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昆虫迁飞行为的参数化Ⅱ.模式与检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
翟保平  张孝羲 《生态学报》1997,17(2):190-199
对通过昆虫迁飞行为分析得到的迁飞时间参数、高度参数、速度和方向参数等分别以一定的数学形式加以表达。其中,起飞时间以日出日没及晨昏朦影时刻为基准,用天文公式求出;边界层顶与飞行低温阈限所在高度及运行高度上的风速、风向由一维湍能(TKE)模式以E-ε闭合做数值模拟:对飞行力较弱的小型或微小昆虫做随风运行处理,而对大型昆虫则根据其自身的飞行速度和定向方位与其飞行高度上的风向风速做矢量运算,求得位移方向和速度。通过我国小地老虎和草地螟标放回收试验结果的检验,表明本文提出的迁飞行为参数化方案是合理可行的。以此为基础组建数值模型进行昆虫迁飞轨迹分析,可望进一步提高迁飞性害虫异地预测的水平  相似文献   

张云慧  张智  李超  姜玉英  曾娟  程登发 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1418-1429
粘虫Mythimna separata是我国农业生产上的重要害虫, 为了明确其季节性迁飞行为参数, 本研究采用垂直监测昆虫雷达(vertical-looking radar, VLR)及相关辅助设备的长期自动观测, 结合基于GIS的大区环流和轨迹模拟, 调查分析了2005年东北地区粘虫季节性迁飞行为。结果表明: 粘虫在不同季节和夜间不同时间空中飞行高度具有明显差异, 空中飞行行为受气象条件尤其是空中风场影响较大; 春季和秋季主要借助气流运载进行大规模长距离迁飞, 夜间持续飞行时间可达9 h, 多数个体能完成整夜飞行, 春季迁飞高度主要在300~600 m, 秋季飞行高度相对较低主要在300 m以下和400~500 m。夏季雷达回波有明显的成层现象, 最高可达1 000 m, 主要集中在500 m和700 m两个高度层。轨迹分析显示: 5月29日由山东潍坊、 临沂等虫源地起飞的黏虫, 顺西南气流越海迁飞, 6月1日在气旋天气影响下, 在吉林省白城等地降落; 7月中旬主要为当地黏虫受对流天气影响进行短距离迁飞扩散; 9月11日虫源来自内蒙古呼伦贝尔, 顺西北气流向吉林省东南方向迁飞。研究结果为东北地区粘虫的有效防控提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对雷达昆虫学研究和其他方法得到的研究成果的综合分析,提出一套昆虫迁飞行为参数化方案。即:起飞时间以日出日 晨昏朦影时 基准,降落时间依目标昆虫的迁飞牧场考具体取值;运行高度取边界层顶与目标昆虫飞行低温阈限所在高度之间的气流层。在运行方向取风向值并以目标昆虫的定中以修饰,运行速度与目标昆虫自身行速度的矢量和。这套方案可作为昆虫迁飞数值模拟的基础,为迁飞性害虫异地预测提供一种有效的工具 。  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翟保平  张孝羲 《生态学报》1997,17(2):190-199
对通过昆虫迁飞行为分析得到的迁飞时间参数、高度参数、速度和方向参数等分别以一定的数学形式加以表达。其中,起飞时间以日出日没及晨昏朦影时刻为基准,用天文公式求出;边界层顶与飞行低温阈限所在高度及运行上的风速、内上一维能(TKE)模式以ε闭合做数值模拟;对飞行力较经的小型或微小昆虫做随风运行处理,而对大型昆虫则根据其身的冰行速度和定向方位与其飞行高度上的风向风速做夭量运算,求得位移方向和速度。通过我国  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化Ⅰ.行为分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对雷达昆虫学研究和其他方法得到的研究成果的综合分析,提出一套昆虫迁飞行为参数化方案。即:起飞时间以日出日没及晨昏朦影时刻为基准,降落时间依目标昆虫的迁飞特性具体取值;运行高度取边界层顶与目标昆虫飞行低温阈限所在高度之间的气流层,运行方向取风向值并以目标昆虫的定向加以修饰,运行速度为风速与目标昆虫自身飞行速度的矢量和。这套方案可作为昆虫迁飞轨迹数值模拟的基础,为迁飞性害虫异地预测提供一种有效的工具  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确玉米新发害虫二点委夜蛾Athetis lepigone的迁飞行为,为该虫的区域性监测预警提供依据。【方法】2016年7月在华北南部的新乡市原阳县,利用旋转极化垂直昆虫雷达和高空诱虫灯观测了2代二点委夜蛾成虫在空中的迁飞行为,利用轨迹分析软件HYSPLIT分析该虫的迁飞范围。【结果】2代二点委夜蛾成虫在日落后(19:00左右)开始起飞,2 h后达到最大值,二点委夜蛾成虫最大高峰时间主要出现在前半夜,次日凌晨虫量逐渐降低,至7:00左右迁飞活动停止,整个迁移活动持续12 h。二点委夜蛾成虫在空中成层分布,其最髙飞行高度低于1 200 m,但虫量最大处位于600-700 m。第2代二点委夜蛾成虫每晚的平均最长飞行时间为7.972 h,平均位移速度为9.12 m/s,每晚平均最远距离大约为261.74 km。结合风场和轨迹模拟分析表明,7月份二点委夜蛾以北迁为主,河南中部的漯河及许昌等地区是雷达观测点二点委夜蛾峰值时的直接虫源区,其余来自邻近区域。【结论】本研究明确了华北南部地区2016年2代二点委夜蛾在空中的迁飞参数及迁飞范围。  相似文献   

草地螟2007年越冬代成虫迁飞行为研究与虫源分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
草地螟 Loxostege sticticalis L.是危害我国北方农牧业的一种重要迁飞性害虫,明确草地螟的虫源地及迁飞路线对其早期预警具有重要意义。本文利用垂直监测昆虫雷达的长期观测,迁飞高峰期雌虫卵巢解剖、大区环流分析、各地虫情信息收集和利用Hysplit_4模型进行轨迹分析,研究了2007年越冬代草地螟的空中迁飞行为和东北地区严重暴发的草地螟虫源。结果表明:6月7–9日,雷达观测点诱虫灯内草地螟具有典型迁飞昆虫生理特征;草地螟主要在夜间迁飞,飞行高度集中在300~500 m,400 m是主要飞行高度,迁飞高峰期夜间迁移可持续9 h。东北地区严重发生的草地螟虫源,一部分来自内蒙古乌盟地区,一部分来自蒙古共和国中东部及中俄边境地区。据此推测我国与国外草地螟存在虫源交流。  相似文献   

粘虫成虫在气流场中飞行行为的观察研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过改进悬吊测飞技术、室内风洞和野外雷达相结合的观测方法,研究了粘虫在气流场中的飞行行为特征及其与气流的关系。直筒风洞自由飞行观测的结果表明,粘虫蛾对气流有明显行为反应,表现为头部迎风起飞和迎风飞行的特性;在3.0~5.5 m/s风速下,有92%~94% 的个体可一次逆风飞行通过2 m长的风洞;当风速≥6.0 m/s时,有71.9%的蛾子沿螺旋状的飞行轨迹逆风通过风洞。环形风洞悬吊飞行测试的结果表明,粘虫可逆风飞行的最大风速为7.2 m/s;在风速≤4 m/s条件下,90%以上个体头部迎风飞行或头部朝向与风向成一定的夹角,侧逆风飞行。 雷达观测发现粘虫在空中迁飞过程中具有成层现象,并有较强的秋季回迁定向行为,其头部总是朝向西南;迁飞的最终位移与风向及风速大小有关,迁飞位移速度是飞行速度与风速的矢量和。  相似文献   

吴孔明  郭予元  吴燕 《生态学报》2002,22(7):1075-1078
1996-2000年期间先后在河北省廊坊市、北京市西郊和辽宁省辽阳市系统研究了不同代别棉铃虫成虫的卵巢发育特点及与季节性迁飞行为的关系,研究结果表明环渤海湾南部的河北省廊坊市和北部的辽宁省辽阳市第1代棉铃虫成虫种群主要由外地迁人,第2-3代种群多数年份主要来源于当地,但部分年份亦有外地种群大量迁入,北京市西郊空中诱捕的棉铃虫1-3代成虫多为产卵前期个体,具迁飞昆虫的生殖生理特征,表明棉铃虫成虫迁飞活动存在于各个代别。  相似文献   

垂直监测昆虫雷达研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫雷达可以远距离、 大范围、 快速地探测迁飞昆虫, 这极大促进了人类对昆虫迁飞行为的认识。垂直监测昆虫雷达技术是从20世纪70年代发展起来的一种监测高空迁飞昆虫种群的新工具。与传统的扫描雷达相比, 垂直监测昆虫雷达可以获得目标的位移速度、 位移方向、 定向、 体型大小和形状等参数, 因此, 对目标的识别能力更为精确。此外, 垂直监测昆虫雷达实现了在微机控制下的自动运行, 这使得应用昆虫雷达开展迁飞昆虫的日常监测成为可能。本文综述了垂直监测昆虫雷达的发展和应用, 介绍了设计原理和回波参数的解算方法, 讨论了其存在的不足及改进方案, 最后并对其在未来昆虫雷达网络建设中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

Vast numbers of insects and passerines achieve long-distance migrations between summer and winter locations by undertaking high-altitude nocturnal flights. Insects such as noctuid moths fly relatively slowly in relation to the surrounding air, with airspeeds approximately one-third of that of passerines. Thus, it has been widely assumed that windborne insect migrants will have comparatively little control over their migration speed and direction compared with migrant birds. We used radar to carry out the first comparative analyses of the flight behaviour and migratory strategies of insects and birds under nearly equivalent natural conditions. Contrary to expectations, noctuid moths attained almost identical ground speeds and travel directions compared with passerines, despite their very different flight powers and sensory capacities. Moths achieved fast travel speeds in seasonally appropriate migration directions by exploiting favourably directed winds and selecting flight altitudes that coincided with the fastest air streams. By contrast, passerines were less selective of wind conditions, relying on self-powered flight in their seasonally preferred direction, often with little or no tailwind assistance. Our results demonstrate that noctuid moths and passerines show contrasting risk-prone and risk-averse migratory strategies in relation to wind. Comparative studies of the flight behaviours of distantly related taxa are critically important for understanding the evolution of animal migration strategies.  相似文献   

昆虫定向机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高月波  翟保平 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1055-1065
许多昆虫具有定向运动的行为。对部分社会性昆虫和迁飞性昆虫定向行为的大量研究已经初步阐明太阳、地磁场、天体、风及地面标志物等都可能成为昆虫返巢和迁飞定向的线索。社会性昆虫具有对不同定向线索进行整合而实现精确导航的能力。日间迁飞性昆虫利用时间补偿太阳罗盘进行定向的机制亦已明确,但夜间迁飞昆虫的定向机制尚需深入研究。迁飞性害虫定向机制的明确将有助于判断害虫迁飞路径及降落区域,为迁飞害虫的准确预测提供科学依据。本文对昆虫的定向机制研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Abstract  Based on boundary layer meteorology and behavioural ecology of insect migration, a numerical TRA model was established. The spatial and temporal resolutions of the standard meteorological data are far insufficient for insect migration studies; so, a one dimension TKE closure scheme (E-ε scheme) was adopted to simulate the wind and temperature profiles en route based on the conventional surface and 850 hPa wind and temperature data of Chinese National Meteorological Bureau. Then the migrating behaviour of insects was parameterized as some proper mathematical expressions to determine their timing and their flight height, speed and direction from the wind and temperature profiles simulated by the PBL sub-model, and so their flight pathways could be estimated by a simple algorithm. Finally, the hourly episodes of the airborne migrants were output which consists of the latitude, longitude and flying altitude. The TRA model was verified by mark-release-recapture studies of Mythimna separata, Loxostege sticticalis , and Agrotis ipsilon . The results suggest that the parameterizing scheme of migratory behaviour, the numerical simulation scheme of wind and temperature in PBL and the TRA procedure developed in this paper should be reasonable and feasible. This model provides a useful tool for inter-regional forecast of migratory insect pests.  相似文献   

Our objective was to detect mass migrations of insects of economic significance by insect traps and a Doppler weather radar. Migrants were sampled by suction traps, tow nets and light traps in the Helsinki region. We used radar to observe the migrating insects, and trajectories to backtrack mass migrations of aphids (Homoptera, Aphididae) in spring 1988. The aphid migrations were clearly observed in trap catches and by radar. The first migration, mainly involving Euceraphis betulae, occurred on 18 May and was tracked back to northern Poland. The second migration, mainly of Rhopalosiphum padi (a serious pest of small-grain cereals), occurred 3 days later and was tracked back to a large area covering Latvia and western Russia south of St Petersburg. The third migration included both E. betulae and R. padi, and took place on 30 May. It originated from Estonia. Neither trap nor radar data provide exact quantitative information on migrations. Trapping efficiency depends strongly on wind speed and insect size. Radar echo intensity is very strongly related to the sizes of insects in the large volume of air measured, and the sizes are not known accurately. Weather data, especially temperature, can be used in predicting the development of aphids, and air-parcel trajectories in estimating the source areas of migrants. These methods for forecasting aphid migrations, combined with radar observations, are useful for warning purposes and to intensify insect trapping. This would contribute to more efficient agricultural pest management. Received: 11 March 2000 / Revised: 24 April 2000 / Accepted: 26 April 2000  相似文献   

微生物对昆虫行为的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在漫长的进化过程中,微生物与昆虫形成了多种形式的互作关系。微生物的广泛分布为与昆虫接触并影响昆虫的行为提供了背景条件。为了深入探究微生物影响昆虫行为的现象和机制,本文综述了微生物影响昆虫行为方面的研究进展。微生物通过产生可被昆虫识别的化学信号物质、参与昆虫或寄主植物信息化合物的合成等方式可影响昆虫对其寄主的定位和选择。在对昆虫种内和种间关系的研究中也发现微生物起着非常重要的作用。通过改变昆虫性信息素等方式,微生物还能影响到昆虫的繁殖行为;除此之外,微生物合成或参与合成的信息化合物还可以影响昆虫的社会性和聚集等行为。根据当前对微生物影响昆虫行为方面的研究现状,我们建议可进一步研究:(1)微生物影响昆虫行为的过程中,影响昆虫行为的信息化合物是如何产生的?(2)微生物在影响昆虫行为的过程中是否涉及更多的物种间互作?(3)对于一些在特定时期可影响昆虫行为的共生微生物来说,宿主昆虫是如何获得并维持这些微生物的?  相似文献   

粘虫产卵前期的遗传特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从田间采集的粘虫 Mythimna separata (Walker)种群在室内相同条件下饲养时 ,其后代雌蛾的产卵前期有较大程度的分化 ,最短的为 3d,最长的达 8d。通过亲子回归法 (雌性子代和亲本产卵前期的回归分析 )估算的粘虫蛾产卵前期遗传力值为0 .2 899,表明粘虫产卵前期受遗传因素的影响较小。对单雌系的双向选择所产生的选择响应表明 ,在一定的选择压力下 ,选择有利于产卵前期长的个体 ,即产卵前期长的个体进化速度要比短的个体快 ,但连续选择的响应较低。进一步通过家系间交互杂交来研究雌蛾产卵前期的遗传基础表明 ,产卵前期在很大程度上受雄性亲本的影响 ,即可能受 X-性染色体上的基因调控  相似文献   

Long‐distance migratory flights are predicted to be associated with higher mortality rates when individuals encounter adverse weather conditions. However, directly connecting environmental conditions experienced in‐flight with the survival of migrants has proven difficult. We studied how the in‐flight mortality of 53 satellite‐tagged Black‐tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa limosa) during 132 crossings of the Sahara Desert, a major geographical barrier along their migration route between The Netherlands and sub‐Saharan Africa, is correlated with the experienced wind conditions and departure date during both southward and northward migration. We show that godwits experienced higher wind assistance during southward crossings, which seems to reflect local prevailing trade winds. Critically, we found that fatal northward crossings (15 deaths during 61 crossings) were associated with adverse wind conditions. Wind conditions during migration can thus directly influence vital rates. Changing wind conditions associated with global change may thus profoundly influence the costs of long‐distance migration in the future.  相似文献   

Tropical rain forests are characterized by their rich plant diversity and highly diverse insect faunas containing mainly rare species. Phytophagous and parasitoid insects utilizing such fragmented resources often must travel considerable distances to find suitable hosts. For small, weak‐flying insects, entry into the fast‐flowing air above the canopy can provide one way by which long‐distance dispersal is achieved. Using sticky traps placed at different heights in a lowland rain forest of Borneo, we compared the diurnal and nocturnal flight heights of chalcids, a group of mainly very small parasitoids and phytophages, to determine if the air above the canopy was used for dispersal. Most families were represented throughout the range of trap heights, including those above the general canopy. A higher proportion of individuals were trapped above the canopy at night than during the day. Fig wasps were exceptional in that they were trapped almost entirely above the canopy. They included species associated with host trees that do not fruit in the canopy, suggesting that these short‐lived, slow‐flying insects actively fly up above the canopy and then use the wind to passively carry them the long distances needed to reach their highly localized and ephemeral hosts. Once the fig wasps detect the species‐specific volatiles released by their host figs, they then may fly down into the canopy, where the lower wind speeds would allow them to fly actively upwind to their hosts.  相似文献   

Myriad tiny insect species take to the air to engage in windborne migration, but entomology also has its ‘charismatic megafauna’ of butterflies, large moths, dragonflies and locusts. The spectacular migrations of large day‐flying insects have long fascinated humankind, and since the advent of radar entomology much has been revealed about high‐altitude night‐time insect migrations. Over the last decade, there have been significant advances in insect migration research, which we review here. In particular, we highlight: (1) notable improvements in our understanding of lepidopteran navigation strategies, including the hitherto unsuspected capabilities of high‐altitude migrants to select favourable winds and orientate adaptively, (2) progress in unravelling the neuronal mechanisms underlying sun compass orientation and in identifying the genetic complex underpinning key traits associated with migration behaviour and performance in the monarch butterfly, and (3) improvements in our knowledge of the multifaceted interactions between disease agents and insect migrants, in terms of direct effects on migration success and pathogen spread, and indirect effects on the evolution of migratory systems. We conclude by highlighting the progress that can be made through inter‐phyla comparisons, and identify future research areas that will enhance our understanding of insect migration strategies within an eco‐evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Long‐range, seasonal migration is a widespread phenomenon among insects, allowing them to track and exploit abundant but ephemeral resources over vast geographical areas. However, the basic patterns of how species shift across multiple locations and seasons are unknown in most cases, even though migrant species comprise an important component of the temperate‐zone biota. The painted lady butterfly Vanessa cardui is such an example; a cosmopolitan continuously‐brooded species which migrates each year between Africa and Europe, sometimes in enormous numbers. The migration of 2009 was one of the most impressive recorded, and thousands of observations were collected through citizen science programmes and systematic entomological surveys, such as high altitude insect‐monitoring radar and ground‐based butterfly monitoring schemes. Here we use V. cardui as a model species to better understand insect migration in the Western Palaearctic, and we capitalise on the complementary data sources available for this iconic butterfly. The migratory cycle in this species involves six generations, encompassing a latitudinal shift of thousands of kilometres (up to 60 degrees of latitude). The cycle comprises an annual poleward advance of the populations in spring followed by an equatorward return movement in autumn, with returning individuals potentially flying thousands of kilometres. We show that many long‐distance migrants take advantage of favourable winds, moving downwind at high elevation (from some tens of metres from the ground to altitudes over 1000 m), pointing at strong similarities in the flight strategies used by V. cardui and other migrant Lepidoptera. Our results reveal the highly successful strategy that has evolved in these insects, and provide a useful framework for a better understanding of long‐distance seasonal migration in the temperate regions worldwide.  相似文献   

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