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随着城市化进程的加快,城市中存留森林的演替过程也发生明显变化。选取高度城市化的珠江三角洲为研究区域,以地带性群落常绿阔叶林为研究对象,选择城区(帽峰山、西樵山和大岭山)和郊区(鼎湖山、象头山和南昆山) 6个样地,分析城郊梯度上的植物群落结构和植物多样性指数。结果表明:城区森林包括31科42属46种,郊区森林包括44科75属96种,郊区样地的物种数高于城区样地的物种数;城区优势种明显,多为耐旱耐贫瘠种类,郊区无明显优势种,多为喜湿耐荫种类;城市森林中的Margalef指数、Shannon指数和Pielou指数显著低于郊区森林,城郊森林植物多样性的差异主要反映在乔木层。城市化降低了常绿阔叶林的植物多样性,促进了物种的均质化。  相似文献   

2006年6月~2009年10月,采用直接观察法和样带样方法在四川省雅江县帕姆岭对四川雉鹑夏秋季的植物性食物及其资源分布状况进行了调查.四川雉鹑采食的植物种类有34种,其中草本植物32种,木本植物2种.在夏季取食的种类有28种,秋季18种,两个季节同时取食的植物种类有12种.四川雉鹑取食强度高的物种有15种,中度的有11种,低度的有8种.夏季四川雉鹑主要取食草本植物的叶与根茎,秋季主要采食的是成熟的种子和果实.在不同生境类型中四川雉鹑的食物组成与丰富度存在差异,光亮杜鹃灌丛和高山杂草类草甸生境的食物种类和食物总量都相对较高,是四川雉鹑的食物基地,而鳞皮冷杉-川滇杜鹃林和高山松林的食物种类和数量相对较低.  相似文献   

虽然城市化对生物多样性影响的研究在发达国家是一个重要的研究领域,但是在发展中国家这方面的研究不多。通过案例研究,分析本土植物多样性沿着城市化梯度的变化,及其与生境土壤因子的关系。在廊坊市,中国北部一个快速城市化的地区,沿着中心城区、城区、郊区、远郊区城市化梯度,每个梯度选取6个样地进行本土植物多样性调查,记录种类数、多样性和种类组成,并分析了多样性指数。与远郊区相比,中心城区失去了88%的物种,物种多样性下降了78%,城区物种多属于禾本科、藜科等耐践踏、耐土壤紧实度的物种。远郊区的本土植物属于45个科,科数大于城区物种。相似性指数表明,城区和郊区大部分物种相同,但是远郊区差异较大。DCCA分析表明,土壤总氮、有机质含量是影响物种城市化分布的主要因素。城市化促进了物种分布的匀质化。  相似文献   

城市化对植物多样性影响的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
彭羽  刘雪华 《生物多样性》2007,15(5):558-562
本文综述了城市化对植物多样性影响的研究进展。随着全球特别是发展中国家城市化水平的提高, 城市化对生物多样性的影响逐渐引起了人们的重视。城市化造成了本土植物物种的丢失和外来物种的增加。在空间分布上, 城市化还常使城区本土植物多样性沿着远郊农区-城郊-城区梯度性下降; 但是由于引进大量外来物种, 总体植物多样性反而升高, 沿着远郊农区-城郊-城区梯度性升高。城市化对植物种类组成也有很大影响,优势种在远郊农区、城郊和城区呈现不同。城市化对植物多样性影响的机制主要有人为引入外来物种、小生境改变以及景观格局的变化三个方面。以下四个研究方向将越来越重要: (1) 不同区域、不同方法、不同学科的系统整合研究;(2) 城市化扩张与植物多样性变化过程的定位监测研究; (3) 本土植物多样性丢失以及性状改变的内在机制研究, 特别是外来物种与本地物种的相互作用过程和机制的研究; (4) 城市植物多样性保护研究。  相似文献   

2016年1月至2017年12月,分别采用样线法和跟踪调查法对中国境内分布的野生亚洲象和云南西双版纳亚洲象种源繁育与救助中心的10头圈养亚洲象放养时取食植物进行调查,经分类鉴定,共收集到亚洲象取食植物111种,分属29目、42科、77属,其中新增亚洲象取食植物57种,分属于21目、32科、44属。与文献中记载的中国亚洲象植物性食物进行了汇总,统计得到新的中国亚洲象植物性食物名录,共计32目、62科、162属、240种。多样性分析结果显示,G-F多样性指数为0.84,表明中国野生及圈养亚洲象取食的植物具有较高的多样性,这些植物涉及蕨类植物门、裸子植物门和被子植物门。其中,圈养亚洲象采食植物种类共84种,西双版纳境内圈养亚洲象以禾本科(Gramineae)的甘蔗(Saccharum spp.)、玉米(Zea mays)、马唐(Digitaria spp.)、象草(Pennisetum purpureum)、粽叶芦(Thysanolaena latifolia)等为主要食物,而国内其它地方(北京动物园、广州动物园和昆明动物园)圈养的亚洲象主要饲喂高粱属(Sorghum)的高粱(S.bicolor)或苏丹草(S.sudanense)等。因此,在将来开展野生亚洲象栖息地保护、恢复及食物源基地项目规划与建设时应规避农作物和经济作物,优选亚洲象喜食、速生、生物量大的土著物种,如野芭蕉、棕叶芦、董棕、构树、重阳木、中平树、马唐属及竹类等植物,按照不同季节进行套种,为亚洲象提供更多可口食物。对于圈养亚洲象,需要设计足够面积的食物源基地供放养,补充食物种类,增加运动量,增强体质,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

湿地生态系统极易受外来入侵植物侵害, 为调查草海湿地生态系统空心莲子草不同入侵程度的群落物种组成及多样性的变化, 在夏季对草海自然保护区水陆生境的空心莲子草群落进行调查, 按空心莲子草盖度分为水Ⅰ(0-20%)、水Ⅱ(20%-50%)、水Ⅲ(50%-100%)、陆Ⅰ(0-20%)、陆Ⅲ(50%-100%)五种群落类型。结果表明: 在调查的25 个样方中, 水生生境共有10 科22 种植物, 陆生生境共有13 科29 种植物, 随空心莲子草入侵程度的增加, 禾本科植物在两种生境中比例均上升; 地面芽植物种类减少; 根茎型植物种类增加; 水中丛生型植物种类增加, 陆地分枝型植物种类减少; 水中物种丰富度增加, 陆地物种丰富度降低; 两生境多样性和均匀度均呈一致的下降。  相似文献   

上海城市绿地冬季鸟类群落特征与生境的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2005年11月至2006年2月对上海市区绿地鸟类进行了调查,共记录到鸟类34种,隶属5目16科。研究发现冬季鸟类群落结构相对稳定,优势种为麻雀(Passer montanus)和白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)。冬季鸟类群落多样性受多种因素的影响,其中绿地面积、乔木盖度和栖息地类型多样性是影响鸟类多样性的关键因子。聚类结果表明,面积大、生境类型丰富及人为干扰相对较少的绿地,鸟类多样性高。因此提出如下建议:(1)增加城市中植物种类,特别是乡土物种,适当提高冬季常绿乔木以及乔、灌、草的比例;(2)在绿地中尽可能多地保留自然生境;(3)在城市绿地中适当开辟湿地生境,以吸引水鸟栖息。  相似文献   

植被覆盖率高的线性公园,可作为鸟类的迁徙途径和栖息之所,并猜测其可作为生态廊道的一部分,适宜的营造植物景观、提升植物种类的多样性对保护鸟类多样性有促进作用。因此,采用标准取样法对北京城市线性公园绿地进行研究,提取可能影响鸟类多样性的植物群落因素、植物生境因素,对提高鸟类多样性提出建设性的意见。研究结果主要表明,在线性公园绿地宽度30~200m内,随着宽度的增加,鸟类的数量有所提高;含有不同类型植物生境的线性公园绿地,对鸟类目标种的吸引力不同,植物生境类型数较多样的线性公园绿地具有较高的鸟类目标种吸引力;不同的鸟类目标种偏好在不同的树种上进行活动。  相似文献   

2005 ~2008 年于陕西省青木川自然保护区使用瞬时扫描法观察了川金丝猴的食性。结果表明,川金丝猴冬季和夏季共取食42 种植物,可鉴定植物归属23 科34 属。川金丝猴食物类型包括果实、花、树叶、树皮、树芽。夏季取食21 种植物的果实或树叶;冬季取食25 种植物。树叶是其冬季主要食物,取食频次占总取食频次的73.0% ;夏季取食果实的频次占总取食频次的72.2% ,灯台树果实是其主要食物。啃食树皮行为主要发生在落叶阔叶林、针叶林与落叶阔叶混交林;在常绿和落叶阔叶混交林中,树皮啃食强度则相对较小。与其它地区金丝猴的食性比较,该地区川金丝猴食物谱较宽。蔷薇科和壳斗科植物在川金丝猴食物组成中最多,杨柳科、桦木科、山茱萸科、槭树科和忍冬科植物也取食较多。  相似文献   

中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园(简称“版纳植物园”)保存着上万种植物,且生境多样,具有较高的蝴蝶多样性。本研究选择三类代表性生境:片段化雨林、次生林和专类园,聚焦于环境指示物种蝴蝶这一类群,通过样线法系统调查一年内蝴蝶多样性及其变化。观测结果显示:蝴蝶在版纳植物园内全年发生,共调查到其成虫5科126属218种6 015头,其中蛱蝶科多样性最高。蝴蝶种类及数量随月动态变化,生境间有差异,7-8月种类和数量达到最高峰;1月种类最少,而5-6月数量最低;每月均出现的种类仅有12种,绝大部分种类分散发生于不同月份。影响蝴蝶群落多样性的气候因子中,月最高温显著影响蝴蝶群落的物种丰富度和数量,月最低温显著影响物种丰富度、香农多样性和辛普森多样性,月平均温仅显著影响香农多样性。在版纳的三个典型季节中蝴蝶多样性存在差异,雨季物种丰富度最高,干热季香农和辛普森指数最高;雨季和雾凉季蝴蝶群落组成差异大,仅雾凉季与干热季的蝴蝶群落呈现中等程度相似。此外,在片段化雨林、次生林和专类园这3种不同生境中,蝴蝶群落组成也存在差异,蝴蝶物种丰富度和香农指数在次生林中最高,而辛普森指数则是片段化雨林最高;仅次生林与片段化雨林的蝴蝶群落呈现出中等程度相似。本研究揭示了版纳植物园蝴蝶群落的种类组成与月动态变化规律,并明确了不同季节和生境中蝴蝶群落的多样性变化,可为区域蝴蝶多样性观测及保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

DNA barcoding, an increasingly popular mean of species identification, has been widely used for global species identification despite a consensus not being reached regarding which DNA sequences can be used as the best plant barcodes. In this study, we tested the feasibility of five candidate DNA barcodes (nrITS, nrITS2, matk, rbcL and trnH-psbA) for identifying Uncaria species. We collected a total of 54 specimens of 10 Uncaria species across its distributional range. BLAST, barcoding gaps, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capability of the candidate DNA barcodes. The results showed that the ITS2 is most suitable as a candidate DNA barcode for identification of medicinal plants of the genus Uncaria.  相似文献   



DNA barcoding, i.e. the use of a 648 bp section of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase I, has recently been promoted as useful for the rapid identification and discovery of species. Its success is dependent either on the strength of the claim that interspecific variation exceeds intraspecific variation by one order of magnitude, thus establishing a "barcoding gap", or on the reciprocal monophyly of species.


We present an analysis of intra- and interspecific variation in the butterfly family Lycaenidae which includes a well-sampled clade (genus Agrodiaetus) with a peculiar characteristic: most of its members are karyologically differentiated from each other which facilitates the recognition of species as reproductively isolated units even in allopatric populations. The analysis shows that there is an 18% overlap in the range of intra- and interspecific COI sequence divergence due to low interspecific divergence between many closely related species. In a Neighbour-Joining tree profile approach which does not depend on a barcoding gap, but on comprehensive sampling of taxa and the reciprocal monophyly of species, at least 16% of specimens with conspecific sequences in the profile were misidentified. This is due to paraphyly or polyphyly of conspecific DNA sequences probably caused by incomplete lineage sorting.


Our results indicate that the "barcoding gap" is an artifact of insufficient sampling across taxa. Although DNA barcodes can help to identify and distinguish species, we advocate using them in combination with other data, since otherwise there would be a high probability that sequences are misidentified. Although high differences in DNA sequences can help to identify cryptic species, a high percentage of well-differentiated species has similar or even identical COI sequences and would be overlooked in an isolated DNA barcoding approach.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has been recently promoted as a method for both assigning specimens to known species and for discovering new and cryptic species. Here we test both the potential and the limitations of DNA barcodes by analysing a group of well-studied organisms--the primates. Our results show that DNA barcodes provide enough information to efficiently identify and delineate primate species, but that they cannot reliably uncover many of the deeper phylogenetic relationships. Our conclusion is that these short DNA sequences do not contain enough information to build reliable molecular phylogenies or define new species, but that they can provide efficient sequence tags for assigning unknown specimens to known species. As such, DNA barcoding provides enormous potential for use in global biodiversity studies.  相似文献   

The fruit fly Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) is an important pest of commercially significant plants such as chili, tomato and eggplant. The species is native to South and Southeast Asia, but has now invaded Japan, Hawaii and Africa. In this study, mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to infer genetic structure and demographic history of B. latifrons. The efficiency of DNA barcodes for identification of B. latifrons was also tested. Ninety‐three specimens infesting four host‐plant species were obtained from 11 sampling locations in Thailand. The mitochondrial haplotype network revealed no major divergent lineage, which was consistent with a phylogenetic analysis that found strong support for the monophyly of B. latifrons. Population pairwise FST revealed that most (65%) comparisons were not significantly different, suggesting a high rate of gene flow. Analysis of molecular variance (amova ) found no significant genetic differentiation among populations from different host‐plant species. Sharing of several haplotypes among flies from different host‐plants indicates that the flies were moved freely across the plant species. Demographic history analysis revealed that the population has undergone recent expansion dating back to the end of the last glaciation. Thus, the results indicate that both ongoing and historical factors have played important roles in determining the genetic structure and diversity of B. latifrons. DNA barcoding analysis revealed that B. latifrons specimens were clearly differentiated from other species with 100% correct identification. Therefore, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) barcoding sequences could be effectively used to identify this important pest species, which could encourage monitoring and control efforts for this species.  相似文献   

DNA条形码主要目的是物种鉴定和新物种或隐存种的发现,而DNA条形码参考数据库是物种快速鉴定的重要基础。目前中国维管植物DNA条形码参考数据库正在建设之中,借助于公共数据库(NCBI)和初步建立的中国植物DNA条形码参考数据库,运用DNA条形码数据开展了植物标本鉴定的核查工作:(1)比较DNA序列信息与标本鉴定信息,从科、属、种级水平查找鉴定错误的标本;(2)基于有较好研究基础的DNA条形码参考数据库,开展未知标本的鉴定;(3)通过对标本核查的总结,提出DNA条形码参考数据库建设过程中的几点建议。  相似文献   



Recent studies have demonstrated the utility of DNA barcoding in the discovery of overlooked species and in the connection of immature and adult stages. In this study, we use DNA barcoding to examine diversity patterns in 121 species of Nymphalidae from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Our results suggest the presence of cryptic species in 8 of these 121 taxa. As well, the reference database derived from the analysis of adult specimens allowed the identification of nymphalid caterpillars providing new details on host plant use.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We gathered DNA barcode sequences from 857 adult Nymphalidae representing 121 different species. This total includes four species (Adelpha iphiclus, Adelpha malea, Hamadryas iphtime and Taygetis laches) that were initially overlooked because of their close morphological similarity to other species. The barcode results showed that each of the 121 species possessed a diagnostic array of barcode sequences. In addition, there was evidence of cryptic taxa; seven species included two barcode clusters showing more than 2% sequence divergence while one species included three clusters. All 71 nymphalid caterpillars were identified to a species level by their sequence congruence to adult sequences. These caterpillars represented 16 species, and included Hamadryas julitta, an endemic species from the Yucatan Peninsula whose larval stages and host plant (Dalechampia schottii, also endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula) were previously unknown.


This investigation has revealed overlooked species in a well-studied museum collection of nymphalid butterflies and suggests that there is a substantial incidence of cryptic species that await full characterization. The utility of barcoding in the rapid identification of caterpillars also promises to accelerate the assembly of information on life histories, a particularly important advance for hyperdiverse tropical insect assemblages.  相似文献   

Freshwater snails in the family Bithyniidae are the first intermediate host for Southeast Asian liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini), the causative agent of opisthorchiasis. Unfortunately, the subtle morphological characters that differentiate species in this group are not easily discerned by non-specialists. This is a serious matter because the identification of bithyniid species is a fundamental prerequisite for better understanding of the epidemiology of this disease. Because DNA barcoding, the analysis of sequence diversity in the 5’ region of the mitochondrial COI gene, has shown strong performance in other taxonomic groups, we decided to test its capacity to resolve 10 species/ subspecies of bithyniids from Thailand. Our analysis of 217 specimens indicated that COI sequences delivered species-level identification for 9 of 10 currently recognized species. The mean intraspecific divergence of COI was 2.3% (range 0-9.2 %), whereas sequence divergences between congeneric species averaged 8.7% (range 0-22.2 %). Although our results indicate that DNA barcoding can differentiate species of these medically-important snails, we also detected evidence for the presence of one overlooked species and one possible case of synonymy.  相似文献   

The application of DNA barcoding to dietary studies allows prey taxa to be identified in the absence of morphological evidence and permits a greater resolution of prey identity than is possible through direct examination of faecal material. For insectivorous bats, which typically eat a great diversity of prey and which chew and digest their prey thoroughly, DNA-based approaches to diet analysis may provide the only means of assessing the range and diversity of prey within faeces. Here, we investigated the effectiveness of DNA barcoding in determining the diets of bat species that specialize in eating different taxa of arthropod prey. We designed and tested a novel taxon-specific primer set and examined the performance of short barcode sequences in resolving prey species. We recovered prey DNA from all faecal samples and subsequent cloning and sequencing of PCR products, followed by a comparison of sequences to a reference database, provided species-level identifications for 149/207 (72%) clones. We detected a phylogenetically broad range of prey while completely avoiding detection of nontarget groups. In total, 37 unique prey taxa were identified from 15 faecal samples. A comparison of DNA data with parallel morphological analyses revealed a close correlation between the two methods. However, the sensitivity and taxonomic resolution of the DNA method were far superior. The methodology developed here provides new opportunities for the study of bat diets and will be of great benefit to the conservation of these ecologically important predators.  相似文献   

Since the pre-historic era, humans have been using forests as a food, drugs and handcraft reservoir. Today, the use of botanical raw material to produce pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, teas, spirits, cosmetics, sweets, dietary supplements, special industrial compounds and crude materials constitute an important global resource in terms of healthcare and economy. In recent years, DNA barcoding has been suggested as a useful molecular technique to complement traditional taxonomic expertise for fast species identification and biodiversity inventories. In this study, in situ application of DNA barcodes was tested on a selected group of forest tree species with the aim of contributing to the identification, conservation and trade control of these valuable plant resources.The “core barcode” for land plants (rbcL, matK, and trnH-psbA) was tested on 68 tree specimens (24 taxa). Universality of the method, ease of data retrieval and correct species assignment using sequence character states, presence of DNA barcoding gaps and GenBank discrimination assessment were evaluated. The markers showed different prospects of reliable applicability. RbcL and trnH-psbA displayed 100% amplification and sequencing success, while matK did not amplify in some plant groups. The majority of species had a single haplotype. The trnH-psbA region showed the highest genetic variability, but in most cases the high intraspecific sequence divergence revealed the absence of a clear DNA barcoding gap. We also faced an important limitation because the taxonomic coverage of the public reference database is incomplete. Overall, species identification success was 66.7%.This work illustrates current limitations in the applicability of DNA barcoding to taxonomic forest surveys. These difficulties urge for an improvement of technical protocols and an increase of the number of sequences and taxa in public databases.  相似文献   

We report successful overwintering of Diadromus pulchellus in North America (Ontario) following introduction of this species from Europe to control the leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella, a recently established alien species. Field rearing revealed that the native Diadromus subtilicornis emerged only from diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, whereas D. pulchellus was reared almost exclusively from leek moth. The single D. pulchellus reared from diamondback moth was anticipated because host range studies found this species could develop on both leek moth and diamondback moth in the laboratory, although, it had not been previously reported from diamondback moth in the field in Europe. DNA barcoding of specimens of both Diadromus spp. confirmed their species status and novel morphological characters are presented to distinguish D. pulchellus from D. subtilicornis. In addition, DNA from specimens of D. subtilicornis from Europe clustered with DNA from specimens across Canada, confirming that it is a single Holarctic species. Finally, a new host association for D. subtilicornis is recorded from the dame's rocket moth: Pseudoplutella porrectella.  相似文献   

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