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从细胞色素b基因序列探讨我国林蛙属动物的系统发生关系   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:25  
对中国林蛙属动物进行了DNA水平的分子系统发生研究,测定了中国林蛙属7种15个样品,侧褶蛙属2种2个样品Cyt b基因长约360bp片段的序列。对这些序列的系统发生分析表明:(1)中国林蛙甘肃种群与东北种群序列差异较大,但尚难根据序列差异来判断它们是不同的亚种还是不同的物种;(2)7种林蛙中,中国林蛙与黑龙江林蛙的亲缘关系最近,与桓仁林蛙最远;(3)支持将昭觉林蛙,镇海林蛙,峨眉林蛙和长肢林蛙归入日本林蛙种组Rana japonica group。  相似文献   

滇蛙和昭觉林蛙的形态差异及其潜在的适应意义   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
以比较解剖学的方法,观察和比较了采自1997年8月-2000年9月的滇蛙(♂16,♀14)和昭觉林蛙(♂17,♀17)标本的外部形态、肌肉和骨骼。结果显示,两种蛙的皮肤颜色不同;滇蛙的鳞骨比昭觉林蛙的发达;滇蛙雄性个体具声囊,而昭觉林蛙则无;滇蛙和昭觉林蛙的肱三头肌、股三头肌和胫部的肌肉有显著或极显著差异;昭觉林蛙的四肢骨骼较滇蛙的细长,腰带坐骨结节较突出,髋臼也较大;两种蛙头部扩大的骨骼不同;滇蛙腹直肌具腱划4条,昭觉林蛙5条。两种蛙的这些形态差异与其栖息的小生境及生活方式的差异相适应。  相似文献   

昆明滇蛙和昭觉林蛙食物比较及益害评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
:对1998年5月—2003年11月采自昆明白龙寺、花红洞及西街口的1105只滇蛙(Rana pleuraden)及428只昭觉林蛙(Rana chaochiaoensis),采用剖胃法作食性分析,分别计算它们的食物数量和频次百分比、α多样性指数、百分率相似性指数、营养生态位宽度、营养生态位重叠值和有益系数等。分析和计算结果显示,不同采集地的滇蛙以及滇蛙与昭觉林蛙之间的主要食物组成基本相同;但两种蛙之间,甚至同一物种的雌雄之间的食物多样性及营养生态位均存在分化。滇蛙和昭觉林蛙周年的有益系数都为正值,说明它们对人类的益处大于害处,其中又以滇蛙的有益程度较昭觉林蛙的高。研究结果表明,同一物种采自不同地域的种群和(或)同一种群采自不同的季节或年份,其有益系数均具可变性,即有益系数不具可比性。此系数仅表示蛙在一定时期对人类的益害程度。  相似文献   

中国大陆黑斑侧褶蛙基于mtDNA控制区序列的种群遗传结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张雄飞  周开亚  常青 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1232-1240
用分子遗传数据研究了黑斑侧褶蛙 (Pelophylaxnigromaculata)种群的遗传结构和分化。标本采自中国大陆的 12个地点 ,每个种群测定 10只或少于 10只蛙的mtDNA控制区 5′端 6 85bp的序列。 112只蛙的序列经比对后 ,共发现 111个变异位点 ,定义了 6 7种单元型 ,其中 7种单元型为地方种群间共享单元型 ,多数单元型为地方种群内特有。 12个地方种群合并成一个大种群分析时表明 ,中国大陆黑斑侧褶蛙的线粒体单元型多样性相当高 (h=0 98± 0 0 0 5 ) ,总体核苷酸多样性也较高 (π =0 0 30 3± 0 0 0 2 9)。这样高的单元型多样性和核苷酸多样性与黑斑侧褶蛙作为古北界和东洋界的广布种、种群大是相应的。基于最大简约法的单元型系统发生树和基于邻接法的地方种群系统发生分析中 ,吉林通化和辽宁辽阳种群与中国大陆其他地方种群构成姐妹群。分子变异分析表明 ,吉林和辽宁种群代表的吉辽组和其余 10个地方种群代表的综合组间出现了显著的种群分化 (Φ CT=0 80 9,P <0 0 0 1) ,各地方种群间成对的FST及种群间的核苷酸歧异度也均表明两者之间出现了显著的遗传分化。吉辽组与综合组间的遗传分化最可能的原因就是受第四纪冰川的影响  相似文献   

李明会  周伟  潘晓赋  张庆 《四川动物》2007,26(2):386-389,I0007
根据对滇蛙(Rana pleuraden)和昭觉林蛙(R.chaochiaoensis)标本外部形态比较和野外观察结果,滇蛙和昭觉林蛙的雌雄性比大约在1:1之间,而它们的形态特征、栖境与习性、繁殖时间等均存在分化。昭觉林蛙更适应陆地生活。昆明地区的滇蛙和昭觉林蛙的繁殖策略不同,滇蛙的繁殖在3—7月,昭觉林蛙的在9—11月。昭觉林蛙选择在冬季繁殖,可以避开与其它蛙类的繁殖竞争,但其更深层次的生物学意义值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   

三种蛙类呼吸系统比较解剖及进化关系探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李明会  李伟  周伟  张庆  李凤莲 《四川动物》2006,25(2):223-227
对昆明地区滇蛙Rana pleuraden和昭觉林蛙R.chaochiaoensis及大蹼铃蟾Bombina maxima的呼吸系统比较解剖,结果表明,3种蛙鼻孔的开合与颏下肌的收缩无关;大蹼铃蟾的内鼻孔较昭觉林蛙与滇蛙的更靠近口前端;昭觉林蛙和滇蛙的下颌下肌倾斜走向,大蹼铃蟾的呈水平走向;滇蛙和昭觉林蛙喉气管室较膨大而长,环状软骨后端有棘突,大蹼铃蟾喉气管室狭小而短,环状软骨后端无棘突;昭觉林蛙和滇蛙喉肌共5对,大蹼铃蟾喉肌仅有喉口开肌和前杓肌2对;昭觉林蛙和滇蛙肺囊表面沟回较大蹼铃蟾的小而密.  相似文献   

对1998年5月—2003年11月采自昆明白龙寺、花红洞及西街口的1?105只滇蛙(Rana pleuraden)及428只昭觉林蛙(Rana chaochiaoensis),采用剖胃法作食性分析,分别计算它们的食物数量和频次百分比、α多样性指数、百分率相似性指数、营养生态位宽度、营养生态位重叠值和有益系数等。分析和计算结果显示,不同采集地的滇蛙以及滇蛙与昭觉林蛙之间的主要食物组成基本相同;但两种蛙之间,甚至同一物种的雌雄之间的食物多样性及营养生态位均存在分化。滇蛙和昭觉林蛙周年的有益系数都为正值,说明它们对人类的益处大于害处,其中又以滇蛙的有益程度较昭觉林蛙的高。研究结果表明,同一物种采自不同地域的种群和(或)同一种群采自不同的季节或年份,其有益系数均具可变性,即有益系数不具可比性。此系数仅表示蛙在一定时期对人类的益害程度。  相似文献   

以骨髓为材料,利用空气干燥制片法和BSG、Ag-AS显带技术分析比较了四种蛙属两栖动物——滇蛙、牛蛙、昭觉林蛙和无指盘臭蛙的C带、银带和次缢痕。总结如下:(1)根据分布位置和染色深浅可见5种C带,无指盘臭蛙的端部C带有多态现象。(2)四种蛙都有标准NORs和众多的额外小NORs。滇蛙和无指盘臭蛙分别有14和11对NORs,它们是至今所发现的具有最高数NORs的脊椎动物。(3)滇蛙、无指盘臭蛙、昭觉林蛙和牛蛙分别有13、12、9和6对次缢痕,根据C带和银带的染色特征,它们可被归纳为5类。此外,每个种其出现频率最高的次缢痕位点就是标准NORs的位置所在。(4)对次缢痕、Ag-NORs和结构异染色质间的相互关系作了细致的考察和分析讨论。  相似文献   

同一生境牛蛙与昭觉林蛙蝌蚪的食性比较   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对采自昆明东北郊同一水塘的牛蛙和昭觉林蛙蝌蚪进行食性分析。结果表明 ,牛蛙蝌蚪Ⅰ、Ⅱ期的食物种类分别为 8大类 5 1种和 37种 ,而昭觉林蛙蝌蚪Ⅱ期的食物种类有 6大类 30种 ;两者的食物组成均以硅藻门、绿藻门、蓝藻门为主 ,但昭觉林蛙蝌蚪Ⅱ期与牛蛙蝌蚪Ⅰ期的摄食种类差异极显著 ,与牛蛙Ⅱ期的不显著。昭觉林蛙蝌蚪Ⅱ期与牛蛙蝌蚪Ⅰ、Ⅱ期的食物生态位重叠度分别为 0 6 95 2和 0 6 887,单位体重摄食的生物量分别是后两者的 10 96倍和 15 4 8倍 ,但百分率相似性指数并不高 (分别为 5 4 95 %和 5 8 11% )。与等重量牛蛙蝌蚪相比 ,昭觉林蛙蝌蚪食物量较大 ,即昭觉林蛙蝌蚪为生存所需要的生物量远高于牛蛙蝌蚪。本文结果及野外观察表明 ,昭觉林蛙与牛蛙蝌蚪存在较激烈的食物竞争 ,且前者处于不利地位。  相似文献   

本文报道两栖纲蛙科一新种,新种具林蛙属(Rana)特征,与昭觉林蛙种组(费梁,1999)相近,但与该组成员又有明显区别,被命名为寒露林蛙Rana hanluica sp.nov.。新种有系列特征与峨眉林蛙(R.omeimonts)、昭觉林蛙(R.chaochiaoensis)相似,但又明显不同于后者,如:1)无雄性线;2)蝌蚪唇齿式为Ⅰ:3 3/1 1:Ⅲ;3)股部背侧黑褐色横斑窄,通常整齐、数目较多;4)繁殖季节在农历寒露节前后。这些特征可以与峨眉林蛙、昭觉林蛙准确区别。新种标本采自湖南省双牌县阳明山,模式标本保存在湖南师范大学动物标本馆及中国科学院成都生物研究所。  相似文献   

Based on partial sequences of the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA genes, we estimated phylogenetic relationships among brown frogs of the Rana temporaria group from China. From the phylogenetic trees obtained, we propose to include Rana zhengi in the brown frogs. Monophyly of the brown frogs was not unambiguously supported, but four well-supported clades (A, B, C, and D) always emerged, although relationships among them remained unresolved. Clade A contained brown frogs with 24 chromosomes and was split into two distinct subclades (Subclade A-1: R. chensinensis and R. huanrenensis; Subclade A-2: R. dybowskii). Polytomous relationships among populations of R. chensinensis and R. huanrenensis suggested the necessity of further taxonomic assessment. Rana kunyuensis proved to be the sister group to R. amurensis, and these two species formed Clade B. Clade C was composed of R. omeimontis and R. chaochiaoensis, and Clade D included R. sauteri, which has been placed in other ranid genera. These relationships did not change after adding published data, and monophyly of Subclade A-1, A-2, and other East Asian brown frogs with 24 chromosomes (R. pirica and R. ornativentris) was ascertained, though their relationships were unresolved. Clade C, together with R. japonica and R. longicrus, also formed a monophyletic group. Brown frogs related to Clades A and C were estimated to have dispersed from continental Asia to adjacent regions through multiple events.  相似文献   

Allozyme analysis for 41 populations of brown frog species, Rana dybowskii, R. huanrenensis, and R. amurensis from Korea and three reference species (Chinese R. chensinensis and Japanese R. dybowskii and R. tsushimensis), were performed to clarify taxonomic status of Korean brown frogs. The level of average genetic differentiation (Nei's D) among local populations of each species in Korea was very low (D<0.01 2) and Korean and Japanese R. dybowskii also showed conspecific level of differentiation (D=0.070). Whereas, much larger, discrete genetic differences were detected in the interspecific comparisons (D>0.370). In the genetic relationships among five species examined, the 24 chromosome brown frogs (R. dybowskii, R. huanrenensis, and R. chensinensis) did not form a monophyletic group. Rana dybowskii with the chromosome number of 2n=24 was grouped together with R. amurensis with the chromosome number of 2n=26. The hypothesis of reversal change from 24 to 26 in Korean R. amurensis seems to better explain the phylogenetic relationships of east Asian brown frogs than the assumption of parallel reduction in chromosome number from 2n=26 to 24 in R. dybowskii and in the common ancestor of R. huanrenensis and R. chensinensis. The genetic, morphological, and reproductive divergences between Korean R. dybowskii and R. huanrenensis were compared.  相似文献   

The Eurasian 'brown frogs' are a morphologically conservative assemblage consisting of the European Rana temporaria and a large number of similar species considered to be related. Although the chromosome number of the great majority of Rana species is 26, there are several species of brown frogs (including R. arvalis, R. chensinensis, R. omativentris and R. dybowskii ) which instead have 24 chromosomes. Yet comparative study of isozyme variation at 25 gene loci from these and seven other European, Caucasian, and east Asian species indicates that the 24-chromosome brown frogs are not a monophyletic group. To the exclusion of R. arvalis , the east Asian 24-chromosome species form a distinct clade related to the 26-chromosome species R. temporaria, R. dalmatina, R. japonica , and R. tagai more closely than to R. arvalis. This result is reinforced by the comparative position of the nucleolar organizer region (NOR) in the karyotypes of these frogs, as shown by NOR-banding of metaphase chromosomes. The NOR is on chromosome No. 2 in R. arvalis but on chromosome No. 10 in the other three 24-chromosome species. The systematic positions of the Causasian species A. camerani and R. macrocnemis relative to the other species are unclear except that these frogs are distinct enough to be considered part of an outgroup clade. However, in general, the systematics of the entire brown frog group remains unresolved due to great genetic divergences between species and the evident homoplasy of the brown frog morphotype. The parallel origins of reduced karyotypes among the brown frogs demonstrate that caution should be exercised when judging systematic relationships based upon gross karyology in the absence of more detailed information.  相似文献   

Crossing experiments were made among various brown frog species and populations collected from Japan, China, Russia and Taiwan. The main purpose of these experiments was to confirm the existence of reproductive isolating mechanisms among Rana pirica from Japan, R. chensinensis from China and R. chensinensis from Russia, and between these three taxa and the other brown frogs distributed in the Palearctic and Oriental regions. It was found that there was no or a slight gametic isolation among the three taxa. While there was a nearly equal number of male and female offspring in the control groups, the hybrid frogs were all males, and completely sterile upon attaining sexual maturity. Thus, each of the Japanese R. pirica and the Russian R. chensinensis is a valid species, distinct from the Chinese R. chensinensis. The phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequence data from the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes of the Palearctic and Oriental brown frogs showed that the three taxa are included in a cluster together with the other species with 2n=24 chromosomes. The present crossing experiments and molecular data support the hypothesis that each of them is a separate but closely related species.  相似文献   

林蛙在中国的分布   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
李昂  陆宇燕  李丕鹏 《四川动物》2005,24(3):268-270
作者收集有关我国林蛙分布的资料绘制了林蛙分布图,其中图1标明了主要分布于中国北方的中国林蛙种绀(Rana chensinensis species-group)和黑龙江林蛙种组(R.amurensis species-group)的分布,图2标明出了在亲缘关系上与日本林蛙很相近(R.jaonica)的分布于南方的长肢林蛙种组(R.longicrus species-group)的分布,图3重点标明了环渤海区域已知6种林蛙的分布。最后,作者提出环渤海区域是林蛙重要的分布中心,并对镇海林蛙(R.zhenhaiensis)和中国林蛙(R.chensinensis)的一些可疑或有争议的分布问题进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

中国东北地区林蛙属物种的分类学研究(两栖纲:蛙科)   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
用比较分类学方法和数值分类方法相配合,对我国东北产林蛙属物种多样性和原各命名物种的有效性及与中国林蛙的关系进行了探讨。结果认为:地方名为哈土螨的原中国林蛙的东北居群应属于我国蛙类的一新纪录东北林蛙R.dybowskii,而R.semiplicata和R.chensinensis changbaishanensis(魏刚等,1991a)为该种的同物异名,重新界定了东北林蛙和中国林蛙的分布区,提出中国  相似文献   

目的对环渤海区域进行物种多样性的调查研究,通过本研究为这一区域的林蛙保护提供科学依据。方法根据多年来的野外调查,结合已有研究进行分析评估。结果本区域分布林蛙有6种,其中黑龙江林蛙、徂徕林蛙和昆嵛林蛙分布区域狭窄,徂徕林蛙和昆嵛林蛙不仅是中国的特有种,也仅分布于本区域的山东省。林蛙作为重要的自然资源,药用价值巨大,养殖产业不断发展。随着养殖业的发展,林蛙保护问题日显突出。结论环渤海区域是中国林蛙属物种多样性最为丰富的地区,也是东北林蛙养殖的主要地区,应加强保护和合理开发利用。  相似文献   

在不同的文献中对“哈士蟆油”存在着完全不同的解释,主要有三种观点:哈士蟆油是“哈士蟆的脂肪”,“雌性哈士蟆的卵巢和输卵管外的脂肪”,“雌性哈士蟆的输卵管”。本研究通过对哈士蟆油干品形态结构的观察、显微切片的观察和化学成分的分析,否定了上述的前两种解释。形态结构、组织化学和成分分析的结果均表明:哈士蟆油是雌性哈士蟆(中国桂蛙Rana temporaria chensinensis或黑龙江林蛙R.am  相似文献   

We used morphological and genetic data to assess the taxonomic status of Rana amurensis coreana and R. a. amurensis. Morphological comparisons revealed these two subspecies to be different from each other in size of body, nature of tubercles on dorsal stripe, degree of development in toe webbing, and condition of lateral spots of trunk. They were also different in sequence of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene, with genetic distance as large as those observed among different species of brown frogs. Therefore, Korean populations previously considered a subspecies of R. amurensis should be regarded as a distinct species (=R. coreana).  相似文献   

Zhao J  Sun Y  Li Z  Su Q 《Zoological science》2011,28(2):112-117
One species of the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis, is widely distributed in north-central China. In this study, a cDNA library was constructed to clone the antimicrobial peptides' genes from the skin of R. chensinensis. Twenty-three prepropeptide cDNA sequences encoding twelve novel mature antimicrobial peptides were isolated and characterized. Six peptides belonged to three known families previously identified from other Ranid frogs: temporin (4 peptides), brevinin-2 (1 peptide), and palustrin-2 (1 peptide). The other six peptides showed little similarity to known antimicrobial peptides. According to the amino acid sequences, with or without α-helix structure, and either hydrophilic or hydrophobic, these were organized into four new families: chensinin-1 (3 peptides), chensinin-2 (1 peptide), chensinin-3 (1 peptide), and chensinin-4 (1 peptide). Five peptides from different families were chemically synthesized, and their antimicrobial, cytolytic, and hemolytic activities were evaluated. Of these, brevinin-2CE showed strongest antimicrobial activities against both the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria with a slight hemolysis. Temporin-1CEe and palustrin-2CE also displayed a slight hemolysis, but they had different activities to prokaryotic cells. Temporin-1CEe showed higher antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria than Gram-negative bacteria, whereas it was contrary to palustrin-2CE. Chensinin-1 CEb and chensinin-3CE only had moderate antimicrobial activity against microorganisms. In addition, the brevinin-2 peptides from different brown frogs were analyzed to reveal the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of R. chensinensis.  相似文献   

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