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张树珍  樊卫国 《西北植物学报》2022,42(10):1728-1738
为了探究喀斯特地区野生毛葡萄(Vitis quinquangularis Rehd.)器官的钙含量、组分及其分布特征,揭示野生毛葡萄的需钙特性及其对高钙土壤的适应机制。该研究以贵州喀斯特地区野生毛葡萄为材料,取样测定了40个样地的野生毛葡萄立地土壤的pH值、交换性钙含量及其根、茎、叶中钙和镁及其钙组分含量,分析土壤交换性钙含量与不同钙组分间的关系,并观察野生毛葡萄叶片表面及根、茎、叶中的钙晶体。结果表明:(1)喀斯特地区野生毛葡萄总钙含量在器官中的分布表现为叶>根>茎,其分布特征与喜钙植物类似。(2)野生毛葡萄根、茎、叶中主要钙组分含量由高到低依次基本为草酸钙、果胶酸钙、水溶性钙、磷酸钙+碳酸钙、硝酸钙+氯化钙、硅酸钙(茎中稍有不同),根、茎、叶中草酸钙占所有钙组分总量和总钙含量的比例均最高,其次是果胶酸钙。(3)各样地野生毛葡萄叶片中Ca+Mg的含量范围在1.30%~4.07%之间,绝大多数在3.0%~4.0%范围内,表现出喜钙植物叶中高Ca+Mg含量的特性。(4)在喀斯特地区的野生毛葡萄体内,多种钙组分含量与土壤中的钙含量呈显著或极显著的正相关关系。(5)扫描电镜观察发现,野生毛葡萄叶片和根中储存有大量的草酸钙晶体,叶片中的草酸钙可通过气孔排出体外。研究发现,喀斯特地区野生毛葡萄属于喜钙植物,对喀斯特高钙环境的适应性强,叶片中钙的富集量大,有大量的草酸钙和果胶酸钙储存于体内,这种储钙特性和气孔的排钙行为对野生毛葡萄适应高钙环境具有重要作用。  相似文献   

薛苹苹  高玉葆  何兴东 《生态学报》2013,33(5):1475-1481
为探索同一物种在不同生态区域钙组分特征的差异,选择我国北方沙地重要建群种油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)为研究对象,采集了内蒙古杭锦旗、乌审旗、阿拉善左旗以及宁夏盐池县和陕西榆林市榆阳区不同沙地类型、不同生长阶段的油蒿样品,利用连续组分法测定分析了油蒿的钙组分特征.结果表明,在油蒿的不同器官中,叶水溶性钙和醋酸溶性钙均显著高于枝和根,叶与根盐酸溶性钙均显著高于枝.在不同生态区域,降水量较多的地区油蒿体内水溶性钙含量较多,降水量较少的地区油蒿体内盐酸溶性钙含量较高.分析得知,降水条件较好的地区较高的水溶性钙主要体现在油蒿的叶中,而降水条件较差的地区较高的盐酸溶性钙主要体现在油蒿的叶和根中.油蒿在不同生长阶段钙组分没有显著差异,但不同类型沙地上油蒿的钙组分却有显著差异.可见,不同生态区域的油蒿,生境条件越好体内水溶性钙含量越高,生境条件越差体内盐酸溶性钙含量越高.  相似文献   

喀斯特地区植物钙含量特征与高钙适应方式分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
喀斯特地区土壤的高钙含量是影响该地区植物生理特征的最重要环境因素之一。高钙影响植物的光合作用、生长速率及磷代谢, 从而限制了许多物种在该地区的分布。选取贵州4个石漠化程度不同的地区, 测定采集地内45种优势种或常见种的地上部分和地下部分的全钙含量以及土壤的交换性钙含量。通过分析喀斯特地区植物与土壤钙含量的特征发现: 喀斯特地区植物具有较高的钙含量平均值; 土壤交换性钙含量对植物地上部分钙含量的影响总体上不显著, 对植物地下部分钙含量的影响显著; 不同类别植物的钙含量存在显著差异, 蕨类植物地上部分钙含量平均值明显低于被子植物; 不同类别植物钙的分布部位也存在显著差异, 在蕨类植物和单子叶植物中地上部分和地下部分的钙含量相近, 而双子叶植物的地上部分钙含量明显高于地下部分。分析了喀斯特地区14种优势灌木和草本植物地上部分与地下部分钙含量的差异性以及与土壤交换性钙含量的相关关系, 以此为根据将14种优势植物对土壤高钙的适应方式分为3种类型: 随遇型、高钙型和低钙型。随遇型植物的钙含量主要受土壤交换性钙含量影响, 其地上部分和地下部分的钙含量均与土壤交换性钙含量成显著正相关关系; 高钙型植物具有较强的钙富集能力, 其地上部分即使在低钙含量的土壤中也可维持较高的钙含量; 低钙型植物的地上部分即使在高钙含量的土壤中亦可维持较低的钙含量。对植物适应钙的不同方式的研究可用于筛选退化生态系统恢复所需的植物资源。  相似文献   

为探究不同生境下金花茶组植物的叶片钙形态特征,该研究以10种石灰土生境和4种酸性土生境的金花茶为对象,测定了其生境土壤的钙含量和pH值,以及该生境下金花茶组植物叶中的硝酸钙和氯化钙、水溶性有机酸钙、果胶酸钙、磷酸钙和碳酸钙、草酸钙、硅酸钙和总钙的含量。结果表明:(1)石灰土生境的土壤钙含量和土壤pH均极显著(P<0.01)高于酸性土。(2)在石灰土生境中,金花茶组植物的叶钙形态以草酸钙(41.17%)为主,而在酸性土生境中则以果胶酸钙(43.10%)为主,除硝酸钙和氯化钙、果胶酸钙外,石灰土金花茶的各叶钙形态和总钙含量均极显著(P<0.01)高于酸性土金花茶。(3)相关性分析结果显示,大部分叶钙形态含量与土壤pH和土壤钙含量呈极显著(P<0.01)正相关,表明土壤环境对金花茶组植物叶钙形态特征具有重要影响。(4)单因素方差分析结果显示,各叶钙形态含量在物种间存在极显著(P<0.01)差异,表明金花茶组植物在物种分化过程中叶钙形态特征具有多样性。(5)基于叶钙形态特征的聚类分析显示,14种金花茶可归为3大类。总体而言,不同生境背景下金花茶组植物的叶钙形态差异可能是...  相似文献   

以新鲜凋落叶为对象,研究了重庆石灰岩和砂岩两种生境下乔、灌、草3种生活型植物凋落叶的持水过程。结果发现:不同类型植物凋落叶的单位面积持水量与浸水时间(30 min~24 h)之间均符合对数函数关系。两种生境下凋落叶的持水速率均表现为:草本凋落叶有较大的持水速率,但维持时间较短;乔、灌木凋落叶随浸水时间的延长能保持较大的持水速率;对不同生境而言,石灰岩生境植物凋落叶的持水速率要高于砂岩生境内相同生活型凋落叶。对凋落叶的持水量比较发现,总体上石灰岩生境植物凋落叶的单位面积最大持水量(Q max)、单位面积自然含水量(Q n)、单位面积内部持水量(Q i)均显著高于砂岩生境植物凋落叶;对相同生活型而言,石灰岩生境乔木凋落叶的Q max、Q n显著大于砂岩生境,灌木凋落叶的Q max、Q n、Q i显著大于砂岩生境,草本凋落叶各指标无显著差异。植物对不同生境的适应,使得石灰岩生境乔、灌木植物凋落叶持水速率较快,持水能力高于砂岩生境。  相似文献   

植物对不同生长环境具有不同的适应机制。华南忍冬(Lonicera confusa)是生长于岩溶富钙环境下的典型植物,它具有通过气孔泌钙方式适应富钙环境的特性。以华南忍冬为研究对象,利用环境扫描电镜系统研究了华南忍冬气孔泌钙现象,并对泌钙后自组装的不同生物矿化物质进行了能谱分析,同时对比分析了能谱仪的点扫描和面扫描方式对相同物质的检测效果。结果表明:生长于岩溶富钙环境下的华南忍冬叶片表面不同晶型的钙盐是由气孔排出后形成的;钙盐分泌出组织后,自组装成多种形态的晶体,如晶沙、球晶和棱晶,晶体中除含有较高的钙外,还含有一定量的硫及其它元素,推测晶体的成核物质可能是由含硫氨基酸构成的蛋白质。研究结果为相关钙盐的仿生矿化研究提供了一定的启示。能谱分析能有效用于植物表面的微区分析及植物分泌物的物质基础测定。  相似文献   

本文探讨了东北羊草草地割草场的钙、镁含量特征。研究结果表明:羊草群落中,植物根的钙、镁含量最高,季节变化规律是在生长旺季较高。羊草地上部分钙、镁积累量的季节变化曲线基本为S型,寸草苔和针蔺为双峰型。群落地下部分钙、镁积累量分别占群落总积累量的97.13%和92.08%。群落中钙、镁积累量仅占根层土壤钙、镁贮量的0.05%和0.03%,占根层土壤交换性和水溶性钙、镁贮量之和的52.2%和14.62%。植物各器宫中钙含量和积累量均大于镁。  相似文献   

堇菜叶片草酸钙晶体与水分维持的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球气候变化加重,干旱强度和持续时间逐渐增加,严重影响植物生长和作物产量。喀斯特为典型的干旱和高钙生境,植物叶片富集大量的草酸钙晶体,而该晶体与植物耐旱性之间的关系并不清楚。该研究以喀斯特适生植物堇菜(Viola verecumda)为材料,土壤进行自然干旱,分析堇菜叶片的草酸钙晶体变化特征与水分之间的关系。结果表明:在土壤自然干旱条件下,堇菜主要通过细胞内束缚水的释放,维持细胞内水分平衡;而在干旱后期,叶片通过关闭气孔,将部分自由水转变为束缚水,防止水分流失。此外,草酸钙晶体的密度与束缚水含量具有极其显著的强正相关线性回归关系(r=0.825 3,P0.000 1),表明草酸钙晶体作为主要的束缚水物质。因此,堇菜植物在耐旱过程中可能协调草酸钙晶体和气孔的生理行为忍耐干旱胁迫。  相似文献   

将植物划分为不同的生长型来统计植物功能性状特征,是当前植物性状研究中常用的方法;但生长型分类方案的不同很可能造成植物功能性状统计分析的偏差,对此偏差的评估却尚未见报道。根据植物志描述及野外调查实际情况,将生长型划分为3种不同的分类方案:分类1:根据植物志信息划分为传统意义的乔木和灌木;分类2:根据树高和胸径划分乔木、小乔木和灌木;分类3:仅根据树高划分乔木层与灌木层的乔木和灌木。以东部亚热带常绿阔叶林区域的浙江金华北山35种优势阔叶木本植物的枝叶性状为研究对象,比较不同生长型分类对植物枝叶性状统计数据的影响。结果表明:(1)与传统的分类1相比,分类2对乔木植物枝叶性状影响的显著程度要高于分类3,而对灌木植物枝叶性状的影响程度低于分类3;但不同生长型分类方案中乔木和灌木的枝叶性状总体差异不显著。而与分类2小乔木相比,分类1以及分类2内部的乔木和灌木生长型的性状与分类2小乔木差异非常明显;(2)将不同生长型植物再划分为不同生活型后,不同生长型分类方案对性状统计的影响增大。无论是常绿还是落叶生活型的小乔木,其与不同生活型乔木和灌木的性状差异仍然显著。可见,不同的生长型分类方案可造成植物功能性状统计的差异;把小乔木植物这一功能类群划分出来,能更好地反映森林生态系统性状特征的差异性。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地东南部地区主要植物叶片性状及其相互关系   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
选取科尔沁沙地东南部地区23种主要植物,将其划分成草本、灌木和乔木3种生长型,并分别测定其叶片鲜重(FW)、干重(DW)、叶干物质含量(DMC)、面积(AR)、比叶面积(SLA)和厚度(TH)等6项叶片性状因子。结果表明,草本植物的叶片性状比灌木和乔木变异大;平均SLA和DMC草本<灌木<乔木,DW反之,而TH则没有明显的变化。方差分析发现,除DW和TH外,SLA和DMC在不同生长型中的变化显著,并且SLA与DMC呈显著负相关,说明SLA和DMC是在植物资源利用分类轴上划分植物种类的最佳变量。对于厚度,还需进一步进行研究。  相似文献   

鄞州五龙潭风景区药用植物资源的利用与保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过实地调查、访问、查阅资料等方法及对浙江医药高等专科学校标本室的标本查阅,已知鄞州五龙潭现有药用植物资源123科,481种;包括真菌3种,苔藓2种,蕨类植物27种,种子植物449种;据生态习性分有乔木52种,灌木99种,多年生草本116种,一、二年生草本158种,藤本56种;有常用中草药124种,以根和根茎类中草药最多,有41种,其次为全草类中草药,有38种。基本摸清了五龙潭常用中草药资源的利用情况。分析了药用植物资源被破坏的主要原因。提出了对药用植物资源进行保护的具体措施。  相似文献   

Developing soybean seeds accumulate very large amounts of both soluble oxalate and insoluble crystalline calcium (Ca) oxalate. Use of two methods of detection for the determination of total, soluble, and insoluble oxalate revealed that at +16 d postfertilization, the seeds were 24% dry mass of oxalate, and three-fourths of this oxalate (18%) was bound Ca oxalate. During later seed development, the dry mass of oxalate decreased. Crystals were isolated from the seeds, and X-ray diffraction and polarizing microscopy identified them as Ca oxalate monohydrate. These crystals were a mixture of kinked and straight prismatics. Even though certain plant tissues are known to contain significant amounts of oxalate and Ca oxalate during certain periods of growth, the accumulation of oxalate during soybean seed development was surprising and raises interesting questions regarding its function.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca) oxalate crystals occur in many plant species and in most organs and tissues. They generally form within cells although extracellular crystals have been reported. The crystal cells or idioblasts display ultrastructural modifications which are related to crystal precipitation. Crystal formation is usually associated with membranes, chambers, or inclusions found within the cell vacuole(s). Tubules, modified plastids and enlarged nuclei also have been reported in crystal idioblasts. The Ca oxalate crystals consist of either the monohydrate whewellite form, or the dihydrate weddellite form. A number of techniques exist for the identification of calcium oxalate. X-ray diffraction, Raman microprobe analysis and infrared spectroscopy are the most accurate. Many plant crystals assumed to be Ca oxalate have never been positively identified as such. In some instances, crystals have been classified as whewellite or weddellite solely on the basis of their shape. Certain evidence indicates that crystal shape may be independent of hydration form of Ca oxalate and that the vacuole crystal chamber membranes may act to mold crystal shape; however, the actual mechanism controlling shape is unknown. Oxalic acid is formed via several major pathways. In plants, glycolate can be converted to oxalic acid. The oxidation occurs in two steps with glyoxylic acid as an intermediate and glycolic acid oxidase as the enzyme. Glyoxylic acid may be derived from enzymatic cleavage of isocitric acid. Oxaloacetate also can be split to form oxalate and acetate. Another significant precursor of oxalate in plants is L-ascorbic acid. The intermediate steps in the conversion of L-ascorbic acid to oxalate are not well defined. Oxalic acid formation in animals occurs by similar pathways and Ca oxalate crystals may be produced under certain conditions. Various functions have been attributed to plant crystal idioblasts and crystals. There is evidence that oxalate synthesis is related to ionic balance. Plant crystals thus may be a manifestation of an effort to maintain an ionic equilibrium. In many plants oxalate is metabolized very slowly or not at all and is considered to be an end product of metabolism. Plant crystal idioblasts may function as a means of removing the oxalate which may otherwise accumulate in toxic quantities. Idioblast formation is dependent on the availability of both Ca and oxalate. Under Ca stress conditions, however, crystals may be reabsorbed indicating a storage function for the idioblasts for Ca. In addition, it has been suggested that the crystals serve purely as structural supports or as a protective device against foraging animals. The purpose of this review is to present an overview of plant crystal idioblasts and Ca oxalate crystals and to include the most recent literature.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pistia stratiotes produces large amounts of calcium (Ca) oxalate crystals in specialized cells called crystal idioblasts. The potential involvement of Ca(2+) channels in Ca oxalate crystal formation by crystal idioblasts was investigated. METHODS: Anatomical, ultrastructural and physiological analyses were used on plants, fresh or fixed tissues, or protoplasts. Ca(2+) uptake by protoplasts was measured with (45)Ca(2+), and the effect of Ca(2+) channel blockers studied in intact plants. Labelled Ca(2+) channel blockers and a channel protein antibody were used to determine if Ca(2+) channels were associated with crystal idioblasts. KEY RESULTS: (45)Ca(2+) uptake was more than two orders of magnitude greater for crystal idioblast protoplasts than mesophyll protoplasts, and idioblast number increased when medium Ca was increased. Plants grown on media containing 1-50 microM of the Ca(2+) channel blockers, isradipine, nifedipine or fluspirilene, showed almost complete inhibition of crystal formation. When fresh tissue sections were treated with the fluorescent dihydropyridine-type Ca(2+) channel blocker, DM-Bodipy-DHP, crystal idioblasts were intensely labelled compared with surrounding mesophyll, and the label appeared to be associated with the plasma membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum, which is shown to be abundant in idioblasts. An antibody to a mammalian Ca(2+) channel alpha1 subunit recognized a single band in a microsomal protein fraction but not soluble protein fraction on western blots, and it selectively and heavily labelled developing crystal idioblasts in tissue sections. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that Ca oxalate crystal idioblasts are enriched, relative to mesophyll cells, in dihydropyridine-type Ca(2+) channels and that the activity of these channels is important to transport and accumulation of Ca(2+) required for crystal formation.  相似文献   

Grouping species may provide some degree of simplification to understand the ecological function of plants on key ecosystem processes. We asked whether groups of plant species based on morpho-chemical traits associated with plant persistence and stress/disturbance resistance reflect dominant plant growth forms in arid ecosystems. We selected twelve sites across an aridity gradient in northern Patagonia. At each site, we identified modal size plants of each dominant species and assessed specific leaf area (SLA), plant height, seed mass, N and soluble phenol concentration in green and senesced leaves at each plant. Plant species were grouped according with plant growth forms (perennial grasses, evergreen shrubs and deciduous shrubs) and plant morphological and/or chemical traits using cluster analysis. We calculated mean values of each plant trait for each species group and plant growth form. Plant growth forms significantly differed among them in most of the morpho-chemical traits. Evergreen shrubs were tall plants with the highest seed mass and soluble phenols in leaves, deciduous shrubs were also tall plants with high SLA and the highest N in leaves, and perennial grasses were short plants with high SLA and low concentration of N and soluble phenols in leaves. Grouping species by the combination of morpho-chemical traits yielded 4 groups in which species from one growth form prevailed. These species groups differed in soluble phenol concentration in senesced leaves and plant height. These traits were highly correlated. We concluded that (1) plant height is a relevant synthetic variable, (2) growth forms adequately summarize ecological strategies of species in arid ecosystems, and (3) the inclusion of plant morphological and chemical traits related to defenses against environmental stresses and herbivory enhanced the potential of species grouping, particularly within shrubby growth forms.  相似文献   

Reproductive phenology of 171 plant species belonging to 57 families of angiosperms was studied according to life-forms in four habitat types in a savanna-forest mosaic on the Venezuelan Central Plain. Flowering, unripe fruit, and mature fruit patterns were affected significantly according to life-forms and habitats respectively. Production of flowers, unripe fruits, and mature fruits showed marked seasonality for all habitats except for the forest. Flowering peaked during the rainy season, and fruiting peaked toward the end of the rainy season. The savanna and the disturbed area had similar proportions of species that flowered over the year. The percentage of species with unripe fruits produced throughout the year was more seasonal for the disturbed area than for the other habitats. Mature fruit patterns showed an increase during the late rainy season for the ecotone and savanna. A large number of herbaceous (annual and perennial) and liana species flowered during the wet season, and a smaller fraction flowered during the dry season; and trees, shrubs, and epiphytes increased flowering activity during the dry season. Unripe fruit patterns were similar to those of flowering for all life-forms, however, tree species were less seasonal. Mature fruit production by shrubs peaked in the period of maximum rainfall, while the peak for perennial herbs was in the late rainy season and the peak for annual herbs was during the transition between the rainy season and the dry season. The largest proportion of tree and liana species with ripe fruits occurred during the dry season. Differences among phenological patterns in habitats were caused mainly by life-forms and promote a wider distribution of reproductive events in habitats and overall community in the Venezuelan Central Plain.  相似文献   

Crystals of calcium oxalate have been observed among members from most taxonomic groups of photosynthetic organisms ranging from the smallest algae to the largest trees.The biological roles for calcium...  相似文献   

Many plants accumulate crystals of calcium oxalate. Just how these crystals form remains unknown. To gain insight into the mechanisms regulating calcium oxalate crystal formation, a crystal engineering approach was initiated utilizing the non-crystal-accumulating plant, Arabidopsis. The success of this approach hinged on the ability to transform Arabidopsis genetically into a calcium oxalate crystal-accumulating plant. To accomplish this transformation, two oxalic acid biosynthetic genes, obcA and obcB, from the oxalate-secreting phytopathogen, Burkholderia glumae were inserted into the Arabidopsis genome. The co-expression of these two bacterial genes in Arabidopsis conferred the ability not only to produce a measurable amount of oxalate but also to form crystals of calcium oxalate. Biochemical and cellular studies of crystal accumulation in Arabidopsis revealed features that are similar to those observed in the cells of crystal-forming plants. Thus, it appears that at least some of the basic components that comprise the calcium oxalate crystal formation machinery are conserved even in non-crystal-accumulating plants.  相似文献   

Nakata PA  McConn MM 《Plant physiology》2000,124(3):1097-1104
Plants accumulate crystals of calcium oxalate in a variety of shapes, sizes, amounts, and spatial locations. How and why many plants form crystals of calcium oxalate remain largely unknown. To gain insight into the regulatory mechanisms of crystal formation and function, we have initiated a mutant screen to identify the genetic determinants. Leaves from a chemically mutagenized Medicago truncatula population were visually screened for alterations in calcium oxalate crystal formation. Seven different classes of calcium oxalate defective mutants were identified that exhibited alterations in crystal nucleation, morphology, distribution and/or amount. Genetic analysis suggested that crystal formation is a complex process involving more than seven loci. Phenotypic analysis of a mutant that lacks crystals, cod 5, did not reveal any difference in plant growth and development compared with controls. This finding brings into question the hypothesized roles of calcium oxalate formation in supporting tissue structure and in regulating excess tissue calcium.  相似文献   

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