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《热带亚热带植物学报》2004年10月-2005年5月审稿人按姓氏汉语拼音排序如下,谨致谢意 如有遗漏或错误.请与编辑部联系蔡联炳,曹美莲,常杰,陈邦余,陈清潮,陈如凯,陈润政,陈维伦,陈晓英,陈锡沐,陈贻竹,陈章和, 陈志谊,陈忠毅,陈祖铿,邓秀新,邓云吃,J烟扬,黄鸣,董什勇,东秀珠,高贤明,高云超,葛颂, 耿世磊,胡迪琴,胡晗华,何生根,何之常,何关描,胡英杰,胡新文,胡正海,黄学林,黄彰欣,黄凤宽 姜慧芳,蒋高明,蒋跃明,靖元孝,季作梁,康文星,赖小平,李斌,李秉滔,李立家,李良材,李良壁, 李鸣光,李瑞声,李绍华,李锡文,李用华,李志安,梁峥,廖柏寒,廖景平…  相似文献   

中国锦鸡儿属植物资源研究—分布及分种描述   总被引:48,自引:5,他引:43  
记录了锦鸡儿属(Cargana Fabr.)植物的资源分布,并对该属66种植物(小叶锦鸡儿,柠条锦鸡儿,中间锦鸡儿,树锦鸡儿,黄刺条,锦鸡儿,红花锦鸡儿,密叶锦鸡儿,鬼箭锦鸡儿,毛掌叶锦鸡儿,白毛锦鸡儿,甘蒙锦鸡儿,矮锦鸡儿,繁花锦鸡儿,矮脚锦鸡儿,狭叶锦鸡儿,毛刺锦鸡儿,柄荚锦鸡儿,秦晋锦鸡儿,北京锦鸡儿,南口锦鸡儿,五台锦鸡儿,昆仑锦鸡儿,库车锦鸡儿,短叶锦鸡儿,变色锦鸡儿,二色锦鸡儿,白皮锦鸡儿,青甘锦鸡儿,川西锦鸡儿,云南锦鸡儿,猫耳锦鸡儿,陕西锦鸡儿,长爪锦鸡儿,甘肃锦鸡儿,扁刺锦鸡儿,青海锦鸡儿,二连锦鸡儿,弯枝锦鸡儿,昌都锦鸡儿,楔翼锦鸡儿,高山锦鸡儿,藏北锦鸡儿,尼泊尔锦鸡儿,沦江锦鸡儿,吉降职一锦鸡儿,文县锦鸡儿,粗刺锦鸡儿,西藏锦鸡儿,刺锦鸡儿,粉刺锦鸡儿,草原锦鸡儿,阿拉套锦鸡儿,伊犁锦鸡儿,阿尔泰锦鸡儿,镰叶锦鸡儿,中亚锦鸡儿,邦卡锦鸡儿,绢毛锦鸡儿,白刺锦鸡儿,多叶锦鸡儿,新疆锦鸡儿,刺叶锦鸡儿,粗毛锦鸡儿,准噶尔锦鸡儿,吉尔吉斯锦鸡儿)的特征,习性及分布进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

EDITORLIANG DongcaiInstitute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, ChinaEDITORIAL BOARDCHEN Weifeng, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, ChinaWU Zuze, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing, ChinaXU Zhihong, College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, ChinaYANG Hongyuan, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, ChinaZHANG Qifa, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China  相似文献   

鄱阳湖渔业资源现状及其环境监测   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
1997-1999年对鄱阳湖区渔业资源与环境进行了动态监测,统计渔获物2778kg,生物学测定1627尾,采集到鱼类122种,隶属于12目21科77属,其中鲤科鱼类种类最多,计65种,占53.3%,湖区渔获物个体偏小,以1-2龄鱼为主,鲤、鲫基本上是当年鱼,鄱阳湖现有鲤,鲫产卵场33处,主要分布在湖区东,南,西部,年均有效产卵面积616.66km^2,年均产卵量56.85亿,鄱阳湖区湖口,蛤蟆石,星子,康山水域湖水的pH,COD,Cr^ 6,Cd,Zn,Cu,Pb,总磷,氨氮,总汞均未超过渔业水质标准,鄱阳湖区水质良好。  相似文献   

生物学防伪技术(一)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用人体生物学特征识别个人,证明身份的防伪技术已应用于公安,保安,海关,金融等领域,由于生物学特征,人各不同,不能伪造,倍受重视,目前国内外应用的有:人的指纹,掌纹,手形,指形,眼底视网膜图像,眼虹膜图像,手背静脉图像,面容,声纹,气味,签字动态以及DNA与免疫学等防伪技术。  相似文献   

AncistrotanzanineCandRelated 5 ,1′and 7,3′CoupledNaphthylisoquinolineAlkaloidsfromAncistrocladustanzaniensis1GerhardBringmann ,MichaelDreyer ,JohanH .Faber,PeturWeiheDalsgaard ,DanSt rk ,JerzyW .Jaroszewski,HenryNdangalasi,FrankMbago ,RetoBrun ,S renBr ggerChristensenInstitutfu¨rOrganischeChemiederUniversita¨tWu¨rzburg ,AmHubland ,D 970 74Wu¨rzburg ,Germany ,DepartmentofMedicinalChemistry ,DanishUniversityofPharmaceuticalSciences,Universitetsparken 2 ,DK 2 10 0Copenhag…  相似文献   

张泽荣   《广西植物》1986,(4):265-271
<正> 落叶直立灌木,高0.5—米;小枝不规则分枝,纤细,圆柱形,当年生枝褐色,密被黄绿色丝状绒毛,一年生枝紫红色,微具绒毛,多年生枝灰褐色,无毛;冬芽小,卵形,密被灰褐色长绒毛。叶互生,膜质或薄纸质,矩圆形或矩圆状披针形,长1—2.8厘米,宽0.5—1.6厘米,顶端钝形,稀稍钝形,基部圆形或钝形,稀宽楔形,边缘全缘,稀反卷,初微被淡绿色丝状柔毛,上面鲜绿色,下面淡绿色,两面幼时被淡绿色丝状柔毛,中脉在上面扁平,下面稍明显,侧  相似文献   

神农櫟(新种)(见图) 乔木,高10米,枝略粗壮,一年生枝具沟槽,紫棕色,无毛,二年生枝棕黑色,较老的枝具灰色的树皮,皮孔圆形,平坦,淡黄色,明显。芽鳞棕色,初被微柔及微纤毛,后渐脱落,最后无毛。叶近革质,二年后脱落,狭披针形,长6—8厘米,长为宽度的3—5倍,顶端渐尖,基部楔尖,沿叶柄下延,叶柄长2—3厘米,腹面平坦,基  相似文献   

吉占和 《植物研究》1981,1(1-2):109-121
植株很小,匍匐状。假鳞茎近圆形,粗约3-4毫米,彼此紧靠而生于匍匐的根状茎上,呈念珠状,顶生1叶。叶革质,卵状披针形或矩圆状舌形,长4-10毫米,宽2-3毫米,先端锐尖,基部收窄,无明显的柄。花葶从假鳞茎基部侧旁发出,1-2个,直立,纤细,圆柱形,高7-10毫米,顶生1朵花,基部被长约1毫米的筒状膜质鞘;花梗连同子房长约4毫米,比花苞片长,花苞片杯状,长约1毫米,先端锐尖,花红色,中曹片披针形或矩圆形,直立伸展,长5.5-7毫米,宽约1.8毫米,先端渐尖或锐尖,具3脉,侧萼片披针形,直立伸展,与中萼片近等长,宽约2毫米,先端长渐尖,具4-5脉,花瓣卵状矩圆形,长2.2毫米,宽1毫米,先端钝,具1脉,全缘,唇瓣披针形,长4毫米,中部以上下弯,先端增厚呈球状,且向下歪,基部具凹槽,与蕊柱足末端连合而形成不动的关节,唇盘平滑,蕊柱粗短,长约1毫米,蕊柱齿狭镰刀状,长约1.1毫米,蕊柱足长1.5毫米,向上弯曲,其游离部分长约7毫米;药帽半球形,表面平滑。  相似文献   

西藏丁青蛇绿岩特征、时代及其地质意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
西藏东部丁青蛇绿岩套层序齐全,深海沉积硅质岩中发现了晚三叠世放射虫,主要有Capnuchosphaera the-loides,C.triassica,Xenorum flexum,Pseudostylosphaera gracilis,Veghicyclia austriaca,Perispongidium tethyus,Spongostylus toltilis,S.carnicus,Annulotriassocampe sulovensis,Canoptum triassicum,Poulpus piabyx,Xiphotheca karpenissionensis,Laxtorum(?)carnicum,Multimonilis pulcher,M.japonicus,Palaeosaturnalis trias-sicus,Pseudoheliodiscus latus等,其时代arnian期,表明丁青带三叠纪发育较成熟洋盆,为新特提斯演化提供了证据。  相似文献   

绿尾虹雉的繁殖生态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对我国珍禽绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysll)的栖息地类型,繁殖期的活动规律、巢和卵、种群密度,及天敌等做了报道,为在原产地列野生种群繁殖习性的首次记述;并对绿尾虹雉野生群体的繁殖比率、配偶方式及该物种的濒危程度问题做了理论性探讨。  相似文献   

A distribution survey of the endangered Sclater's monkey ( Cercopithecus sclateri ) was conducted over a wide area in southern Nigeria using forest surveys and hunter interviews. Sclater's monkey, Nigeria's only endemic primate species, is restricted to a land area of about 28,500 km2 in the densely human-populated, oil-producing region of southern Nigeria. Results indicate that this species is not as rare as previously thought; we confirmed its presence in 27 formerly unknown sites. Based on encounter-rate and distribution data, Sclater's monkey is one of the two most abundant diurnal primate taxa across its range. However, the species primarily occupies isolated and degraded forest fragments. Although hunting is widespread, selective hunting of larger-bodied primate taxa offers some respite for the smaller Sclater's monkey. We encountered this species more frequently in forests with relatively high hunting pressure, possibly indicating competitive release in the heavily hunted forests of southern Nigeria. Long-term persistence of Sclater's monkey, which has no official protection throughout its range, depends on the willingness of hunters to target smaller-bodied wildlife (effort-profit trade-off), local bushmeat demand and protection of key forest fragments and the few larger forests in the region.  相似文献   

绿尾虹雉的冬季生态研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)属雉科(Phasianidae)虹雉属(Lophophorus),是我国特有珍稀雉类,列为国家一类保护动物。我们于1983年起对绿尾虹雉的生态进行专题研究,现根据对绿尾虹雉的野外考察所得,整理成本文。 野外考察的时间、地点、及路线 我们于1983年4月至1984年7月在四川省宝兴县跷碛公社对绿尾虹雉的生态做了四次考察,前后为期近十个月,其中冬季考察时间为1983年12月至1984年1月。  相似文献   

Captive breeding followed by reintroduction to the wild is a common component of conservation management plans for various taxa. Although it is commonly used, captive breeding can result in morphological changes, including brain size decrease. Brain size reduction has been associated with behavioral changes in domestic animals, and such changes may negatively influence reintroduction success of captive‐bred animals. Many marsupials are currently bred in captivity for reintroduction, yet the impacts of captive breeding on brain size have never been studied in this taxa. We investigated the impacts of a few generations (2–7) of captive breeding on brain volume in the stripe‐faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura), and found that captive breeding in a relatively enriched environment did not cause any changes in brain volume. Nonetheless, we advocate that great care be taken to provide suitable husbandry conditions and to minimize the number of captive generations if marsupial reintroduction programs are to be successful. Zoo Biol 31:82;–86, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

家庭饲养金头闭壳龟15年的体会   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
陆伟  侯勉 《四川动物》2003,22(1):22-23,48
金头闭壳龟Cuoraaurocapitata是我国特产的一种珍稀龟类 ,目前仅知分布于安徽省的少数地区。该龟体色艳丽 ,性格温和 ,很受龟类爱好者青睐。由于分布面窄 ,数量稀少 ,长期的盗捕和走私使其濒于灭绝。笔者自 1 987年起对其进行家庭饲养至今。现将自己饲养中的体会加以总结 ,以供爱好者参考。1 关于性成熟的判定1 988年购得雌龟 1只重约 4 0 0g。根据雌龟体重和背甲量度确定年龄在 1 0岁左右。该龟 1 992年体重约 60 0 g时首次产卵 2枚 ,可惜都被咬碎。 1 993~ 2 0 0 1年该雌龟每年都正常产卵 3~ 7枚 (年均 4 6枚 ) ,…  相似文献   

通过雉科虹雉属(Lophophorus)、角雉属(Tragopan)、勺鸡属(Pucrasia)和血雉属(Ithaginis)7种鸟类的细胞色素b(cyt b)基因序列比较,构建的虹雉属及其近缘属的分子系统树表明:①3种虹雉构成一个单系群(monophyletic group),虹雉属与角雉属、勺鸡属构成一个单系群;②虹雉属内分为白尾梢虹雉,以及棕尾虹雉和绿尾虹雉两个演化枝。综合分子系统学、地理分布格局和形态学的证据,推测虹雉属鸟类起源于中国的横断山脉,其中繁衍生活在原地的一枝演化为白尾梢虹雉;另一枝则分别进入喜马拉雅山区(西)和中国西南部(东),向西的演化为棕尾虹雉,向东的则为绿尾虹雉。  相似文献   

The maintenance of genetic diversity in captive populations is a primary goal of captive breeding plans, and it is becoming increasingly apparent that reproductive technology has much to offer captive breeding programs in attaining this goal. Reproductive technology can best assist captive breeding programs in this task by developing strategies that effectively increase the genetic contribution of new wild founders to a population as well as increase the reproductive life span of existing founders and their close descendents. This will act to reduce genetic drift and inbreeding effects in the population and thereby minimize the loss of genetic diversity. Considering only one aspect of reproductive technology, semen collection, this paper examines some of the genetic considerations that might be used for choosing which males in a population to collect semen from, assuming the goal of the captive breeding program is the preservation of genetic diversity. It is shown that semen collection and preservation, with future intent of artificial insemination, can make significant contributions to the maintenance of genetic diversity if careful consideration is given to the selection of donor males. Finally, the pedigree of the captive population of Asian lions (Panthera leo persica) is used to illustrate some of these genetic concepts that might be important in selecting males as semen donors.  相似文献   

The riverine rabbit (Bunolagus monticularis) is an endangered and endemic species found within a small geographic range in semiarid southern Africa. A captive breeding program has been initiated for reintroducing rabbits into suitable but vacant habitat. DNA fingerprinting was used to identify individuals within a captive group suitable for inclusion in a larger captive breeding program. This methodology allowed the ranking of suitabilities of these individuals, and the results emphasize the need to capture wild rabbits over a wide geographic area for setting up a larger founder population. A statistical technique for inferring linkage between fingerprint probes was used. Fingerprinting methodology allowed a genetic basis for planning the captive breeding program. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Endocrinological studies have contributed considerably to the development of theory concerning the proximate aspects of the timing of reproduction. In non-domesticated, avian species, the relative importance of the photoperiodic and non-photoperiodic factors influencing later stages of the breeding cycle, such as the onset of egg laying, remains unclear because egg laying is difficult to obtain with captive populations and laboratory experiments of breeding are rarely carried out in the framework of long-term field studies. We set up a special experimental design such that captive Mediterranean blue tits (Parus caeruleus) can breed with success in large outdoor aviaries at similar latitudes and altitudes to their wild counterparts. Here we demonstrate experimentally that the non-photoperiodic factors responsible for large and consistent differences in the expression of natural breeding responses between three captive outdoor blue tit populations are ignored during long-day treatment. Based on these findings, an evolutionary explanation is provided for why the relative importance of the non-photoperiodic factors decreases with the progress of the season. The hypothesis can explain observed maladapted breeding dates in free-living populations and could possibly be used to increase the success of breeding programmes with some endangered, captive, non-domesticated, photoperiodic species.  相似文献   

甘肃兴隆山马麝呼吸系统疾病流行病初步调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对甘肃省兴隆山国家级自然保护区马麝人工驯养场马麝呼吸系统疾病进行了自然概况及饲养管理情况调查、既往流行病学统计、临床症状和病理剖检变化观察、预防和治疗情况调查。结果表明,马麝呼吸系统疾病的流行与当地的温度和湿度(尤其是湿度)密切相关,年平均湿度较高的月份该病的发病率明显高于年平均湿度较低的月份;天气骤冷、阴雨连绵等应激因子可促使本病的发生。  相似文献   

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