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从2005年3月到2006年5月,在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园沟谷雨林保护区内研究了两种果蝠——棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti)和犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)取食光叶桑(Morus macroura)果实的行为、夜栖息地分布、散布种子方式及范围等。借助月光对果蝠的行为进行直接观察,发现它们的取食活动一般在天黑20~40min开始,取食高峰发生在22:00~22:30和23:00~23:30之间,这两个取食高峰期平均取食次数(平均值±标准误)为(13.5±2.5)和(15.0±2.3)次,最低的取食频率发生在19:00~19:30和20:30-21:00之间,分别取食(0.2±0.2)和(0.7±0.5)次。果蝠很少在母树上取食成熟的果实,相反它们用嘴叼下果实并携带到夜栖息地去进食,通常这些夜栖息地是具有密闭树冠、密集枝条的树种。夜栖息地在母树周围的分布根据环境中适合它们栖息的树种和分布而决定,不同母树周围其夜栖息地分布具有非常大的变异与空间异质性。钝叶榕(Ficus curtipes)、铁力木(Mesua ferrea)和糖胶树(Alstonia scholaris)是果蝠最喜爱的夜栖息地。在同样的情况下,尽管需要飞行更远的距离,两种果蝠都比较喜欢寻找具有许多枝条和小枝并且有复杂树冠的树木作为夜栖息地。两种果蝠取食光叶桑果实时,一部分种子通过消化道消化后被排泄出来,另外的一部分伴随着咀嚼后的果渣被吐出来,通过这两种方式,散布了大量的种子,再加上在飞行中也有排泄的习性,它们传播的种子在空间上更广泛。  相似文献   

2005年6至9月,对桂林市郊区两个山洞中高颅鼠耳蝠(Myotis siligorensis)、菲菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pusillus)和黑髯墓蝠(Taphozous melanopogon)的回声定位叫声特征和食性进行分析,并结合其形态特征与野外观察,推断其捕食生境和捕食策略。研究结果发现:黑髯墓蝠体型最大,声音特征属短调频型多谐波,一般为4个谐波,能量主要集中在第二谐波上,主频率为(32.84±1.17)kHz,选择鞘翅目和双翅目昆虫为主要食物;高颅鼠耳蝠(长调频型)和菲菊头蝠(长恒频-调频型),体型都较小,主频率分别是(84.44±8.13)kHz和(110.78±1.65)kHz,以双翅目昆虫为主要食物;而菲菊头蝠则以鞘翅目和双翅目昆虫为主要食物。上述结果证明,高颅鼠耳蝠、菲菊头蝠和黑髯墓蝠在声音和食物组成等方面出现了明显分化。  相似文献   

阮成江  金华 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2259-2264
延迟自交被认为是一种生殖适应性,因为它保证了传粉者稀少情况下的种子生产,但当传粉者丰富时,又允许异交占优势。海滨锦葵花在传粉者不足或缺乏时能通过主动的柱头裂片弯曲运动成功实现延迟自花传粉。2002~2005年对江苏盐城滩涂海滨锦葵栽培群体花中发生延迟自花传粉花所占的百分比进行了观测,并于2005年对花内不同停止类型的柱头裂片比进行了调查,结果表明,2002 ~ 2005年间发生延迟自花传粉花所占百分比分别为13.50%±1.62%、14.39%±1.50%、1405%±1.82%和13.47%±1.51%,不同年份间并无显著差异 (F (3, 189) = 6.128, = 0.085 )。发生延迟自花传粉花所占百分比与气候条件有密切关系,不利天气(多云/雨) (22.11%±0.94%) 明显高于有利天气(晴天) (5.43%±0.43%) (F(1, 189) = 8009.780, P < 0.001)。花内通过花部运动实现自花传粉而停止运动的柱头裂片比在有利天气(晴天)下(18.64%±1.61%)明显低于不利天气(多云/雨天) (70.58%±2.06%) (= 0.000, = 465.000, <0.001)。海滨锦葵这种直接响应于影响传粉者环境之气候条件的延迟自花传粉策略为从个体或花水平上验证繁殖保障假说提供了可能。  相似文献   

辽东山区长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)种子雨和种子库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长白落叶松是东北地区主要的用材树种,其种子雨和种子库研究鲜见报道。在辽东山区用收集器收集的种子分析了长白落叶松种子雨组成、质量和扩散距离,每隔2个月调查1次种子库数量,并结合靛蓝染色法测定每次种子的活力来分析土壤种子库动态。结果表明,辽东山区的长白落叶松种子雨从8月中旬开始,9月末到10月初达到高峰期,11月初结束。在起始期,种子雨以干瘪的不完整种子为主,而从高峰期开始,种子雨以完整种子为主。整个长白落叶松种子雨中不完整种子约占种子雨总量的45%,这些不完整种子由被动物取食、空粒和病虫害危害种子组成。完整种子的平均生活力为56.4%,即有活力的种子仅占整个种子雨的30%。种子雨集中在母树周围,在林缘1次扩散距离一般不超过1.5倍树高。种子雨到达地面之后,主要分布在枯枝落叶层,土壤0~5 cm层有少量分布,土壤5 cm以下没有种子分布;土壤种子库的种子主要在翌年雪融化后开始萌发、被取食、搬运以及腐烂,其中腐烂种子数占45.4%,动物取食为30.0%。种子库的种子数量和活力在冬季没有明显变化,而在翌年,种子数量和活力明显减少,4、6月和8月份种子数量分别为(506.3±35.56) 粒  m-2,(267.1±17.47)粒  m-2 和(143.6±9.83)粒  m-2,对应的活力分别为47.8%±4.68 %,19.4%±3.39 %和0 %,这表明长白落叶松种子不能在地面形成连续的种子库。  相似文献   

2004年12月10日,在广西南宁地区马山县金伦洞捕到2只雄性印度假吸血蝠(Megaderma lyra: Megadermatidae, Chiroptera),分析其中的胃容物,发现有蝙蝠的残遗物,包括牙齿、后足、骨骼、毛发(棕黄色);未发现昆虫残遗物。通过对残遗物中牙齿(上颌齿式:的鉴定,与蝙蝠科鼠耳蝠属(Myotis)的齿式一致,因此确定印度假吸血蝠捕食了鼠耳蝠属的蝙蝠。  相似文献   

南京灵谷寺森林中鸟类对湘楠种子的传播作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年9月—2005年11月,在位于南京市紫金山南麓的灵谷寺森林中,研究了鸟类对湘楠(Phoebe hunanensis)种子的取食与传播作用。乌鸫(Turdus merula)、黑脸噪鹛(Garrulax perspicillatus)、黑领噪鹛(G. pectoralis)、红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)和灰喜鹊(Cyanopica cyana)等5种鸟类取食湘楠的肉质核果后,主要以将果核呕出的方式传播种子。发芽试验显示,湘楠种子的萌发并不依赖于鸟类消化道的处理,但鸟类呕出种子的早期出苗率较高,且鸟类可以在较大空间范围内将其种子传播至一些适宜于种子萌发及幼苗定居的生境中。可能由于鸟类对湘楠种子的传播作用,1961年从外地引种栽培于灵谷寺森林边缘的27棵湘楠母树已经繁衍出数千棵实生苗及小树,并在母树周围约300 m范围内的天然落叶阔叶林及栽培的桂花林中成功地定居下来,既增加了灵谷寺森林中常绿树种种类,又促进了该地森林植物群落的演替和发展。  相似文献   

自由声场刺激条件下,采用单单位胞外微电极记录方法,研究了一种未被研究过的恒频/调频(CF/FM)蝙蝠——菲菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pusillus)的下丘神经元基本声反应特性,其结果发现,在所得的110个下丘神经元中,发放类型包括相位型(54.5%)、紧张型(25.5%)、持续型(7.3%)、梳齿型(7.3%)和暂停型(5.4%)等5种类型。记录深度在208~1 855(829.0±328.1)μm之间,最佳频率在16.7~75.6(38.9±15.7)kHz之间,最小阈值在5~74(34.7±13.6)dB SPL之间,阈上10 dB SPL潜伏期在5.0~27.5(15.2±3.9)ms之间。最佳频率随记录深度的增加而增大(r=0.957 8,P<0.001);记录的54个频率调谐曲线(FTCs)均为开放型,其中52个为单峰型,2个为双峰型。52个单峰型FTC的Q10-dB值介于1.56~31.61之间,并且大部分是狭窄型(Q 10-dB值>5),占69.2%(36/52),少部分为宽阔型(Q 10-dB值<5),占30.8%(16/52)。2个双峰型神经元FTC在低频处为宽阔型,高频处为狭窄型,Q 10-dB值分别为1.95、8和2.89、6.51。共获得34个神经元的强度-发放率函数(RIFs),可分为单调型、非单调型和饱和型。结合先前所研究的FM蝙蝠——普通伏翼蝠(Pipistrellus abramus)下丘神经元的基本声反应特性,比较分析了CF/FM蝙蝠与FM蝙蝠下丘神经元的声反应差异及其行为学意义。  相似文献   

2005年11月和2006年5、7、9月在贵州兴义研究了南蝠(Ia io)的食性。通过对南蝠粪便分析,发现7、9和11月份,鸟的残留羽毛在粪便中占很大比例,尤其是在11月份,鸟的羽毛占了食物组成的82%(体积百分比,下同),结果证实南蝠是一种食鸟蝙蝠。但在5月份的粪便中未发现鸟毛,而鞘翅目所占比例很大(85%);7和9月份,鸟的羽毛和鞘翅目残遗物所占的比例相当(7月份分别为44.6%和48.7%;9月份分别为51.1%和43.4%)。5、7、9、11月份南蝠取食鸟类的比例逐渐增加,而对鞘翅目的取食则逐渐减少。除取食鞘翅目外,南蝠还捕食鳞翅目、半翅目、直翅目和膜翅目等昆虫。对比捕食区内潜在的食物,发现南蝠对部分昆虫表现出明显的选择性,说明南蝠为选择性捕食者。  相似文献   

付建玉  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1887-1894
用RAPD技术对华东地区7个茶园的黑刺粉虱种群进行遗传结构分析。从40个随机引物中筛选出9条具特异性的引物,扩增出248条长度约为200~2000 bp的DNA条带,其中199条多态性条带,多态性为80.24 %。经Popgene软件分析,黑刺粉虱种群平均水平的多态位点百分比 (PPL) 为48.33 %, Nei’s 基因多样性 (HE) 为0.2910, Shannon’s多态性信息指数 (H) 为0.4442,表明黑刺粉虱种群遗传多样性丰富;各种群间遗传分化程度 (Gst) 较高,达0.3749,其中PPL以福建武夷山区的九龙山种群 (JLS) 最高,达77.42 %,其次为安徽九华山种群 (JHS) 的65.73 %;而且两种群的HEH 等遗传指标均较高。以NTSYSpc软件包,基于Nei’s遗传距离对昆虫个体进行UPGMA和NJ法聚类分析,构建分子系统树,并进行多维标度分析 (MDS) 。系统树显示:同一种群的个体优先聚类,遗传相似度高的种群依次聚类。多维标度分析也显示:浙江杭州、富阳和绍兴3种群集中分布,安徽宣城种群靠近该3种群;而九华山种群则与武夷山区的九龙山种群聚拢;福建金山种群独立成簇。多维标度分析与聚类分析结果一致。认为粉虱种群间的遗传距离与地理距离之间存在相关性;两个山地种群的多样性有别于其它种群,是因为山地环境和气候引起粉虱适应性的生态地理分化。  相似文献   

为了研究地标(landmarks)是否影响犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)的空间记忆,我们通过室内模拟试验研究犬蝠和地标在觅食过程中空间记忆形成的关系。实验组按照每天地标数分别为0、2、4、8、0的数目连续进行5天实验,对照组不设地标进行相同条件的实验。结果显示,两组犬蝠第一次取食所用的时间与实验天数之间极显著相关(Pearson Correlations: 实验组r=-0.593, P<0.01;对照组r=-0.581, P<0.01);实验组取食成功率与实验天数之间无明显相关性(Pearson Correlations: r=0.177, P>0.05);对照组取食成功率与实验天数之间显著相关(Pearson Correlations: r=0.445, P<0.05)。实验组与对照组犬蝠第一次取食的时间差异不显著(GLM: F0.05,1=4.703, P>0.05),两组间取食的成功率差异也不显著(GLM: F0.05,1=0.849, P>0.05)。这些结果说明了随着时间增加,犬蝠对取食地的空间记忆逐渐形成,放置地标在犬蝠对取食地空间记忆形成的过程中无显著影响。  相似文献   

The dispersal of Morus macroura seeds by two species of frugivorous bats ( Rousettus leschenaulti and Cynopterus sphinx ) was studied in a forest at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden in Southwest China from March to May 2005. Feeding roosts were identified within 500 m around parent trees and the types and number of seed loads under each roost were recorded. We found feeding roost density decreased with increasing distance from the parent, but found no correlation between distance and seed deposition. The effect of bat digestion on seed germination was investigated, and we found that germination percentage of all treatments involving ingestion by bats was significantly lower than control seeds and some germination parameters of seeds from different treatments changed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Declining bat populations and increasing demands on forest resources have prompted researchers to investigate tree roost selection of forest bats. Few studies, however, have investigated different spatial scales and landscape pattern as criteria for selection of tree roosts. In 1999 and 2000, we radiotracked 23 eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) to 64 day roosts. Using univariate and multivariate comparisons, we tested roost tree variables with random tree data at 3 circular spatial scales: roost tree, plot, and landscape. We found 15 variables that were entered in a stepwise discriminant analysis to best differentiate between the roost and random samples; 11 (73.3%) were landscape variables measured with a geographic information system. On average (x̄ ± SE), red bats roosted in deciduous trees (42.0 ± 2.1 cm dbh) that were located in plots with more (3.1 ± 0.1 m2) basal area, higher (84.0 ± 1.3) percentage of canopy closure, and lower (27.2 ± 2.2) percentage of groundcover than random plots. At the landscape scale (by percent magnitude), red bat buffers (1,000-m-radius circle) had significantly less development (81.6%), less feeding operations (70.4%), more deciduous (52.9%) and pine forest (63.8%), and fewer local roads (5.4%) but more trails (94.1%), open water (61.4%), wetland areas (80.4%), and stream areas (63.1%) than random buffers. Red bat roost trees were significantly closer (χ2 = 22.0088, df = 1, P < 0.001) to trails (106.2 ± 13.3 m) than to streams (279.4 ± 28.5 m). Our results suggest that red bats in our study area select roosts in mature riparian forests near trails, open water, and wetlands. The high percentage of landscape values in the discriminant analysis lends support to using landscape metrics as an investigative technique of resource selection. We recommend that managers consider landscape factors when protecting red bat day-roost habitat.  相似文献   

Shade coffee plantations are considered important habitats for frugivorous bats. However, it is not known if bats use this agricultural habitat for shelter, food resources, or both. This study addresses these questions using the highland yellow‐shouldered bat (Sturnira hondurensis) as an example. Twenty‐six adult individuals of S. hondurensis were captured, 50 percent in tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF) and 50 percent in shade coffee plantations (SCP) in Veracruz, Mexico, and each was fitted with a radio transmitter for locating roosts and feeding areas. Data were obtained from 24 of them. The fieldwork was conducted between October 2010 and October 2011 covering all seasons. Twenty‐two day roosts were located in the cavities of twelve different species of tree. Roosts located in TMCF differed significantly from those in SCP, having a smaller crown area and a greater species richness and density of plants around the roost. In SCP, both the average home range and the average core use area were smaller than in TMCF, but the differences were not statistically significant. Distances travelled by bats were generally longer and more variable in the SCP; the distance between capture site and foraging site was significantly greater in SCP than in TMCF. In SCP, there were fewer understory chiropterochorous plants, which are the main item in the diet of this bat and many other sympatric species of frugivorous bats. Although S. hondurensis does use roosts and foraging sites in the SCP, it is important to note that this species and others with similar requirements primarily depend on the preservation of intact forest adjacent to modified landscapes, where roosts and fruit are constantly available in abundance. Management practices should guarantee a greater density and diverse of trees and the preservation of understory plants with fruits in the coffee plantations that allow a long‐term survival of frugivorous bats populations.  相似文献   


Lesser short‐tailed bats (Mystacina tuberculata) have recently been translocated to Kapiti Island in an attempt to form a new population of this threatened species. However, the island's vegetation is regenerating, and there was doubt that the forests provided enough large trees with cavities for bats to roost in. This study measured the availability of tree‐trunk cavities of the right size for potential roost sites on Kapiti Island, and assessed if habitat restoration would be required to increase the translocation's chance of success. first, trees with cavities accessible to us were sampled in six of Kapiti Island's forest types. Size variables known to affect roost site selection by lesser short‐tailed bats at the tree and cavity level were measured. Trees were classified as containing cavities that could potentially provide suitable roosts if their values for all variables measured fell within the range of roosts used by lesser short‐tailed bats in natural populations. Roosts were classified as suitably sized for solitary bats or for colonies, using measurements from both types of roosts in natural populations. Second, the density of these potential roost cavities was calculated. Cavities of a size potentially suitable for colonies were found in four of the six forest types at densities ranging from 3.2 ± 3.2 Se to 52.4 ± 14.0 trees per ha. density of potential solitary roosts was much higher. Not all potential cavities will be suitable because they may be damp, poorly insulated, or have an unsuitable microclimate. Nevertheless, our estimates indicated that the two most extensive forest types each contained thousands of potential cavities of a size suitable for colonies of lesser short‐tailed bats. In addition, there were tens of thousands of cavities large enough to shelter solitary bats. Roost habitat restoration appears unnecessary to assist translocated Mystacina tuberculata on Kapiti Island.  相似文献   

Knowledge of roost selection by northern yellow bats (Lasiurus intermedius) is limited to a small number of known roost locations. Yet knowledge of basic life history is fundamental to understanding past response to anthropogenic change and to predict how species will respond to future environmental change. Therefore, we examined male northern yellow bat roost selection on 2 Georgia, USA, barrier islands with different disturbance histories. Sapelo Island has a history of extensive disturbance and is dominated by pine (Pinus spp.) forests; Little Saint Simons Island has a limited disturbance history with maritime oak (Quercus spp.) forest as the dominant cover type. From March–July 2012 and 2013, we radio-tracked 35 adult male northern yellow bats to diurnal roosts and modeled roost characteristics at the plot and landscape scales. We located 387 roosts, of which 95% were in Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) hanging in hardwood trees. On both islands, bats selected roost trees with larger diameters than surrounding trees and selected roost locations with greater open flight space (i.e., low midstory clutter) underneath. Roosts were located farther from open areas on Sapelo and closer to fresh water on Little Saint Simons compared to random locations. Lower availability of hardwood forest on Sapelo may have resulted in small-scale roost site selection (i.e., plot level) despite potential increased costs of commuting to water and open areas for foraging. In contrast, greater availability of hardwood forest on Little Saint Simons likely allowed selection of roosts closer to fresh water, which provides foraging and drinking opportunities. Our results indicate that mature hardwood trees in areas with low midstory clutter are important in male northern yellow bat roost selection, but landscape-level features have varying influences on roost selection, likely as a result of differences in disturbance history. Therefore, management will differ depending on the landscape context. Further research is needed to examine roost selection by females, which may have different habitat requirements. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Roost requirements of most North American forest bats are well-documented, but questions remain regarding the ultimate mechanisms underlying roost selection. Hypotheses regarding roost selection include provision of a stable microclimate, space for large colonies, protection from predators, and proximity to foraging habitat, among others. Although several hypotheses have been proposed, specific mechanisms likely vary by species and geographic region. Rafinesque's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) commonly roosts in trees with large basal hollows in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States. Our objective was to weigh evidence for hypotheses regarding selection of diurnal summer roosts by Rafinesque's big-eared bat at 8 study sites across the Coastal Plain of Georgia, USA. We used transect searches and radiotelemetry to locate roosts and measured 22 characteristics of trees, tree cavities, and surrounding vegetation at all occupied roosts and for randomly selected unoccupied trees. We evaluated 10 hypotheses using single-season occupancy models and used Akaike's information criterion to select the most parsimonious models. We located 170 tree roosts containing approximately 870 bats for our analysis. The best supported model predicted bat presence from cavity size, interior wall texture, and number of entrances. Because large cavities allow bats to fly and smooth walls impede attacks by terrestrial predators, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that bats select roosts that allow them to evade predators. However, data on predation rates are needed for a conclusive determination. Because trees suitable as roosts for Rafinesque's big-eared bat are rare in the landscape, protection of suitable forested wetland habitat is essential to provide current and long-term roost tree availability. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

As tropical forest fragmentation accelerates, scientists are concerned with the loss of species, particularly those that play important ecological roles. Because bats play a vital role as the primary seed dispersers in cleared areas, maintaining healthy bat populations is critical to natural forest regeneration. Observations of foraging bats suggest that many Neotropical fruit‐eating species have fairly general habitat requirements and can forage in many different kinds of disturbed vegetation; however, their roosting requirements may be quite different. To test whether or not general foraging requirements are matched by equally broad roosting requirements, we used radiotelemetry to locate roost sites of two common frugivorous bat species (Sturnira lilium and Artibeus intermedius) in a fragmented forest in southeastern Mexico. Sturnira lilium roosted inside tree cavities and selected large‐diameter roost trees in remnant patches of mature forest. Fewer than 2 percent of trees surveyed had a mean diameter equal to or greater than roost trees used by . S. lilium, Artibeus intermedius roosted externally on branches and vines and under palm leaves and selected roost trees of much smaller diameter. Compared to random trees, roost trees chosen by A. intermedius were closer to neighboring taller trees and also closer in height to these trees. Such trees likely provide cryptic roosts beneath multiple overlapping crowns, with sufficient shelter from predators and the elements. While males of A. intermedius generally roosted alone in small trees within secondary forest, females roosted in small groups in larger trees within mature forest and commuted more than three times farther than males to reach their roost sites. Loss of mature forest could impair the ability of frugivorous bats to locate suitable roost sites. This could have a negative impact on bat populations, which in turn could decrease forest regeneration in impacted areas.  相似文献   

Understanding the ephemerality of trees used as roosts by wildlife, and the number of roost trees needed to sustain their populations, is important for forest management and wildlife conservation. Several studies indicate that roosts are limiting to bats, but few studies have monitored longevity of roost trees used by bats over several years. From 2004–2007 in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Saskatchewan, Canada, several big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) from a maternity group roosted in cavities in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) trees approximately 7 km southeast away from their original known roosting area (RA1). Using a long-term data set of the roost trees used by bats in this area from 2000–2007, we evaluated whether the movement of bats to the new roosting area (RA4) corresponded with annual and cumulative losses of roost trees. We also determined whether longevity of the roosts from the time we discovered bats first using them differed between the 2 roosting areas based on Kaplan-Meier estimates. Bats began using RA4 in addition to RA1 in 2004, when the cumulative loss of roost trees in RA1 over 3 consecutive years reached 18%. Most bats exclusively roosted in RA4 in 2007, when the cumulative loss of roost trees over 6 consecutive years had reached 46% in RA1. Annual survival for roost trees, from when we first discovered bats using them, was generally lower in RA1 than in RA4. Our results suggest that the movement of bats to the new roosting area corresponded with high losses of roost trees in RA1. This provides additional evidence that to maintain high densities of suitable roost trees for bats in northern temperature forests over several decades, management plans need to recruit live and dead trees in multiple age classes and stages of decay that will be suitable for the formation of new cavities. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

<正>大多数种类的蝙蝠不会整个晚上都进行觅食,通常在觅食期间有一段长短不一的时间停留在临时地休息,此为夜栖息行为(Hatfield,1937;Krutzsch,1954;Barbour and Davis,1969;Kunz,1973,1974;Hirshfeld et al.,1977)。蝙蝠在夜栖息地进食(Vaughan,1976;Funakoshi and Maeda,2003)、休息并消化食物(Brigham,1991;Funakoshi and Maeda,2003),甚至社会交流(Kunz,1982;Kunz and Lumsden,2003)。不同种类的蝙蝠  相似文献   

Susan M.  Swift 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(2):375-384
Seven nursery roosts and four roosts of male Myotis nattereri , Kuhl 1818 were found in central Scotland at latitude 56–57 N. Most were in crevices in the stonework of man-made structures other than occupied houses. Emergence occurred late in the evening, at an average light intensity of 3.5 lux and emerging bats circled in dark, sheltered areas outside roosts before departing along flyways towards foraging areas. Individuals departed from, and returned to, roosts in groups of 2-6, and circling behaviour was repeated on returning to the roost. During pregnancy, bats from anursery roost made one flight each per night. This increased to an average maximum of 1.84 early in lactation and then decreased again to one around weaning. Night roosts were situated in foraging areas and were used by M. nattereri for resting and grooming, for suckling volant but incompletely weaned young and also, possibly, for information transfer. Important foraging habitats were woodland edges, parkland, roadside vegetation and sheltered areas of water. Arthropod prey was captured both on the wing and by gleaning from foliage, and the bats were able to vary their diet according to arthropod availability. Overall, important prey included Diptera (both Nematocera and higher flies), Trichoptera, Coleoptera and non-flying groups such as Hemiptera, Dermaptera, Arachnida and Opiliones.  相似文献   

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