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环境污染和生态破坏行为削弱生态系统服务,也会造成美学价值的下降。景感生态学从物理感知与心理认知出发探究生态系统服务特点,有助于剖析生态环境损害特征。从生态环境损害鉴定评估角度,结合案例对恶臭物质污染、噪声污染、光污染等生态环境损害问题的内涵进行分析,并对生态环境损害典型案例中造成的美感、视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、触觉、风感、方向感和心理反应等负面影响进行了研判。研究发现,大多生态环境损害行为都会破坏生态系统美学价值,给人类感知造成较大冲击;在发现和处理生态环境损害事件过程中,按照人类感知类型汇集的居民感觉信息是一种重要的数据来源。总之,采用景感生态学的研究方法既有利于加强人们对生态系统服务的理解,从而提升保护生态的动力,也有利于抵制生态环境损害行为。  相似文献   

体素(功能性磁共振成像的基本单元)的群感受野是指体素内所有神经元的联合感受野。通过使用非侵入式的群感受野技术,研究者可以获得人类大脑里每个体素的群感受野参数(包括:群感受野的位置和大小参数)。这些群感受野参数为研究感知觉的脑机制提供了一个很好的研究基础。虽然群感受野技术最近几年发展非常迅速,也已经广泛应用于感知觉的各个研究领域,但相关的综述类文章仍然缺乏。针对这一现状,本文首先对群感受野技术的研究方法进行了简单的介绍,其次对群感受野技术在感知觉的脑机制研究领域的应用进行了重点、详细的总结,然后分析了群感受野技术的应用优势和局限,最后结合我们的理解对群感受野技术的未来应用方向给出了建议。虽然,群感受野技术在感知觉的脑机制研究领域已经发挥了重要的作用,但这仅仅是这种技术应用的开始,未来它还将在感知觉的脑机制研究领域发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

味觉对于生命具有重要作用,在一定程度上确定了人类对事物的选择。味觉由甜、咸、苦、酸和鲜等5种基本味道组成,味觉的感知是通过存在于舌上味觉表面的特异性受体来实现的,大多数味觉受体都属于G蛋白偶联受体家族。近几年的研究揭示了感知鲜味的2类这样的受体,鲜觉受体的阐明使人们对味觉的理解有了较为全面的认识。  相似文献   

传统城市规划方法多集中在城市用地、人口规模和交通优先等方面,而较少关注城市环境质量和环境福利。要构筑一个与未来居民生活品质相适应的城市形态,城市生态规划就必须考虑更多样化的数据基础和可获得性的技术,尤其是居民对这些规划的实际感受,合理和科学的规划需要综合分析城市生态系统,包括自然和人为因素。一个新的概念和理论"景感生态学"能够将城市规划蓝图与人类感知相耦合。景感生态规划理应包括人类对规划的各种感知需求,包括视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉和触觉等。本文秉承景感生态学的基本理论,以西集镇为执行案例,探索性地针对城乡交错带开展景感生态规划,以阐明将居民感觉信息融入生态规划过程的挑战性和重要性。  相似文献   

董仁才  吕晨璨  翁辰  张永霖 《生态学报》2022,42(10):4236-4244
生态学是研究生物与环境之间相互关系及其作用机理的科学,是一门与人类生存和社会发展密切相关的学科。景感生态学是能够有效搭建人与其周边环境之间相互服务和反馈的桥梁。基于生态学理论、景感营造实践和环境物联网技术,进一步阐明景感生态学理论基础、基本概念、研究对象、研究内容、基本方法及应用,力图完善景感生态学体系;提出感觉多样性、组合度、互动度、易感度、刺激频度、回味度、惊喜感、距离感、重叠度、覆盖面等关键指标,丰富了景感生态品鉴、体验与评价方法。总结景感营造(或创感模式)增强景感载体、生态基础设施在人类视觉、嗅觉、听觉、味觉、光觉、触觉和心理感知及行为体验等服务范式,旨在提倡生态文明建设过程中充分理顺人与自然和谐共生关系,提升生态环境质量,实现“美丽中国”和可持续发展目标。  相似文献   

既往研究发现听觉感知包括对声音信号的觉察、感觉、注意和知觉等多个认知过程,但依然不清楚大脑如何对不同类型的复杂声音信号(如同种鸣声和其他声音)进行解码和处理,以及在感知不同类型声音信号时大脑活动的动态特征.本研究记录了在随机播放白噪声和洞内鸣叫声音刺激时仙琴蛙Nidirana daunchina的左右端脑、间脑和中脑的...  相似文献   

中国古典园林中的景感生态学思想刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张学玲  闫荣  赵鸣 《生态学报》2017,37(6):2140-2146
"景感生态学"的提出恰符人们和时代所需,其思想主张将人的感知,即视觉、嗅觉、听觉、触觉等物理感知以及心理感受纳入到城市生态环境研究中。中国古典园林是集水、土、气、声、风等元素为一体的综合生态系统,本文援引园林诗词、楹联匾额等古籍资料和实际案例,分别从园景营建、景感运营、生态审美三方面,阐述和探讨自然要素、物理感知、心理反应在园林中的运用,揭示景感生态学思想在我国古典园林中的体现,扩展人们对当下人居环境的建设视野。  相似文献   

2021年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予美国生理学家戴维?朱利叶斯(David Julius)和分子生物学家阿德姆?帕塔普蒂安(Ardem Patapoutian),以表彰他们在发现温度感受器和触觉感受器中所做出的突出贡献. 机体对热、冷和机械压力等外界刺激的感知能力对于人们适应不断变化的环境至关重要,可以避免其遭受伤害. 在David Julius和Ardem Patapoutian的发现之前,神经系统如何感知热、冷和机械压力并如何将这些刺激转化为神经冲动尚不清楚. 温度感受器TRPV1和触觉感受器PIEZOs的发现则揭开了这些感受器神秘的面纱,促进更多的TRP受体家族以及PIEZO受体家族成员的发现及其功能的相关研究,并从一个全新的角度为多种疼痛相关疾病的治疗提供新靶点. 本文总结了这两类感受器的发现过程、结构和作用机制,并介绍了温度与触觉感受器异常所导致的疾病以及它们作为药物研发靶点的最新进展.  相似文献   

正机械感受如触觉、听觉、本体感受等感觉信息对于调控生物体的行为具有至关重要的意义.近年来,越来越多的研究发现机械感受离子通道或蛋白对于维持机体正常生命活动极其重要.很多机械感受受体在体内分布广泛,在不同的组织中可发挥着不同的功能(如Nomp C与piezo)[1~8].在听觉传导中,跨膜离子通道样蛋  相似文献   

昆虫感知外世界的方式和能力与我们人类是很不相同的。视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉和听觉过五种感觉能力是人类和昆虫所共有的,但它们的性质和重要性在不同的昆虫类群中却差异很大。昆虫的复眼和视觉  相似文献   

TRPs in our senses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the last decade, studies of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, a superfamily of cation-conducting membrane proteins, have significantly extended our knowledge about the molecular basis of sensory perception in animals. Due to their distinct activation mechanisms and biophysical properties, TRP channels are highly suited to function in receptor cells, either as receptors for environmental or endogenous stimuli or as molecular players in signal transduction cascades downstream of metabotropic receptors. As such, TRP channels play a crucial role in many mammalian senses, including touch, taste and smell. Starting with a brief survey of sensory TRP channels in invertebrate model systems, this review covers the current state of research on TRP channel function in the classical mammalian senses and summarizes how modulation of TRP channels can tune our sensations.  相似文献   

TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid-1)是配体门控的非选择性阳离子通道,属于瞬时受体电位通道家族,能够被多种物理和化学刺激激活。TRPV1是药物研发的重要靶点之一,其异常刺激和表达与多种疾病的发病机制有关。一直以来,TRPV1因其调节剂优异的镇痛效果而备受关注。2021年诺贝尔生理学奖对温度和触觉感受器研究工作的认可,使TRPV1再一次成为关注的焦点。TRPV1已有20多年的研究基础,但是其门控机制和药物研发仍然是研究的难点。本文从TRPV1的生理功能、门控机制和药物发现的角度出发,综述了TRPV1的表达分布、功能特点和结构特征,重点阐述了3种门控机制及TRPV1调节剂在药物发现上的进展,并对未来的TRPV1药物进行展望。  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a family of cation channels that play a key role in ion homeostasis and cell volume regulation. In addition, TRP channels are considered universal integrators of sensory information required for taste, vision, hearing, touch, temperature, and the detection of mechanical force. Seminal investigations exploring the molecular mechanisms of phototransduction in Drosophila have demonstrated that TRP channels operate within macromolecular complexes closely associated with the cytoskeleton. More recent evidence shows that mammalian TRP channels similarly connect to the cytoskeleton to affect cytoskeletal organization and cell adhesion via ion-transport-dependent and -independent mechanisms. In this review, we discuss new insights into the interplay between TRP channels and the cytoskeleton and provide recent examples of such interactions in different physiological systems.  相似文献   

This invited review briefly outlines the importance of membrane water permeability, highlights the landmarks leading to the discovery of water channels. After a decade of systematic studies on water channels in human RBC Benga's group discovered in 1985 the presence and location of the water channel protein among the polypeptides migrating in the region of 35-60 kDa on the electrophoretogram of RBC membrane proteins. The work was extended and reviewed in several articles. In 1988, Agre and coworkers isolated a new protein from the RBC membrane, nick-named CHIP28 (channel-forming integral membrane protein of 28 kDa). However, in addition to the 28 kDa component, this protein had a 35-60 kDa glycosylated component, the one detected by the Benga's group. Only in 1992 Agre's group suggested that "it is likely that CHIP28 is a functional unit of membrane water channels". Half of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Peter Agre (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA) "for the discovery of water channels", actually the first water channel protein from the human red blood cell (RBC) membrane, known today as aquaporin 1 (AQP1). The seminal contributions from 1986 of the Benga's group were grossly overlooked by Peter Agre and by the Nobel Prize Committee. Thousands of science-related professionals from hundreds of academic and research units, as well as participants in several international scientific events, have signed as supporters of Benga; his priority is also mentioned in several comments on the 2003 Nobel Prize.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure to industrial metals on sensory perception of workers has received only modest interest from the medical community to date. Nevertheless, some experimental and epidemiological data exist showing that industrial metals can affect vision, hearing and olfactory function, and a similar effect is also suggested for touch and taste. In this review the main industrial metals involved are discussed. An important limit in available knowledge is that, to date, the number of chemicals studied is relatively small. Another is that the large majority of the studies have evaluated the effect of a single chemical on a single sense. As an example, we know that mercury can impair hearing, smell, taste, touch and also vision, but we have scant idea if, in the same worker, a relation exists between impairments in different senses, or if impairments are independent. Moreover, workers are frequently exposed to different chemicals; a few available results suggest that a co-exposure may have no effect, or result in both an increase and a decrease of the effect, as observed for hearing loss, but this aspect certainly deserves much more study. As a conclusion, exposure to industrial metals can affect sensory perception, but knowledge of this effect is yet incomplete, and is largely inadequate especially for an estimation of “safe” thresholds of exposure. These data support the desirability of further good quality studies in this field.  相似文献   

In the course of evolution, the strong and unremitting selective pressure on sensory performance has driven the acuity of sensory organs to its physical limits. As a consequence, the study of primary sensory processes illustrates impressively how far a physiological function can be improved if the survival of a species depends on it. Sensory cells that detect single-photons, single molecules, mechanical motions on a nanometer scale, or incredibly small fluctuations of electromagnetic fields have fascinated physiologists for a long time. It is a great challenge to understand the primary sensory processes on a molecular level. This review points out some important recent developments in the search for primary processes in sensory cells that mediate touch perception, hearing, vision, taste, olfaction, as well as the analysis of light polarization and the orientation in the Earth’s magnetic field. The data are screened for common transduction strategies and common transduction molecules, an aspect that may be helpful for researchers in the field.  相似文献   

胡勤学  黄鑫  杜涛 《生命科学》2008,20(6):837-842
法国科学家弗朗索瓦丝·巴尔·西诺西和吕克·蒙塔尼因发现艾滋病毒而获得2008年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。本文简述了艾滋病毒的发现及25年来在HIV起源、致病、治疗和预防领域取得的研究进展。  相似文献   

2020年,诺贝尔化学奖授予现在德国马普感染生物学研究所工作的法国科学家Emmanuelle Charpentier和美国加州大学伯克利分校的?Jennifer Doudna,表彰她们发明CRISPR基因编辑方法。她们揭示了Cas9具有RNA介导的DNA 核酸内切酶活性,可以切断任意DNA双链,产生DNA双链断裂。她们还指出CRISPR具有在活细胞中修改基因的能力,利用CRISPR-Cas9编辑工具人们可以精确改变细胞中的DNA。由于简单、高效、廉价等特征,CRISPR已经成为全球最为流行的基因编辑技术,被称为编辑基因的“魔剪”。本文介绍两位诺贝尔化学奖获得者的研究成果,总结CRISPR系统的发现过程,并概述CRISPR-Cas9的功能以及应用。  相似文献   

This review paper by Sir John Vane, The Nobel Prize Laureate for the first time reveals the insides of discovery of inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE-1), presently known as important drugs for the treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

Antibiotics are microbial secondary metabolites and they are important for the treatment of infectious diseases. Japanese researchers have made a large contribution to studies of antibiotics, and they have also been important in the discovery of antiparasitic antibiotics. Satoshi Ōmura received the Nobel Prize in 2015 for the “discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites”, which means discovery of a new nematocidal antibiotic, avermectin. Here, I review the many antiparasitic antibiotics and their lead compounds that have been discovered for use in human and veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

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