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葛颂 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):22385-92
植物系统和进化生物学旨在探讨植物物种多样性的起源、多样化及其进化的机制, 是综合性越来越强的研究领域。2017年在深圳召开的第19届国际植物学大会(IBC 2017)为中国学者提供了一次难得的展示自身实力的机会和舞台, 同时也极大地推动了中国植物系统与进化生物学领域的研究。值此大会召开5周年之际, 本文拟就中国系统和进化生物学领域近年来取得的主要进展和突破做一简要回顾, 以帮助读者了解中国植物系统和进化研究的发展态势, 并在此基础上展望未来该领域的发展趋势以及面临的机遇和挑战。在过去5年中, 中国学者在植物系统与进化生物学领域的各个方面均取得了令人鼓舞的成绩和突破, 涉及植物起源和物种多样性格局的演变、植物分类和系统发生重建、物种形成和适应性进化、种间互作和协同进化、新性状的起源及其进化发育机制、植物多倍化的机制和多倍体进化、物种濒危机制和物种保护以及栽培植物的起源和驯化等等。这些研究成果不仅在数量上而且在质量上有显著提升, 受到国际学界的广泛关注, 意味着中国学者已经成为国际该领域研究的重要力量, 并将在国际植物系统和进化研究领域发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

The Human Genome Project was launched at the end of the 1980s. Since then, the cloning and identification of functional genes has been a major focus of research across the world. In China too, the potentially profound impact of such studies on the life sciences and on human health was realized, and relevant studies were initiated in the 1990s. To advance China’s involvement in the Human Genome Project, in the mid-1990s, Committee of Experts in Biology from National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) proposed the “two 1%” goal. This goal envisaged China contributing 1% of the total sequencing work, and cloning and identifying 1% of the total human functional genes. Over the past 20 years, tremendous achievement has been accomplished by Chinese scientists. It is well known that scientists in China finished the 1% of sequencing work of the Human Genome Project, whereas, there is no comprehensive report about “whether China had finished cloning and identifying 1% of human functional genes”. In the present study, the GenBank database at the National Center of Biotechnology Information, the PubMed search tool, and the patent database of the State Intellectual Property Office, China, were used to retrieve entries based on two screening standards: (i) Were the newly cloned and identified genes first reported by Chinese scientists? (ii) Were the Chinese scientists awarded the gene sequence patent? Entries were retrieved from the databases up to the cut-off date of 30 June 2011 and the obtained data were analyzed further. The results showed that 589 new human functional genes were first reported by Chinese scientists and 159 gene sequences were patented (http://gene.fudan.sh.cn/introduction/database/chinagene/chinagene.html). This study systematically summarizes China’s contributions to human functional genomics research and answers the question “has China finished cloning and identifying 1% of human functional genes?” in the affirmative.  相似文献   

该文讨论了加强植物科学基础研究的必要性及其对我国农业发展的重要影响。为了更好地为中国的农业发展服务,进一步加强植物科学基础研究非常重要。为了促进植物科学的发展,我国既要积极参与国际竞争,又要重视知识创新、技术发展以及技术平台建设等多个方面,还要重视传统学科如植物分类学等的发展。过去10年间,我们见证了中国科学家在植物科学领域取得的重要成就,随着越来越多的高水平人才回国,建议国家增加投入支持我国的植物科学基础研究。  相似文献   

该文讨论了加强植物科学基础研究的必要性及其对我国农业发展的重要影响。为了更好地为中国的农业发展服务, 进一步加强植物科学基础研究非常重要。为了促进植物科学的发展, 我国既要积极参与国际竞争, 又要重视知识创新、技术发展以及技术平台建设等多个方面, 还要重视传统学科如植物分类学等的发展。过去10年间, 我们见证了中国科学家在植物科学领域取得的重要成就, 随着越来越多的高水平人才回国, 建议国家增加投入支持我国的植物科学基础研究。  相似文献   

1970年代初期,中国科学工作者测定了亚洲地区第一个蛋白质晶体结构——猪胰岛素三方二锌晶体结构,成为中国结构生物学历史发展的起点.进入新世纪,该学科领域已进入国际前沿,展现出快速发展态势,正在迎来发展新时期.本篇评述包含"历史发展","现代化实验设施建设"和"深入生命世界,走进国际前沿——近年代表性研究成果集萃"三个主题节段,以较全视野反映结构生物学研究在中国的发展历程.  相似文献   

Abstract  A critical review of the health state of the Earth sciences is carried out for the world and for Italy, with special regard to both their traditional branches and those recently developed to address the preservation of the Italian environment and cultural heritage. Past and recent achievements by Lincei members who contributed to the progress of the Earth sciences vision to changing public opinion on the impact of natural and human actions on the environment are briefly discussed. The possible contribution of renovated “Rendiconti Lincei” to distributing internationally the present best achievements by Italian Earth scientists and by foreign scientists working on Italian soil is also analyzed. Keywords Geology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology, Applied Geosciences, Cultural Heritage Subject codes: U12007, G17002, G24009  相似文献   

2014年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
2014年中国植物科学高速稳步发展,表现在具有原创意义的高质量论文迅速增长。中国科学家在植物学诸多领域,如水稻(Oryza sativa)独脚金内酯信号转导途径、水稻代谢遗传调控、水稻育性的遗传调控机理及农业与环境生物学等取得了大量重要成果,基因组研究从功能到进化、从模式作物扩散到各类经济作物,表现出全方位多维度的整合研究态势。全球气候变化下碳汇响应机制取得重要进展。Nature等国际学术刊物高度关注中国植物科学特别是水稻生物学研究进展。该文概括性综述了2014年中国本土植物科学若干领域取得的重要研究进展,旨在全面追踪当前中国植物科学领域发展的最新前沿和热点事件,并与国内读者分享我国科学家所取得的杰出成就。  相似文献   

《神经美学》课程在中国科学院大学(国科大)生命科学学院首次开设,吸引了来自生命科学学院内外34种不同专业的99位研究生选课.神经科学或心理学专业的学生占26.5%,虽来自生命科学专业但神经科学知识基础相对薄弱的学生占63.5%,完全没有涉猎过神经科学和心理学的理工科学生占10%.因此,在教学过程中,既要讲授神经科学等方面的基础知识使初学者得以理解《神经美学》,又要时时吸引神经科学和心理学专业研究生的学习兴趣.为此,我们设计了一个有针对性的教学方案,即把《神经美学》专业内容与相关神经科学的基础知识和前沿研究成果匹配在一起讲授,同时注意与学生互动、讨论.比如,在讲授弗洛伊德"人格心理结构"时,先介绍麦克林"脑三位一体"学说和"脑的弥散性调节系统",再讲解"本我"与原始皮层和古皮层、"超我"与新皮层,以及"自我"、"本我"和"超我"的关系.然后讨论艺术创作、审美体验的神经基础,以及对经典画作的理解和审美等.课程内容从人格心理、脑结构、神经元、分子(神经递质)四个层次,为学生构建了一个较为宽广的思维空间.从学生课后提交的学习心得来看,此次教学不仅激发了他们对《神经美学》的兴趣和学习热情,同时提高了学生从美学角度进行思考以及追求美的意识.  相似文献   

即将在2009年投入使用的上海同步光源(Shanghai synchrotron research facility,SSRF)属第三代设施。它的成功建设和即将投入使用给国内不同领域包括来自于物理学、材料科学和生命科学的研究人员带来前所未有的机遇。病毒学是生命科学的一个重要分支,其研究在SARS冠状病毒和禽流感爆发后越来越受到重视。本文给出了同步光源在病毒学研究中应用的一些想法。目的在于抛砖引玉,促进讨论和交流,为更好地利用光源做出努力。  相似文献   

2021年中国植物科学家在国际综合性学术期刊及植物科学主流期刊发表的论文数量相比2020年显著增加, 在雌雄细胞识别与受精、干细胞命运决定、菌根共生、光合膜蛋白复合体、氮磷养分利用、先天免疫、作物从头驯化与基因组设计等方面取得了重要研究进展,“异源四倍体野生稻快速从头驯化”入选2021年度“中国生命科学十大进展”。该文总结了2021年度我国植物科学研究取得的成绩, 简要介绍了30项重要进展, 以帮助读者了解我国植物科学的发展态势, 思考如何更好地将植物科学研究与国家重大需求有效衔接。  相似文献   

2015年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2015年中国植物科学研究处于飞速发展的态势, 主要表现在中国植物生命科学家在国际顶级学术刊物发表文章的数量呈现出明显的优势。中国科学家在植物学诸多领域取得了骄人的成果, 如高等植物PSI与捕光天线的超分子复合物晶体结构的解析、水稻感知和耐受寒害机制、乙烯信号转导分子机制研究等。2015年中国生命科学领域十大进展中, 植物科学领域有两项成果入选。值得一提的是, 中国本土科学家因青蒿素的发现与抗疟疾药物新疗法的开创首次获得自然科学领域的诺贝尔奖, 标志着中国植物化学和中药学对人类健康事业的巨大贡献受到国际高度关注, 也标志着中国科学家围绕国家重大需求开展科学技术问题研究模式的有效性和影响力。中国植物科学从跟踪、并行, 逐渐迈入领跑学科发展的方阵。该文对2015年中国本土植物科学若干领域取得的重要研究成果进行了概括性评述, 旨在全面追踪当前中国植物科学领域发展的最新前沿和热点事件, 并与国内读者分享我国科学家所取得的杰出成就。  相似文献   

2020年中国植物科学家在国际综合性学术期刊及植物科学主流期刊发表的论文数量比上一年显著增加,在植物发育、耐逆、系统进化和作物生物学等领域取得了重要研究进展。其中,“小麦抗赤霉病基因Fhb7的克隆、机理解析及育种利用”和“提高作物品种氮肥利用效率的新机制”两项成果入选2020年度“中国生命科学十大进展”。该文总结了20...  相似文献   

Computation and information processing are among the most fundamental notions in cognitive science. They are also among the most imprecisely discussed. Many cognitive scientists take it for granted that cognition involves computation, information processing, or both – although others disagree vehemently. Yet different cognitive scientists use ‘computation’ and ‘information processing’ to mean different things, sometimes without realizing that they do. In addition, computation and information processing are surrounded by several myths; first and foremost, that they are the same thing. In this paper, we address this unsatisfactory state of affairs by presenting a general and theory-neutral account of computation and information processing. We also apply our framework by analyzing the relations between computation and information processing on one hand and classicism, connectionism, and computational neuroscience on the other. We defend the relevance to cognitive science of both computation, at least in a generic sense, and information processing, in three important senses of the term. Our account advances several foundational debates in cognitive science by untangling some of their conceptual knots in a theory-neutral way. By leveling the playing field, we pave the way for the future resolution of the debates’ empirical aspects.  相似文献   

Lacepède was a key figure in the French intellectual world from the Old Regime to the Restoration, sinc e he was not only a scientist, but also a musician, a writer, and a politician. His brilliant career is a good example of the progress of the social status of scientists in France around 1800. In the life sciences, he was considered the heir to Buffon and continued the latter’s Histoire naturelle, but he also borrowed ideas from anti-Buffonian (e.g. Linnaean) scientists. He broached many important subjects such as the nature of man, the classification of animals, the concept of species, and the history of the Earth. All these topics led to tensions in the French sciences, but Lacepède dealt with them in a consensual, indeed even ambiguous way. For example, he held transformist views, but his concept of evolution was far less precise and daring than Lamarck’s contemporaneous attempts. His somewhat confused eclecticism allowed him to be accepted by opposing camps of the French scientific community at that time and makes his case interesting for historians, since the opinions of such an opportunistic figure can illuminate the figure of the French intellectual better than more original works could do. In turn, Lacepède’s important social and scientific position gave his views a significant visibility. In this sense, his contributions probably exerted an influence, in particular with regard to the emergence of transformist theories.  相似文献   

Limnology—the science about lakes—is the young and relatively closed area of studies; its existence is owing to several hundreds of scientists. The International Society of Limnologists holds its meetings since 1922. We used materials of these meetings to find out the main stages of development of this science; among these stages there were both fast and relatively calm periods. Based on analysis of these data, we constructed a model of development of the science, the same data being used for tuning and verification of the model. We have suggested that the main regularities and mechanisms of development of limnology can be extrapolated to other sciences. The main “acting person” in the model is population of scientists. Each scientist, with some probability, can propose new ideas as well as use in his studies some particular complex of the already accumulated knowledge and ideas. The model also takes into consideration how the scientific information is spreading, as well as some individual peculiarities of model scientists, such as age, experience, communicability. After the model parameters had been chosen in such a way that is described adequately development of limnology, we performed a series of experiments by changing some of the characteristics and obtained rather unexpected results published preliminary in the short work (Levchenko, V.F. and Menshutkin, V.V., Int. J. Comput. Anticip. Syst., 2008, vol. 22, pp. 63–75) and discussed here in the greater detail. It is revealed that development of science occurs irregularly and is sharply decelerated at low level of communication between scientists and the absence of scientific schools, while the age of “scientific youth” of scientist usually begins only after 40 years.  相似文献   

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) organizes information resources for life scientists on an evolutionary scheme. This facilitates research about present-day organisms. The recent discovery of a new arenavirus, the LUJO virus, illustrates the utility of adopting evolution as a central architectural principle for life sciences databases: using the NCBI’s resources, clinicians were able to classify the new virus in real time—soon enough to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of a hemorrhagic fever caused by the LUJO virus. Topics fundamental to the study of evolution, often thought of as useless, are indeed vital because they inform how life science information ought to be organized.  相似文献   

中国植物激素研究: 过去、现在和未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许智宏  李家洋 《植物学报》2006,23(5):433-442
为了迎接2006年10月在北京召开的“植物激素与绿色革命”香山会议, 使其更具影响力, 本刊组织了一期“植物激素专辑”。本文作为此专辑的序言, 对我国在该领域研究作了概述和评论, 以帮助读者全面地了解我国在该领域的研究历史、现状和未来发展趋势。本文回顾了中国植物激素研究在二十世纪八十年代之前的工作发展历程中的重要成果, 主要集中在生理学研究方面的成果。随着植物分子遗传学技术与原理的不断成熟以及我国经济的飞速发展, 特别是研究队伍的迅速成长, 我国科学家近年来在植物激素代谢调控、转运及激素信号转导等领域取得了重要进展, 特别是激素受体基因分离鉴定、激素控制株型以及激素间的相互作用等方面取得的突破性进展。基于国际植物激素总体研究前沿和我国优势领域, 我们展望提出了我国在植物激素研究领域的未来发展方向与趋势。  相似文献   

Social scientists have not integrated relevant knowledge from the biological sciences into their explanations of human behavior. This failure is due to a longstanding antireductionistic bias against the natural sciences, which follows on a commitment to the view that social facts must be explained by social laws. This belief has led many social scientists into the error of reifying abstract analytical constructs into entities that possess powers of agency. It has also led to a false nature-culture dichotomy that effectively undermines the place of biology in social scientific explanation. Following the principles of methodological individualism, we show how behavioral explanations supported by data and theory from the neurosciences can be used to correct the errors of reificationist thinking in the social sciences. We outline a mechanistic approach to the explanation of human behavior with the hope that the biological sciences will begin to find greater acceptance among social scientists.  相似文献   

Recent rapid progress in plant science and biotechnology in China demonstrates that China’s stronger support for funding in plant research and development (R&D) has borne fruit. Chinese groups have contributed major advances in a range of fields, such as rice biology, plant hormone and developmental biology, genomics and evolution, plant genetics and epigenetics, as well as plant biotechnology. Strigolactone studies including those identifying its receptor and dissecting its complex structure and signaling are representative of the recent researches from China at the forefront of the field. These advances are attributable in large part to interdisciplinary studies among scientists from plant science, chemistry, bioinformatics, structural biology, and agronomy. The platforms provided by national facilities facilitate this collaboration. As well, efficient restructuring of the top–down organization of state programs and free exploration of scientists’ interests have accelerated achievements by Chinese researchers. Here, we provide a general outline of China’s progress in plant R&D to highlight fields in which Chinese research has made significant contributions.  相似文献   

“微生物学与免疫学”课程思政的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
"微生物学与免疫学"是药学、农学、生物学等生命科学相关学科的基础核心课程,也是当今世界发展最为迅猛、对人类生活影响最大的学科之一。高校为达到"立德树人"的教育根本任务,应将微生物学与免疫学课程建设成为思政教育的重要阵地。将我国科学家的突出科学贡献、教材知识点以及相应的思政内容有机整合,实现巩固知识、强化专业教学,加强思政教育,达到"立德树人"的培养目标。本文介绍了以我国科学家的案例进行微生物学与免疫学课程思政教学的探索和实践,将典型案例融入到教材知识点中有利于课程思政的建设。  相似文献   

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