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文章对竹柏(Podocarpus nagi)种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性进行了研究,结果表明:竹柏种子成熟时初始含水量约为(35±0.7)%,种子对脱水敏感,其最低安全含水量约为(16.86±0.73)%,具有顽拗性种子的典型特征;湿藏和半干藏都可以作为短期保存竹柏种子的方法,且以4℃保存优于15℃保存,但不管种子含水量如何,零下低温保存对竹柏种子都是致命的;半干藏法保存实验中,未进行脱水处理的种子(对照)在4℃贮藏6个月,种子萌发率没有发生明显下降,但贮藏期延长到9个月时,临界含水量的种子萌发力保存最高;不管贮藏介质的含水量高低,也无论贮藏在4℃还是15℃,湿藏种子在9个月的贮藏期内萌发率均没有明显的降低,但当贮藏到12个月时,15℃湿藏种子的萌发率显著高于4℃贮藏的种子,但15℃湿藏的种子在贮藏到3个月时即发现种子在贮藏期间萌发,且随着贮藏介质含水量的升高和贮藏期的延长,萌发的种子增多;竹柏的离体胚经过2 h硅胶快速脱水至含水量7%后再冷冻即可获得90%以上的融后存活率,且超低温保存1年的离体胚解冻后,与只保存1周的存活率没有明显差异,表明超低温长期保存竹柏种子是可行的。本研究可以为进一步探究顽拗性种子的短期贮藏和长期保存提供理论基础和基础资料。  相似文献   

文章对竹柏( Podocarpus nagi)种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性进行了研究,结果表明:竹柏种子成熟时初始含水量约为(35±0?7)%,种子对脱水敏感,其最低安全含水量约为(16?86±0?73)%,具有顽拗性种子的典型特征;湿藏和半干藏都可以作为短期保存竹柏种子的方法,且以4℃保存优于15℃保存,但不管种子含水量如何,零下低温保存对竹柏种子都是致命的;半干藏法保存实验中,未进行脱水处理的种子(对照)在4℃贮藏6个月,种子萌发率没有发生明显下降,但贮藏期延长到9个月时,临界含水量的种子萌发力保存最高;不管贮藏介质的含水量高低,也无论贮藏在4℃还是15℃,湿藏种子在9个月的贮藏期内萌发率均没有明显的降低,但当贮藏到12个月时,15℃湿藏种子的萌发率显著高于4℃贮藏的种子,但15℃湿藏的种子在贮藏到3个月时即发现种子在贮藏期间萌发,且随着贮藏介质含水量的升高和贮藏期的延长,萌发的种子增多;竹柏的离体胚经过2h硅胶快速脱水至含水量7%后再冷冻即可获得90%以上的融后存活率,且超低温保存1年的离体胚解冻后,与只保存1周的存活率没有明显差异,表明超低温长期保存竹柏种子是可行的。本研究可以为进一步探究顽拗性种子的短期贮藏和长期保存提供理论基础和基础资料。  相似文献   

本文从分析切花菊贮藏期间可溶性糖含量、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶等酶活性变化动态,探讨不同发育程度采收的切花菊耐藏性差异。研究表明,发育程度较高的切花菊含有较高的可溶性糖。贮藏期间,其过氧化物酶活性较低,过氧化氢酶活性变幅较小,峰值出现较晚,这些可能是引起不同发育期采收切花菊耐藏性差异的原因。  相似文献   

以中华猕猴桃( Actinidia chinensis Planch.)黄肉红心新品种‘东红’为材料,对其果实在常温和低温贮藏方式下的生理及品质变化进行了研究。结果表明,果实硬度在2种贮藏方式下均呈先快速下降后缓慢下降的趋势。可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量、固酸比和糖酸比等4个品质指标均表现为先快速上升后维持在较高水平(低温贮藏下)或继续小幅上升(常温贮藏下)的趋势。总酸含量整体上均呈现逐渐下降之势,至果实软熟时稳定在0. 9%的水平。维生素C含量却在常温贮藏下基本呈逐渐上升之势,而在低温贮藏下大致表现为先上升后轻微下降。果实失重率和腐烂率均随贮藏时间的延长而逐渐增加,在常温贮藏时上升较快,而在低温贮藏时上升非常缓慢。总体而言,‘东红’果实主要的生理和品质指标在常温贮藏2 ~ 3周后或低温贮藏9周后发生明显转变,果实进入可食用阶段;并且继续低温贮藏15周内还能较好地保持果实品质,耐贮性较好。  相似文献   

不同的贮藏方式对黄花菜品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新鲜的黄花菜分别进行室温贮藏、冷藏、冻藏处理,分析在不同的贮藏条件下黄花菜的营养价值与感官品质随着贮藏天数增长而引起的变化规律。结果表明:新鲜黄花菜在室温(25℃~30℃)条件下2天就开始腐败变质,到第3天完全腐败;在冷藏条件下贮藏6~7天也开始腐败变质,第9天完全腐败变质;而在冻藏条件下能很好的保藏,但是口感会很差,另外,随着贮藏天数的增长,黄花菜的颜色、维生素C、叶绿素和还原糖等指标的变化也会导致黄花菜品质下降。  相似文献   

甜柿采后生理特性及对1-MCP处理的反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以甜柿品种‘阳丰’为材料,在20℃和0℃贮藏条件下研究了1-MCP(1-甲基环丙烯)处理对不同成熟度甜柿果实采后乙烯释放速率、呼吸速率和品质特性的影响。结果表明:1-MCP处理可延缓贮藏和货架期间甜柿果实的软化、抑制呼吸速率和可溶性固形物含量(SSC)的变化,但对乙烯释放速率的作用不一致。1-MCP处理对成熟度I果实的效果优于成熟度Ⅱ。低温贮藏虽然能显著延缓果实硬度的下降,但在0℃贮藏30、60和90 d后7 d货架期结束时,对照果完全软化,而经1-MCP处理后果实果肉硬度仍保持“脆”性。因此,贮前0.50μL.L-11-MCP处理结合低温贮藏是延长‘阳丰’甜柿贮藏期的有效途径,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

不同施肥处理对'秦美'猕猴桃贮藏性及其品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以秦美猕猴桃为材料,对不同施肥处理的果实后熟过程中软化、腐化过程进行观察统计,并在果实采后4个具有代表性的后熟时期(硬度分别为15 kg/cm2左右、8~7 kg/cm26、~5 kg/cm25、~4 kg/cm2)进行可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、Vc、可溶性糖等营养指标测定.结果显示:(1)从后熟过程中软化、腐化统计看,3个施肥处理(A、B、C)的贮藏品质与对照(CK)间差异明显,C处理(氮肥 磷肥 农家肥)的猕猴桃贮藏期最长,软化、腐化出现得最晚,较对照分别延长15 d、27 d,贮藏性最好;(2)3个施肥处理的营养指标与CK间差异明显,C处理与CK和A处理差异显著.表明在猕猴桃生产中采用氮肥 磷肥 农家肥相结合的施肥方式可显著延长猕猴桃果实贮藏期(后熟期),并可显著提高猕猴桃果实的食用和营养品质.  相似文献   

本文探明了8HQC(8—羟基喹啉柠檬酸盐)、STS(硫代硫酸银)、BA(6—苄基腺嘌呤)等化学药剂和蔗糖预处理对蕾期采收的小苍兰切花的保鲜效果。(1)各种药剂处理均可提高开花率及观赏品质,其中8HQC+STS+BA+蔗糖的组合效果最佳,开花率比对照提高37.6%,花径增大5.6毫米,瓶插寿命延长6.9天。(2)药剂预处理明显提高切花耐藏性,经处理的切花经3~5天冷藏后瓶插,其观赏品质和瓶插寿命仍显著高于未经处理和冷藏的对照组。品种间的耐藏性有差异。作者认为,药剂处理的显著作用之一是改善了切花体内的水份状况。  相似文献   

李宪章  唐定台 《植物学报》1995,12(Z1):66-68
 本文研究了不同保鲜液及贮藏20-40天后对郁金香切花瓶插寿命的影响。结果表明:1. 保鲜液延长了切花的插瓶保鲜时间;2. 预处理提高了开花率及开花时间;3. 经一个月以上贮藏,开花率及插瓶保鲜时间明显下降;4. 不同品种的耐贮性能不同。  相似文献   

为了揭示牡丹切花能量调控规律及其与切花瓶插品质的关系,以发育至二级状态的‘洛阳红’切花为试材,研究高能荷水平(大田自然生长,FNG)和低能荷水平(自然生长采后5~6 ℃贮藏15 d,PCS)状态下切花瓶插品质与能荷以及能量代谢的敏感基因SnRK1表达的关系。结果表明:(1)与FNG(高能荷)相比,PCS(低能荷)明显加快瓶插过程中牡丹切花开放和衰老进程,显著缩短瓶插寿命和减小最大花径,并提早呼吸跃变峰值,提高呼吸速率,加快蔗糖降解,导致花瓣琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)和线粒体复合体Ⅳ(CCO)活性下降加快,造成ATP和EC水平快速下降,引起PsSnRK1的表达水平上调时间提前,表达水平提高。(2)PsSnRK1 基因能够对牡丹花瓣能量匮乏快速响应,能荷水平下降可诱导 PsSnRK1基因表达上调。研究发现,冷藏后花瓣能荷水平下降是导致牡丹切花瓶插过程中花朵快速衰老的重要因素之一,花瓣能量状况在调控牡丹切花瓶插品质过程中起着重要作用,并为通过调节牡丹切花能量水平提高切花瓶插品质提供一种新策略。  相似文献   

为了探讨不同R/FR值对温室切花菊发育进程和品质的影响,以切花菊品种‘神马’(Chrysanthemum morifoliumcv.‘Jingba’)为试材,设计不同红光(R:660nm!10nm)与远红光(FR:730nm!10nm)比值(R/FR)为0.5、2.5、4.5、6.5的LED灯照射处理试验,以自然光为对照(CK),观测不同处理的菊花发育阶段和品质指标。结果表明:与CK相比,R/FR=2.5处理显著加快菊花的发育进程(P<0.05),R/FR=2.5处理下短日照处理到现蕾、现蕾到破蕾及破蕾到收获3个发育阶段分别比CK提前4d、8d和5d,R/FR=0.5处理发育速度最慢,3个阶段分别比CK晚4d、2d和2d;不同R/FR值处理下菊花株高、单株叶龄、单株叶面积、茎粗、花径和花梗长度均随温光效应的增加呈增加的趋势,并在R/FR=2.5时取得最大值;收获时切花菊达到A级和B级产品等级的比例分别以R/FR=2.5和4.5处理最高。本研究发现,R/FR为2.5能够显著促进菊花发育进程和提高菊花的外观品质和A级切花的比例。  相似文献   

食用色素对菊花的染色效应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
探讨6种食用色素对菊花的染色效应。结果表明,菊花对亮兰、柠檬黄适应性较好,其次为胭脂红、苋菜红,对葡萄紫、牛奶巧克力棕适应性较差。不同食用色素适宜的染色浓度和染色时间分别为亮蓝(6g/L、4h)、柠檬黄(6g/L、4h),胭脂红(12g/L、6h),苋菜红(9g/L、6h),葡萄紫(20g/L、8h),牛奶巧克力棕(20g/L、8h);适宜的pH值分别为6.6,10.9,10.9,10.2,10.3,10.4。切花开放程度大时染色速度快,花枝去叶与否对染色效果影响不明显。染色后的菊花瓶插寿命显著缩短,但能达到切花所要求的5~7d的观赏期。  相似文献   

The effects of low temperature storage on the physiology of cut rose flowers ( Rosa hybridaL. cv. Mercedes) were studied. Extension of cold storage or increase in temperature (from 3 to 8°C) was accompanied by shortening of vase life and advancement of petal senescence, as reflected in an advance in the timing of the rise in ethylene production and an increase in membrane permeability (ion leakage). Although storage at a relative humidity (RH) of 65% reduced petal water content by 20% in comparison with flowers stored at 95% RH, it did not shorten vase life. The progression of petal senescence was measured during storage at 3°C and during aging at 22°C. Both ethylene production rates and membrane microviscosity measured by fluorescence depolarization increased with time at 3°C and at 22°C, but more slowly at 3°C. At 3°C membrane permeability measured by ion leakage did not increase. Following cold storage the rate of ethylene production in the petals was increased by up to eight times the rate in unstored flowers. Silver thiosulphate extended the vase life of both stored and fresh flowers equally by 2 days, but did not increase the life of stored flowers to that of treated fresh flowers. It is concluded that the primary effect of cold storage on roses is to slow down senescence and that the continued slow senescence leads to shorter vase life. The possible occurrence of sequential processes during senescence and the effects of temperature on these processes is discussed.  相似文献   

Reliable field methods for the storage of tissues to be used for DNA extraction and amplification are critical to many studies employing molecular techniques. Protection from DNA degradation was compared among three commonly used methods of noncryogenic storage of tissues over a time scale of 2 years. All three methods prevented DNA degradation during storage for at least 6 months. DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)-salt solution provided the best protection from DNA degradation of tissues stored for up to 2 years. High molecular weight DNA was recovered from lysis buffer in which tissue was stored for 2 years, however, moderate amounts of degraded DNA was also present. High molecular weight DNA was recovered from tissues stored in ethanol for 2 years, however, the yield was relatively small compared to the other two noncryogenic storage techniques. Much of the DNA degradation in ethanol preserved tissues appeared to occur during the extraction procedure and can be reduced by soaking the tissue in lysis buffer for a few hours prior to beginning the extraction. The yield of PCR products was greatest from DNA extracted from DMSO-salt solution preserved tissues, whereas DNA from tissues stored in either lysis buffer or ethanol produced lower yields.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective of this study was to determine the influence of mild heat treatment, storage temperature and storage time on the survival and growth of Listeria monocytogenes inoculated onto cut iceberg lettuce leaves. METHODS AND RESULTS: Before or after inoculation with L. monocytogenes, cut iceberg lettuce leaves were dipped in water (20 or 50 degrees C) containing or not 20 mg l(-1) chlorine, for 90 s, then stored at 5 degrees C for up to 18 days or 15 degrees C for up to 7 days. The presence of 20 mg l(-1) chlorine in the treatment water did not significantly (alpha=0.05) affect populations of the pathogen, regardless of other test parameters. The population of L. monocytogenes on lettuce treated at 50 degrees C steadily increased throughout storage at 5 degrees C for up to 18 days. At day 10 and thereafter, populations were 1.7-2.3 log10 cfu g(-1) higher on lettuce treated at 50 degrees C after inoculation compared with untreated lettuce or lettuce treated at 20 degrees C, regardless of chlorine treatment. The population of L. monocytogenes increased rapidly on lettuce stored at 15 degrees C. At 2 and 4 days, significantly higher populations were detected on lettuce that had been treated at 50 degrees C, compared with respective samples that had been treated at 20 degrees C, regardless of inoculation before or after treatment, or the presence of 20 mg l(-1) chlorine in the treatment water. CONCLUSIONS: The results clearly demonstrated that mild heat treatment of cut lettuce leaves enhances the growth of L. monocytogenes during subsequent storage at 5 or 15 degrees C. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Mild heat treatment of cut lettuce may result in a prolonged shelf life as a result of delaying the development of brown discoloration. However, heat treatment also facilitates the growth of L. monocytogenes during storage at refrigeration temperature, thereby increasing the potential risk of causing listeriosis.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum is one of the most important commercial cut flowers in the world. Early-flowering cultivars are required to produce quality chrysanthemum flowers with a lower cost of production. To shorten the vegetative growth phase of chrysanthemum, three AP1-like genes from Asteraceae were constitutively overexpressed in 80 independent transgenic chrysanthemum lines. All lines were characterized by PCR and RT-PCR and demonstrated that overexpression of compositae AP1-homologs in transgenic chrysanthemum under long-day conditions had no effect on plant development compared to non-transgenic controls. Conversely, under short-day conditions, transgenic plants commenced bud initiation 2 wk earlier than non-transgenic chrysanthemum plants. Subsequently, transgenic chrysanthemum flowers showed color earlier and resulted in full opening of inflorescences 3 wk prior to non-transgenic control plants. These results open new possibilities for genetic improvement and breeding of chrysanthemum cultivars.  相似文献   

The storage time and storage temperature might affect stability of oxidative stress biomarkers, therefore, they have to be analyzed after long-term storage of serum samples. The stability of three biomarkers reflecting oxidative stress: reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) for hydroperoxides, total thiol levels (TTL) for the redox status and biological antioxidant potency (BAP) for the antioxidant status, was investigated at several time points during 60 months of storage at ?20 and ?80?°C. Biomarkers ROM and BAP showed a very good stability during storage for 60 months at both temperatures. In addition, the correlation of the data after 60 months of storage compared with the starting data was very good with correlation coefficients >0.9. The TTL assay showed good results in serum samples stored at ?80?°C, but not in samples stored at ?20?°C. Serum samples for analysis of the set of oxidative stress biomarkers ROM, BAP and TTL can be stored up to 60 months at ?80?°C. ROM and BAP can also be stored at ?20?°C during this period. The present results are very important for the biomarker-related epidemiological studies that make use of biobanks with samples stored for many years and for new project planning, including sample storage conditions.  相似文献   

杀菌剂和低温贮藏对芍药切花保鲜及其生理变化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用杀菌剂及低温贮藏对切花芍药‘婴粟子’的抑菌效果、瓶插寿命、开花率及其生理变化进行了研究。结果表明,不同浓度杀菌剂均有一定的抑菌作用,并且处理Ⅲ(1000mg/kg甲基托布津+1000mg/kg多菌灵)效果最好。预冷处理可以降低切花的呼吸速率,延长瓶插寿命和贮藏保鲜期。随着低温贮藏时间的延长,切花鲜重和开花率下降,花瓣的细胞膜透性和MDA含量增加,蛋白质含量下降,呼吸速率呈跃变型变化。  相似文献   

Fresh harvested dates are perishable and there is a need for extending their shelf life while preserving their fresh like quality characteristics. This study evaluates three different freezing methods, namely cryogenic freezing (CF) using liquid nitrogen; individual quick freezing (IQF) and conventional slow freezing (CSF) in preserving the quality and stability of dates during frozen storage. Fresh dates were frozen utilizing the three methods. The produced frozen dates were frozen stored for nine months. The color values, textural parameters, and nutrition qualities were measured for fresh dates before freezing and for the frozen dates every three months during the frozen storage. The frozen dates’ color values were affected by the freezing method and the frozen storage period. There are substantial differences in the quality of the frozen fruits in favor of cryogenic freezing followed by individual quick freezing compared to the conventional slow freezing. The results revealed large disparity among the times of freezing of the three methods. The freezing time accounted to 10 min for CF, and around 80 min for IQF, and 1800 min for CSF method.  相似文献   

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