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王宇  郭良栋 《菌物学报》2004,23(1):24-27
从油松组织中分离到4种我国新记录种, Pestalotiopsis citrina, Phomopsis archeri, Seimatosporium lonicerae, Sporormiella minimoides。标本保存于中国科学院微生物研究所真菌地衣系统学重点实验室标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

地衣是一种独特的菌藻共生体,能够在荒漠、高山、冻土等恶劣环境生存,具有特殊的生理结构和独特的生存环境.地衣及其内生真菌能够产生结构新颖、活性广泛的次级代谢产物,研究地衣及其内生真菌次级代谢产物对新型药用资源开发以及利用等方面都具有重要的意义.本文关注了近年来地衣及其内生真菌的次级代谢产物相关研究,并对其生物活性方面的研...  相似文献   

内生真菌Disculina vulgaris、Geniculosporium serpens和Myxocycluspolycystis是从阔叶树和地衣组织中分离的中国3个新记录属、种。对它们进行了重新描述与图解。这3个菌种的干培养物标本存放在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HAMS)。  相似文献   

地衣内生真菌多样的次生代谢产物具有良好的生物活性,正成为一种新兴的生物资源,具有广泛的应用潜力,因此获得大量合适的地衣内生真菌菌株尤为关键。以东北大兴安岭和云南丽江地区地卷属Peltigera地衣为试验材料,采用皮层剥离法进行内生真菌的分离、培养和纯化;分析内生真菌的分离率和定殖率;根据内生真菌菌落、菌丝及孢子特征,选取代表性菌株进行DNA提取,nrDNA-ITS测序并通过GenBank数据库搜索同源序列,Mafft进行序列比对分析其物种多样性。结果显示,从大兴安岭地区采集的8种地卷属地衣中分离283株内生真菌,平均分离率为25.82%,定殖率为22.17%;从丽江地区采集的2种地卷属地衣中分离81株内生真菌,平均分离率为54.36%,定殖率为42.28%。从62个测序菌株中确定了53个种级分类单元,隶属于10纲、19目、32科的38属。其中41种属于子囊菌门,11种属于担子菌门,1种属于毛霉菌门。地卷属地衣内生真菌物种组成成分的优势科为炭角菌科Xylariaceae和炭团菌科Hypoxylaceae,二者相对频率皆达16.21%;优势属为炭团菌属Hypoxylon,其相对频率为11....  相似文献   

内生真菌Disculina vulgaris、Geniculosporium serpens和Myxocyclus polycystis是从阔叶树和地衣组织中分离的中国3个新记录属、种.对它们进行了重新描述与图解.这3个菌种的干培养物标本存放在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HAMS).  相似文献   

本研究运用组织分离法对采自贵州省都匀市斗篷山景区的地衣进行内生真菌分离,乙酸乙酯萃取菌株液体发酵物,通过打孔法筛选地衣内生真菌提取物并对9株临床致病菌株及耐药菌株进行抑菌活性实验.结果表明一株分离自星点梅衣属地衣Puncteliasp.的内生真菌DPS-165-9对其中的6株显示抑制活性.此6株菌为金黄色葡萄球菌Sta...  相似文献   

对北京东灵山地衣蜈蚣衣进行内生真菌分离,经过6种不同的方法消毒后,内生真菌的定殖率为55.4%~100%;从316个地衣组织块上共分离到28个真菌分类单元,其中包括1个子囊菌,22个丝孢菌,3个腔孢菌,1个毛霉和1个酵母菌。根据定殖率和分离到的内生真菌的种类两个指标综合考虑,消毒方法IV(75%乙醇1min,2%次氯酸钠3min,75%乙醇30s)为进行地衣内生真菌研究的最佳消毒方法。  相似文献   

本研究对分离自星点梅衣属地衣Punctelia sp.的一株内生真菌蔡氏轮层炭壳菌Daldinia childiae进行大米固体发酵培养,乙酸乙酯萃取发酵产物,采用硅胶柱色谱法、重结晶等方法分离纯化次生代谢产物,结合核磁共振波谱与质谱技术对单体化合物进行结构解析,运用DPPH法测定化合物的自由基清除能力.结果分离得到8...  相似文献   

《真菌系统》为中国科学院微生物研究所真菌地衣系统学开放研究实验室年报, 是报导关于地衣型与非地衣型真菌系统与演化研究论文的定期出版物.  相似文献   

中国科学院真菌、地衣系统学重点实验室是1985年成立的中国科学院第一批开放实验室之一,是我国唯一对真菌地衣进行全面的分类学和系统学研究的科研机构。实验室在我国生物多样性研究的基础上,开展真菌地衣重要类群的分类、系统和进化生物学研究,揭示真菌地衣的物种起源与演化的基本规律,真菌与其它生物间的相互作用和协同进化机制;同时开展真菌地衣资源储备和建立资源评价体系,为人口与健康、农业可持续发展和生态环境等国民经济建设作出贡献。  相似文献   

广西金钟山鸟类保护区鸟类多样性初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文共记录到金钟山鸟类274种,分别隶属于18目57科,其中陆生鸟类251种,水鸟23种;以留鸟为主,共157种;候鸟、旅鸟分别为104种、13种;东洋种为优势类群,共有171种,古北种和广布种分别为4种、27种。这些鸟类中有国家重点保护鸟类39种,中国特有种鸟类3种,列入世界自然保护联盟红皮书名录中的鸟类5种,列入中国濒危动物红皮书名录中的鸟类20种,列入CITES附录中的鸟类34种。本文还对金钟山鸟类保护区的5种不同生境类型的鸟类种类组成作了比较,结果表明灌丛+农田的鸟种多样性指数最高,为3.04;水域的鸟种多样性指数最低,为2.14。  相似文献   

新疆蝗总科区系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
新疆现有蝗虫157种,它们分别隶属于8科62属。在157种蝗虫中,古北种占绝对优势,有120种,其次为特有种,有35种,广布种甚少,仅2种。在古北种中,中亚种最多,其次为泛古北种,而欧洲西伯利亚种、地中海种和东北种均很少。在8个科中,泛古北种在网翅蝗科中占优势,中亚种在班翅蝗科中占优势,斑腿蝗科在蝗总科中是相当大的一个科,在我国也占有很大优势,但在新疆其属种数量却很少。  相似文献   

离体草鱼肠道对亮氨酸和酪氨酸的吸收与利用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用同位素示踪和肠道离体灌流方法,研究了草鱼离体肠道对亮氨酸(Leu)、酪氨酸(Tyr)的吸收转运与利用。实验结果表明:当Leu浓度从1.0mmol/L增加到5.0mmol/L、10mmol/L时,肠道吸收转运的速度表现出“高浓度抑制”效应,运输到肠道外的比例为83%、66%和35%;合成肠道蛋白质的比例为2%、5%和13%;肠道组织内游离形式的比例为9%、28%和49%;其他形式的比例为6%、1%和3%。Tyr浓度从0.5mmol/L增加到1.5mmol/L、2.5mmol/L时,肠道对Tyr的吸收转运速度也随之增加,运输到肠道外的比例为52%、55%和55%;合成肠道蛋白质的比例为17%、15%和16%:肠道组织内游离形式的比例为7%、10%和16%;其他形式的比例为24%、20%和13%。肠道在吸收转运Leu和Tyr的同时,也利用它们合成蛋白质的和其他方面,Leu的吸收利用受灌流试验氨基酸浓度影响较大、而Tyr受影响较小;随着肠道内灌流的试验氨基酸浓度增加,吸收转运到肠道外的比例下降、留存于肠道内的比例增加,肠道合成的蛋白质绝对量也增加。    相似文献   

Study on ecosystem service values (ESVs) is the bridge of understanding ecosystem and economic decision-making. To investigate the response of ESVs to ambient environment and their spatial scales is an urgent work in the process of ecological restoration and sustainable development in southwest China. Based on the previous research results, the remote images, and weather data of 31 years (1975-2005), the response of ESVs to ambient environment and their spatial scales in a typical karst area of northwest Guangxi, China were evaluated with the method of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) in this paper. The results showed that ESVs had obvious variations with changes in elevation, rocky types and soil types, and had corresponding characteristics of spatial scales. The ESVs in middle and low elevation areas were higher, but they decreased due to human activities such as deforestation. The ESVs in peak-cluster depression areas were lower, and they would increase as influenced by policies such as returning farmland to forestland. The ESVs were influenced by rocky types, showing lower values but an increasing trend in the typical karst regions while higher values but a decreasing trend in non-karst regions. The average ESVs in the west part of the study region, which is not only the main nature reserve for rare wildlife species in Guangxi, but also one of the best preserved natural vegetation regions in China, were more than 15,000 RMB Yuan ha-1,. Comparatively, the ESVs were less than 10,000 Yuan ha-1 in the middle part of the region attributed to low vegetation coverage, serious peak-cluster depression and karst rocky desertification. After about 20 years, that is from 1985 to 2005, the ecosystem conditions had been improved and the ESVs had increased in the middle and eastern part of this study region. On the contrary, in most western part, which was dominated by subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, they had been worsened, and the balance values of ESVs were negative. As for the relationships of ESVs with rocky types and soil types, lime soil and red soil were the two main soil types that contributed to ESVs (The total contribution was above 60%, and it is 63.77%,64.37%,64.56%,64.91% respectively in the four years of 1985, 1990, 2000 and 2005.). The variance contribution of intrinsic mode function (IMF) and trend (R) showed that there were obvious special sales for ESVs in this study area, and the main spatial scales were about 2.7 km, 5.5 km, and 11.6 km. The variance contribution ratio was 12.29%, 11.26%, 11.49% respectively, and the trend (R) was high (17.74%). In conclusion, this study indicated that ecosystem conditions in the typical karst area were improved owing to the application of rocky desertification control policies, such as ecological migration and returning farmland to forestland. Besides, the main spatial scales of ESVs in the study area were the interactions of terrain, physiognomy, land use / land cover and human activities.  相似文献   

浙江天台山七子花等6种阔叶树光合生态特性   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
 对分布在浙江天台山的七子花(Heptacodium miconioides)等6种主要阔叶树的光合生理生态特性进行了研究,结果表明:1)夏季6种植物光合日进程均为“双峰”型,有明显的光合“午休”现象。日均净光合速率月变化呈“单峰”型,8月是一年的高峰期。日均和5~11月平均净光合速率最高的是东南石栎(Lithocarpus harlandii),最低的是天台阔叶槭(Acer amplum var. tientaiense),七子花处于中下水平。2)相对常绿树种而言,七子花的光补偿点较高,光饱和点较低,对光  相似文献   

China, under highly varied ecological conditions resulted from wide latitudinal and altitudinal ranges and from the adequate precipitation, has developed a very rich flora of great diversity. As far as flowering plants are concerned, there are 2980 genera, 214 of which, belonging to 64 families, are endemic. Among these endemic genera, there are 9 genera of taxads and conifers, 19 genera of monocots and others of dicots. Of the approximately 129 herbaceous endemic genera in the Chinese flora as a whole, about 22 (17%) are annual and 107 (83%) are biennial or perennial. In the present paper the ecological distribution, the nature of endemic genera and the centers of endemism are discussed. 1. Three types of endemic genera are distinguished, neoendemics, palaeoendemics and active epibiotics, The endemic genera in the flora of China are, for the most part, considered to be very old ones, and most of them are of temperate nature. 2. the degree of endemism in our 22 floristic regions is shown in Figure 1. The areas richest in endemic genera in the Chinese flora as a whole are the 13, 16 and 17 regions. The poorest are the 2, 4, 9 and 10 regions, and no one in the 1 and 3 regions These results on floristic richness are of general applicability. As shown in table 1, the difference in the degree of endemism among the seven Chinese floristic subkingdoms are most pronounced. 101 endemic genera are known to occur in one subkingdom, 72 to occur in two subkingdoms, and 3 to occur in four subkingdoms, only one genus widely distributed in five subkingdoms. However, there is no genus occurring in seven subkingdoms. The difference in the degree of endemism in each subkingdom reveals that the distribution of endemic genera is not well-distributed in the Chinese flora as a whole. Analysis of the vertical distribution of the 200 endemic genera of the Chinese flora bears out that there is no evident increase in endemism as a whole with altitude. 3. Three centers of endemism are found (Fig. 2). These are as follows: a). Eastern Sichuan-western Hubei center. b). Southeastern Yunnan-western Guangxi center. c). Western Sichuan-northwestern Yunnan center. The degree of endemism andcharacters of endemic genera in each center are discussed.  相似文献   

高度抗寒植物冬季线粒体的电镜观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
冬季沙冬青叶肉我线粒体相当丰富,常常位于叶绿体出芽和分裂处,在质膜大量内隐形成管状细胞的附近和含有颗粒状物质、膜状物质或特殊内含和的周围也随时可见了线粒体也经常与微体和叶绿体在一起。有时甚至还不同程度地被内多所包围。沙冬青叶肉细胞中的的线粒一般灯承圆形,被膜清晰完整,嵴丰富,基质电子度较高。有时基质中有小泡或电子密度很高的颗粒和内含物,个别线粒体的基质中学有类髓样体结构。文中讨论了沙冬青线粒体的形  相似文献   

经调查粤东地区有中国珍稀濒危保护植物 2 7种 (含栽培种 ) ,分属于 2 4科 2 6属 ,占广东境内分布的中国珍稀濒危保护植物的 4 5 .8% ,占全国分布的 6 .9%。其中蕨类植物 1种 ,裸子植物 6种 ,被子植物 2 0种 ;确定为濒危植物的有 5种 ,稀有的 4种 ,渐危的 18种 ;被列为一级重点保护的 1种 ,二级重点保护的 7种 ,三级重点保护的 19种。有国家重点保护野生植物2 2种 (含栽培种 ) ,分属于 2 0科 2 0属 ,占全国重点保护野生植物的 8.3%。其中蕨类植物 5种 ,裸子植物 6种 ,被子植物 11种 ;被列为一级重点保护的 6种 ,二级重点保护的 16种。其国家保护植物资源具有种类丰富、古老性强、中国特有现象突出等特点。对其名录特点和利用价值也进行了分析  相似文献   

江西木兰科植物的初步整理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过野外采集及标本的整理鉴定, 确认江西产木兰科植物7 属22 种1 亚种, 其中3 种为江西特有种, 5 种为江西地理新分布。对各分类群进行了分类检索, 记载了其地理分布, 并列出凭证标本。  相似文献   

浙江磐安种子植物区系的特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郝朝运  刘鹏  吕思田 《广西植物》2004,24(6):497-502
磐安约有野生种子植物 1 44科 ,62 7属 ,1 2 98种 (包括种以下分类单位 )。其中世界成分的属 67个 ,占总属数的 1 0 .69% ,热带属 2 2 7个 ,占 36.2 0 % ,温带属 32 1个 ,占 5 1 .2 0 % ,中国特有属 1 2个 ,占 1 .91 %。磐安气候温暖湿润 ,植物种类丰富 ,古老、孑遗、珍稀植物多 ,单种属和少种属占有较大比重 ;优势科、优势属明显 ,优势科 34个 ,共含有 393属 ,776种 ,分别占总属数总种属的 62 .7% ,70 .3% ,优势属 1 0个 ,共含有 1 44种 ,分别占总属数总种数的 1 .6% ,1 1 .1 % ,其中樟科、壳斗科等是该区系的表征科 ;植物分布类型多样 ,地理成分复杂 ,温带成分和热带成分占优势 ,是亚热带分布的北缘 ,与世界各地有广泛的联系  相似文献   

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