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为提高笼养绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysi)的繁殖能力,2018和2019年在四川蜂桶寨进行了笼养绿尾虹雉的人工繁育研究。8只(3♂,5♀)成年绿尾虹雉分别饲养在4个笼舍中,其中,2个笼舍1雄1雌,1笼舍1雄2雌,1笼舍1雌鸟单养。两年笼养绿尾虹雉共产受精卵16枚,受精率44.44%,人工孵化出雏12只,孵化率75%。孵卵过程中日卵重损失量(Y1)与孵卵天数(X)之间的回归方程:Y1=0.375+0.001 X(F=2.995,P>0.05),日卵重损失量与孵卵天数相关性不显著。卵重(Y2)与孵卵天数(X)极显著相关,Y2=83.451-0.385X(R2=1,P<0.01)。总之,在现有条件下,建造适宜的绿尾虹雉笼养设施,改进人工孵化条件,是目前提高笼养绿尾虹雉繁殖性能的关键。  相似文献   

为探讨繁殖期增加光照时间改善绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii繁殖性能的可行性,于2016年2月26日—5月26日进行了人工补充光照试验。选择体质量相近的绿尾虹雉成体8只(4♂、4♀),随机分成1个对照组和1个试验组,每组4只(2♂、2♀),每组2个重复,每个重复2只(1♂、1♀)。对照组为自然光照,试验组为自然光照结合人工补充光照达到每天16 h(16L∶8D)的光照时间。结果表明:试验组雌鸟血液雌二醇、雄鸟血液睾酮极显著高于对照组(P0.01);试验组血液黄体生成素、垂体泌乳素显著高于对照组(P0.05)。试验组雄鸟的求偶行为较对照组出现更早,频率更高;试验组开产期比对照组提前了26 d,产卵期延长了2 d,受精率提高了80%,平均卵质量增加了3.0 g,产卵数增加了1枚。在绿尾虹雉季节性产卵习性的基础上,本地日照环境下利用自然光照结合人工补充光照达到每天16 h(16L∶8D)的光照时间,可以使绿尾虹雉产卵早、产卵期延长、卵质量增加、受精率提高。  相似文献   

2003年和2006年的繁殖季节,对笼养条件下绿尾虹雉的行为进行了详细的观察.在48 480次行为记录中,非繁殖行为主要以走动(32.34%)、站立(12.78%)、静卧(16.32%)和静栖(16.52%)行为为主,理羽(2.65%)、进食(8.01%)和观望(9.56%)行为较少发生.绿尾虹雉的求偶炫耀行为独特,交配行为历时一般不超过5 s,雌鸟产卵过程甚短,只有几秒钟的时间.繁殖期笼养绿尾虹雉与野生个体之间在行为方面存在较大差异.  相似文献   

笼养绿尾虹雉血液生理生化指标分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解人工饲养绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)血液生理生化指标及特点,以四川宝兴蜂桶寨国家级自然保护区笼养的9只成年非繁殖期绿尾虹雉为研究对象,测定了34项血液生理生化指标,按性别分组统计进行差异显著性检验。结果表明,绿尾虹雉血液生理指标不同性别间无显著差异(P0.05)。血液生化指标中的血液总蛋白雄性显著低于雌性(P0.05),血清尿素雄性显著高于雌性(P0.05),但血液中的其他有机物(白蛋白、球蛋白、肌酐、葡萄糖、尿素、酶、总胆固醇、甘油三酯等)及无机离子(钾、钠、镁、氯、钙、磷、铁)不同性别之间无显著差异(P0.05)。说明本实验条件下,笼养绿尾虹雉非繁殖期血液生理指标与性别没有相关性,血清总蛋白、血清尿素含量可能与性别有关。  相似文献   

笼养绿尾虹雉繁殖季节的日行为节律和时间分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年和2011年的3~6月,对宝兴蜂桶寨自然保护区笼养绿尾虹雉的日行为节律和时间分配进行了观察。结果表明:1)日行为节律:笼养绿尾虹雉的移动行为和取食行为表现出相同的变化规律,在一天中出现两个峰值;静栖行为的变化趋势与之相反;保养行为早晚较少,中午出现较多;繁殖行为和社会行为一天中均有发生;2)时间分配:一天之中行为比例最高的是静栖行为(54.18%±2.861%),其次是移动行为(34.29%±2.379%)、取食行为(5.51%±0.470%)、繁殖行为(3.68%±0.337%)和保养行为(1.64%±0.287%),最少的是社会行为(0.64%±0.106%);3)笼养绿尾虹雉的6种行为在个体间均表现出显著差异(P值均小于0.0001),而在两性间,只有取食行为表现出显著差异(t=-3.28,P=0.014),静栖行为、移动行为和社会行为个体之间无显著差异(t=-0.21,P=0.843;t=0.02,P=0.987;t=1.97,P=0.089),3种行为在不同时间段里有显著差异(t=-2.56,P=0.011;t=2.69,P=0.008;t=3.48,P<0.001),繁殖行为在一天中不同时间段里无显著差异(t=0.6222,P=0.534),保养行为在两性间和不同时间段里均无显著差异(t(sex)=-1.65,P=0.142;t(time)=-0.32,P=0.745)。  相似文献   

2017年4—8月,利用瞬时扫描法和红外相机调查法对四川小寨子沟国家级自然保护区绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii的日活动行为进行了研究,结果表明:1)春、夏季绿尾虹雉的活动时间主要用于移动(38.04%),其次是取食(33.96%)、观望(17.01%)和静栖(7.05%),用于社会(2.14%)、保养(1.54%)和繁殖(0.27%)的时间较少;2)取食行为早晚的频次较高,静栖和保养行为在午后具有明显高峰,社会行为在清晨和夜宿前达到峰值;3)静栖、社会和保养行为节律存在性别和季节差异,繁殖行为节律存在性别差异;4)与笼养种群相比,野生绿尾虹雉的取食时间占比更大,静栖行为占比更少,移动、社会、繁殖和观望行为节律存在差异。了解野生绿尾虹雉的行为特征是保护该物种的重要基础,同时也可为人工圈养种群的管理提供参考,今后应重视其野外生态学研究工作。  相似文献   

绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii是中国特有的高山雉类,国家一级重点保护野生动物,具有极高的保护价值。卧龙国家级自然保护区是绿尾虹雉的重要分布区,但长期以来都缺乏针对性分布调查和生境研究。2019—2021年使用红外相机技术对保护区的绿尾虹雉种群进行了广泛调查,采用物种分布模型评价了其生境质量。结果显示:1)109个红外相机位点中共有66个拍摄到绿尾虹雉,其中银厂沟和足木沟等区域的种群相对多度较高;2)基于47个物种出现点和28个环境变量所构建的MaxEnt生境评价模型显示,保护区内绿尾虹雉的适宜生境总面积765.07 km~2,占保护区总面积的38.25%,其中,高质量和低质量生境面积分别为202.22 km~2和562.85 km~2,并且主要位于核心区;3)气候、植被、地形和人为干扰共同影响绿尾虹雉的生境质量,降水季节性适中、最干季均温和年均温较低、远离河流和公路的灌丛和草甸是绿尾虹雉的最适宜生境。总体而言,保护区的绿尾虹雉生境面积大、质量高且连通性较好,为绿尾虹雉种群资源提供了良好的生存环境。  相似文献   

2015年6—8月和2016年3—8月,在四川小寨子沟国家级自然保护区及周边地区,采用绝对密度调查法,对繁殖期绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii的密度进行了调查,并基于Max Ent对繁殖期绿尾虹雉的栖息地质量进行了评价。结果显示:在保护区及其周边区域内,绿尾虹雉繁殖期常活动于海拔3 500~4 100 m靠近阳坡的草甸、灌丛生境。在整个评价区域内适宜栖息地120.05 km~2,次适宜栖息地141.67 km~2;在保护区内繁殖期绿尾虹雉的平均密度为4.99只/km~2,适宜栖息地49.17 km~2,次适宜栖息地48.27 km~2,推测其种群数量为245只。放牧、资源采集等人类活动是影响绿尾虹雉种群密度的主要因子,因此在本区域的保护区网络间需要加强对人类活动的控制,限制放牧活动,以保护高海拔区域的生物多样性。  相似文献   

2009年3-7月,在北京小龙门森林公园悬挂人工巢箱,对大山雀(Parus major)和褐头山雀(P.montanus;)的繁殖进行比较研究.野外共悬挂100个巢箱,其中19巢(19.0%)被大山雀、11巢(11.0%)被褐头山雀进驻,总利用率为30.0%.同域繁殖的大山雀和褐头山雀在窝卵数、孵化期上有极显著差异(P<0.01),其中大山雀的窝卵数(8.21枚±0.25枚,n=19)极显著大于褐头山雀(6.18枚±0.23枚,n=11),而褐头山雀的孵化期(14.22d±0.44d,n=10)极显著长于大山雀(13.17 d±O.83 d,n=12).两者在卵重、卵大小、出雏数、雏鸟出飞数上无显著差异(P>0.05).大山雀的繁殖成功率(27.0%)和营巢成效(63.2%)均显著低于褐头山雀(54.5%和100%)(P<0.01).表明大山雀可能采取高产卵数、低存活率的繁殖对策,而褐头山雀的繁殖策略则可能为低产卵数、高存活率.  相似文献   

绿尾虹雉的繁殖生态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对我国珍禽绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysll)的栖息地类型,繁殖期的活动规律、巢和卵、种群密度,及天敌等做了报道,为在原产地列野生种群繁殖习性的首次记述;并对绿尾虹雉野生群体的繁殖比率、配偶方式及该物种的濒危程度问题做了理论性探讨。  相似文献   

Certain loud calls made by female red junglefowl and Lapland longspurs are given most frequently immediately after egg laying, when a copulation should have the highest probability of fertilizing the next egg to be laid. In these species there is considerable male-male interaction for access to fertilizable females, and males are attracted to or follow females making these calls. Based on our interpretation of these calls, we develop a general hypothesis to predict the pattern of occurrence of fertility advertisement both within and among bird species. We hypothesize that certain loud calls given by female birds before and during the egg-laying period are designed to advertise fertility and thereby incite male-male competition. This hypothesis predicts that calls advertising female fertility should most often occur soon after an egg is laid (i.e. during the period of highest fertility) but may also occur at any time during the female's fertilizable period. Such calls are unlikely to be given by females in strictly monogamous species (especially those with long-term pair bonds) because in these species each female usually mates with only a single male and extra-pair copulations are avoided. Although reports of loud female calls associated with copulation are rare in the literature, the 18 examples we found (including junglefowl and longspurs) were predominantly (15/18) in species adopting mating systems other than strict monogamy, and these calls were most commonly and disproportionately reported in multi-male mating systems. This form of “estrus” in birds may be widespread because few species appear to be strictly monogamous, but it will be difficult to study because the period of high fertility for female birds is so short.  相似文献   

Biological control of the fish louse in a rainbow trout fishery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Novel egg-laying boards were found to be effective in the biological control of the freshwater fish louse Argulus foliaceus in a 12·9 ha rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss fishery which had a high prevalence and intensity of infection of juvenile parasites in the early spring of 1999. Approximately 228 000 egg clutches were harvested during an extensive 14 week period of egg laying which peaked in June 1999. In contrast, only 1566 clutches were harvested in 2000, when egg laying activity showed a bi-modal distribution, peaking in May and again in July and August. Egg laying activity decreased 145-fold compared to 1999. Argulus foliaceus prevalence and mean intensity also decreased nine-fold and six-fold, respectively. The ratio of female to male A. foliaceus on rainbow trout in consecutive years was 2·9: 1 and 2·1: 1. Estimates of the size of the female A. foliaceus population based on egg-laying activity in 1999 exceeded that derived from measurements of prevalence and intensity of infection, whereas in 2000, this was more in balance. A minimum temperature of 10° C was identified for egg laying, which occurred continuously from May to October in a broadly synchronous manner. This produced almost two generations each year, with juveniles, adults and eggs undergoing anabiosis during winter.  相似文献   

The whooping crane (Grus americana) has been managed in captivity since the 1960s following a substantial genetic bottleneck in the wild population. Through major ex situ conservation efforts, there are 158 whooping cranes managed in North American institutions and chicks are released annually into the wild. Current reintroduction goals for the whooping crane however, are impeded by poor reproduction within the ex situ population, in part because of low egg fertility. Development of improved management techniques to overcome low egg fertility requires a better understanding of factors that influence egg fertility. We collected data for eggs laid at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center from 2005–2014 (n = 438 eggs; n = 23 pairs). We constructed 5 sets of generalized linear mixed-models, with a Bernoulli-distributed response variable (fertile or infertile), to address the effects of egg-specific variables (month laid, sequence, and clutch order of the egg), life-history events of the male and female (age, rearing method, wing condition, age at first pairing, age at current pairing, and female age at first laying), pair-specific characteristics (kinship, years paired, chick-rearing experience, and previous pairings), and captive management decisions (inclusion in the artificial insemination program and pair experience chick-rearing) on the probability of egg fertility. Our results indicate that female-specific factors (especially age, age at current pairing, and wing status) and pair-specific factors of kinship, chick-rearing experience, copulation, and inclusion in the artificial insemination program influenced fertile egg production. Specifically, the younger a female is when paired with her current social mate, the higher probability that her eggs will be fertile. Furthermore, high kinship reduced fertility, whereas chick-rearing experience and artificial insemination of females with a donor male other than her social mate increased fertility. Further research on mate selection and reproductive mechanisms is needed to better understand egg laying and egg fertility in the whooping crane. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The exocytosis level in the neurosecretory terminals of the aorta wall, was studied by electron-microscopy in female Labidura riparia during different stages of the reproductive period: end of vitellogenesis, beginning, middle and end of egg-laying, and during egg-care.The exocytosis level (L. ex) in the terminals which are filled with big dense elementary granules is low at the end of vitellogenesis (L. ex = 0.28), the level increases 8 times when the first egg is passing under the genital plate, reaching a maximum level (2.46) when approximately ten eggs have been laid. The level then decreases at the end of egg-laying (1.8) and abruptly falls when the female begins her egg-care cycle. Throughout this period, the exocytosis level stays between 0.54 and 0.76.These results show a significant release of brain neurosecretory product at the neurohaemal part of the aorta during egg-laying. This suggests that egg-laying could be regulated by a brain hormone.  相似文献   

The spawning relationships with temperature/photoperiod of Strombus gigas were investigated considering three habitats in Alacranes Reef, Yucatan, between February 1999 and March 2000. The sites were 22 degrees 34'N, 89 degrees 42'W (site 1); 22 degrees 29'N, 89"45'W (site 2) and 22 degrees 22'N, 89 degrees 39'W (site 3). At each site, transects (100 m x 10 m) were done. Different kinds of reproductive behavior of S. gigas was observed: such as copulating and egg-laying. Individuals alone and egg masses were registered as well. The S. gigas shell length and lip thickness were measured. High density of adults was found at site 2 with 87 conchs in one transect of 1000 m2. The mean density per m2 was 0.004 for site 1; 0.035 for site 2; and 0.003 for site 3. The mean shell length was 220 mm and the lip thickness mean was 16 mm (N = 783) for all sites. In February 1999 egg-laying female was found on sand. There was a high reproductive activity at site 2 with 8 egg-laying and 18 egg masses. Minimum reproductive activity was found at site 3 with 2 egg masses. The bottom-water temperature was related positively with copulating pairs (r = 0.723, f = 11.05, p < 0.01) and egg masses (r = 0.736, f = 11.82, p < 0.1). Correlation between photoperiod with copulating pairs (r = 0.857, f = 27.78, p < 0.01) and egg masses (r = 0.782, f = 15.77, p < 0.01) were found as well.  相似文献   

鼋(Pelochelys cantorii, 1864)属于中国国家一级重点保护野生动物, 生物学资料相对匮乏, 2015和2016年连续2年对人工驯养的4只亲鼋(2雌2雄)进行了繁殖生物学研究。人工驯养鼋的产卵期集中在5—8月, 夜间产卵, 无护卵行为。通过视频观察分析, 鼋产卵过程可分为Ⅳ个阶段。2只雌鼋2015年共产卵10窝, 每窝32—50枚, 共406枚, 受精273枚, 受精率为67.24%, 孵出稚鼋140只, 孵化率为51.28%; 2016年共产卵11窝, 每窝40—55枚, 共489枚, 受精353枚, 受精率为72.19%, 孵出稚鼋212只, 孵化率为60.06%。鼋卵圆形, 刚性, 均重(16.82±1.99) g, 卵直径(3.10±0.18) cm, 刚孵出稚鼋均重(13.60±0.85) g, 在人工控温下平均孵化期为(64.94±3.47)d。繁殖数据表明这2对鼋处于生育盛年期。针对2016年的繁殖数据分析, 2只雌鼋每窝产卵量无明显差异, 卵均重和卵直径间有显著相关性, 雌鼋1个体体重大于雌鼋2, 前者产的卵均重显著大于后者, 孵出稚鼋的初重差异也显著, 卵大, 稚鼋也大。孵出的稚鼋以活鱼苗为饵料, 在温室内人工养殖周年, 均重可以达(510.30±82.77) g。研究旨在为鼋繁育生物学提供基础性数据, 为其资源保护做贡献。  相似文献   

Mechanisms responsible for population stability in relation to resource availability were studied in an introduced herbivorous lady beetle,Epilachna niponica. The introduced population was relatively constant over a seven-year study period. Egg density was related to the variation in host-plant abundance in different years, and was highly stabilized during the period from reproductive adult to egg stage. Two density-dependent processes were identified in the reproductive season: (1) density-dependent reduction in fecundity and (2) density-dependent increase in female mortality and/or emigration, all of which operated early in the season. As a result, temporal variability in cumulative egg density was greatly reduced by mid-May, by which time approximately40% of total eggs were laid. A field cage experiment demonstrated that egg-laying of individual females was largely limited by resource availability even at low levels of leaf herbivory. Since movement activity of ovipositing females increased in a density-dependent manner, inter-plant movement is more likely to cause density-dependent reduction in fecundity and female loss, due to enhanced energy expendiditure. The introduced population was less stable than the source population, probably because of decreased inter-plant movement of females and the unlikelihood of egg resorption, both of which contribute significantly to the temporal stability ofE. niponica population densities.  相似文献   

Polinices pulchellus held in the laboratory produced egg collars all year round. Egg collar production was greatest during July and August and only occurred in females >8-10 mm shell length. The largest individuals (14-16 mm shell length) had the highest fecundity and ceased egg-laying in late September, whilst 8-14 mm individuals laid egg collars until November. Small females (4-6 mm) grew rapidly during the warmer, summer months (April to August), became sexually mature and began laying egg collars in mid-September. Both the range of egg collar wet weights and the maximum wet weight of an individual egg collar increased with female size class. Temperature strongly affected the length of time between the laying of egg collars and the hatching of larvae (9-10 days at 19-20 °C and 14-15 days at 13-14 °C). A close relationship was also found between egg collar wet weight and the number of veliger larvae released.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that prothonotary warblers, Protonotaria citrea, respond adaptively to brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater, even though they lack historical habitat and range overlap with cowbirds. I studied behaviours functioning as potential defences against brood parasitism in the prothonotary warbler, a cavity-nesting host species. Opening sizes preferred by prothonotary warblers were not small enough to exclude cowbirds, and warblers were parasitized heavily in nests with larger openings. Male and female prothonotary warblers were always away from their nests before sunrise when cowbirds laid eggs in their nests. Prothonotary warblers infrequently (∼6% of 560 nests) deserted nests that were parasitized during the egg-laying period, but frequently (56% of 151 nests) deserted nests that were parasitized before a female warbler laid her first egg. Prothonotary warblers also deserted 60-70% of nests where a cowbird egg, warbler egg or die were experimentally added before egg laying. However, the experimental addition of one of these three objects during the egg-laying period did not elicit desertion. The desertion of parasitized nests was not affected by nest site availability as has been reported elsewhere in the literature. This lack of a response to brood parasitism by prothonotary warblers may be an example of evolutionary lag, because it is likely that they have only recently been exposed to widespread parasitism, and they accept parasitism at a high cost to their own reproductive success. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Mating stimulates the rate of egg-laying by female insects. In Drosophila melanogaster this stimulation is initially caused by seminal fluid molecules transferred from the male (Acps or accessory gland proteins; reviewed in [1] [2] [3]). Egg-laying is a multi-step process. It begins with oocyte release by the ovaries, followed by egg movement down the oviducts and the deposition of eggs onto the substratum. Although two Acps are known to stimulate egg-laying [4] [5], they were detected by assays that do not discriminate between the steps of this process or allow examination of its earliest changes [4] [5] [6] [7]. To determine how egg-laying is regulated, we developed a generally applicable assay to separate the process into quantifiable steps, allowing us to assess the ovulation pattern and rate of egg movement. As the steps are interdependent yet potentially subject to independent controls, we determined the contribution of each step and effector independent of the others. We used a statistical method [8] [9] that separately considers and quantifies each 'path' to a common end. We found that the prohormone-like molecule Acp26Aa [5] [10] stimulates the first step in egg-laying - release of oocytes by the ovary. During mating, Acp26Aa begins to accumulate at the base of the ovaries, a position consistent with action on the ovarian musculature to mediate oocyte release. Understanding how individual Acps regulate egg-laying in fruitflies will help provide a full molecular picture of insects' prodigious fertility, of reproductive hormones, and of the roles of these rapidly evolving proteins [11] [12].  相似文献   

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