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大巴山北坡地表甲虫的物种多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用巴氏罐诱法取样,对大巴山北坡3种主要林型(林区人工林、农耕区天然次生林和农耕区人工林)地表甲虫的类群组成、数量分布进行了分析,并采用对应趋势分析和聚类分析法,研究了3种林型地表甲虫类群组成和数量分布的相似性.结果表明:2002年8月9—13日,研究区共捕获地表甲虫1094号,其中,隐翅虫科和叶甲科分别占40.59%和33.18%,步甲科、球蕈甲科、金龟科、象甲科、蚁甲科和缨甲科均各占1%以上,这8科地表甲虫是该地区常见的类群;地表甲虫的个体数量从林区人工林、农耕区天然次生林到农耕区人工林依次减少;农耕区人工林的科丰富度指数明显低于林区人工林和农耕区天然次生林.大巴山北坡农耕区天然次生林地表甲虫的类群组成和数量分布与林区人工林差异明显,农耕区人工林与林区人工林和农耕区天然次生林各有部分相似性.  相似文献   

横断山区东部四种林型地表甲虫的物种多样性   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
2001年7月8—14日在横断山区东部选择皆伐后经过管理的人工次生林(MSF)、无人管理的农耕区次生林(USF)、邻近天然的冷杉林(NAF)和杜鹃矮曲林(NRF)4种林型,共设置样地20块,以巴氏罐诱法收集地表甲虫的物种组成和数量数据,并以地表甲虫的种类和数量分布为属性做主成分分析和聚类分析,研究森林皆伐和管理行为对地表甲虫物种多样性的影响。共采集地表甲虫标本4292号,步甲科、觅葬甲科和隐翅虫科分别占总数46.8%、13.1%和11.4%,是数量最多的类群;金龟科、象甲科和拟步甲科的数量也各在5%以上,为常见类群。其中,步甲科的个体数量在NRF显著多于其他林型,在USF显著少于其他林型;觅葬甲科在两个天然林显著多于两个次生林;拟步甲科在NRF显著多于其他林型;花萤科在MSF和NAF显著多于USF;叩甲科在USF显著多于MSF和NAF;象甲科在NRF和MSF明显多于USF;叶甲科在NRF明显多于USF。地表甲虫的个体数量从USF、MSF、NAF到NRF逐渐增多,而均匀度指数则逐渐降低;MSF内物种丰富度和多样性指数分别显著高于USF和NRF。主成分分析和聚类分析表明,除了USF与其他林型有明显差异外,其他林型间有一定的相似性,但MSF与天然NAF间相似性较低。以上结果表明,森林砍伐后并种植人工林措施改变了该地区地表甲虫群落的物种分布格局,有助于恢复物种多样性。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,广东省各口岸截获从国外进口原木或货物包装箱中带入的甲虫有下列种类: 一、鳃须筒蠹科(Atractoceridae) 1.黑鳃须筒蠹Atractocerus niger Stroh-  相似文献   

紫胶林-农田复合生态系统甲虫群落多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在云南绿春县牛孔乡采用网扫法调查了紫胶林-农田复合生态系统(LPFE)中稻田(Ⅰ)、旱地(Ⅱ)、天然紫胶林(Ⅲ)、人工紫胶林(Ⅳ)的甲虫群落.采集标本3569号,隶属26科358种;象甲科种类最丰富,占全部种类的17.0%;瓢虫科数量最丰富,占个体总数的22.9%.虎甲科、隐翅甲科等物种数和个体数量在Ⅰ~Ⅳ中的分布没有明显差异;而叩甲科、粗角叩甲科、朽木甲科、伪叶甲科、瓢虫科、天牛科、负泥虫科、叶甲科和象甲科等有明显差异.LPFE、Ⅰ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ甲虫物种多度分布符合对数级数模型,Ⅱ符合分割线段模型.Ⅰ~Ⅳ的甲虫多样性为:Ⅲ>Ⅳ>Ⅰ>Ⅱ.指出了栖息于植物上的甲虫群落能度量不同土地利用生境的区别,不同类群的甲虫对于生境的指示作用不同:叩甲等可以指示农田和林地的差异,而朽木甲、天牛、叶甲和象甲可以用于指示天然林和人工林生境的区别.LPFE具有区域内土地利用方式多样化的特点,对维持甲虫的多样性水平具有积极作用.Ⅲ在当地生物多样性保护中具有重要作用,Ⅱ在系统中具有很低的多样性.  相似文献   

本文针对大兴安岭地区的小蠹虫种类进行研究,并通过诱捕器的试验诱集结果,着重研究了小蠹虫的诱捕器防治方法,结果表明落叶松八齿小蠹、云杉八齿小蠹和纵坑切梢小蠹为针叶树的优势种类,诱集结果也证明这3种小蠹的数量占多数,其中落叶松八齿小蠹占绝大多数。  相似文献   

【目的】不同诱捕器类型可以有效诱集不同昆虫物种,为了更准确的判断某地区的物种丰富度,更高效的进行不同物种的诱集,开展不同诱捕器类型对昆虫诱集效率的对比研究是至关重要的。【方法】研究了档板、漏斗和马氏3种不同类型诱捕器在吉林省松花湖库区蒙古栎林中对天牛科昆虫的诱集数量和种类。【结果】在相同地点和相同时间段内,漏斗诱捕器共诱集189头天牛科昆虫、分属于4亚科、11属、12种;挡板诱捕器共诱集134头天牛科昆虫,分属于5亚科、15属、17种;马氏诱捕器共诱集99头天牛科昆虫,分属于4亚科、16属18种。从诱集到的物种丰富度看,诱集效率顺序为:马氏诱捕器>挡板诱捕器>漏斗诱捕器;从诱集到的个体数量看,诱集效率顺序为:漏斗诱捕器>挡板诱捕器>马氏诱捕器;从诱集到的优势种数量看,诱集效率顺序为:漏斗诱捕器>挡板诱捕器>马氏诱捕器。【结论】从成本和效率的综合因素考虑,在一般性天牛科昆虫调查和种群监测时,可以选择以联合使用挡板和漏斗诱捕器为主,马氏诱捕器辅之的调查设计,可达到高效且经济的调查天牛科昆虫的目的。  相似文献   

眼蕈蚊科(Sciaridae)为双翅目中小型暗色的蚊类,触角16节,复眼向背面尖突形成眼桥。眼蕈蚊的种类多、数量大,幼虫多生活在富有腐植质的土壤中,常危害植物的地下部分及野生和栽培的菌蕈。我国的眼蕈蚊种类相当多,但内蒙古缺乏调查,本文就现有的标本记述了5新种,代表5个属,内有一中国新记录属。新种的模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述了中国大蕈甲科Erotylidae 1 新纪录属,中国奈蕈甲属Nesitis Bedel,1882,提供了该属世界已知物种检索表和分布图;描记了中国1 新纪录种,黑颈奈蕈甲Nesitis nigricollis Bedel,1920的形态特征,绘制了形态特征图.研究标本保存在河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

【目的】印度大部分露尾甲在腐烂的水果和蔬菜上大量发生,其种群在一年中表现出明显的季节性波动。据推测,露尾甲种群很大程度上依赖于温度、湿度和降雨之类的环境因子。【方法】本研究调查了2013-2015年印度加尔各答市区外围一地Garia的露尾甲物种组成、季节性发生和种群结构,记录了其活跃时期、季节性多度和影响其发生的因素。【结果】调查期间在调查地共发现数目不等的6个物种。其中最常见露尾甲为Urophorus humeralis,它是个体数量最多的物种且在一年中几乎所有月份均有发生;其他常见物种为Epuraea ocularis和E. luteola。不同物种在食物发酵的连续阶段进入诱捕器中。最初12 h被捕获的是Epuraea 属的种类,而在诱捕器中食物严重腐烂的后续阶段发现最多的是U. humeralis。在合适范围的气温(22~29℃)和相对湿度(82.5%~86%)下,物种丰富度最高,表明这些环境变量对露尾甲种群具有重要影响。【结论】加尔各答主要水果和蔬菜在季风后季节种植,在季风后季节取食这些作物的露尾甲发生量(物种丰富度和多度)最高。这一研究结果可能有助于制定针对这些甲虫的有效田间治理策略。  相似文献   

对贵州省黔东南州的锹甲科Lucanidae(鞘翅目:金龟总科)昆虫进行调查研究,查视锹甲科昆虫标本100余号,鉴定得到锹甲8属19种(亚种),其中包括15个贵州新纪录种(亚种).所有查视标本保存在凯里学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

红外相机技术的发展促进了对东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)、东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)及其猎物种群的研究。本研究以珲春保护区春化和马滴达两个区域的监测结果为例, 介绍利用该技术对我国长白山区东北虎、东北豹及其猎物的种群评估方法, 包括监测位点的选择、相机的架设方式及参数设置、数据筛选、东北虎和东北豹体侧花纹个体识别方法、物种相对丰富度的计算以及捕食者与猎物丰富度关系模型的构建。最后就东北虎、东北豹体侧花纹个体识别技术的适用性、红外相机监测与传统调查方法的差异, 相机监测的误差进行了讨论。研究表明, 利用红外相机技术进行密度预测以及东北虎、东北豹个体自动识别技术还需继续完善。1对/25 km2的相机架设密度基本上满足对于珲春保护区春化至马滴达区域虎豹的监测强度要求, 但对于有蹄类则需要另外的监测方案。  相似文献   

Human mouse trap     
A new biometric that tracks the unique movements created when a user signs their name using a regular computer mouse could be an excellent and cheap addition to improve computer security. Although at an early stage of development, the technology has already received significant interest and with further work could be a commercially viable product.  相似文献   

To discuss the challenge of monitoring multi-species responses of tropical arthropods to disturbance, we considered a large dataset (4 × 105 individuals; 1,682 morphospecies representing 22 focal taxa) based on the work of parataxonomists to examine the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on arthropods at Gamba, Gabon. Replication included three sites in each of four different stages of forest succession and land use after logging, surveyed during a whole year with four sampling methods: pitfall, Malaise, flight-interception and yellow pan traps. We compared the suitability of each sampling method for biological monitoring and evaluated statistically their reliability for 118 arthropod families. Our results suggest that a range of sampling methods yields more diverse material than any single method operated with high replication. Multivariate analyses indicated that morphospecies composition in trap catches was more strongly influenced by habitat type than by sampling methods. This implies that for multi-species monitoring, differences in trap efficiency between habitats may be neglected, as far as habitat types remain well contrasted. We conclude that for the purpose of monitoring large arthropod assemblages in the long-term, a protocol based on operating a set of different and non-disruptive traps appears superior in design than summing a series of taxa-specific protocols.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The interplay between pest movement and trap crop physical design is modelled in a situation where the pest moves by a random walk with spatially variable mobility. Questions addressed are: (i) how does the proportion of trap crop area of the total field area influence the equilibrium distribution of pests among the crop and the trap crop and (ii) how do crop patch size and shape influence the speed of pest redistribution from the crop to the trap crop. 2 When pest mobility in the trap crop is clearly lower than that in the crop, the pest population in the crop decreases very sharply for small trap crop proportions. When mobility in the trap crop is slightly closer to that in the crop, the pest population in the crop decreases much more gradually with increasing trap crop proportion. Thus finding a trap crop that the pest distinctly prefers over the crop appears to be crucial for developing efficient trap crop systems. 3 The rate of decay in the pest population in the crop increases with increasing perimeter to area ratio of the crop patch. Hence, designing field layouts to increase the perimeter to area ratio of crop patches may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Documentation of insect diversity is an important component of the study of biodiversity, community dynamics, and global change. Accurate identification of insects usually requires catching individuals for close inspection. However, because insects are so diverse, most trapping methods are specifically tailored to a particular taxonomic group. For scientists interested in the broadest possible spectrum of insect taxa, whether for long term monitoring of an ecosystem or for a species inventory, the use of several different trapping methods is usually necessary. We describe a novel composite method for capturing a diverse spectrum of insect taxa. The Composite Insect Trap incorporates elements from four different existing trapping methods: the cone trap, malaise trap, pan trap, and flight intercept trap. It is affordable, resistant, easy to assemble and disassemble, and collects a wide variety of insect taxa. Here we describe the design, construction, and effectiveness of the Composite Insect Trap tested during a study of insect diversity. The trap catches a broad array of insects and can eliminate the need to use multiple trap types in biodiversity studies. We propose that the Composite Insect Trap is a useful addition to the trapping methods currently available to ecologists and will be extremely effective for monitoring community level dynamics, biodiversity assessment, and conservation and restoration work. In addition, the Composite Insect Trap will be of use to other insect specialists, such as taxonomists, that are interested in describing the insect taxa in a given area.  相似文献   

Camera traps are a popular tool for monitoring wildlife though they can fail to capture enough morphological detail for accurate small mammal species identification. Camera trapping small mammals is often limited by the inability of camera models to: (i) record at close distances; and (ii) provide standardised photos. This study aims to provide a camera trapping method that captures standardised images of the faces of small mammals for accurate species identification, with further potential for individual identification. A novel camera trap design coined the ‘selfie trap’ was developed. The selfie trap is a camera contained within an enclosed PVC pipe with a modified lens that produces standardised close images of small mammal species encountered in this study, including: Brown Antechinus (Antechinus stuartii), Bush Rat (Rattus fuscipes) and Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps). Individual identification was tested on the common arboreal Sugar Glider. Five individual Sugar Gliders were identified based on unique head stripe pelage. The selfie trap is an accurate camera trapping method for capturing detailed and standardised images of small mammal species. The design described may be useful for wildlife management as a reliable method for surveying small mammal species. However, intraspecies individual identification using the selfie trap requires further testing.  相似文献   

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