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广东南昆山夏季鸟类群落结构及生物量   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
鸟类群落组成和现存生物量是鸟类生态学研究的重要内容 ,对了解整个生态系统结构与功能的关系有重要意义。国内外学者就鸟类群落的结构与生境的关系做过大量的工作 (丁平等 ,1989;高玮 ,1992 ;李世纯等 ,1995 ;Sabo ,1980 ;Smith ,1977) ,但是对鸟类群落现存生物量方面的研究 ,至今极少见报道。因此 ,我们于 1998- 0 1~ 1999- 0 6 ,对南昆山森林鸟类群落冬、夏季的组成、现存生物量、能量流动及与生境的关系进行了较深入的研究 ,本文仅就夏季鸟类群落结构和现存生物量的研究作如下报道。1 研究地点与方法1 1 研究地点   南昆山…  相似文献   

北京小龙门森林鸟类群落划分与生态分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
孙忻  王丽 《生态学杂志》2001,20(5):25-31
森林鸟类是森林陆栖脊椎动物中种类和数量最丰富的动物类群 ,它们对于促进森林天然更新、传播植物种子及花粉、控制森林害虫和害兽等方面都起着重要作用。关于小龙门林区鸟类群落结构的研究已有报道[1 ] ,但是对于小龙门林区鸟类群落的划分未见有专门报道 ,我们于 1 992年 1 0月~1 993年 2月 ,1 993年 4~ 1 2月 ,1 994年 2~ 8月对北京小龙门林区所有 8条自然沟和 1条公路进行了调查 ,目的在于了解小龙门林区不同林型、海拔等区域的鸟类种类组成和数量状况 ,探讨不同区域的鸟类群落的划分及其影响因素。1 研究地点及方法小龙门林区位于北…  相似文献   

海南东寨港红树林湿地鸟类多样性研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
红树林湿地是全球湿地生态系统中的重要组成部分,湿地鸟类是湿地价值的重要指标[14].东寨港是我国红树林面积最大、种类最多、生长最好的地区之一[10],广阔的滩涂成为许多鸟类的觅食地和越冬点,每年春季和冬季都有许多迁徙鸟类在此觅食和越冬.红树林湿地鸟类的研究国内外都有一些报道[2,3,5,6,8,11,13],但正如Lefebvre所说"我们对红树林鸟类群落的认识主要局限于鸟类物种的编目"[13].对东寨港红树林鸟类研究,20世纪60~70年代有学者做过一些采集及考察工作[1,7,9],80年代和90年代初也有学者进行过一些调查[5,12],但大多数都是在东寨港作短暂的停留,记录的物种数很少、调查的结果也有局限性.1997~1998年我们对海南东寨港红树林湿地的鸟类进行了调查,这对未来东寨港鸟类的监测、湿地的保护及生态管理有重要意义.  相似文献   

广西玉林市东郊夏季鸟类群落的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
彭红元  陈毅新  黄健  余波 《四川动物》2006,25(4):837-840
2005年3~7月对玉林市东郊夏季鸟类群落进行了调查和研究。根据植被结构、生态环境和鸟类组成,该地区可划分为4个鸟类生态群落。对这4个鸟类群落的组成、群落间的相似性和均匀度以及群落生物多样性做了分析和讨论,群落Ⅱ的多样性指数最高,群落Ⅳ的均匀性指数最高,群落间的相似性指数以群落Ⅰ与群落Ⅱ之间的最高。  相似文献   

太原市南郊区雀科鸟类冬季群落生态的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开展鸟类群落生态学的研究,可以更全面更深入地了解鸟类在自然界中的地位和作用,从而为鸟类资源的保护和利用提供科学依据。雀科(Fringillidae)鸟类与农、林业有较密切的关系,苏造文(1959)、刘焕金等(1984)曾有过报道,但通过定量分析反映群落特征的工作,仅有杨兴家(1983)在长自山北坡对鹀类夏季群落结构所进行的研究,而冬季群落方面的资料较为匮缺。鉴于此,我们于1982—1984年3个冬季,在太原市南郊区对雀科鸟类的群落生态作了初步研究。工作区的自然概况已有说明(刘焕金等,1982),不再赘述。  相似文献   

海南东寨港红树林土壤微生物初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
红树林是热带、亚热带海岸河口潮间带的木本植物群落。海南琼山市东寨港国家级红树林保护区是我国面积较大 ,种类较多的典型分布区[16 ] ,具有独特的生态 ,经济和旅游价值[1] 。不少学者对该红树林生态系统进行了群落学、物流、能流等方面的研究[2 ,3] ,但对该系统微生物方面的研究还较少见。微生物是生态系统的主要分解者 ,红树林生态系统有较高的生产力和凋落物量 ,微生物在凋落物和有机碎屑的分解转化中有着先锋地位[2 ] ,因此微生物在红树林生态系统的物流和能流中有着重要的推动作用。本文报道了对东寨港红树林区土壤微生物数量的研究 …  相似文献   

广东内伶仃岛夏季鸟类群落生物多样性的研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
于1997-1999年7月10-20日,对内伶仃岛夏季鸟类群落进行了调查和研究,结果表明,34种鸟类是该岛的优势种类,又次内伶仃岛划分为5个岛类群落,并对这5个夏季鸟类群落的组成,群落间的相似性和均匀度以及各群落生物多样性做了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

芜湖市三种生境夏季鸟类多样性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1引言鸟类群落结构在一定程度上是鸟类之间相互关系的综合反映.一些鸟类对城市生态环境的变化反应非常敏感,因而对城市生态平衡和环境质量的变化能起到指示剂的作用[8].目前我国正处在城市化加速发展的时期,许多中等城市正在向大城市发展,城市生态建设面临巨大的压力和挑战.鸟类多样性是城市生物多样性的重要组成部分,对维持城市生态平衡具有重要的意义[13],而城市鸟类多样性研究能为城市的生态建设提供重要的参考依据.国内对城市鸟类群落的研究主要集中在北京、武汉、杭州等少数大城市,而对中小城市的研究不多[5,16~19].王宗英等[11]曾对…  相似文献   

崇明东滩春季鸟类群落特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
徐玲  李波  袁晓  徐宏发 《动物学杂志》2006,41(6):120-126
2003年春季对崇明东滩潮间带不同生境的鸟类群落进行了调查,共记录到鸟类64种,隶属7目15科。崇明东滩潮间带春季鸟类平均密度为14.60只/hm2,鸟类多样性指数2.08、均匀度指数0.49、优势度指数0.22。芦苇带、海三棱草带和盐渍藻类带是东滩潮间带典型的生境,各生境的鸟类种类、密度和多样性差异较大。其中芦苇带25种,平均密度2.56只/hm2;海三棱草带有48种,平均密度15.38只/hm2;盐渍藻类带36种,平均密度21.04只/hm2。3种生境中盐渍藻类带鸟类的生物多样性最高,海三棱草带最低。研究表明,滩涂围垦、人类活动干扰、互花米草的入侵是影响鸟类在东滩栖息的主要因素。  相似文献   

长江口、杭州湾北部的鸻形目鸟类群落   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
鸻形目鸟类(下简称“鹬鸻”)在海岸各鸟类中,其种类和数量均占首位。鹬鸻群落的研究对海岸生态系统的能流和结构的分析,海涂环境质量的评价起着十分重要的作用。国外对鸻鸟群落做了一些工作(Swmebroad 1964.Myers等1979),但鹬鸻群落在生态系统中的地位,鹬鸻群落在迁徙期的结构特征及引起群落结构变化的因子等方面系统的研究甚少,而国内这方面报道尚未见到。我们于1981年至1983年对上述鹬鸻群落研究方向在长江口、杭州湾北部进行了系统研究,现将阶段工作的一些结果简报如下:  相似文献   

长山列岛南部三岛岩相潮间带群落多样性格局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对长山列岛南部南长山、北长山和大黑山岛屿岩相潮间带群落种类组成的调查表明,3岛屿岩礁潮间带的群落结构差异不大,表现在决定群落结构和外貌的前5位优势种群及其优势度序列基本相同;而砾石潮间带的群落结构存在一定差异,表现在北长山群落中优势种群及其优势度序列显著地区别于南长山和大黑山,但后二者趋同-3岛屿岩礁潮间带的景观和群落外貌与结构由东方小藤壶(Chthamalus chal-lengeri)、牡蛎(Ostrea spp.)、大型藻类和短滨螺(Littorina breuicula)控制,砾石潮间带则由东方小藤壶、大型藻类和平背蜞(Gaetice depressus)决定.群落多样性由物种丰富度(R)、均匀度(J)和多样性(HB、Hlv、DR、DIv)衡量,3岛屿岩礁潮间带群落的各种多样性指数呈现一致性,群落多样性以北长山最高,大黑山最低;而砾石潮间带群落的各种多样性指数存在一定差异,南长山高于北长山和大黑山,北长山潮间带群落中物种分布的均匀度最高,南长山和大黑山趋同.比较3岛屿两种基质潮间带的群落多样性发现,砾石潮间带高于岩礁潮间带。  相似文献   

The identification and analysis of the guild structure of vertebrate assemblages has played a fundamental role in the understanding of the underlying mechanisms responsible for their community organization and structuring. This approach generally has not been undertaken for temperate water intertidal fish assemblages. In central Chile, fishes are important components of the intertidal community, but no studies attempting to understand their organization and structuring have been done. In the present study, the diets of 13 of the most abundant species which inhabit tidepools in the rocky intertidal zone of central Chile were determined. A total of 660 fishes was collected at 5 sites: Los Molles, Con-Cón, Quintay, El Tabo, and Las Cruces. Dietary overlap between all species pairs was calculated and a phenogram of dietary similarity was constructed and analyzed using a bootstrapping technique to objectively determine guild membership. The results showed that the intertidal fish assemblage of central Chile can be divided into three feeding guilds: two guilds consisting of carnivorous species and one guild of omnivorous and herbivorous species. The possible causes and implications of the resulting guild structure and the potential effects of predation by these fishes on other components of the intertidal community are discussed.  相似文献   

Zonation of intertidal macrobenthos in the estuaries of Schelde and Ems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Based on data, collected in 1980–1990, the intertidal benthic macrofauna of the Schelde and Ems estuaries was compared. The spatial occurrence of the benthic macrofauna along the salinity gradient, including the freshwater tidal area was emphasized. Both estuaries appeared to have a very similar species composition, especially at genus level. The higher number of species observed in the Schelde estuary was probably due to a greater habitat diversity. In both estuaries species diversity decreased with distance upstream. The total density did not vary along the estuarine gradient, whereas biomass is highest in the polyhaline zone.In both estuaries distinct intertidal benthic communities were observed along the salinity gradient: a marine community in the polyhaline zone, a brackish community in the mesohaline zone, and a third community in the oligohaline and freshwater tidal zones of the estuary. These three communities were very similar between both estuaries. Their main characteristics were discussed together with the occurrence and distribution of the dominant species.For the Schelde estuary and to a lesser extent also for the Ems estuary, there was evidence that anthropogenic stress had a negative effect on the intertidal macrobenthic communities of the oligohaline/freshwater tidal zone. Only Oligochaeta were dominating, whereas the very euryhaline and/or true limnetic species were missing. In the mesohaline zone, the Schelde estuary was dominated by large numbers of short-living, opportunistic species, whereas in the Ems estuary relatively more stable macrobenthic communities were observed. A comparison with some other European estuaries showed in general similar trends as those observed for the Schelde and Ems estuaries.  相似文献   

Aim Our aim in this paper is to present the first broad‐scale quantification of species abundance for rocky intertidal communities along the Pacific coast of North America. Here we examine the community‐level marine biogeographical patterns in the context of formerly described biogeographical regions, and we evaluate the combined effects of geographical distance and environmental conditions on patterns of species similarity across this region. Location Pacific coast of North America. Methods Data on the percentage cover of benthic marine organisms were collected at 67 rocky intertidal sites from south‐eastern Alaska, USA, to central Baja California Sur, Mexico. Cluster analysis and non‐metric multidimensional scaling were used to evaluate the spatial patterns of species similarity among sites relative to those of previously defined biogeographical regions. Matrices of similarity in species composition among all sites were computed and analysed with respect to geographical distance and long‐term mean sea surface temperature (SST) as a measure of environmental conditions. Results We found a high degree of spatial structure in the similarity of intertidal communities along the coast. Cluster analysis identified 13 major community structure ‘groups’. Although breaks between clusters of sites generally occurred at major biogeographical boundaries, some of the larger biogeographical regions contained several clusters of sites that did not group according to spatial position or identifiable coastal features. Additionally, there were several outliers – sites that grouped alone or with sites outside their region – for which localized features may play an important role in driving community structure. Patterns of species similarity at the large scale were highly correlated with geographical distance among sites and with SST. Importantly, we found community similarity to be highly correlated with long‐term mean SST while controlling for the effects of geographical distance. Main conclusions These findings reveal a high degree of spatial structure in the similarity of rocky intertidal communities of the north‐east Pacific, and are generally consistent with those of previously described biogeographical regions, with some notable differences. Breaks in similarity among clusters are generally coincident with known biogeographical and oceanographic discontinuities. The strong correlations between species similarity and both geographical position and SST suggest that both geography and oceanographic conditions have a large influence on patterns of intertidal community structure along the Pacific coast of North America.  相似文献   

A. D. Naumov 《Hydrobiologia》2013,706(1):159-173
The effect on bottom organisms of periodic freezing of the upper layer of intertidal sediments during abnormal cold winters has been studied for a long time in seas of a moderate climatic zone. However, the effect of ice cover every year on intertidal communities in polar seas is still poorly investigated. Seasonal and long-term variation in the structure of intertidal soft-bottom communities in two small bights in the White Sea with annual ice cover was studied for over two decades. Sampling was carried out four times a year, in the hydrological spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It was found that bottom macrobenthic communities at upper and lower horizons of the intertidal distinctly differed in the studied sites. Periodic changes caused by the effect of abnormal ice conditions, including the partial removal by ice of sediment with in situ organisms, were discovered. Recovery of communities after disturbance normally took less than half a year. Communities at the lower and upper horizons of the intertidal zone were more stable than intermediate communities, which led to periodic shifts of the biological border between lower and upper intertidal assemblages.  相似文献   

Abstract We report the composition of terrestrial, intertidal and shallow sublittoral faunal communities at sites around Rothera Research Station, Adelaide Island, Antarctic Peninsula. We examined primary hypotheses that the marine environment will have considerably higher species richness, biomass and abundance than the terrestrial, and that both will be greater than that found in the intertidal. We also compared ages and sizes of individuals of selected marine taxa between intertidal and subtidal zones to test the hypothesis that animals in a more stressed environment (intertidal) would be smaller and shorter lived. Species richness of intertidal and subtidal communities was found to be similar, with considerable overlap in composition. However, terrestrial communities showed no overlap with the intertidal, differing from previous reports, particularly from further north on the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc. Faunal biomass was variable but highest in the sublittoral. While terrestrial communities were depauperate with low biomass they displayed the highest overall abundance, with a mean of over 3 × 105 individuals per square metre. No significant differences in ages of intertidal and subtidal individuals of the same species were found, with bryozoan colonies of up to 4 years of age being present in the intertidal. In contrast with expectation and the limited existing literature we conclude that, while the Antarctic intertidal zone is clearly a suboptimal and highly stressful habitat, its faunal community can be well established and relatively diverse, and is not limited to short‐term opportunists or waifs and strays.  相似文献   

Scale-dependent interactions and community structure on cobble beaches   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent theory suggests that scale-dependent interaction between facilitation and competition can generate spatial structure in ecological communities. The application of this hypothesis, however, has been limited to systems with little underlying heterogeneity. We evaluated this prediction in a plant community along an intertidal stress gradient on cobble beaches in Rhode Island, USA. Prior studies have shown that Spartina alterniflora facilitates a forb-dominated community higher in the intertidal by modifying the shoreline environment. We tested the hypothesis that, at a smaller scale, Spartina competitively excludes forb species, explaining their marked absence within the lower Spartina zone. Transplant experiments showed forb species grow significantly better in the Spartina zone when neighbours were removed. Removal of the Spartina canopy led to a massive emergence of annual forbs, showing that competition limits local occupation. These findings indicate that interaction of large-scale facilitation and small-scale competition drives plant zonation on cobble beaches. This study is the first to provide empirical evidence of scale-dependent interactions between facilitation and competition spatially structuring communities in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Sponges are ancient metazoans that host diverse and complex microbial communities. Sponge-associated microbial diversity has been studied from wide oceans across the globe, particularly in subtidal regions, but the microbial communities from intertidal sponges have remained mostly unexplored. Here we used pyrosequencing to characterize the microbial communities in 12 different co-occurring intertidal marine sponge species sampled from the Atlantic coast, revealing a total of 686 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 97% sequence similarity. Taxonomic assignment of 16S ribosomal RNA tag sequences estimated altogether 26 microbial groups, represented by bacterial (75.5%) and archaeal (22%) domains. Proteobacteria (43.4%) and Crenarchaeota (20.6%) were the most dominant microbial groups detected in all the 12 marine sponge species and ambient seawater. The Crenarchaeota microbes detected in three Atlantic Ocean sponges had a close similarity with Crenarchaeota from geographically separated subtidal Red Sea sponges. Our study showed that most of the microbial communities observed in sponges (73%) were also found in the surrounding ambient seawater suggesting possible environmental acquisition and/or horizontal transfer of microbes. Beyond the microbial diversity and community structure assessments (NMDS, ADONIS, ANOSIM), we explored the interactions between the microbial communities coexisting in sponges using the checkerboard score (C-score). Analyses of the microbial association pattern (co-occurrence) among intertidal sympatric sponges revealed the random association of microbes, favoring the hypothesis that the sponge-inhabiting microbes are recruited from the habitat mostly by chance or influenced by environmental factors to benefit the hosts.  相似文献   

It is well known that the similarity in species composition between two communities decays with the geographic distance that separates them. It is thus likely that the similarity in the dynamics of two communities also decays with distance, because the distance–decay relationship is fundamental in nature. However, the distance–decay relationships of community dynamics have not yet been revealed. We used transition matrix models to evaluate distance–decay relationships of seasonal community dynamics (from spring to summer) in rocky intertidal sessile assemblages along the Pacific coast of Japan between 31°N and 43°N. We evaluated the distance–decay relationships of whole-community dynamics and of three dynamics-related components—recruitment, disturbance, and species interaction (competition and facilitation)—for communities separated by distances ranging from several meters to thousands of kilometers. The similarity of the recruitment dynamics among communities declined rapidly with distance within the fine spatial scale, but only moderately within larger scales. The similarity of the disturbance dynamics was independent of distance, and the similarity of species interaction declined slightly with increasing distance. The similarity of whole-community dynamics declined rapidly with distance at a fine spatial scale and moderately at larger scales. The fact that the distance–decay relationship of whole-community dynamics was similar to that of recruitment may suggest that recruitment processes are the most important determinant of spatial variability of community dynamics at our study sites during the study period.  相似文献   

Smith GA  Lomolino MV 《Oecologia》2004,138(4):592-602
We tested the hypothesis that black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) influence avian community structure on the shortgrass prairie. We surveyed 36 prairie dog towns and 36 paired sites without prairie dogs during summer and fall of 1997, 1998, and 1999 in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Our surveys totaled 9,040 individual observations for 73 avian species. Significantly distinct avian communities were present on prairie dog towns when compared to sites within four different macrohabitats of the surrounding landscape: open rangeland, scrub/sandsage (Artemisia filifolia) habitats, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) plots, and fallow crop fields. Relative densities of all bird species combined was higher on prairie dog towns versus paired sites in summer and fall. Mean species richness of birds was significantly higher on prairie dog towns than paired sites during summer, but there were no significant differences in fall. Open rangeland had the highest mean species richness in fall. Assemblages of avian communities differed significantly between prairie dog towns and the four macrohabitat types during summer. Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia), killdeer (Charadrius vociferous), horned larks (Eremophila alpestris), and meadowlarks (Sturnella spp.) were positively and significantly associated with prairie dog towns during summer, while horned larks and ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis) were significantly associated with prairie dog towns during fall. Even in their current remnant state, black-tailed prairie dogs continue to play a significant role in the assembly of ecological communities across the Great Plains. Conservation of prairie dogs goes well beyond a single species, and is an important strategy for the preservation of the prairie ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   

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