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红壤丘陵区生态农业模式研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王明珠  尹瑞玲 《生态学报》1998,18(6):595-600
根据不同坡位上红壤的理化性质分异,建议在红壤丘陵上推行“顶林、谷农、塘渔”生态农业模式。并在塘边建造猪场,以养猪为纽带,实行种养结合,建立饲草-猪-沼、菇-果、粮-果、珍珠的食物链,再定量调控种养结合链环的饲料配置,粪尿投放、制沼育菇和塘淤返田,以提高系统生产力,达到农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于农业面源污染分区的三峡库区生态农业园建设研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘涓  谢谦  倪九派  魏朝富  吕家恪 《生态学报》2014,34(9):2431-2441
在三峡库区建立生态农业园是解决库区农业、环境和生态问题的有效措施。以农业面源污染分区为基础,探讨三峡库区重庆段生态农业园的建设模式和对策。结果表明:(1)根据地形地貌特征,将生态农业园规划为三大生态农业区,低海拔平坝丘陵生态农业区适宜发展"粮果蔬-猪-沼气-粮果蔬+休闲旅游"复合型高效农业模式,中海拔低山生态农业区可采用"粮-林-畜-沼气-草"的生态农业园建立模式,高海拔高山生态农业区适宜发展林草牧药复合型高效生态农业发展模式。(2)结合农业产业发展,确定了生态种植园、生态养殖园和生态综合园为该区的生态农业园建设方向。划分归并后的五大农业面源污染产污区中,库首外围丘陵山地产污区适宜以生态种植园为主导发展方向;库尾丘陵山地产污区可主营生态养殖园;余下3个产污区的发展核心都宜放在生态综合园建设。(3)三大生态农业区中的中海拔低山生态农业区和五大产污区中的库中平行岭谷产污区是库区生态农业园的建设重点。(4)为保障生态农业园的建设,应积极促进国家、政府、企业和农户之间的合作关系,不断创新和提升农业面源污染防控和农业生产技术。  相似文献   

秸秆利用循环模式的能值效率和持续发展能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘振  刘玲  张淑敏  孙涛  宁堂原  李传荣  李增嘉 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4739-4750
用能值法分析了不同农业循环模式的能值效率和可持续发展能力,以期找到适合本地区发展的农业循环模式。以小麦玉米两熟农田、奶牛饲养系统和沼气发酵系统为研究对象,以常规施肥为对照模式(CK),设置玉米秸秆粉碎还田的农田循环模式、沼液还田的农沼循环模式和有机肥还田的农牧循环模式3种循环模式,用能值方法比较4种循环系统的能值效率和可持续发展能力。结果表明,4种模式的净能值产出率(EYR)都大于1,农田、农沼和农牧循环模式的EYR分别是对照模式的1.13倍、54.22%和50.2%,农田、农沼和农牧循环模式的能值投资率(EIR)分别是对照模式的80.88%、4.25倍和5.85倍,农田、农沼和农牧循环模式的环境负载率(ELR)分别是对照模式的78.95%、3.71倍和1.76倍,农田循环模式对环境的压力最小,农沼循环模式对环境的压力较大,4种模式的ELR都在可接受范围内。农牧循环模式的产品安全性指标(EIPS)为-0.015,最接近于0,其产品安全性最高,而对照模式的产品存在一定的安全隐患。种植模式中农田循环模式可持续发展能力优于对照模式,复合循环模式中农牧循环模式要优于农沼循环模式。综上所述,农牧循环模式的发展潜力最大,是最适合本地区的秸秆利用循环模式。  相似文献   

分析了灰直纹螟-青钱柳虫茶(以下简称:灰青虫茶)一般营养成分、茶特征物质、氨基酸、脂肪酸、矿物质组成,同时也对其重金属含量进行安全性评价,并以仓樟虫茶、紫白虫茶和常规茶为参照,对灰青虫茶的营养价值进行了评价。结果表明,灰青虫茶含有较高的茶多酚物质;氨基酸总含量较高,其8种必需氨基酸约占氨基酸总量的39.3%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸的比值为64.76%,必需氨基酸评价显示灰青虫茶的氨基酸模式接近鸡蛋且优于大豆;矿物质含量丰富,其中以Ca含量最高,同时含有丰富的K元素,K/Na之比为208.04;按国标限量要求重金属含量无超标。灰青虫茶氨基酸和矿物质含量丰富、种类齐全,氨基酸模式较合理,是优质蛋白和安全的矿物质保健饮品,具有较高的营养价值。  相似文献   

陈卫良 《生物学通报》2005,40(11):36-37
“读书先要会疑。于不疑处有疑,方是进矣。可疑而不疑者,不曾学,学则须疑。”这是晋代学者张载的名言。它充分说明,学习是一个不断质疑和释疑的过程。因此,课堂提问非常重要,是主要的教学手段之一。问题式探究模式就是以课堂提问为载体,是一个“问题-情境-讨论-解决问题”的模式。  相似文献   

通过对全国稻田蜘蛛地理区系分布特点、群落结构和功能的多年研究,结合湖南岳阳君山实施的稻田生物灾害生态调控大田示范实验,提出了“稻-蛛-螺”种养生态调控复合模式.本模式采用“保蛛控虫,养螺灭草肥田,辅以高效生物农药控制爆发性害虫”等主要配套措施.2002~2003年在岳阳君山区示范试验结果表明:采取“以蛛控虫、养螺灭草”的主要措施,调控田化学农药用量降低了65%,土壤和稻谷的甲胺磷含量均低于化防田,但物种多样性指数明显高于化防田,能有效地保护稻区的生物多样性;调控田的杂草群落由于南美螺的啃食而显著低于化防田,同时由于螺的大量排泄物可以补充作物生长发育所需要的营养,无需追肥,降低了化肥用量;因实施了种养立体化,调控田的土地生产率、产值利税率、农副产品商品率和纯收入均高于化防田.  相似文献   

中亚热带红壤地区稻-稻-草轮作系统稻田土壤质量评价   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
王华  黄宇  阳柏苏  黄璜  张芬 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3271-3281
在中亚热带红壤地区,利用定位研究方法,比较了5种不同的轮作模式,即早稻-晚稻-黑麦草、早稻-晚稻-黑麦草→早稻-晚稻-冬闲、早稻-晚稻-3/4黑麦草‖1/4紫云英、早稻-晚稻-紫云英、早稻-晚稻-冬闲,对稻田土壤质量的影响。研究结果表明,与常规稻作系统相比较,在稻-草轮作模式下,稻田土壤养分含量增加,物理性状改善,土壤生物活性提高,土壤动物数量增加。在对土壤功能评价的基础上利用土壤质量评价体系定量地评价了5种轮作模式的土壤质量状况。“水分贮存功能”(AW E)、“土壤结构退化抑制功能”(RSSD)、“稻田作物品质和产量维持功能”(SCOP)其评价值以及最终的土壤质量指数(SQ I)都是稻-稻-3/4黑麦草‖1/4紫云英、稻-稻-黑麦草、稻-稻-紫云英3种轮作模式大于常规稻作模式,其中以稻-稻-3/4黑麦草‖1/4紫云英表现最优;“促使水分运移、提高水分有效性功能”(FWM A)功能在5种轮作模式中其评价值相等。结果还表明,土壤质量指数(SQ I)、土壤退化指数(SD I)和生物肥力指数(B IF)之间具有良好的线性关系,说明此3种评价方法都能有效地评价研究试区稻田土壤质量。土壤退化指数(SD I)表明,稻-草轮作模式稻田土壤质量都有不同程度的提高,而常规稻作系统稻田土壤质量有轻微下降。稻田土壤蚯蚓丰富度与土壤质量指数(SQ I)、土壤退化指数(SD I)和生物肥力指数(B IF)都成显著的正相关,蚯蚓的丰富度可指示本研究试区稻田土壤质量。  相似文献   

广州市都市型生态农业建设的战略目标模式与实施方略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
剖析了广州市发展生态农业中存在的问题,提出了都市型生态农业的战略目标模式,重点阐述了“贯彻一个中心、主抓四类工程、设计良性地域布局、形成多种模式、发挥三种功能”的实施方略。  相似文献   

“生态农业”这个名词,是70年代末80年代初由外国引入我国的,经在我国发展和实践,目前我们所说的生态农业的实际内涵,已远超过原来西方生态农业的概念,实际上已成为“中国式”农业现代化发展战略的重要途径之一。“生态农业”是针对当前西方以“不可再生能源”为依托的“能源农业”和古老的传统农业而言的一种新兴农业生产类型。它具有较独特的哲学思想基础,认为事物的各个方面不是孤立的,而是相互关联。人是自然界的一个“生物种群”,不是自然主宰者,而是管理者。农业生产是一个创造过程,而  相似文献   

王林云 《生物学通报》2007,42(1):1-4,F0004
概述了猪的起源和驯化以及猪的繁殖率高、世代间隔短、嗅觉非常灵敏视觉很弱、适应性强等生物学特性。介绍了我国现有猪的遗传资源,重点介绍了11个优良猪种。指出猪与人类的生活息息相关,应寻求“人、畜(猪)、自然”三者的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Biogas production on dairy farms is promoted as a climate change measure since it captures methane, a greenhouse gas emitted by manure, and produces renewable energy. Digestate is a by‐product of biogas production and is often used for nutrient recycling in a similar way as traditional manure. Despite having similar functions, manure and digestate have different behaviors related to nitrogen recycling and nitrogen emissions which are significant agricultural and environmental concerns of manure. This paper provides an insight into the impact of biogas production on nitrogen emissions and nitrogen recycling issues of the current dairy farming practice. Using the Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) approach, we analyzed the changes on three levels: manure handling, dairy farm, and the whole chain. Four biogas production options on a Dutch dairy farm related to types and sources of feedstocks were considered. We quantified biogas output, nitrogen fertilizer replacement percentage (%) and consequential nitrogen emissions (kgN/year; kgN/m3 biogas produced) of these productions in comparison with the baseline of current dairy farming without biogas. We conclude that biogas production options with additional feedstocks will cause profound changes in the nitrogen recycling on dairy farms and the nitrogen emissions at the chain level. Besides, the results show that determining the optimal biogas production option can be challenging as the evaluation is highly dependent on the used nitrogen indicator and the included level of analysis. Our findings show how SFA and a multilevel perspective can give a broader understanding of environmental trade‐offs.  相似文献   



Presently, different studies are conducted related to the topic of biomass potential to generate through anaerobic fermentation process alternative fuels supposed to support the existing fossil fuel resources, which are more and more needed, in quantity, but also in quality of so called green energy. The present study focuses on depicting an optional way of capitalizing agricultural biomass residues using anaerobic fermentation in order to obtain biogas with satisfactory characteristics.. The research is based on wheat bran and a mix of damaged ground grains substrates for biogas production.


The information and conclusions delivered offer results covering the general characteristics of biomass used , the process parameters with direct impact over the biogas production (temperature regime, pH values) and the daily biogas production for each batch relative to the used material.


All conclusions are based on processing of monitoring process results , with accent on temperature and pH influence on the daily biogas production for the two batches. The main conclusion underlines the fact that the mixture batch produces a larger quantity of biogas, using approximately the same process conditions and input, in comparison to alone analyzed probes, indicating thus a higher potential for the biogas production than the wheat bran substrate. Adrian Eugen Cioabla, Ioana Ionel, Gabriela-Alina Dumitrel and Francisc Popescu contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

The production and quality of Tie-Guan-Yin tea (Camellia sinensis) decrease with time after continuous picking over multiple years. However, it is unclear how the soils of consecutively cultured tea plantations affect the growth of tree seedlings. In this study, soil samples were collected from 4-, 9-, and 30-age Tie-Guan-Yin plantations within the original production area, Longjuan town, Anxi County, China. The toxicity of soil samples were tested by laboratory bioassay. Then, new tea seedlings were transplanted in situ into the land of three age tea plantations. One year after transplantation, the growth indexes, physiological parameters (protective enzymes and primary metabolites), photosynthesis parameters, and main tea quality indicators were measured. The results showed that the 4-, 9-, and 30-age soils inhibited lettuce root growth by 10.32, 24.19, and 48.04 %, respectively. The consecutively cultured soil negatively impacted on the growth, physiology, photosynthesis, and overall quality of transplanted tea seedlings. For example, seedlings grown in the 30-age soil had 20 % lower growth rates, 17 % less soluble sugar, 28 % less soluble protein, 37 % less polyphenol, 34 % less theanine, 25 % less amino acid, 37 % less caffeine, and 40 % less of eight catechols than tea seedlings grown in new soil with no history of tea production. These results indicated that the soils of consecutively cultured tea plantations resulted in significant autotoxicity which negatively affected tea seedling growth, metabolism, tea yield, and tea quality. Greater understanding of the causes and mechanisms of autotoxicity is critical to the reclamation of longstanding tea plantation and improvement of the yield and quality of the tea they produce.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion of spent tea leaves from an instant tea manufacturing factory was studied in a two-phase digester. The hydrolysis and acidification phase resulted in the formation of high organic strength liquid called leachate, with a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 12,880 mg/l, within the retention time of 10 days. The leachate was tested in a batch methanaogensis reactor for biogas production. An average biogas yield of 0.48 m3/kg of COD destroyed was obtained with an average COD reduction of 93%. The biogas was analyzed for 73% methane content.  相似文献   

在问卷调查获取福建欠发达山区6种典型沼气运营模式基础上,分别应用能值分析法、温室气体减排量计算及成本效益分析法,比较6种模式沼气运营系统的能值投入与产出结构、系统功能和生态效应差异。结果显示:(1)在系统结构上,集中供气型主要利用不可再生购买能值的大量投入,取得高效的生产效率和经济效益,而自建自用型则以可再生购买能值的大量投入,对自然资源利用率高,环境负荷小;在系统性能上,因净能值产出率和能值交换率高,集中供气型比自建自用型的系统可持续发展性能更佳,其中销售型尤其突出。(2)在生态效益上,以养殖为主的集中供气型和纯养殖型的温室气体减排效应非常突出,而传统种养型、特色种植型和半工半农型的减排作用不明显。(3)在政府补贴下的财务特征上,集中供气型及纯养殖型虽有高效的生态效益但不符合农户财务投资标准;相反,特色种植型与半工半农型则因系统的低生态效益而不能满足政府补贴的社会经济预期,经济预期,仅传统种养型农户完全满足社会经济角度与农户角度的投资标准。针对养殖规模化发展趋势和欠发达山区能源利用现状,对沼气工程正确运营模式的选择提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

“三料”转化与生态农业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业生态经济系统中,饲料、肥料、燃料作为能流、物流的主要形态和通道,影响着整个系统的结构和功能。本文用源、流、库的关系和数据资料,分析了“三料”转化的重要作用。提出了如何提高其转化效率,促进生态农业建设的技术路线。秸秆资源和腐食食物链的开发是技术关键。  相似文献   

Marine macroalgae are potential sustainable feedstock for biorefinery. However, this use of macroalgae is limited today mostly because macroalgae farming takes place in rural areas in medium- and low-income countries, where technologies to convert this biomass to chemicals and biofuels are not available. The goal of this work is to develop models to enable optimization of material and exergy flows in macroalgal biorefineries. We developed models for the currently widely cultivated red macroalgae Kappaphycus alvarezii being biorefined for the production of bioethanol, carrageenan, fertilizer, and biogas. Using flux balance analysis, we developed a computational model that allows the prediction of various fermentation scenarios and the identification of the most efficient conversion of K. alvarezii to bioethanol. Furthermore, we propose the potential implementation of these models in rural farms that currently cultivate Kappaphycus in Philippines and in India.  相似文献   

沼气发酵残余物应用于金丝小枣栽培的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过田间试验比较了沼气发酵残余物(沼渣和沼液)和化肥对金丝小枣部分形态特征、土壤肥力和果实品质等的影响.结果表明,施用沼渣和沼液能显著增强植株和枣果抗病、抗逆能力;改良土壤肥力状况,有机碳、总氮和矿质氮分别比化肥组对照高42.65%、37.61%和35.26%;降低土壤碱度,土壤pH值由875下降到821;增加土壤微生物量,微生物碳和氮量分别比对照高59.44%和56.06%;提高果实品质,其中粗纤维、维生素C、总氨基酸、微量元素铁和磷的含量分别比对照高27.69%、24.85%、19.81%、10.89%和5.26%.表明将沼气发酵残余物应用于金丝小枣栽培能给枣农带来良好的经济收益和环境效益,为金丝小枣的无公害生产提供了新思路.  相似文献   

论沼气及其综合利用与现代农业相结合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张无敌  宋洪川 《生态科学》1998,17(2):114-117
论及沼气及其综合利用的6个方面,这些内容涉及到农林牧副渔工各个方面;沼气综合利用的全面开展,有力地促进了能源、经济、生态和社会四者的协调发展,为现代农业的多元化发展起到了极其重要的纽带作用.  相似文献   

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