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木质纤维生物质是地球上最丰富的可再生资源,可转化为能源、化学品和材料,开发木质纤维生物质有利于废弃物的高值化利用和缓解目前面临的环境污染等问题。木质纤维素主要包括纤维素、半纤维素和木质素,将其主要组分进行高效分离,是实现多元化、高值化生物精炼的基础。基于此,笔者简要总结了目前主要的木质纤维素资源化途径,如基于纤维素资源化、基于半纤维素资源化、基于木质素资源化、基于碳水化合物资源化以及全组分资源化的研究策略。依据半纤维素在植物细胞壁中承担的角色,结合前期的研究基础,提出半纤维素优先原位催化转化的木质纤维素生物炼制新策略,实现半纤维素的高选择性溶出和高效转化,保留结构完整的纤维素和木质素分级转化为小分子化学品和材料,最终实现资源生物量全利用,多元化产品联产的目的。  相似文献   

在石化资源日益匮乏的严峻形势下,生物质将成为未来新一代生物及化工产业的最理想的替代原料.因此,如何使生物质资源成为生物基能源、生物基化学品和生物基材料的通用原料,成为目前世界各国共同关注的焦点和热点.从生物炼制及生物质科学与工程的发展可以看出,原料预处理是实现生物质高效转化的必要手段,而组分分离-定向转化是原料预处理的进一步提升,它可以实现纤维素、半纤维素和木质素的分别转化,但是仍然存在着原子利用率不高、能耗高、工艺路线复杂等问题.鉴于生物质是一个功能大分子体,要使其成为通用原料,应该根据原料结构特点和产物要求,发展结构化功能高值拆分的转化过程,即原料的选择性结构拆分思路.从原料预处理到组分分离,再到选择性结构拆分,实现了原料工程学的发展与逐步成熟,其最终目的是要真正建立以生物质为通用原料的新型工业技术体系和研究平台.  相似文献   

汽爆秸秆漆酶协同作用提取木质素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组分分离是秸秆炼制的关键技术。本文建立了汽爆耦合漆酶协同作用工艺,研究其对秸秆物理形态、化学组成以及木质素碱提取过程的影响。研究结果表明汽爆破坏秸秆表面致密结构,提高比表面积,促进漆酶对秸秆木质素的氧化作用;红外分析表明,漆酶破坏了汽爆秸秆中半纤维素酯键,且愈创木基吸收峰减弱,漆酶削弱了木质素与纤维素间相互作用;汽爆漆酶协同作用后的秸秆木质素提取率提高约20%(70℃,120 min)。Nuclei Growth模型分析温和条件下秸秆木质素提取过程,动力学结果表明,汽爆漆酶协同预处理增加了汽爆秸秆木质素碱提过程中反应起始作用位点,并提高了该过程对温度的敏感性。汽爆-漆酶协同预处理是一种有效的分离木质素的方法,将在木质纤维素原料的生物炼制中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

木质素具有较高的碳含量和热值,其最直接的利用方式是转化为各种能源产品,包括燃料和电能。因此,以来源丰富的木质素为原料转化制备生物质能源具有重要的意义。本文概述了近年来木质素转化为生物质能源的研究进展,包括木质素来源及提取、木质素热化学转化为生物燃料以及木质素发电技术,着重介绍了木质素的热解反应、气化反应、液化反应以及催化加氢脱氧反应,并总结了直接木质素燃料电池发电的最新研究成果。最后对木质素能源转化的研究前景进行了展望,提出实现工业化生产需根据目标产物需求开发新型催化剂、优化转化过程、建立低能耗且高效率的产物分离方法并加强木质素产电中电极材料、电池设计等研究,为木质素高值化、资源化和能源化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

木质纤维素生物质分布广、产量大、可再生,用于制备生物基能源、生物基材料和生物基化学品。木质纤维素生物质组成复杂,包含纤维素、半纤维素和木质素等,木质素与半纤维素通过共价键、氢键交联形成独特的“包裹结构”,纤维素含有复杂的分子内与分子间氢键,上述因素制约着其资源化利用。生物预处理以其独特优越性成为生物质研究的重要方面。系统阐述了生物预处理过程中木质素降解和基团修饰对纤维素酶解的影响,纤维素含量及结晶区变化,半纤维素五碳糖利用,微观物理结构的改变。进一步提出了以生物预处理为核心的组合预处理、基于不同功能的多酶协同催化体系、木质纤维素组分分级利用和新型高效细菌预处理工艺是生物预处理未来发展的重要趋势。  相似文献   

分析了化石经济时代走入末路而将被生物炼制产业经济取代的必然性,生物炼制在原料来源和产品上显示了比石油炼制工艺的优越性,介绍了世界各国生物炼制产业发展状况及我国的现状,总结了生物炼制的基本过程,指出了我国生物炼制产业发展中存在的问题和对策,对全球生物炼制产业做了展望,阐述了生物炼制利用可再生资源是走可持续性经济发展道路的唯一实现途径,它必将引发全球性的技术变革。  相似文献   

木质素为天然的芳香族聚合物,是自然界第二大丰富的可再生碳源,占木质纤维素干重的15%~30%。因木质素富含芳香族结构,故其具有极高的应用价值。生物法转化利用木质素具有专一性强和环境友好等特点,使得木质素生物炼制成为研究热点。本文根据国内外研究进展,从木质素降解酶的研究现状、芳香族化合物胞内代谢途径及木质素生物基化学品研究进展等几个方面做了综述。  相似文献   

木质纤维素生物质是地球上最丰富的可再生生物资源。随着化石能源的消耗及环境的污染,以取代石化燃料为目标的由生物质向生物燃料的转化受到了广泛的关注。木质纤维素有很强的天然抗降解屏障,需先通过物理、化学及微生物等手段进行预处理,进而以更低的成本和更高的效率转化为生物燃料及其他高附加值产品。本文在总结酸碱等传统预处理方法优缺点的基础上,综述了各种组合预处理对这些传统预处理方法的改进,以及γ-戊内酯预处理、低共熔溶剂预处理、微生物联合体生态位预处理这些新型预处理技术的研究进展,总结了木质素高值化过程中木质素的保护、解聚、改性的新方法,指出了预处理方法在工业生产中的应用及不足,以期为木质纤维素生物质转化的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

发酵抑制物对宿主细胞产生毒害作用,是木质纤维素生物炼制的主要瓶颈之一。减少抑制物含量、解除抑制作用是提高发酵效率的重要环节。本文讨论了木质纤维素发酵抑制物的来源、组成、特点以及相应的解除方法,提出了"源头降低抑制物—纤维素木质素分级转化"炼制模式和"发酵促进剂设计技术",为木质纤维素发酵抑制物的解除及木质纤维素开发利用提供了全新的技术路线。  相似文献   

生物质是自然界最丰富的含碳有机大分子功能体,它有望通过"生物炼制"实现"石油炼制"的辉煌。但是由于生物质资源本身及其转化过程的复杂性,生物质产业虽备受关注,却被认为是遥远的未来产业。传统的生物质资源化利用思路都是先耗费一定的能量破坏生物质结构,然后再进行转化,不仅没有考虑到产品的功能需求,而且过程的原子经济性不高。如何实现化学键更加复杂的固相木质纤维素生物质炼制是实现生物质产业的关键和难点。理想的生物质炼制的目的是以最大得率分离木质纤维原料中各个组分,以尽可能地保持分子的完整性,最大可能地优化利用和最终实现最大价值。这就要求生物质炼制应当是基于原料结构、过程转化和产品特点三者的关联,面向原料、面向过程、面向产品的炼制过程。本期专刊报道了我国生物质炼制技术领域专家学者在原料炼制、炼制技术、组分转化等领域取得的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

《Trends in biotechnology》2022,40(12):1469-1487
Lignin is the most abundant source of renewable aromatic biopolymers and its valorization presents significant value for biorefinery sustainability, which promotes the utilization of renewable resources. However, it is challenging to fully convert the structurally complex, heterogeneous, and recalcitrant lignin into high-value products. The in-depth research on the lignin degradation mechanism, microbial metabolic pathways, and rational design of new systems using synthetic biology have significantly accelerated the development of lignin valorization. This review summarizes the key enzymes involved in lignin depolymerization, the mechanisms of microbial lignin conversion, and the lignin valorization application with integrated systems and synthetic biology. Current challenges and future strategies to further study lignin biodegradation and the trends of lignin valorization are also discussed.  相似文献   

赵一全  张慧  张晓昱  谢尚县 《微生物学报》2020,60(12):2717-2733
木质纤维素是地球上最丰富的可再生资源。我国每年产生约9亿吨农业秸秆,因得不到有效利用,不仅造成资源浪费,也产生了诸多严峻的环境问题。缺少木质素的高效降解和资源化利用技术是限制木质纤维素产业化的主要瓶颈之一。虽然木质素的降解与转化多年来一直都受到关注,但是由于木质素结构的复杂性及异质性,使其高效利用受限。近年来,微生物具有的“生物漏斗”式转化特性为木质素的高值转化和利用提供了新方向。本文就生物质利用研究以来,微生物在木质素解聚与转化方面的研究历程与最新进展进行了简要的回顾与总结,并初步讨论了目前木质素高值转化面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

Lignin, an abundant renewable resource in nature, is a highly heterogeneous biopolymer consisting of phenylpropanoid units. It is essential for sustainable utilization of biomass to convert lignin to value‐added products. However, there are technical obstacles for lignin valorization due to intrinsic heterogeneity. The emerging of synthetic biology technologies brings new opportunities for lignin breakdown and utilization. In this review, we discussed the applications of synthetic biology on lignin conversion, especially the production of value‐added products, such as aromatic chemicals, ring‐cleaved chemicals from lignin‐derived aromatics and bio‐active substances. Synthetic biology will offer new potential strategies for lignin valorization by optimizing lignin degradation enzymes, building novel artificial converting pathways, and improving the chassis of model microorganisms.  相似文献   

The conversion of lignocellulose to valuable products requires I: a fractionation of the major components hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin, II: an efficient method to process these components to higher valued products. The present work compares liquid hot water (LHW) pretreatment to the soda pulping process and to the ethanol organosolv pretreatment using rye straw as a single lignocellulosic material. The organosolv pretreated rye straw was shown to require the lowest enzyme loading in order to achieve a complete saccharification of cellulose to glucose. At biomass loadings of up to 15% (w/w) cellulose conversion of LHW and organosolv pretreated lignocellulose was found to be almost equal. The soda pulping process shows lower carbohydrate and lignin recoveries compared to the other two processes. In combination with a detailed analysis of the different lignins obtained from the three pretreatment methods, this work gives an overview of the potential products from different pretreatment processes.  相似文献   

《Trends in biotechnology》2022,40(12):1550-1566
Lignin, the largest renewable aromatic resource, is a promising alternative feedstock for the sustainable production of various chemicals, fuels, and materials. Despite this potential, lignin is characterized by heterogeneous and macromolecular structures that must be addressed. In this review, we present biological lignin conversion routes (BLCRs) that offer opportunities for overcoming these challenges, making lignin valorization feasible. Funneling heterogeneous aromatics via a ‘biological funnel’ offers a high-specificity bioconversion route for aromatic platform chemicals. The inherent aromaticity of lignin drives atom-economic functionalization routes toward aromatic natural product generation. By harnessing the ligninolytic capacities of specific microbial systems, powerful aromatic ring-opening routes can be developed to generate various value-added products. Thus, BLCRs hold the promise to make lignin valorization feasible and enable a lignocellulose-based bioeconomy.  相似文献   

Lignin holds tremendous potential as a renewable feedstock for upgrading to a number of high-value chemicals and products that are derived from the petroleum industry at present. Since lignin makes up a significant fraction of lignocellulosic biomass, co-utilization of lignin in addition to cellulose and hemicelluloses is vital to the economic viability of cellulosic biorefineries. The recalcitrant nature of lignin, originated from the molecule's compositional and structural heterogeneity, however, poses great challenges toward effective and selective lignin depolymerization and valorization. Ionic liquid (IL) is a powerful solvent that has demonstrated high efficiency in fractionating lignocellulosic biomass into sugar streams and a lignin stream of reduced molecular weight. Compared to thermochemical methods, biological lignin deconstruction takes place at mild temperature and pressure while product selectivity can be potentially improved via the specificity of biocatalysts (lignin degrading enzymes, LDEs). This review focuses on a lignin valorization strategy by harnessing the biomass fractionating capabilities of ILs and the substrate and product selectivity of LDEs. Recent advances in elucidating enzyme-IL interactions as well as strategies for improving enzyme activity in IL are discussed, with specific emphases on biocompatible ILs, thermostable and IL-tolerant enzymes, enzyme immobilization, and surface charge engineering. Also reviewed is the protein engineering toolsets (directed evolution and rational design) to improve the biocatalysts' activity, stability and product selectivity in IL systems. The alliance between IL and LDEs offers a great opportunity for developing a biocatalytic route for lignin valorization.  相似文献   

While many pretreatments attempt to improve the enzymatic digestibility of biomass by removing lignin, this study shows that improving the surface area accessible to cellulase is a more important factor for achieving a high sugar yield. Here we compared the pretreatment of switchgrass by two methods, cellulose solvent‐ and organic solvent‐based lignocellulose fractionation (COSLIF) and soaking in aqueous ammonia (SAA). Following pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis was conducted at two cellulase loadings, 15 filter paper units (FPU)/g glucan and 3 FPU/g glucan, with and without BSA blocking of lignin absorption sites. The hydrolysis results showed that the lignin remaining after SAA had a significant negative effect on cellulase performance, despite the high level of delignification achieved with this pretreatment. No negative effect due to lignin was detected for COSLIF‐treated substrate. SEM micrographs, XRD crystallinity measurements, and cellulose accessibility to cellulase (CAC) determinations confirmed that COSLIF fully disrupted the cell wall structure, resulting in a 16‐fold increase in CAC, while SAA caused a 1.4‐fold CAC increase. A surface plot relating the lignin removal, CAC, and digestibility of numerous samples (both pure cellulosic substrates and lignocellulosic materials pretreated by several methods) was also developed to better understand the relative impacts of delignification and CAC on glucan digestibility. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:22–30. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - The economic viability of the biorefinery concept is limited by the valorization of lignin. One possible method of lignin valorization is...  相似文献   

In the context of increasing demand for renewable alternatives of fuels and chemicals, the valorization of lignin emerges as a value-adding strategy in biorefineries and an alternative to petroleum-derived molecules. One of the compounds derived from lignin is ferulic acid (FA), which can be converted into valuable molecules such as vanillin. In microorganisms, FA biotransformation into vanillin can occur via a two-step reaction catalyzed by the sequential activity of a feruloyl-CoA synthetase (FCS) and an feruloyl-CoA hydratase-lyase (FCHL), which could be exploited industrially. In this study, a prokaryotic FCHL derived from a lignin-degrading microbial consortium (named LM-FCHL) was cloned, successfully expressed in soluble form and purified. The crystal structure was solved and refined at 2.1 Å resolution. The LM-FCHL is a hexamer composed of a dimer of trimers, which showed to be quite stable under extreme pH conditions. Finally, small angle X-ray scattering corroborates the hexameric state in solution and indicates flexibility in the protein structure. The present study contributes to the field of lignin valorization to valuable molecules by establishing the biophysical and structural characterization for a novel FCHL member of unique characteristics.  相似文献   

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