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硅和干旱胁迫对水稻叶片光合特性和矿质养分吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈伟  蔡昆争  陈基宁 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2620-2628
硅被认为是植物生长的有益元素,它能增强植物对非生物逆境和生物逆境胁迫的抗性。以抗旱性不同的一对水稻近等基因系w-14-和w-20为实验材料,采用盆栽实验,研究了干旱胁迫下硅处理对水稻生长性状、光合生理特性和矿质养分吸收的影响。结果表明,在正常水分条件下硅处理对水稻的生长及生理特性没有明显影响。干旱胁迫显著降低水稻植株的生长,叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm及Fv/F0值显著降低,光合作用受到明显抑制。加硅能提高干旱胁迫条件下水稻植株的生物量、水分利用效率、叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率和蒸腾速率,而气孔导度和细胞间隙CO2浓度则下降。无论干旱与否,施硅后水稻的叶片硅含量均显著上升。两个水稻品系叶片的无机离子含量在干旱胁迫条件下均呈显著增加的趋势,而硅处理后材料w-14的叶片K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe3+含量分别降低16.38%,24.50%,19.70%,21.52%,18.58%,w-20则分别降低11.64%,12.11%,16.06%,11.11%和19.15%,并使之回复到与对照更接近的水平。研究结果表明了硅提高水稻植株的抗旱性与光合作用的改善和矿质养分的调节有关。  相似文献   

硅对干旱胁迫下玉米水分代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李清芳  马成仓  季必金 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4163-4168
利用盆栽试验研究了施硅(K2SiO3)对玉米植株水分代谢的影响.结果表明:施硅降低了干旱胁迫下玉米植株的气孔导度,降低了干旱胁迫早期到中期的蒸腾速率,保持了干旱胁迫后期较高的蒸腾速率,从而导致施硅玉米植株的叶片含水量和水势高于对照.由于植株的水分状况改善,施硅玉米植株生物量高于对照.硅增强玉米植株的抗旱性,而提高植株保水能力是硅提高抗旱性的重要原因.  相似文献   

水稻中硅的营养功能及生理机制的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尽管硅还没有被列为植物生长的必需营养元素,但它在水稻生长发育、产量与品质形成、矿质营养吸收以及逆境生理等方面都具有重要的作用。硅不仅是水稻细胞结构成分和组成物质,还参与调节水稻各种生理生化代谢过程,促进光合作用,改善冠层结构,增强抗倒伏能力,提高群体质量,促进产量、品质和肥料吸收利用效率的协同提高。硅通过物理途径或生理生化途径增强水稻对重金属、盐渍、干旱、紫外线、高温等非生物胁迫以及病虫生物胁迫的抵抗力。还展望了水稻中硅研究的未来发展。  相似文献   

地表臭氧(O_3)浓度和干旱频率的持续增加成为限制植物生长的重要因素。O_3通过气孔扩散进入植物组织内部,产生并积累活性氧(ROS)自由基,促发细胞程序性死亡。干旱破坏植物抗氧化系统对ROS的解毒和修复功能,导致ROS累积。两种胁迫对植物的影响都是积累ROS并引发氧化胁迫,使植物的光合作用和生理代谢机能受到限制,最终阻碍植物生长,导致生物量降低。然而,O_3和干旱胁迫对植物的复合效应可能是协同加重植物损伤,也可能是拮抗减轻植物伤害,二者的交互影响存在复杂的作用过程。一方面,O_3引起气孔响应滞后甚至失灵,使植物对于两种胁迫的响应变得迟钝,进而加重植物的蒸散失水和O_3毒害。另一方面,干旱使植物气孔关闭,从而降低对O_3的吸收量和水分蒸发,但长期干旱限制CO2的吸收,最终导致植物的生长受限。植物的响应过程不仅取决于两种胁迫作用的先后次序和持续时间,而且受到植物本身生理代谢差异的影响。该文结合国内外研究,从气孔、光合碳代谢、抗氧化系统和生长发育等方面阐述了O_3和干旱胁迫对植物代谢调节和生长发育的复合影响,并提出了未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌对植物耐旱性的影响研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)能与植物根系形成互惠共生体,对植物的生长发育和抗逆性有积极的影响,在改善植物水分代谢和提高植物耐旱性中发挥了重要作用.本文综述了近年来AMF与植物水分代谢关系的研究进展,从植物的光合作用、蒸腾与气孔导度、水分利用效率、水力导度、渗透调节、内源激素和抗氧化系统等方面说明AMF对植物水分代谢的影响.从4个方面介绍了AMF提高植物耐旱性的机理:1)菌丝网络增加植物根系吸收范围;2)增强植物保水能力和抗氧化能力;3)稳定和改善土壤团聚体;4)促进植物养分吸收.并提出今后研究需注意的问题和建议.  相似文献   

柑橘属光合作用的环境调节   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
光合机构的运转受环境影响很大,与柑橘的生长发育、产量和品质密切相关.结合我们的工作,综合论述了柑橘光合作用环境调节的研究进展.强光和紫外光导致光合作用下降与PSⅡ反应中心失活有关,光呼吸和叶黄素循环对光合机构有保护作用.温度胁迫下,光合作用下降主要是RuBPCase活性下降和PSⅡ反应中心失活引起,品种间存在差异.轻度水分胁迫引起的光合作用下降是气孔限制的结果,而严重水分胁迫导致光合作用的非气孔限制.提高CO2浓度,能够促进柑橘的光合作用,进而促进柑橘的生长和提高其品质.阐述了N、P、S、Fe等矿质元素调节光合作用的机理及盐胁迫对光合作用的影响,指出了今后柑橘光合作用的研究方向.  相似文献   

褪黑素对玉米幼苗根系发育和抗旱性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
褪黑素是一种在生物体内广泛存在的吲哚胺类化合物,参与植物的多种生理和生化过程。近年来研究认为褪黑素可以不同程度地增强植物的抗逆性,但对其作用机理仍知之甚少。通过两种褪黑素的施用方法,详细研究了褪黑素对于玉米根系发育和抗旱性的影响。首先,采用水培根灌褪黑素的方法对玉米幼苗的根系和生长状况进行分析,结果表明施加褪黑素显著提高多种玉米幼苗根系参数,包括根长、根表面积、根体积和侧根数目等。其次,采用盆栽浸种褪黑素的方法,对叶片相对含水量、光合作用、抗氧化酶活性、地上部分生物量等进行测定,结果表明在干旱胁迫条件下,褪黑素浸泡种子的处理方式能够提高植株的光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率,增强抗氧化酶活性以及降低活性氧和丙二醛含量,证明褪黑素促进植物根系发育,减轻氧化损伤,缓解光合抑制,改善植物水分状况,从而提高植物抗旱性。  相似文献   

刘燕  张凌楠  刘晓宏  曾小敏  贾瑞萱 《生态学报》2023,(24):10042-10053
全球气候突变导致干旱事件频发,进而易引发严重的植物衰退甚至死亡,聚焦植物尤其是树木死亡的生理学机制并期望基于此评估及预测气候变化导致植物死亡风险已成为热点话题。植物通过调整内在生理代谢过程,例如通过调节渗透物质的含量,来平衡渗透势、维持细胞膨压、调节植物激素的信号水平,诱导植物气孔开放程度降低,有利于植物保存水分、调控植物水通道蛋白的表达,进而保持体内水分稳定并对干旱胁迫做出快速响应。这些生理过程中的每一环调节都为了确保水分运输的效率和安全性,增加植物抗旱性以及生态系统稳定性。植物的抗旱性不仅体现在生理代谢方面的调节,还表现在植物水力特性与解剖结构间相辅相成。当植物改变水力特性的同时,其茎叶会在解剖结构上做出调整以满足植物在干旱环境下水分供需平衡,从而降低植物蒸腾水分散失、增强细胞储水并提高生存能力。植物应对水分胁迫的策略通常与水分消耗和碳获取之间的平衡有关,明晰植物水分消耗与光合碳获取间存在平衡关系的性状特征便于更好地理解植物的水分利用策略。然而,植物表现出的任意单一性状特征的强弱都无法代表整个植物适应逆境的优劣,未来只有通过将植物更多性状特征进行相互关联,以具有代表植物水力功能、结...  相似文献   

赵翔  李娜  王棚涛  张骁 《生命科学》2011,(1):115-120
干旱、盐渍、低温等均可导致植物可利用水分的亏缺,表现为水分胁迫。植物感受到水分胁迫,诱导脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)生物合成。ABA可通过促使气孔关闭或抑制气孔开放,使作物尽可能地降低蒸腾失水,以抵御水分胁迫。该文就植物激素ABA及其下游信号过氧化氢(hydrogenperoxide,H2O2)、一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)以及Ca2+等在植物气孔运动调节方面的研究进展进行概述,以构建水分胁迫下ABA调节植物气孔运动的可能模式。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对植物气孔特性影响研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述干旱胁迫对植物叶片气孔特性的影响,从气孔大小、气孔密度、气孔导度等方面概括植物气孔对干旱胁迫的响应,分析植物气孔特性与其抗旱性的关系,并对气孔特性的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Ground-level ozone (O3) and drought are two key factors limiting plant growth. O3 can enter into the plant tissue through the stomata, then causing the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which inspires programmed cell death. Drought usually induces the accumulation of ROS due to damage to antioxidant systems of plants. The effects of two kinds of stress on plants are similar due to the accumulation of ROS, resulting in reduced photosynthesis rate and physiological metabolism, eventually decreased plant growth and biomass. Nevertheless, O3 and drought interacts synergistically to accumulate detrimental effects or antagonistically to reduce harmful effects. Actually, it is complex interactive process between O3 and drought. On the one hand, O3 triggers stomatal sluggishness or even dysfunction, which exacerbates water transpiration of leaves, water loss from plants and further O3 phytotoxicity. On the other hand, drought induces stomatal closure, and thus protecting plants against the O3 influx and evaporation of water. However, prolonged drought could limit the uptake of CO2 and thus result in reduced plant growth. The response of plants to both O3 and drought not only depends on the occurring sequence and duration of any factor but also rely on the difference in physiological metabolism of the plant itself. The interactive effects of O3 and drought on stomatal characteristics, photosynthetic carbon mechanism, antioxidant response and growth development are reviewed in this paper and the aspects to be further studied are also suggested.  相似文献   

Cen Y.  Liu M.-Z. 《植物生态学报》2017,(11):1199-1207
Aims: To investigate the effects of dew on plants, we conducted the experiment to determine the physiological characteristics and leaf structures of Leymus chinensis and Agropyron cristatum in response to increasing dew under drought stress. Methods: Four treatments (no dew, three times dew and five times dew per week under drought stress, and well-watering) were designed to examine leaf relative water content, water potential, net photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, biomass, and leaf structures of L. chinensis and A. cristatum. Important findings: There was a significant increase in the relative water content and water potential by simulated dew increase for two plants species under drought stress (p < 0.05). For A. cristatum, simulated dew increase significantly enhanced the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate of plants under drought stress (p < 0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the stomatal conductance and transpiration rate for L. chinensis among treatments. Simulated dew increase improved the aboveground biomass and root biomass of two species. The ratio of yellow leaves to the total leaves was decreased by simulated dew increase for two species. Dew increase also protected leaf structures against the drought stress, suggesting that the dew increase can slow down the death process of leaves resulted from drought stress. Therefore, the study demonstrated that dew increased the available water for the leaves of L. chinensis and A. cristatum grown in the drought stress and thus had positive effects on the photosynthesis, water physiology and plant development.  相似文献   

为探究植物对热带珊瑚岛高温、强光照、干旱、盐碱等极端环境的适应策略,分别以生长于海南文昌苗圃和移栽至热带珊瑚岛的29种植物为研究对象,对其叶片性状进行测定和比较分析。结果表明,与海南文昌的同种植物相比,热带珊瑚岛的草本植物除干物质含量增加外其他性状均无显著改变;而木本植物的比叶面积显著下降,叶片厚度和叶片干物质含量显著增加,海绵组织更厚且栅栏组织排列更紧密,但气孔长度、气孔密度及气孔面积指数无显著差异。岛上木本植株采取慢速投资-收益的资源获取策略,将更多的资源投入到叶片构建中从而增强逆境下的适应性,并且通过非气孔调节的方式提高光合与储水的潜力以抵御胁迫。栽植于热带珊瑚岛的29种植物能够采用更保守的资源利用策略,较好地适应干旱、强光照等胁迫环境,可用于热带珊瑚岛植被构建。  相似文献   

Ground-level ozone (O3) and drought are two key factors limiting plant growth. O3 can enter into the plant tissue through the stomata, then causing the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which inspires programmed cell death. Drought usually induces the accumulation of ROS due to damage to antioxidant systems of plants. The effects of two kinds of stress on plants are similar due to the accumulation of ROS, resulting in reduced photosynthesis rate and physiological metabolism, eventually decreased plant growth and biomass. Nevertheless, O3 and drought interacts synergistically to accumulate detrimental effects or antagonistically to reduce harmful effects. Actually, it is complex interactive process between O3 and drought. On the one hand, O3 triggers stomatal sluggishness or even dysfunction, which exacerbates water transpiration of leaves, water loss from plants and further O3 phytotoxicity. On the other hand, drought induces stomatal closure, and thus protecting plants against the O3 influx and evaporation of water. However, prolonged drought could limit the uptake of CO2 and thus result in reduced plant growth. The response of plants to both O3 and drought not only depends on the occurring sequence and duration of any factor but also rely on the difference in physiological metabolism of the plant itself. The interactive effects of O3 and drought on stomatal characteristics, photosynthetic carbon mechanism, antioxidant response and growth development are reviewed in this paper and the aspects to be further studied are also suggested.  相似文献   

在CO2浓度分别为350μmol·mol-1和倍增浓度(700μmol·mol-1)的两个开顶式生长室内,研究了干旱胁迫下小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)光合作用和抗氧化酶活性的变化.结果表明,CO2浓度升高显著提高了小麦的净光合速率,降低了蒸腾速率,提高了气孔阻力和水分利用效率.倍增CO2浓度明显提高了SOD、POD及CAT酶活性,增强了小麦的抗氧化保护能力和抗旱性.  相似文献   

五种高速公路边坡绿化植物的生理特性及抗旱性综合评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
谭雪红  高艳鹏  郭小平  赵廷宁  王亮 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5076-5086
采用盆栽控制土壤水分,测定不同程度水分胁迫梯度下5种高速公路边坡绿化植物的叶水势、光合作用参数及叶绿素荧光参数,并以水分胁迫下各生理指标的平均变化速率为原始数据进行抗旱性综合评价。结果表明:(1)随着水分胁迫的加强,5种植物的ΨL、Pn、Tr、GS、Fv、Fm、Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo均逐渐下降,Fo逐渐升高,WUE先升后降,Ci先降后升,不同生理指标的变化幅度及拐点有一定差异;平均变化速率相对较小的是八宝景天和马蔺,较大的是肥皂草和太行菊;(2)根据水分胁迫下Gs和Ci变化方向的差异判断八宝景天、马蔺以W2作为Pn降低由气孔限制转为非气孔因素的分界线,五叶地锦、肥皂草和太行菊以W1为分界线,八宝景天、马蔺在W2时WUE最高,五叶地锦、肥皂草和太行菊在W1时最高;(3)5种植物抗旱性大小排序为:八宝景天>马蔺>五叶地锦>太行菊>肥皂草,聚类分析结果为:八宝景天、马蔺为强抗旱植物,五叶地锦为中抗旱植物,太行菊、肥皂草为弱抗旱植物。  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis can confer increased host resistance to drought stress, although the effect is unpredictable. Since AM symbiosis also frequently increases host resistance to salinity stress, and since drought and salinity stress are often linked in drying soils, we speculated that the AM influence on plant drought response may be partially the result of AM influence on salinity stress. We tested the hypothesis that AM-induced effects on drought responses would be more pronounced when plants of comparable size are exposed to drought in salinized soils. In two greenhouse experiments, several water relations characteristics were measured in sorghum plants colonized by Glomus intraradices (Gi), Gigaspora margarita (Gm) or a mixture of AM species, during a sustained drought following exposure to salinity treatments (NaCl stress, osmotic stress via concentrated macronutrients, or soil leaching). The presence of excess salt in soils widened the difference in drought responses between AM and nonAM plants in just two instances. Days required for plants to reach stomatal closure were similar for Gi and nonAM plants exposed to drought alone, but with exposure to combined NaCl and drought stress, stomates of Gi plants remained open 17-22% longer than in nonAM plants. Promotion of stomatal conductance by Gm occurred with exposure to NaCl/drought stress but not with drought alone or with soil leaching before drought. In other instances, however, the addition of salt tended to nullify an AM-induced change in drought response. Our findings confirm that AM fungi can alter host response to drought but do not lend much support to the idea that AM-induced salt resistance might help explain why AM plants can be more resilient to drought stress than their nonAM counterparts.  相似文献   

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