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近50年青藏高原的气候变化速率是全球平均值的2倍,对高原有蹄类的种群分布和多样性维持带来严重影响。本研究以西藏类乌齐马鹿国家级自然保护区的马鹿种群为例,通过2013年和2021年对马鹿和牦牛种群数量、分布的调查,并整合了物种分布模型和种群动态模型,评估了当前和未来气候变化及人类活动(放牧、道路、居民点等)对马鹿种群适应性分布的影响。研究表明,马鹿种群在2013—2021年由890头增加到1 400头,根据种群增长模型预计在2050年马鹿种群数量将达到1 735头,但其适宜栖息地在2050年代下降43.4%,2070年代下降5.1%,表明马鹿种群增长与适宜栖息地缩小之间的冲突将不利于马鹿种群的可持续发展。同时,当前马鹿与牦牛栖息地重合率为19%,2050年代为60%,2070年代为37%,且牦牛与马鹿存在食物竞争,这在一定程度上减少了马鹿原有的适宜栖息地。为保护马鹿,建议减少牦牛的饲养量1 000~1 500头。本研究将种群增长模型、种间竞争关系与物种分布模型整合,把气候变化对物种的影响延伸到种群层面,对其他物种的保护具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

兰属(Cymbidium)中,除了兔耳兰C.lancifolium以外的所有种均被列为国家重点保护野生植物。为探究其在未来气候条件下的潜在分布格局,该研究基于兰属植物已知的分布点和19个气候因子,利用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型和地理信息系统(ArcGIS)模拟兰属以及其中20种兰属植物在9种不同气候情景(当代以及未来2030s、2050s、2070s和2090s 4个时间段各两种温室气体排放情景)下的潜在分布格局。结果表明:(1)最干旱季降水量(Bio17)、年降水量(Bio12)和温度季节性变化(Bio4)是影响兰属植物地理分布格局的主导气候因子。(2)不同兰属植物在未来情景下的适生区表现出不同的变化趋势,并且影响其分布的主导气候因子也有所不同。其中,冬凤兰(C.dayanum)等8个物种的适生区面积整体呈扩张趋势,而西藏虎头兰(C.tracyanum)等12个物种的适生区面积整体则呈缩减趋势。该研究结果为兰属植物就地保护与迁地保护提供了重要参考,对兰属等濒危野生植物的保护具有积极意义。  相似文献   

张微  姜哲  巩虎忠  栾晓峰 《生态学报》2016,36(7):1815-1823
气候变化是造成生物多样性下降和物种灭绝的主要因素之一。研究气候变化对物种生境,尤其是濒危物种生境影响对未来保护物种多样性和保持生态系统功能完整性具有重要意义。以驼鹿乌苏里亚种(Alces alces cameloides)为研究对象,选取了对驼鹿分布可能存在影响的22个环境因子,利用最大熵(Maxent)模型模拟了驼鹿基准气候条件下在我国东北的潜在生境分布,并预测了RCP4.5和RCP8.5两种气候变化情景下2041—2060年(2050s)、2061—2080年(2070s)驼鹿潜在分布,采用接收工作曲线下面积(AUC)对模型预测能力进行评估。研究结果表明:最大熵模型预测驼鹿潜在生境分布的精度较高(平均AUC值为0.845),22个环境因子中,年均温、最暖季均温、年降水、平均日较差是影响驼鹿生境分布的主要因子。基准气候条件下,驼鹿的潜在生境面积占研究区域总面积的36.4%,潜在生境分布区主要在大、小兴安岭。随着时间的推移,研究区内驼鹿当前潜在生境面积明显减少,而新增潜在生境面积较少,总面积呈现急剧减少的趋势,其中RCP8.5情景减少程度大于RCP4.5情景。至2050s阶段,当前潜在生境面积平均将减少62.3%,新增潜在分布面积平均仅为3.6%,总潜在生境面积最高将减少65.6%,平均将减少58.8%;至2070s阶段,当前潜在生境面积平均将减少75.8%,新增潜在分布面积平均仅为1.9%,总潜在生境面积最高将减少93.1%,平均减少73.9%。空间分布上,驼鹿的潜在生境的几何中心将先向西北移动,然后再向高纬度地区西南方向迁移,至2050s阶段,潜在分布生境的几何中心在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下的迁移距离分别为183.5 km和210.8 km;至2070s阶段,相应情景下的迁移距离将缩短至28.7 km和33.8 km。潜在生境分布整体呈现向高海拔、高纬度迁移的趋势。  相似文献   

应用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型,基于230条分布记录及33个气候因子数据,模拟全新世中期(约6000年前)、当前时期(1950—2000年)和未来(2050s、2070s)气候条件下,红花龙胆西南地区的潜在分布范围;结合多元统计分析和ArcGIS空间分析,筛选影响物种分布的关键气候因子,探讨不同分布区对气候变化的敏感性.结果表明: 模型训练集AUC值为0.942,验证集AUC值为0.849,表明模型预测的准确性较高.5个气候因子(7月最高气温、8月最低气温、昼夜温差与年温差比值、7月最低气温和6月最低气温)对模型贡献最大,累计贡献率达59.9%.随未来气候变化,红花龙胆适生区将呈现先减少后增加的变化趋势,在RCP 8.5情景下,至2070s阶段,西南地区红花龙胆适宜生境总面积与当前气候条件相比减少15.0%,但云南境内适生区和高适生区面积较当前分别增加32.8%和32.7%.红花龙胆适宜生长于温暖、湿润的气候条件下,气候变暖明显影响着适宜生境的面积和范围,尤其低海拔分布区对气候变化较敏感,适宜生境退缩严重,而高海拔地区由于降水、温度条件的改善适宜生境有所增加.随着全球气候的变化,未来西南地区红花龙胆主要分布区可能向西迁移,并向更高海拔扩张.  相似文献   

植物分布与气候之间的关系是预估未来气候变化对生态系统影响的实现基础。以往的物种分布模型通常以物种的分布区或者分布点的物种存在数据作为物种分布的响应变量。相较于物种存在数据, 多度反映了一个物种占用资源并把资源分配给个体的能力, 更能衡量物种对区域生态系统的影响。该研究通过野外调查获取了华北及周边地区1 045个样方的栎属树木多度, 利用广义线性模型、广义加性模型和随机森林模型模拟栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)、麻栎(Q. acutissima)、槲栎(Q. aliena)、锐齿槲栎(Q. aliena var. acuteserrata)和蒙古栎(Q. mongolica) 5个树种多度的地理分布及未来2个不同时期(2050年和2070年)的潜在分布。结果表明: 随机森林模型对5个栎属树种的多度的拟合结果要优于广义线性模型和广义加性模型; 典型浓度路径(RCP) 8.5下的5个栎属树种在未来两个时期的多度变化幅度都要大于RCP 2.6下的变化, 在超过一半面积的区域中麻栎、槲栎、锐齿槲栎和蒙古栎的多度减少, 其中内蒙古东北部和黑龙江北部地区是5种栎属植物多度减少的集中分布地区。未来气候变化背景下, 需要加强对这几个区域的监测与物种保护。  相似文献   

【目的】未来数十年的气候变化预计会是造成很多物种生境丧失的一个重要因素。对适应能力相对脆弱的地方性物种,预测气候变化对其生境的影响将对生物多样性保护具有重要意义。【方法】本文基于最大熵模型,对珍稀蝉科中国特有种枯蝉Subpsaltria yangi在当前和未来气候条件下的生境适宜度进行了评估。【结果】结果表明,枯蝉主要局限分布于黄土高原及邻近地区。预计至2050年,即使在温和的气候变化情景下,枯蝉的生境面积也会明显减少。影响枯蝉栖息地分布的关键因素为年平均气温、最冷月的最低气温、最冷季的平均气温和最潮湿月份的降水量。枯蝉现存种群栖息地应当受到保护,甘肃天水和陕西延安地区应作为枯蝉分布的核心区予以保护,以应对气候变化对其生境带来的影响。【结论】本研究获得的枯蝉适宜生境分布图可以为该稀有物种的新种群发现、现生种群分布地土地规划管理以及有效的自然保护区设立提供重要信息。  相似文献   

水獭是水生生态系统重要的指示种和旗舰种, 由于强烈的人为干扰, 中国的水獭种群数量大幅下降, 部分区域已局部灭绝。然而目前国内对水獭的调查和研究非常有限, 本底不清的状况已经严重影响到水獭的野外保育工作。本文以东北地区的欧亚水獭指名亚种(Lutra lutra lutra)为研究对象, 基于2016-2020年的调查数据, 使用组合建模的方法评估了水獭的潜在分布区; 利用地理信息系统和系统保护规划软件分析了水獭的保护优先区并计算了各省级行政区内水獭潜在分布区和保护优先区面临的人类压力; 结合国家级自然保护区的空间布局分析了水獭的保护现状, 并以内蒙古森工集团、大兴安岭林业集团、伊春森工集团三大国有林区为例分析了重点国有林区在水獭保护中的作用。结果表明: (1)水獭潜在分布区和保护优先区面积分别为104,515.04 km2和45,448.99 km2, 其中大兴安岭的水獭保护优先区集中连片, 并与小兴安岭的保护优先区相连, 栖息地之间没有明显地理隔离, 是维持东北地区水獭种群稳定的重中之重; (2)水獭面临的人类压力大小依次为: 辽宁 > 吉林 > 黑龙江 > 内蒙古; (3)研究区内110个国家级自然保护区中有63个包含水獭潜在分布区, 覆盖面积为12,168.93 km2, 仅占水獭潜在分布区面积的11.64%, 其中32个国家级自然保护区包含水獭保护优先区, 占水獭保护优先区面积的10.88%; (4)三大国有林区涵盖了71.18%的水獭潜在分布区和79.26%的保护优先区(面积分别为74,390.89 km2和36,022.22 km2)。由此可见, 尽管水獭潜在分布区中国家级自然保护区占比较低, 但是在天然林全面禁伐的背景下, 重点国有林区可能在未来东北地区的生物多样性保护中发挥更大作用, 因此我们建议将重点国有林区中具有重要保护价值的区域逐步纳入以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系中, 以实现生物多样性的系统性和完整性保护。最后, 本文结合研究结果和实地调研提出以下保护建议: (1)加强对河流污染物的管理; (2)控制渔民捕鱼强度; (3)开展全面的水獭专项调查并建立长期的监测体系; (4)加大对水獭的科研投入; (5)加强宣传力度, 提升公众保护意识。  相似文献   

气候变化对马尾松潜在分布影响预估的多模型比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
物种分布模型被广泛应用于评估气候变化对物种分布的影响。随着计算机和统计学的发展, 模拟物种分布的模型层出不穷, 但对这些模型的相对表现知之甚少, 因此需要对其进行对比分析, 以便更可靠地评估气候变化的影响。该文采用3个比较新颖的组合集成学习(ensemble learning)模型(随机森林(random forest, RF)、广义助推法和NeuralEnsembles)、3个常规模型(广义线性模型、广义加法模型和分类回归树)、3个大气环流模型(global circulation model, GCM) (MIROC32_medres, JP; CCCMA_CGCM3, CA; BCCR-BCM2.0, NW)和一个气体排放情景(SRES_A2), 模拟分析了马尾松(Pinus massoniana)历史基准气候(1961-1990)和未来3个不同时期(2010-2039, 2020s; 2040-2069, 2050s; 2070-2099, 2080s)的潜在分布。基于环境阈值方法选择物种不发生区, 依据ClimateChina软件进行当前和未来气候数据的降尺度处理, 采用接收机工作特征曲线(receiver operator characteristic, ROC)下的面积(area under the curve, AUC)、Kappa值和真实技巧统计法(true skill statistic, TSS)以及马尾松种子区划范围来评价模型的预测精度。结果表明: 6个物种分布模型都具有较高的预测精度, 但组合集成学习模型的预测精度稍高于其他常规模型, 其中RF的预测精度最高。3个GCM和6个模型模拟条件下, 马尾松对气候变化的响应格局既有一致性也有异同性。一致性表现在: 随着时间的推移, 马尾松分布区将逐渐向北迁移, 未来潜在分布区的面积将逐渐增加; 异同性表现在: 在不同模型和不同气候情景下, 马尾松潜在分布区的迁移距离和面积变化幅度不同, 其中NW模式下预测的变化幅度小于CA和JP模式; RF模型预测的分布区迁移距离和面积变化幅度最大。随着时间的推移, 未来马尾松的18个潜在分布空间预测图(6个模型 × 3 GCM)之间的差异也逐渐增大, 其中空间不一致性地区主要集中发生在马尾松潜在分布区的北部和西部边缘地带。模型本身不同的构建原理以及GCM之间的差异是导致预测结果存在差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

气候变化对邛崃山系大熊猫主食竹和栖息地分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化对生物多样性的影响,特别是珍稀濒危物种的影响是当前的研究热点。全球气候变化对大熊猫的影响一直受到广泛关注。根据野外调查的大熊猫活动痕迹点、竹类分布点和主食竹扩散距离数据,采用Maxent模型,利用植被、地形、气候等因素,在RCP8.5下分析了2050年和2070年邛崃山系大熊猫主食竹分布及栖息地变化趋势。结果显示:(1)未来大熊猫适宜生境及主食竹气候适宜区面积均有所减少,到2070年分别减少37.2%和4.7%;(2)未来主食竹分布范围总体向高海拔扩展,但面积持续减少,到2070年分布面积比当前减少8.3%;(3)大熊猫栖息地未来有向高海拔扩张的趋势,在低海拔地区退缩明显,到2070年较当前减少27.2%;但到2070年大熊猫栖息地面积加上非栖息地有主食竹分布的面积,较现有大熊猫栖息地面积大1.5%;(4)受气候变化影响较严重的区域是邛崃山系南部以及低海拔地区,其余区域所受影响相对较小;(5)未来需要加强对受气候变化影响严重区域的监测与保护,特别是邛崃山系中部的大熊猫集中分布区。  相似文献   

选择831种西南地区重要保护物种为指示物种,分析指示物种空间分布特征,基于系统保护规划理论应用MARXAN模型评估西南生物多样性保护优先格局,确定优先保护区域,在最小保护成本条件下达到最优化的保护效果。结果表明:生物多样性保护优先区面积89.88×10~4km~2,占西南研究区面积的37%;保护优先区内除鸟类外其他类别栖息地面积均超过各自栖息地面积50%,其中94%指示物种栖息地面积比例超过60%;GAP分析发现,保护优先区同国家级自然保护区存在空间分布不匹配的现象;建议在原有国家级自然保护区基础上优先扩充保护区范围,并借助国家公园建设等政策适当建立新的自然保护体系。  相似文献   



Climate and land use changes are two major pervasive and growing global causes of rapid changes in the distribution patterns of biodiversity, challenging the future effectiveness of protected areas (PAs), which were mainly designed based on a static view of biodiversity. Therefore, evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas for protecting the species threatened by climate and land use change is critical for future biodiversity conservation.




Here, using distributions of 200 Chinese Theaceae species and ensemble species distribution models, we identified species threatened by future climate and land use change (i.e. species with predicted loss of suitable habitat ≥30%) under scenarios incorporating climate change, land use change and dispersal. We then estimate the richness distribution patterns of threatened species and identify priority conservation areas and conservation gaps of the current PA network.


Our results suggest that 36.30%–51.85% of Theaceae species will be threatened by future climate and land use conditions and that although the threatened species are mainly distributed at low latitudes in China under both current and future periods, the mean richness of the threatened species per grid cell will decline by 0.826–3.188 species by the 2070s. Moreover, we found that these priority conservation areas are highly fragmented and that the current PA network only covers 14.21%–20.87% of the ‘areas worth exploring’ and 6.91%–7.91% of the ‘areas worth attention’.

Main Conclusions

Our findings highlight the necessity of establishing new protected areas and ecological corridors in priority conservation areas to protect the threatened species. Moreover, our findings also highlight the importance of taking into consideration the potential threatened species under future climate and land use conditions when designating priority areas for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Notopterygium incisum Ting ex H. T. Chang is a rare and endangered traditional Chinese medicinal plant. In this research, we built a comprehensive habitat suitability (CHS) model to analyze the potential suitable habitat distribution of this species in the present and future in China. First, using nine different algorithms, we built an ensemble model to explore the possible impacts of climate change on the habitat distribution of this species. Then, based on this model, we built a CHS model to further identify the distribution characteristics of N. incisum‐suitable habitats in three time periods (current, 2050s, and 2070s) while considering the effects of soil and vegetation conditions. The results indicated that the current suitable habitat for N. incisum covers approximately 83.76 × 103 km2, and these locations were concentrated in the Tibet Autonomous Region, Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, and Sichuan Province. In the future, the areas of suitable habitat for N. incisum would significantly decrease and would be 69.53 × 103 km2 and 60.21 × 103 km2 in the 2050s and 2070s, respectively. However, the area of marginally suitable habitat would remain relatively stable. This study provides a more reliable and comprehensive method for modelling the current and future distributions of N. incisum, and it provides valuable insights for highlighting priority areas for medicinal plant conservation and resource utilization.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to be a significant threat to biodiversity, including crop diversity at centers of origin and diversification. As a way to avoid food scarcity in the future, it is important to have a better understanding of the possible impacts of climate change on crops. We evaluated these impacts on maize, one of the most important crops worldwide, and its wild relatives Tripsacum and Teocintes. Maize is the staple crop in Mexico and Mesoamerica, and there are currently about 59 described races in Mexico, which is considered its center of origin . In this study, we modeled the distribution of maize races and its wild relatives in Mexico for the present and for two time periods in the future (2030 and 2050), to identify the potentially most vulnerable taxa and geographic regions in the face of climate change. Bioclimatic distribution of crops has seldom been modeled, probably because social and cultural factors play an important role on crop suitability. Nonetheless, rainfall and temperature still represent a major influence on crop distribution pattern, particularly in rainfed crop systems under traditional agrotechnology. Such is the case of Mexican maize races and consequently, climate change impacts can be expected. Our findings generally show significant reductions of potential distribution areas by 2030 and 2050 in most cases. However, future projections of each race show contrasting responses to climatic scenarios. Several evaluated races show new potential distribution areas in the future, suggesting that proper management may favor diversity conservation. Modeled distributions of Tripsacum species and Teocintes indicate more severe impacts compared with maize races. Our projections lead to in situ and ex situ conservation recommended actions to guarantee the preservation of the genetic diversity of Mexican maize.  相似文献   

The warmer and drier climates projected for the mid‐ to late‐21st century may have particularly adverse impacts on the cool temperate rainforests of southeastern Australia. Southern beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii; Nothofagaceae), a dominant tree species in these forests, may be vulnerable to minor changes in its climate envelope, especially at the edge of the species range, with Holocene fossil evidence showing local extinction of populations in response to small climate changes. We modelled the stability of this species climate envelope using the maximum entropy algorithm implemented in Maxent and two thresholds of presence/absence by projecting the modern climate envelope onto four Global Circulation Models forecasted for two time periods (2050s and 2070s). The climate envelope, as estimated from the species present climatic range, is predicted to shrink by up to 49% by the 2050s and up to 64% by the 2070s. The greatest predicted reduction is in Victoria with 91–100% of its current range being climatically unsuitable by the 2070s. Climatically similar areas to the species present range are predicted to remain in mountainous areas of western Tasmania, the Northeast Highlands of Tasmania, and the Baw Baw Plateau in the Central Highlands of Victoria. However, region‐specific modelling approaches made very different predictions from the whole‐range based models, especially in the severity of the predicted decline for Victorian populations of N. cunninghamii which occur in much warmer climates than the rest of the species geographical range. This shows that, for widespread species that span a range of climate zones, the exposure of current populations to climate change may be better modelled using a regional based approach. How the species responds to climate change will depend on the species ability to respond to drier and warmer climates and the concomitant increase in fire intensity.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of plant species is already being affected by climate change. Cropping patterns of edible plant species and their wild relatives will also be affected, making it important to predict possible changes to their distributions in the future. Currently, species distribution models are valuable tools that allow the estimation of species’ potential distributions, in the recent past as well as during other time spans for which climate data have been obtained. With the aim of evaluating how species distributions respond to current and future climate changes, in this work species distribution models were generated for two cultivated species of the Porophyllum genus (Asteraceae), known commonly as ‘pápalos' or ‘pápaloquelites', as well as their Mexican wild relatives, at five points in time (21,000 years ago, present, 2020, 2050, and 2080). Using a database of 1442 entries for 16 species of Porophyllum and 19 environmental variables, species distribution models were constructed for each time period using the Maxent modelling algorithm; those constructed for the future used a severe climate change scenario. The results demonstrate contrasting effects between the two cultivated species; for P. linaria, the future scenario suggests a decrease in distribution area, while for P. macrocephalum distribution is predicted to increase. Similar trends are observed in their wild relatives, where 11 species will tend to decrease in distribution area, while three are predicted to increase. It is concluded that the most important agricultural areas where the cultivated species are grown will not be greatly affected, while the areas inhabited by the wild species will. However, while the results suggest that climate change will affect the distribution of the cultivated species in contrasting ways, evaluations at finer scales are recommended to clarify the impact within cultivation zones.  相似文献   



Comprehensive biodiversity protection necessitates the consideration of multiple indexes of diversity, and how the distribution patterns of priority areas may shift under climate change. Galliformes is a globally endangered avian order vulnerable to climate change that provide an important indicator for wildlife conservation effectiveness. Here, we identified priority areas for conserving Galliformes taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity in China and their spatial dynamics subject to climate change, and examined how well existing protected areas align with current and future priority areas.




We applied species distribution modelling and Zonation algorithms to identify conservation priority area dynamics for 47 galliform species across three biodiversity indexes subject to three future climate change scenarios to 2050s and 2070s. We overlaid these identified priority areas onto existing national nature reserves and national parks to assess and project their effectiveness.


Current priority areas proved spatially incongruent between indexes, with an optimal area overlap comprising just 10.3% of China's land area, lying largely outside of existing protected areas. Furthermore, over 80% of modelled optimal priority areas currently lacked formal conservation status. Future priority areas will shift substantially under climate change, to an extent dependent on greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Nevertheless, we identified five large regions where optimal Galliformes diversity indexes should remain stable under all scenarios, thus providing potential climatic refugia, if protected from human encroachment.

Main Conclusions

The current deficits we identified for Galliformes protection in China resonate with a broader need for hierarchical conservation strategic planning across regions and ecosystems to ensure long-term biodiversity protection, accommodating for climate change.  相似文献   

Two ecologically and economically important, and threatened Dipterocarp trees Sal (Shorea robusta) and Garjan (Dipterocarpus turbinatus) form mono‐specific canopies in dry deciduous, moist deciduous, evergreen, and semievergreen forests across South Asia and continental parts of Southeast Asia. They provide valuable timber and play an important role in the economy of many Asian countries. However, both Dipterocarp trees are threatened by continuing forest clearing, habitat alteration, and global climate change. While climatic regimes in the Asian tropics are changing, research on climate change‐driven shifts in the distribution of tropical Asian trees is limited. We applied a bioclimatic modeling approach to these two Dipterocarp trees Sal and Garjan. We used presence‐only records for the tree species, five bioclimatic variables, and selected two climatic scenarios (RCP4.5: an optimistic scenario and RCP8.5: a pessimistic scenario) and three global climate models (GCMs) to encompass the full range of variation in the models. We modeled climate space suitability for both species, projected to 2070, using a climate envelope modeling tool “MaxEnt” (the maximum entropy algorithm). Annual precipitation was the key bioclimatic variable in all GCMs for explaining the current and future distributions of Sal and Garjan (Sal: 49.97 ± 1.33; Garjan: 37.63 ± 1.19). Our models predict that suitable climate space for Sal will decline by 24% and 34% (the mean of the three GCMs) by 2070 under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. In contrast, the consequences of imminent climate change appear less severe for Garjan, with a decline of 17% and 27% under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. The findings of this study can be used to set conservation guidelines for Sal and Garjan by identifying vulnerable habitats in the region. In addition, the natural habitats of Sal and Garjan can be categorized as low to high risk under changing climates where artificial regeneration should be undertaken for forest restoration.  相似文献   

Distributions of potential ranges of plant species are not yet fully known in Ethiopia where high climatic variability and vegetation types are found. This study was undertaken to predict distributions of suitable habitats of Pouteria adolfi-friederici and Prunus africana under current and two future climate scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 in 2050 and 2070) in Ethiopia. Eleven environmental variables with less correlation coefficients (r < 0.7) were used to make the prediction. Shifting in extents of habitat suitability and effects of elevation, solar radiation and topographic position in relation to the current and future climatic scenarios were statistically analysed using independent t-test and linear model. We found decreasing area of highly suitable habitat from 0.51% to 0.46%, 0.36% and 0.33%, 0.24% for Prunus africana and 1.13% to 1.02%, 0.77% and 0.76%, 0.60% for Pouteria adolfi-friederici, under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 by 2050 and 2070 respectively. Moist and dry afromontane forests are identified as the most suitable habitat for both species. Overall, our results suggest that climate change can promote dynamic suitable habitat niches under different future climate scenarios. Therefore, biodiversity conservation strategies should take into account habitat suitability dynamics issues and identify where to conserve species before implementing conservation practices.  相似文献   

Global climate model outputs involve uncertainties in prediction, which could be reduced by identifying agreements between the output results of different models, covering all assumptions included in each. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. is an invasive pathogen that poses risk to date palm cultivation, among other crops. Therefore, in this study, the future distribution of invasive Fusarium oxysporum f.sp., confirmed by CSIRO-Mk3.0 (CS) and MIROC-H (MR) GCMs, was modeled and combined with the future distribution of date palm predicted by the same GCMs, to identify areas suitable for date palm cultivation with different risk levels of invasive Fusarium oxysporum f.sp., for 2030, 2050, 2070 and 2100. Results showed that 40%, 37%, 33% and 28% areas projected to become highly conducive to date palm are under high risk of its lethal fungus, compared with 37%, 39%, 43% and 42% under low risk, for the chosen years respectively. Our study also indicates that areas with marginal risk will be limited to 231, 212, 186 and 172 million hectares by 2030, 2050, 2070 and 2100. The study further demonstrates that CLIMEX outputs refined by a combination of different GCMs results of different species that have symbiosis or parasite relationship, ensure that the predictions become robust, rather than producing hypothetical findings, limited purely to publication.  相似文献   

Broadacre livestock production is a major but highly diverse component of agriculture in Australia that will be significantly exposed to predicted changes in climate over coming decades. We used the GRAZPLAN simulation models to assess the impacts of climate change under the SRES A2 scenario across southern Australia. Climate change impacts were examined across space (25 representative locations) and time (1970–99, 2030, 2050 and 2070 climate) for each of five livestock enterprises. Climate projection uncertainty was considered by analysing projections from four global circulation models (GCMs). Livestock production scenarios were compared at their profit‐maximizing stocking rate, constrained to ensure that risks of soil erosion were acceptable. Impacts on net primary productivity (ANPP) varied widely between GCM projections; the average declines from historical climate were 9% in 2030, 7% in 2050 and 14% in 2070. Declines in ANPP were larger at lower‐rainfall locations. Sensitivity of ANPP to changes in rainfall ranged from 0.4 to 1.7, to temperature increase from ?0.15 to +0.07 °C?1 and to CO2 increase from 0.11 to 0.32. At most locations the dry summer period lengthened, exacerbating the greater erosion risk due to lower ANPP. Transpiration efficiency of pastures increased by 6–25%, but the proportion of ANPP that could safely be consumed by livestock fell sharply so that operating profit (at constant prices) fell by an average of 27% in 2030, 32% in 2050 and 48% in 2070. This amplification of ANPP reductions into larger profitability declines is likely to generalize to other extensive livestock systems. Profit declines were most marked at drier locations, with operating losses expected at 9 of the 25 locations by 2070. Differences between livestock enterprises were smaller than differences between locations and dates. Future research into climate change impacts on Australian livestock production needs to emphasise the dry margin of the cereal‐livestock zone.  相似文献   

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