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蔡悦  聂勇  吴茜茜  黄勃 《菌物学报》2020,39(7):1328-1338
球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana是一类常见的昆虫病原真菌,其自然侵染的寄主昆虫众多,达15目149科750种。为了解球孢白僵菌自然种群的遗传多样性,探讨种群异质性和寄主来源之间的关系,分析其寄主专化性的强弱,本研究利用SSR分子标记技术,比较了安徽琅琊山国家森林公园的85株球孢白僵菌(寄主种类涉及7目24种)群体遗传多样性差异,通过构建聚类树分析菌株基因型和寄主关联性。结果表明琅琊山球孢白僵菌群体Nei’s基因多样性指数h=0.2906,Shannon信息指数Is=0.4510,多态位点百分率P为100%。不同寄主目球孢白僵菌遗传多样性水平由高至低为鞘翅目>膜翅目>同翅目>双翅目>鳞翅目>直翅目>半翅目,其中菌株数量较多的鞘翅目、膜翅目和同翅目3个亚种群的遗传多样性较高且水平接近。聚类分析发现8对SSR引物将85株球孢白僵菌分成29个基因型,并在遗传相似系数0.70处分别聚为3个分支。分析寄主类型发现相同基因型的株系可侵染不同目的寄主,而同一类型寄主也可被不同基因型的菌株侵染。球孢白僵菌种群的总体遗传多样性较高,遗传谱系与寄主来源无明显相关性,菌株的寄主专化性弱。  相似文献   

通过林间接种式放菌及其后一周年的野外调查,从林间采集到30种寄主昆虫及从土壤、落叶和气流中分离到119株球孢白僵菌.酯酶同工酶分析表明,它们属于32个不同酯酶型,呈现出丰富的遗传多样性.释放菌株所属的酯酶型02包括从11种昆虫上分离出的18个菌株,表明林间释放的菌株已成功地在不同寄主昆虫种群中宿存下来,并以常发的地方病状态存在于松毛虫及松灰象甲等12种昆虫种群之中;当林间目标寄主缺乏时,其它寄主可将食物链维系下去.其它酯酶型分别包括1~23个菌株.一周年内的寄主转移动态结果表明,球孢白僵菌在松林生态系统中不同寄主间可转移寄生.每个酯酶型中的菌株对松毛虫的毒力相差很大.表明球孢白僵菌在松林中的延续和扩散流行不是1条路线,每个酯酶型至少代表食物网上的1条支链.有些环节的寄主连接了不同的酯酶型,使松林中食物网变得十分复杂.另外,从土壤、枯枝落叶层、林冠层和空气中分离到的球孢白僵菌分属于不同的酯酶型,表明松林中还存在着复杂的腐生食物链,有利于松毛虫及其它害虫的持续控制.  相似文献   

通过林间接种式放菌及其后一周年的野外调查,从林间采集到30种寄主昆虫及从土壤、落叶和气流中分离到119株球孢白僵菌.酯酶同工酶分析表明,它们属于32个不同酯酶型,呈现出丰富的遗传多样性.释放菌株所属的酯酶型02包括从11种昆虫上分离出的18个菌株,表明林间释放的菌株已成功地在不同寄主昆虫种群中宿存下来,并以常发的地方病状态存在于松毛虫及松灰象甲等12种昆虫种群之中;当林间目标寄主缺乏时,其它寄主可将食物链维系下去.其它酯酶型分别包括1~23个菌株.一周年内的寄主转移动态结果表明,球孢白僵菌在松林生态系统中不同寄主间可转移寄生.每个酯酶型中的菌株对松毛虫的毒力相差很大,表明球孢白僵菌在松林中的延续和扩散流行不是1条路线,每个酯酶型至少代表食物网上的1条支链.有些环节的寄主连接了不同的酯酶型,使松林中食物网变得十分复杂,另外。从土壤、枯枝落叶层、林冠层和空气中分离到的球孢白僵菌分属于不同的酯酶型,表明松林中还存在着复杂的腐生食物链,有利于松毛虫及其它害虫的持续控制。  相似文献   

白僵菌生物防治林中虫生真菌群落结构分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对白僵菌生物防治林中虫生真菌群落的结构研究表明,长期接种式释放白僵菌的马尾松林中虫生真菌共有属7种.球孢白僵菌的数量占绝对优势,为总数的63.22%;拟青霉次之,占25.86%;绿僵菌占9.20%;轮枝孢仅占1.72%.从寄主昆虫的多样性来看,球孢白僵菌和环链拟青霉的Brillouin多样性指数分别为3.56和2.315,均匀度分别为0.81和0.865;粉拟青霉和蜡蚧轮枝孢的多样性指数分别为1.71和0.862,均匀度为0.963和1.000而黄绿绿僵菌、金龟子绿僵菌和玫烟色拟青霉多样性和均匀度指标均较低.不同季节中被白僵菌侵染的寄主昆虫多样性指数呈现出春秋高、夏季低的趋势,反映了白僵菌种群的季节性变化.  相似文献   

三种森林生态系统昆虫病原真菌优势种生态位比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chen MJ  Huang B  Li ZZ 《应用生态学报》2011,22(5):1275-1279
研究了天然阔叶林、天然阔叶次生林和马尾松人工纯林3种不同森林生态系统中昆虫病原真菌优势种的数量组成及生态位宽度和生态位重叠值.结果表明:球孢白僵菌在这3种森林生态系统中分别为第三、第一和第二优势种.该菌在3种森林生态系统中的营养生态位宽度和时间生态位宽度均最大,远大干环链棒束孢、粉棒束孢和细脚棒束孢等优势种;该菌与其他优势种的时间生态位重叠值较大,而营养生态位重叠值较小.球孢白僵菌在3种森林生态系统中都是发生时间最长、寄主昆虫最丰富、适应环境能力最强的昆虫病原真菌.  相似文献   

在皖南马尾松林中使用球孢白僵菌无纺布菌条接种式放菌防治松褐天牛。在放菌前进行球孢白僵菌本底调查,在放菌后半年内采集该菌感染的各种僵虫,得到87株分离物。利用28SrDNA-PCRⅠ型内含子标记技术,测定放菌后释放菌株的回收率。结果表明,在87株球孢白僵菌中有66株与释放菌株的核型相同,占75.86%。半年中平均回收率为81.7%(75%-90.9%之间),这表明释放菌株已在该生态系中定殖,对松褐天牛种群发挥持续控制作用。在放菌前后球孢白僵菌种群结构有所变化,释放菌株有取代土著菌株优势地位的趋向。  相似文献   

在皖南马尾松林中使用球孢白僵菌无纺布菌条接种式放菌防治松褐天牛。在放菌前进行球孢白僵菌本底调查,在放菌后半年内采集该菌感染的各种僵虫,得到87株分离物。利用28SrDNA-PCRⅠ型内含子标记技术,测定放菌后释放菌株的回收率。结果表明,在87株球孢白僵菌中有66株与释放菌株的核型相同,占75.86%。半年中平均回收率为81.7%(75%-90.9%之间),这表明释放菌株已在该生态系中定殖,对松褐天牛种群发挥持续控制作用。在放菌前后球孢白僵菌种群结构有所变化,释放菌株有取代土著菌株优势地位的趋向。  相似文献   

李佳丽  蔡悦  栾丰刚  王滨  李增智 《生态学杂志》2010,21(12):3239-3247
由球孢白僵菌引起的家蚕白僵病是影响蚕业生产的重要因素之一.本研究在皖南泾县和皖西南潜山县蚕区的病蚕、蚕室环境、蚕室周边桑园、松林及农田调查取样,共分离出124株球孢白僵菌;通过ISSR分子标记对它们及用于防治松毛虫的菌株进行种群遗传结构分析,追踪家蚕白僵病的来源及传播途径.结果表明: 两个地区的球孢白僵菌种群均为异质性明显的种群.潜山的蚕病亚种群是多源的,而泾县的蚕病亚种群是单源的;泾县蚕病亚种群和潜山的蚕病优势亚种群具有典型的地方性,只在蚕室内循环侵染家蚕,引起低频常在性的地方性白僵病;而潜山的非优势亚种群可以在蚕室外的少数转主寄主中传播.在两地松林的松毛虫种群中流行的类群、真菌杀虫剂生产菌株以及在潜山蚕室附近引起螳螂种群流行病的类群均与蚕病类群无关,表明其对蚕业是安全的.  相似文献   

利用GFP表达系统检测球孢白僵菌侵染昆虫过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)作为一种重要的报告基因,在病原菌和寄主之间的互作研究中具有良好的应用前景。利用草丁膦抗性基因bar为筛选标记,构建了组成性表达绿色荧光蛋白基因egfp的载体pBG,并转入球孢白僵菌获得成功表达。将转化子接种菜青虫进行生物测定表明,组成性表达egfp不影响球孢白僵菌的毒力。进一步利用冰冻切片和荧光显微观察技术监测球孢白僵菌侵染寄主行为,结果显示,通过荧光观察可清楚的检测到病原菌在昆虫体表的附着、菌丝穿透体壁以及菌丝从寄主体内长出等侵染过程。由此表明,GFP可有效用于球孢白僵菌的遗传标记,进行病原菌的鉴别、侵染致病机理及相关功能基因的表达模式研究。  相似文献   

马尾松纯林虫生真菌群落组成及优势种生态位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对麻姑山马尾松纯林的虫生真菌群落进行了调查研究,共发现了3科6属14种。该林区虫生真菌群落的主要成分是环链棒束孢、球孢白僵菌和粉棒束孢,虫生菌种类较少,较为单一。对3种优势虫生真菌环链棒束孢、球孢白僵菌和粉棒束孢的营养、时间及营养-时间二维生态位进行了分析。结果表明,环链棒束孢与粉棒束孢的营养生态位重叠度最大,与球孢白僵菌时间生态重叠度最大。而球孢白僵菌的营养生态位宽度、时间生态位宽度和营养-时间二维生态位宽度都为最大。球孢白僵菌在自然界中发生时间长,分布范围广,寄主昆虫丰富,生存能力强的实际情况也支持这一分析结果。  相似文献   

Aims:  The genetic diversity of Beauveria bassiana was investigated by comparing isolates of this species to each other (49 from different geographical regions of Brazil and 4 from USA) and to other Beauveria spp.
Methods and Results:  The isolates were examined by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and rDNA sequencing. MLEE and AFLP revealed considerable genetic variability among B. bassiana isolates. Several isolates from South and Southeast Brazil had high similarity coefficients, providing evidence of at least one population with clonal structure. There were clear genomic differences between most Brazilian and USA B. bassiana isolates. A Mantel test using data generated by AFLP provided evidence that greater geographical distances were associated with higher genetic distances. AFLP and rDNA sequencing demonstrated notable genotypic variation between B. bassiana and other Beauveria spp.
Conclusion:  Geographical distance between populations apparently is an important factor influencing genotypic variability among B. bassiana populations in Brazil.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study characterized many B. bassiana isolates. The results indicate that certain Brazilian isolates are considerably different from others and possibly should be regarded as separate species from B. bassiana sensu latu . The information on genetic variation among the Brazilian isolates, therefore, will be important to comprehending the population structure of B. bassiana in Brazil.  相似文献   

Solar radiation, particularly the UV-B component, negatively affects survival of entomopathogenic fungi in the field. In an effort to identify Beauveria spp. isolates with promise for use in biological control settings with high insolation, we examined 53 Beauveria bassiana isolates, 7 isolates of 4 other Beauveria spp. and Engyodontium albus (=Beauveria alba). The origins of these fungi varied widely as to host/substrate and country, but approximately 30% of these isolates were B. bassiana from ticks in Brazil. A preliminary trial with three B. bassiana isolates (Bb 19, CG 310 and CG 481) at several UV-B dosages indicated that 2h of weighted UV-B irradiance at 978mWm(-2) (providing a total dose of 7.04kJm(-2)) allowed separation of isolates into low, medium or high UV-B tolerance. This dose, therefore, was selected as a single dose to compare UV-B tolerances of all 60 Beauveria spp. isolates. There was high variability in tolerance to UV-B radiation among the B. bassiana isolates, ranging from virtually zero tolerance (e.g., Bb 03) to almost 80% tolerance (e.g., CG 228). In addition, surviving B. bassiana conidia demonstrated delayed germination; and this is likely to reduce virulence. Conidia of the other species were markedly more sensitive to UV-B, with E. albus (UFPE 3138) being the least UV-B tolerant. Among B. bassiana isolates originating from 0 degrees to 22 degrees latitudes, those from lower latitudes demonstrated statistically significant greater UV-B tolerances than those isolates from higher latitudes. Isolates from above 22 degrees , however, were unaffected by latitude of origin. A similar analysis based on host type did not indicate a correlation between original host and UV-B tolerance. The identification in this study of several B. bassiana isolates with relatively high UV-B tolerance will guide the selection of isolates for future arthropod microbial control experiments.  相似文献   

Pollen beetles Meligethes aeneus were collected in oilseed rape fields at different sites in Switzerland in spring 2004-2005 and 32 isolates of the fungal genus Beauveria occurring as latent infections in the beetles were obtained and molecularly characterized. Three major clades, Beauveria bassiana sensu stricto (Clade A: n=13), Beauveriabrongniartii (Clade B: n=1) and Beauveria Clade C (n=18) were identified among the isolates based on sequences of the ITS region and the 5' end of EF1-α. B. bassiana s.s. was further separated in the two clades, Eu_1 (n=10) and Eu_4 (n=3). The intergenic region Bloc provided best resolution of the individual clades B. bassiana s.s. Eu_1, Eu_4 and B. brongniartii. No specific clade of Beauveria appeared to be associated with adult M. aeneus populations. However, data suggested high relative abundance of Beauveria Clade C among the fungal entomopathogens infecting M. aeneus. Characterization of the isolates by simple sequence repeats (SSR) revealed further genotypic diversity within the clades except B. bassiana s.s. Eu_4 which appeared to be clonal. However, the individual SSR markers were differentially amplifiable from isolates of the different clades. It is therefore important to identify the underlying phylogenetic affinity of Beauveria isolates to interpret results based on SSR markers. The data suggest that not all available SSR markers are suitable for reliable characterization of diversity within Beauveria Clade C.  相似文献   

Clonal diversity and host distribution in Bordetella bronchiseptica.   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
A total of 303 isolates of Bordetella bronchiseptica recovered from 11 host species were characterized by the electrophoretic mobilities of 15 metabolic enzymes, and 21 distinctive multilocus genotypes (electrophoretic types) were distinguished on the basis of allele profiles at the enzyme loci. The population structure of B. bronchiseptica is clonal, and its genetic diversity is limited in comparison with most other pathogenic bacteria, perhaps reflecting a relatively recent origin of the species. Electrophoretic types mark clones which are, in many cases, nonrandomly associated with host species. Clones differing only slightly in overall chromosomal genetic character may have pronounced differences in virulence potential. There was considerable variation among individual clones and clone families in degree of host specificity and among various species of hosts in the diversity of clones causing disease. The diversity of clones infecting dogs was an order of magnitude greater than that of clones infecting pigs. Most bordetellosis in pigs in the United States and Japan was found to be caused by strains of a single multilocus genotype.  相似文献   

Rehner SA  Buckley E 《Mycologia》2005,97(1):84-98
Beauveria is a globally distributed genus of soil-borne entomopathogenic hyphomycetes of interest as a model system for the study of entomopathogenesis and the biological control of pest insects. Species recognition in Beauveria is difficult due to a lack of taxonomically informative morphology. This has impeded assessment of species diversity in this genus and investigation of their natural history. A gene-genealogical approach was used to investigate molecular phylogenetic diversity of Beauveria and several presumptively related Cordyceps species. Analyses were based on nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and elongation factor 1-alpha (EF1-alpha) sequences for 86 exemplar isolates from diverse geographic origins, habitats and insect hosts. Phylogenetic trees were inferred using maximum parsimony and Bayesian likelihood methods. Six well supported clades within Beauveria, provisionally designated A-F, were resolved in the EF1-alpha and combined gene phylogenies. Beauveria bassiana, a ubiquitous species that is characterized morphologically by globose to subglobose conidia, was determined to be non-monophyletic and consists of two unrelated lineages, clades A and C. Clade A is globally distributed and includes the Asian teleomorph Cordyceps staphylinidaecola and its probable synonym C. bassiana. All isolates contained in Clade C are anamorphic and originate from Europe and North America. Clade B includes isolates of B. brongniartii, a Eurasian species complex characterized by ellipsoidal conidia. Clade D includes B. caledonica and B. vermiconia, which produce cylindrical and comma-shaped conidia, respectively. Clade E, from Asia, includes Beauveria anamorphs and a Cordyceps teleomorph that both produce ellipsoidal conidia. Clade F, the basal branch in the Beauveria phylogeny includes the South American species B. amorpha, which produces cylindrical conidia. Lineage diversity detected within clades A, B and C suggests that prevailing morphological species concepts underestimate species diversity within these groups. Continental endemism of lineages in B. bassiana s.l. (clades A and C) indicates that isolation by distance has been an important factor in the evolutionary diversification of these clades. Permutation tests indicate that host association is essentially random in both B. bassiana s.l. clades A and C, supporting past assumptions that this species is not host specific. In contrast, isolates in clades B and D occurred primarily on coleopteran hosts, although sampling in these clades was insufficient to assess host affliation at lower taxonomic ranks. The phylogenetic placement of Cordyceps staphylinidaecola/bassiana, and C. scarabaeicola within Beauveria corroborates prior reports of these anamorph-teleomorph connections. These results establish a phylogenetic framework for further taxonomic, phylogenetic and comparative biological investigations of Beauveria and their corresponding Cordyceps teleomorphs.  相似文献   

The minisatellite locus, BbMin1, was isolated from a partial Beauveria bassiana genomic library that consisted of poly(GA) flanked inserts. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the BbMin1 repeat demonstrated allele size variation among 95 B. bassiana isolates. Amplification was also observed from single isolates of Beauveria amorpha, Beauveria brongniartii, and Beauveria caledonica. Eight alleles were identified at the haploid locus, where repeat number fluctuated between one and fourteen. AMOVA and theta (Fst) indicated that fixation of repeat number has not occurred within pathogenic ecotypes or geographically isolated samples of B. bassiana. Selective neutrality of allele size, the rate of BbMin1 mutation, and the age of the species may contribute to host and geographic independence of the marker. Presence of alleles with a large number of repeat units may be attributed to the rare occurrence of somatic recombination or DNA replication error. The molecular genetic marker was useful for the identification of genetic types of B. bassiana and related species.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana, a mitosporic fungus used for the biological control of many insect species, is recognized as a "species complex" comprising genetically diverse lineages. Being predominantly asexual, mating tests cannot be applied to delimit species in this species complex. Genetic tests offer an indirect means of identifying species among isolates. To this end, molecular genetic analysis of a sample of B. bassiana isolates with 2 subsamples, 1 representing a worldwide collection and another from a localized epizootic population was carried out. DNA markers generated through AFLPs (amplified fragment length polymorphisms) and SSCPs (single-strand conformation poly morphisms) and nucleotide sequence data of different allelic forms of 3 genes (large and small subunits of rRNA and beta-tubulin) were evaluated. The B. bassiana isolates from the worldwide sample showed 11% overall similarity and no closely clustered groups. Phylogenetic trees generated from the AFLP and SSCP data of this sample resolved the different isolates into distinct phylogenetic lineages. In the epizootic B. bassiana population, prevalence of recombination was evident from random association of alleles in multilocus tests and lack of phylogenetic concordance among 3 gene genealogies. Thus, the worldwide sample of B. bassiana exhibits a predominantly clonal structure, hinting at species divergence leading to cryptic speciation with recombination being customary among isolates sharing a close ecological niche.  相似文献   

Sekhon  A.S.  Padhye  A.A.  Kaufman  L.  Garg  A.K.  Ajello  L.  Ambrosie  E.  Panter  T. 《Mycopathologia》1997,138(1):1-4
Exoantigenic extracts of 15 isolates belonging to hyalohyphomycosis-causing Beauveria bassiana (1), and Engyodontium album (1), as well as other species of the genus Beauveria (one isolate each of B. brogniartii, B. densa, B. stephanoderis, B. velata, B. vermiconia and six isolates of unknown Beauveria species) were studied. Aqueous-merthiolated extracts derived from 10-day-old Sabouraud's dextrose agar slant cultures (25 °C) were concentrated (25X), and reacted against rabbit anti-B. bassiana serum in the presence of partially purified homologous antigen (20X) prepared from 5-week-old shaken cultures (30 °C), using a microimmunodiffusion procedure. Beauveria bassiana reference antigen and antiserum reacted to produce four bands of identity. With the exception of E. album, which was negative, extracts of the isolates of B. brogniartii, B. densa, B. stephanoderis, B. velata, B. vermiconia and the unknown Beauveria species all produced 2-4 lines of identity against the homologous anti-B. bassiana serum. These results suggested that all the species of the genus Beauveria tested were antigenically related to B. bassiana. Engyodontium album demonstrated antigenic distinctness, however, from B. bassiana and thus supported the validity of this taxon. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is an invasive wood boring beetle that is decimating North America's ash trees (Fraxinus spp.). To find effective and safe indigenous biocontrol agents to manage EAB, we conducted a survey in 2008-2009 of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) infecting EAB in five outbreak sites in southwestern Ontario, Canada. A total of 78 Beauveria spp. isolates were retrieved from dead and mycosed EAB cadavers residing in the phloem tissues of dead ash barks, larval frass extracted from feeding galleries under the bark of dead trees. Molecular characterization using sequences of the ITS, 5' end of EF1-α and intergenic Bloc region fragments revealed that Beauveria bassiana and Beauveria pseudobassiana were commonly associated with EAB in the sampled sites. Based on phylogenetic analysis inferred from ITS sequences, 17 of these isolates clustered with B. bassiana, which further grouped into three different sub-clades. However, the combined EF1-α and Bloc sequences detected five genotypes among the three sub-clades. The remaining 61 isolates clustered with B. pseudobassiana, which had identical ITS sequences but were further subdivided into two genotypes by variation in the EF1-α and Bloc regions. Initial virulence screening against EAB adults of 23 isolates representing the different clades yielded 8 that produced more than 90% mortality in a single concentration assay. These isolates differed in virulence based on LC(50) values estimated from multiple concentration bioassay and based on mean survival times at a conidia concentration of 2×10(6) conidia/ml. B. bassiana isolate L49-1AA was significantly more virulent and produced more conidia on EAB cadavers compared to the other indigenous isolates and the commercial strain B. bassiana GHA suggesting that L49-1AA may have potential as a microbiological control agent against EAB.  相似文献   

B.E. Urtz and W.C. Rice. 1997. Random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) was used to examine the genetic variability among Beauveria bassiana isolates from infected rice water weevil (RWW), Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus , collected in south-western Louisiana. Most of the B. bassiana isolates tightly clustered into one or the other of two groups that diverged at the 65% similarity level. Three soil isolates also clustered within the two groups while one soil isolate did not tightly cluster (mean similarity = 65%) with any of the RWW isolates. The results suggest that certain genotypes of B. bassiana commonly infect RWW while others do not.  相似文献   

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