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1993年5~8月在英国惠普斯耐德野生动物园半自然条件下研究了獐(Hydropotesinermis)的单亲育幼行为。描述了母幼獐建立关系,母獐的探访和育幼行为,授乳行为,舔犊行为以及母幼间距离等。研究结果表明,母獐昼夜间仅探访幼兽4~5次。初生獐寻找乳头时往往寻错位置,找向母獐的前胸和颈区。在幼獐出生后的早期,哺乳行为的启动是由母獐启动的,但幼獐一周龄后即为启动者。平均哺乳时段为48.2±10.2s。母獐的舔犊行为常与哺乳同时发生,舔犊的位置最常见于幼獐的头部(62.7%),其次是肛殖区(13.9%),再是背部(8.4%)、胁部(7.2%)、胸部(5.6%)和颈部(2.1%)。此外,还讨论了母兽对不同性别的幼獐的投资的差异及其生物学意义。  相似文献   

饲养条件下羚牛母幼行为的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 999年 2~ 4月期间对上海动物园繁殖场的羚牛做了有关母幼行为的初步研究。本文着重描述了羚牛的哺乳行为和母幼接触 ,并探讨了母幼关系的变化趋势。幼羚在 3日龄内吮乳频繁 ,每次吮乳( 4 56± 0 97)分钟。 3日龄后 ,母羚的哺乳次数明显减少 ,但每次哺乳的持续时间延长至 5~ 7分钟。母幼间的主要接触方式是嗅和舔 ,母羚对幼仔的接触主要集中于肛区 ( 48 8% )和头部 ( 2 5 5% )。随着幼羚周龄的增长 ,母幼关系的亲密度逐渐下降 ,主要表现在幼羚的独立性增强和母性投资的减少。  相似文献   

大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)属于晚熟性动物,育幼早期是幼仔存活和生长发育的关键时期,也是幼仔最易夭折时期。为了解大熊猫产后应激水平及其与母幼行为之间的关系,从行为适应机制的角度提高幼仔存活率,本研究利用酶联免疫吸附法监测7只处于育幼早期(产后0~75日)母兽粪便皮质醇含量,采用焦点动物取样法观测3对母幼个体的行为。结果显示:(1)育幼早期母兽皮质醇含量随幼仔日龄增长总体呈下降趋势(r=-0.950,P<0.001);(2)幼仔断奶前与断奶后相比,母兽皮质醇含量无显著差异(t=-0.935,P=0.361);(3)母兽皮质醇含量与母幼联系(r=0.918,P<0.001)、幼仔尖叫(r=0.777,P=0.001)和休息行为(r=0.731,P=0.002)均呈极显著正相关,与采食行为呈显著负相关(r=-0.608,P=0.016),而与舔幼仔行为不相关(r=0.366,P=0.179)。结果表明,大熊猫母兽育幼早期粪便皮质醇含量变化与幼仔生长发育有关,推测母兽的应激强度可能随幼仔御寒能力及自主活动能力的提升而降低;皮质醇可能参与母性行为调节,有助于...  相似文献   

2003 年,圈养大熊猫“梅梅”首例哺育成活一胎二仔,通过对其近半年的育幼行为观察,结果发现:1) 母兽主要以同时衔2 仔、同时衔和抱2 仔二种方式将幼仔抱入怀中哺育;60 d 内, 育幼姿势以坐位为主,倦卧其次, 其它姿势更少, 其中坐位随日龄增加逐渐减少, 倦卧变化不大。2) 母兽活动时间在产仔当天最多, 之后显著下降并维持在35.2 ± 0.6% 的低水平, 47 d 后再缓慢上升到108 d 后的54.8 ± 0.9% 。3) 双胞胎幼仔间哺乳的日均次数和时间无显著差异。4) 7 d 内2 幼仔“仔在母身上” 的时间占100%, 21 ~ 23 d 后显著减少, 而“母体盖仔”、“仔在母身边”和“母仔自然分离”的时间显著增加, 但“母体盖仔” 的时间在32 d 左右后又显著减少;双胞胎分别在与母兽的此四种位置变化的时间上无显著差异。5) 母兽的活动、幼仔哺乳日均次数、“母仔自然分离”在全天的日均时间分布有峰、谷变化。6) 随幼仔活动能力的逐渐增强,幼仔离“育幼窝”的距离也逐渐增加,双胞胎幼仔离“育幼窝”的远近也有差别。7)母兽分别与其雄性双胞胎幼仔玩耍的时间有显著差异,而两幼仔自玩的时间无差异,此两双胞胎自玩和一起玩耍所用时间远大于分别与母兽玩耍的时间。该研究丰富了大熊猫育幼行为内容,并为以后的大熊猫双胞胎育幼提供了可供参考的行为资料。  相似文献   

于2006年6~11月对成都动物园饲养繁殖的毛冠鹿母仔的自然育幼行为采用瞬时观察法,每天8∶00~17∶00进行连续观察,每隔1min收集1次数据。结果显示母舔仔和仔吮乳的行为发生次数在出生20d内较多,之后逐渐下降,到60d以后几乎为0;而仔摄食和排便行为在出生20d以内几乎没有,20d后大幅增加;幼仔的活动频率也逐渐增加,40d以后活动很频繁。不同幼仔间存在个体差异。  相似文献   

研究表明,群居哺乳动物具备通过叫声进行母幼识别的机制,而有关独栖动物的母幼识别机制鲜有研究。大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)是典型的独栖动物,原始森林是保持野生大熊猫种群数量可持续发展的必要条件,其中的大型古树提供的育幼巢穴对大熊猫幼仔的存活至关重要。但是,近年来大型古树因受人为干扰而急剧减少,致使野生成年雌性大熊猫活动领域的重叠增大,在育幼期产仔大熊猫母兽对育幼巢穴的利用产生了竞争。大熊猫幼仔的体重约为成年大熊猫的0.1%,幼仔需要母兽高度关怀才能存活和成长。叫声是0-45日龄大熊猫幼仔向其母兽传递生理需求或所处状态的主要方式。然而,母兽能否根据幼仔的叫声识别自己的后代,目前尚无定论。本研究以274条大熊猫幼仔的尖叫声为例,首先对其进行个体独特性分析,然后通过叫声回放以及母兽对所回放的两种叫声的行为反应,验证大熊猫母兽能否辨别出其亲生幼仔。结果发现,尖叫声的17个声学参数中有14个具有潜在的个体判别能力(PIC>1);进一步的判别分析结果显示,基于这17个声学参数,78.5%的尖叫声被正确分配到对应的幼仔;叫声回放实验的结果显示,母兽在行为上更倾向其亲生幼...  相似文献   

圈养林麝母幼关系的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文研究圈养林麝(Moschusmoshiferusberezovskii)的母幼关系。林麝的母幼关系属于典型的隐蔽者(hider)类型。母幼分开躺卧,相距20.37±11.06m。吮乳时间、母幼联系时间、母幼联系时间/幼麝活动总时间随周龄的增加均呈明显的下降。4周龄前,幼麝躺卧居多,母麝以叫声主动联系幼麝,5周龄开始幼麝独立程度逐渐提高。听觉和视觉通讯是母幼远距离通讯的主要方式。  相似文献   

2017年10月至2018年3月采用连续记录法和焦点取样法,对上海野生动物园熊猫馆的2只雌性大熊猫在育幼期间的时间分配与活动节律进行了初步观察研究。结果表明:2个个体在育幼期间,育幼行为是最主要的行为方式,在育幼前期占90%以上。在整个育幼期间,随时间大熊猫的舔阴和育幼行为呈下降趋势,摄食、休息、活动、求适和其他行为呈上升趋势。但2个个体之间也表现出一定差异:育幼经验不足的个体("芊芊")母性强于育幼经验丰富的个体("思雪"),在育幼期不同阶段,"芊芊"用于护仔、舔仔、哺乳和母仔互动的时间均高于"思雪"。通过对上海野生动物园育幼期大熊猫行为的研究,为圈养育幼期的大熊猫饲养与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

2011年8月—2014年8月,利用红外视频监控系统结合现场观察,在中国保护大熊猫研究中心卧龙核桃坪野化基地对野化培训第一阶段的7只大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca幼仔的活动变化进行研究,采用瞬时扫描取样法收集了母幼距离、幼仔活动空间位置和行为等数据。研究结果发现:(1)母幼距离随着幼仔月龄的增长而增加,到幼仔爬树时母幼距离达到最高点,11~12月龄后出现下降的趋势。(2)野化幼仔随着月龄增长在母兽怀中的时间呈递减趋势;幼仔在地面的时间表现为未能独立活动时递增,5~9月龄时递减,其后14~15月龄时递增的变化规律;幼仔在树上的时间呈现5~10月龄时递增,接着稳定在一个较高的值,到14月龄时递减的波动;幼仔在母兽怀中(n=2,P0.05)和在地面的时间(n=5,P0.01)均与其在树上的时间呈负相关。(3)在活动时间分配上,幼仔平均用于休息的时间为所有行为时间的90.1%±4.1%,平均用于活动的时间为9.3%±3.9%,平均用于觅食的时间为0.6%±0.4%。  相似文献   

2005年3月至2006年3月,对成都动物园圈养金钱豹Panthera pardu的自然分娩及1月龄育幼期内的行为采取瞬时取样法进行观察,旨在了解圈养金钱豹的育幼情况.结果 显示:圈养金钱豹母性较强,金钱豹育幼期的主要行为为休息,占所有行为的47.12%~55.8%,其次为观望(18.92%~22.43%)和舔仔(10.1%~13.33%),运动行为较平时减少.在整个育幼期,运动行为呈上升趋势,舔仔行为呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

Among cervids, maternal investment, estimated as the amount of resources and care allocated to the offspring, was expected to be related to species body size. Therefore, maternal investment in a herd of captive Chinese water deer Hydropotes inermis, a relatively small species of cervid, was investigated over 3 years. Except during the lactation period, reproductive females spent about 2-fold more time resting than feeding. During lactation, the amount of time spent feeding increased highly (25.3 min/h during lactation vs 17.3 min/h during the gestation period). Females spent less than 30% of time in communal behaviours with offspring. They did not reject alien fawns during this care period. Frequency and duration of suckling events decreased exponentially from the second week onwards. More than 10% of suckling bouts were non-filial. Prenatal investment leads to a mean litter mass (about 12% of maternal mass) higher than in most cervid species. Postnatal investment in fawns represents a daily mass gain of ca. 85 g/d during the first 2 weeks, without any sexual difference. Female production, timing and synchrony of births and survival of fawns characterized reproductive success. Seventy percent of mature females gave birth, with a mean of 1.9 offspring per female. The sex ratio was even. Births were synchronous, 80% of births occurring in 25 days. In this herd, 0.74 fawn per female was successfully weaned and 0.56 fawn per female survived through their first year. Based on these results we conclude that reproductive strategy of Chinese water deer was efficient and characterized by mother-offspring relationships typical of hiders and high levels of pre- and postnatal investments. This strategy seems typical of small species of cervids without marked sexual dimorphism.[Current Zoology 55(2):102-110,2009].  相似文献   

Among adult females and males of African antelope impala are unique in their performance of reciprocal allogrooming. The occurrence of this behaviour in neonatal impala fawns was explored in a free-ranging impala herd at the San Diego Wild Animal Park where 5 dam-reared fawns were observed from birth through 10 weeks of age. One-way maternal grooming and reciprocal allogrooming with the dam and non dam partners emerged as distinct behavioural systems. Maternal grooming, directed mostly to the anogenital area, was typical of that seen in other ungulates, and sharply declined over the first two weeks. Reciprocal allogrooming, characterized by alternate exchanges of grooming bouts with a partner in the same manner as in adults, was seen as early as 3–8 d after birth. All fawns were grooming with unrelated adult females by the end of the second week. By week 2 virtually every measure of reciprocal allogrooming by fawns (grooming delivered per hour, reciprocity, and percent of encounters initiated) was as high as for adults. The appearance of this reciprocal allogrooming pattern, especially at such an early age, appears to be unique among ungulates, and possibly mammals in general. Three hand-reared impala fawns, deprived of the opportunity to interact with older herdmates, but having access to impala fawns and heterospecific fawns, were observed from 1–3 mo of age. The hand-reared impala showed no alteration in the occurrence of reciprocal allogrooming behaviour compared with the dam-reared control fawns, indicating that allogrooming experience with older animals was not required for the appearance of reciprocal allogrooming at an early age. Interestingly, hand-reared fawns persisted in grooming heterospecific fawns despite the fact that heterospecifics rarely reciprocated grooming. We postulate that the strong predisposition for impala young to groom others may be related to the threat of tick infestation in the impala's ecotone habitat.  相似文献   

A group of eight (2.6) White-lipped deer (Cervus albirostris) and four (1.3) fawns, born in 2010, kept in Tierpark Berlin were observed with focal point at circadian behavioural pattern, mother-child-interaction and the ontogeny of behaviour.The circadian rhythm of the animals proved to be bimodal and in its activity periods clearly synchronized with daily routine in the zoo. The animals showed different types of behaviours concerning metabolism (47%), comfort and resting (25%), movement (11%) and other behaviour (17%). The parallels between the distribution of behaviour and spatial use during the day point to an obvious relevance of different shaped enclosure areas to the behaviour. Calves of White-lipped deer are considered to be typical hiders („Ablieger“). Initially the fawns entered the enclosure trough the fence four to five times a day, exclusively for suckling. Until the fourth week of life their distribution of behaviour and their daily rhythm were well-adjusted to that of the adults. Despite of an age difference up to 17 days, the hiding period of all four fawns ended more or less at the same point of time; in case of the oldest fawn after 6, in case of the youngest fawn already after 3½ weeks of life. This indicates a synchronisation of the ontogeny of behaviour between older fawns and younger ones living with each other. In the process of dietary change from milk to solid food this synchronization was also to be seen. During the first two weeks the fawns were almost exclusively in contact with their mothers, but with time the bonding between the four fawns got stronger. The young affect each other in their development of behaviour. Above-mentioned traits of weaning in mammals point to the onset of weaning in the observed animals at three to four weeks of live.All in all the behavioural development of White-lipped deer obviously depends on physiological needs and abilities as well as social environment.  相似文献   

Maternal care influences offspring quality and can improve a mother’s inclusive fitness. However, improved fitness may only occur when offspring quality (i.e., offspring birth mass) persists throughout life and enhances survival and/or reproductive success. Although maternal body mass, age, and social rank have been shown to influence offspring birth mass, the inter-dependence among these variables makes identifying causation problematic. We established that fawn birth mass was related to adult body mass for captive male and female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), thus maternal care should improve offspring fitness. We then used path analysis to identify which maternal characteristic(s) most influenced fawn birth mass of captive female white-tailed deer. Maternal age, body mass and social rank had varying effects on fawn birth mass. Maternal body mass displayed the strongest direct effect on fawn birth mass, followed by maternal age and social rank. Maternal body mass had a greater effect on social rank than age. The direct path between social rank and fawn birth mass may indicate dominance as an underlying mechanism. Our results suggest that heavier mothers could use dominance to improve access to resources, resulting in increased fitness through production of heavier offspring.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of population density on juvenile body mass in two contrasting roe deer populations, in Sweden (Bogesund) and France (Chizé), in which density was monitored for ≥15 years. We investigated the effect of population density and climatic conditions on cohort performance. We predicted that: (1) body mass of growing fawns should be sensitive to environmental changes, showing marked between-year variation (i.e., cohort effects), (2) fawns in the less productive (weakly seasonal, weakly predictable summer weather) habitat of Chizé should show stronger density-dependent responses due to more severe food competition during summer than fawns in the more productive (markedly seasonal, moderately predictable summer weather) habitat of Bogesund, and (3) fawns at Bogesund should be heavier both in absolute terms and relative to their size than their conspecifics in Chizé due to a higher degree of fat accumulation in northern environments. In both study sites we found marked cohort variation and clear effects of density, with body mass varying by as much as 29% over years. While neither summer nor winter climate influenced fawn body mass at Bogesund, fawns tended to be lighter after summers with high temperatures at Chizé. In addition, fawns were heavier after acorn mast years experienced in utero at Bogesund. As expected, the strength of the density-dependent response of fawn body mass was greater at Chizé than at Bogesund. For a given density, male fawns were consistently heavier than females in both sites. Lastly, both sexes at Bogesund had higher absolute body mass and were larger for a given body size than in Chizé. Our results clearly demonstrate that absolute density is a poor predictor of roe deer performance and supports the view that habitat quality has an overwhelming importance for determining fawn body mass in roe deer populations.  相似文献   

Overwinter fawn mortality associated with hair loss syndrome (HLS) is anecdotally thought to be important in declines of Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) populations in Washington and Oregon (USA). We determined prevalence of HLS in black-tailed deer, September and April fawn:doe ratios, and minimum overwinter survival rates of fawns for selected game management units (GMUs) in western Washington from 1999 to 2001. Prevalence of HLS ranged from 6% to 74% in fawns and 4% to 33% in does. Minimum fawn survival ranged from 0.56 to 0.83 and was unrelated to prevalence of HLS in either does (r=0.005, P=0.991) or fawns (r=-0.215, P=0.608). The prevalence of HLS in either does or fawns was also unrelated to either fall fawn:doe ratios (HLS does: r=-0.132, P=0.779; HLS fawns: r=0.130, P=0.760) or spring fawn:doe ratios (HLS does: r=-0.173, P=0.711; HLS fawns: r=-0.020, P=0.963). However, the prevalence of HLS in does and fawns was strongly related (r=0.942, P=0.002), and GMUs with high prevalence of HLS had lower deer population densities (fawns: r=-0.752, P=0.031; does: r=-0.813, P=0.026). Increased overwinter mortality of fawns because of HLS was not supported by our data. Decreased production of fawns, increased summer mortality of fawns, or both were seen in six of eight study GMU-year combinations. Observed rates of productivity and minimum fawn survival were inadequate to maintain population size in five of eight study GMU-year combinations, assuming an annual doe survival rate of 0.75. The influence of deer condition and population health on adult survival, fawn production, preweaning fawn survival, parasitism, and prevalence of HLS in both fawns and adults need to be clarified to identify what factors are limiting black-tailed deer productivity.  相似文献   

Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) occur throughout western North America. In Idaho, USA, following intensive hunting to reduce crop depredations in the late 1980s, pronghorn populations have not rebounded to desired levels. Because neonatal survival in ungulates is one factor limiting population growth, we evaluated cause-specific mortality and the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on survival rates of 217 radio-collared pronghorn fawns across 3 study areas in Idaho during 2015–2016. For intrinsic variables, we determined the sex and body mass index (BMI) for each fawn. For extrinsic variables, we determined the abundance of predators and alternate prey, estimated the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for 1 month pre- and post-parturition, and measured fecal nitrogen and diaminopimelic acid (DAPA). We considered NDVI as a measure of plant productivity, and fecal nitrogen and DAPA as possible proxies of diet quality. We predicted NDVI, fecal nitrogen, and DAPA would be positively related to the nutritional status of females and positively related to fawn survival. We used Program MARK with known fate models to estimate semi-monthly survival rates of pronghorn fawns for the first 4 months post-parturition. During both years, the leading cause of fawn mortality was coyote (Canis latrans) predation (58%), followed by unknown causes of mortality (18%), unknown predation (12%), predation by bobcats (Lynx rufus; 6%), predation by golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos; 3%), and other (3%). Mean fawn survival for the 4 months post-parturition across years and study sites was 0.42 ± 0.04 (SE; range = 28–62%). The top survival model included BMI, lagomorph abundance, and DAPA and had a model weight of 83.3%. All 3 variables were positively related to pronghorn fawn survival. Because females with increased nutrition generally have heavier fawns, BMI was likely correlated to diet quality, which was supported by the positive relationship between DAPA and fawn survival. We hypothesize that high lagomorph abundance created an alternate prey base to buffer coyotes from preying on pronghorn neonates. We found no influence of measures of NDVI (pre- and post-parturition), fecal nitrogen, or predator abundance on fawn survival. Management actions providing high-quality forage for pronghorn are likely to contribute to production of heavier fawns having the highest chance of survival. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Because of significant declines in mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations across New Mexico, USA, we investigated survival of fawns in north-central New Mexico, USA. We captured 19 fawns, 34 fawns, and 47 fawns in 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively, and used fawn morphological measurements, habitat characteristics, and adult female (hereafter “female”) condition to model preweaning fawn survival. Survival was 0.0, 0.12, 0.52 for 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively, and was related to birth mass (χ12 = 9.5, P = 0.002), birth date (χ12= 8.4, P = 0.004), litter size (χ22 = 9.4, P = 0.009), female body fat (χ12 = 40.9, P < 0.001), annual precipitation (χ12 = 35.0, P < 0.001), summer precipitation (χ12= 37.5, P < 0.001), and winter precipitation (χ12 = 32.0, P < 0.001). Total ingesta-free body fat of females (β = 3.01, SE = 0.75; odds ratio = 20.19, 95% CI = 4.64-87.91) and birth mass of fawns (β = 1.188, SE = 0.428; odds ratio = 3.38, 95% CI = 1.42-7.59) were the best predictors of survival of individual fawns, although few of the logistic models differed in model selection criteria. Fawn survival in north-central New Mexico was driven by an interaction of total and seasonal precipitation and its effect on plant production, consequential effects on female nutrition, and ultimately, fawn birth attributes. Habitat conditions were so poor throughout north-central New Mexico during 2002 and 2003 (and likely during other drought yr) that, based upon birth attributes, few fawns could have survived regardless of proximate causes of mortality. In 2004, precipitation enhanced security cover, maternal body condition, birth attributes and, thus, survival of fawns. However, more habitat enhancements are needed to improve the nutritional quality of mule deer habitats in north-central New Mexico and further enhance maternal and fawn condition to recover mule deer populations in this region.  相似文献   

In many mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations, recruitment of fawns drives population dynamics. The quality of food available to females and their fawns in summer and autumn may play an important role in fawn recruitment. We examined direct links between digestible energy (DE) content of food and the DE intake of females on the nutrient concentration of milk and between the nursing behavior, DE intake, growth, and survival in captive mule deer fawns. We offered females and their fawns diets that simulated the natural decline in DE content of forage from mid-summer to late autumn in many western landscapes. Fawns fed a higher DE diet weighed 14% more at the onset of winter, had fewer unsuccessful nursing attempts, consumed milk with more protein and energy, and had higher survival than fawns fed a low DE diet. Differences between fawn performances among treatments were greatest when diet quality began decreasing earlier in the summer. Because our results indicate that summer and autumn nutrition is likely to influence fawn recruitment, wildlife biologists should include metrics for summer precipitation and late autumn fawn mass in population models, and land managers should focus on methods for improving the nutritional carrying capacity of summer and early autumn habitats. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

饲养林麝的种群特征和幼麝的存活研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
对饲养在上海崇明岛东平林场的林麝种群特征以及1998~2000 年间该种群所出生的74 只幼麝存活情况进行分析研究。结果表明: 该林麝种群中能繁殖的个体占51.1 % , 种群数量逐渐增长。种群存活率曲线呈C 型,说明林麝的死亡主要发生在幼麝时期。从不同年龄段性比变化来看, 初生幼麝的性比接近1∶1 , 由于雌幼麝比雄幼麝具有更高的存活率( P < 0.05) , 进入亚成体以后雄性比例逐渐下降, 显示幼麝时期存在偏雄性死亡。早出生幼麝的存活率明显高于晚出生幼麝( P < 0.05) 。引起幼麝死亡的主要原因是疾病(45. 9 %) 。  相似文献   

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