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【目的】调查松阴吉丁Phaenops yin KubáňBíly(鞘翅目:几丁甲科)对北京地区油松Pinus tabuliformis Carrière的危害情况,了解该害虫的生物学特性;分析其偶然性暴发成灾的原因及规律,探讨该害虫的综合治理措施。【方法】本研究通过林间采集、解剖受害木段以及实验室罩笼饲养等方法,调查了松阴吉丁的发生现状,包括油松的受害情况和受害症状、天敌生物等,并结合历史文献和北京地区近20年的气象资料分析了该虫偶然暴发的原因。【结果】松树死亡率约为30%,受害株率约为60%,发现两种主要寄生性天敌始刻柄茧蜂Atanycolus initiator(Fabricius)和赤腹深沟茧蜂Iphiaulax impostor(Scopoli)。【结论】该虫在我国北方地区偶然性暴发的主要原因可能与持续高温干旱和降雨量减少导致的油松长势衰弱有关。建议结合气象变化及时预测预报松阴吉丁的发生,通过补水降温、清理枯枝、保护天敌、合理用药等综合治理措施调控该害虫的种群动态。  相似文献   
Aims Our objectives were to explore the effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on leaf traits and ecological stoichiometry characteristics of common species in natural Pinus tabuliformis forests.
Methods We conducted the experiment of nitrogen (N) addition from 2009 to 2013 in the natural Pinus tabuliformis forests in Taiyue Mountain, Shanxi, China. The levels of N addition were 0 (control), 50 (low-N), 100 (medium-N) and 150 (high-N) kg·hm-2·a-1, respectively. Eleven common plant species in 12 20 m × 20 m plots were selected, including Pinus tabuliformis, Quercus mongolica, Acer ginnala, Corylus mandshurica, Cornus bretschneideri, Spiraea salicifolia, Lonicera maackii, Carex callitrichos, Diarrhena mandshurica, Anemone tomentosa, and Polygonatum odoratum. Nine leaf traits were measured, including leaf thickness (LT), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorus content (LPC), and other four.
Important findings We found that: 1) LT and SLA of Polygonatum odoratum significantly differed among four levels of N addition. Leaf area (LA) and LDMC of several species, such as Spiraea salicifolia, had significant difference among the N addition concentration. LNC of all species, chlorophyll content (CC) and LPC of most species increased significantly with the addition of N. Leaf N:P of 9 species varied significantly, and leaves with different types and ages showed different responses to N addition. 2) Leaf traits were significantly correlated with each other. For instance, SLA was significantly positively correlated with LNC and LPC. In contrast LT was negatively connected with LNC and LPC. In addition, the degree of correlation changed with the level of N addition. 3) The pattern of species distribution in leaf trait space was consistent with the prediction from the theory of Leaf Economic Spectrum (LES). N addition drove species moving along axis 1 in the trait space, and propelled them towards different directions along axis 2, which indicated that these species tended to take the “fast investment-return” strategy. These results suggested that with the change of environmental conditions, plants changed their survival strategy and adjusted resource allocation to maintain the stability of communities. This is the inherent characteristic of plants, thus the formation of LES did not depend on the environment change.  相似文献   
五鹿山国家级自然保护区油松群落优势种生态位研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据五鹿山国家级自然保护区油松群落57个样地调查资料,通过TWINSPIN聚类分析对该群落类型进行了划分,将划分群丛类型作为资源轴,计算了乔木和灌木树种Shannon-Wiener和Hurbert生态位宽度及Morisita重叠指数。结果表明:油松群落共划分为7个群丛。乔木层油松、辽东栎、茶条槭的生态位宽度(Shannon-Wiener和Hurbert生态位宽度)较大,LB和HB分别是1.656、1.404、1.047和0.948、0.735、0.386。灌木层水栒子、土庄绣线菊、陕西荚蒾的生态位宽度较大,LB和HB分别是1.562、1.401、1.300和0.512、0.447、0.389。乔木层生态位高度重叠的占6%(>0.8),中度重叠的占10%(0.6~0.8),小于0.6的低度重叠的占84%,灌木层高度重叠者占7%(>0.8),中度重叠者占10.39%(0.6~0.8),小于0.6的低度重叠者占82.25%。说明油松群落组成植物对当地环境具有较高的适应性和资源环境利用能力,种间竞争较小,有些物种的生态位明显趋于特化,群落处于共摊阶段。  相似文献   
调查和分析了岷江上游大沟流域的 4个坡向 (偏东坡N -E80°、偏西坡N -W 85°、偏南坡S -E10°、偏北坡N-W2 0°)人工油松 (Pinustabuliformis)林下地表苔藓植物的物种多样性、组成和结构特征。在 4个坡向的油松林下共发现 13种苔藓 ,各林下苔藓物种组成数量在 6 - 13种之间 ,并且具有较高的相似性。冰川青藓 (Brachytheci um glacile)、大羽藓 (Thuidiumcymbifolium)、厚角绢藓 (Entodonconcinnus)、密叶美喙藓 (Eurhynchiumsavatieri)、小酸土藓 (Oxysteguscuspidatus)和光萼苔 (Porellapinnata)为这 4个坡向油松林下的共有种 ,其中冰川青藓、大羽藓为优势物种。 4个坡向人工油松幼林下地表苔藓植物出现频率分别为 10 0 % (偏西、偏北油松林 )和 96 .7% (偏东、偏南油松林 ) ,其平均盖度、平均密度、平均厚度分别在 5 .5 0 %± 0 .90 %至 2 5 .6 6 %± 2 .76 %、4 80 .6 7± 133.6 5至 2 72 4 .80± 4 19.72株 /m2 和 4 .73± 0 .31至 6 .83± 0 .73mm之间。无论是苔藓植物层片的多样性指数还是结构参数 ,均以偏东坡向的油松林下为最低 ;而偏西坡向的油松林下除厚度略低于偏南坡向外 ,其他指标均最高。综合研究结果表明 ,坡向是形成苔藓植物物种多样性组成和结构差异的重要环境因素 ,对苔藓植物的生存  相似文献   
使用热扩散探针法(TDP)监测黄土丘陵区2015年7—9月人工林中油松和沙棘树干液流密度(Js)的动态变化,并通过植物的水分利用生理特征判断2个树种的水分利用类型.结果表明: 油松和沙棘的Js在降水前后均表现为单峰型日变化特征,油松生长旺盛期的Js(12.62 mL·m-2·s-1)显著高于沙棘(2.60 mL·m-2·s-1).2个树种Js与光合有效辐射、水蒸汽压差、土壤体积含水量(SWC)呈显著正相关.8月和9月降水前后,2个树种的Js都主要受气象因素影响.9月降水导致SWC对沙棘Js的解释量增加4.2%,而8月和9月的降水导致SWC对油松Js的解释量均降低了0.3%.油松中午叶片水势显著高于沙棘且变异系数(7.3%)低于沙棘(11.7%),而沙棘具有较高的叶片气孔导度,因此可以判断出油松属于恒水型植物,沙棘属于变水型植物.  相似文献   
高山松(Pinus densata)是油松(P. tabuliformis)和云南松(P. yunnanensis)的天然二倍体杂交种, 是为数不多的与亲本种没有严格生殖隔离的同倍体杂交种。为了检测3个种在油松生境下的苗期适应性和生长发育特点, 为高山松成种机制提供数据, 选取了代表高山松及其亲本种遗传多样性的25个种群, 在油松生境下对比分析了苗期11个适应性指标和3个生长发育指标。结果表明, 大部分适应性指标和生长发育指标在种间和种内群体间差异显著, 主要变异存在于种间及种内群体间; 出苗率、2011年11月和2012年10月的封顶率、二年生苗在2012年10月的保存率等指标的种间方差分量较大, 种内变异较小, 是体现种间苗期适应性和生长发育状况的重要指标。油松在大部分适应性指标和3个生长发育指标上均表现最好, 总体适合度高于云南松和高山松; 云南松在封顶率和保存率上都居于最低值, 大部分一年生苗木到11月底仍未出现封顶现象且黄苗比例最高, 二年生苗的存活率为0, 表明云南松在油松生境下适合度最低; 高山松除了在紫苗比例上表现出超亲优势外, 大部分性状居于亲本种之间。此外, 位于青藏高原东北部的高山松祖先种群在适应性上表现较好, 具有在油松生境下发展的潜力; 而位于青藏高原西部的高山松种群及东南部的康定种群对油松生境的适应性较差。研究揭示出生态选择在高山松的同倍性杂交物种形成中起到了关键作用。  相似文献   
利用微树芯技术可以从细胞尺度研究树木形成层物候和径向生长的过程,揭示树木生长与气候的关系。油松是我国北方森林的建群树种之一,也是沈阳地区的优势树种。研究2020年整个生长季(4—11月)油松周尺度的形成层及木质部细胞变化,分析油松在沈阳地区的生长规律。结果表明: 油松形成层分裂活动开始于4月初,结束于9月末。木质部从扩大细胞出现(4月中旬)开始生长,到木质化细胞消失(10月下旬)结束,其生长符合“S”型曲线。2020年生长53个/列木质部细胞,最大生长速率(0.55个/列/d)出现在5月末,早晚材细胞于7月末发生转变。在沈阳地区最低温达到0 ℃以上时树木形成层开始活动,影响木质部生长开始和结束的最低临界温度为2~3 ℃。降水在油松整个生长过程中起到促进作用。沈阳地区7月末的高温和水分供给不足是木质部细胞分化形成早晚材的主要因子。  相似文献   
Genetic analyses indicate that Pinus densata is a natural homoploid hybrid originating from Pinus tabuliformis and Pinus yunnanensis. Needle morphological and anatomical features show relative species stability and can be used to identify coniferous species. Comparative analyses of these needle characteristics and phenotypic differences between the artificial hybrids, P. densata, and parental species can be used to determine the genetic and phenotypic evolutionary consequences of natural hybridization. Twelve artificial hybrid families, the two parental species, and P. densata were seeded in a high‐altitude habitat in Linzhi, Tibet. The needles of artificial hybrids and the three pine species were collected, and 24 needle morphological and anatomical traits were analyzed. Based on these results, variations in 10 needle traits among artificial hybrid families and 22 traits among species and artificial hybrids were predicted and found to be under moderate genetic control. Nineteen needle traits in artificial hybrids were similar to those in P. densata and between the two parental species, P. tabuliformis and P. yunnanensis. The ratio of plants with three needle clusters in artificial hybrids was 22.92%, which was very similar to P. densata. The eight needle traits (needle length, the mean number of stomata in sections 2 mm in length of the convex and flat sides of the needle, mean stomatal density, mesophyll/vascular bundle area ratio, mesophyll/resin canal area ratio, mesophyll/(resin canals and vascular bundles) area ratio, vascular bundle/resin canal area ratio) relative to physiological adaptability were similar to the artificial hybrids and P. densata. The similar needle features between the artificial hybrids and P. densata could be used to verify the homoploid hybrid origin of P. densata and helps to better understand of the hybridization roles in adaptation and speciation in plants.  相似文献   
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