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渐危植物鹅掌揪的授粉率及花粉管生长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对鹅掌揪Liriodendronchinense3个自然居群连续3个直接统计落置柱头上的花粉量,其中结实率在6-8倍,鹅掌揪结实率低的主要原因可能不是由于花粉的限制,落置柱头的花粉几乎均可萌发,少数花粉管穿过花柱道,经珠孔端进入胚囊,暗示花粉间存在的强烈的竞争,授粉率和柱头上的平均花粉量与结实率呈正相关(R=0.77,R=0.69)在柱头上人工授同株和异株的花粉,花粉管生长速率看不出明显差异,到达  相似文献   

异型花柱植物的适应意义在于提高亲和花粉的传递, 从而促进异交, 但是有不少研究发现柱头上落置了大量不亲和花粉。目前, 很少有人研究柱头是否有利于亲和花粉的萌发和花粉管伸长, 以及通过去雄处理排除花内和植株内不亲和花粉干扰从而验证二型花柱植物是否可以促进异交。本研究以亚麻科青篱柴属(Tirpitzia)的二型花柱植物青篱柴(T. sinensis)为研究对象, 分居群调查了青篱柴长、短柱型的植株数量, 测量不同柱型的花粉与柱头大小以及观察其表面纹饰, 测定不同开花时间长、短柱型的柱头活性与花粉活力, 统计自然状态下柱头上落置的不同表型花粉比例, 进一步统计花内、株内去雄和自然对照下柱头上落置的不同表型花粉比例, 计算型间、型内和混合授粉花粉管长度和花粉萌发率, 人工授粉检测其是否型内异交不亲和与自交不亲和。结果表明, 自然居群中长、短柱型青篱柴植株数量没有显著性差异; 短柱型青篱柴花粉体积显著大于长柱型, 且二者花粉表面纹饰不同, 但不同柱型的柱头表面积与表面纹饰无差异; 青篱柴开花第一天的花粉活力显著高于开花第二天, 而柱头活性在开花前两天无显著性差异; 自然状态下柱头上落置的不亲和花粉比例显著高于亲和花粉; 在长柱型青篱柴中, 花内和株内去雄显著提高了柱头上亲和花粉的落置比例; 柱头上授型内花粉, 其花粉萌发率和花粉管的长度都显著低于授型间花粉; 授粉结果表明青篱柴为型内异交不亲和与自交不亲和。二型花柱植物通过促进亲和花粉的萌发和花粉管的伸长而有利于型间授粉, 从而显著提高其传粉精确性。  相似文献   

通过定株观察、人工套袋授粉试验等对华北驼绒藜繁育系统进行了研究。结果显示:(1)华北驼绒藜的花粉寿命为6d,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为1 351 189±391 779;自然条件下存在着同株授粉和异株授粉两种方式,但以异株授粉为主,其繁育系统属于兼性异交。(2)华北驼绒藜在有花粉时柱头可授性为6d(柱头露出后5~10d),但在缺乏花粉不能完成授精时,柱头会出现徒长现象,其可授性可以维持12d(柱头露出后9~20d)。(3)人工套袋授粉结果显示,华北驼绒藜最佳授粉时间是柱头露出后6~7d,此时年均授粉结实率最高(94.83%);在柱头失去过氧化物酶活性时(柱头露出后21d)授粉结实率年均为4.93%;相对于柱头最佳可授期,华北驼绒藜具有较高结实率的授粉时间范围较宽。研究表明,在长期的进化过程中,华北驼绒藜形成了P/O较高、柱头可授性时间长以及在异株授粉优势的情况下,还保留同株授粉方式的生殖补偿机制,对其野生退化群落的种群恢复具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

裸果木是亚洲中部荒漠区少有的第三纪孑遗物种,也是构成石质荒漠植被群落的重要建群种之一,由于人为干扰,其自然种群处于不断衰退中。本文通过野外观察和人工授粉实验等方法,对裸果木的花部特征及繁育系统进行研究,对于揭示该物种生活史特征并探讨影响其生殖成功的因素及制定相应的保护和管理策略具有重要意义。结果表明:裸果木为两性花,花小,无花瓣,雄蕊10枚,外轮5枚雄蕊败育,胚珠1枚,开花盛期有少量花蜜并散发浓烈难闻气味,花粉活力和柱头可授性之间存在46 h的重叠期,且不完全雌性先熟,柱头和花药在多数花的单花花期结束时并未接触,因此,裸果木花主要表现为适应异花传粉的雌雄异位特征;花粉/胚珠比(P/O)为1371.67±236.21,异交系数(OCI)为3;不同花粉来源(自然授粉、自花授粉、同株异花和异株异花授粉)的花粉在柱头上均能萌发,但花粉管生长速度存在差异,同株异花授粉和异株异花授粉的花粉管生长速度较快,自花授粉的花粉管生长速度最慢且部分花粉管(43%)在到达子房时停止生长,并未到达胚珠;人工套袋实验的结果表明,裸果木不存在无融合生殖,自然结种子数低,自然授粉花的种子数远远低于人工异株异花授粉花,说明存在由于异花传粉者不足造成的传粉限制。裸果木部分雌性先熟和雌雄异位是两性花为避免雌雄功能重叠,促进异交而采取的一种花部机制,其繁育系统为兼性异交类型且需要传粉者,部分自交不亲和和传粉限制是影响该物种有性生殖成功的主要因素。  相似文献   

为探讨毛茛属中是否具有与慈姑属中类似的花粉管再分配现象,对小毛茛开花后不同时期柱头的授粉率和花粉量进行了统计,并采用荧光显微术观察了其花粉在雌蕊群中的萌发及花粉管生长过程。该种的每朵花中含有39.2±9.9个离生心皮,开花过程常持续4~6d,开花2d后,柱头授粉率就可达到100%,平均每柱头的花粉量在3d后达到17.0±2.4粒。虽然开花的当天即有少数柱头落置有花粉粒,但花粉萌发常自开花的次日开始。花粉管先沿各雌蕊之向心一侧的组织中穿行至子房基部后部分花粉管转向胚珠,由珠孔进入珠心。从花粉粒落置于柱头到花粉管进入珠心大约需要24h。尽管毛茛属有着与慈姑属类似的多心皮雌蕊群,但大量的荧光显微观察表明,与慈姑属植物中不同的是,小毛茛的花粉管生长均局限于每一雌蕊中而不能穿过子房向其他雌蕊生长。雌蕊群的比较解剖发现野慈姑的子房基部有一条通向花托表面的孔道,这正是花粉管由一个雌蕊到另一个雌蕊的通路,但小毛茛的子房基部不存在此孔道。  相似文献   

琼花生殖器官结构及传粉昆虫的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨影响琼花Viburnum macrocephalum f.keteleeri有性生殖的因素,对其生殖生物学和传粉生物学进行了研究。研究内容主要包括琼花花部特征、生殖器官解剖结构、花粉活力、花粉胚珠比(P/O)、繁育系统、传粉形式、传粉昆虫和花粉管生长路径等。结果表明:(1)琼花聚伞花序由大型不孕花和小型可孕花组成,可孕花雌雄蕊发育正常,雄蕊5枚,雌蕊1枚,干型柱头,单子房,倒生胚珠;不孕花的雌雄蕊在发育早期正常,而在花期时退化。雄蕊退化表现为雄蕊消失、花丝缩短或消失或花药大小不一;而雌蕊退化表现为雌蕊缩小或柱头开裂;有时雌雄蕊也存在瓣化现象。(2)自然条件下,单花花粉活性在散粉4–5d后明显下降,居群花粉活力在4月25日–28日开始显著下降。(3)花粉胚珠比P/O值为12800–18700,属专性异交型;繁育系统为异株异花授粉,属虫媒传粉植物。(4)可孕花大量散粉时间为9:00–16:00,昆虫访花高峰时段为11:00–15:00,访花昆虫中以蝶类和蜂类为主,蝶类访花频率最高。(5)落置柱头的花粉萌发率较高,花粉粒授粉后1h左右开始萌发,花粉管从柱头乳突细胞的间隙穿入花柱,沿花柱中央引导组织生长,18h左右进入子房,20h左右从珠孔进入胚囊。讨论了琼花的不孕花形成、花部结构适应、花型演化趋势、低结实率和花粉管生长特点。  相似文献   

以‘杂交石竹’为试验材料,利用荧光显微镜观察其授粉后花粉萌发、花粉管生长情况,采用石蜡切片法对其受精及胚胎发育过程进行观察研究。结果表明:(1)授粉后1h母本柱头上少量花粉开始萌发;授粉后4h大量花粉萌发,花粉管生长至柱头中部有胼胝质出现;授粉后6h花粉管生长至子房组织并有少量与胚珠结合;授粉后15h柱头中出现大量胼胝质,花粉管与胚珠结合数增多;授粉后24h胚珠周围出现多条花粉管,其中1条花粉管进入胚珠,部分进入胚囊的花粉管卷曲盘绕生长并产生胼胝质;精细胞与极核的融合主要发生在授粉后17~48h,与卵细胞融合主要于授粉后1~3d。(2)杂交石竹胚发育经过原胚、球形胚、棒状形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶形胚阶段。(3)杂交障碍表现为:只有游离的胚乳核而无胚发育的胚囊、合子未分裂、两极核未融合、球形胚败育。研究表明,杂交石竹存在受精前和受精后障碍,这是导致其结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

高山杜鹃与大喇叭杜鹃种间杂交过程的观察研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以高山杜鹃‘Nova Zembla’为母本,大喇叭杜鹃为父本进行人工杂交授粉,利用荧光显微镜对杂交组合花粉萌发及花粉管生长过程进行观察,并统计其杂交的田间坐果率。结果显示:(1)授粉后1d花粉开始萌发形成花粉管,其萌发率在授粉后1~5d内显著增长,其后增长缓慢,到第12天萌发率最高达37.36%。(2)花粉萌发后花粉管生长速度由慢变快,授粉后2d花粉管进入花柱,7d进入子房,10d进入胚珠;实验中杂交花粉管与胚珠虽有结合,但与胚珠结合率低,授粉后12d仅7.42条花粉管进入胚珠。(3)在花粉管生长过程中,伴有大量异常现象,表现为授粉后柱头细胞、花粉管、花柱引导组织、子房组织、胚珠中的胚囊等部位依次出现胼胝质沉积反应,花粉管生长中出现的膨大、先端沉积胼胝塞而中途停止生长、螺旋扭曲、粗细不均、杂乱生长或螺旋膨大且逆向生长等异常。(4)该实验杂交的田间坐果率为零。研究表明,高山杜鹃‘Nova Zembla’与大喇叭杜鹃杂交不亲和,杂交后花粉管生长的异常行为可能是种间杂交不亲和的主要原因,且受精前障碍与受精后障碍可能同时存在。  相似文献   

小报春不同授粉组合亲和性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用小报春‘红星’、‘紫霞’、‘罗兰香’3个品种分别设置8种授粉组合,统计了不同授粉组合的结实情况和单果种子数量,并对‘红星’品种部分授粉组合的花粉萌发与花粉管伸长过程进行荧光显微观察。结果显示:(1)3个品种的结实率和单果种子数量均表现为异型植株授粉>长花柱同型异株授粉、长花柱自交>短花柱同型异株授粉、短花柱自交,不同授粉组合间单果种子数量差异极显著,异型植株授粉类型结实率均达到100%,单果种子数量为44~181粒,显著高于自交组合和同型异株杂交组合;以异型致死花粉作为蒙导对短花柱同型异株授粉组合的结实有一定促进作用,但对长花柱同型异株授粉组合的结实没有一致的促进作用;3个品种中‘红星’的结实率和单果种子数量最高。(2)荧光显微观察表明,异型授粉组合花粉在柱头上大量萌发并在花柱中伸长,授粉144h后花粉管开始进入子房;同型授粉组合授粉12h后花粉开始萌发,但直到授粉后144h花粉管还没有进入花柱;自交授粉组合授粉后144h仍无花粉萌发。实验结果说明,小报春存在明显的自交不亲和性,且短花柱类型的自交不亲和性比长花柱类型强。  相似文献   

对内蒙古居群抗寒西伯利亚杏的12个种源同一树龄的102株进行雌蕊败育率、花粉量、花粉活力、柱头可授性及自交不亲和性进行研究,以明确西伯利亚杏主产地资源的花期生物学特性和繁殖特性,为杏杂交育种和资源利用提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)有86.27%的西伯利亚杏雌蕊败育率低于90%;73.53%的西伯利亚杏单朵花花粉量在1×104~5×104之间;86.27%的西伯利亚杏花粉活力低于50%,且寿命较短。(2)花苞在将开未开时,柱头已经具备一定的可授性,开花后1~4d内柱头可授性保持较高水平,第5天开始有下降趋势。(3)荧光显微观察结果显示,授粉后16h时,96.08%的杏花花粉管在花柱上部;授粉后24h时,74.51%的杏花花粉管仍在花柱上部;授粉后48h时,35.29%的杏花花粉管到达花柱中部;授粉后80h时,花粉管到达花柱下部的杏花约50%,但受精胚珠数为0。研究认为,西伯利亚杏基本为自交不亲和。  相似文献   

Airborne pollen was monitored in three major urban centers of the coastal plain of Israel during the years 1993–1995. Results show spatial and temporal variations among the three sites. Altogether, the number of identified species was rather low. Ornamental trees (Cupressaceae,Pinus, Olea, Casuarina, Ceratonia) and grasses, have constituted the main source of the pollen rain. A substantial contribution of the wild plants of the region was restricted toParietaria, Urtica, Mercurialis, Artemisia, grasses and members of the Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae.  相似文献   

This report describes qualitatively and quantitatively the level of pollen in the atmosphere in the central region of Bursa. Turkey. In 1991, the season of maximum pollen concentration was from April to June, with a prevalence of arboreal pollen during the initial months, and of pollen from herbaceous plants in the latter months. During the year of research, 24 taxa of arboreal and 12 taxa of herbaceous pollen grains were collected and identified. In the region investigatedPinus, Cupressaceae/Taxaceae,Abies nordmanniana, Platanus orientalis, Olea europaea, Gramineae, Urticaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae,Artemisia and Compositae were responsible for the greatest amounts of pollen. Some important allergenic pollens such asOlea europaea, Gramineae and Urticaceae were also found in high concentration. In this study, a pollen calendar for the region is presented.  相似文献   

Environmental monitoring of pollen grains in the atmosphere of Melbourne has been achieved using Burkard volumetric traps. Twenty-two families of flowering plants and confiers were identified in the pollen counts. About 62% of these pollen grains belonged to trees, 20% to grasses and 9% to herbs and weedy plants. During spring and summer, the atmosphere contained about 70% of the total annual pollen count. Tree pollen, predominantly elm and cypress, occurred abundantly in late winter and spring, with grass pollen predominantly in spring and early summer. These three types of pollen grains occurred in significant amounts, together accounting for more than 60% of the total annual catch. A seasonal incidence chart (pollen calendar) for Melbourne based on 2 years observation has been constructed. This pollen calendar is useful in identifying sources of allergies against particular seasonal airborne pollen types. Comparison of the time of occurrence of a particular pollen type using the pollen calendar and the time of allergic symptoms, can lead to accurate diagnosis and preventive measures being taken. This study has confirmed that grass pollen is the major source of allergenic pollen in the external environment triggering hay fever and allergic asthma in spring and early summer in Melbourne, Australia.  相似文献   

The atmospheric pollen of Madras city was surveyed during a 1-year period (January–December 1995) with a vertical cylinder trap. A total of 32 pollen types were identified, among which nine were present throughout the year. These belonged to Poaceae,Casuarina equisetifolia Foster and Foster f.,Prosopis juliflora (SW.) DC.,Acalypha indica L.,Parthenium hysterophorus L., Cyperaceae,Cocos nucifera L., Amaranthaceae, andTypha angustata Borry and Chaub. Among the identified pollen, 61.05% belonged to trees, 21.01% to grasses, 11.65% to herbs and 6.27% to shrubs. Anemophilous pollen contributed about 52.87% to the total while entomophilous and amphiphilous pollen contributed 38.89 and 8.22%, respectively. Pollen belonging to Poaceae were found to be most predominant in the air of Madras city followed byCasuarina equisetifolia andProsopis juliflora.  相似文献   

 We examined the influence of pollen competitive environment on pollen performance in Mirabilis jalapa. We used the number of pollen grains and the number of pollen tubes per pistil as measures of pollen competition. Pollen germination, pollen tube penetration into the style, and pollen tube growth rates were used as measures of pollen performance. All three measures of pollen performance were affected by the competitive environment. Pollen germination was greatest at intermediate pollen load sizes. The percentage of germinated pollen grains that penetrated the stigma and grew into the style decreased with pollen load size. Pollen tube growth rate in the style was greater and more variable with larger numbers of pollen tubes in the style. Controlling for the degree of selection at the stigma indicated that pollen-pollen or pollen-style interactions were the likely causes of increased growth rates. Received: 28 October 1996 / Revision accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

 A series of studies, recently reviewed, has established that approximately 60% of the structural genes which are expressed in the sporophytic portion of the angiosperm life cycle are also expressed and exposed to selection in the pollen. Given the haploidy and large population sizes of pollen grains, a substantial portion of the sporophytic genome could thus be periodically exposed to a bacterial type of mass screening. This extraordinary possibility is often subject to some skepticism which may, of course, be justified. However, recent attempts to apply models appear to be inappropriate in this context, in part because these attempts overlook an important source of genetic variation, and also because they assume fixed values for selection and fitness. More recently, studies of pollen/pollen interactions have suggested that what Linskens termed the ”programic phase” may represent an arena for important, and largely unexplored phenomena, some of which are discussed here. Received: 3 June 1996 / Revision accepted: 26 July 1996  相似文献   

Microspores cultured in vitro can be regarded as a system to study gene regulation, cell fate determination and cell differentiation during pollen development as well as an alternative method of genetic transformation in plants. In our study, pollen development and viability in Orychophragmus violaceus in vivo were determined and then pollen from the late unicellular stage was cultured in vitro. MS liquid medium + White vitamins + 2% (V/V) coconut milk + 0.5 M maltose, pH = 7.0 was the most appropriate for in vitro culture of Orychophragmus violaceus microspores. With this medium, the rates of in maturation and germination were 19.3% and 4.7%, respectively. Liquid medium with 0.6 M maltose + 1.6 mM boric acid + 2.9 mM Ca(NO3)2 + 29.6 μM vitamin B1, pH = 7.0 was optimal for germination of pollen matured in vivo. The rate of germination was 70.7%. Pollen matured in vitro cultured in similar medium exhibited a rate of germination of 62.7%. Hence, the experimental study showed that in vitro maturation of microspores is feasible and this experimental system can be applied to further theoretical and practical research.  相似文献   

 We examined the effects of pollen competition (pollen load size) on sporophytic vigor and gametophytic performance in Cucurbita texana, a wild gourd, while controlling for alternative interpretations of the data. Under field conditions we compared the vigor of progeny produced from large and small pollen loads and examined the in vitro performance of the pollen produced by the progeny. We found that the progeny from large pollen loads germinated faster and had a greater reproductive output (male flowers and fruits) than progeny produced from small pollen loads. In addition, we found that the pollen produced on plants derived from large pollen loads grew faster in vitro than the pollen produced on plants derived from small pollen loads. These findings indicate that pollen competition affects the performance of the resulting sporophytic generation and the microgametophytes they produce. Received: 26 January 1997 / Revision accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Capillary electromigration methods, zone electrophoresis (CZE), micellar electrokinetic chromatography (CMEKC) and isotachophoresis (CITP), have been used for analysis of water and water-buffer extracts from tree-common birch (Betula verrucosa) and grass-orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) pollen samples. Water extracts were analyzed by CZE using acetic acid as background electrolyte (BGE), by CMEKC in tris-phosphate BGE with anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micellar pseudophase (TP-SDS) and by CITP in cationic mode with leading/terminating cations K+/BALA+ (beta-alanine (BALA)) and in anionic mode with leading/terminating anions Cl-/MES- (2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid (MES)). Moreover, acetic acid extracts were analyzed by CZE using acetic acid as BGE, and alkaline water-SDS-buffer extracts were analyzed by CMEKC using TP-SDS as BGE. Extracted amounts of pollen allergens and other UV-absorbing compounds and the number of resolved components were evaluated from CZE, CMEKC and CITP analyses of the liquid extracts. Larger amounts of UV-absorbing material were found in the water-buffer pollen extracts than in the water extracts. More UV-absorbing material was found in all extracts from D. glomerata pollen than in relevant extracts from B. verrucosa pollen. It was found by CITP that the extracted amounts of anionic components and their number were much higher than those of cationic components. Concentrations of some inorganic ions (e.g. Cl-, K+, Na+, Ca2+) in pollen samples were also determined by CITP.  相似文献   

L. Svensson 《Oecologia》1986,70(4):631-632
Summary Secondary pollen carryover is defined as the process whereby a pollinator receives previously deposited pollen grains when visiting a flower and transfers them into a new (secondary) carryover sequence. The secondary pollen carryover in a system of ants, Formica rufibarbis, visiting Scleranthus perennis (Caryophyllaceae) was studied using fluorescent dyes as pollen analogues. The mean secondary carryover was found to be 1.2 flowers compared with 4.5 flowers for the primary carryover. The number of dye grains deposited per flower visited is lower and the frequency of zero deposition is higher in the secondary carryover sequence than in the primary.  相似文献   

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