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利用GFP表达系统检测球孢白僵菌侵染昆虫过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)作为一种重要的报告基因,在病原菌和寄主之间的互作研究中具有良好的应用前景。利用草丁膦抗性基因bar为筛选标记,构建了组成性表达绿色荧光蛋白基因egfp的载体pBG,并转入球孢白僵菌获得成功表达。将转化子接种菜青虫进行生物测定表明,组成性表达egfp不影响球孢白僵菌的毒力。进一步利用冰冻切片和荧光显微观察技术监测球孢白僵菌侵染寄主行为,结果显示,通过荧光观察可清楚的检测到病原菌在昆虫体表的附着、菌丝穿透体壁以及菌丝从寄主体内长出等侵染过程。由此表明,GFP可有效用于球孢白僵菌的遗传标记,进行病原菌的鉴别、侵染致病机理及相关功能基因的表达模式研究。  相似文献   

【目的】探究球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana穿透柞蚕Antheraea pernyi蛹体壁和侵染其脂肪体的过程,进一步明确其对柞蚕蛹的致病机理。【方法】利用扫描电镜技术观察球孢白僵菌穿透柞蚕蛹体壁的病理变化,并运用透射电镜技术观察球孢白僵菌侵染的柞蚕蛹脂肪体的病理变化。【结果】扫描电镜观察结果显示:在球孢白僵菌侵染柞蚕蛹体表过程中,分生孢子主要侵染气门、刚毛根部和头部与胸部的节间膜等部位。分生孢子除了从气门、刺突、头部和胸部的节间膜进入体内以外,也可以直接穿透厚而坚硬的体壁进入体内。透射电镜观察结果显示,脂肪体中,球孢白僵菌首先侵染细胞器(线粒体除外),然后再侵染脂肪滴。被侵染的脂肪滴颜色变浅,表面出现许多孔洞,变形,分裂成小的脂肪滴进而完全被侵蚀。蛹僵硬时,脂肪体细胞完全被破坏,只观察到芽生孢子和菌丝。【结论】柞蚕蛹经体表侵染和注射侵染球孢白僵菌处理后,蛹的体壁和脂肪体两组织都发生了明显的病理变化。  相似文献   

蔡悦  聂勇  吴茜茜  黄勃 《菌物学报》2020,39(7):1328-1338
球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana是一类常见的昆虫病原真菌,其自然侵染的寄主昆虫众多,达15目149科750种。为了解球孢白僵菌自然种群的遗传多样性,探讨种群异质性和寄主来源之间的关系,分析其寄主专化性的强弱,本研究利用SSR分子标记技术,比较了安徽琅琊山国家森林公园的85株球孢白僵菌(寄主种类涉及7目24种)群体遗传多样性差异,通过构建聚类树分析菌株基因型和寄主关联性。结果表明琅琊山球孢白僵菌群体Nei’s基因多样性指数h=0.2906,Shannon信息指数Is=0.4510,多态位点百分率P为100%。不同寄主目球孢白僵菌遗传多样性水平由高至低为鞘翅目>膜翅目>同翅目>双翅目>鳞翅目>直翅目>半翅目,其中菌株数量较多的鞘翅目、膜翅目和同翅目3个亚种群的遗传多样性较高且水平接近。聚类分析发现8对SSR引物将85株球孢白僵菌分成29个基因型,并在遗传相似系数0.70处分别聚为3个分支。分析寄主类型发现相同基因型的株系可侵染不同目的寄主,而同一类型寄主也可被不同基因型的菌株侵染。球孢白僵菌种群的总体遗传多样性较高,遗传谱系与寄主来源无明显相关性,菌株的寄主专化性弱。  相似文献   

为探索球孢白僵菌对西花蓟马的侵染,研究球孢白僵菌在西花蓟马体表和虫体内的侵染过程,采用冷冻切片与HE染色技术,对被球孢白僵菌侵染的西花蓟马成虫进行组织切片及HE染色。结果表明,接菌4 h,体表粘附的孢子开始萌发,8-12 h芽管继续伸长并出现穿透体壁。18 h虫菌体出现在西花蓟马体内,球孢白僵菌成功侵入西花蓟马体内。之后,西花蓟马体内虫菌体、菌丝明显增多,各组织器官均受到感染,消化道、肌肉组织等发生病变。  相似文献   

为明确球孢白僵菌在不同感染方式下对棉铃虫的侵染能力, 采用饲喂法和浸渍法测定了球孢白僵菌HFW-05对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) 2龄幼虫的致病力, 并通过组织切片显微技术、 扫描电镜技术观察了球孢白僵菌HFW-05对棉铃虫的致病方式。结果表明: 白僵菌HFW-05可通过消化道(饲喂法)成功侵染2龄棉铃虫, 接种感染6 d后的校正死亡率为75.8%。经由体表(浸渍法)接种白僵菌HFW-05的试虫, 试验中体重的变化和取食量与对照相近(6 d校正死亡率仅为17.3%, 不能通过体表达到致病效果)。组织病理学变化表明: 26±1℃条件下, HFW-05菌株对棉铃虫以消化道侵染为主, 侵染后可导致寄主中肠微绒毛脱落严重, 肠壁组织溶解并最终只剩余底膜; 马氏管变形萎缩, 边缘向外突出隆起, 管径变大; 脂肪体萎缩解体, 结构松散; 表皮下的细胞被菌丝侵染破坏。浸渍法接种的试虫, 切片观察处理6 d后试虫, 体内未发现菌丝, 肠壁组织正常完整。扫描电镜观察, 浸渍法接种的分生孢子未能穿透棉铃虫表皮, 而是贴于寄主表皮表面生长, 在湿度合适的条件下, 菌丝生长到一定时间后断裂成为芽生孢子。白僵菌HFW-05可经由消化道对棉铃虫达到较高的致病效果, 在一定程度上弥补外界环境对白僵菌侵染的不利影响, 对今后应用白僵菌进行生物防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

球孢白僵菌作为丝孢类昆虫病原真菌,已广泛应用于农林害虫的生物防治,但是田间多变的环境影响了真菌制剂的效能.此外,真菌侵染宿主后,宿主体内的环境也影响真菌的增殖和侵染速度.为研究球孢白僵菌对环境中酸碱度及微量元素的平衡能力,本研究初步探讨了锌离子响应转录激活因子ZafA与真菌生长繁殖、抗逆能力、毒力以及锌离子利用的关系....  相似文献   

室内研究了球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana不同施用方式对侵染桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis的影响,以及田间喷施球孢白僵菌防治桔小实蝇的效果。结果表明,两种诱集感染方式桔小实蝇成虫存活率分别为40%、41.7%,差异不显著;添加性引诱剂在白僵菌侵染桔小实蝇的过程中没有起到明显地促进感病的作用,只是缩短了病程,IIPC为0.41-0.44,说明两种诱集感染方式对桔实蝇成虫有一定的控制作用。三种施菌方式的桔小实蝇羽化率、成虫死亡率与对照差异均显著;以IIPC为评价指标,施菌方式对桔小实蝇各因子的影响大小顺序为:成虫存活率 >羽化率>化蛹率,其中以对成虫存活率的影响最大。应用化学防治和球孢白僵菌田间防治桔小实蝇的效果表明,施用2500倍40%毒死蜱效果最好,控制作用达到71.9%,其次是喷施2.0×108孢子/mL球孢白僵菌孢子悬浮液,防效达46.9%,施用2500倍4.5%高效氯氰菊酯防治效果达最差, 防效仅37.5%。  相似文献   

陈金峰  罗静 《微生物学通报》2022,49(10):4382-4390
球孢白僵菌作为模式丝状真菌,以分生孢子、菌丝体、虫菌体等多种形态存在,在真菌孢子发育、寄主与宿主互作的研究中具有重要意义。同时,球孢白僵菌又是一类广泛应用的真菌杀虫剂,对森林防护和农业生产具有实际应用价值。球孢白僵菌的相关基因被敲除后,突变体响应氧化胁迫,孢子发育和毒力会发生改变。本文综述了近年来球孢白僵菌在响应氧化胁迫方面的研究进展,为丝状真菌氧化胁迫信号途径的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

马尾松林中球孢白僵菌寄主转移和专化性的SSR标记分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒲顺昌  秦丽  陈名君  蔡悦  黄勃 《菌物学报》2013,32(4):698-709
球孢白僵菌是一种最常见的虫生真菌,已被广泛应用于害虫生物防治。利用SSR简单序列重复(simple sequence repeat,SSR)分子标记对来自安徽省麻姑山马尾松林的102株球孢白僵菌进行基因分型、寄主转移和寄主专化性研究。9对微卫星引物将102株白僵菌分成31个微卫星基因型。在这31个微卫星基因型中,有5种基因型株系为相对优势菌株,这5种基因型株系通过侵染不同寄主昆虫即寄主转移延续自身在马尾松林生态系统中的传播和流行,从而证实寄主转移是白僵菌群体中的普遍现象。同时,这些相对优势基因型并不是在各个月份均匀分布,在大部分月份中,存在1–2种优势度高的基因型。相同基因型株系可侵染不同寄主的结果揭示出白僵菌不仅在种的水平,而且在菌株水平上寄主专化性也较弱。正是白僵菌较弱的寄主专化性特征促使部分基因型株系通过寄主转移,在马尾松林生态系统中得以宿存和延续。  相似文献   

杀虫真菌──球孢白僵菌的昆虫致病机理研究近况   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
翟锦彬  黄秀梨  许萍   《微生物学通报》1995,22(1):45-48,35
杀虫真菌──球孢白僵菌的昆虫致病机理研究近况翟锦彬,黄秀梨,许萍(北京师范大学生物系,北京100875)球孢白僵菌(Beauveriabassiana)是当前世界上研究和应用最多的一种虫生真菌,它可寄生于6个目15个科的200余种昆虫和螨类上,是一种...  相似文献   

The corn rootworm complex is the most damaging insect pest of corn (Zea mays L.). This study was conducted to determine the efficacy of whorl and pollen-shed stage applications of a granular formulation of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin for control of adult western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte). The effect of application time (whorl-stage, pollen-shed) and plant surface exposed (leaves and leaf collars; silks; leaves, leaf collars, and silks) on level of beetle fungal infection were investigated. In addition, the number of colony forming units of B. bassiana in the corn leaf collar area was quantified. In the three years (1998–2000) of the study, application of B. bassiana at whorl-stage did not significantly increase beetle fungal infection. Beauveria bassiana applied to plants at pollen-shed in 1998 resulted in a significant increase in beetle infection with 51% of beetles from treated plants infected and 6.0% from control plants. Similar applications at pollen-shed in 1999 and 2000 resulted in very low infection levels. Beauveria bassiana application at pollen-shed stage significantly increased the number of colony forming units per leaf collar during all years of the study. Beetle infection with B. bassiana did not differ consistently among plant surface to which beetles were exposed for either application. Increased fungal load in leaf collars was not correlated with increased levels of adult infection. Increased rates of B. bassiana and application when beetles are present on the plants are likely needed to significantly increase infection rates.  相似文献   

利用生物种间互做关系抑制农业害虫的暴发是生物防治的重要手段。为探讨二种交配型内共生球孢白僵菌与玉米之间的互惠关系及其形成的共生体在亚洲玉米螟控制中的生态效应,以玉米为宿主植物,以球孢白僵菌孢子悬浮液进行灌根,在温室内构建了二种交配型(MAT1-1-1型,B5;MAT1-2-1型,B2)球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体,并研究了共生体对玉米的生长、对亚洲玉米螟的产卵选择和幼虫发育及其对球孢白僵菌生物学特性的影响。结果显示:通过叶片离体培养、ITS基因和交配型基因MAT检测,均能检测到白僵菌的内生定殖;MAT1-2-1型B2菌株定殖检出率高,MAT1-1-1型B5菌株在混合型接种中定殖有优势。回收后的球孢白僵菌菌落直径和毒力无显著性变化,但其产孢量都显著提高其中回收B5处理组来源菌株的产孢量提高最显著。接种过球孢白僵菌的玉米植株地上部生长速度、生物量和地下根系生物量均优于对照组,其中根系干重明显增加,而地上植株干重也相对增加。MAT1-1-1型菌株B5对共生体玉米植株地上高度促生长贡献明显;MAT1-2-1型菌株B2对共生体玉米植株地下干重增加贡献明显。总体上球孢白僵菌内生定殖对玉米地下根系生物量影响大于对地上植株生物量的影响。在产卵选择性试验中,各处理组亚洲玉米螟的产卵量显著少于对照组。共生体对亚洲玉米螟产卵具有明显的趋避作用,MAT1-2-1型菌株B2对产卵的趋避作用明显,而MAT1-2-1型菌株B5的趋避作用较弱。在人工接种幼虫的试验中,处理组回收的亚洲玉米螟幼虫存活率均显著低于对照组,其中,B5组回收幼虫的存活率最低,仅为38.33%;处理组的化蛹率与对照组差异不显著,但B5组的回收幼虫化蛹率显著低于B2组和对照组,仅为34.77%,这说明MAT1-1-1型B5菌株对玉米螟幼虫发育抑制最明显。上述结果表明,不同交配型球孢白僵菌内生定殖效率有差异,在经过内生定殖后在产孢量方面有显著性提高,两个交配型菌株在联合应用时具有协同增效作用;两个交配型菌株均能够通过内生定殖与玉米形成共生体并促进玉米植株的生长,这显示球孢白僵菌和玉米之间已经建立具有互惠关系的共生体。这种共生体通过趋避亚洲玉米螟产卵、抑制幼虫存活和降低化蛹率等方面的潜力虽然不一样,但都有助于对亚洲玉米螟的可持续生态防治,也证明了共生体的建成有效提高了玉米的生态适应性,为利用球孢白僵菌内共生性实施亚洲玉米螟防控提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Lygus hesperus (Knight) (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a particularly damaging pest of many crops in the Western United States. Current control tactics are chemically based and there is some concern over resistance building up in populations. Based on previous laboratory studies conducted in California and Mississippi, USA, two new isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) were selected for field-testing against L. hesperus in California. Alfalfa plots were treated with one of three isolates of B. bassiana (a commercial isolate, an isolate from CA (WTPB2) or an isolate from MS (TPB3)) or the chemical pesticide Warrior T. More than 75% of the adults collected from plots 3 days after application with B. bassiana were infected but no differences in percentage infection occurred among fungal treatments. In addition, approximately 30% of the insects collected from control plots or plots treated with Warrior T were also infected. PCR analysis using SSR markers revealed that the isolate causing most of the infections in fungus treated plots was the isolate applied. A mix of infections was found in control plots and plots treated with Warrior T. Despite high levels of infection, no significant reductions of adult populations occurred until 10–14 days after application when plots treated with Warrior T or B. bassiana had about half the numbers of adult L. hesperus as the control plots.  相似文献   

AdultGlossina morsitans morsitans exposed to wet conidia ofBeauveria bassiana andMetarhizium anisopliae suffered high mortalities ranging from 90 to 100% by 2 weeks post-exposure. Infected ♂ ♂ maintained in the same cages with non-infected ♀♀ throughout the experimental period transmitted the fungal infection to the ♀♀ resulting in mortalities of 65% withB. bassiana and 55% withM. anisopliae. Likewise, infected ♀♀ maintained together with non-infected ♂♂ transmitted the infection to the ♂♂ resulting in mortalities of 75% withB. bassiana and 45% withM. anisopliae. Female tsetse flies infected withB. bassiana andM. anisopliae and maintained in the same cages with non-infected ♀♀ also transmitted infection to the non-infected tsetse resulting in mortalities of 62% and 48% withB. bassiana andM. anisopliae respectively. Infected tsetse exposed to non-infected tsetse of the opposite sex for only 30 min were also able to transmit the fungal infection. Pupae produced by female tsetse infected withB. bassiana andM. anisopliae exhibited higher pupal mortality than those produced by non-infected ♀♀. However, pupae exposed directly to dry spores ofB. bassiana andM. anisopliae had no increase in pupal mortality but adults emerging from theB. bassiana-exposed pupae had markedly reduced longevity.   相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus,Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, was applied to whorl-stage (V7) corn,Zea mays L., by foliar application of a granular formulation of corn grits containing conidia or by injection of a conidial suspension. All plants were infested with European corn borer larvae,Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), at the V7 (whorl), V12 (late-whorl), or V17 (pretassel) stage of plant development. Plants infested at whorl and late-whorl stages had significantly more European corn borer tunneling than did plants infested at the pretassel stage. The percentage of plants colonized byB. bassiana did not differ significantly among the whorl, late-whorl, and pretassel stages. As the plants matured,B. bassiana was isolated from different plant areas, with the pith more frequently colonized than the leaf collars. Foliar application ofB. bassiana provided immediate suppression ofO. nubilalis in those plants infested at whorl stage. The reduced efficacy ofB. bassiana at the intermediate plant stages relative to efficacy at harvest is discussed. The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   

The effect of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana on the biological characteristics and life table of Aphidius matricariae, a parasitoid of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, was studied under laboratory conditions. Aphids were first infected with twice the LC95 of B. bassiana for third-instar M. persicae (2 × 108 conidia/ml). Subsequently, at different intervals they were exposed to 1-day-old mated parasitoid females for 24 h. The number of mummies produced per female and the percentage emergence of the F1 generation differed significantly as a function of the time interval between application of the fungus and exposure to the parasitoid. The interference of B. bassiana on parasitoid development was also studied by first exposing the aphid hosts to the parasitoid for 24 h and subsequently applying B. bassiana. The number of mummies produced by a female A. matricariae varied from 11.8 to 24.8 and was significantly different when the aphids were first exposed to the parasitoids and then treated with B. bassiana 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after exposure. There were no significantly different effects of B. bassiana on net reproductive rate (R0), mean generation time (T), intrinsic rate (rm) and the finite rate of increase (λ) of A. matricariae as a result of development in hosts exposed to low or high conidial concentrations (1 × 102, 2 × 108 conidia/ml). The parasitoids developed in infected hosts had lower rm, λ, T and DT (doubling time) values compared with those that developed in uninfected hosts but no differences were observed in R0 values. With proper timing, A. matricariae and B. bassiana can be used in combination in the successful biological control of M. persicae.  相似文献   

【背景】白僵蚕中的生物活性物质在医疗、保健品及化妆品行业有着广泛的应用。目前,许多人工养殖僵蚕基地在实际生产中使用的菌种多为未进行纯化优选的自然感病死亡僵蚕孢子粉且无固定的施用浓度,使得蚕的僵化死亡率难以保证。提高白僵菌菌株的致病力并筛选性状优良的高毒力菌株是工厂化生产白僵蚕研发的重要方向。【目的】利用紫外-微波复合诱变技术筛选高毒力菌株,为僵蚕工厂化生产提供优良菌株。【方法】利用孢子稀释法从山西省养殖农户中自然感染白僵菌的家蚕中分离获得一株原始白僵菌,运用紫外-微波复合的方式对该菌株进行诱变,并比较诱变前后菌株的产孢量及对家蚕的致病力。【结果】分离得到的原始菌株经鉴定为球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana),命名为Beauveria bassiana Bb1003。通过对致死率和正突变率的考察,确定紫外-微波复合诱变的最佳诱变条件为紫外(功率为15 W)照射30 min,微波(功率为800 W、额定微波频率2 450 MHz)辐照60 s。筛选后得到6株复合诱变菌株(UMCM1、UMCM2、UMCM3、UMCM4、UMCM5和UMCM6)。菌株UMCM2对家蚕的僵化率高达...  相似文献   

Four fungicides used for controlling foliar diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum) were evaluated under field and laboratory conditions for their effects on the infectivity and sporulation of Beauveria bassiana when used as a control for the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (CPB). We investigated the direct effects of fungicides on B. bassiana-induced CPB mortality and the effect of time between fungicide and B. bassiana application. Effects of fungicide on conidial survival in the soil and on foliage were examined in the field. Significantly more larval mortality was observed when larvae were sprayed with B. bassiana than with the water control. Fungicide had no significant effect on larval mortality in the field. In the laboratory, survival of larvae was significantly lower among larvae fed fungicide-treated foliage. B. bassiana-induced mortality in the laboratory was observed only when larvae were fed foliage treated with copper hydroxide or water. Larvae fed mancozeb- or chlorothalonil-treated foliage experienced high mortality regardless of B. bassiana treatment. While there was no significant effect of fungicide on B. bassiana sporulation on cadavers in the field, a pattern emerged that indicated higher proportions of cadavers producing conidia in plots sprayed with water or copper hydroxide than in plots sprayed with chlorothalonil or mancozeb. Survival of B. bassiana conidia in the soil and on foliage was significantly greater in plots treated with copper hydroxide or water than in plots treated with mancozeb or chlorothalonil. Fungicides such as copper hydroxide may be less deleterious to the fungus than mancozeb and chlorothalonil.  相似文献   

Ostrinia nubilalis is (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) a severe pest ofcorn in the major corn growing areas of theUnited States. The efficacy of a Beauveria bassiana application, for season-long suppression of O. nubilalis was evaluated in 1996 and 1997 at locationsacross Iowa. Beauveria bassiana,Mycotech 726 (Mycotech Corporation, Butte, MT)formulated on corn grit granules (14–20 mesh)at 2.2 × 109 conidia/g and applied with ahand-held applicator at the rate of 0.4 g/plant(8.8 × 108 conidia/plant). Applicationswere made when plants were in the V7 or R1growth stage. The length of larval tunneling,percentage of plants not infested with O.nubilalis, percentage of plants with anendophyte, and yield from treated and controlplots were determined. Whorl-stage applicationof B. bassiana in 1996 resulted in asignificant reduction in centimeters oftunneling (46–55%) and the percentageplants not infested by O. nubilalis. In1997, B. bassiana caused significantreductions in larval tunneling at all locations(20–53%); however, a significant increase inthe percentage of plants not infested with O. nubilalis occurred at only one location. Treatment of plants with B. bassiana in1997 did not significantly increase thepercentage of plants with an endophyte;however, the trend, with the exception of onesite, was for a greater percentage ofendophytic plants in treated versus untreatedplots. A whorl-stage application of a granularformulation of B. bassiana was mostefficacious in reducing O. nubilalis larval damage.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana was established in coffee seedlings after fungal spore suspensions were applied as foliar sprays, stem injections, or soil drenches. Direct injection yielded the highest post-inoculation recovery of endophytic B. bassiana. Establishment, based on percent recovery of B. bassiana, decreased as time post-inoculation increased in all treatments. Several other endophytes were isolated from the seedlings and could have negatively influenced establishment of B. bassiana. The recovery of B. bassiana from sites distant from the point of inoculation indicates that the fungus has the potential to move throughout the plant.  相似文献   

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