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吉林蛟河针阔混交林树木生长与生境的关联性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以吉林蛟河21.12 hm2(660 m×320 m)针阔混交林样地为对象,在以海拔、坡度、坡向以及凸凹度为地形变量划分样地生境类型的基础上,利用2009—2014年植被生长数据,研究生境差异对树木生长的影响机制。研究采用生境空间随机(生境CSR)、物种空间随机(物种CSR)以及物种Thomas3种生态学过程零模型,检验树木径向生长与4种生境类型之间的关联性;采用Pearson相关系数计算树木生长与地形变量之间的相关关系,量化地形变量对树木生长的影响。研究结果显示:(1)样地内绝大多数物种(生境CSR过程:86.1%;物种CSR过程:94.4%;物种Thomas过程:61.1%)的径向生长表现出明显的生境关联性。(2)不同生活型物种的生境利用方式不同:灌木和亚乔木具有类似的生境偏好,与海拔相对较低、地势相对平缓的生境型1正关联,与海拔相对较高、坡度相对较大的生境型2和生境型4负关联;乔木在不同生境类型中会同时存在正、负关联性,但更倾向于和生境1发生负关联,而和生境4发生正关联,并且乔木树种的径向生长对地形之间的差异更加敏感;(3)高达86.1%的物种生长与至少一种地形变量显著相关,其中海拔对树木生长影响最大,其次是坡度和凸凹度,坡向的影响则相对最小。上述结果表明,样地内不同物种之间出现了明显的生境利用性分化,生境利用性分化是影响温带针阔混交林树木径向生长的重要因素。  相似文献   

云杉次生林是关帝山的优势森林植被类型,也是华北亚高山地区寒温性常绿针叶林的代表类型.为更好地了解其物种组成、群落结构等基本特征及其潜在的生态学过程和机制,于2010年在关帝山庞泉沟国家自然保护区建立了4 hm2的云杉次生林固定监测样地(GDS样地).本文以第一次本底调查数据为基础,分析了样地树种组成、结构和空间分布.结果表明: 样地共有木本植物30种,隶属于11科22属.包括分枝的总个体数为26218(其中独立个体数为10266).植物区系组成属北温带成分;不同树种个体数、平均胸径和胸高断面积差异较大,导致群落成层分明,各层优势种明显.乔木层第一亚层树种径级结构呈双峰偏正态分布,乔木层第二亚层树种径级呈近似正态分布,灌木层树种径级呈“L”型分布.乔木优势树种青杄和华北落叶松的空间分布无论在个体数量还是聚集程度上均随径级变化而呈现不同的格局特征.相同径级的两树种,胸径(DBH)≥30 cm的华北落叶松在样地居多且聚集分布于样地中部,而DBH≥30 cm的青杄则相对较少,没有表现出空间聚集性.DBH≤10 cm的华北落叶松个体很少且散生于样地,而DBH≤10 cm的青杄大量聚集于样地中部.DBH≤10 cm的青杄在样地偏西北区域也有大量分布,而DBH≤10 cm的红桦主要分布于样地偏东南区域.灰栒子、土庄绣线菊和四川忍冬等灌木树种也表现出一定的异质性空间分布特征.树种分布格局受生境条件影响,同时与自身发育规律、更新特征及生态习性等相关.  相似文献   

吉林蛟河针阔混交林树木生长的空间关联格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以吉林蛟河21.12hm2(660m×320m)针阔混交林样地为对象,利用2009年和2014年森林生长观测数据,研究树木生长的空间自相关格局及其生境影响机制。在样地生境型划分结果的基础上,采用Ripley's L(r)函数分析不同生境型中树木种群空间分布特征;利用标记相关函数分析不同生境型中树木生长特征的空间关联格局。研究结果表明:(1)红松(生境型3:1—5m)、蒙古栎(生境型3:1—3m)、胡桃楸(生境型2:1—2m;生境型3:1—7m)、黄檗(生境型2:1—3m;生境型4:1—5m)、水曲柳(生境型3:1—2m;生境型4:1—2m)、瘤枝卫矛(生境型2:1—15m)在特定生境和空间尺度上呈随机分布,但空间格局仍以聚集性分布为主;其余10个物种则在全部0—30m尺度上呈聚集分布。(2)标记相关函数分析显示春榆、毛榛、色木槭、瘤枝卫矛和千金榆的径向生长至少在一个生境中表现出正相关格局;暴马丁香、胡桃楸、裂叶榆、瘤枝卫矛、水曲柳、紫椴、糠椴、毛榛、色木槭和白牛槭的径向生长至少在一个生境中表现出负相关格局;红松、黄檗、蒙古栎和簇毛槭的径向生长在全部尺度上均未检测到显著的空间关联格局。因此,不同树种径向生长的空间自相关特征不同,树种生长特征的空间关联格局具有明显的生境依赖性。  相似文献   

北京东灵山优势种群树木死亡对空间格局与生境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马芳  王顺忠  冯金朝  桑卫国 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7669-7678
森林群落动态及其与环境因子关系研究一直是生态学的重要研究内容之一,树木死亡是森林群落动态的重要环节,环境因子是树木死亡的重要影响因素,因此,开展对树木死亡及其与环境相关性研究对分析森林群落动态至关重要。以东灵山暖温带落叶阔叶次生林20 hm~2动态监测样地为研究对象,对样地优势种群树木死亡前后(死亡前:活立木;死亡后,枯立木、倒木)种群数量特征、空间分布及生境相关性的变化关系进行研究,运用点格局、物种-生境相关性分析等方法对数据进行分析。结果:(1)树木死亡前,多度排序为辽东栎黑桦山杨华北落叶松;树木死亡后,多度排序为山杨黑桦辽东栎华北落叶松;树木死亡前后,随取样尺度增大,分布模式均由聚集向随机过渡。(2)种群与生境关联性分析表明:山杨、黑桦、华北落叶松活立木随机分布,辽东栎聚集于缓坡;山杨、辽东栎枯立木缓坡分布较多,黑桦随机,华北落叶松集中于山脊;山杨、黑桦倒木陡坡较多,辽东栎集中于山脊。(3)不同种群死亡前后的空间格局有明显的尺度依赖性,同时与物种自身生物学特性、密度制约、生境过滤的过程相关。  相似文献   

祁连山东部青杄年内径向生长动态对气候的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
牛豪阁  张芬  于爱灵  王放  张军周  勾晓华 《生态学报》2018,38(20):7412-7420
树木径向生长对气候因子的响应是树轮气候学的基础。在我国西北地区,虽然已有大量的树轮-气候响应研究,但是响应分析多基于数理统计结果,缺乏对树木生长过程的理解。基于此,于2013年到2015年在祁连山东部吐鲁沟国家森林公园内通过Dendrometer连续监测了树轮气候重建中常用树种青杄的径向生长,通过平均值法提取2013到2015年生长季内不同时间尺度(1天、7天、10天)的平均径向生长量及对应时间段的平均气候状况。不同时间尺度径向生长量和气候因子的相关分析结果表明,时间尺度的延长削弱了树干水分昼夜变化的干扰,但水分仍然是青杄径向生长的限制因子。为了进一步分析青杄径向生长与气候关系随时间的变化情况,以31天为窗口将日径向生长量与气候要素每隔一天进行滑动相关,结果显示:5、7月青杄的径向生长与降水的关系稳定,都呈显著正相关,但是6月降水的年际变率较大,导致树木可利用水分的变幅也较大,因而树木径向生长与6月水分的响应关系不稳定,存在较大的年际差异,而这可能是一些树轮-气候响应研究中轮宽与6月降水关系不显著的原因。  相似文献   

关帝山华北落叶松、云杉、杨桦天然次生林植被类型是华北高海拔地带代表性的森林类型。以该地区上述3种典型的天然次生林群落为例,运用点格局分析中的单变量O-ring统计方法,分析各群落主要树种的种群空间分布格局;用双变量O-ring统计方法,分析各群落中树种间的空间关联性;并对同一树种在不同森林群落类型中种群空间分布格局和种间关联性的变化进行比较,以探讨华北山地次生林群落空间格局形成和种群维持与动态机制。研究结果表明,(1)各种群在相对小的尺度上聚集分布特征明显,随尺度增加树木种群的聚集性减弱并逐渐表现出随机分布的格局特征;(2)同一树种在不同森林群落类型中空间分布格局差异很大。红桦、白桦和山杨在阔叶林中呈明显的小尺度聚集分布格局,而在针叶林群落呈随机分布。在阔叶次生林中混生的小龄级华北落叶松呈现聚集性空间分布格局。在华北落叶松为优势树种的针叶林中,大龄级的华北落叶松表现出小尺度上均匀分布和较大尺度上随机分布的格局特征;(3)各群落中树种间的空间关联性主要表现在小尺度范围,随尺度加大空间关联性逐渐不明显;(4)在阔叶树占优势的次生林,小龄级华北落叶松与桦木的分布有较明显的空间正关联性,而在华北落叶松为优势树种的针叶林,桦与华北落叶松并未表现明显的空间关联性。种群分布格局和种群间的空间关联性随群落结构、空间尺度和龄级结构不同而有较大变化。  相似文献   

研究不同海拔高度天然次生林径向生长特征及其对气候变化的响应, 揭示影响山地树木径向生长的主要因子, 对于研究气候变化对温带森林生态系统适应性生长、演替和可持续经营的影响具有重要意义。该研究以冀西北山地次生林优势树种白桦(Betula platyphylla)为对象, 于研究区海拔1 350、1 550、1 750、1 950 m处分别设置样地, 采集样木树芯和圆盘, 运用树木年轮气候学方法建立白桦天然次生林标准年表, 并将年轮宽度指数与气候因子进行相关、多元逐步回归分析。主要结果: (1) 1960-2018年研究区气候呈变暖变干趋势, 其中1960-1989年为平稳期, 1989-2018年为快速期。(2)白桦次生林径向生长在1989年发生改变, 年轮宽度指数呈现“增长-下降”的“Λ”形生长趋势。(3)在气候变化平稳期, 白桦次生林径向生长在低海拔样地(B1350、B1550)与气温(平均气温、最高气温、最低气温)呈正相关关系, 在高海拔样地(B1750、B1950)与上年和当年生长季降水量呈显著正相关关系; 在气候变化快速期, 低海拔样地(B1350、B1550)白桦次生林径向生长与生长季气温、生长季潜在蒸散发(ET0)呈负相关关系, 高海拔样地(B1750、B1950)白桦次生林径向生长与生长季及生长季末期ET0呈负相关关系。 (4)在气候变化平稳期, 温度对B1350、B1550、B1750样地白桦次生林径向生长的贡献率分别为76%、54%、51%, 水分的贡献率为24%、46%、49%; 在气候变化快速期, 温度对B1350、B1550、B1750样地树木径向生长的贡献率分别为58%、41%、38%, 水分的贡献率为42%、59%、62%; 高海拔B1950样地树木生长始终受水分因子的控制。  相似文献   

为探究树木径向生长的影响因子,基于对长白山阔叶红松林25 hm2样地中3个常见树种红松、紫椴、蒙古栎连续5年的生长环监测数据,分析各树种的季节生长变化,比较树种间的生长速率差异,并分析初始径级、邻体树木竞争、土壤、地形因素等对不同树种径向生长的作用.结果表明: 3个树种径向生长的季节变化趋势一致,树木于5月末开始生长,7月是生长旺盛期,8月底生长开始减缓,于10月中下旬停止生长.3个树种的径向相对生长率存在显著差异,蒙古栎相对径向生长率显著高于红松和紫椴,该差异在小、中径级个体中表现更为显著.3个树种径向生长的主要影响因子不同,邻体树木的竞争显著抑制了红松和蒙古栎的径向生长,而紫椴的径向生长主要受初始径级、土壤和地形等因子的影响.  相似文献   

芦芽山林线白杄生长季径向生长动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
高山林线作为树木分布的高度上限, 是全球范围最重要的植被过渡带之一, 其树木生长显著受到外界极端环境条件的影响。利用点状树木径向变化记录仪于2009年5-9月, 对山西省芦芽山林线组成树种白杄(Picea meyeri)生长季内树木径向生长进行了持续的动态监测。结果表明: 白杄茎干日变化主要受到树木蒸腾作用日变化的影响, 茎干呈现出白天脱水收缩与夜间吸水膨胀的循环变化; 生长季白杄径向生长可划分为3个不同的生长时段: 1)茎干水分恢复时段, 2)茎干快速生长时段, 3)茎干脱水收缩时段。在茎干水分恢复时段, 白杄茎干径向累积变化主要受到土壤含水量变化的影响。土壤温度是茎干快速生长时段影响茎干径向生长的主导环境因子, 同时它也影响着白杄茎干径向生长的开始。在茎干脱水收缩时段, 土壤温度、土壤含水量是影响茎干径向累积变化的主要环境因子。白杄径向生长最大速度出现在6月末, 其主要受到光周期(即白昼长短)影响, 是对林线处极端环境的一种适应。  相似文献   

在祁连山东部西营河流域不同海拔采集年轮样品,利用树木年代学方法建立高海拔(3000 m)、中海拔(2750 m)、低海拔(2500 m)青海云杉标准化年表,将年轮宽度指数与不同时段气温和降水分别进行相关分析,研究祁连山东部不同海拔青海云杉径向生长对气候变暖的响应。结果表明: 水热是祁连山东部青海云杉径向生长的主要限制因子,不同海拔树木的生长限制因子基本一致。在显著升温之前(1961—1986年),低、中、高海拔3个样点的青海云杉径向生长均与上一年7—8月和当年8月平均最高温呈显著负相关,与当年6月相对湿度呈显著正相关。显著升温之后(1986—2014年),高、中、低海拔树木生长与气温仍呈显著负相关,而与当年2月的相对湿度由升温前的不显著负相关转为显著正相关,与6月降水和相对湿度由升温前的显著正相关转为不显著的负相关。升温导致祁连山东部各海拔青海云杉树轮生长变慢,其中高海拔所受影响最大。气候变暖导致的干旱胁迫可能是青海云杉径向生长发生变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Abstract. In a montane mixed Fagus‐Abies‐Picea forest in Babia Gora National Park (southern Poland), the dynamics of an old‐growth stand were studied by combining an 8‐yr annual census of trees in a 1‐ha permanent sample plot with radial increments of Abies and Picea growing in the central part of the plot. The mortality among the canopy trees was relatively high (10% in 8 yr), but the basal area increment of surviving trees slightly exceeded the losses caused by tree death. DBH increment was positively correlated with initial diameter in Abies and Picea, but not in Fagus. For individual trees smaller than the median height, basal area increment was positively related to the basal area of old snags and the basal area of recently deceased trees in their neighbourhood, but negatively related to the basal area of live trees. Dendrochronological analysis of the past growth patterns revealed numerous periods of release and suppression, which were usually not synchronized among the trees within a 0.3 ha plot. The almost normal distribution of canopy tree DBH and the small number of young individuals in the plot indicated that stand dynamics were synchronized over a relatively large area and, hence, were consistent with the developmental phase concept. On the other hand, the lack of synchronization among periods of growth acceleration in individual mature Abies and Picea trees conforms more closely to the gap‐dynamics paradigm.  相似文献   

宣海憧  郭梦昭  高露双  范春雨 《生态学报》2020,40(12):4087-4093
以3种间伐强度处理下(15%,30%和50%)针阔混交林内优势树种红松(Pinus koraiensis)和水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)为研究对象,基于3次复测数据和树轮宽度数据分析不同间伐强度处理下红松和水曲柳的竞争变化特征,探讨竞争环境变化对保留木径向生长的影响。结果表明,1)红松保留木竞争环境发生变化的单木比例随着间伐强度增加而有所下降,但竞争减弱的保留木所占比例与间伐强度正相关,重度间伐样地内竞争减弱的红松保留木所占比例最大达到63%。不同间伐强度下水曲柳保留木竞争环境发生变化的单木比例一致,竞争减弱的单木比例占50%。2)不同竞争环境的水曲柳保留木径向生长趋势基本一致,而红松保留木径向生长变化趋势有所不同。轻度和重度间伐样地内竞争减弱的红松保留木径向生长在间伐后均呈上升趋势,而中度间伐样地内竞争减弱的红松保留木和各样地竞争不变的红松保留木以及不同竞争强度下水曲柳保留木均在2013年和2014年(间伐后2年内)出现生长抑制,而在2015年(伐后第3年)得到促进。3)随着间伐强度上升,自2015年(伐后第3年)竞争减弱的红松保留木径向生长年增量明显增加,显著高于竞争不变的红松(P0.05),而竞争减弱的水曲柳保留木径向生长年增量自2014年(伐后第2年)在重度间伐样地内增加幅度最大,其次为轻度间伐样地,而在中度间伐样地内增加幅度最低。  相似文献   

The tree species composition, vertical stratification and patterns of spatial autocorrelation at the tree and quadrate (25 × 25 m) scales were studied in a natural mature PinuS sylvestris dominated forest in eastern Finland. For the analyses we mapped the locations and dimensions of trees taller than 10 m in a 9 ha (300 × 300 m) area, and within this area we mapped all trees taller than 0.3 m on a core plot of 4 ha (200 × 200 m). The overall tree size distribution was bimodal. the dominant layer and the understory forming the peak frequencies. Pinus sylvestris dominated the main canopy, together with scattered Betula pendula and Picea abies. Alnus incana, Populus tremula, Salix caprea, Sorbus aucuparia and Juniperus communis occurred only in the under- and middlestories. Autocorrelation analysis (semivarianee) of tree size variation revealed spatial patterns, which were strongly dependent on the size of trees included in the analysis. When all living trees, including the understory regeneration, were taken into account, the autocorrelation pattern ranged up to 35 m inter-tree distances, reflecting the spatial scale of understory regeneration patches. Competitive interaction among middle- and upperstory trees (height>10 m) had contrasting effects on autocorrelation pattern depending on spatial scale. At the fine scale, dominant trees suppressed their smaller close neighbors (asymmetric competition), which was shown as increased tree size variation at small inter-tree distances (<2 m). At slightly larger inter-tree distances, specifically among large trees of similar size, competition was more symmetrical, which resulted in decreased tree size variation at these inter-tree distances (3–4 m). This effect was seen most clearly in the dominant trees, there being a clear autocorrelation pattern in tree size up to inter-tree distances of ~4 m. At the quadrate scale (25 × 25 m) the analysis revealed high local variation in structural characteristics such as tree height diversity (THD), tree species diversity (H) and autocorrelation of tree height. The analysis suggests that naturally developed P. sylvestris forests exhibit complex small-scale patterns of structural heterogeneity and spatial autocorrelation in tree size. These patterns may be important for stand-scale habitat diversity and can have aggregated effects on ecosystem dynamics at larger spatial scales though their influence on the spread of disturbance and regeneration after disturbance.  相似文献   

Old-growth deciduous forests in western Europe, for the most part, consist of small tracts that often may be atypical due to human disturbance, poor soil productivity or inaccessibility. In addition, very little information on tree age distributions, structural heterogeneity and tree spatial patterns appears to be available for west-European forests. Characterization of the structural features of tree populations in these old-growth stands can provide the basis to design conservation plans and also inform on how present forests might look in the absence of human interference. Four old-growth stands in a deciduous forest in the Cantabrian lowlands, northern Spain, were surveyed to determine forest structure and spatial patterns. Live and dead trees were identified, measured and mapped, and live trees were cored for age estimation. Structural heterogeneity was analyzed by means of the spatial autocorrelation of tree diameter, height and age, and the uni- and bivariate spatial patterns of trees were analyzed. The dominant species, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur, showed reverse-J shaped size distributions but discontinuous age distributions, with maximum ages of 255–270 yr. Tree ages suggested that the forest was largely modified by past changes in forest-use, especially by temporal variation in grazing intensity. Spatial autocorrelation revealed that former parkland stands were heterogeneous with respect to tree height only, while high forest stands were composed of patches of even-aged and even-sized trees. Young trees were clumped at varying distances and establishment occurred preferentially in canopy gaps, except for Ilex aquifolium that mainly occurred beneath mature Quercus trees. Surviving trees became less intensely clumped in the dominant species, and more strongly clumped in understorey ones, which may have been due to the effects of intraspecific competition and of canopy trees on tree survival, respectively. The spatial associations between species varied within the forest, probably as a consequence of specific establishment preferences and competitive interactions.  相似文献   

The regeneration process of a subalpine coniferous forest, a mixed forest ofTsuga diversifolia (dominant species),Abies veitchii, Abies mariessi, andPicea jezoensis var.hondoensis, was studied on the basis of annual ring data. The age class distribution was discontinuous and four age groups occurred in the study plot (30m×30m). The canopy layer was a mosaic of patches (83.8–133.7 m2 patch area), which had different mean ages. The recruitment of canopy trees was carried out only by advance regeneration in the plot. The diameter growth ofAbies andPicea exceeded diameter growth ofTsuga in the gap.Abies lived for 200–300 years and their trunks were susceptible to heart rot.Picea lived for 300–400 years andTsuga for more than 400 years. The regeneration process derived from the analysis of the plot consisted of three phases leading to the development of a even-aged patch; (1) the establishment of saplings before a gap opening, (2) the opening of a gap in the canopy and repair of the canopy by advance regenerated saplings dominated by rapid growth species,Abies andPicea, and (3) the dying off of canopy trees as each species reached the end of its life-span, resulting in pure patches of long-livedTsuga.  相似文献   

Stand structure and regeneration in a Kamchatka mixed boreal forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A 1‐ha plot was established in a Betula platyphylla‐Picea ajanensis mixed boreal forest in the central Kamchatka peninsula in Russia to investigate stand structure and regeneration. This forest was relatively sparse; total density and stand basal area were 1071/ha and 25.8 m2/ha, respectively, for trees > 2.0 cm in trunk diameter at breast height (DBH). 25% of Betula regenerated by sprouting, and its frequency distribution of DBH had a reverse J‐shaped pattern. In contrast, Picea had a bimodal distribution. The growth rates of both species were high, reaching 20 m in ca. 120 yr. The two species had clumped distributions, especially for saplings. Betula saplings were not distributed in canopy gaps. Small Picea saplings were distributed irrespective of the presence/absence of gaps, while larger saplings aggregated in gaps. At the examined spatial scales (6.25–400 m2) the spatial distribution of Betula saplings was positively correlated with living Betula canopy trees and negatively with dead Picea canopy trees. This suggests that Betula saplings regenerated under the crowns of Betula canopy trees and did not invade the gaps created by Picea canopy trees. The spatial distribution of Picea saplings was negatively correlated with living and dead Betula canopy trees and positively with dead Picea canopy trees. Most small Picea seedlings were distributed under the crowns of Picea trees but not under the crowns of Betula trees or in gaps. This suggests that Picea seedlings establish under the crowns of Picea canopy trees and can grow to large sizes after the death of overhead Picea canopy trees. Evidence of competitive exclusion between the two species was not found. At a 20 m × 20 m scale both skewness and the coefficient of variation of DBH frequency distribution of Picea decreased with an increase in total basal area of Picea while those of Betula were unchanged irrespective of the increase in total basal area of Betula. This indicates that the size structure of Picea is more variable with stand development than that of Betula on a small scale. This study suggests that Betula regenerates continuously by sprouting and Picea regenerates discontinuously after gap formation and that the species do not exclude each other.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of different life history strategies and tree competition on species coexistence in a northern coniferous forest. We investigated the growth and demography of trees with stems ≥1 cm dbh in a 2-ha study plot in the Taisetsu Mountains of northern Japan. Three species, Abies sachalinensis, Picea jezoensis, and Picea glehnii, were found to be dominant in the forest. A. sachalinensis was the most dominant species in the understory, while the two Picea spp. were more abundant in the larger dbh size classes. The turnover rate of A. sachalinensis was about twice that of the Picea spp. The relative growth rate of understory trees in each species did not differ between different canopy conditions (closed canopy or canopy gap). The competitive advantage between A. sachalinensis and P. glehnii switched as they grew from understory (A. sachalinensis superior competitor) to canopy trees (P. glehnii superior competitor). Meanwhile, A. sachalinensis and P. jezoensis exhibited different environmental preferences. We propose that reversal in competitive superiority between different growth stages and trade-off between longevity and turnover are more important factors to promote their coexistence than regeneration niche differentiation related to canopy gaps in this sub-boreal coniferous forest.  相似文献   

天山云杉天然林不同林层的空间格局和空间关联性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天山云杉(Picea Schrenkiana)林是天山林区的重要针叶林。研究调查了分别代表天山云杉增长型种群和成熟型种群的两块标准地,应用Ripley's K系数法研究了天山云杉更新层、低林层、中林层和高林层的空间格局和不同林层的空间关联性,并应用Moran's I系数法研究了不同林层的林木高度的空间自相关性。结果表明:所有林层的天山云杉活立木都是显著聚集的,只是发生聚集格局的强度和聚集尺度不同。更新层天山云杉具有最大的聚集强度,从更新层到低林层,聚集强度急速降低。两块标准地中天山桦(Betula tianschanica Rupr.)、天山柳(Salix tianschanica Rgl.)和天山云杉活立木的空间关联性的表现不同。研究结果表明:增长型种群中天山桦、天山柳在所有尺度上都抑制天山云杉的生长;而成熟型种群中天山桦、天山柳在1-10 m尺度内对天山云杉种群的生长没有影响,10-40 m表现出正相关,40 m以上没有表现出明显的关联性;同时天山桦、天山柳基本上在所有尺度都抑制天山云杉的更新。在更新层和低林层间表现出正相关;而更新层和枯死木之间的空间关联性为正相关。  相似文献   

林丽群  汪正祥  雷耘  李亭亭  王俊  杨敬元 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6534-6543
针对神农架川金丝猴生境基础研究中乔木树种大范围分布数据难以获取问题,尝试利用多源多时相遥感数据结合专家知识分层次实现树种识别。首先采用冬季Landsat8/OLI数据根据物侯特性分层提取常绿、落叶林的地域范围;进而依据夏季Worldview-2高分遥感影像的实地乔木样本的光谱特征分层次完成常绿树种(巴山冷杉、华山松、青$、刺叶栎)和落叶树种(红桦、日本落叶松、米心水青冈、漆树、锐齿槲栎、椅杨)的识别;并通过实地植被样方及专家知识通过高程数据完成分类结果的修正;最后结合GIS对主要优势树种的地形及地域分布特征进行了空间分析。实验精度表明常绿林中巴山冷杉、华山松、刺叶栎、虫害华山松整体精度较高,落叶林中红桦、漆树等识别精度相对较高,部分树种如椅杨、锐齿槲栎识别精度较低;总体上常绿树种的精度要优于落叶树种。从植物地理学、遥感、GIS三者相结合的角度,将多源、多时相遥感数据与物种物候特性、专家知识进行有效整合,提出了一种乔木树种识别的方法(1)提供了复杂山地环境的主要乔木优势种识别途径,且具有通用性;(2)完成了物种物候特性与遥感数据特性的整合利用,有效降低数据成本费用;(3)配合地面样方及专家知识修正结果,避免了过分依赖光谱特征引起的误判。这将为神农架川金丝猴栖息地保护与恢复提供更精确的数据依据。  相似文献   

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