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Since their discovery, matrix vesicles (MVs) containing minerals have received considerable attention for their role in the mineralization of bone, dentin and calcified cartilage. Additionally, MVs' association with collagen fibrils, which serve as the scaffold for calcification in the organic matrix, has been repeatedly highlighted. The primary purpose of the present study was to establish a MVs–mimicking model (PEG-S-ACP/micelle) in vitro for studying the exact mechanism of MVs-mediated extra/intra fibrillar mineralization of collagen in vivo. In this study, high-concentration serine was used to stabilize the amorphous calcium phosphate (S-ACP), which was subsequently mixed with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to form PEG-S-ACP nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were loaded in the polysorbate 80 micelle through a micelle self-assembly process in an aqueous environment. This MVs–mimicking model is referred to as the PEG-S-ACP/micelle model. By adjusting the pH and surface tension of the PEG-S-ACP/micelle, two forms of minerals (crystalline mineral nodules and ACP nanoparticles) were released to achieve the extrafibrillar and intrafibrillar mineralization, respectively. This in vitro mineralization process reproduced the mineral nodules mediating in vivo extrafibrillar mineralization and provided key insights into a possible mechanism of biomineralization by which in vivo intrafibrillar mineralization could be induced by ACP nanoparticles released from MVs. Also, the PEG-S-ACP/micelle model provides a promising methodology to prepare mineralized collagen scaffolds for repairing bone defects in bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   
The nicotinic acid hydroxylase from Clostridium barkeri is a selenoenzyme, as evidenced by the copurification of selenium with enzyme activity. This conclusion is supported by data showing a 23-fold increase in nicotinic acid hydroxylase activity when C. barkeri was cultured in media supplemented with selenium. A labile, selenium-containing compound was released from the native protein by treatment with either chaotropic agents and heat or by heating alone. A stable selenium compound was formed when the enzyme was alkylated prior to denaturation. This compound had the same chromatographic properties as dialykyl selenide in a number of systems. The formation of dialkyl selenide upon alkylation is not consistent with the selenium moiety being selenocysteine. Thus, nicotinic acid hydroxylase represents a new type of selenoenzyme.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT   The phrase persistent vulnerability reflects the enduring relationship of the rural population in Ceará with a highly variable climate. Persistence underscores the historical and unyielding nature of this vulnerability. Yet contrary to once-catastrophic rates of mortality etched in a public consciousness, no one dies from severe droughts and few people flee them as in the past. Government relief and social transfers have become the institutionalized form of adaptation, giving way to the counterintuitive reality that drought stabilizes the food and income supply for poor people. We analyze how maladaptive risk reduction, which is embedded in clientilistic social relations, undermines resilience, and we examine pathways toward a more sustainable adaptive relationship.  相似文献   
Active Ca2+ uptake and the associated (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity were studied under the same conditions in an inside-out vesicle preparation of human red blood cells made essentially by the procedure of Quist and Roufogalis (Journal of Supramolecular Structure 6, 375-381, 1977). Some preparations were treated with 1 mM EDTA at 30 degrees to further deplete them of endogenous levels of calmodulin. As the Ca2+ taken up by the EDTA-treated inside-out vesicles, as well as the non-EDTA treated vesicles, was maintained after addition of 4.1 mM EGTA, the vesicles were shown to be impermeable to the passive leak of Ca2+ over the time course of the experiments. In the absence of added calmodulin, both active Ca2+ uptake and (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase were sensitive to free Ca2+ over a four log unit concentration range (0.7 microM to 300 microM Ca2+) at 6.4 mM MgCl2. Below 24 microM Ca2+ the stoichiometry of calcium transported per phosphate liberated was close to 2:1, both in EDTA and non-EDTA treated vesicles. Above 50 microM Ca2+ the stoichiometry approached 1:1. When MgCl2 was reduced from 6.4 mM to 1.0 mM, the stoichiometry remained close to 2:1 over the whole range of Ca2+ concentrations examined. In contrast to the results at 6.4 mM MgCl2, the Ca2+ pump was maximally activated at about 2 microM free Ca2+ and significantly inhibited above this concentration at 1 mM MgCl2. Calmodulin (0.5-2.0 microgram/ml) had little effect on the stoichiometry in any of the conditions examined. The possible significance of a variable stoichiometry of the Ca2+ pump in the red blood cell is discussed.  相似文献   
Sex ratio theory has proved remarkably useful in testing theadaptive nature of animal behavior. A particularly productivearea in this respect is Hamilton's theory of local mate competition(LMC), which has been extended in numerous directions to includegreater biological realism, allowing more detailed tests inspecific organisms. We have presented one such extension, termedasymmetrical LMC, which occurs when egg laying by females ona patch is asynchronous, and emerging males do not disperse,resulting in the extent of LMC on a patch varying over time.Our aim here is to test whether the parasitoid wasp Nasoniavitripennis responds to variation in the degree of asymmetricalLMC. Specifically, we show that females adjust their offspringsex ratios in response to (1) variation in the amount of asynchronyin emergence between broods on a patch and (2) the number andproportion of previously parasitized hosts on the patch. Ourresults provide qualitative support for the predictions of theory,suggesting new levels of complexity in the sex ratio behaviorof this much-studied organism. However, our results do not alwaysprovide quantitative support for theory, suggesting furthercomplexities that must be clarified.  相似文献   
A factor that may limit the ability of many populations to adapt to changing conditions is the rate at which beneficial mutations can become established. We study the probability that mutations become established in changing environments by extending the classic theory for branching processes. When environments change in time, under quite general conditions, the establishment probability is approximately twice the ‘effective selection coefficient’, whose value is an average that gives most weight to a mutant''s fitness in the generations immediately after it appears. When fitness varies along a gradient in a continuous habitat, increased dispersal generally decreases the chance a mutation establishes because mutations move out of areas where they are most adapted. When there is a patch of favourable habitat that moves in time, there is a maximum speed of movement above which mutations cannot become established, regardless of when and where they first appear. This critical speed limit, which is proportional to the mutation''s maximum selective advantage, represents an absolute constraint on the potential of locally adapted mutations to contribute to evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   
The following article provides evidence that cellular calcium controls the activity of glycogen synthase in all three major glycogen storage tissues; muscle, fat, and liver. Depletion of cellular calcium resulted in a moderate increase of glycogen synthase %I activities in intact mouse diaphragms, in isolated rat adipocytes, and in rat hepatocytes. The increase in %I activity of glycogen synthase was more pronounced when the uridine di-phosphoglucose concentration in the glycogen synthase assay was lowered from 4.4 mM to 0.2 mM. Calcium depletion resulted in an approximately two-fold decrease in the Ka values for glucose-6-phosphate in all three tissues. The activities of glycogen synthase also correlated well with the content of cell-associated calcium in rat hepatocytes. The glucose-6-phosphate independent activities of glycogen synthase in extracts of calcium-replete and calcium-depleted tissue approached the same value following the exposure to crude phosphoprotein phosphatase. The activities of glycogen phosphorylase decreased in calcium-depleted tissues and cells. Insulin stimulated the activity of glycogen synthase in muscle and fat in the absence of added sugar and in the absence of extracellular calcium. It is concluded that glycogen synthase is under the control of calcium in the three main glycogen storage tissues. The actions of calcium are probably mediated through the actions of calcium-sensitive protein kinase(s).  相似文献   
Kinetic parameters of 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethyl urea (DCMU)-induced inhibition of electron transport in chloroplast thylakoids isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Oregon 1604 were determined from analysis of a convergent, parallel electrical circuit. Through this analogue, the apparent affinity of the purported binding site for DCMU (K1) and the relative amount of DCMU-insensitive electron transport (vmax1/vo) were obtained using a reiterative non-linear least squares curve-fitting procedure. Exposure of thylakoids to heat caused a gradual increase in K1 (or decrease in the affinity of the thylakoid for DCMU) with an apparent activation energy of 134 kJ mol−1. Tryptic susceptibility of a protein region regulating K1 also decreased gradually with exposure to 45°C, suggesting that the heat-induced increase in K1 might be due to a protein conformational change. On the other hand, thylakoid exposure to 45°C resulted in a rapid (<5 min) irreversible increase in vmaxI/vo, which was also the apparent result of a conformational change in a region of the protein which regulates this function. These results are suggestive of the existence of differential thermal sensitivities of proteins within the thylakoids and, perhaps, of different regions within a single membrane protein.  相似文献   
Small conductance Ca2+-sensitive potassium (SK2) channels are voltage-independent, Ca2+-activated ion channels that conduct potassium cations and thereby modulate the intrinsic excitability and synaptic transmission of neurons and sensory hair cells. In the cochlea, SK2 channels are functionally coupled to the highly Ca2+ permeant α9/10-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) at olivocochlear postsynaptic sites. SK2 activation leads to outer hair cell hyperpolarization and frequency-selective suppression of afferent sound transmission. These inhibitory responses are essential for normal regulation of sound sensitivity, frequency selectivity, and suppression of background noise. However, little is known about the molecular interactions of these key functional channels. Here we show that SK2 channels co-precipitate with α9/10-nAChRs and with the actin-binding protein α-actinin-1. SK2 alternative splicing, resulting in a 3 amino acid insertion in the intracellular 3′ terminus, modulates these interactions. Further, relative abundance of the SK2 splice variants changes during developmental stages of synapse maturation in both the avian cochlea and the mammalian forebrain. Using heterologous cell expression to separately study the 2 distinct isoforms, we show that the variants differ in protein interactions and surface expression levels, and that Ca2+ and Ca2+-bound calmodulin differentially regulate their protein interactions. Our findings suggest that the SK2 isoforms may be distinctly modulated by activity-induced Ca2+ influx. Alternative splicing of SK2 may serve as a novel mechanism to differentially regulate the maturation and function of olivocochlear and neuronal synapses.  相似文献   
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