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干细胞为解决重大医学难题带来了希望,现已开展多项干细胞治疗临床研究,且获得了一定的疗效。干细胞制剂作为干细胞治疗产品,在制备和应用过程中均需严格的操作和管理,我国还处于干细胞临床转化起步阶段,相关政策法规有待进一步细化。利用干细胞库进行干细胞制剂的标准化制备和应用已成为国际主流趋势。北京干细胞库在中国科学院"干细胞与再生医学研究"战略性先导科技专项支持下,建立了中国首家临床级干细胞库和临床级胚胎干细胞系,获得了一系列中国食品药品检定研究院的检验报告,并开展了一些干细胞的临床研究。此外,北京干细胞库参与了多项干细胞相关政策法规的制定。现将结合北京干细胞库的研究进展,对临床级干细胞制剂的管理和临床级干细胞库的建设进行综述,以期为我国干细胞研究领域的健康发展贡献一己之力。  相似文献   

世界新军事变革所带来的军队建设和作战方式的革命性变化正冲击着军事医学领域.现代战(创)伤的救治更加重视组织功能的恢复与重建.干细胞治疗作为一项逐渐成熟的新兴再生技术,已在眼、耳、脑、脊髓、外周神经、肌肉、骨髂、肺、心血管、皮肤、肾脏等组织器官中得到广泛深入的研究,极有可能完全改变现有的治疗方法和恢复手段.军队目前尚未构建战备干细胞库,建设军队自己的临床级战备干细胞库,深入开展干细胞技术研究对现代战争中军人的创伤救治与修复有着特殊的价值.  相似文献   

<正>围产期干细胞作者:韩忠朝ISBN:9787030393944定价:$98开本:16装帧:平装丛书名:新生物学丛书初版时间:1/1/2014读者对象:《围产期干细胞》内容丰富,是国内第一本系统地对围产期干细胞的国内外研究成果进行总结和综述的专著,可供相关专业的研究人员、干细胞或组织工程药物开发人员、临床医生以及在校研究生阅读参考.内容介绍:围产期干细胞是指人脐带、胎盘羊膜和绒毛膜、脐血和羊水等胎儿生产附属物组织来源的干细胞,其富含多种干细胞,主要包括的干细胞种类有造血干细胞、间充质干细胞、上皮干细胞、内皮祖细胞、  相似文献   

摘要:生物种质资源是保障国家粮食安全、生态安全、人类健康安全等的战略性资源。本文简述了我国生物种质资源库的建设布局、样本保存、整合汇交以及信息化平台建设支撑的国家科技部署等进展情况,分析了我国生物种质资源库及其信息化平台建设面临的挑战,对未来的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

<正>国家卫生和计划生育委员会、国家食品药品监督管理总局近日联合发布《干细胞临床研究管理办法(试行)》(以下简称《管理办法》)。这是我国首个针对干细胞临床研究进行管理的规范性文件,旨在规范干细胞临床研究行为,保障受试者权益,促进干细胞研究健康发展。《管理办法》明确,从事干细胞临床研究的医疗机构  相似文献   

人细胞库研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yao ZX  Qin ML  Cai WQ 《生理科学进展》2001,32(3):249-250
在许多研究和生物技术的应用中,一个亟待解决的关键问题是如何获得来源丰富的具体特异分化能力的人细胞供体源。最近这方面取得的进展包括:(1)转染DNA肿瘤病毒基因;(2)外源性端粒酶表达或激活内源性端粒酶活性;(3)发展建立体外培养人胚胎干细胞。在此基础上建立人细胞库。  相似文献   

为了探讨骨髓间充质干细胞亲和肽与基质金属蛋白酶(matrixmetalloproteinase,MMP)底物肽复合后作为小分子药物载体的可行性,采用噬茵体肽库技术,用分离培养的大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(mousemesenchymalstemcells,MSCs)筛选噬菌体环七肽库,获得MSCs高亲和性多肽.合成FrrC(Frrc—CSTNPKVLC,FITC.P1)和生物素(Biotin—CSTNPKVLC,Bio-PI)标记的亲和肽,流式细胞术和ELISA方法检测其与MSCs的亲和性;将DAPI标记的MSC-Bio-P1复合物植入裸鼠肿瘤组织周围,检测复合物在体内的稳定性.将亲和肽与基质金属蛋白酶(matrixmetalloproteinases,MMPs)特异性底物肽(GPLGIAGQ)连接,合成FITC标记的亲和肽.底物肽复合物(FITC-Ahx-CSTNPKVLCGPLGIAGQ,FITC—P1-P2),通过流式细胞术检测其对MSCs的亲和性,毛细管电泳方法检测MMP对FITC-P1-P2的酶切效果.结果表明,通过噬菌体肽库筛选获得的MSCs亲和肽,在体内外对MSCs均具有良好的亲和性和稳定性;亲和肽与底物肽的复合物(FTTC—P1-P2)对MSCs仍有较好的亲和性,并且能够被MMPs酶切.以上研究表明,MSCs亲和肽.MMP底物肽复合物(CSTNPKVLCGPLGIAGQ,P1-P2)可以作为MSCs与小分子药物相连的连接子,从而对MSCs作为小分子药物(如化学药物)载体的可行性提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

《干细胞临床转化指南》(以下简称《指南》),概括并讨论了将干细胞的基础研究恰当而负责任地应用在临床上治疗患者时所需要考虑的科学标准、临床准则、管理规则、伦理以及社会问题。《指南》根据科学、临床和伦理的普遍准则,为干细胞转化研究参与者、临床科学家及有关的国际机构的管理人员提出了干细胞临床转化研究应遵守的建议。  相似文献   

我国医疗服务体系存在卫生资源布局和利用不合理、缺乏分工协作、基层医疗服务能力薄弱等问题,分级医疗是优化与重构医疗卫生服务体系的有效途径。通过梳理分级医疗的基本内涵、关键问题及其困境,结合我国国情特点和社会分工理论,从系统层面(宏观)、组织层面(中观)、个体层面(微观)以及保障层面对我国分级医疗服务体系建设提出相应路径选择。  相似文献   

目的通过文献分析了解中国干细胞治疗技术临床应用概况。方法利用文献计量方法和社会网络分析等方法,对万方数据库、中国知网(CNKI)数据库、维普数据库和中国生物医学文献(Sino Med)数据库收录的干细胞治疗病例报告进行分析,并利用TDA和Ucinet等软件展现了分析结果。结果我国1998年就有干细胞移植治疗翼状胬肉的报道,自2000年以后,每年都有干细胞治疗相关的病例报告,迄今为止,有近500家机构发表了相关论文;治疗病例涉及眼病、心血管疾病及周围血管疾病、内分泌病与代谢病、神经系统疾病和消化系统疾病等多种类型的疾病,主要利用自体骨髓干细胞、间充质干细胞、脐带血干细胞和神经干细胞等。结论中国的干细胞治疗技术和市场未成熟,也未得到国家的正式审批,符合临床试验基本标准的前瞻性对照试验并未见相应数量的报告,但是通过文献报道可以看出,已经有大量医疗机构开展相关治疗业务,迫切需要严格区分研究与应用,弥补监管空白。  相似文献   

The Singapore Stem Cell Bank has generated human embryonic stem cell banks from clinical-grade cell lines ESI-017, ESI-035, ESI-049, and ESI-053. All banks were prepared and characterized according to principles of Good Laboratory Practice for quality assurance. Importantly, each cell line has clearly documented and approved ethical provenance and meets recognized standards for performance and safety. The banks are intended to facilitate the translation of stem cell research to clinical medicine by enabling early phase research and development with high-quality, low-cost cells that are also available as clinical-grade stocks.  相似文献   

Cell manufacturing for clinical applications is a unique form of biologics manufacturing that relies on maintenance of stringent work practices designed to ensure product consistency and prevent contamination by microorganisms or by another patient's cells. More extensive, prolonged laboratory processes involve greater risk of complications and possibly adverse events for the recipient, and so the need for control is correspondingly greater. To minimize the associate risks of cell manufacturing adhering to international quality standards is critical. Current good tissue practice (cGTP) and current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) are examples of general standards that draw a baseline for cell manufacturing facilities. In recent years, stem cell researches have found great public interest in Iran and different cell therapy projects have been started in country. In this review we described the role of our tissue banking experiences in establishing a new cGMP cell manufacturing facility. The authors concluded that, tissue banks and tissue banking experts can broaden their roles from preparing tissue grafts to manufacturing cell and tissue engineered products for translational researches and phase I clinical trials. Also they can collaborate with cell processing laboratories to develop SOPs, implement quality management system, and design cGMP facilities.  相似文献   

Quality issues in tissue banking:Quality management systems - A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The situation in tissue banking changed radically and fundamentally at the beginning of the 1990s. The essential causes are on the one hand, the continually increasing demand for human cells and tissue and other biological material for clinical use and research, and on the other hand, the rapid progress in the medical, technical and natural sciences. Biotechnology in particular, has profited from this. Modern tissue banks could no longer be imagined without its methods.A consequence of these developments and a prerequisite for the fulfilment of the derived requirements is the necessity for national and international cooperation as well as the harmonisation of ethical principles and quality assurance standards and regulations (von Versen (1999) Ann Chir Gynaecol 88: 215-220). The introduction of an all-encompassing Quality Management System (QMS) is a suitable instrument for this purpose.After the presentation of explanations and definitions of quality terminology, this article describes the use of the international standard ISO 9000 as a general QMS, which embraces both the specific methodology as well as the general aspects of Quality Management (research and development, design control, education and training, documentation, traceability, management control, corrective action, etc.) in tissue banking. The individual elements of this system are explained and selected examples are described. The authors look upon this QMS as an indispensable instrument for harmonisation and international cooperation in tissue banking.Finally, the use of such a standard would be a positive sign to the regulatory authorities and the public that tissue banking is making a visible effort to introduce a world-class QMS in its operations.  相似文献   

细胞药物最终用于人体,必须建立相应的质量标准,进行质量控制。系统地贯彻到供者筛查、组织采集、细胞分离、培养、冻存、复苏、放行、运输、使用等全过程,确保产品的安全性、有效性和稳定性。近年来,我国逐渐改变了把细胞治疗作为第三类医疗技术管理的思路。一方面,已有第三类医疗技术取消行政审批;另一方面,又把除自体外的干细胞移植纳入药物管理,并建立了相应的质量标准和质量管理办法。  相似文献   

International banking: checks, deposits, and withdrawals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 10 years that the technology to produce human embryonic stem cell lines has been available, hundreds of lines have been derived in numerous global locations. These cell lines are being used by researchers across diverse scientific fields to investigate the basic biology, clinical potential, and pharmaceutical applications of these cells and their progeny. In this fast-moving and rapidly growing field, how can we ensure that data generated by different laboratories using the same cell lines are comparable, reproducible, and consistent? One suggestion would be to ensure the quality of the "seed stock" material received and used by researchers. Because a number of laboratories worldwide provide stem cell lines to the scientific community, it seems logical to explore the harmonization of practices between distributors to establish cohesive standards and aid the global movement of stem cell lines to the research community. In the future, when these cells arrive in the clinic for therapeutic use, this consensus of "best practice" should ensure the consistency and facilitate the dissemination of these valuable materials.  相似文献   

Tissue banking is a complex operation concerned with the organisation and coordination of all the steps, that is, from donor selection up to storage and distribution of the final products for therapeutic, diagnostic, instruction and research purposes. An appropriate quality framework should be established in order to cover all the specific methodology as well as the general aspects of quality management, such as research and development, design, instruction and training, specific documentation, traceability, corrective action, client satisfaction, and the like. Such a framework can be obtained by developing a quality management system (QMS) in accordance with a suitable international standard: ISO 9001:2000. This paper presents the implementation process of the tissue bank QMS at the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares in Mexico. Objective: The objective of the paper is to share the experience gained by the tissue bank personnel [radiosterilised tissue bank (BTR)] at the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ, National Institute of Nuclear Research), during implementation of the ISO 9001:2000 certification process. At present, the quality management system (QMS) of ININ also complies with the Mexican standard NMX-CC-9001:2000. The scope of this QMS is Research, Development and Processing of Biological Tissues Sterilised by Gamma Radiation, among others.  相似文献   

The processing of stem cell lines for application in human therapy requires a physical environment in which air quality (i.e., the number of airborne particles) is controlled to minimize risk of contamination. The processing facility should be constructed and operated to minimise the introduction, generation and retention of particles and microorganisms. A formal program of environmental monitoring should be maintained in each stem cell bank to specify and assess key factors and their influence on the microbiological quality of the process and product. This program should assure the manipulation of cells involved in the derivation of stem cell lines and their culture under established limits for airborne particles and for microbial contamination of the air and surfaces. Environmental monitoring should also address the regulatory requirements in the countries in which the cells will be used. The monitoring programme will depend on local conditions in each processing centre or cell bank. Each centre will need to evaluate its specific needs and establish appropriate monitoring procedures which should not become intrusive to the extent that they might compromise the quality of the cell banks or products.  相似文献   

Microbiological control in stem cell banks: approaches to standardisation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The transplant of cells of human origin is an increasingly complex sector of medicine which entails great opportunities for the treatment of a range of diseases. Stem cell banks should assure the quality, traceability and safety of cultures for transplantation and must implement an effective programme to prevent contamination of the final product. In donors, the presence of infectious micro-organisms, like human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and human T cell lymphotrophic virus, should be evaluated in addition to the possibility of other new infectious agents (e.g. transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and severe acute respiratory syndrome). The introduction of the nucleic acid amplification can avoid the window period of these viral infections. Contamination from the laboratory environment can be achieved by routine screening for bacteria, fungi, yeast and mycoplasma by European pharmacopoeia tests. Fastidious micro-organisms, and an adventitious or endogenous virus, is a well-known fact that will also have to be considered for processes involving in vitro culture of stem cells. It is also a standard part of current good practice in stem cell banks to carry out routine environmental microbiological monitoring of the cleanrooms where the cell cultures and their products are prepared. The risk of viral contamination from products of animal origin, like bovine serum and mouse fibroblasts as a “feeder layer” for the development of embryonic cell lines, should also be considered. Stem cell lines should be tested for prion particles and a virus of animal origin that assure an acceptable quality.  相似文献   

The expansion of national and international research efforts in stem cell research is increasingly paired with the trend of establishing stem cell banks and registries. In jurisdictions crossing the spectrum of restrictive to liberal stem cell policies, banks and registries are emerging as an essential resource for transnational access to quality-controlled and ethically sourced stem cell lines. In this study, we report the preliminary findings of a survey of stem cell banks participating in the International Stem Cell Forum's International Stem Cell Banking Initiative (ISCBI). The questionnaire circulated to all ISCBI members addressed both general issues surrounding research policies (e.g., national policies regulating the permissibility of conducting embryonic stem cell research (hESCR)) and, more specifically, issues relating to the governance of stem cell banking projects. The results of the questionnaire were complemented by scholarly research conducted by the authors. This article provides an overview of the current international hESC banking landscape (I). For this purpose, the policy and governance approaches adopted in the surveyed stem cell banks at the national level will be analyzed and areas of convergence and variance will be identified (II). It is beyond the scope of this paper to provide a comprehensive analysis of the wide range of possible governance approaches, policy responses, and their implications. However, we want to provide a starting point for discussion surrounding key questions and challenges as concerns provenance, access, and deposit of hESC lines (III). Finally, while our analysis is focused on research grade hESCs, the lessons to be gleaned from this examination will encourage further thought, analysis, and research into the issues raised in the banking and governance of other sources of stem cell lines (e.g., SCNT, parthenogenesis, iPs) (IV).  相似文献   

自然存在的间充质干细胞数量少,限制了其研究应用。依靠自主发明的间充质干细胞过滤分离器,分离制备了人羊膜间充质干细胞,并对制备的干细胞进行了三维培养扩增。结果表明,制备的干细胞形态长势良好,并能诱导分化为类胰岛样组织。与常规方法相比,干细胞收获率提高了8倍以上,且细胞活性状态良好。间充质干细胞过滤分离器可以批量制备高质量的各种间充质干细胞,有利于高效率地建设各种间充质干细胞库,以促进间充质干细胞的研究应用。  相似文献   

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