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在大田栽培条件下,对芝麻品种‘郑芝98N09’的灌浆特性及灌浆期籽粒中内源激素含量变化进行了研究,为芝麻高产优质高效栽培及品质育种提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)第9~17节位芝麻籽粒干物质率最高;下部(8节以下)蒴果在灌浆24d时的蒴果鲜重达最大值(1.596g/蒴),27d时籽粒鲜重达最大值(0.318g/蒴),灌浆最快的时期为灌浆15~33d,干物质积累量达籽粒干重的61.75%;中部(9~20节)蒴果在灌浆27d时的蒴果鲜重达最大值(1.622g/蒴),籽粒鲜重也同期达最大值(0.379g/蒴),灌浆最快的时期为灌浆21~36d,干物质积累量达籽粒干重的74.21%;上部(20节以上)蒴果籽粒干物质积累最快的时期为灌浆9~12d和24~27d两个阶段。(2)中部蒴果GA3含量大于下部和上部蒴果,而ABA和IAA的含量则小于下部和上部蒴果;除GA3/ZR比值外,中部蒴果的ABA/GA3、ABA/ZR、GA3/IAA和ZR/IAA比值都小于下部和上部蒴果。(3)较高的ZR含量和较低的ABA/ZR、ABA/GA3、IAA/GA3和IAA/ZR比值利于胚乳细胞分裂、蒴果发育、籽粒库容建成及籽粒干物质充实。(4)单一激素含量与不同部位蒴果单蒴粒重均达显著或极显著负相关关系,内源激素相互间的关系对下部蒴果粒重增加影响较小,适当提高IAA/ZR、ABA/GA3、IAA/GA3比值,能显著提高中部和上部蒴果的单蒴籽粒干重。  相似文献   

以生产上应用的耐湿性存在差异的3个甘蓝型油菜品种为对照,采用盆栽模拟湿害胁迫的方法,对15份源自甘蓝型油菜与蔊菜属间杂交获得的遗传稳定的创新种质进行苗期耐湿性鉴定和综合评价。结果显示:(1)湿害抑制根系生长,导致植株变矮,叶片发黄,生物量降低,湿害对根系影响最为严重,其次是植株总生物量积累和地上部分的生长。(2)通过主成分分析和隶属函数法,将全展叶数、绿叶率、苗高、根长、地上部分鲜重、根鲜重、植株总鲜重、地上部分干重、根干重和植株总干重等10个性状指标值转化成单一的综合评价值(D值),客观、科学、准确地对参试的18份材料进行了综合评价,为甘蓝型油菜苗期耐湿性评价提供了方法参考。(3)15份创新种质除绿叶率外的9个测定指标的耐湿性系数均高于对照品种,耐湿性综合评价结果显示,15份创新种质的D值均高于渝黄2号,13份创新种质的D值高于综合抗耐性俱佳的中油821,3份创新种质的D值高于高耐湿品种中双9号,聚类得到的高耐湿类群的7份材料中创新种质占6份(85.71%)。可见,创新种质的耐湿性平均要优于对照品种,说明通过远缘杂交获得的创新种质对甘蓝型油菜的耐湿性有了较为明显的改良和提高。  相似文献   

该研究选取六个多年生苦荞新品系,对春季、秋季直播与秋季再生其主要农艺性状进行调查。结果表明:(1)不同播种季节对多年生苦荞新品系主花序的花粉可育率、总结实率、有效结实率、植株株高、主茎粗、主茎分枝数、主茎节数、籽粒百粒重、单株粒数、单株产量的影响均达到显著或极显著水平;秋播主花序花粉可育率、总结实率、有效结实率、植株主茎分枝数、籽粒百粒重、单株粒数、单株产量均极显著高于春播;植株株高、主茎粗、主茎节数均极显著低于春播;主花序花朵大小、籽粒种子长宽比无显著差异。(2)不同种植方式对主花序花粉可育率、有效结实率、植株主茎节数及籽粒百粒重的影响达到显著或极显著水平;秋季再生主花序花粉可育率、籽粒单株粒数显著高于秋季直播;主花序有效结实率、植株主茎粗、主茎节数、籽粒百粒重显著低于秋季直播;主花序花朵大小、总结实率、植株株高、主茎分枝数、籽粒种子长宽比、单株产量无显著差异;相关分析表明,各生长季节下主花序有效结实率及单株粒数与单株产量的相关系数均最高。(3)所有参试品系中,1612-241秋季直播的单株产量显著高于其他品系; 1612-16、1612-33秋季再生单株产量较正季优势显著。该研究结果有助于筛选出适宜一季播种两季收获的优良品系,为今后多年生苦荞的选择育种提供线索基础。  相似文献   

东北春大豆种质资源表型分析及综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种质资源是大豆遗传育种和解析复杂数量性状的基础,通过对种质资源的评价,可指导育种实践中优异互补亲本的选择,提高优异基因交流累加和新品种培育的效率。本研究选用来自东北三省一区1923-2010年间选育的340份春大豆种质资源,通过在牡丹江地区对12个表型性状的2年综合鉴定,评价品种群体遗传变异特点和筛选优异种质资源,结果表明:(1)春大豆种质资源表型变异丰富。除生育期年份间差异不显著外,其他性状品种间和年份间均呈显著的差异,且2年变化趋势相同。有效分枝数变异幅度最大,其次是主茎荚数、单株粒重和株高,这些性状选择潜力较大,品质性状的变异幅度较小,选择潜力有限;(2)表型性状特征频率分布均符合正态分布。受育成单位纬度和育种目标的影响,生育期呈现北早南晚,北部育成品种营养体较小、植株矮小、节数相对较少、脂肪含量较高,南部育成品种营养体较大、植株高大、单株有效节数多且主茎单节最多荚数多,部分品种蛋白质含量相对较高;(3)采用主成分分析方法综合评价表明,吉育71的ZF值最高,综合性状表现最好,表型性状与ZF值相关分析结果显示,生育期、株高、主茎节数、地上部生物产量、收获指数、主茎荚数和主茎单节最多荚数等7个表型性状可作为春大豆种质资源综合评价指标。在大豆育种中应重视利用具有丰富遗传多样性的基因资源,在亲本选配时适当选择综合性状优良、育种性状优势互补的种质。  相似文献   

黍稷农艺性状的主成分分析与聚类分析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
对国家种质资源库中收集保存的8016份黍稷种质资源的株高、千粒重、生育期等11个农艺性状进行主成分分析和聚类分析,结果表明:主要农艺性状可归纳为千粒重、主茎节数、主穗长、株高、穗型、花序色、粒色、米色8个主成分,累计贡献率为86.44%;8016份黍稷种质资源可分成5大组群,各个组群都有一定的形态学特征,其中组群4的1301份种质资源的主茎节数多,单株产量、千粒重都比较大,综合性状表现较好。  相似文献   

"第三次全国农作物种质资源调查与收集"项目组历时2年从重庆地区收集到49份绿豆种质资源,供发掘优异基因及育种利用,我们评估这些资源的表型遗传多样性和枯萎病抗性水平。结果表明:这些新收集绿豆种质资源遗传多样性丰富,数量性状遗传多样性指数排序为:单株荚数株高主茎节数分枝数底荚高度荚宽荚长百粒重开花期单荚粒数成熟期出苗期;各质量性状遗传多样性指数排序为:荚形分枝性复叶叶形粒形种皮光泽度生长习性、结荚习性熟荚色对生单叶形花色、主茎茸毛色子叶色粒色幼茎色。聚类分析将49份种质资源划分为5个类群,第Ⅰ类群主要表现为矮秆、宜机收,第Ⅱ类群主要是大籽粒材料,第Ⅲ类群可作黄籽粒特色材料加以利用。三维散点图中,前3个主成分将49份种质资源大致分布在2个区域,分布在区域Ⅰ的材料多为直立型材料,而分布在区域Ⅱ的材料多为半蔓生型材料。经枯萎病抗性鉴定,从49份种质资源中筛选出中抗资源9份,抗病资源3份,高抗资源1份。本研究为后续优良种质的开发利用和抗绿豆枯萎病基因发掘提供了理论和种质基础。  相似文献   

西藏与周边地区芥菜型油菜农艺性状比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用典范相关分析方法,对西藏及周边地区芥菜型油菜的产量性状、主茎性状、分枝性状、角果性状等4组性状间的典范相关关系进行了比较研究.结果表明:(1)所研究的18个性状中,西藏芥菜型油菜的平均数为周边地区芥菜型油菜的1.88倍,总体变异系数比周边省份芥菜型油菜高10.22%;(2)西藏芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株角果数和千粒重,而周边省份芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株有效角果数,中国周边国家芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株有效角果数和千粒重;(3)影响西藏芥菜型油菜产量性状最重要的因素是角果性状,其次是分枝性状和主茎性状,而影响周边省份和中国周边国家芥菜型油菜产量性状最重要的因素则是主茎性状,其次是分枝性状和角果性状.  相似文献   

利用113份芥菜型油菜,运用典范相关分析方法,对西藏及周边地区芥菜型油菜的产量性状、主茎性状、分枝性状、角果性状等4组性状间的典范相关关系进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)所研究的18个性状中,西藏芥菜型油菜的均值为周边地区芥菜型油菜的1.88倍,总体变异系数比周边省份芥菜型油菜高10.22%;(2)西藏芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株角果数和千粒重,而周边省份芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株有效角果数,中国周边国家芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株有效角果数、千粒重;(3)影响西藏芥菜型油菜产量性状最重要的因素是角果性状,其次是分枝性状和主茎性状,而影响周边省份和中国周边国家芥菜型油菜产量性状最重要的因素则是主茎性状,其次是分枝性状和角果性状;(4)西藏芥菜型油菜4组性状间极显著或显著相关的典型变量累计有9对性状,周边省份芥菜型油菜有8对性状,中国周边国家芥菜型油菜有5对性状,西藏与周边省份和中国周边国家芥菜型油菜生态性状间既有密切联系,亦略不同。  相似文献   

山东大豆种质资源形态多样性分析   总被引:27,自引:6,他引:21  
通过对山东省205份大豆种质资源的形态多样性分析,结果表明主茎节数的形态多样性指数最高,为1.96;花色的遗传多样性指数最低,为0.63。总体上是数量性状形态多样性指数大于质量性状。通过主成分分析,第一主成分的方差贡献率为36.49%,第二主成分的方差贡献率为13,24%;基于形态性状的聚类分析把205份材料聚为3类,其中第1类149份材料,品种生育日数较短,株高低,主茎节数和分枝数均少于其他2类。第2类54份材料,品种生育日数稍长,单株荚数、单株粒数较多,株高较高,百粒重较小。第3类仅2份材料,分别来自第Ⅳ生态区和第Ⅴ生态区。这2个品种生育期较长,株高较高。百粒重较大。  相似文献   

对108份薏苡属种质资源的22个表型性状进行了多样性分析和分类。结果表明,全部材料涵盖了薏苡属的2个种和4个变种,除了花药色表现一致外,其他9个描述型性状(芽鞘色、叶鞘色、幼苗叶色、柱头色、幼果颜色、果壳色、喙的有无、总苞形状、总苞质地)的多样性指数在0.5519~1.6475之间,12个数值型性状(株高、着粒层、主茎粗、叶长、叶宽、总分蘖数、有效分蘖数、主茎节数、分枝节位、百粒重、粒长、粒宽)的变异系数范围为13.01%~60.09%。相关分析发现,大部分数值型性状间存在显著相关性,而主成分分析将表型性状分为5个主成分,累积贡献率为77.363%。聚类分析将108份资源划分为3个类群,类群Ⅰ主要分布在较高纬度地区,表现为植株矮小、叶片小、节数少和分枝节位低等特点;类群Ⅱ主要分布在中国的长江中下游、西南和南方地区及东南亚的较低纬度地区,表现为植株高度、茎粗、节数及叶片大小等表现中等、分蘖数偏低等特点;类群Ⅲ分布在中国西南地区,主要表现为植株茎秆高大粗壮、叶片大、节数多和分枝节位高、分蘖多、生物量大等特征。大部分材料均表现出比较明显的地域性和不同的表型特征,可以作为薏苡新品种选育和改良的优异亲本材料。  相似文献   

Setter  T.L.  Waters  I. 《Plant and Soil》2003,253(1):1-34
A review is presented for prospects of germplasm improvement for waterlogging tolerance in wheat, barley and oats using a mechanistic approach based on adaptive physiological traits. In `The waterlogged environments for crop production' section, the extent of waterlogging is reviewed commencing with determination of environmental factors which may limit plant growth and development in waterlogging prone regions. This highlights that different types of waterlogging may exist, there may be large spatial and temporal variation in waterlogging, and that waterlogging may be confounded in field experiments with additional environmental factors. Environmental characterisation is therefore a key step to using mechanistic approaches for germplasm improvement for target environments, for extrapolation to other environments, and for development of screening protocols under controlled conditions that accurately reflect the field environment. In the `Information on key components required for germplasm improvement' section, the genetic diversity in wheat, barley and oats for waterlogging tolerance is confirmed. Physiological mechanisms for waterlogging tolerance are diverse and can be grouped into adaptive traits relating to (1) phenology, (2) morphology and anatomy, (3) nutrition, (4) metabolism including anaerobic catabolism and anoxia tolerance, and (5) post anoxic damage and recovery. For wheat and barley, there is some genetic diversity for waterlogging tolerance at the germination stage, however the full potential seems yet to be exploited. Varietal differences in tolerance at the germination stage often differ from tolerance at later stages of development, and this supports the view that different mechanisms of tolerance exist at the whole plant and tissue level. Limited work from genetic studies indicates a high heritability for waterlogging tolerance. It is concluded that the best opportunities for germplasm improvement are for further exploration and utilisation of genetic diversity by improving selection criteria including the use of marker assisted selection. Additional opportunities are described for increasing genetic diversity using wide hybridisations and development of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Waterlogging stress lowers yields in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). A major component of waterlogging stress is the lack of oxygen available to submerged tissues. Although the morphology and physiology of plants grown under anaerobic conditions have been studied in detail, limited work has been done to elucidate adaptations at the molecular level. To gain comprehensive insight into how sesame responds to hypoxia at the genome level, we performed gene expression profiling at two time points during a 36-h period following hypoxic treatment using a whole-genome RNA-Seq analysis. We identified sets of significantly positively and negatively expressed genes (induced and repressed, respectively) in response to hypoxia with distinct temporal profiles. The genes that were affected were associated with glycolysis, nitrogen metabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism and plant hormone signal transduction and indicated the upregulation of particular pathways (glycolysis/glycogenesis) in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. Moreover, significant changes in the expression of genes were found for pathways, including flavone and flavonol biosynthesis, steroid biosynthesis, photosynthesis, cysteine and methionine metabolism, glutathione metabolism, as well as phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, spliceosome, circadian rhythm. This study helps in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of waterlogging tolerance and provides a basis for the genetic engineering of sesame.  相似文献   

Waterlogging is a common adverse environmental condition that limits plant growth. Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is considered a drought-tolerant oil crop but is typically susceptible to harmful effects from waterlogging. The present study used comparative analysis to explore the waterlogging stress response associated with two sesame genotypes. The RNA-seq dataset generated during a time course of 0, 3, 9 and 15 h of waterlogging as well as 20 h post-drainage indicated that stress gradually suppressed the expression of sesame genes, with 9 h as the critical time point for the response of sesame to waterlogging stress. Of the 19,316 genes expressed during waterlogging, 72.1% were affected significantly. Sesame of both tolerant and susceptible genotypes showed decreased numbers of upregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) but increased numbers of downregulated DEGs at the onset of waterlogging. However, the tolerant-genotype sesame exhibited 25.5% more upregulated DEGs and 29.7% fewer downregulated DEGs than those of the susceptible-genotype strain between 3 and 15 h. The results indicated that the tolerant sesame displayed a more positive gene response to waterlogging. A total of 1,379 genes were significantly induced and commonly expressed in sesame under waterlogging conditions from 3 to 15 h regardless of tolerance level; of these genes, 98 are known homologous stress responsive genes, while the remaining 1,281 are newly reported here. This gene set may represent the core genes that function in response to waterlogging, including those related mainly to energy metabolism and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. Furthermore, a set of 3,016 genes functioning in energy supply and cell repair or formation was activated in sesame recovery from waterlogging stress. A comparative analysis between sesame of the tolerant and susceptible genotypes revealed 66 genes that may be candidates for improving sesame tolerance to waterlogging. This study provided a comprehensive picture of the sesame gene expression pattern in response to waterlogging stress. These results will help dissect the mechanism of the sesame response to waterlogging and identify candidate genes to improve its tolerance.  相似文献   

The effect of timing of waterlogging on chickpeas was examined in two pot trials. Plants were waterlogged for ten days from 21 days after sowing (DAS), at flowering or at mid-pod fill, plus combinations of these times. Waterlogging at any stage reduced seed yield; waterlogging at 21 DAS had the least effect, reducing yield relative to the non-waterlogged control by 35%. Ability of the plant to survive and regrow following waterlogging decreased with increasing physiological age: mortality rate averaged 0, 30 and 100% after waterlogging at 21 DAS, flowering and pod fill, respectively. Tolerance to waterlogging was not enhanced by previous exposure to waterlogging.In the second experiment, waterlogging was imposed at six different times shortly before or after flowering began. Ability to survive waterlogging declined sharply as flowering commenced: mortality rate increased from 13% when waterlogging was imposed six days before flowering to 65% one day after flowering, and 100% when waterlogging began 7.5 days after flowering. We suggest that survival and recovery after waterlogging may have been inhibited in flowering plants by an inadequate supply of nitrogen or carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Surface-irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown on slowly draining clay soil is subjected to short-term periods of waterlogging at each irrigation which generally results in reduced productivity. The sequence of above- and below-ground plant responses to transient waterlogging and the role of N availability in modifying the immediate responses were studied. Lysimeters of Marah clay loam (a Natrustalf) were instrumented to monitor soil and plant responses to a 7-day waterlogging event beginning 67 days after sowing. Cotton (‘Deltapine 61’) plants (8 per lysimeter) were grown with two levels of added N (300 kg ha−1 and 30 kg ha−1) and two irrigation treatments (flooded and control). Measured soil-O2 levels decreased rapidly upon surface flooding because water displaced air and root zone respiration consumed O2. The rate of O2 consumption was 2.7 times greater in the high-N treatment than the low-N treatment. This difference was associated with a 1.8 fold difference in numbers of observed roots. Root growth was only slightly affected by flooding. Leaf growth decreased by 28%, foliage temperature increased 2.3% and apparent photosynthesis decreased by 16%. It is suggested that flooding reduced photosynthetic activity within 2 days while other stress symptoms became apparent after about 6 days. Although this stress was reflected in a trend for decreased plant productivity, the effect of flooding on boll dry mass at harvest was not significant at the level of replication used. The single waterlogging did not cause yield reductions comparable to those observed elsewhere when several waterlogging events were imposed. Contribution from the CSIRO, Centre for Irrigation Research, Griffith, NSW, Australia and USDA-ARS, Morris, MI, USA, in cooperation with the univ. of Minnesota.  相似文献   

在部控制氧下比较4种不同耐渍基因型芝麻的形态,生理指数及营养器官矿质元素含量变化。结果表明,耐渍品种种野芝7号与豫芝1号不定根条数增加4-5倍,净光合速率(Ph)下降幅度小,ADH活性增加约2倍,根据Ca,P含量显著升高,K降幅较小,根中其元素以及茎、叶中8种元素呈下降趋势。非耐渍品种丹巴格与遂平小籽黄,不定根条数无明显增加,Pn下降50%-60%,ADH活性可升高5-9倍;根中Ca,P含量亦增高,K下降较多,耐渍基因型有明显的结构适应特征,厌氧代谢的能量补偿作用相对次要,Ca,P在芝麻对厌氧胁迫的生理适应中起重要作用。  相似文献   

红树植物淹水胁迫响应研究进展   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
陈鹭真  林鹏  王文卿 《生态学报》2006,26(2):586-593
潮汐淹水是红树植物面临的主要环境胁迫之一,也是导致目前红树林造林成活率低的一个关键因子。由于长期适应于水淹生境,红树植物发育出一套适应于潮间带生长的抗淹水机制。综述了与红树植物相关的抗淹水胁迫响应机制,包括了形态结构、生长、水分和光合作用、膜脂过氧化系统和根系脱氢酶系统、内源激素和胁迫多胺等5个方面。提出应用人工潮汐系统研究红树植物的淹水抗性机理是确定不同种类红树植物的耐淹水能力的有效手段。并指出生长的研究是淹水胁迫响应研究的基础,而与分子手段相结合的激素水平的研究将在红树植物抗性胁迫研究中得到重视。  相似文献   

G. Naidoo  S. G. Mundree 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):360-366
The effects of waterlogging and salinity on morphological and physiological responses in the marsh grass Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth were investigated in a 4×2 factorial experiment. Plants were subjected to four salinity levels (0, 100, 200 and 400 mol m–3 NaCl) and two soil inundation conditions (drained and flooded) for 42 days. Flooding at 0 mol m–3 NaCl caused initiation of adventitious surface roots, increased internal acration and plant height, induced alcohol dehydrogenase activity (ADH), and decreased belowground biomass and the number of culms per plant. Salinity increase from 0 to 400 mol m–3 NaCl under drained conditions increased leaf and root proline concentrations and decreased photosynthesis, aboveground biomass, number of culms per plant and number of internodes per culm. Concurrent waterlogging and salinity induced ADH activity and adventitious surface roots but decreased plant height and aboveground biomass. Internal air space increased with waterlogging from 0 to 100 mol m–3 NaCl but further increases in salinity to 400 mol m–3 reduced air space. Combined waterlogging and salinity stresses, however, had no effect on photosynthesis or on the concentrations of proline in leaves or roots. These results are discussed in relation to the widespread colonization by S. virginicus of a wide range of coastal environments varying in soil salinity and in the frequency and intensity of waterlogging.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Crop tolerance to waterlogging depends on factors such as species sensitivity and the stage of development that waterlogging occurs. The aim of this study was to identify the critical period for waterlogging on grain yield and its components, when applied during different stages of crop development in wheat and barley.


Two experiments were carried out (E1: early sowing date, under greenhouse; E2: late sowing date, under natural conditions). Waterlogging was imposed during 15–20 days in 5 consecutive periods during the crop cycle (from Leaf 1 emergence to maturity).


The greatest yield penalties occurred when waterlogging was applied from Leaf 7 appearance on the main stem to anthesis (from 34 to 92 % of losses in wheat, and from 40 to 79 % in barley for E1 and E2 respectively). Waterlogging during grain filling reduced yield to a lesser degree. In wheat, reductions in grain number were mostly explained by reduced grain number per spike while in barley, by variations in the number of spikes per plant.


The time around anthesis was identified as the most susceptible period to waterlogging in wheat and barley. Exposing the crop to more stressful conditions, e.g. delaying sowing date, magnified the negative responses to waterlogging, although the most sensitive stage (around anthesis) remained unchanged.  相似文献   

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