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The life-cycle greenhouse gaseous emissions and primary exergy resources consumption associated with a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF) were investigated. The subject of study was a wetland for municipal wastewater treatment with a 700-person-equivalent capacity. The effects of two types of emergent aquatic macrophytes (Phragmites australis and Schoenoplectus californicus) and seasonality on greenhouse gas (GHG) gas emissions, the environmental remediation cost (ERC) and the specific environmental remediation cost (SERC) were assessed. The results indicate that GHG emissions per capita (12–22 kgCO2eq/p.e/yr) and primary exergy resources consumed (24–27 MJ/m3) for the HSSF are lower than those of a conventional wastewater treatment plant (67.9 kgCO2eq/p.e/yr and 96 MJ/m3). The SERC varied between 176 and 216 MJ/kg biological oxygen demand (BOD5) removal, which should be further reduced by 20% for an improved BOD5 removal efficiency above 90%. The low organic matter removal efficiency is associated with a high organic load and low bacterial development. Seasonality has a marked effect on the organic removal efficiency and the SERC, but the macrophyte species does not.  相似文献   
Wastewater treatment facility is vital for sustainable urban development. In the course of removing contaminants and discharging ready-for-reuse water, wastewater treatment consumes resources and triggers environmental emission during its lifetime. A comprehensive framework to analyze the embodied ecological elements as natural resources and environmental emissions of wastewater treatment is presented in this work. The systems method as a combination of process and input–output analyses is applied and a set of indicators are accordingly devised. Two representative ecological elements, i.e., greenhouse gases emissions and solar emergy of alternative wastewater treatment systems, i.e., a traditional activated sludge wastewater treatment plant and a constructed wetland have been taken into consideration. For each ecological element, five indicators have been calculated and compared to assess the impact on climate change and resources utilizing style of the case systems. The framework raised in this paper is fully supportive for optimal decision-making among different wastewater treatment technologies, and could be transplanted to be applied to systems ecological accounting for other production systems.  相似文献   
据调查统计,宜溧山区现有蕨类植物26科、44属、82种,其中40种左右有药用价值.对这些药用蕨类的生境、药用功效、利用现状等作了简要阐述,并就其开发和利用提出了相关的建议.  相似文献   
甘肃黄芪属药用植物资源   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的:调查甘肃省黄芪属药用植物资源,为该属植物资源的开发利用提供科学依据.方法:深入甘肃各地进行实地调查、采集标本和分类鉴定,并查阅和核对主要标本馆的腊叶标本.结果:初步研究,甘肃省有13种1亚种药用黄芪属植物,记述了它们在省内的分布、生境和药用价值,并编制了检索表.结论:甘肃黄芪属植物资源丰富,有待进一步研究,开发利用.  相似文献   
Differences between growth forms in root responses to experimentally created heterogeneity have been documented in many greenhouse and plot studies, but not in natural vegetation. Here we examined the response of roots to experimental nutrient patches in undisturbed grassland and forest at the northern edge of the North American Great Plains. Forest vegetation increases the spatial heterogeneity of soil resources, and we tested for differences between forest and grassland roots in response to patches. Ten minirhizotrons (clear tubes, 5 cm diameter, 180 cm long) were installed in both grassland and forest 3 years before the experiment. Minirhizotrons ran horizontally 10 cm beneath the soil surface. Patches of available nitrogen (N) were created over the tubes, using three concentrations (0, 3, 15 g N m−2 yr−1) and two patch sizes (1␣and 10 cm2). Root images were collected beneath patches over the course of a growing season. Root length was significantly greater in grassland than forest at the start and end of the growing season, but did not respond to N patches. Root production was also significantly greater in grassland than forest, and was significantly greater (about 20%) in high-N patches than in unfertilized patches. This increase, however, did not differ between vegetation types. Turnover did not vary with any treatment, and patch size had no effect on any response variable. Overall, differences caused by experimental patches were much smaller than differences between habitats, and did not vary between habitats. Realistic levels of experimentally imposed hetereogeneity in established vegetation may not be much greater than background levels, and field vegetation has extant root systems which respond to patches via uptake instead of growth. Both mechanisms should contribute to less root proliferation in field experiments than in greenhouse experiments.  相似文献   
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) Fishing is considered a major threat to high seas fish stocks. Each of the the international regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) are combating some form of IUU fishing and this led the Food and Agriculture Oranization of the United Nations (FAO) to adopt the International Plan of Action to Deter, Prevent and Eliminate IUU Fishing (IPOA-IUU). This article will analyze the issues involved with IUU fishing, examine the recommendations in the IPOA, and consider examples of successful management and enforcement measures in use by states and RFMOs. Finally, recent developments in China will be viewed as an example of how international cooperation is contagious.  相似文献   
我国牧草种质资源创新研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了几十年来我国牧草种质资源创新研究的方法和成果,详细阐述了种内杂交、远缘杂交、射线辐射、离子束注入、太空搭载、化学诱变及基因转化等不同技术方法在牧草种质资源创新中的应用,并对我国牧草种质资源创新的应用前景进行了讨论,以期为促进我国牧草种质资源创新和育种研究的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   
中国棕榈藤资源及其分布特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
棕榈藤是一种重要的非木材林产品,在全球生物多样性保护和经济发展方面起着重要的作用。通过查阅相关文献、野外调查和标本鉴定,对中国棕榈藤植物的种类组成、地理分布类型及特点进行了研究。结果表明:(1)中国分布有较丰富的棕榈藤植物资源,共计3属40种(含变种),在云南、海南、广西等12个省区均有分布,其生长习性以攀援型为主。(2)中国棕榈藤植物表现出明显的水平和垂直地带性分布规律;水平地域性分布明显,形成了西南(云南西双版纳)和东南(海南省)两大分布中心,而其他区域分布的种类相对较少;海拔1000m以下地区分布的种类较多,有一定数量的广布种。(3)中国棕榈藤植物可划分为10个分布区类型,其中,以热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚)分布型的种类为主,特有种也占有一定比例;种类的分布与中南半岛、南亚棕榈藤植物区系有密切的联系。  相似文献   
1993年生效的《生物多样性公约》(CBD,the Convention on Biological Diversity)将获取与惠益分享(ABS,access and benefit sharing)作为其三大目标之一。2010年在CBD缔约方大会第10次会议(COP-10)上达成了《生物多样性公约关于遗传资源获取与公平和公正地分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》(简称"《名古屋议定书》"),标志着获取与惠益分享议题取得了实质性进展。随后又组织召开了3次政府间委员会会议,《名古屋议定书》于2014年10月在韩国平昌召开COP-12期间生效,并在2014年10月13-17日召开了《名古屋议定书》缔约方大会第1次会议(COP/MOP-1)。本文系统总结和梳理了获取与惠益分享议题产生背景、关键议题争论的焦点、谈判历程和发展动态,深入分析了欧盟、非洲集团、瑞士等主要国家集团和非政府组织(NGOs)、工商界等非国家行为体(NSAs)在获取与惠益分享国际谈判中的立场、策略和作用,讨论了《名古屋议定书》对发展中国家和发达国家的利益体现、影响以及中国面临的挑战。  相似文献   
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