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中国短鼻蝗属一新种(直翅目,蝗总科,癞蝗科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述了采自宁夏中卫的短鼻蝗属1新种--宽顶短鼻蝗Filchnerella amplivertica sp.nov,.模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.宽顶短鼻蝗,新种Filchnerella amplivertica sp.nov.新种与裴氏短鼻蝗Filchnerella beicki Ramme,1931近似,区别特征为:后股节内侧下区仅端部红色;雄性前翅较短,不到达肛上板基部;雌性头顶宽,为颜面隆起在触角之间宽度的6倍;雌性体较大,体长37.6~42.2mm.  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川省斑腿蝗科秃蝗亚科小蹦蝗属Pedopodisma Zheng,1980的1新种,阿坝小蹦蝗Pedopodisma abaensis sp.nov..新种同神农架小蹦蝗Pedopodisma shennongjiaensis Wang et Li,1996近似,其区别特征为:体较小,体长♂12.1~12.5mm,♀ 16.5~19.2 mm;触角中段一节长为宽的2.0倍;雄性肛上板基部纵沟宽度一致,端部两侧缺纵脊;雄性下生殖板顶端较粗;雌性产卵瓣较狭,上产卵瓣长为宽的3.0倍.模式标本保存于山东农业大学植物保护学院,泰安.阿坝小蹦蝗,新种Pedopodisma abaensis sp.nov.(图1~7)正模♂.副模:1 ♂,2♀♀,四川阿坝(32°54'N,101°44′E;海拔3 300 m),2011-08-24,郑方强、叶保华采.词源:新种种名源自模式标本产地地名.  相似文献   

记述采自中国青海省网翅蝗科缺沟蝗属Asulconotus Ying,1974的1新种:久治缺沟蝗Asulconotus jiuzhiensis sp.nov.新种同青海缺沟蝗Asukonotus chinghaiensis Ying,1974近似,其区别特征为:前翅较长,雄性到达腹部第3节背板后缘,长为宽的4.3倍,雌性到达腹部第2节背板后缘,长为宽的4.6倍;雄性下生殖板较短,长为肛上板长的的1.6倍;雌性产卵瓣较短,上产卵瓣长为宽的2.5倍.新种同科氏缺沟蝗Asulconotus kozlovi Mistshenko,1981也近似,其区别特征为:雌性复眼较小,短于眼下沟之长度;前翅较长,到达腹部第2节背板后缘,长为宽的4.6倍;产卵瓣较长,上产卵瓣长为宽的2.5倍,边缘光滑.正模♂,青海久治(33°22′N.101°30′E;海拔3648m),2011-08-23,郑方强、叶保华采.副模:2♂ ♂,2♀ ♀,记录同正模.模式标本保存于山东农业大学植物保护学院,泰安.词源:新种种名源自采集地地名.  相似文献   

记述采自中国山东省网翅蝗科异爪蝗属Euchorthippus Tarbinsky,1926 1新种,山东异爪蝗 Euchorthippus shandongensis sp. nov.。新种同素色异爪蝗 Euchorthippus unicolor(Ikonnikov,1913)近似,其区别特征为:头侧窝较长,长为宽的3.2倍;颜面隆起明显,具纵沟,中眼之下缩狭,往下明显宽大; 雄性前翅较长,明显超过肛上板基部;雄性下生殖板较短,侧面观长为宽的1.5倍; 阳茎基背片弓形深,两侧下端具尖突。模式标本保存于山东农业大学植保学院。  相似文献   

记述采自中国西藏网翅蝗科拟康蝗属Kangacrisoides Wang et al.,2006 1新种:江达拟康蝗Kangacrisoides jiangdaensis sp. nov.。新种同霍城拟康蝗K. huochengensis Wang, Zheng & Niu, 2006近似,其区别特征为:头背面具中隆线;雄性头侧窝长为宽的2.5–3倍,而雌性为3倍;雌性前翅在背面狭分开,而雄性刚刚相连;雄性前翅顶到达第5–6腹节背板,而雌性到达第4腹节背板;雄性中脉域为肘脉域宽2倍,而雌性为3倍;后足胫节内侧之上、下距近等长;鼓膜孔宽卵形;雌性下生殖板后缘角形突出。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国台湾斑腿蝗科外斑腿蝗属Xenocatantops Dirsh,1953的2新种.台湾外斑腿蝗X.taiwanensis sp.nov.近似Xenocatantops sauteri(Ramme,1941),区别特征为前翅较长,超过后足股节中部,到达肛上板的中点;颜面隆起具纵沟,两侧近平行,中部微缩狭;前胸腹板突圆柱形,端圆形.长翅外斑腿蝗X.longipennis sp.nov.近似Xenocatantops luteitibia Zheng et Jiang,2002,区别特征为后足股节粗壮,长为最宽处的3.7倍;触角中段一节的长为宽的1.1~1.3倍;前胸背板缺小黑点.并附外斑腿蝗属中国已知种的检索表.模式标本保存于国立自然科学博物馆,台中.  相似文献   

记述采自滇西北横断山地区云南蝗属1新种,即郑氏云南蝗Yuannanites zhengi sp.nov.,模式标本保存于云南大理学院生命科学与化学系;编写了该属的分种检索表。另记述中甸拟澜沧蝗的雌性。  相似文献   

记述采自西藏拉萨河地区拟无声蝗属1新种,直缘拟无声蝗 Pseudoasonus orthomarginis sp. nov.。新种近似于白玉拟无声蝗Pseudoasonus baiyueusis Zheng,1990。主要区别为:1)前胸背板沟前区长为沟后区长的1.75倍;2)前翅顶端尖锐;3)雌性中胸腹板侧叶间中隔宽为长的2.5倍;4)前胸背板后横沟不切断中侧隆线。附有拟无声蝗属分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国台湾剑角蝗科佛蝗亚科佛蝗属Phlaeoba Stal,1860的1新种南投佛蝗Phlaeoba nantouensis sp.nov.,该新种近似台湾佛蝗Phlaeoba formosana(Shiraki,1910),区别特征为前翅较长,超过第3腹节背板的后缘;触角中段一节的长为宽的4倍;肛上板中纵沟深,两侧平行。模式标本保存于国立自然科学博物馆,台中。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国山东省网翅蝗科的1新种,黄条网翅蝗Arcyptera flavivittata sp.nov..模式标本保存于山东农业大学植物保护学院,泰安.  相似文献   

1. The conductivities of aqueous solutions of glycine, d,l-valine, and l-asparagine have been determined, and comparisons have been made with similar data reported in the literature. 2. On the basis of certain theoretical considerations, calculations of the expected conductivities of aqueous solutions of glycine, asparagine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid have been made and these data have been compared with similar data obtained experimentally. 3. The dissociation constants of the carboxyl groups of aspartic acid and glutamic acid have been calculated from conductivity data. 4. It is shown that alanine has no effect on the ionic atmosphere of solutions of potassium chloride.  相似文献   

Piehl, Martin A. (Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, Calif.) Mode of attachment, haustorium structure, and hosts of Pedicularis canadensis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(10): 978–985. Illus. 1963.—Although long known for European members of the genus, parasitism is documented for the first time for the North American Pedicularis canadensis (Scrophulariaceae) from observations made in the field. Every stand examined showed evidence for parasitism, the haustorial connections being established in the seedling stage. The haustoria, which vary somewhat morphologically, produce direct connection between the xylem of the host and that of the parasite. The great diversity of hosts, involving 80 species from 35 families, suggests that connections may be made to essentially any vascular plant with subterranean parts in proximity to those of the parasite, although some species are parasitized much more frequently than others. In addition, haustorial attachments were found to dead parts of vascular plants and, in single instances, to a fungus and small pebbles. Intraspecific parasitism has also been observed.  相似文献   

白岩脚洞石器类型的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文讨论和分析了贵州普定白岩脚洞发现的砾石石器(砍砸器)和石片石器的类型。刮削器数量多,类型复杂,加工精致;尖状器数量较少,加工也不很精致;端刮器和修背石刀不太发达;雕刻器和凹缺刮器并不发达;砍砸器仍占相当比例。  相似文献   

The apical portion of paleas of the perfect (upper) floret of 11 species of Dichanthelium, 10 species of Panicum, and one species of Echinochloa were examined with a scanning electron microscope. The surfaces of the Dichanthelium palea tips uniformly had simple, rounded papillae, widely spaced in regular rows, whereas the palea tips of most Panicum species had irregularly arranged, compound or aggregated papillae. Unusual epidermal features were observed in P. obtusum, P. hians, and P. hemitomon. The Echinochloa crusgalli palea surface exhibited a pattern of papillae or spicule development similar to that of P. hians. Transverse sections of Dichanthelium palea showed the papillae to be little if at all thickened. An electron beam x-ray microanalysis indicated a high concentration of silicon in the papillae.  相似文献   

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