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肠道微生物与宿主代谢相互作用,可调节机体的生理功能。宿主机体中存在"微生物-肠道-大脑轴",肠道菌群可通过多种途径影响中枢神经系统,进而对宿主摄食等行为产生影响。食物中不易被宿主消化吸收的膳食纤维等营养物质,被肠道微生物发酵可产生多种代谢产物,这些代谢产物作为信号分子可通过不同途径介导中枢神经系统,进而调控宿主食欲。本文主要综述了肠道微生物及其代谢产物对中枢神经系统与宿主食欲的影响及其可能的调控途径与机制,以加深肠道微生物在调控宿主食欲方面的新认识。  相似文献   

动物宿主——肠道微生物代谢轴研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
皮宇  高侃  朱伟云 《微生物学报》2017,57(2):161-169
肠道中栖息着数量庞大且复杂多样的微生物菌群,在维持宿主肠道微环境稳态中发挥重要作用。微生物菌群可以利用宿主肠道的营养素,发酵产生代谢产物,与宿主机体形成宿主—微生物代谢轴(host-microbe metabolic axis)。该代谢轴既能影响营养素吸收和能量代谢,又可调控宿主各项生理过程。本文主要阐述宿主-肠道微生物代谢轴的概念、肠-肝轴、肠-脑轴、肠道微生物与宿主肠道代谢轴的互作以及对机体健康的影响。  相似文献   

生物钟作为哺乳动物进化过程中产生的一种适应机体内外环境昼夜变化的内在机制,控制着机体的睡眠-觉醒及进食等生理活动,使生物体在每个昼夜周期的能量需求和营养供给呈现出与环境相适应的节律性变化。哺乳动物的肝脏、骨骼肌、胰腺、心血管等组织的葡萄糖代谢、脂质代谢和激素分泌等都受到生物钟的调控。作为宿主特殊的“器官”,肠道菌群在共同进化过程中与宿主微环境(组织、细胞、代谢产物)构成了一个微生态系统,在宿主对营养物质的消化和吸收过程中发挥重要作用。近年来的一些研究证据表明,肠道菌群的构成、数量、定植以及功能活动均具有显著的昼夜节律性变化,而这与生物钟调控下的各种生理功能变化是密切相关的。此外,有研究发现肠道菌群可通过分解宿主无法消化的膳食纤维等营养物质产生短链脂肪酸等代谢产物,部分代谢产物具有调节宿主生物钟并影响代谢的功能。本文将重点阐述生物钟与肠道菌群的互作及其对哺乳动物能量代谢的影响,以期为代谢性疾病的预防和治疗提供新的线索和思路。  相似文献   

肠道菌群作为动物体内重要的组成部分,能够直接参与机体的免疫调控作用,促进机体免疫系统发育,维持正常免疫功能。同时,免疫系统对肠道菌群又有调控和制约作用。本文主要综述了肠道菌群的组成以及影响肠道菌群变化的因素,系统阐述了肠道菌群与疾病相互作用的机制,总结了肠道菌群在宿主感染与免疫应答中的作用,为开展肠道菌群参与机体免疫应答的机制方面的研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

肠道微生物与宿主的生长发育、免疫、代谢等方面均密切相关,但肠道菌群与宿主之间复杂的相互作用在很大程度上仍然是未知的。目前无菌动物已成为探索肠道微生物与宿主相互作用的重要工具,多项研究使用无菌动物模型探讨肠道菌群在宿主代谢、机体免疫系统的发育和成熟等方面的作用,其中包括肠道菌群在自身免疫性疾病发病及预后中的作用。研究发现,肠道菌群作为环境因素之一可能参与类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)发病,然而其因果关系未明。本文将对使用无菌动物探讨肠道微生物参与类风湿关节炎发病的相关性研究作一综述,为进一步深入研究肠道菌群在RA发病中的作用及机制研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

宿主微生物群落对机体局部以及系统免疫的影响已逐渐引起人们的关注,目前发现局部的微生物群落能够对机体远端部位的免疫能力造成影响。肠道和呼吸道菌群稳态对机体免疫系统发育以及抗病原微生物感染至关重要,肠道和呼吸道菌群失衡与炎症性疾病、代谢性疾病以及过敏性疾病密切相关。肠道和呼吸道菌群失衡会通过"肠—肺轴"的相互作用,引起免疫系统改变与急性、慢性肺部疾病的发生。在这篇综述中,我们对肠道微生物和呼吸道微生物在肠-肺轴中发挥作用的研究进展作一总结,并对从微生物角度进行疾病治疗干预的可能性进行分析。  相似文献   

摘要:肠道菌群对宿主免疫系统的建立和发育起着重要的作用,与宿主的生理、病理等密切相关,对机体抗病毒作用具有一定的影响。病毒感染影响宿主肠道微生物群落,进而影响宿主机体营养物质的代谢及细胞免疫功能。本研究着重综述病毒感染对宿主肠道微生态及免疫的影响。  相似文献   

肠道菌群对宿主免疫系统的建立和发育起着重要的作用,与宿主的生理、病理等密切相关,对机体抗病毒作用具有一定的影响。病毒感染影响宿主肠道微生物群落,进而影响宿主机体营养物质的代谢及细胞免疫功能。本研究着重综述病毒感染对宿主肠道微生态及免疫的影响。  相似文献   

肠道菌群与人体互相依存,与机体的感染、营养、免疫及代谢密不可分,在某些疾病的预防和治疗中有着非常重要的作用。肠道菌群具有易变性,它的种类和数量是由遗传和环境因素共同决定的,环境因素主要包括宿主健康状态和生活方式等。近来发现,生活方式与代谢性疾病的发生发展密切相关,而这些代谢性疾病的发生发展都与肠道菌群的改变有关。本研究就机体不同代谢状态下肠道菌群的变化以及运动这种生活方式直接对肠道菌群的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

近年来,肠道菌群研究领域发展迅速。肠道菌群作为人体"被遗忘的器官",与人体有着相互依存,相互影响的关系,与机体的感染、营养、免疫及代谢也密不可分,因此保持肠道微生物群的动态平衡是人体健康的前提。在人体代谢过程中,肠道菌群受到宿主饮食、服用药物、地理环境以及生活方式等因素的影响。饮食干预作为一项重要的治疗措施,与代谢综合征的发生发展密不可分,而这些代谢性疾病的发生发展都与肠道菌群的改变密切相关,因此无论是从改善肠道菌群结构还是从减缓代谢紊乱方面饮食都起着至关重要的作用。本文就代谢综合征患者肠道菌群的变化、机制以及饮食的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

Cardiac rhythm control is considered from the standpoint of the general theory of synchronization in relaxational systems. The main control pathways involve (i) speeding up the slow diastolic depolarization phase (SDDP) during unified rhythm formation, (ii) adjustment by smooth integral extension of SDDP, and (iii) subsequent synchronization through SDDP delay. The potentialities of mathematical modeling in unraveling the rhythm control processes are discussed.  相似文献   

1 引  言棕背鼠平 (Clethrionomysrufocanus)是我国北方森林小型哺乳动物的重要成分 ,也是主要的林木害鼠之一 .目前 ,国内外对该鼠的生态学已有许多研究 ,太田嘉四夫[6] 在活动节律研究方面有所报道 .作者在室内不同食物条件下 ,对棕背鼠平昼夜活动节律进行了观察研究 ,现将初步结果做一报道 .2 材料与方法2 1 供试动物2 0 0 1年 8~ 10月在黑龙江省海林市林区捕获棕背鼠平带回实验室驯养 .单鼠饲养于 35cm× 30cm× 2 0cm铁丝笼中 ,供给小鼠用颗粒饲料、胡萝卜和水 ,提供棉花供鼠做巢 ,实验室温度为 2 0~ 2 5℃ ,自然光照 .2 2 …  相似文献   


Azadirachtin shortens the period length of the locomotor activity rhythm in the circadian rhythm of Leucophaea maderae and induces splitting of this rhythm in two components in about 40% of the animals. The phase relationship between the two components is 180°. Both shortening of period and splitting are more pronounced in animals possessing longer periods before the injection of azadirachtin.  相似文献   

云斑尖塘鳢仔鱼摄食节律的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对自然光照条件下云斑尖塘鳢仔鱼的昼夜摄食节律和在夜间增加不同强度外光源条件下仔鱼的摄食发生率进行了研究。结果表明,云斑尖塘鳢仔鱼具有明显的昼夜摄食节律,晚上摄食发生率是著高于白天,其摄食主要集中在光线较弱的16:00~00:00;5日龄仔鱼在100~500Lx,8日龄和12日龄仔鱼在10~100Lx光照条件下的摄食发生率要明显高于黑暗或更高光照条件下的摄食发生率。  相似文献   

Plasma triglyceride (TG) levels show a clear daily rhythm, however, thus far it is still unknown whether this rhythm results from a daily rhythm in TG production, TG uptake or both. Previous studies have shown that feeding activity affects plasma TG concentrations, but it is not clear how the daily rhythm in feeding activity affects plasma TG concentrations. In the present study, we measured plasma TG concentrations and TG secretion rates in rats at 6 Zeitgeber times to investigate whether plasma TG concentrations and TG secretion show a daily rhythm. We found that plasma TG concentrations and TG secretion show a significant day/night rhythm. Next, we removed the daily rhythm in feeding behavior by introducing a 6-meals-a-day (6M) feeding schedule to investigate whether the daily rhythm in feeding behavior is necessary to maintain the daily rhythm in TG secretion. We found that the day/night rhythm in TG secretion was abolished under 6M feeding conditions. Hepatic apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and microsomal TG transfer protein (Mttp), which are both involved in TG secretion, also lost their daily rhythmicity under 6M feeding conditions. Together, these results indicate that: (1) the daily rhythm in TG secretion contributes to the formation of a day/night rhythm in plasma TG levels and (2) a daily feeding rhythm is essential for maintaining the daily rhythm in TG secretion.  相似文献   

As soon as they hatch, gallinaceous chicks follow broody hens. This matriarchal unit presents a temporal organization of activity. The ontogeny of this ultradian rhythm of activity was followed in Japanese quail during their first 3 weeks of life. Under controlled laboratory conditions, 12 groups of four chicks were recorded using an activity monitoring system. They were observed between the ages of 2 and 17 days. Chicks in groups presented an ultradian rhythm of activity, with a period that increased significantly from 14.3 ± 1.4 minutes when chicks were 2 days old to 26.0 ± 1.9 minutes when they were 16 days old. The increase of ultradian periodicity was particularly pronounced during their first and third weeks of life. Finally, the ultradian period was correlated positively with body weight of the chicks. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 767-776, 2000)  相似文献   


The possible endogenous circadian rhythm in the feeding activity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was investigated using individual fish previously trained for self‐feeding. Under LD 12:12 conditions, the fish showed a diurnal behaviour, in many cases with a feeding rhythm with two main peaks of food demand at dawn and dusk, with an 8h interval of low feeding activity, and the actograms showed an expected 24 h rhythm. Fish kept under constant conditions (L : L, 15°±0.5°C), showed free‐running feeding activity for about 12 days. Food demands were concentrated at dawn, with a periodogram of 25.3 hour, under continuous environmental conditions. Results showed evidence for the endogenous origin of the circadian rhythm of feeding in this species.  相似文献   

The control by light of the flowering response rhythm in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil Choisy cv. Violet was examined by giving a single pulse of light at various times between 1 and 6 h after a 24-h light period. When the first circadian cycle of the rhythm was monitored, it was found that a pulse of red light given at 1, 2 or 3 h into a 72-dark period caused a 1-h delay of the phase of the response rhythm, while a pulse at 6 h caused a 2-h delay. These results support the hypothesis that, when red-light pulses are given at hourly intervals, they are as effective as continuous light in preventing the onset of dark timing because they repeatedly return the rhythm to the circadian time at which it is apparently suspended in continuous light. The perception of and response to continuous light and red-light pulses are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The diurnal activity rhythm of Clethrionomys rufocanus was studied under three different food conditions in a laboratory. The activity occurred both in the daytime and at night, but mainly at night (19:00~4:00). The mice fed with Mouse food exhibited six small peaks in their daily activity, and those fed with grass or hay exhibited seven, but the peak of the out nest night activity was 2~3 hours earlier.The activity amount of out nest was 30518.0 ±3694.9 s for those fed with grass, the next was 21811.7± 2288.0 s for those fed with hay, and the least was 15038.0±666.0 s for those fed with mouse food. The activity amount of feeding was 10867.3±1612.1 s for those fed with grass, much more than those fed with mouse food and hay. The activity amount for drinking was 988.5±79.1 s (fed with hay),568.9±60.9 s (fed with mouse food) and 139.3±47.2 s (fed with grass).  相似文献   

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