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2007~2009年每年5~7月对四川省绵阳地区黑卷尾Dicrurus macrocercus的繁殖生态进行了观察.结果 表明,在绵阳,黑卷尾5月初迁入,5月中旬开始筑巢,巢深(6.73±1.41)cm、巢位高(6.38±1.27)m,巢内径为(9.88±1.54) cm,外径为(12.87±2.75) cm;5月底6月初产卵, 窝卵数多为3~5枚,平均卵重4.61 g,平均卵长径24.4 mm,平均卵短径17.4 mm;孵卵期(16±1) d,育雏期15~17 d,在幼鸟8~12日龄亲鸟育雏频次最高,平均为(8.23±2.13) 次/d.  相似文献   

张敏  刘宁 《动物学杂志》2017,52(6):1056-1061
2016年3~9月对云南云县中岭岗村(24°15′42″N,100°02′42″E,平均海拔1 650 m)的黑喉山鹪莺(Prinia atrogularis)繁殖生态进行了研究。研究期间共发现42巢,主要位于杂草丛中(n=37)和灌木丛(茶树)中(n=5),筑巢期一般5~6 d,巢材有蜘蛛丝、苔藓植物、茅草花、茅草叶、铁线莲花、竹根须、枯枝、棕丝、干枯草穗等。巢呈球状,中上部侧方开口,巢重为(8.3±1.7)g,巢长为(13.2±0.9)cm,宽为(8.2±0.5)cm,巢口长(4.9±0.7)cm,巢口宽为(4.0±0.5)cm(n=25)。窝卵数为(3.9±0.4)枚(n=21,3~4枚)。卵的底色为白色、淡绿或者淡粉,遍布褐红色斑点,有的在钝端呈环状。卵重为(1.38±0.09)g,卵长为(17.3±0.7)mm,宽为(12.6±0.3)mm,卵体积为(1.4±0.1)cm3(n=65)。孵卵期(13.9±0.9)d(n=5,13~15 d),育雏期为(13.5±1.3)d(n=4,12~15 d)。利用Logistic曲线拟合雏鸟体重及外部器官增长,雏鸟的体重和嘴峰在5日龄左右增长最快,体长、翼长、跗跖在7日龄增长最快。对繁殖时间和地点较近的28巢进行连续观察,其中有7巢成功、21巢失败。造成繁殖失败的主要原因分别是巢捕食(62%)、亲鸟弃巢(14%)、人为破坏(14%)。  相似文献   

2008年和2009年的4~8月,在四川省雅江县帕姆岭对棕背黑头鸫Turdus kessleri的繁殖生态进行了初步观察.该鸟繁殖期在4月下旬至7月上旬,营树上巢,营巢树种为高山栎Quercus aquifolioides和鳞皮冷杉Abies squamata.窝卵数为2~3枚(n=7),平均卵重(7.96±0.03)g(n=8),卵长径(32.7±0.17)mm,短径(21.9±0.13)mm(n=13),雌雄共同孵卵,以雌性为主,孵化期为15~17 d(n=2),孵化率为83.3%(n=18).雌雄共同育雏,以雄性为主,雏鸟出飞后主要在巢周围的林下或灌从活动,这时亲鸟仍会对幼鸟喂食.在同一繁殖季对巢有重复利用的现象.  相似文献   

2016年3~6月,在广西西南部龙州县弄岗村(22°26′35.20′′~22°30′46.90′′N,106°57′46.35′′~107°03′32.99′′E),通过野外观察和自动温度记录仪相结合的方法对褐翅鸦鹃(Centropus sinensis)的孵卵行为与节律进行了研究。结果表明,1)褐翅鸦鹃边筑巢边产卵,每2 d产1枚卵,卵长径和短径分别为(36.11±0.42)mm和(28.46±0.38)mm,卵重(16.35±0.51)g(n=44枚)。窝卵数3~5枚,孵卵期为(16.75±1.65)d(n=4巢),孵化率为45.45%(n=44枚)。孵卵期与窝卵数之间无显著相关性(r=0.865,P0.05);2)白天双亲共同参与孵卵,夜晚则由其中1只负责。夜间亲鸟的在巢时间从19时左右持续至翌日晨6时左右;3)亲鸟采取离巢次数少和离巢时间长的孵卵策略。亲鸟日活动时间在700 min以上(n=45 d),日离巢次数为(8.82±0.34)次(n=45 d),平均每次离巢持续时间为(52.91±2.35)min(n=397次),每次离巢持续时间与环境温度呈显著负相关关系(r=﹣0.113,P0.05);4)巢内平均孵卵温度为(31.7±0.3)℃(n=4巢),随孵卵天数增加而增加,并与环境温度(最高温r=0.566,最低温r=0.537,平均温r=0.706,P0.01)和日活动时间正相关(r=0.506,P0.01);5)有延迟孵卵行为。延迟孵卵期间夜晚巢内最低温是22.1℃。在桂西南北热带气候环境中,高的环境温度是保障褐翅鸦鹃孵卵成功的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

2012~2013年每年的4~7月,在陕西神木县红碱淖(39°04'21″~39°04'43″N,109°53'12″~109°53'40″E)对白喉林莺(Sylvia curruca)的繁殖生态进行了研究。结果表明,白喉林莺4月末迁来繁殖,5月初开始营巢于油蒿(Artemisia ordosia)、臭柏(Sabina vulgaris)和沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)灌丛中,巢口向上呈深杯状,巢由柳絮、枯枝和干草编织而成。对33个巢的参数进行了测量,巢外径(9.62±0.227)cm,巢内径(5.21±0.084)cm,巢深(5.05±0.160)cm,巢高(9.03±0.185)cm,巢距地面高度(24.91±1.084)cm,巢约位于植株高度的1/3处(由下而上)。营巢成功率为77.1%(n=35),窝卵数4~5枚(n=27),卵重(7.49±0.021)g,卵长径(17.27±0.057)mm,卵短径(12.86±0.080)mm(n=130)。孵化期为11~13 d,孵化率为93.1%,雏鸟出飞为90.9%。雏鸟的形态参数生长符合Logistic曲线方程拟合。植被高度、植被盖度和单株植物冠径是制约白喉林莺巢址选择的主要因素,同时恶劣天气和人为干扰是影响繁殖成效的主要原因。  相似文献   

灰腹噪鹛(Garrulax henrici)是中国的特有鸟种,也是噪鹛属中繁殖行为研究较少的物种之一。2016年4—7月,在西藏林芝西藏农牧学院内进行了灰腹噪鹛的繁殖生态研究,采用瞬时扫描法观察其求偶期日行为节律,用红外相机监测孵卵期3巢和育雏期2巢灰腹噪鹛的行为。结果表明:灰腹噪鹛4月中旬开始产卵,窝卵数2~3枚,卵长径29.6±0.4mm,短径20.3±0.17 mm,卵重6.66±0.12 g;灰腹噪鹛75.0%的巢树为针叶树,12.5%为阔叶树,8.3%为灌木,4.2%为禾本科;灰腹噪鹛营巢成功率为86.7%,孵化成功率为60%,繁殖成功率为43.3%,影响其繁殖成功率的因素是人为干扰和天敌捕食;求偶期灰腹噪鹛觅食行为占总时间的32.03%,移动占29.27%,上午觅食、移动及鸣唱行为达到高峰,下午休憩行为偏多;孵卵期的主要行为是卧巢孵卵,占总时间的85.31%,翻卵占5.02%;育雏期亲鸟理巢行为占39.74%,卧巢占35.92%,喂食频率平均为2.95次·h-1,灰腹噪鹛单亲喂食频次多于双亲共同喂食。  相似文献   

2003年3月~2004年5月在四川省南充市区的校园和公园内对红头长尾山雀(Aegithalosconcinnus)的繁殖生态进行了研究。结果表明,红头长尾山雀在2月上旬开始求偶、配对。2月中旬开始营巢,巢多筑于圆柏、凤尾竹等上,营巢期10~11 d,影响巢址选择主要因素6种。3月初产卵,窝卵数(5.17±0.41)枚;轮流昼夜孵卵,孵卵期为14~15 d;育雏高峰期每日9:00~10:00、16:00~17:00时,育雏期为14 d。从孵卵开始到育雏结束,其中3个巢均有一个帮手,与生殖鸟轮流孵卵和育雏。  相似文献   

2017和2018年每年的4至8月在甘肃莲花山国家级自然保护区,对人工巢箱中黑冠山雀(Periparus rubidiventris)的繁殖生态进行了研究。共悬挂100个巢箱,两年共计招引到15巢黑冠山雀。此外,还记录到4个自然巢,分别位于干枯的糙皮桦(Betula utilise)树洞(1巢)、土坡的缝隙(1巢)和路边水泥护坡的出水管中(2巢)。黑冠山雀雌雄亲鸟共同筑巢,巢内壁为兽毛夹杂少量绒羽,外壁为草茎须根和苔藓。5月中下旬为黑冠山雀的产卵高峰期,清晨产卵,日产1枚,产下最后1枚卵后开始孵卵。平均窝卵数为6枚(4 ~ 7 枚,n = 15),平均卵重(1.12 ± 0.02)g,卵长径(15.30 ± 0.10)mm,卵短径(12.09 ± 0.11)mm(n = 86)。孵卵由雌鸟承担,孵卵期为15 d(14 ~ 16 d,n = 5)。产卵期,雌鸟离巢时有用巢材盖卵的行为,开始孵卵后则不再盖卵。双亲共同育雏,育雏期为16 d和17 d(n = 2)。所记录的18巢黑冠山雀的繁殖成功率为83.3%,人工巢箱(15巢)中繁殖成功率为86.7%,巢捕食者主要为鼠类。  相似文献   

本研究于2021年3~9月,采用目标观察和全事件记录法,对广西防城港市钦州湾八路水湿地黑翅长脚鹬(Himantopus himantopus)的繁殖习性进行全过程观察记录。黑翅长脚鹬的栖息生境主要在盐田、虾塘和鱼塘,而巢主要分布在盐田生境。共发现39巢,雌雄共同营巢,按照主要巢材将其巢分为干草巢、碎石巢、泥皮巢和牛毛毡草巢4种;巢材包括禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物以及碎石、贝壳等;巢外径为(23.3±10.7)cm,巢内径为(11.2±1.9)cm,巢深为(1.6±0.5)cm,巢高为(6.5±4.3)cm(n=39);筑巢需(3±2)d(n=6)。窝卵数2~4枚,1~2 d产1枚卵,7 d内产完满窝卵(n=6)。雌雄均参与孵卵,雄性孵卵时间比雌性长,但二者差异不显著(P> 0.05),雄性(8 550±245.9)min,雌性(7 530±263.3)min,孵卵期为(25±2)d(n=6)。育雏期(26±3)d(n=6),雌雄轮流育雏,育雏前、中期(雏鸟1~20d日龄),雌性育雏时间比雄性长,是雄性的2倍,育雏后期(雏鸟大于20 d日龄),...  相似文献   

彩鹬Rostratula benghalensis是一类中小型涉禽,主要分布于我国华北东部、西南和沿海地区,是江西吉安地区常见留鸟。为了解当地彩鹬的繁殖生态,我们于2011~2012年对其繁殖进行了调查研究。结果表明,彩鹬3月中旬开始营巢,巢为典型的水面浮巢,平均巢外径为161.62 mm,巢内径为108.61 mm,巢深为39.14 mm;3月下旬至4月中旬产卵,窝卵数为3.46(2~4),平均卵重为11.76 g,卵大小为36.35 mm×25.41 mm。彩鹬雄鸟承担大部分营巢和孵卵工作,孵卵期18~19 d。雏鸟为早成鸟,出壳后不久便能在水中活动,随亲鸟离开巢区。  相似文献   

We studied Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla and Golden‐winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera populations in northern Minnesota, USA, to test two common assumptions in studies of songbird nest success: (1) that the condition of an empty nest on or near its expected fledge date is an indicator of nest fate; and (2) that the presence of a fledgling or family group within a territory confirms a successful nest in that territory. We monitored the condition of nests and used radiotelemetry to monitor juveniles through the expected fledging date and early post‐fledging period. Of nests that contained nestlings 1–2 days before the expected fledge date, fates were misidentified using nest condition alone for 9.5% of Ovenbird nests, but those misidentifications were made in both directions (succeeded or failed), yielding only a small bias in estimated nest success. However, 20% of Golden‐winged Warbler nests were misidentified as successful using nest condition during the final visit interval, biasing the nest success estimate upward by 21–28% depending on the treatment of uncertain nest fates. Fledgling Ovenbirds from 58% of nests travelled beyond their natal territory within 24 h, rising to 98% after 5 days, and those fledglings travelled up to 390 m from nests within 10 days of fledging. Fledgling Golden‐winged Warblers from 13% of nests travelled beyond their natal territory within 24 h, rising to 85% after 5 days, and those fledglings travelled up to 510 m from nests within 10 days of fledging. We conclude that nest condition and fledgling presence can be misleading indicators of nest fate, probably commonly biasing nest success estimates upward, and we recommend that these assumptions should be tested in additional species.  相似文献   

GRO BJRNSTAD  JAN T. LIFJELD 《Ibis》1996,138(2):229-235
The importance of male parental care to female reproductive success was investigated in the monogamous Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus by removing the male parent at two different stages of the breeding cycle. Females that were widowed at the start of egg-laying continued breeding and managed to raise their brood on their own with no apparent reductions in numbers fledged or fledgling body-mass. The widowed females compensated for the loss of male assistance by increasing their own food provisioning rate as compared with control females. However, widows spent less time brooding the small young, and the growth rate of nestlings was reduced. In nests where the male parent was removed 7 days after the eggs hatched, the subsequent growth rate of nestlings was still affected, which suggests that male care is influential throughout the nestling period. On average, broods reared by widows fledged 2 days later than did broods of control females. An extension of the nestling period may appreciably affect reproductive success, since 68% of nests failed due to predation, mostly during the nestling period. We suggest that the main role of male parental care in the Willow Warbler is to assure a high growth rate of nestlings, which leads to early fledging and hence a reduced risk of nest predation.  相似文献   

The continental African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus, like its relative the Seychelles Warbler Acrocephalus sechellensis, breeds in isolated patches. We studied the mating system of the African Reed Warbler to see whether this species, like the Seychelles Warbler, shows co-operative breeding. The African Reed Warbler is not polygynous. The majority breed monogamously (88%, n = 65), however in 12% of the territories three adult unrelated birds (mostly males) were observed participating in the brooding and feeding of nestlings, suggesting a polyandrous breeding system. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting revealed that the helping bird was unrelated to the pair birds. The percentage of nests with helpers was low compared to rates found in the Seychelles Warbler or Henderson Reed Warbler Acrocephalus vaughani taiti. This could be due to the scarcity of potential helpers or to the fact that, although limited, birds still had the opportunity to disperse within a meta-population structure in search of vacant territories. The presence of helpers was associated with increased hatching success due to lower predation rates, but not with increased fledging success. Another possible benefit of helping behaviour in this species could be improved predator detection and mobbing. Nest predation was high and warblers tended to build their nests in the highest, most dense reed patches available in their territory. There was no relation between habitat quality, measured as insect food availability, and the occurrence of helpers.  相似文献   

H. H. Hamling 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):9-16
Maclean, G. L. 1974. The breeding biology of the Rufouseared Warbler and its bearing on the genus Prinia. Ostrich 45: 9–14.

The Rufouseared Warbler Prinia pectoralis, a common species of the Kalahari scrub, nests after rain at any time of the year. Nest construction and nest sites are described. The clutch is normally three or four eggs. Incubation takes 12 to 13 days and the nestling period is 11 to 13 days. Data suggest that the Rufouseared Warbler is not a member of the genus Priniu, the generic position it currently occupies.  相似文献   

We assessed whether nest size affects the probability of nest loss using dyads of large and small (large being twice the size of small) inactive Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus nests placed at similar sites in Great Reed Warbler territories. Large nests were not predated significantly more frequently than small nests. Experimentally enlarged active Great Reed Warbler nests suffered non‐significantly higher predation compared with non‐manipulated control nests. Our experiments did not support the nest‐size hypothesis and suggested that nest size does not appear to be a factor affecting the risk of nest predation in this species. The probability of brood parasitism by the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus was also unaffected by experimental nest enlargement, supporting the commonly accepted hypothesis that the Common Cuckoo searches for suitable host nests by host activity during nest building rather than nest size.  相似文献   

2006年12月,在广西西南部靖西县底定自然保护区考察时,采到一号雀形目鸟类标本,经鉴定为白眶鹟莺(Seicercus affinis),是广西鸟类新纪录。从2005年1月-2007年5月,在多次鸟类考察过程中都观察到野外活动的白眶鹟莺。在底定,白眶鹟莺通常多在常绿阔叶林的林下灌丛和山间农耕地周边的灌丛中活动,其栖息地海拔高度大致在500-700m。全世界记录有2亚种,我国现已知仅有白眶鹟莺的一个亚种分布。该标本经鉴定为Seicercus affinis intermedius。文中还就白眶鹟莺在中国的分布情况作了讨论。标本现保存于广西大学动物科学技术学院动物标本室。  相似文献   

KNUD FALK  SØREN MØLLER 《Ibis》1997,139(2):270-281
The breeding ecology of the Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis and the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla in the high Arctic was studied in relation to the occurrence of the northeast water polynya in northeasternmost Greenland (80̀N). Mean laying dates were 31 May in the Fulmar and 18 June in the Kittiwake; the total nesting season for the Fulmar just matched the time window of the polynya opening period. Fulmar colony attendance fluctuated within a period of 11.6 days because of variation in nonbreeding prospectors but showed no clear diurnal variation. Fulmar incubation shifts, on average, lasted 6.1 days (range 1–13 days), which is significantly longer than elsewhere, and the average chick-guard period of 10.9 days (range 1–17 days) was significantly shorter than in other studies. Egg neglect occurred in 18% of Fulmar nests or 0.7% of nests per day. Overall breeding success (chicks fledged per egg laid) was 0.56 in the Fulmar and 0.67 in the Kittiwake; the latter produced 1.4 young per active nest or 1.2 per completed nest. Mean Kittiwake clutch size was 2.03; larger clutches were laid early. Nest site characteristics (presumably reflecting nest predation risk) and breeding behaviour affected breeding success. in the Fulmar, hatching success was negatively correlated with laying date and the proportion of egg neglect, while overall breeding success was correlated negatively with distance to nearest neighbouring site and positively with the length of the chick-guard period. Kittiwake breeding success was negatively correlated with laying date. Using seabirds as indicators of marine food supply, breeding success in both species suggested moderate to good food supply in the northeast water polynya in 1993, although at least in the Fulmar the high reproductive output appeared partly maintained by behavioural buffering; long incubation shifts, egg neglect and short chick-guard periods were symptoms of foraging constraints.  相似文献   

黄秦  林鑫  梁丹 《动物学杂志》2016,51(5):906-906
正2015年6月在湖南省桂东县八面山国家级自然保护区(25°54′02″~26°06′59″N,113°37′39″~113°50′08″E,900~2 048 m)发现两种雀形目鸟类,通过查阅文献(郑光美2011,邓学建等2012),确认为湖南首次发现。1灰冠鹟莺Seicercus tephrocephalus2015年6月16日傍晚,在湖南桂东八面山保护区金银铺保护站到主峰之间,海拔1 400 m处的矮林中发现1只小型的莺。该莺体长约11 cm,上体灰绿色而下体黄,黄色的眼圈显著,具黑色的头侧线,顶冠灰色。通过外  相似文献   

Reproductive data of high-altitude blackbirds (Turdus merula maximus) were collected at an alpine environment covered with scrub vegetation in Lhasa mountains, Tibet. The blackbird nests were found from 3,800 to 4,500 m at a breeding density of 0.07 pairs/ha. Egg-laying occurred from early May to late July, with a peak (73.0% of all nesting attempts) between mid-May and mid-June. Most (79.5%) of the nests were sited in six different plant species with Cotoneaster microphyllus being most preferred. A few (20.5%) nests were against rocky walls. Bushes used for nest sites were significantly higher. Compared with lowland blackbirds, montane blackbirds experienced a shorter breeding season (2.5 months), laid smaller clutches (2–4 eggs, averaging 2.86), but larger eggs (mean volume index 16,348), produced only one brood per year, had a slightly shorter incubation period (12–13 days), but a longer nestling period (16–18 days), and enjoyed a higher breeding success (59.0%). In the alpine environment where climate is harsh and food supply poor, the strategy of increased egg size with decreased clutch size suggests that the high-altitude blackbirds improve their breeding success by investing more reproductive energy in fewer offspring in response to the constraints of time and resources. However, the environmental constraints on reproduction result in a low annual reproductive output.This revised version was published online in December 2004. The german abstract has been included.  相似文献   

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