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温度对花斑副沙鳅仔鱼发育、摄食及不可逆点的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年4~5月,研究了温度对花斑副沙鳅(Parabotia fasciata)早期仔鱼的发育、初次摄食时间、群体摄食率及不可逆点(PNR)的影响。结果发现,花斑副沙鳅仔鱼出膜后2 d已开始摄食;初次群体摄食率最高值出现在卵黄囊耗尽后的1~2 d,花斑副沙鳅仔鱼的摄食强度随温度升高而增大。仔鱼抵达PNR的时间随温度升高而缩短:22℃时,仔鱼的PNR出现在出膜后的8.0~9.0 d;26℃时,PNR为7.0 d;28℃时,PNR为5.5 d;30℃时,PNR为5.0 d。最大初次摄食率至PNR之间为不可逆饥饿期,22℃时为3.5 d,30℃时仅为1.5 d,说明温度越高,仔鱼耐受饥饿的能力越差,越不利于仔鱼的存活。研究认为,温度对花斑副沙鳅仔鱼发育、摄食及不可逆点的影响较大;在苗种培育过程中,应根据温度确定投饵时间,适时投饵对仔鱼的成活显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

稀有鮈鲫仔鱼的摄食和耐饥饿能力   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
研究了室养条件下稀有的鮈鲫的摄食和耐饥饿能力。结果表明,仔鱼一般在孵出后1.5d-2d开口摄食,此时卵黄囊容量约从初孵时的0.1降至0.03mm~3以下,在其后1-1.5d卵黄物质消耗殆尽;饥饿仔鱼的初次摄食率变化型式为:开始较低,然后迅速升高,约在卵黄吸尽时达到最高,最高初次摄食率为100%,保持在80%以上的时间为5d;持续饥饿或延迟开始摄食时间对仔鱼的生长、发育、存活有深刻的影响,饥饿仔鱼全长负生长及饥饿体征明显;初孵仔鱼持续饥饿8-10d达不可逆点(PNR),饥饿仔鱼在PNR前1.5d时存活率低于50%,在PNR后2d全部死亡。  相似文献   

饥饿对唐鱼仔鱼摄食和生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
用初次摄食率测定法测定饥饿胁迫下唐鱼(Tanichthys albonubes)仔鱼耐饥饿能力,观察了饥饿对仔鱼摄食、生长和形态发育的影响。结果表明,水温24.0~28.5℃条件下仔鱼在孵化后第2.5~3d开口摄食,初次摄食率为33.3%,最高初次摄食率为100%并持续4d;混合营养期约2d;第5d卵黄耗尽,并达到最高摄食强度;第8.5d进入不可逆点(PNR),PNR有效积温为222.7d.℃,第10d死亡率超过50%,12d全部死亡。饥饿对仔鱼发育起延迟作用,混合营养期延迟投喂,仔鱼生长发育水平明显低于正常投喂仔鱼,饥饿仔鱼发育停滞且在PNR前后负增长并出现胸角。本文讨论了仔鱼耐饥饿能力与生境、生活史策略的关系。  相似文献   

太平洋鳕仔鱼饥饿实验及不可逆生长点的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李艳秋  姜志强  孙阳  毛明光  孟祥科 《生态学报》2014,34(14):3873-3878
通过研究饥饿胁迫对太平洋鳕仔鱼生长、形态和行为的影响,确定太平洋鳕仔鱼最佳投饵时间及不可逆点,以期为太平洋鳕人工育苗提供科学参考。实验设饥饿组和摄食组进行研究。结果表明,在水温10.0—11.0℃时,太平洋鳕仔鱼在孵化后第5天开始摄食,此时卵黄囊容量约从初孵时的0.2402mm3降至0.0062mm3,卵黄囊体积随仔鱼生长逐渐变小。从第8日龄开始,饥饿仔鱼的全长、体长、肛前长、体高等指标与摄食组差异极显著(P0.01),多项生长指标出现负增长,饥饿组与摄食组仔鱼开鳔率及鳔体积差异明显,表明饥饿对仔鱼生长发育起延迟作用。太平洋鳕仔鱼初次摄食率为30%,第7天初次摄食率达90%,仅保持1d。太平洋鳕仔鱼的耐饥饿能力较差,PNR为9日龄。最佳投饵时间为5—7日龄。  相似文献   

延迟投饵对史氏鲟仔鱼摄食、存活及生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了解史氏鲟仔鱼阶段的开口摄食习性,为史氏鲟的人工育苗提供基础资料,研究了延迟投饵对史氏鲟仔鱼摄食、存活及生长的影响。结果表明:仔鱼6日龄开口,7日龄史氏鲟仔鱼初次摄食,10日龄卵黄基本吸收完毕,16~17日龄,不能建立外源性营养的仔鱼进入饥饿的不可逆点(PNR)期,故其PNR是16日龄;史氏鲟仔鱼存活率随延迟投饵天数的增加而降低,6日龄后,延迟投饵时间在7d内,仔鱼存活率可达60%以上,延迟投饵时间在8~10d内,仔鱼的成活率下降至40%左右,延迟投饵时间为11d,存活率下降至10%,延迟投饵时间为12d及以后,存活率为0;史氏鲟仔鱼全长和体质量在延迟投饵4d内均增加;延迟投饵超过4d则均下降。延迟投喂时间在8d以内,仔鱼全长和体质量与对照组无显著性差异;延迟投喂超过9d,全长和体质量低于对照组;史氏鲟仔鱼适宜投饵的时间是孵出后9~10d。  相似文献   

哲罗鱼仔鱼饥饿实验及不可逆生长点的确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在水温10-12℃条件下,研究了哲罗鱼Hucho taimen仔鱼饥饿对其生长、形态和行为的影响,确定其初次摄食饥饿不可逆点(PNR)和最佳初次摄食时间.结果表明:饥饿状况下哲罗鱼仔鱼全长基本维持恒定,但肥满度不断降低,在第24日龄后体重出现负增长,其卵黄囊吸收与生长变化密切相关;饥饿后的仔鱼身体发黑、头大身瘦、后脑部下陷;集群性、初次摄食力与饥饿时间呈负相关;25日龄出现自残现象,30日龄自残率达到最大值14.5%.哲罗鱼仔鱼初次摄食时间在21日龄,当29日龄摄食率达到最高值100%,PNR期为39-40日龄;初次摄食仔鱼最佳投喂时间在25日龄,也就是仔鱼上浮后第4天.  相似文献   

中华鲟仔鱼初次摄食时间与存活及生长的关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究了延迟投饵对中华鲟开口仔鱼存活及生长的影响。初次开口摄食在11—12日龄,13日龄卵黄基本吸收完毕,营养完全依靠外界供给。12日龄后,延迟投喂时间在1—10天的范围内,仔鱼成活率在46.67—73.33%之间,各组间无显著差异;延迟投喂时间为11d,成活率下降至13.3%;延迟投喂时间为12d,成活率为0。此外,延迟投喂时间在8d(20日龄)之内,42日龄后测量,仔鱼体长和体重与对照组无明显差异;延迟投喂超过9d,则体长和体重的指标明显低于对照组。仔鱼不摄食可以存活的最长时间是42日龄,但延迟投喂12天(24日龄)以上即发生不可逆转饥饿,故其饥饿的不可逆点(PNR)是24日龄。  相似文献   

以人工繁育的俄罗斯鲟仔鱼为对象,采用实验生态学方法,研究了初次摄食时间对生长及存活的影响。结果表明:在水温17.4 ℃下,仔鱼在9~10日龄初次摄食,初次摄食前投喂对俄罗斯鲟仔鱼的生长和存活无显著性影响,延迟2 d以上初次摄食对生长影响明显,存活率在18日龄初次摄食时显著下降,24日龄时饥饿仔鱼全部死亡;23~24日龄时仔鱼如不能建立外源营养即达到饥饿不可逆点(PNR)。人工养殖条件下,俄罗斯鲟仔鱼必须在初次摄食后14 d内建立起主动摄食能力才能保证其仔鱼的正常发育、生长和存活。  相似文献   

饥饿对食蚊鱼仔鱼摄食、生长和形态的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究了饥饿胁迫下食蚊鱼仔鱼的摄食、生长和外部形态的变化规律.结果表明,在水温(28.5±1.2)℃时,仔鱼产出2h后鳔完成充气即建立巡游模式并开始觅食,摄食比率迅速达到100%,其混合营养期仅有4h.实验期间,投喂组仔鱼的摄食比率一直保持在100%;饥饿组仔鱼在饥饿0-3d内初次摄食比率同样可达到或接近100%,但第4天开始下降,第6天初次摄食比率降至0,抵达饥饿不可逆点(PNR)时间为产出后第5.5天左右.投喂组初产仔鱼对1-2龄期库蚊幼虫的摄食强度为(2.9±1.4)ind/individual·h,摄食强度随日龄显著增长;饥饿组仔鱼在饥饿0-5d内其初次摄食强度也随日龄及饥饿时间的延长显著增长,但均显著低于相应日龄的投喂组仔鱼,其初次摄食比率与初次摄食强度之间并无显著相关关系.饥饿仔鱼在PNR前约1.5d时其累计死亡率已超半数,达(64.4±18.1)%,抵达PNR后数小时内残存个体全部死亡.实验结束(6d)时投喂组仔鱼5项生长指标呈不等速增长,其中体重增长最为显著,瞬时增长率达0.0275/d,此时腹鳍发育基本完备,进入幼鱼期.而同期饥饿组仔鱼形态发育停滞,多项生长指标出现负增长,其中体高负增长最为明显,其瞬时增长率为-0.0511/d;体重次之,体长负增长则不甚明显.饥饿仔鱼在接近或处在PNR期时腹部萎缩呈弧形,体长/体高>5,而同期投喂组仔鱼体长/体高<4.5,两者差异显著,可作为鉴别饥饿仔鱼和健康仔鱼较理想的形态数量指标.  相似文献   

利用采自赤水河下游的银鮈(Squalidus argentatus)鱼卵对其早期发育进行了观察和描述,并对仔鱼的耐饥饿能力进行了研究。银卵属中等大小的漂流性卵,具双层卵膜,外膜径(3.35±0.41)mm。胚胎发育分32个发育期,在水温24.6~25.5℃时历时40h。初孵仔鱼全长(3.84±0.36)mm,眼下有一个黑点,胸鳍原基已形成,经85d左右发育成幼鱼。仔鱼孵出后2~3d开口摄食,5日龄时初次摄食率即达100%。持续饥饿对银鮈仔鱼生长、发育、存活均有很大影响,饥饿仔鱼11~12d达不可逆点(PNR),饥饿至13日龄时,绝大部分仔鱼死亡。  相似文献   

Growth and respiration of larval rabbitfish from Guam were examined. Larvae were reared from eggs in 2- to 10-ton tanks and were fed rotifers, Anemia , and artificial feed in succession as development proceeded through metamorphosis. Growth in length was rapid during the 12 h after hatching, then slowed until the larvae began to feed. The yolk sac was usually absorbed by 36 h after hatching. Rates of respiration of larvae and eggs were determined with a dissolved oxygen electrode at various times through development. Larval metabolism increased steadily during the embryonic stages culminating in a metabolic burst immediately after hatching. Respiration rates remained relatively stable from shortly after hatching until the onset of exogenous feeding, after which respiration rates increased with larval size. The respiration rates of post-yolk-sac larvae scaled isometrically with larval dry mass. Daily growth of feeding larvae was 27 to 28% of larval dry mass.  相似文献   

This study describes the morphological development and early growth of laboratory-raised chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L. 1758), larvae. Larvae hatched with relatively large yolk sacs, stayed motionless at the tank bottom and exhibited short and sudden bursts from time to time. They were olive in colour and with complete absence of melanophores on the body. Larvae were transparent but showed brownish eye pigment. Intense body pigmentation first appeared on day 4 after hatching. By day 8 the yolk sac was fully absorbed; only 30% of the initial population of larvae successfully established exogenous feeding. Fin rays first appeared on the dorsal and anal fins of larvae around day 12. Growth during the yolk sac stage was initially fast but slowed down with the increasing size of larvae at the time of yolk absorption. The specific growth rate (SGR) of larvae declined with time, although the total observation period was relatively short (12 days). SGR values ranged from 5.18 (day 2) to 2.97 (day 12). Only a negligible egg mortality was observed during the period of early endogenous feeding (between days 1 and 6), and about 45% towards the end of endogenous feeding and immediately after the yolk sac phase (between days 7 and 9). During the exogenous feeding period (between days 10 and 12) deaths were negligible.  相似文献   

微流水培养条件下斑鳜仔鱼的摄食与生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在孵化环道连续微流水培养、水温(24±2)℃条件下,斑鳜(Siniperca scherzeri Steindachner)初孵仔鱼全长为(4.87±0.10)mm(n=50),卵黄囊体积为(1.461±0.172)mm3(n=50),油球直径为(0.47±0.04)mm(n=50).仔鱼孵出12h,胸鳍增大,具有一定阵发性水平游动能力,1日龄巡游模式建立;2日龄口膜消失,开始主动摄食,进入混合营养期,3 日龄外源性摄食关系完全建立.5日龄仔鱼的卵黄和油球全部消失.进入外源营养期;15日龄全长达到(13.72±0.76)mm(n=12).仔鱼发育过程中,其全长生长存在内源性营养阶段的较快速生长,混合营养阶段的慢速生长以及外源性营养阶段的快速生长三个生长期相,平均增长率为0.59 mm/d,对仔鱼全长TL(mm)与日龄D(d)进行同归,其生长模型为:TL=-0.0004D3+0.0283D2+0.2159D + 4.9335(R2=0.985,n=261).2-15 日龄,口宽与全长呈正比关系.仔鱼从初孵到PNR仅为5-6d,具有摄食能力的时间4d,仔鱼依赖外源性营养开始时间较早,对饥饿的耐受力较差.  相似文献   

L. Zhang    Y. J. Wang    M. H. Hu    Q. X. Fan    S. G. Chenung    P. K. S. Shin    H. Li    L. Cao 《Journal of fish biology》2009,75(6):1158-1172
The effects of delayed first feeding on growth and survival of spotted mandarin fish Siniperca scherzeri larvae were examined under controlled conditions. Morphometric characters [yolk‐sac volume, oil globule volume, head depth (HD), body depth (BD), eye diameter (ED), musculature height (MH), mouth diameter (MD) and total length (LT)], body mass (M), specific growth rate (SGR) and survival were evaluated under different first‐feeding time (2, 3, 4 and 5 days after hatching). Larvae began to feed exogenously at 2 days after hatching (DAH) and the point of no return (PNR) occurred between 5 and 6 DAH at 23° C, range ±1·0° C. The yolk volume of larvae first‐fed at 2 days had a significant difference compared with that of larvae first‐fed at 3, 4 and 5 days on 3 and 4 DAH. The larvae first‐fed at 2 days achieved comparatively better growth performance than that of 3, 4 and 5 days. On 5 DAH, all morphometric characters had significant differences between 2 and 5 days and 2 and 4 days initial feeding, respectively. Total mortality was recorded on 9 DAH for the larvae first‐fed at 5 days. On 12 DAH, significant differences were observed between 2 and 4 days and 3 and 4 days initial feeding for all morphometric characters. From 16 DAH to the end of experiment, all growth variables of the larvae first‐fed at 2 days were significantly higher than those in other treatments. The SGR (2–9 DAH) first‐fed at 2 and 3 days were significantly higher than 4 and 5 day treatments, and the SGR (9–16 DAH) first‐fed at 2 days was significantly higher than 3 and 4 day treatments. There was no significant difference, however, of SGR (16–28 DAH) among treatments. Survival rate was significantly higher at 2 days initial feeding (27·42%) when compared with 3 (15·96%) and 4 days (7·92%) initial feeding at the end of experiment. The present study suggests that the first feeding of S. scherzeri larvae should be initiated at 2 days after hatching for achieving good growth and survival.  相似文献   

The process of differentiation of digestive tract structures in the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus (L.) larvae was studied from hatching to the beginning of exogenous feeding [9 dph (day post hatching)] using histological procedures. On the day of hatching the digestive tract was closed and completely filled with nutrients (the yolk platelets) that were successively utilized during development. A liver primordium was present in the ventral region of the yolksac. The pancreas was observed on the 2 dph. At the same time, the mouth opening took place. Glandular and nonglandular stomach and anterior and intermediate intestine developed from the yolksac walls. Gastric glands became visible on the 7 dph. The primary intestine developed into the spiral intestine. At the moment of onset of exogenous feeding the yolk material was completely exhausted and there was not mixed feeding observed in sterlet larvae. The fish started exogenous feeding on the 9 dph, which was accompanied with evacuation of melanin plug. At the end of endogenous feeding the digestive tract of sterlet larvae was developed and functional, so they could properly utilize food.  相似文献   

Larvae from artificially bred grey mullet were reared in the laboratory and survival rates of 0.2 %, 5 % and 5 % achieved in three of six trials. Food consisted of wild zooplankton and Anemia nauplii. Feeding began on the fifth day, when the yolk sac was depleted, and intensified on the ninth day. The rate of yolk absorption and feeding intensity were reflected in the growth curve. Larval survival was not affected by withholding food from the larvae till the seventh day from hatching. Two critical periods associated with high larval mortality were apparent on the 2nd–3rd and 8th–11th days after hatching. These were preceded by an increase in specific gravity of larvae followed by passive sinking to the bottom of the rearing tank. Larval length increased from 2.63 mm at hatching to 17.69 mm at the end of the 42-day larval period. The larvae survived on benthic diatoms therefter. Maximum survival rates were achieved at 22°C. (Oceanic Institute Contribution No. 101).  相似文献   

为探究光照对虎斑乌贼受精卵孵化的影响,确定其胚胎发育的最佳光照条件,本研究采用单因子试验方法,分析了不同光照强度(10、30、50、70、90 μmol·m-2·s-1)和光周期L∶D(24 h∶0 h、18 h∶6 h、12 h∶12 h、6 h∶18 h、0 h∶24 h)对虎斑乌贼胚胎发育的影响.结果表明: 不同光照强度对虎斑乌贼胚胎发育的孵化率、卵黄囊断裂率、培育周期、初孵幼体体质量与胴长均影响显著;而对孵化周期和幼体出膜7 d后存活率无显著影响.其中孵化率、培育周期、初孵幼体体质量与胴长随着光照强度的增强先增大后减小,而卵黄囊断裂率则逐渐增大.最适光照强度为30 μmol·m-2·s-1,此光照强度下孵化率为(90.0±4.1)%,卵黄囊断裂率为(7.3±1.5)%,培育周期为(25.50±0.35) d,孵化周期为(8.10±0.89) d,初孵幼体体质量为(0.213±0.011) g,胴长为(1.013±0.022) cm,出膜7 d后存活率为(97.1±4.0)%.不同光周期对虎斑乌贼胚胎发育的孵化率、培育周期、孵化周期均影响显著,而对卵黄囊断裂率、初孵幼体体质量、胴长和幼体出膜7 d后存活率无显著影响.其中孵化率和孵化周期随着光照时间的增加呈现先增大后减小的变化.最适光周期为LD(12 h12 h),此光周期下孵化率达(88.7±1.8)%,卵黄囊断裂率为(8.7±1.8)%,培育周期为(25.00±0.50) d,孵化周期为(7.00±3.20) d,初孵幼体体质量为(0.209±0.005) g,胴长为(0.998±0.026) cm,出膜7 d后存活率为(96.8±7.1)%.说明弱光照强度30 μmol·m-2·s-1和半日光照强度L∶D(12 h∶12 h)更有利于虎斑乌贼的胚胎孵化.在实际生产中,应避免阳光直射,采取适当的遮光措施.  相似文献   

The larval ontogeny of Hypseleotris galii is described and illustrated. 'Premature' yolk sac larvae hatch with unpigmented eyes and no mouth. 'Late' yolk sac larvae hatch with pigmented eyes and a functional mouth. Hatching glands are distributed on the head and ventral surface of the body. The yolk is absorbed and the larvae begin feeding 6 days after hatching. Larval development is completed 74 days after hatching. Hypseleotris galii larvae have six pairs of naked neuromasts: two pairs on the head and four pairs on the body. The significance of these results to developmental strategies in Hypseleotris species is discussed.  相似文献   

The success of first feeding is influenced by many factors, such as prey availability, and is critical to subsequent larval growth performances. To test the advantages of prey exposure before complete yolk absorption in piscivorous larvae, feeding incidence and specific growth rate were longitudinally measured in Chinese perch Siniperca chuatsi larvae first fed at different ages. The results showed that Chinese perch larvae were able to capture live piscine prey at 4 DAH (days after hatching), 1 day before complete yolk absorption. The feeding incidence and specific growth rate were higher in larvae first fed at 4 DAH than in larvae first fed at 5 or 6 DAH. These results indicate that prey exposure experience can facilitate the onset of first feeding, and that successful exogenous feeding, even before complete yolk absorption, is important for growth performances of piscivorous fish larvae.  相似文献   

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