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苔藓动物是后生动物系统进化研究中的关键类群之一。作者基于冠轮动物38个代表种类的LSU和SSU rRNA组合基因序列数据,以二胚层动物为外类群,运用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯分析法,重建了触手冠担轮动物的系统树;同时,基于分子钟的方法推测了苔藓动物主要类群的起源与分歧时间。分子系统学的分析结果表明:触手冠动物并非都是单种系群;而苔藓动物则为单种系群,并构成触手冠担轮动物的基部类群。尽管苔藓动物的最早化石记录仅发现于奥陶纪特马豆克期地层中,谱系年代分析结果显示:苔藓动物及其主要谱系在新元古代已经分化;其中,苔藓动物祖先类群的起源时间约为634Ma,基部类群(被唇纲)与其它苔藓动物的分歧时间大约为607Ma。这一结果说明,化石记录始于奥陶纪的苔藓动物根植于新元古代的埃迪卡拉纪,早期祖先类群可能缺乏钙化骨骼,因而不易保存为化石。从而支持关于动物主要门类起源于新元古代的谱系年代学研究成果。  相似文献   

苔藓动物18S rRNA基因的分子系统发生初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对我国沿海较为常见的8种唇口目苔藓动物的18SrRNA基因进行了PCR扩增和序列测定。结合已知的其它苔藓动物(包括内肛动物和外肛动物)以及腕足动物和帚虫的相应序列,运用分子系统学方法,研究苔藓动物门的系统发生关系,结果表明,外肛动物和内肛动物构成苔藓动物分子系统树中的二大平行支;本文测定的大室膜孔苔虫与Giribet等测定的膜孔苔虫在系统树中的位置间隔较远。结果也支持外肛动物包含被唇纲和裸唇纲两大类群的形态划分,而关于裸唇纲特别是唇口目内部的系统发生关系。分子数据的分析结果和形态分类之间的分歧有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

跳虫系统进化的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊燕  栾云霞 《生命科学》2007,19(2):239-244
跳虫是弹尾纲(Collembola)的俗称,在所有六足动物中化石年代最早,因此跳虫是六足动物起源及进化研究中非常重要的类群。跳虫的起源、分类地位和系统关系等问题,对于阐明六足动物甚至节肢动物各大类群的系统关系非常关键,日益成为相关学者关注和争论的焦点。本文就跳虫形态学和分子系统学方面的研究工作进行了综述。  相似文献   

蕨类植物是一群非常古老的植物,在其漫长的演化历史中丢失了大量的系统发生信息,因此重建其系统演化关系是蕨类植物学家所面临的重要任务之一。近年来的分子系统学研究已经确立了一些类群的系统关系,但现存的蕨类分类系统和系统发生关系还有很多谜团有待揭开。化石记录表明蕨类植物最早出现于大约4亿多年前,但大部分现代真蕨类缺少足够的化石证据。它们的起源时间和方式及其内部各类群的系统发生关系等诸多问题的解决,还有待于大量形态学和不同分子水平上的实验数据的进一步积累,并结合其直接的化石证据进行综合研究。  相似文献   

蕨类植物起源与系统发生关系研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蕨类植物是一群非常古老的植物,在其漫长的演化历史中丢失了大量的系统发生信息,因此重建其系统演化关系是蕨类植物学家所面临的重要任务之一.近年来的分子系统学研究已经确立了一些类群的系统关系,但现存的蕨类分类系统和系统发生关系还有很多谜团有待揭开.化石记录表明蕨类植物最早出现于大约4亿多年前,但大部分现代真蕨类缺少足够的化石证据.它们的起源时间和方式及其内部各类群的系统发生关系等诸多问题的解决,还有待于大量形态学和不同分子水平上的实验数据的进一步积累,并结合其直接的化石证据进行综合研究.  相似文献   

腕足动物与软体动物和环节动物等十多个动物门类一起构成后生动物(metazoa)中分异度最大的谱系分支——冠轮动物(Lophotrochozoa)。在冠轮动物分支概念提出20周年之际,分子系统学和基因组系统学的大量研究基本证实了腕足动物、帚虫动物和外肛动物组成的触手冠动物(Lophophorata)为单系起源(monophyly),分类上属于原口动物亚界(Protostomia),从而彻底否定了上百年传统动物学教科书上腕足动物属于后口动物亚界(Deuterostomia)或原口动物亚界与后口动物亚界之间的过渡类群的传统观点。腕足动物作为寒武纪演化动物群的重要组成部分和寒武纪大爆发期间的主要动物门类代表,因其形态发育和壳体矿化等多项特点以及海量的化石记录,历经数十余年单系、多系和并系起源的争论之后,其单系起源得到了分子生物学、基因组系统学和形态学(包括化石和现生类群)研究越来越多的强力支持。长期以来,寒武纪腕足动物门曾存在帚虫状祖先起源假说、蛤氏虫(Halkieria)起源假说和托莫特壳起源假说。目前,蛤氏虫起源假说遭到了不同国际学者的质疑和否定。澄江化石库(寒武系第三阶)最新发现的化石新种——精美玉玕囊形贝(Yuganotheca elegans),因具有砂质胶结的椎管状身体,具有封闭的腕足动物状的纤毛环取食器官,具有腕足动物状的边缘刚毛、脉管循环系统、U形的消化系统和蠕虫状的肉茎附着结构等,被誉为腕足动物的"始祖鸟化石",成为联系帚虫动物门、腕足动物门和椎管状托莫特壳的化石类群。然而,因该化石缺乏成对的矿化(磷酸钙或碳酸钙)壳体,对现今广泛使用的腕足动物高级分类方案提出了新的思考和挑战。  相似文献   

杉科、柏科是松柏类裸子植物中的重要类群,其系统分类研究一直是裸子植物的研究热点之一.但是杉科与柏科之间及其内部各属之间的系统发生关系却一直存在争议.一般认为杉科、柏科单独成科.近年来的分子系统学及分支系统学研究结果证实:除了金松属以外,杉科和柏科为一单系群,应合并为一个科Cupres-saceae sensu lato(广义柏科),其主要分支类群的系统发生关系也已经基本确立,而金松属则单独成立金松科.  相似文献   

多足动物可能是最早入侵陆地环境的无脊椎动物之一。随着泛甲壳动物大类的确立,多足动物亚门的谱系发生问题已成为节肢动物研究中的焦点。基于表型性状的系统学研究中,多足动物亚门在节肢动物门中的系统分类和单系性等问题一直存在争议;化石记录的稀少又使多足动物的起源及演化历史变得迷雾重重。近年来分子系统学的进展为深入探讨多足动物谱系发生问题开辟了新的途径;分子定年的应用为探讨多足动物起源、登陆等早期演化问题提供了新的手段。谱系年代学综合了化石记录和分子定年两方面的优势,为更加精确地讨论多足动物起源、内部类群分歧时间及其地质背景奠定了基础。谱系年代分析显示,多足动物类起源于寒武纪晚期或更早;多足动物内部类群的分歧不晚于奥陶纪;而化石证据显示,多足动物的登陆事件也可能发生在这一时期,多足动物内部类群的分歧事件(及食性分化)可能与登陆过程有关。精确的多足动物亚门谱系发生关系以及谱系年代学细节还有待于进一步综合系统学、多基因和多重化石参照点的合理分析加以深入和完善,进而为早期陆地复杂生态系统的建立提供新的证据。  相似文献   

苔藓动物是一类多为海生、滤食性的群体生物。奥陶纪是苔藓动物发生、演化辐射和灭绝的重要时期,也是苔虫礁形成的最早时期。已知最老的化石苔藓动物发现于中国特马豆克晚期。构成苔藓动物基本分类框架的狭唇纲(包括变口目、隐口目、泡孔目和管孔目)和宽唇纲(包括窗孔目和栉口目)也都是在奥陶纪时期逐步形成的,其中,变口目出现于特马豆克期Tr2时间段,在弗洛期和大坪期,多样性较低,但从达瑞威尔期开始,经桑比期至凯迪期,多样性不断增高,并出现辐射。隐口目(特别是"双叶类隐口目苔虫")也经历了与变口目相类似的发展过程,但它首次出现的时间要相对略迟于变口目。这两个目在整个奥陶纪苔藓动物群中一直占据主导地位。泡孔目、管孔目和窗孔目,先后首次出现在弗洛期Fl2时间段、大坪期Dp1和Dp2时间段,但它们在整个奥陶纪期间一直处于低多样性态势。至于栉口目,它首次出现的时间可能更迟,在凯迪期Ka4时间段,犹如昙花一现。苔藓动物的演化在接近奥陶纪末时呈两幕式灭绝,一次发生在凯迪期Ka2时间段(可能相当于塔凯和安斯蒂的"拉夫塞伊灭绝"),另一次发生在赫南特期Hi2时间段(可能相当于塔凯和安斯蒂的"赫南特灭绝")。分子生物学和形态学证据表明,苔藓动物属原口动物,而不是以前长期认为的后口动物,或介于原口动物和后口动物之间的过渡类型;而且,苔藓动物与腕足动物、帚形动物之间没有直接的亲缘关系。苔藓动物可能起源于一种叫原内肛动物的生物,它们的目一级分类单元之间的系统发育关系目前尚未形成共识,本文绘制的谱系图还有待于化石记录的不断补充和分子生物学研究的逐步介入以使其日趋完善。  相似文献   

蕨类植物的起源演化:对"古老"类群的重新审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春香  王怿  孙晓燕 《生命科学》2007,19(2):245-249
一般认为,蕨类植物是一群非常古老的植物,其演化历史可以追溯到4亿多年前。近十几年来,由于多种研究手段的应用,特别是分子系统学的异军突起,在蕨类植物起源演化方面取得了重要进展,使我们可以重新审视这一古老植物类群的演化历史。本文与传统观点相对比,简述了蕨类植物在分类范畴、起源演化及其重要类群间的系统演化关系方面的最新进展。  相似文献   

Sun M  Shen X  Liu H  Liu X  Wu Z  Liu B 《Marine Genomics》2011,4(3):159-165
Mitochondrial genomes play a significant role in the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships within metazoans. There are still many controversies concerning the phylogenetic position of the phylum Bryozoa. In this research, we have finished the complete mitochondrial genome of one bryozoan (Tubulipora flabellaris), which is the first representative from the class Stenolaemata. The complete mitochondrial genome of T. flabellaris is 13,763 bp in length and contains 36 genes, which lacks the atp8 gene in contrast to the typical metazoan mitochondrial genomes. Gene arrangement comparisons indicate that the mitochondrial genome of T. flabellaris has unique gene order when compared with other metazoans. The four known bryozoans complete mitochondrial genomes also have very different gene arrangements, indicates that bryozoan mitochondrial genomes have experienced drastic rearrangements. To investigate the phylogenetic relationship of Bryozoa, phylogenetic analyses based on amino acid sequences of 11 protein coding genes (excluding atp6 and atp8) from 26 metazoan complete mitochondrial genomes were made utilizing Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods, respectively. The results indicate the monopoly of Lophotrochozoa and a close relationship between Chaetognatha and Bryozoa. However, more evidences are needed to clarify the relationship between two groups. Lophophorate appeared to be polyphyletic according to our analyses. Meanwhile, neither analysis supports close relationship between Branchiopod and Phoronida. Four bryozoans form a clade and the relationship among them is T. flabellaris + (F. hispida + (B. neritina + W. subtorquata)), which is in coincidence with traditional classification system.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of small-subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) has provided important new pieces for the great puzzle of metazoan phylogeny and has generated new perspectives on the Precambrian-Cambrian fossil record of the metazoan radiation. While the puzzle is far from resolved and the early results are plagued by difficulties in data analysis, intriguing insights have appeared. Early results suggest that molluscs and lophophorates are protostomes, and that deuterostomes may be derived from protostomes. More speculatively, annelids and molluscs may be derived from arthropods or an arthropod ancestor. The molecular evidence further strengthens paleontological arguments for an explosive metazoan radiation near the Vendian-Cambrian boundary, rather than a lengthy, but hidden, period of Precambrian diversification.  相似文献   

The origin of animal phyla and the new phylum Procoelomata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BergstrÖm, Jan 1989 07 15: The origin of animal phyla and the new phylum Procoelomata. Lethaia , Vol. 22, pp. 259–269. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
A model of metazoan evolution presented previously (BergstrÖm 1986 in Zoologica Scripta 15 ) explains deuterostomian characters as derived from protostomian ones through loosening of the constraints in the spiralian type of morphogenesis. This fits phylogenies derived from studies of molecular sequences. The model helps explain (1) the well-known mixture of proto- and deuterostomian features in several groups; (2) the difficulties in making a phylogeny based on comparative anatomy, and (3) the fossil explosion in the Cambrian. Since protostomian features such as a ciliated locomotory sole and a pelagic larva with ciliary bands are widely distributed in branches of the phylogenetic tree, they must have been present in the stem of the tree. Most probably the stem forms were pseudosegmented, which helps explain how segmentation, oligomery and non-segmentation could evolve repeatedly in derived groups. Origination of new phyla involved macroevolutionary changes primarily in the mode of feeding and locomotion. The stem phylum, from which most other phyla appear to have been derived directly, is here named the Procoelomata. Machaeridian-type animals are referred to it. The Ediacaran-type Precambrian fossils Cannot be placed in the metazoan evolutionary tree. * Biochemical evolution, Cambrian fossil explosion, Deuterostomia, eukaryote evolution, Machaeridia. macroevolution, Precambrian fossils. Procoelomata, Protostomia .  相似文献   

Origin and evolution of animal life cycles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The ‘origin of larvae’ has been widely discussed over the years, almost invariably with the tacit understanding that larvae are secondary specializations of early stages in a holobenthic life cycle. Considerations of the origin and early radiation of the metazoan phyla have led to the conclusion that the ancestral animal (= metazoan) was a holopelagic organism, and that pelago-benthic life cycles evolved when adult stages of holopelagic ancestors became benthic, thereby changing their life style, including their feeding biology. The literature on the larval development and phylogeny of animal phyla is reviewed in an attempt to infer the ancestral life cycles of the major animal groups. The quite detailed understanding of larval evolution in some echinoderms indicates that ciliary filter-feeding was ancestral within the phylum, and that planktotrophy has been lost in many clades. Similarly, recent studies of the developmental biology of ascidians have demonstrated that a larval structure, such as the tail of the tadpole larva, can easily be lost, viz. through a change in only one gene. Conversely, the evolution of complex structures, such as the ciliary bands of trochophore larvae, must involve numerous genes and numerous adaptations. The following steps of early metazoan evolution have been inferred from the review. The holopelagic ancestor, blastaea, probably consisted mainly of choanocytes, which were the feeding organs of the organism. Sponges may have evolved when blastaea-like organisms settled and became reorganized with the choanocytes in collar chambers. The eumetazoan ancestor was probably the gastraea, as suggested previously by Haeckel. It was holopelagic and digestion of captured particles took place in the archenteron. Cnidarians and ctenophores are living representatives of this type of organization. The cnidarians have become pelago-benthic with the addition of a sessile, adult polyp stage; the pelagic gastraea-like planula larva is retained in almost all major groups, but only anthozoans have feeding larvae. Within the Bilateria, two major lines of evolution can be recognized: Protostomia and Deuterostomia. In protostomes, trochophores or similar types are found in most spiralian phyla; trochophore-like ciliary bands are found in some rotifers, whereas all other aschelminths lack ciliated larvae. It seems probable that the trochophore was the larval type of the ancestral, pelago-benthic spiralian and possible that it was ancestral in all protostomes. Most of the non-chordate deuterostome phyla have ciliary filter-feeding larvae of the dipleurula type, and this strongly indicates that the ancestral deuterostome had this type of larva.  相似文献   

The number of tentacles per unit of body volume decreases with increasing body size in the Bryozoa. The ranges of zooid sizes and of tentacle numbers of the Phylactolaemata do considerably overlap with those of the Gymnolaemata s. l., but only the phylactolaemes form horseshoe-shaped lophophores. Therefore, the lophophore form in the Bryozoa does not simply depend on body sizes but on differences in the genomes in the two sub-classes. A lining-in of similar or similar seeming external shapes of zooids has no persuasive power unless it is combined with convincing arguments concerning the accompanying emendations of the internal anatomy. Economizations and attained degrees of functional effectivity provide main guide-lines for the argumentation and for testing the probability of discussed cases of evolutionary branching during attempts to reconstruct alterations of the internal anatomy. Recapitulative arrangements may play an important role in this context. Statistics on “phens” cannot help to solve these problems. Comparison of the forms of the body bending, of the modes of ontogenetioal displacement of the polypide, and of the arrangements of the body musculature in combination supports the interpretation that the Stenostomata and the Eurystomata have a common root with primarily erect, uncalcified forms and thus most probably are a monophyletic group of Gymnolaemata s. l. originating in phylactolaeme like ancestors. Omitting the Phylactolaemata (as a linking group with many plesiomorph features) in attempts to reconstruct the bryozoan evolution drastically increases the amount of morphological differences between the Gymnolaemata s. l. and the Phoronidae, which are commonly accepted to have pre-served the most morphological characteristics of the bryozoan ancestors. It must be warned of an overestimation of the possible role of the fossil record for the reconstruction of the bryozoan phylogeny, which strongly demands the aids by investigations also on Recent species.  相似文献   

Mesoderm origin in Bryozoa is largely unknown. In this study, embryonic and early larval stages of Membranipora membranacea, a bryozoan exhibiting a planktotrophic cyphonautes larva, are investigated using mainly ultrastructural techniques. Shortly after the onset of gastrulation, an ectodermal cell, which is situated centrally at the prospective anterior pole of the larva, can be recognized by its constricted apical surface and enlarged basal part. It is also distinct from other ectodermal cells by the composition of its cytoplasm. In later stages, it has left the epidermis, lost its epithelial character, and is situated subepithelially, between the basal sides of the ectodermal and endodermal sheets. A blastocoelic cavity is not present at this stage. This cell divides and gives rise to a group of cells forming a muscular and neuronal strand at the anterior side of the larva. The majority of the larval musculature originates from this ingression. Despite this evidence for an ectodermal origin, additional sources of mesoderm can so far not be excluded. The literature on mesoderm origin in Bryozoa is reviewed and the results are compared to known data from other metazoan taxa.  相似文献   

脊椎动物的起源与演化历来是进化生命科学的核心命题。近年脊椎动物的起源与演化有重大突破。云南澄江寒武纪化石群中的后口类“皇冠西大动物” ,半索动物“云南虫”和“海口虫” ,尾索动物“始祖长江海鞘” ,头索动物“海口华夏鱼”和“中间型中新鱼” ,脊椎动物“凤姣昆明鱼”和“海口鱼” ,论证了普通无脊椎动物向脊椎动物演化过渡的各种中间类型 ,勾勒出一幅较为完整的早期生命演化谱系。西北大学早期生命研究所舒德干教授基于对靠近脊椎动物“源头”时段软躯体后口动物化石系列的研究以及新的发现提出脊椎动物起源分“五步走”的新假说 ,即在脊椎动物的起源的“四步走”前还有更为原始的“一步” :云南澄江出土的古虫动物门化石很可能代表了原口动物和后口动物间的过渡类型。本文即综述了普通无脊椎动物向脊椎动物演化的研究进展。  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has proven a valuable platform for fast and easy obtaining of large numbers of sequences at relatively low cost. In this study we use shot-gun sequencing method on Illumina HiSeq 2000, to obtain enough sequences for the assembly of the bryozoan Membranipora grandicella (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida) mitochondrial genome, which is the first representative of the suborder Malacostegina. The complete mitochondrial genome is 15,861 bp in length, which is relatively larger than other studied bryozoans. The mitochondrial genome contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNAs and 20 transfer RNAs. To investigate the phylogenetic position and the inner relationships of the phylum Bryozoa, phylogenetic trees were constructed with amino acid sequences of 11 PCGs from 30 metazoans. Two superclades of protostomes, namely Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa, are recovered as monophyletic with strong support in both ML and Bayesian analyses. Somewhat to surprise, Bryozoa appears as the sister group of Chaetognatha with moderate or high support. The relationship among five bryozoans is Tubulipora flabellaris + (M. grandicella + (Flustrellidra hispida + (Bugula neritina + Watersipora subtorquata))), which supports for the view that Cheilostomatida is not a natural, monophyletic clade. NGS proved to be a quick and easy method for sequencing a complete mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

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