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四川绵阳地区野生猕猴肠道寄生虫感染的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对四川绵阳地区野生猕猴抽样100只,分别采用饱和食盐水漂浮法和沉淀集印法检查粪便中寄生虫卵,监测肠道寄生虫的感染率和感染强度。结果显示,感染当地野生猕猴的肠道寄生虫主要有8种,总感染率为78.0%,分别为:吸虫50.0%,毛尾线虫48.0%,蛲虫41.0%,钩虫32.0%,蛔虫26.0%,泡状带绦虫16.0%,球虫4.0%,后圆线虫4.0%,感染强度为毛尾线虫“++++”,蛲虫“++++”,吸虫“+++”,钩虫“+++”,蛔虫“++”,泡状带绦虫“+”,球虫“+”,后圆线虫“+”。表明该地区野生猕猴寄生虫感染较普遍,感染强度较大。  相似文献   

为了解城市流浪犬寄生虫感染情况,2011年7~9月对宁夏固原市随机选择3个小区的56只流浪犬进行了体表寄生虫和肠道寄生虫感染调查.结果显示,流浪犬体表寄生虫总感染率100%,其中54只犬检到犬栉首蚤,56只犬检到犬啮毛虱,26只犬检到犬疥螨,10只犬检到犬蠕形螨;33份粪样中检出虫卵,肠道寄生虫总感染率58.93%,其中20份检出犬弓首蛔虫卵,4份检出犬钩虫卵,9份检出泡状带绦虫卵.可见固原市城市流浪犬寄生虫感染相当普遍和严重,加强宠物饲养管理和流浪犬管理的工作刻不容缓.  相似文献   

四川省人体寄生虫感染的调查研究:Ⅱ.虫种的人群分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘常华  王在银 《四川动物》1997,16(3):105-108
以加权感染率83.01%估计,四川全省约有寄生虫感染者8556万,其中一些主要寄生虫的感染人数为:蛔虫约有7058万、钩虫4217万、鞭虫3135万、蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫171万、人芽囊原虫826万、溶组织内阿米巴86万,12岁以下儿童蛲虫感染者约300万。在感染者中,混合感染极为普遍,感染1种的为37.53%、2种的为36.44%、3种以上的为26.03%;个体最多感染虫种数为8种。对四川寄生虫感染的人群分布做了分析。  相似文献   

长江上游圆口铜鱼幼鱼肠道内寄生小吻虫种群生态的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对长江上游圆口铜鱼幼鱼肠道内寄生小吻虫种群生态的研究表明,长江上游圆口铜鱼幼鱼体内小吻虫感染率为69.88%,感染强度8.18(1-47),相对密度5.72。雌鱼的感染率和感染强度均高于雄鱼,体长4.0~5.9cm的圆口铜鱼被小吻虫的感染率最高,且染虫对肥满度有显著影响。小吻虫在圆口铜鱼幼鱼种群中呈负二项分布,66%的虫体集丛分布在圆口铜鱼肠道的前段,其种群主要由5mm以下个体组成,雌虫明显多于雄虫。  相似文献   

野生太行猕猴肠道寄生虫感染的初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解野生太行猕猴(Macaca mulatta tcheliensis)肠道寄生虫感染情况,采用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法、改良抗酸染色法和卢戈碘液染色法对194份粪便样品进行检查,结果共检查出阿米巴原虫(Amoebasp.)、等孢球虫(Isospora sp.)、鞭虫(Trichuris sp.)、圆线虫(Strongylid sp.)、泡翼线虫(Physaloptera sp.)、蛲虫(Enterobius叩.)、蛔虫(Ascarid sp.)7种寄生虫.寄生虫总感染率为97.4%,线虫感染率为93.8%.其中,鞭虫感染率最高,为91.2%;阿米巴原虫和圆线虫次之,分别为67.5%和60.8%.寄生虫混合感染率为87.1%;鞭虫、泡翼线虫、圆线虫3种线虫混合感染率为71%,同时感染其中2种的占42%,同时感染3种的占29%.对鞭虫卵、圆线虫卵和泡翼线虫卵进行感染强度测定,92%以上阳性样品线虫卵的EPG值在2 000以下.等孢球虫为非人灵长类国内新发现种;所检出寄生虫中,阿米巴原虫、鞭虫、泡翼线虫、蛲虫、蛔虫均可感染人,因此具有重要的公共卫生意义.  相似文献   

随机采取拉萨市城关区、城郊结合部、当雄县流浪犬聚焦地61份犬新鲜粪样,通过直接涂片法和饱和蔗糖水漂浮法镜检寄生虫虫卵或卵囊。结果表明:粪检检出肠道寄生虫14种,主要寄生虫为犬绦虫、犬弓首蛔虫、犬隐孢球虫等;拉萨市区流浪犬肠道寄生虫阳性感染率为75.41%,其中城关区感染率为57.14%,城郊结合部感染率77.27%,当雄县感染率84.00%。上述结果说明,拉萨市流浪犬肠道寄生虫感染率高、种类多,存在人畜共患病危险。  相似文献   

目的了解九华山野生猴群肠道寄生虫感染情况,为野生猴疾病的防治及人兽共患寄生虫病原的控制提供参考依据。方法采用沉淀法和饱和盐水浮聚法对64份猴群粪便样品进行检查,对检出的虫卵分类计数,分析感染强度和混合感染率。结果共检出蠕虫卵34份(53%);其中鞭虫卵13份(20%),食道口线虫卵12份(19%),肠毛细线虫卵各8份(12%),蛔虫卵1份(2%);寄生虫混合感染率为19%,同时感染其中2种的占10%,同时感染3种的占9%。感染强度为鞭虫"++",肠毛细线虫"+",食道口线虫"+",蛔虫"+"。另外还有两例幼虫有待鉴定。结论此次所检出的肠道寄生虫均可感染人,因此具有重要的公共卫生意义。  相似文献   

四川黄鳝寄生虫的初步调查   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
1997-1998年对四川省雅安、绵阳、洪雅等地区所产不同规格的黄鳝的寄生虫感染情况作了初步调查。查出5种寄生虫,其中以隐藏新棘虫和胃瘤线虫幼虫感染率较高。分别达57.4%和41.2%;感染强度大,最高分别达205条和32条,是四川地区人工养殖黄鳝应重点防治的两种寄生虫。  相似文献   

职业献血员中人类T淋巴细胞白血病病毒感染状况的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
了解陕西,甘肃,青海,宁夏四省区职业献血员中人类T淋巴细胞白血病病毒(HTLV)的感染状况,以便为在职业献血员中开展HTLV普检提供一定的参考依据。采用双抗原夹心ELISA法检测了四省区10个单采浆站的7416份血浆样本。结果 HTLV(1+2)抗体阳性7例,总阳性率0.09%,其中男性4例,感染率0.09%,女性3例,感染率0.10%;18-25年龄组2例,感染率0.09%,25-35年龄组4例,感染率0.10%,35-45年龄组1例,感染率0.08%。经过分析比较发现,HTLV感染率在职业献血员中与所报道的正常人群的感染率无显著差异,同时发现,在职业献血员中,HTLV感染的阳性率无性别差异,无年龄差异。  相似文献   

肠球菌是宿主肠道中正常G~ 球菌,目前已成为医源性感染的重要致病菌。临床上有30%肠球菌感染患者感染源不明,拟肠道来源可能性最大。本文给小鼠肌注灭滴灵3日,造成动物肠系膜淋巴结(MLN)肠球菌的感染率为40%;肌注灭滴灵加口服链霉素,MLN的感染率上升为90%,肝脾内脏中的感染率为83%;联合使用上述抗生素合并25%体表面积烧伤,动物发生致死性肠球菌性肠源性感染,动物诸内脏中肠球菌感染的检出率均高达100%。本研究证明肠球菌感染可以是肠源性的。  相似文献   

Paragonimiasis has previously been reported in the Southwest Provinces of China, including Chongqing and Sichuan. The construction of Three Gorges Dam, which was begun in 1994, has resulted in substantial changes to the depth and the flow pattern of the Yangtze River. To investigate epidemiology of the paragonimiasis, 724 people aged 2-49years were selected and examined for Paragonimus infection by intradermal test (IDT), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A survey of eating habits was conducted face-to-face in 5 endemic counties. Freshwater crabs were collected from seven sites in the 5 counties to determine the rate of infection with Paragonimus metacercariae. Additionally, we analyzed 213 case reports from the region dated 2006 to 2009. According to the survey results, the prevalence of Paragonimus skrjabini infection in freshwater crab was 39.65%, and the human infection rates detected by IDT and ELISA were 14.36% (104/724) and 7.46% (54/724), respectively. These results show that the Three Gorges Reservoir is still an area of high paragonimiasis endemicity. The water level of the Yangtze River has risen to 175m, and the area of water coverage in the region has increased to 1084km(2). These conditions will favor the growth and expansion of the freshwater crab population.  相似文献   

To determine the status of infection caused by intestinal parasites among children and adolescents living in Legaspi city, the Philippines, we performed a small survey by fecal examination for helminth ova and protozoan cysts with formalin-ether concentration method. Of the 64 examinees, the infection rate was 78.1%. The infection rates of primary school children, preschool children and adolescents were 95.5%, 64.7% and 87.5%, respectively. The infection rate in urban areas was 56%, and 92.3% in rural areas. The infection rates were 51% with Trichuris trichiura, 40% with Ascaris lumbricoides, 23.4% with hookworm, 15.6% with Iodamoeba butschlii, 14.1% with Endolimax nana, 9.4% with Entamoeba coli and 7.8% with Giardia lamblia. There were 33 cases with multiple infection (51.6%). Mixed infection with more than 3 parasites was observed in 15 cases, all of them being children and adolescents living in rural areas. By this survey, it was conjectured that helminthic infection is prevalent among children and adolescents in Legaspi, Philippines.  相似文献   

We carried out a small-scale survey to investigate the status of intestinal protozoa and helminthes infection of inhabitants in Roxas city, Mindoro, the Philippines. Total 301 stool samples were subjected to the formalin-ether concentration method for the detection of helminth ova and protozoan cysts. The overall positive rate was 64.5%, and that of male and female were 56.6% and 72.5%, respectively. The highest infected helminth was Ascaris lumbricoudes (51.2%), followed by Trichuris trichiura (27.6%), hookworm (8.0%) and Enterobius vermicularis (0.3%). The protozoa infection status revealed that Entamoeba coli was the most frequent (15.0%). Iodoamoeba buetschlii and E. histolytica were found but few. The multiple infection more than two parasites was 29.6%, and double infection with A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura was most common. The intestinal helminth infections were highly prevalent in this area, according to this result, and we concluded that anthelminthic drugs should be given to inhabitants, especially to children of 1 to 15 years-old.  相似文献   

A parasitological study was carried out on 381 apparently healthy subjects from Camiri, Boyuibe, Gutierrez. Intestinal parasites and non-pathogenic protozoa were present in 78.7% of the population sampled; multiple infections were observed in 67.7% of the parasitized individuals. The protozoon most commonly found was Entamoeba coli (in 40.7% of specimens), followed by Giardia intestinalis (30.7%), Iodamoeba bütschlii (10%), Chilomastix mesnili (8.7%). Other protozoon parasites also present were Enteromonas hominis (3.4%), Retortamonas intestinalis (2.4%), Cryptosporidium (2.1%), Endolimax nana (2.1%), Balantidium coli (1.8%) and Pentatrichomonas hominis (0.8%). The helminths observed were hookworms (28.6%), Trichuris trichiura (19.7%), Ascaris lumbricoides (9.7%), Hymenolepis nana (8.7%), Trichostrongylus (5.5%), Strongyloides stercoralis (1.8%), Taenia (5 cases) and Enterobius (6 cases). Prevalence for nematodes is probably underestimated in the 3-9 years age group because of a mebendazole treatment given 5 weeks before the survey, under a Program of P D C of the Ministry of Health. The sample from Camiri was found to be the most parasitized (84.1%). An extraordinarily high infection rate was found in two urban institutions, as well as in Itanambicua, a rural community close to Camiri. No significant differences were observed in parasitic prevalence between rural and urban environments. Exposure to contamination with human and animal faeces, overcrowding and poor sanitation habits are some of the factors responsible for the parasitic situation evidenced.  相似文献   

A survey of abomasal parasites in cervids from Central Spain was conducted at 3 sites, Quintos de Mora (Toledo), Malué?ez de Arriba (Cáceres), and La Herguijuela (Cáceres). Commonly occurring helminths belonged to 3 polymorphic species of the Ostertagiinae: Spiculopteragia asymmetricalS. quadrispiculata, Ostertagia leptospicularis/O. kolchida, and O. drozdzi/O. ryjikovi. Trichostrongylus axei was found in very few cases. Ostertagia drozdzi/O. ryjikovi and the minor male morphotype, S. quadrispiculata, are reported for the first time in red deer from Spain. The 3 ostertagiine species are also reported for the first time in fallow deer from Spain. These 3 species of Ostertagiinae are primarily parasites of cervids, and nematode species characteristic of domestic ruminants were not present. Prevalence of infection by gastrointestinal parasites in cervids was high, ranging from 97.5 to 100%, across the 3 areas sampled. Mean intensity of infection and abundance showed a positive relationship to the population density of red deer. Helminth burdens were higher in fallow deer than in the sympatric red deer and may reflect the gregarious social structure and different foraging patterns of fallow deer.  相似文献   

Selective pressure from parasites is thought to maintain the polymorphism of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. Although a number of studies have shown a relationship between the MHC and parasitic infections, the fitness consequences of such associations are less well documented. In the present paper, we characterised the variation in exon 2 of MHC class II DRB gene in the root vole and examined the effects of that gene on parasite prevalence and winter survival. We identified 18 unique exon 2 sequences, which translated into 10 unique amino acid sequences. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of three distinct clusters, and allele distributions among these individuals suggested that the clusters correspond to three different loci. Although the rate of synonymous substitutions (dS) exceeded the rate of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN) across sequences, implying purifying selection, dN was significantly elevated at antigen-binding sites, suggesting that these sites could be under positive selection. Screening for parasites revealed a moderate prevalence of infection with gastrointestinal parasites (24 % infected), but a high infection rate for blood parasites (56 % infected). Infection with the blood parasite Babesia ssp. decreased survival almost twofold (25.7 vs. 13.9 %). Animals possessing the amino acid sequence AA*08 survived better than others (44.9 vs. 22 %), and they were infected with Babesia ssp. less often (13.9 vs 25.7 %). In contrast, individuals carrying allele AA*05 were infected more often (31.7 vs. 15.3 %). Heterozygosity at one of the putative loci was associated with a lower probability of infection with Babesia ssp., but at the other locus, the association was reversed. The unexpected latter result could be at least partly explained by the increased frequency of the susceptible allele AA*05 among heterozygotes. Overall, we demonstrate that infection with Babesia ssp. is a strong predictor of winter survival and that MHC genes are important predictors of infection status as well as survival in the root vole.  相似文献   

掌握百色市乙型肝炎疫苗纳入儿童免疫规划后的免疫效果,客观评价免疫规划工作现状。方法按现况研究原理,全市12个县(区),每个县(区)各抽取150名儿童,每个县在东、西、南、北、中五个方位随机抽取5个行政村,每个行政村抽取6个年龄组(1~6岁儿童),每个年龄组抽取5名常住儿童(当地居住三个月以上),收集血清样本进行乙肝病毒感染相关标志表面抗原及抗体检测。结果全市共调查1~6岁儿童1 809名儿童,乙肝表面抗原携带率为0.66%,低于2006年全国调查的1~4岁人群乙肝表面抗原携带率(0.96%),达到中国《2006—2010年全国乙型病毒性肝炎防治规划》提出的5岁以下儿童乙肝表面抗原携带率<1%的控制目标要求;1~6岁儿童乙肝表面抗体阳性率为77.77%,高于2006年全国调查的1~4岁人群乙肝抗体阳性率(71.24%)。结论百色市自2003年将乙肝疫苗纳入免疫规划管理后,乙肝免疫效果显著,乙肝病毒表面抗原阳性率大幅度下降,婴幼儿体内保护性抗体水平也高于全国水平。加强对孕产妇住院分娩率和婴幼儿乙肝疫苗接种工作,尤其是乙肝疫苗首针及时接种是今后乙肝预防控制的重点。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine the extent of intestinal parasite infection in Bat Dambang, Cambodia in March 2004. A total of 623 fecal specimens was collected from kindergarten and schoolchildren and examined using the formalin-ether sedimentation technique. The overall infection rate of intestinal parasites was 25.7% (boys, 26.2%; girls, 25.1%), and the infection rates of intestinal helminthes by species were as follows: Echinostoma sp. 4.8%, hookworm 3.4%, Hymenolepis nana 1.3%, and Rhabditis sp. 1.3%. The infection rates of intestinal protozoa were; Entamoeba coli 4.8%, Giardia lamblia 2.9%, Iodamoeba butschlii 1.4%, Entamoeba polecki 1.1%, and Entamoeba histolytica 0.8%. There were no egg positive cases of Ascaris lumbricoides or Trichuris trichiura. All children infected were treated with albendazole, praziquantel, or metronidazole according to parasite species. The results showed that intestinal parasites are highly endemic in Bat Dambang, Cambodia.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the infection status of intestinal parasites in pigs and beef cattle in rural areas of Chungcheongnam-do, Korea. From November 2009 to April 2010, a total of 241 fecal samples of pigs and beef cattle (136 and 105, respectively) were examined by direct smear and centrifugal sedimentation methods. The overall positive rates of intestinal parasites among pigs and beef cattle were 73.5% and 4.8%, respectively, and the double-infection rate was 10.3% in pigs. Of 136 specimens from pigs, Balantidium coli, Ascaris suum, and Entamoeba spp. infections were found in 88 (64.7%), 24 (17.6%), and 5 cases (3.7%), respectively. Of 105 beef cattle, Entamoeba spp. infections were detected in 5 cases (4.8%). From these results, it is shown that pigs raised on rural farms in Chungcheongnam-do had a high B. coli infection rate and a moderate A. suum infection rate. These results demonstrate that environmentally resistant cysts or eggs could be widespread on the farms examined, and thus an effective hygienic management system is needed to prevent them from serving as the source of infection for human beings.  相似文献   

To determine the frequency of Pneumocystis carinii infection in mouse colonies maintained for biomedical research in medical colleges or medical faculties in universities in Japan, 409 nu/nu mice were sent to 43 animal facilities from a P. carinii-free colony. The animals were housed for 6 months in groups of 3 to 10 animals per room, and examined for the presence of parasites and infection. Colonies in 10 (24.4%) of 41 facilities were positive for the infection. Of 383 animals in 69 rooms, the organism was detected in 66 (17.2%) animals in 13 (18.8%) rooms. The difference in the proportion of rooms where mice were positive for P. carinii is clearly seen among these three groups; SPF mouse rooms (4 of 38 rooms, 10.5%), SPF mouse rooms with breeding units (5 of 25 rooms, 20.0%) and conventional mouse rooms (4 of 6 rooms, 66.7%). The survey indicates that strict housing arrangements and husbandry techniques are necessary to keep SPF mice free from P. carinii infection.  相似文献   

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