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目的:了解农村留守老人的幸福感状况,探讨分析其影响因素。方法:采用自编人口统计学基本信息调查表,费城老年中心(PGC)信心量表,对149户农村留守老人和149户农村非留守老人的主观幸福感状况进行测量调查。结果:1农村留守老人主观幸福感得分低于非留守老人;2不同年龄的老人在激越,对自己年龄的态度和孤独与不满三个因子的差异无统计学意义(P0.05);3不同性别,不同受教育程度的老人在激越因子上有显著差异(前者P0.05,后者P0.01);4老人的配偶状况(P0.01),他们子女打工的年限(P0.05)在孤独与不满因子中的差异显著;5老人的子女数量在老人对自己年龄的态度上有显著差异(P0.05)。结论:农村留守老人主观幸福感水平较低,性别、配偶状况、受教育程度、老人的子女数量及其子女打工的年限,都是影响老人主观幸福感的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的:了解学龄前儿童智力水平及其影响因素,为促进和改善学龄前儿童智力发育提供依据。方法:采用多阶段整群抽样法选取973名学龄前儿童,使用《中国比内测试》量表对其进行智力测试,同时由家长辅助填写一般情况调查问卷,了解学龄前儿童智力状况及分布,并进行单因素和多元回归分析。结果:儿童平均智商为99.48±14.26。不同地区儿童智力水平存在差异,除邢台山区外,儿童性别与智力水平无关。多因素回归分析显示,影响儿童智商的因素有儿童年龄、前4个月喂养方式、父母文化程度、出生时母亲年龄、父亲职业、家庭经济水平等。结论:儿童智商受到社会经济、营养和遗传因素综合作用。为提高儿童智商,既要提高父母的文化程度、职业状况和经济水平,又要注重优生优育。  相似文献   

目的:探讨环境因素对儿童特发性矮身材的影响。方法:采用病例对照的研究方法,对100例特发性矮身材患者组和100例正常对照儿童组分别进行体格测量,问卷调查家庭基本情况、出生史、饮食习惯、生活方式、生长速率、家庭生活条件、经济状况、父母文化程度等环境因素资料进行Logistic回归分析。结果:家族矮小史、母亲文化程度、家庭经济状况、偏食、运动时间、留守儿童影响特发性矮身材的发生。结论:因素与儿童特发性矮身材有关,为特发性矮身材儿童早期干预提供临床依据。  相似文献   

目的:调查独立学院学生的家庭环境,以了解家庭环境对学生人格及学业压力的影响。方法:运用父母养育方式问卷及自编家庭状况问卷,分层整群抽样,对420名大学生进行调查。结果:统计结果显示,独立学院学生与本校普通学院学生在父母养育方式、父母学历、家庭月收入及家庭所在地上均有差异;独立学院男、女生的父母养育方式也有差异。结论:独立学院学生得到更多的父亲理解与温暖;父母学历更高;家庭月收入多在中间水平;家在县城的更多。  相似文献   

目的:通过横断面调查,描述中国3—12岁儿童膳食补充剂的摄入现状,并讨论其相关因素。方法:采用多阶段随机整群抽样抽取中国7城市2农村3—12岁儿童1 806名,通过问卷调查获得其一般情况,通过膳食补充剂频率调查获得其摄入情况。 结果:家庭人均月经济收入高(P=0.001)、喂养人认为孩子体重偏低(P=0.024)、认为孩子营养状况不好(P=0.023)、每周外出就餐多(P<0.001)、父亲文化程度高(P<0.001)、母亲文化程度高(P<0.001)的儿童更容易使用补充剂。 结论:补充剂使用与儿童年龄、父母文化程度、家庭经济状况,生活习惯和喂养人对儿童健康的认知有关。应加强健康教育,建立对儿童健康和对营养素补充剂的正确认识。  相似文献   

目的:了解哮喘儿童父母的对疾病知识的掌握情况以及儿童的服药依从情况和影响因素,为提高哮喘儿童的控制率提供参考依据。方法:选择2015年1月-2015年12月于上海市第十人民医院儿科门诊诊治的支气管哮喘儿童93例,调查其哮喘控制情况、哮喘服药依从性和父母基本情况与相关知识。依从性与知识知晓率的比较采用双向有序的检验,影响因素采用有序结果的累积优势Logistic回归分析。结果:本次调查93例哮喘儿童中,哮喘完全控制率为23.7%,儿童服药依从性好的比率为25.8%,哮喘儿童父母相关知识知晓率高的比率为25.8%,儿童哮喘控制率与服药依从性之间存在相关性(P=0.029),哮喘儿童服药依从性与哮喘儿童父母相关知识知晓率之间存在相关性(P=0.035)。哮喘儿童的服药依从性受到儿童性别(OR=1.153,95%CI:1.04-1.96)、家族史(OR=1.402,95%CI:1.20-2.33)、知识知晓率(OR=1.828,95%CI:1.05-3.17)和病程(OR=0.758,95%CI:0.35-0.97)等因素的影响(P0.05)。结论:哮喘儿童的服药依从性受到儿童性别、家族史、知识知晓率和病程等因素的影响,要充分发挥儿童父母的作用,从医院内干预逐渐进入家庭干预,通过对父母或者监护人的认知或用药知识的提高,切实提高哮喘儿童的用药依从性和哮喘的控制率。  相似文献   

本文运用《人际关系行为困扰诊断量表》对红河卫生职业学院608名高职医学生进行调查研究,结果显示:高职医学生的人际关系在性别、学历、年级、家庭子女情况、体育锻炼频率等5个方面存在显著差异;而在城乡、民族、宗教信仰和恋爱状态等4个方面不存在显著差异。在对结果进行分析讨论的基础上,提出了改善高职医学生人际关系的建议。  相似文献   

目的:分析和描述2013年中国农村6岁以下留守儿童超重肥胖现况及特征。方法:数据来自2013年中国0~5岁儿童和乳母营养与健康状况监测,采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法,对象为中国30个省55个监测点6岁以下留守儿童共4 576人。5岁以下儿童超重肥胖判定采用WHO 2006年生长发育标准,5岁儿童采用WHO 2007年生长发育参考值,结果用2010年国家统计局的人口数据进行事后加权计算,利用Rao-Scott修饰权重的卡方检验进行统计学差异检验。结果:2013年中国农村6岁以下留守儿童超重率为6.9%,普通农村、贫困农村分别为7.7%和5.6%,男童、女童超重率分别为7.7%和6.0%。农村留守儿童超重率在性别(P=0.0123)、月龄组(P<0.000 1)、三类地区(P=0.010 8)存在差异;6岁以下留守儿童肥胖率为2.3%,普通农村、贫困农村分别为2.2%和2.5%,男童、女童的肥胖率分别为2.6%和2.0%,农村留守儿童肥胖率在月龄组(P<0.000 1)、父母外出类型(P=0.000 9)存在差异。结论:中国农村6岁以下留守儿童超重肥胖需要关注,加强留守儿童生长发育监测非常重要。  相似文献   

目的:了解眉山地区农村留守儿童的现状,为解决当前留守儿童所面临的教育、安全、心理健康问题提供理论依据。方法:用随机抽样的的方法对眉山市仁寿县方家镇、大化镇、文宫镇、钟祥镇500个农村留守儿童及其监护人、老师进行面对面问卷调查,并对其结果进行分析。结果:500名被调查者中,隔代监护明显;父母离开外出打工年限三到五年者居多;大部分留守儿童具有厌学情绪、遇到困难时选择闷在心里;并且有相当大部分者养成有不良习惯。结论:眉山市仁寿县农村留守儿童在教育、安全和心理健康面临很多问题,当地政府和学校应予以重视。  相似文献   

目的:探讨稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者家庭运动训练现状调查及其影响因素的Logistic回归分析。方法:收集2018年1月~2019年12月期间于本院进行治疗的稳定期COPD患者172例为调查研究对象,根据患者家庭运动训练进行情况将患者分为非运动训练组和运动训练组,对两组患者的一般资料、临床资料等进行统计对比,并采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析对影响稳定期COPD患者家庭运动训练进行情况的因素进行分析探讨。结果:在随访调查中,有59例患者进行了家庭运动训练,运动康复训练的普及率为34.30%。经单因素分析,两组患者在性别、年龄、体质指数(BMI)、居住地、婚姻状况、基础疾病、职业对比无显著性差异(P0.05),而两组患者在住院次数、病程、文化程度、照顾情况、肺康复指导对比有显著性差异(P0.05)。经多因素Logistic回归分析显示,COPD患者的住院次数、病程、文化程度、照顾情况、肺康复指导是影响患者进行家庭运动训练的主要因素(P0.05)。结论:我院稳定期COPD患者随访期间家庭运动训练的普及率普遍偏低,且运动方式、强度、频率、规律性等均欠佳。运动训练现状受到患者的住院次数、病程长短、文化程度高低、有无照顾者、有无肺康复指导等因素影响。  相似文献   


This study examines the frequency of pet possession and its covariation with family variables (family size, housing conditions, parents' employment, maternal support) among elementary school children. Additionally, children's pet caring activities and their emotional relationship to pets were investigated. Subjects were 426 fourth graders (213 boys, 213 girls). Results indicate that pets are very frequently present in families, with the dog as the most common and most preferred animal. Parents' employment and maternal support do not covariate with pet possession, but housing conditions do. The child-pet relationship depends on childrens' gender, pet type and status of ownership (child vs. family). The intensity of pet caring is mainly related to pet type and ownership, whereas the quality of emotional contact depends on pet type and childrens' gender. On the background of manifold articles reporting case studies and educational, respectively clinical counseling experiences the discussion emphasizes the need for sound empirical research on the relationship between personality characteristics and pet ownership.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine rates of depression among migrant children (MC) and left-behind children (LBC) as compared to non-left-behind children (NLBC) and also to examine the relationship between depression among these children and the quality of their parent-child and teacher-child relationships. This study collected data from a large sample of 3,759 children aged from 8 to 17 years, including 824 who had been left behind by one parent (LBCO), 423 who had been left behind by both parents (LBCB), 568 MC and 1944 NLBC. Children’s Depression Inventory–Short Form was used to measure child depression. Parent-Child Relationship Scale (PCRS) and Teacher-Child Relationship Scale (TCRS) were used to measure the quality of parent-child and teacher-child relationships, respectively. The results showed that the prevalence of depression was 10.5% among NLBC, 13.1% among LBCO, 16.1% among LBCB, and 20.1% among MC. Depression was related to parent-child relationship quality and teacher-child relationship quality. Negative parent-child relationship was more relevant to depression than negative teacher-child relationship among LBCB, while negative teacher-child relationship was the most correlated with depression among MC.  相似文献   



The ‘broader autism phenotype’ (BAP) refers to the mild expression of autistic-like traits in the relatives of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Establishing the presence of ASD traits provides insight into which traits are heritable in ASD. Here, the ability to recognise facial identity was tested in 33 parents of ASD children.

Methodology and Results

In experiment 1, parents of ASD children completed the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT), and a questionnaire assessing the presence of autistic personality traits. The parents, particularly the fathers, were impaired on the CFMT, but there were no associations between face recognition ability and autistic personality traits. In experiment 2, parents and probands completed equivalent versions of a simple test of face matching. On this task, the parents were not impaired relative to typically developing controls, however the proband group was impaired. Crucially, the mothers'' face matching scores correlated with the probands'', even when performance on an equivalent test of matching non-face stimuli was controlled for.

Conclusions and Significance

Components of face recognition ability are impaired in some relatives of ASD individuals. Results suggest that face recognition skills are heritable in ASD, and genetic and environmental factors accounting for the pattern of heritability are discussed. In general, results demonstrate the importance of assessing the skill level in the proband when investigating particular characteristics of the BAP.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in the diagnosis of ADHD in adults, most of the knowledge in ADHD still relies on research with children and adolescents. Gender differences in adult ADHD patients were neglected for a long time and only few studies have focused this topic. The goal of this study was to investigate differences in ADHD psychopathology in male and female adults. We examined gender differences in ADHD core and associated symptoms and in personality traits in adults with ADHD. In order to discriminate between general and ADHD-specific gender differences, we compared data of adult ADHD patients with two control groups (patients with substance abuse and healthy controls). Regarding differences in ADHD core symptoms-attention problems, hyperactivity, and impulsivity-between male and female subjects, we found inconsistent results depending on the applied diagnostic instruments. Using standardized self-report, there were no gender differences regarding attention problems and hyperactivity but regarding impulsivity. Results of a semi-standardized interview (WRAADDS) according to the Utah criteria of adult ADHD showed no gender differences regarding impulsivity and hyperactivity but regarding attention problems. Moreover, differences were found between female and male healthy controls in the domains "over reactivity" and "hot temper" but not in the group of ADHD patients. Thus, it seems that gender differences in normal population were leveled by the disorder. Concerning general personality traits, some differences between male and female ADHD patients were also present in healthy controls, suggesting no ADHD-specific effect of gender. In conclusion, male and female ADHD patients seem to be more similar than different regarding ADHD-related psychopathology and general personality traits.  相似文献   

We examine determinants of educational and occupational aspirations and expectations among children of immigrants in Spain on the basis of a unique data set that includes statistically representative data for foreign-origin secondary students in Madrid and Barcelona plus a sample of one-fourth of their parents. Independently collected data for both generations allow us to establish effects of parental characteristics on children's orientations without the confounding potential inherent in children's reports about parents. We analyse first determinants of parental ambition and, through a series of stepwise regressions, the effects of these goals and other parental and family characteristics on children's aspirations and expectations. A structural equations model synthesizes the results of the analysis. The model confirms predictions from the research literature, especially those based on the Wisconsin status attainment model, but rejects others, including the predicted significance of private versus public school attendance. Parental ambition, knowledge of Spanish by parents and children, gender and children's age are major determinants of youths' educational and occupational goals. These results have direct implications for policy; these are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Historically, Guatemalans have suffered high rates of poverty and malnutrition while nearly ten percent of their population resides abroad. Many Guatemalan parents use economic migration, mainly international migration to the United States, as a means to improve the human capital prospects of their children. However, as this investigation shows, the timing of migration events in relation to left-behind children’s ages has important, often negative and likely permanent, repercussions on the physical development of their children. To illustrate these dynamics, this investigation uses an instrumental variables framework to disentangle the countervailing effects of Guatemalan fathers’ absences due to migration from concomitant remittances on left-behind children’s growth outcomes. Based on national-level data collected in 2000, the investigation reveals that the international migration of a father in the previous year is correlated with a 22.1% lower length/height-for-age z-score for the average left-behind child aged ≤ 3. In contrast, the receipt of remittance income has no influence on the physical stature of a child, which may indicate that migrant fathers with young children are not able to achieve economic success soon enough during their ventures abroad to fully ameliorate the harmful effects caused by their absences.  相似文献   

V A Mglinets  V I Ivanov 《Ontogenez》1991,22(6):600-605
Dermatoglyphic traits were examined in 176 inhabitants (39 families) of a village in Arkhangelsk Province. The level of bilateral symmetry and the similarity of the traits were determined in parents, in parents-children pairs, and between children. It is suggested that differences in the level of bilateral symmetry between children and the extent of similarity between children and parents may be used as a criterion of stability or developmental homeostasis in man.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine how family income and social distance influence young rural Chinese children’s altruistic behavior in the dictator game (DG). A total of 469 four-year-old children from eight rural areas in China, including many children left behind by parents who had migrated to urban areas for work, played the DG. Stickers comprised the resource, while recipients in the game were assumed to be either their friends or strangers, with the social distance (i.e., strangers compared to friends) as a between-subjects variable. Children donated significantly more stickers to their friends than to strangers. Moreover, children from lower income families donated more stickers than children from higher income families. However, no gender and parental migrant status differences in children’s prosocial behaviors were evident in this sample. Findings of this study suggest that children’s altruistic behaviours to peers are influenced by family characteristics since preschool age. The probable influence of local socialization practices on development and the possible adaptive significance were discussed.  相似文献   

What role does personality play in the pervasive gender gap in entrepreneurship across the globe? This two-study analysis focuses on self-employment in the working population and underlying gender differences in personality characteristics, thereby considering both single trait dimensions as well as a holistic, configural personality approach. Applying the five-factor model of personality, Study 1, our main study, investigates mediation models in the prediction of self-employment status utilizing self-reported personality data from large-scaled longitudinal datasets collected in the U.S., Germany, the U.K., and Australia (total N = 28,762). Study 2 analyzes (observer-rated) Big Five data collected in 51 cultures (total N = 12,156) to take a more global perspective and to explore the pancultural universality of gender differences in entrepreneurial personality characteristics. Across the four countries investigated in Study 1, none of the major five dimension of personality turned out as a consistent and robust mediator. In contrast, the holistic, configural approach yielded consistent and robust mediation results. Across the four countries, males scored higher on an entrepreneurship-prone personality profile, which in turn predicted self-employment status. These results suggest that gender differences in the intra-individual configuration of personality traits contribute to the gender gap in entrepreneurship across the globe. With the restriction of limited representativeness, the data from Study 2 suggest that the gender difference in the entrepreneurship-prone personality profile (males score higher) is widespread across many cultures, but may not exist in all. The results are discussed with an emphasis on implications for research and practice, which a particular focus on the need for more complex models that incorporate the role of personality.  相似文献   


Associations of measures of grandparental status, parental status, cognitive abilities, and personality, and own cognitive abilities and personality with educational and occupational attainment are reported for 249 offspring, now 25 years or older, from the Hawaii Family Study of Cognition (HFSC). In general, across two ethnic groups (Americans of European ancestry (AEA) and Americans of Japanese ancestry (AJA)), the data suggest that family background had a relatively trivial influence, own cognitive abilities (particularly verbal ability and general intelligence) substantial influence, and own personality some influence on the educational and occupational attainment of males, while family background had a far more substantial influence than own ability on the attainment of females. Educational attainment was generally found to be substantially predictive of occupational attainment. Hierarchal multiple regression analyses were conducted to assess the influence of parents’ abilities over and above grandparental status and the influence of offsprings’ abilities over and above parental status and abilities on their respective educational and occupational attainments. These analyses also indicated that family background was a much greater influence than own ability on the attainment of AEA female parents and both AEA and AJA female offspring. These findings for female offspring were further confirmed by analyses of parent‐offspring and within‐sibship differences in attainment.  相似文献   

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