和破碎化加剧,在制定长江江豚保护措施必需慎重考虑此因素的影响,并据此提出相应的栖息地保护和恢复方案。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖是我国最大的淡水湖, 是与长江保持自由连通的两个湖泊之一, 也是最为重要的候鸟越冬地之一, 其生境质量对全球的生物多样性保护至关重要。枯水期的鄱阳湖由众多子湖构成, 不同子湖具有不同的水文控制与管理模式, 尤其是位于长江上游的三峡大坝2006年正式运行之后, 不同水文控制模式下的子湖展现出不同的退水机制, 对退水期洲滩出露的时间与湿生植被覆盖和生产力产生了不同的影响。近年来, 遥感和生态模型在研究植被变化中应用广泛。本文以MODIS增强植被指数(enhanced vegetation index, EVI)时间序列表示地表属性, 并利用EVI时间序列模型, 建立了2000-2014年植被覆盖和生产力的时空变化趋势。在研究区内建立的网格中, 随机提取了107个斑块, 采集其每16天间隔的MODIS EVI时间序列(2000年2月至2015年4月), 将自适应Savitzky-Golay平滑算法应用于EVI时间序列分析, 提取了4个关键的植被生长指标, 即生长季开始的日期、生长季长度、生长季EVI峰值和生产力。研究结果表明: (1)具有不同水文控制模式下的湿地植被生长特征表现出显著的差异, 尤其位于自由连通子湖的植被与其他模式的子湖相比: 生长季开始的时间更晚, 生长季较短, EVI峰值较低, 并且生长季节的初级生产力较低; (2)由于水文情势的改变, 自由连通子湖2006年前后的双生长周期湿地植被的生长特征差异明显, 秋季生长季提前, 导致了生物量的过度积累, 降低了越冬雁类食源的适口性; 但位于局部水文控制子湖的湿地植被不存在这种差异。(3)自由连通与局部水文控制的子湖对鄱阳湖越冬候鸟的保护均具有十分重要的意义, 需要保证这两种类型子湖的面积, 为越冬候鸟提供更广阔的食源; 当水文情势发生改变时, 局部的水文人为控制可在一定程度上减缓鄱阳湖水情变化对湿地植被生长带来的影响。  相似文献   

Dianchi Lake covers about a 300 km2 area. Kunming city on the edge of the lake is surrounded by industrial establishments. Farm land surrounds the remaining areas of the lake. The lake water is polluted by the Kunming city municipal sewage from 3 million inhabitants, the industrial effluent and farm runoff. Water samples were collected from 12 sites along the shore of the lake during the dry (May) and rainy (August) seasons for genotoxicity testing with the Vicia micronucleus assay during the year 1995. Genotoxicity in terms of micronuclei (MCN) frequencies in the root tip cells of Vicia showed a consistent elevated frequency of MCN over the control sample at the 0.05-0.01 levels of significance in both seasons. The MCN frequencies of sites A (Daguanhe), B (Gaoqiao) and C (Xiyuan) were 3.5-4 times as high as the control values (5.25/1000 cells) in the dry season. In the rainy season, the MCN frequencies of water samples from most of the 12 sites were relatively lower than those of the dry season except sites J (Haikou), and K (Kunyang). The average MCN frequency of the dry season samples was 14.97 per 1000 cells and that of the rainy season samples was 12.24 per 1000 cells while the average control value was around 5.00/1000 cells.  相似文献   

The Poyang Lake is the largest lake and the main nursery area in the middle basin of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. We compared molecular genetic markers of silver carp among populations of the Changjiang River, the Ganjiang River and the Poyang Lake using the ND5/6 region of mtDNA. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of this region revealed distinct variation between the Ganjiang River and the Changjiang River populations. The Poyang Lake is linked with the Ganjiang River and the Changjiang River. Shared RFLP fragments between the Ganjiang River population and the Poyang Lake population are as high as 61.4%. The value is 47.74% between the populations of the Changjiang River and that of the Poyang Lake. Frequencies of bands peculiar to the Ganjiang River population are the same as in the Poyang Lake population. We conclude that the Poyang Lake silver carp population consists mainly of the Ganjiang River population. The water level of the Poyang Lake outlet, which is higher than that of the Changjiang River in the silver carp spawning season, supports this conclusion.  相似文献   

Poyang Lake (Poyang Hu) is located at the junction of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (Changjiang) River, covering an area of 3283 km2. As one of the few lakes that are still freely connected with the river, it plays an important role in the maintenance of the unique biota of the Yangtze floodplain ecosystem. To promote the conservation of Poyang Lake, an investigation of the macrobenthos in the lake itself and adjoining Yangtze mainstream was conducted in 1997–1999. Altogether 58 benthic taxa, including 22 annelids, 8 mollusks, 26 arthropods, and 2 miscellaneous animals, were identified from quantitative samples. The benthic fauna shows a high diversity and a marine affinity. The standing crops of benthos in the lake were much higher than those in the river, being 659 individuals/m2 and 187.3 g/m2 (wet mass) in the main lake, and 549 individuals/m2 and 116.6 g/m2 in the lake outlet, but only 129 individuals/m2 and 0.4 g/m2 in the river. The dominant group in the lake was Mollusca, comprising 63.4% of the total in density and 99.5% in biomass. An analysis of the functional feeding structure indicated that collector-filterers and scrapers were predominant in the lake, up to 42.2% and 24.7% in density and 70.2% and 29.2% in biomass, respectively, while shredders and collector-gatherers were relatively common in the river. The present study was restricted to the northern outlet and the northeast part of Poyang Lake. A scrutiny is required for the remaining areas.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖采砂南移扩大影响范围——多源遥感的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔丽娟  翟彦放  邬国锋 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3520-3525
采砂是一项具有巨大生态影响的经济活动.利用多源遥感影像描述鄱阳湖中部的采砂分布,分析其对悬浮泥沙浓度的影响.2011年7月28日的Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)5用于采砂相关船只的识别,2009-2011年7-8月的Terra卫星中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)影像用于悬浮泥沙浓度的反演,(Before-after-control-impact,BACI)方法用于采砂影响评价.Landsat TM 5影像解译结果发现鄱阳湖中部的两个采砂区和90余艘船只,MODIS Terra反演结果显示在采砂区及其下游区域悬浮泥沙浓度剧增,BACI评价结果揭示采砂是导致此区域悬浮泥沙浓度增加的主要因素.平衡经济发展与生态保护之间的关系,将因采砂而造成的负面影响降到最低,使鄱阳湖的各种生态功能全面发挥是紧要的.  相似文献   

Climate change and human activities simultaneously alter river–lake relationships. Determining the dynamics of river–lake runoff systems on multiple time scales and their differences in response to driving forces can provide insights into hydrological processes and water resource management. This study investigates the synergistic evolution of river–lake runoff systems in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin (MLYR) using the cross-wavelet transform method. The effects of different driving force changes on river–lake runoff regimes are quantified based on the Budyko hypothesis, and an InVEST model is developed to assess the spatial and temporal patterns of habitat quality. The results indicate that during the variation period, the runoff distributions of the Yangtze River–Dongting Lake and Yangtze River–-Poyang Lake runoff systems are both skewed towards lower values in the flood seasons compared with those in the base period. The storage of lakes mitigates the extent of human disturbance to the mainstream hydrological regime, particularly under extremely low conditions. From 1960 to 2021, five significant resonance periods are indicated in the river–lake runoff system, and the phase–angle relationships indicate a positive phase coupling between the lake and mainstream hydrological regimes, with the lake lagging behind the mainstream; however, this interaction tends to weaken. In the mainstream and Dongting Lake basins, subsurface conditions are the dominant factor contributing to runoff variability, with contributions ranging from 50.9% to 72.6%; in the Poyang Lake basin, precipitation is the dominant factor, with a contribution of 50.6%; and in the Han River basin, changes in the potential evapotranspiration contribute to 50.6% of runoff variability. The proportion of high habitat quality in the MLYR is approximately 52%, the Dongting and Poyang Lake basins indicate a high habitat quality rating. However, frequent human activity is the main reason of conversion from higher habitats to lower ones, which may result in wetland habitat degradation.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖浮游动物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈佳琪  赵坤  曹玥  吴波  庞婉婷  尤庆敏  王全喜 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6644-6658
数量庞大、体积微小、高度多样化的浮游生物对淡水生态系统功能具有重要影响。为探究中国第一大淡水湖——鄱阳湖浮游动物(包括轮虫、枝角类和桡足类)群落特征及其与环境因子之间的关系,本研究在鄱阳湖设置50个采样点,分别于2017年8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)、2018年2月(冬季)和5月(春季)进行浮游动物群落与生境调查,统计分析结果表明:鄱阳湖浮游动物共记录43属99种,其中轮虫31属83种,枝角类8属11种,桡足类4属5种,春夏季节种类较为丰富。浮游动物平均丰度为1155.29 ind./L,具有极显著的季节差异(P< 0.01),夏季(3150.37 ind./L)显著高于其他三季。四季共确定优势种14种,轮虫中优势度最高的为广布多肢轮虫(Polyarthra vulgaris),浮游甲壳动物中仅有简弧象鼻溞(Bosmina coregoni)在秋季形成优势。优势种的季节更替明显,夏秋季节间的更替率(86.00%)高于其他季节(77.00%,66.67%)。优势种、多样性和均匀度的结果均显示鄱阳湖浮游动物群落结构较复杂,具有较好的稳定性。聚类分析(Cluster analysis)和分类回归树分析(Classification and regression trees, CART)表明,每个季节均有多种群落类型,其中春夏两季中浮游动物群落类型的划分与叶绿素a(Chlorophyll a,Chla)密切相关,化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand,COD)是影响秋季群落划分的关键环境因子。非度量多维尺度分析(Non-metric multidimensional scaling,NMDS)结果表明,温度(Water Temperature,WT)、Chla、电导率(Conductivity,Cond)是造成四季浮游动物群落显著差异的最主要环境因子。冗余分析(Redundancy analysis,RDA)显示,除Chla外,总氮(Total Nitrogen,TN)、总固体悬浮物(Total Suspended Solids,TSS)和酸碱度(Hydrogen ion concentration,pH)也是影响浮游动物群落结构和优势种分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

Groundwater level is crucial for wetland plant growth and reproduction, but the extent of its effect on plant growth can vary along with changed precipitation and temperature at different seasons. In this context, we investigated the effect of two groundwater levels (10 cm vs. 20 cm depth) on growth and reproductive parameters of Carex cinerascens, a dominant plant species in the Poyang Lake wetland, during three seasons (spring, summer, and autumn) and during two consecutive years (2015 and 2016). Carex cinerascens showed low stem number, height, and individual and population biomass in summer compared to spring and autumn. 10 cm groundwater level was overall more suitable for plant growth resulting in higher stem height and biomass. However, the interactive effect between groundwater level and season clearly demonstrated that the effect of groundwater level on plant growth occurred mainly in autumn. After the withering of the plant population in summer, we observed that C. cinerascens growth recovered in autumn to similar values observed in spring only with 10 cm groundwater level. Consequently, we could deduce that lowering groundwater level in the studied Poyang Lake wetland will negatively impact C. cinerascens regeneration and growth particularly during the second growth cycle occurring in autumn. Additionally, our results showed that, independently of the season and groundwater level, population biomass of C. cinerascens was lower during drier year. Altogether, our findings suggest that water limitation due to both reduction in precipitation and decreased groundwater level during the year can strongly impact plant communities.  相似文献   

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