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秤锤树属(Sinojackia)是中国特有属,包括7个物种,各物种的种群及个体数量均较少,预测其潜在适宜分布区及其主要影响因素对制定保护措施至关重要。该研究在全面收集秤锤树属植物分布位点数据的基础上,结合气候、土壤和植被数据,运用物种分布模型(MaxEnt)和ArcGIS,预测该属植物当前的分布范围以及未来(2050s和2070s)潜在分布区的变化,分析影响该属植物分布的主要环境变量。预测结果显示:(1)当前秤锤树属高适宜地区主要在我国的亚热带地区,分布在长江中下游平原,包括湖南、浙江的大部分地区,河南、安徽和江苏南部地区以及湖北和江西两省交界处,四川、贵州零星分布着高适宜度位点;纬度范围为25.42°~31.84°N。(2)当前秤锤树属的高适宜性(0.665)生境面积仅为4.07×10~4km~2,占国土面积的4.23%,分布区极为狭窄。未来(2050s和2070s)的高适宜分布地区将大幅度缩减,其中在2070s的RCP8.5排放情景下减少最多。(3)随着温度的上升,秤锤树属植物有向高纬度迁移的趋势。研究结果可为濒危植物的就地保护提供科学依据,同时也可为其迁地保护位点的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

为了预测未来气候变化下云杉属植物的适宜生境,选择青藏高原暗针叶林的两种重要建群植物丽江云杉(Picea likiangensis)和紫果云杉(Picea purpurea)作为研究对象,采用MaxEnt模型预测21世纪50年代(2050s)和70年代(2070s)两物种在未来气候情景下的潜在分布,并结合ArcGIS计算物种分布面积和空间格局变化。结果表明:(1)丽江云杉的潜在适宜分布区主要集中在四川西南部和西藏东部。紫果云杉潜在适宜分布区主要集中在四川西北部、甘肃南部、青海东南部,以及西藏东部地区。(2)在未来两个时期丽江云杉的分布面积总体呈增加趋势,紫果云杉呈先增加后减少的趋势,但与其现代分布面积相比,两种云杉的总适生区面积都有不同程度的增加。(3)丽江云杉适宜生境未来可能会向北迁移,而紫果云杉可能会向西迁移。(4)影响丽江云杉和紫果云杉潜在地理分布的主要气候因子为最暖季降水量和最暖季均温。研究结果可为丽江云杉和紫果云杉在未来气候变化情景下的可持续管理提供一定的理论依据和参考价值。  相似文献   

该文基于MaxEnt模型,利用获得的132个对齿藓属(Didymodon)植物在新疆分布的信息,结合RCP45 CO2排放情景下2050年和2070年的19个生物气候数据预测该属在当代、2050年和2070年的潜在分布区域。结果显示,最湿季平均温度、年平均气温、最干季降水量和年降水量是影响该属分布最主要的气候因子,其贡献率分别为33.6%、22.2%、16.4%和14.6%;模型模拟准确度高(AUC值达0.84);在当代气候条件下,对齿藓属植物的适宜生境面积占新疆总面积的38.51%;最适分布区域是中部的天山山脉、南部昆仑山脉的东部和西部的帕米尔高原;与当代的分布预测结果相比,未来(2050年和2070年)该属适宜栖息地分布范围总体上呈现退缩趋势;退缩后的适宜生境面积分别占新疆总面积的36.56%和37.87%。温度和降水量可能是引起对齿藓属地理分布退缩的重要气候因子。研究结果可为探讨气候变化对干旱、半干旱区苔藓植物物种分布的影响提供参考资料。  相似文献   

秤锤树属与长果安息香属植物的地理分布及其濒危现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
秤锤树属(SinojackiaHu)和长果安息香属(ChangiostyraxC.T.Chen)是安息香科的少种属,这两属在我国共记录有7个种。本文通过野外调查,分析了中国这两属植物的地理分布、濒危现状及其迁地保护状况。结果表明:秤锤树属植物地理分布较广,但是每个物种的居群数量和居群大小均很小。其中秤锤树(Sinojackiaxylocarpa)和狭果秤锤树(S.rehderiana)已经在其模式标本产地灭绝;棱果秤锤树(S.henryi)在过去的近70年内没有采到过标本,该物种可能存在同物异名现象或已经灭绝;细果秤锤树(S.microcarpa)由于人为破坏严重,居群大小急剧下降;肉果秤锤树(S.sarcocarpa)和怀化秤锤树(S.oblongicarpa)呈零星分布且个体数量很少,处于极濒危状态。另外本次调查发现秤锤树属的一个新的分类群(待鉴定种)。秤锤树属的大多数种和长果安息香属植物的居群更新能力差:虽然结果率较高,但是结籽率较低;坚硬的内果皮阻碍了种子的萌发,这是其居群更新的最大障碍;另外人为破坏对其居群更新的影响也较大。作者建议应该把秤锤树属的所有物种和长果安息香属植物都纳入保护的范围并讨论了这两属植物的保护策略。  相似文献   

程军  沈阳  郭水良 《生态科学》2015,34(1):9-16
文章应用当前和基于RCP45CO2 排放情景下2050 和2070 的11 个生物气候数据, 以及花叶藓属(Calymperes)18个国内分布记录, 应用MaxEnt 模型和ArcGis 9.3 软件, 预测了气候变暖背景下这两属植物在我国南部41 个自然保护区潜在分布范围的变化。结果表明, 当前气候条件下, 花叶藓属植物在我国的海南岛、台湾岛的南部地区有较高的气候适应性。在研究的41 个自然保护区中, 有26 个自然保护区花叶藓属植物的的气候适应指数在阈值以上, 花叶藓属分布与纬度的关系极为明显, 随着纬度(X)的增加, 花叶藓属植物的气候适应指数(Y)呈指数式下降, 两者的关系为: Y =19.9650X(–0.057X) (r=0.9445, P<0.01)。到了2050 年, 有32 个自然保护区的气候适合于花叶藓属植物的分布, 到了2070年, 除了陕西的佛坪和四川贡嘎山保护区外, 其余的39 个自然保护区的气候均适合于花叶藓属植物的分布。就全国范围来讲, 当前、2050、2070 年气候条件下花叶藓属的潜在分布区面积百分比分别为5.39%、7.66%和15.56%, 综合适宜指数分别为0.0682、0.0817 和0.1117。随着气候的变暖, 花叶藓属植物的适生面积在不断地扩大, 综合气候适应指数也在持续地变高。最冷季节的平均温度对我国境内花叶藓属植物的分布受的影响最大, 其次是温度季节变化、年温度变化范围和最干季度平均温度, 四者的贡献率分别是77.1%、10.2%、7.3%和4.8%。花叶藓属植物的分布概率随着最冷季节、最干季节平均温度的上升而上升, 随着温度季节变化值、年温度变化范围和昼夜温差月均值的上升而下降。  相似文献   

王灵娟  蒋鹏  徐得甲  王锐  孙权 《西北植物学报》2022,42(12):2133-2142
宁夏枸杞在中国北方广泛分布,重建宁夏枸杞的历史地理分布格局,确定其环境分布限制,为其种质资源保护和植物形成与进化趋势研究提供理论依据。该研究以宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum)为代表,采用MaxEnt模型对该物种228例野生有效分布点和19个环境变量进行评估,以明确影响其分布的相关环境因子;并对末次间冰期以来不同时期的地理分布格局进行建模分析,以揭示在气候变暖条件下宁夏枸杞适宜分布区的变化趋势,预测未来(2050s和2070s)在RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP6.0三种CO2排放情景下宁夏枸杞的潜在地理分布变化。结果表明:(1)温度对宁夏枸杞的分布至关重要,其中最冷季度平均温度是影响该物种分布最重要的气候因子。(2)所建模型对宁夏枸杞的适宜分布区的模拟结果与当今实际分布一致,但分布区域比实际分布区域大。(3)宁夏枸杞的适宜分布区面积在末次冰盛期进行了收缩,而在末次间冰期分布区面积明显扩大(最大为4.23×106 km2),并呈现出向北推进和向南退缩的趋势。(4)在未来3种气候情景下宁夏枸杞的适宜分布区面积均趋于缩小;随着气候变暖的加剧,宁夏枸杞适宜分布区将向高纬度和高海拔地区迁移,且生境破碎化现象比现在更加严重。(5)在RCP2.6 2070s情景下,宁夏枸杞质心向西迁移108.66 km;在RCP6.0 2070s情景下,宁夏枸杞质心向东北迁移30.23 km。研究认为,宁夏枸杞的分布格局对气候变化具有强烈响应,随着气候变暖,宁夏枸杞的适宜分布区将向高纬度和高海拔地区迁移。  相似文献   

夏昕  李媛  杨道德  皮扬焱 《应用生态学报》2021,32(12):4307-4314
近几十年来,全球变暖对全球生物多样性及其地理分布产生了重要影响,特别是对气候变化敏感的两栖动物。寒露林蛙(Rana hanluica)是中国特有种,但在濒危物种红色名录中处于无危状态。为了评估寒露林蛙种群的生存现状,掌握该物种在中国的潜在分布区,以及在未来气候变化条件下适宜生境区的变化,本研究利用最大熵(MaxEnt)生态位模型和地理信息系统,对中国未来气候变化情景下(2050和2070年)寒露林蛙的适宜生境区进行识别。基于47个寒露林蛙分布位点和20个典型环境因子,建立了寒露林蛙在当前和未来气候条件下的适宜生境模型,并分析了相关的环境影响因子。结果表明: MaxEnt模型的预测准确度较高,受试者工作曲线面积值达0.993;寒露林蛙在当前气候条件下的潜在适宜生境面积为36.36万km2,潜在地理分布区域主要位于湖南省和贵州省;影响潜在地理分布的主要环境因子为最干月降水量和海拔。在未来2种典型浓度路径的气候情景下(SSP1-2.5和SSP5-8.5),寒露林蛙适宜生境区均出现不同程度的缩减,导致总适宜生境面积呈减少趋势;其高适宜生境向高纬度地区转移,其核心分布区仍以湖南省为主。  相似文献   

四川省是我国气候变化的敏感区之一,区域气候的暖干化趋势严重影响植物物种组成与分布。岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)作为我国特有种,其分布的动态变化对气候变化具有十分重要的指示作用。基于现有岷江冷杉分布数据、气候、土壤、地形等环境因子,运用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)预测当代气候条件下岷江冷杉潜在分布区,并分析未来时期(2050s和2070s)不同气候变化情景下(RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5)岷江冷杉潜在适生分布区,筛选影响岷江冷杉分布的主导环境因子及阈值,探讨岷江冷杉分布对气候变化的响应机制。结果表明:(1)当前岷江冷杉的高适生区集中分布于岷江流域上游地区,在未来两个时期岷江冷杉潜在中、高适生区的面积较当代气候条件下适生区面积均有所增加,且适生区总体向四川南部扩张,北部适宜生境丧失。(2)岷江冷杉潜在中适生区在低排放浓度下(RCP2.6)面积占比最高,而潜在高适生区在高排放浓度下(RCP8.5)的面积占比最高。(3)影响岷江冷杉分布的主要环境因子分别是:降水季节性变异系数、气温年变化幅度、年降水量和海拔(累计贡献>70%)。适宜岷江冷杉潜在分布的环境条件是气温...  相似文献   

应用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型,基于230条分布记录及33个气候因子数据,模拟全新世中期(约6000年前)、当前时期(1950—2000年)和未来(2050s、2070s)气候条件下,红花龙胆西南地区的潜在分布范围;结合多元统计分析和ArcGIS空间分析,筛选影响物种分布的关键气候因子,探讨不同分布区对气候变化的敏感性.结果表明: 模型训练集AUC值为0.942,验证集AUC值为0.849,表明模型预测的准确性较高.5个气候因子(7月最高气温、8月最低气温、昼夜温差与年温差比值、7月最低气温和6月最低气温)对模型贡献最大,累计贡献率达59.9%.随未来气候变化,红花龙胆适生区将呈现先减少后增加的变化趋势,在RCP 8.5情景下,至2070s阶段,西南地区红花龙胆适宜生境总面积与当前气候条件相比减少15.0%,但云南境内适生区和高适生区面积较当前分别增加32.8%和32.7%.红花龙胆适宜生长于温暖、湿润的气候条件下,气候变暖明显影响着适宜生境的面积和范围,尤其低海拔分布区对气候变化较敏感,适宜生境退缩严重,而高海拔地区由于降水、温度条件的改善适宜生境有所增加.随着全球气候的变化,未来西南地区红花龙胆主要分布区可能向西迁移,并向更高海拔扩张.  相似文献   

张微  姜哲  巩虎忠  栾晓峰 《生态学报》2016,36(7):1815-1823
气候变化是造成生物多样性下降和物种灭绝的主要因素之一。研究气候变化对物种生境,尤其是濒危物种生境影响对未来保护物种多样性和保持生态系统功能完整性具有重要意义。以驼鹿乌苏里亚种(Alces alces cameloides)为研究对象,选取了对驼鹿分布可能存在影响的22个环境因子,利用最大熵(Maxent)模型模拟了驼鹿基准气候条件下在我国东北的潜在生境分布,并预测了RCP4.5和RCP8.5两种气候变化情景下2041—2060年(2050s)、2061—2080年(2070s)驼鹿潜在分布,采用接收工作曲线下面积(AUC)对模型预测能力进行评估。研究结果表明:最大熵模型预测驼鹿潜在生境分布的精度较高(平均AUC值为0.845),22个环境因子中,年均温、最暖季均温、年降水、平均日较差是影响驼鹿生境分布的主要因子。基准气候条件下,驼鹿的潜在生境面积占研究区域总面积的36.4%,潜在生境分布区主要在大、小兴安岭。随着时间的推移,研究区内驼鹿当前潜在生境面积明显减少,而新增潜在生境面积较少,总面积呈现急剧减少的趋势,其中RCP8.5情景减少程度大于RCP4.5情景。至2050s阶段,当前潜在生境面积平均将减少62.3%,新增潜在分布面积平均仅为3.6%,总潜在生境面积最高将减少65.6%,平均将减少58.8%;至2070s阶段,当前潜在生境面积平均将减少75.8%,新增潜在分布面积平均仅为1.9%,总潜在生境面积最高将减少93.1%,平均减少73.9%。空间分布上,驼鹿的潜在生境的几何中心将先向西北移动,然后再向高纬度地区西南方向迁移,至2050s阶段,潜在分布生境的几何中心在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下的迁移距离分别为183.5 km和210.8 km;至2070s阶段,相应情景下的迁移距离将缩短至28.7 km和33.8 km。潜在生境分布整体呈现向高海拔、高纬度迁移的趋势。  相似文献   

Climate warming would theoretically create conditions for the breeding range expansion of pseudo‐steppe Mediterranean and long‐distance migrant species and provide the possibility for these to overwinter in the same breeding areas. However, contemporary changes in rainfall regimes might have negative effects on the climate suitability and in turn, shrink species potential range. The lesser kestrel Falco naumanni is highly sensitive to rainfall oscillations and has recently extended its Italian breeding range towards northern latitudes and increasing its wintering records. We modelled the effects of temperature and rainfall on current and future climate suitability for lesser kestrels in both the breeding and wintering periods by using MaxEnt. Models were based on the distribution of 298 colonies and 40 wintering records. Future climate suitability was assessed under eight different scenarios. Spring rainfall amount resulted as the main determinant of breeding climate suitability, so its predicted reduction will determine a shrinkage in suitable areas (–42.10% in 2050; –32.07% in 2070). Specifically, the 66.05% of Italian colonies will be outside the climatically suitable area by 2050. However wide areas, suitable under current climate conditions, are still not occupied by lesser kestrel and allow the potential expansion of its Italian breeding range in the short term. Temperature seasonality mainly determined the species’ winter climate suitability, which is overall predicted to boost in the next decades (+145.03% in 2050; and +123.91% in 2070). All but one future scenarios predicted a northward shift of about 40 km for both breeding and wintering climate suitability. Despite its recent expansion, we have found that climate change will pose conservation concerns for the Italian breeding population of lesser kestrels. Indeed, changes in non‐climate factors will also outline the future suitability of the Italian range for lesser kestrels in both seasons with effects that might both strengthen or mitigate climate effects.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the major threats to global amphibian diversity, and consequently, the species distribution is expected to shift considerably in the future. Therefore, predicting such shifts is important to guide conservation and management plans. Here, we used eight independent environmental variables and four representative concentration pathways (RCPs) to model the current and future habitat suitability of the Korean clawed salamander (Onychodactylus koreanus) and then defined the dispersal limits of the species using cost distance analysis. The current habitat suitability model generated using the maximum entropy algorithm was highly consistent with the known distribution of the species and had good predictive performance. Projections onto years 2050 and 2070 predicted a drastic decrease of habitat suitability across all RCPs, with up to 90.1% decrease of suitable area and 98.0% decrease of optimal area predicted from binary presence grids. The models also predicted a northeastward shift of habitat suitability toward high‐elevation areas and a persistence of suitability along the central ridge of the Baekdudaegan Range. This area is likely to become a climatic refugium for the species in the future, and it should be considered as an area of conservation priority. Therefore, we urge further ecological studies and population monitoring to be conducted across the range of O. koreanus. The vulnerability to rapid climate change is also shared by other congeneric species, and assessing the impacts of climate change on these other species is needed to better conserve this unique lineage of salamanders.  相似文献   

【目的】未来数十年的气候变化预计会是造成很多物种生境丧失的一个重要因素。对适应能力相对脆弱的地方性物种,预测气候变化对其生境的影响将对生物多样性保护具有重要意义。【方法】本文基于最大熵模型,对珍稀蝉科中国特有种枯蝉Subpsaltria yangi在当前和未来气候条件下的生境适宜度进行了评估。【结果】结果表明,枯蝉主要局限分布于黄土高原及邻近地区。预计至2050年,即使在温和的气候变化情景下,枯蝉的生境面积也会明显减少。影响枯蝉栖息地分布的关键因素为年平均气温、最冷月的最低气温、最冷季的平均气温和最潮湿月份的降水量。枯蝉现存种群栖息地应当受到保护,甘肃天水和陕西延安地区应作为枯蝉分布的核心区予以保护,以应对气候变化对其生境带来的影响。【结论】本研究获得的枯蝉适宜生境分布图可以为该稀有物种的新种群发现、现生种群分布地土地规划管理以及有效的自然保护区设立提供重要信息。  相似文献   


Capsule: The distribution range of the European Roller Coracias garrulus has undergone large changes over geological times, but although the species is warm-adapted, the human induced climate change is predicted to affect negatively the range of the currently large populations.

Aim: Information on species-specific vulnerability to climate change is crucial not only for designing interventions and setting conservation goals, but also to inform conservation decision-making. Our goal was to map climate suitability for the European Roller in the Western Palaearctic under current climate, and for past (last glacial maximum and mid-Holocene) and future (2050 and 2070) climate scenarios.

Methods: We used MaxEnt for species distribution modelling based on the reconstructed distribution map of the species.

Results: Our results suggest that during glacial periods Rollers persisted in small southern refugia, and then spread and colonized northern latitudes during the mid-Holocene. In the future, our models forecast a shift in climatically suitable range towards northern latitudes and an overall small range contraction (4.5–5.5%). Warmer temperatures will increase climate suitability in northern countries where the species is currently declining or became locally extinct. On the other hand, wide suitable areas under current climatic conditions are predicted to become unsuitable in the future (35–38% by 2050 and 2070, respectively), significantly impacting large populations such as those in Romania, Spain, Bulgaria and Hungary. French and Italian populations are identified to be future key populations for Roller conservation.

Conclusions: Our findings suggest that future climate changes will likely amplify the impacts of existing threats on the majority of large European Roller populations in Europe.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing many irreversible changes in the Himalayan ecosystems. In this study, an attempt was made to understand the ecological response of medicinal plant species to changing climate conditions in the Sikkim Himalaya, a part of the Eastern Himalayan biodiversity hotspot. Maximum Entropy Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) approach was used to analyze the potential habitat distribution of 163 medicinal plant species in current and future climates (2050, 2070). An attempt was also made to identify the most suitable areas for conservation and test the effectiveness of the existing Protected Area (PA) network in conserving medicinal plant species in current and future climate scenarios through the Habitat Suitability and Overlap Analyses. SDM analyses revealed that the majority of the medicinal plant species are found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions in the Sikkim Himalaya (300–2000 m) at present. In future climates, however, most of the species are likely to show an upward and northward shift in their distributions. Maximum species-rich regions are likely to shift by 200 m and 400 m in 2050 and 2070, respectively. A total of 13–16% of medicinal plant species currently found in the region are likely to lose their existing potential habitats by 2050 and 2070. The results highlight that species that are restricted to specific localities and have a narrow elevational distribution are the most vulnerable species and likely to go extinct due to climate change in the Himalaya. Habitat suitability analyses indicated that elevations ranging from 860 to 2937 m serve as highly suitable habitats for medicinal plant species in Sikkim Himalaya. Consequently, these areas can be focused for conservation actions in order to mitigate the effect of climate change. The results of Overlap Analysis indicated that out of 8 PAs in Sikkim Himalaya, only 5 PAs are effective in the conservation of medicinal plant species in current and future climates. The boundaries of existing PAs need to be expanded in order to accommodate the upward shifts in the spatial distribution of species, especially in the case of those PAs that are located in the lower elevations or tropical regions. This study provides a novel integrated framework for use of ecological informatics in assessing the species vulnerability to climate change and planning conservation priorities.  相似文献   

杨蕾  杨立  李婧昕  张超  霍兆敏  栾晓峰 《生态学报》2019,39(3):1082-1094
气候变化广泛影响着物种多样性及其分布变迁。优化模型模拟结果,获取气候变化影响下的优先保护区域将为制定应对气候变化的物种保护政策或行动提供理论依据,提升保护绩效。选取东北地区五种代表性动物,包括黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)、驼鹿(Alces alces)、水獭(Lutra lutra)、紫貂(Martes zibellina)及黑嘴松鸡(Tetrao parvirostris);结合最大熵模型(Maxent)模拟在不同RCP情景下未来3个年代(2030s,2050s,2070s)的物种潜在栖息地。根据九个常用气候模式的评价结果,获取东北地区合适的气候模式,了解气候变化对物种潜在栖息地的影响,同时开展物种保护规划,识别保护空缺,为应对气候变化、保持生物多样性提供支持。结果显示,在气候变化背景下物种潜在栖息地面积整体呈现下降趋势,但不同气候模式之间存在差异;评价结果推荐CCSM4、Nor ESM1-M、Had GEM2-AO及GFDL-CM3气候模式,推荐在东北地区使用以上气候模式进行物种未来潜在分布的研究。5个物种潜在栖息地平均面积变化率分别为-62.16%,-73.93%,-78.46%(2030s,2050s,2070s)。综合5个重点保护物种的保护优先区,大兴安岭的呼中、汗马与额尔古纳国家级自然保护区,延边地区的天佛指山、老爷岭东北虎、珲春东北虎与汪清原麝国家级自然保护区,长白山国家级自然保护区是气候变化下物种保护的热点区域。  相似文献   

基于现有物种数据结合气候变量来预测物种的潜在地理分布,对于了解物种进化以及合理保护具有重要意义。本研究基于中国境内220个北重楼分布点和12个相关系数较低的气候因子,利用MaxEnt模型和ArcGIS软件预测了北重楼在当前时期和未来时期(2050s、2070s)的潜在适生区,并分析了影响其地理分布的主导气候因子。结果表明: MaxEnt模型AUC值为0.940,预测结果准确性较高;当前时期,北重楼的总适生区面积占整个研究区域面积的18.1%,其中,高适生区和低适生区分别占7.0%和11.1%,主要位于大兴安岭、小兴安岭、长白山山脉、秦岭-大巴山区、河北、山西以及山东北部等地区;未来时期在RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5、RCP 6.0、RCP 8.5气候情景下,2050s和2070s中国境内北重楼的总适生区面积均呈现缩减趋势,其中,高适生区面积均减少,而低适生区面积则全部有所增加,且北重楼适生区的范围和几何中心逐渐向东北方向的高海拔地区扩散;影响北重楼地理分布的主导气候因子分别为最湿月降水量、年平均温度、等温性和1月降水量,累积贡献率高达89.2%,其适宜范围分别为100~275 mm、-0.1~16 ℃、21~35和3~14 mm。  相似文献   

Notopterygium incisum Ting ex H. T. Chang is a rare and endangered traditional Chinese medicinal plant. In this research, we built a comprehensive habitat suitability (CHS) model to analyze the potential suitable habitat distribution of this species in the present and future in China. First, using nine different algorithms, we built an ensemble model to explore the possible impacts of climate change on the habitat distribution of this species. Then, based on this model, we built a CHS model to further identify the distribution characteristics of N. incisum‐suitable habitats in three time periods (current, 2050s, and 2070s) while considering the effects of soil and vegetation conditions. The results indicated that the current suitable habitat for N. incisum covers approximately 83.76 × 103 km2, and these locations were concentrated in the Tibet Autonomous Region, Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, and Sichuan Province. In the future, the areas of suitable habitat for N. incisum would significantly decrease and would be 69.53 × 103 km2 and 60.21 × 103 km2 in the 2050s and 2070s, respectively. However, the area of marginally suitable habitat would remain relatively stable. This study provides a more reliable and comprehensive method for modelling the current and future distributions of N. incisum, and it provides valuable insights for highlighting priority areas for medicinal plant conservation and resource utilization.  相似文献   

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