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目的:探讨不同孕周脐带脱垂患者相关因素的差异。方法:回顾性比较分析2012年01月至2017年12月我院收治的44例脐带脱垂患者的临床资料。将患者按照脐带脱垂发生的孕周分为足月组、早产组及流产组,使用SPSS18.0统计软件处理数据。结果:我院近六年脐带脱垂总的发病率为1.829/1000。44例患者中,足月组7人,占15.91%;早产组22人,占50%;流产组15人,占34.09%。三组患者的年龄、产次及孕次均无显著统计学差异(P0.05)。足月组新生儿apgar评分最高,与其它两组相比均有统计学差异(P0.05),早产组apgar评分显著高于流产组(P0.05);足月组剖宫产率为100%,早产组为63.64%,流产组则为13.13%,三组患者剖宫产率比较存在统计学差异(P=0.000),足月组剖宫产率与早产组比较无统计学差异(P=0.075),足月组剖宫产率与流产组比较有统计学差异(P=0.000),早产组剖宫产率与流产组比较有统计学差异(P=0.003)。足月组异常胎方位的发生率显著低于早产组(P=0.038)。早产组胎儿数(单胎、双胎)与足月组及流产组相比均有统计学差异(P0.05),而足月组与流产组胎儿数则无统计学差异(P0.05)。早产组双胎妊娠占比例更高。三组患者发生脐带脱垂的地点比较无统计学差异(P=0.256)。结论:不同孕周是否发生脐带脱垂与患者的年龄、产次、孕次及地点无关。脐带脱垂较多发生于早产者,且早产患者中双胎、异常胎方位发生率更高。一旦发生脐带脱垂,尤其是有机会存活的胎儿,应以最快的方式娩出胎儿,提高新生儿存活几率。  相似文献   
围产期干细胞库质量管理体系(QMS)建设是保障干细胞产品和服务健康发展的基础工作。本文比较分析美国输血协会(AABB)、细胞疗法认证基金会(FACT)和ISO 9001的标准的架构、内容和侧重点,重点论述围产期干细胞库QMS构建的方法、步骤和参考模式。参照权威机构标准建立和运行QMS,能够保障我国围产期干细胞库标准化、规范化和科学化的建设和管理,提升我国干细胞库能力和信任水平。良好的QMS进一步促进干细胞与精准医疗战略性新兴产业升级,为建设健康中国提供动力。  相似文献   
宋鹤  吕明婕  丁肖英  秦桂华  赵凤 《生物磁学》2011,(16):3152-3155
目的:研究儿童癫痫相关的国产期高危因素。方法:随访16986例新生儿后期癫痫的患病情况,分为儿童癫痫组与非癞痫组,比较两组各项围产期高危因素,进行单因素与多因素统计分析。结果:随访期内儿童癫痫的发病例数为118例(6.95‰),癫痫的发病率在1岁以下的儿童最高(27.12%)。儿童癫痫的发生与孕周、高龄产妇、低出生体重、流产史、宫内窘迫、喂养方式、孕期感染、子痫、胎盘早剥、新生儿惊厥都有相关性,并且孕周、子痫和新生儿惊厥是儿童癫痫发生的独立危险因素。结论:儿童癫痫的发生与围产期高危因素密切相关,这对临床儿童癫痫的诊疗可能有提示作用。  相似文献   
宋鹤  姜亚峰  赵凤  吕明婕  丁肖英 《生物磁学》2011,(15):2935-2937
目的:探讨早产儿发生的围产期高危因素及并发症。方法:收集我院2006.1—2009.12出生的早产儿183例的临床资料,总结其早产的相关围产期高危因素及并发症。结果:胎膜早破、多胎妊娠、妊娠高血压综合征是早产发生的主要原因;早产儿的主要并发症为肺炎和颅内出血等。结论:加强围生期保健,早期干预各种围产期高危因素,积极防治早产儿各种并发症,是提高早产儿存活率降低致残率的关键。  相似文献   
冯云  刘智昱  王淑媛  洪春辉  熊伟 《生物磁学》2013,(24):4746-4751
摘要目的:掌握围产儿出生缺陷的发生情况,探讨引起围产儿出生缺陷的相关因素,为制订及完善出生缺陷预防对策及干预措施提供科学依据。方法:按照全国出生缺陷监测中心制定的监测方案,对2010年10月1日~2011年9月30日在湘潭市县级及以上医疗保健机构住院分娩的围生儿出生缺陷监测资料进行分析。结果:5年出生缺陷的平均发生率为93.30/万,出生缺陷的发生率无明显趋势(x2=0.114,P=0.736)乡村的出生缺陷发生率明显高于城镇(X2=24.638,P〈O.001),男性围产儿的出生缺陷发生率显著高于女性(XZ=6.693,P=0.010),出生缺陷的发生率与季节无关(x2=3.852,P=0.278),出生缺陷的围产儿死亡率大大高于非出生缺陷)L(X2=2904.583,P〈0.001),先天性心脏病、肢体畸形(并指/趾、多指/趾、肢体短缩、马蹄内翻足)、唇裂及唇腭裂是高发的出生缺陷。结论:减少出生缺陷的发生是一项长期工程,需要采取综合措施,从各个环节入手,以预防为主,加强优生优育健康教育,落实婚前及围产期保健,推行新生儿疾病筛查,可有效降低出生缺陷的发病率,提高出生人口素质。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to verify if changes in blood glucose, creatinine, urea, and fibrinogen concentrations evaluated at birth reflect gross placenta abnormalities, and are useful to identify foals that suffered from placental dysfunction. A total of 92 mares were included in the present study: 68 delivered healthy foals and they were included in group 1; 24 delivered sick foals and they were included in group 2. In group 2, foals' clinical diagnoses included perinatal asphyxia syndrome (PAS; n = 20) and prematurity and/or dysmaturity (n = 4). The proportion of sick foals was greater when placental abnormalities were observed (χ2 [1, n = 89] = 5.00; P = 0.025). Serum creatinine concentration at birth was higher in sick than in healthy foals (P = 0.003), and blood glucose concentrations at birth was smaller in sick than in healthy foals (P = 0.007). No difference was found in blood chemistry results between survivors and nonsurvivors of group 2. Serum creatinine concentration was higher in foals born from grossly abnormal than in foals born from grossly normal placenta (P = 0.029), and it was higher in foals affected by PAS (311.17 μmol/L) than in healthy foals (238.24 μmol/L) (P = 0.004). In a clinical setting, serum creatinine and blood glucose concentrations should be evaluated at birth, particularly in foals born from grossly abnormal placenta. The association of clinical and laboratory data could be particularly important to promptly identify and treat foals with a higher risk to develop PAS.  相似文献   
A new experimental model for studying the effects of acute ischemia on brain development in the near-term fetal rat has been devised. Ischemic conditions are achieved by complete clamping of blood vessels branching from the uterine vasculature into each individual fetus for designated times followed by removal of the clamps to permit reperfusion. Accumulation of lactic acid in the fetal brain depends on the length of the restriction period, reaching a plateau level of 29 mumol/g tissue at about 30 min. It also depends on the reperfusion time. Thus after a period of 15 min of restriction lactate levels show an increase over the next 30-min reperfusion to a value of 25.5 mumol/g followed by a rapid decrease to normal values by 3 h of reperfusion. Restriction of 15 min followed by reperfusion of 45 min causes an elevation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) level from 12.4 +/- 0.86 ng/g to 21.1 +/- 0.6 ng/g (p less than 0.001). This elevation in PGE2 level is less apparent after 20 min of restriction. No effects are seen on the level of PGF2 alpha. Both PGE2 and PGF2 alpha accumulate in vitro in a time-dependent manner by brain particulate fraction. In vitro synthesis of both PGE2 and PGF2 alpha is inhibited by indomethacin (100% and 68%, respectively) and AA861 (94% and 76%, respectively). BW755c and nordihydroguaiaretic acid do not affect PGE2 formation but enhance PGF2 alpha production by 112% and 152%, respectively. Particulate fractions from restricted brain produce less PGF2 alpha than control brains (6.38 +/- 1.62 versus 11.43 +/- 2.2, p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
BackgroundThe negative effects of perinatal depression on the mother and child start early and persist throughout the lifecourse (Lancet 369(9556):145–57, 2007; Am J Psychiatry 159(1):43-7, 2002; Arch Dis Child 77(2):99–101, 1997; J Pak Med Assoc 60(4):329; J Psychosoma Res 49(3):207–16, 2000; Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev 14(1):1–27, 2011). Given that 10–35 % of children worldwide are exposed to perinatal depression in their first year of life (Int Rev Psychiatry 8(1):37–54, 1996), mitigating this intergenerational risk is a global public health priority (Perspect Public Health 129(5):221–7, 2009; Trop Med Int Health 13(4):579–83, 2008; Br Med Bull 101(1):57–79, 2012). However, it is not clear whether intervention with depressed women can have long-term benefits for the mother and/or her child. We describe a study of the effectiveness of a peer-delivered depression intervention delivered through 36 postnatal months, the Thinking Healthy Program Peer-delivered PLUS (THPP+) for women and their children in rural Pakistan.Methods/designThe THPP+ study aims are: (1) to evaluate the effects of an extended 36-month perinatal depression intervention on maternal and index child outcomes using a cluster randomized controlled trial (c-RCT) and (2) to determine whether outcomes among index children of perinatally depressed women in the intervention arm converge with those of index children born to perinatally nondepressed women. The trial is designed to recruit 560 pregnant women who screened positive for perinatal depression (PHQ-9 score ≥10) from 40 village clusters, of which 20 receive the THPP+ intervention. An additional reference group consists of 560 perinatally nondepressed women from the same 40 clusters as the THPP+ trial. The women in the nondepressed group are not targeted to receive the THPP+ intervention; but, by recruiting pregnant women from both intervention and control clusters, we are able to evaluate any carryover effects of the THPP+ intervention on the women and their children. Perinatally depressed women in the THPP+ intervention arm receive bimonthly group-based sessions. Primary outcomes are 3-year maternal depression and 3-year child development indicators. Analyses are intention-to-treat and account for the clustered design.DiscussionThis trial, together with the reference group, has the potential to further our understanding of the early developmental lifecourse of children of both perinatally depressed and perinatally nondepressed women in rural Pakistan and to determine whether intervening with women’s depression in the perinatal period can mitigate the negative effects of maternal depression on 36-month child development.

Trial registration

THPP-P ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02111915 (registered on 9 April 2014).THPP+ ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02658994 (registered on 21 January 2016).Sponsor: Human Development Research Foundation (HDRF).

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1530-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Cell-based regenerative medicine is of growing interest in biomedical research. The role of stem cells in this context is under intense scrutiny and may help to define principles of organ regeneration and develop innovative therapeutics for organ failure. Utilizing stem and progenitor cells for organ replacement has been conducted for many years when performing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Since the first successful transplantation of umbilical cord blood to treat hematological malignancies, non-hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell populations have recently been identified within umbilical cord blood and other perinatal and fetal tissues. A cell population entitled mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) emerged as one of the most intensely studied as it subsumes a variety of capacities: MSCs can differentiate into various subtypes of the mesodermal lineage, they secrete a large array of trophic factors suitable of recruiting endogenous repair processes and they are immunomodulatory.Focusing on perinatal tissues to isolate MSCs, we will discuss some of the challenges associated with these cell types concentrating on concepts of isolation and expansion, the comparison with cells derived from other tissue sources, regarding phenotype and differentiation capacity and finally their therapeutic potential.  相似文献   
Summary. The effect of perinatal asphyxia on brain development was studied with organotypic cultures from substantia nigra, neostriatum and neocortex. Asphyxia was induced by immersing foetuses-containing uterine horns removed from ready-to-deliver rats into a water bath for 20min. Following asphyxia, the pups were nursed by a surrogate dam and sacrificed after three days for preparing organotypic cultures. Non-asphyxiated caesarean-delivered pups were used as controls. Morphological features and cell viability were recorded during in vitro development. At day in vitro (DIV) 24, the cultures were treated for immunocytochemistry using antibodies against the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 (NR1) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH).While in vitro survival was similar in cultures from both asphyxiated and control animals, differences were observed when the neuronal phenotype was assessed. Compared to controls, the total number of NR1-positive neurons in substantia nigra, as well as the number of secondary to higher level branching of TH-positive neurites from asphyxiated pups were decreased, illustrating the vulnerability of the dopaminergic systems to perinatal asphyxia.  相似文献   
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