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以国产犬用犬瘟热等六联弱毒苗接种33只不同性别、不同年龄的健康大熊猫,分别采集每只大熊猫免疫前以及免疫后2周、1个月、3个月、6个月、9个月、11个月的血清样品,采用细胞中和试验测定犬瘟热病毒(CDV)中和抗体效价,并对接种疫苗后的所有大熊猫个体进行连续1年的健康资料记录.结果表明,所有接种疫苗的大熊猫均未出现任何与疫苗相关的副反应,该疫苗接种对大熊猫是安全的;部分老年、成年和亚成年的大熊猫(13/33)在疫苗接种前已经存在CDV抗体(≥1:4);2只老年大熊猫在疫苗接种后仅产生低水平的CDV抗体(≤1:8),另外2只老年大熊猫在疫苗接种后未产生CDV抗体(<1:4);部分成年大熊猫(9/15)在疫苗接种后未产生CDV抗体(<1:4),仅部分成年大熊猫(6/15)在疫苗接种后产生低水平的CDV抗体(≤1:22);部分亚成年大熊猫(8/9)在疫苗接种后能够产生低水平的CDV抗体(≤1:22),少数亚成年大熊猫(1/9)在疫苗接种后未产生CDV抗体 (<1:4);幼年大熊猫(5/5)疫苗接种后可产生CDV抗体,2周至1月内达到高峰,CDV抗体水平和持续时间都明显高于老年、成年和亚成年大熊猫(P<0.05);少数幼年大熊猫(1/5)疫苗接种后CDV抗体达到1:127,但3个月后所有幼年大熊猫CDV抗体就陡然下降(≤1:16).由此表明,在现有的免疫剂量和程序下,犬用犬瘟热等六联弱毒疫苗难以有效刺激大熊猫产生CDV中和抗体.  相似文献   

褪黑素通过调控下丘脑-垂体-性腺内分泌轴使季节性繁殖动物在适宜的季节进行繁殖活动.大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)在春季集中繁殖.为探究雄性大熊猫褪黑素和睾酮的季节性变化规律,本研究选取成都大熊猫繁育研究基地3只成年雄性大熊猫作为实验对象,在自然光照下对这3只大熊猫进行每周1次为期1年(2018年...  相似文献   

不同粗饲料比例的日粮饲喂亚成体大熊猫的平衡实验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王爱民  张贵权 《兽类学报》2002,22(1):71-73,52
国内外对移地保护饲养中大熊猫 (Ailuropodamlanoleuca)的营养学进行过一定量的研究[1~ 6] ;其中日粮中竹子 (粗饲料 )的比例不同能否对亚成体大熊猫的消化、代谢造成显著差异的研究在国内外尚未见报道。因此 ,在数家动物园和大熊猫研究中心的日粮配方基础上 ,设计了一种常规配方和一种新配方 (竹子比例加大 ) ,以期对以上问题作初步探讨。另外 ,由于大熊猫数量稀少 ,以往的研究选取的大熊猫数难以真正满足统计学对实验动物数目的要求 (单组不小于 3只 ) ,本研究首次努力选取两组各 3只、共 6只实验大熊猫。有关结果对…  相似文献   

对圈养大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca行为及其影响因素的了解有助于改善大熊猫饲养管理。本研究以峨眉山大熊猫馆3只大熊猫香琳、芦琳、平平为对象,采用连续时间记录法,分析了夏季游客数量和饲养员接触方式对大熊猫行为的影响。结果表明,游客数量对香琳的嗅闻(t=3.648,P=0.001)和蹭阴(Z=-2.192,P=0.028)以及芦琳的进食(t=2.487,P=0.018)和踱步(t=-3.302,P=0.001)行为影响显著。饲养员的日常接触使大熊猫的休息、玩耍时长均显著下降(P0.001),而进食、嗅闻、趴门、踱步行为时长显著增加(P0.001)。根据研究结果,我们建议:(1)在大熊猫表现出异常行为时,应适当控制游客数量,以免产生更严重的应激反应;(2)在日常饲养管理中,应减少饲养员与大熊猫的被动接触,以降低饲养员对大熊猫行为的干扰。  相似文献   

大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca是独特的食肉目Carnivora动物,幼年早期以母乳为食,成年却严格以竹子为食.为探究microRNA(miRNA)对大熊猫幼年早期及成年营养利用及代谢的调控作用,对2只幼年早期和2只成年大熊猫的胰腺组织进行了small RNA测序分析,鉴定了202个保守miRNA和8...  相似文献   

采用内置记录活动水平传感器的GPS项圈研究了卧龙自然保护区3只野生大熊猫春季取食竹笋期间的昼夜活动节律和强度,并分析了太阳辐射、温度因子对大熊猫活动节律与强度的影响。3只大熊猫的平均活动率为68.05%,受孕雌性大熊猫的活动率(70.86%)和活动强度(范围:0-255;水平方向/垂直方向,23.82±0.30/ 17.63±0.22)均比其它两只大熊猫(70.55%, 14.71±0.17/13.52±0.15 ;62.76%,17.74±0.23/13.61±0.18)高。大熊猫有3次活动高峰,分别出现在6:00-7:00,18:00-21:00和23:00-3:00,一个明显的活动低谷,出现在9:00-12:00。大熊猫白天的活动率(68.32%)和活动强度(19.59±0.20/ 15.45±0.15)比夜间(67.67%,17.63±0.19/14.21±0.15)高。大熊猫的活动强度与太阳辐射之间存在显著负相关(r=-0.822, P<0.001),与空气温度之间不存在显著的相关性。  相似文献   

圈养大熊猫群体间的基因流状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
圈养群体的遗传管理一个非常重要的手段就是实现不同群体间的基因交流.为了全面评估大熊猫圈养群体间的基因流状况,本研究以卧龙中国大熊猫保护中心的31只圈养大熊猫(简称卧龙群体)和成都大熊猫繁育研究基地与楼观台陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养研究中心的37只圈养大熊猫(简称成都群体,其中楼观台1只)为研究对象,以7个大熊猫微卫星位点为分子标记,发现卧龙群体和成都群体间的遗传分化水平很低(Fst=0.041,P=0.001);尽管整个圈养群体的近交程度较低(Fis=0.026),但是成都群体的近交系数(Fis=0.045)远高于卧龙群体的近交系数(Fis=0.002);谱系分析、贝叶斯分析和系统进化法分析均显示,这两个群体间存在着基因流,但是这种基因流是单向的.此结果提示各个大熊猫饲养单位之间必须实现更多的合作,将大熊猫群体作为一个管理单元进行管理,从而实现更多的基因流.  相似文献   

大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca为我国特有濒危物种。圈养大熊猫是大熊猫保护的一项重要策略,国家林业局公布的全国第四次大熊猫调查结果显示,大熊猫的繁育保护工作取得可喜成绩,圈养种群规模快速发展。为评估圈养大熊猫种群的发展与圈养种群的未来增长趋势的关系,通过对大熊猫国际谱系(2015)内990只圈养大熊猫基本信息进行分析,统计各年内存活超过100 d的个体数量并绘制其存活曲线;编制圈养大熊猫种群的生命表,绘制死亡曲线及存活曲线,计算其内禀增长能力。结果显示:自2005年之后,每年存活的圈养大熊猫个体数量均超过20只,个别年份超过30只,2013年和2015年则超过40只;圈养大熊猫的寿命期望值较长,2~25岁死亡率低,绝大多数圈养个体都能活到生理年龄,在生理寿命上特征稳定;净增殖率、内禀增长率和周限增长率分别为2.248 4、0.062 3和1.064 3,说明圈养大熊猫种群目前仍存在发展上升的空间,种群结构整体上相对稳定。  相似文献   

我园人工饲养大熊猫已有27年历史,但从事人工饲养下的繁殖研究起步较晚,现就我园几年来人工饲养下大熊猫繁殖生态的一些观察叙述如下:大熊猫的年龄结构与性表现年龄:重庆动物园现饲养大熊猫8只,年龄分别为1至27周岁,雄性2只,雌性6只。年龄在4.5至15岁间的雌性熊猫3只,具有繁殖潜力。(其中2只已有生育,1只于1986年初开始发情,另3只年龄为1岁、2岁和27岁)。性表现的年龄与徐启明报道基本一致,但本园所繁殖3胎的生育年龄分别始于9岁和12岁,看来有性表现不等于具备繁殖能力,故可不必急于实施人工授精。人工饲养下的发情(持续)时间:雌性大熊猫在…  相似文献   

据四川省林业厅保护处提供的消息,四川省人民政府新闻办公室于2004年8月16日在成都召开新闻发布会,向公众和媒体发布了四川省大熊猫资源及其保护工作情况。据调查,目前四川省野外大熊猫种群数量为1206只(占全国的76%),栖息地17743.92km^2(占全国的77%),人工圈养大熊猫118只(占全国的73%)。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of parenteral iron on red blood cell parameters, performance, and health in dairy Holstein calves. Twenty neonatal calves were equally divided at random into two groups, one of which served as controls. Care was taken to ensure homogeneity of sex, age, and general health status of the animals. The controls received a normal diet and water ad libitum, while the study animals were injected with 1 g iron as Fe-dextran 2 days after birth. A daily record was kept of the calves’ weight and growth parameters. At periods of 24–48 h after birth and at 14, 28, and 42 days of age, jugular blood was drawn from all the experimental and control animals to measure the packed cell volume, red blood count, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and iron levels. At the start of the experiments, there were no significant differences between these parameters between the two study groups (p > 0.05). With time, significant differences were seen between most of the values measured (p < 0.05) except for the mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and iron level. Significant differences were seen for total weight gain and mean daily weight gain, which were higher in the iron-supplemented group (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

A retrospective study evaluated the influence of sex and age on plasma biochemistry and haematology parameters in a captive-bred colony of baboons. Over 1,140 ETDA and heparin blood samples were obtained from 160 clinically normal baboons between the ages of 11 months and 11 years. Data for these blood tests were analysed for the effects of sex, age and sex age interactions. Sex, age and sex age interactions were detected for many plasma biochemistry and haematological parameters. The reference range values for platelets, white-blood cells and mean corpuscular volume and plasma chloride, glucose, total protein and iron were higher (P < 0.01) and red blood cell, plasma sodium, potassium, total CO2, creatinine, urea, total bilirubin, albumin, alkaline phosphate, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase and phosphate were lower (P < 0.01) in the female compared to the male population. Sex age interactions (P < 0.05) were seen with haemoglobin, white blood cells, haematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, sodium, creatinine, urea, calcium, phosphate, total bilirubin, total protein alkaline phosphatase, the liver enzymes and triglycerides. Plasma alkaline phosphatase was highest ( > 800 micro/l) in young juveniles of both sexes; creatinine was higher in older ( > 4 years) compared to younger baboons of the same sex (P < 0.05). Plasma cholesterol and triglycerides were greater (P < 0.01) in young baboons compared to older animals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the basic haematological parameters in feral and racing pigeons and to compare these parameters according to age, sex and season in healthy feral pigeons as well as between Chlamydophila-serologically positive and negative feral pigeons. Red blood cells (RBC), packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), mean cell volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood count (WBC), thrombocyte count and differential WBC, were determined in 366 pigeons (Columba livia forma domestica) captured in the City of Zagreb between 1999 and 2002. Of these, 232 feral (179 adult and 53 juvenile, 104 male and 75 female) and 57 racing pigeons (25 male and 32 female) were clinically healthy and bacteriologically and serologically negative, but 77 birds had antibody titres against Chlamydophila sp. Significantly lower values of RBC, PCV, Hb, MCH, WBC and thrombocyte (P<0.05) were observed in young compared to adult pigeons, while the differences in MCV and MCH were not significant between age classes. In differential WBC of young pigeons, a significantly higher percentage of heterophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes and a significantly smaller percentage of lymphocytes (P<0.01) was found than in adult pigeons. Significant sex-related differences were seen only in MCV values and in the percentage of lymphocytes (higher in females) and neutrophils (higher in males). PCV, Hb, MCV and MCH increased, while WBC decreased during wintertime (P<0.05). In differential WBC, percentage of heterophils was low in summer and autumn. At the same time, a higher percentage of basophils was found. Low numbers of monocytes were found in summer and low values of eosinophils in winter. In racing pigeons, values of eosinophils and basophils were significantly lower than in feral pigeons. Pigeons which had antibodies against Chlamydophila sp. possessed a higher percentage of monocytes and less lymphocytes than sero-negative animals, while WBC was significant lower than in sero-negative feral pigeons.  相似文献   

无线电颈圈定位数据应用于卧龙大熊猫移动规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘雪华  王亭  王鹏彦  杨健 《兽类学报》2008,28(2):180-186
本文分析了1981 ~ 1983 年卧龙自然保护区6 只大熊猫的无线电定位数据,结合DEM 高程数据,应用地理信息系统(GIS)工具进行了大熊猫的垂直移动(海拔变化)和水平移动(2 个相邻日的移动距离变化)规律研究。应用了“箱图” 法和Mann-Whitney U test 统计检验方法进行分析比较。结果显示:卧龙地区的大熊猫从每年的4 月份起从2 800 m以上的高海拔区域下移至2 600 m左右的低海拔区域,在较低海拔生活至6 月底,然后上移回到2 800 m的高海拔区域,表明大熊猫存在“季节性垂直移动”。大熊猫的2 个相邻日移动距离年平均值为550 m;在4 月份的水平移动距离最大,达到700 多米,而在夏秋季的水平移动距离较小,为400 m上下。本研究中的雌雄体大熊猫在移动形式(海拔变化、相邻日移动距离变化) 上存在差异,雌体大熊猫下移海拔变化较雄体明显,但相邻日移动距离却明显比雄体小。本研究结果可为野外大熊猫监测和保护工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of nonylphenol (NP) on hematological and immunological parameters in both male and female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish were randomly distributed into six groups and administered with NP (10, 50 and 100 μg g-1 week-1 BW) and a single dose of 17-β estradiol (E2; 2 μg g-1 week-1 BW, positive control). The solvent controls received ethanol and coconut oil as a vehicle, while the controls were not injected. Red blood cells (RBCs) count, hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), white blood cells (WBCs), and lymphocytes demonstrated a NP dose-dependent decrease, whereas mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), monocytes, and neutrophils showed an increasing trend in both male and female fish 21 days post-treatment. Also, RBCs, Hb, MCHC, WBCs, and lymphocytes were significantly reduced (p<0.05) in E2 treated fish. Lysozyme, complement components (C3 and C4) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) were increased in fish sera subjected to 10 and 50 μg g-1 NP, while these decreased in groups administered with 100 μg g-1 NP and 2 μg g-1 E2. Except for C4 level at 10 μg g-1 NP, no significant differences were observed in hematological and immunological parameters of male and female in each treatment. Overall, a frequent exposure to NP could lead to adverse effects on fish immune-physiological functions which may cause serious ecological threats of fish natural population sustainability.  相似文献   

上海作为典型的低海拔地区,气候、环境等条件均与大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca栖息地存在很大差异。为了研究在上海出生并生活的大熊猫幼仔的生长发育情况,以及与四川雅安的大熊猫幼仔生长发育是否存在差异,本文比较分析了上海、雅安两地大熊猫幼仔在母兽哺育、人工辅助育幼2种育幼方式下的体质量、体尺和其他器官的生长发育情况,并采用Chapman生长模型模拟了两地大熊猫幼仔的生长曲线。研究发现:上海大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d和70 d的体质量显著大于四川雅安大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05);母兽哺育的大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d和70 d的体质量显著大于人工辅助育幼的大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05);雄性大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d、70 d和100 d的体质量显著大于雌性大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05)。整体而言,大熊猫幼仔的体长增长最快,其次为腹围,尾长最慢。母兽哺育大熊猫幼仔的体尺数据稍高于人工辅助育幼,与海拔无关;而相同育幼方式下,高、低海拔组幼仔体尺之间的差异无明显规律。Chapman生长模型很好地模拟了上海和雅安两地大熊猫幼仔0~120 d的生长曲线,但2条曲线在拐点日龄、拐点体质量、最大生长率均存在一些差异。通过对两地大熊猫幼仔生长发育的差异研究,为上海地区繁育大熊猫提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Although female mammal vocal behaviour is known to advertise fertility, to date, no non-human mammal study has shown that the acoustic structure of female calls varies significantly around their fertile period. Here, we used a combination of hormone measurements and acoustic analyses to determine whether female giant panda chirps have the potential to signal the caller''s precise oestrous stage (fertile versus pre-fertile). We then used playback experiments to examine the response of male giant pandas to female chirps produced during fertile versus pre-fertile phases of the caller''s reproductive cycle. Our results show that the acoustic structure of female giant panda chirps differs between fertile and pre-fertile callers and that male giant pandas can perceive differences in female chirps that allow them to determine the exact timing of the female''s fertile phase. These findings indicate that male giant pandas could use vocal cues to preferentially associate and copulate with females at the optimum time for insemination and reveal the likely importance of female vocal signals for coordinating reproductive efforts in this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

Background/ObjectiveThe giant panda belongs to the family Ursidae and, as a species of bear, still retains the simple digestive system of a Carnivoran. However, under the pressure of a specific habitat they had to adapt to a plant mono-diet consisting of bamboo with different species and growth stages around the year. A plant-based diet has relatively low iodine content with risk of iodine deficiency. Furthermore, bamboo contains cyanogenic glycosides releasing cyanide whose detoxification metabolite the thiocyanate acts as antagonist against iodine uptake and storage in the thyroid. To date very little is known about the iodine nutritional status of the giant panda, thus this study was conducted to receive the first information about the iodine nutrition of captive giant panda.Subjects/MethodsHere we investigated the iodine content of bamboo with different plant parts/vegetation stage and species and further compounds of the captive giant panda diet. Next, the urinary iodine (UI) and urinary thiocyanate (UT) levels of infant, sub-adult, adult and geriatric captive giant pandas was measured during the periods when the pandas consume both bamboo leaves- and culm (bamboo leaf-culm stage). Afterwards, the UI of 19 adult giant pandas was measured again for the different iodine intake during bamboo shoot stage. Finally, in this study part also the fecal iodine concentration was analyzed for calculation of total iodine excretion in relation to the iodine intake.ResultsBamboo leaves had the highest iodine content (453 μg/kg dry matter (DM)), followed by the shoots (84 μg/kg DM, p < 0.05), while bamboo culm had the lowest value (12 μg/kg DM, p < 0.05). During bamboo leaf-culm stage, giant pandas of different age groups had different UI and UT levels (p < 0.05). Furthermore, UI and UT were positively correlated among sub-adult, adult and geriatric giant pandas (p < 0.05). In adult giant pandas during bamboo shoot stage, the iodine excretion in feces was not different from that in urine while their total iodine excretion was less than their iodine intake (p < 0.05). Moreover, during bamboo shoot stage, the UI level of adult giant pandas was much lower than noted during bamboo leaf-culm stage (p < 0.05).ConclusionsOur results indicate that UI of captive giant pandas was related to their age as well as to the vegetation stage/part of bamboo they consumed reflecting a different periodic iodine supply. Thiocyanate and fecal excretion should be emphasized when considering the iodine nutrition of giant pandas.  相似文献   

It has been established beyond doubt that giant panda genome lacks lignin-degrading related enzyme, gastrointestinal microbes may play a vital role in digestion of highly fibrous bamboo diet. However, there is not much information available about the intestinal bacteria composition in captive giant pandas with different ages. In this study, we compared the intestinal bacterial community of 12 captive giant pandas from three different age groups (subadults, adults, and geriatrics) through PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and real-time PCR analysis. Results indicated that microbial diversity in the intestine of adults was significantly higher than that of the geriatrics (p < 0.05), but not significant compared to the subadults (p > 0.05). The predominant bands in DGGE patterns shared by the twelve pandas were related to Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. Additionally, in comparison to healthy individuals, antibiotic-treated animals showed partial microbial dysbiosis. Real-time PCR analyses confirmed a significantly higher abundance of the Lactobacillus in the fecal microbiota of adults (p < 0.05), while other bacterial groups and species detected did not significantly differ among the three age groups (p > 0.05). This study revealed that captive giant pandas with different ages showed different intestinal bacteria composition.  相似文献   

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