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分子运动性预测麻栎种子离体胚轴适宜贮藏条件初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用电子顺磁共振波谱仪和自旋标记技术,以硝基氧探针为标记物,检测了室温下麻栎种子离体胚轴脱水过程中分子运动性的变化。发现含水量0.7gH2O/gDW至0.64gH2O/gDW范围是细胞质粘度的转折区域,低于这个含水量区域,细胞质粘度骤然上升,推测这个区域是室温下保存离体胚轴的适宜含水量下限。通过变温电子顺磁共振波谱测定,找到离体胚轴含水量在0.43gH2O/gDW至1.02gH2O/gDW范围内,分子运动性的临界温度和玻璃态相变温度所在区间。根据分子运动性随温度变化的规律,预测含水量为0.69gH2O/gDW的麻栎种子离体胚轴适宜贮藏温度约为-50℃。  相似文献   
Muscle unloading due to long-term exposure of weightlessness or simulated weightlessness causes atrophy, loss of functional capacity, impaired locomotor coordination, and decreased resistance to fatigue in the antigravity muscles of the lower limbs. Besides reducing astronauts' mobility in space and on returning to a gravity environment, the molecular mechanisms for the adaptation of skeletal muscle to unloading also play an important medical role in conditions such as disuse and paralysis. The tail-suspended rat model was used to simulate the effects of weightlessness on skeletal muscles and to induce muscle unloading in the rat hindlimb. Our series studies have shown that the maximum of twitch tension and the twitch duration decreased significantly in the atrophic soleus muscles, the maximal tension of high-frequency tetanic contraction was significantly reduced in 2-week unloaded soleus muscles, however, the fatigability of high- frequency tetanic contraction increased after one week of unloading. The maximal isometric tension of intermittent tetanic contraction at optimal stimulating frequency did not alter in 1- and 2-week unloaded soleus, but significantly decreased in 4-week unloaded soleus. The 1-week unloaded soleus, but not extensor digitorum Iongus (EDL), was more susceptible to fatigue during intermittent tetanic contraction than the synchronous controls. The changes in K+ channel characteristics may increase the fatigability during high-frequency tetanic contraction in atrophic soleus muscles. High fatigability of intermittent tetanic contraction may be involved in enhanced activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) and switching from slow to fast isoform of myosin heavy chain, tropomyosin, troponin I and T subunit in atrophic soleus muscles. Unloaded soleus muscle also showed a decreased protein level of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and the reduction in nNOS-derived NO increased frequency of calcium sparks and elevated intracellular resting Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in unloaded soleus muscles. High [Ca2+]i activated calpain-1 which induced a higher degradation of desmin. Desmin degradation may loose connections between adjacent myofibrils and further misaligned Z-disc during repeated tetanic contractions. Passive stretch in unloaded muscle could preserve the stability of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channels by means of keeping nNOS activity, and decrease the enhanced protein level and activity of calpain to control levels in unloaded soleus muscles. Therefore, passive stretch restored normal appearance of Z-disc and resisted in part atrophy of unloaded soleus muscles. The above results indicate that enhanced fatigability of high-frequency tetanic contraction is associated to the alteration in K+ channel characteristics, and elevated SERCA activity and slow to fast transition of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms increases fatigability of intermittent tetanic contraction in atrophic soleus muscle. The sarcomeric damage induced by tetanic contraction can be retarded by stretch in atrophic soleus muscles.  相似文献   
Long-term endurance training or physical activity has been confirmed not only to improve physical performance, but to bring about an obvious beneficial effect on human health; however, the mechanism of this effect is not clear. The most studied health adaptations in skeletal muscle response to endurance exercise are increased muscle glycogen level and insulin sensitivity, fiber type transformation toward oxi- dative myofibers, and increased mitochondrial content/function. Mitochondria are dynamic organelles in eukaryotic cells critical in physical performance and disease occurrence. The mitochondrial life cycle spans biogenesis, maintenance, and clearance. Exercise training may promote each of these processes and confer positive impacts on skeletal muscle contractile and metabolic functions. This review focused on the regula- tion of these processes by endurance exercise and discussed its potential benefits in health and disease. We presented evidence suggesting that exercise training potentiates not only the biogenesis of mitochondria but also the removal of old and unhealthy mitochondria through mitochondrial quality control.  相似文献   
劳累的终极代价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就像埋伏在草丛、树后、峡谷两侧的敌人一样,有许多疾病和潜在的心理隐患正悄悄地“盯”上了过度疲劳的人。它们就像定时炸弹,不知道什么时候就会引起某个器官的崩溃,造成过劳死的发生……  相似文献   
朱晓艳  韩苗  韩天富  韩峥  王钢 《微生物学报》2022,62(8):3124-3136
【目的】环境中无处不在的气-液界面能够影响细菌的运动和养分的传输扩散,进而调控微生物的种群互作和群落结构。因此,系统地认知微生物在微观界面的运动特征对于理解和解析微生物多样性的产生、维持机制以及生态功能至关重要。【方法】本文基于微流体显微系统(超高速荧光显微镜和数字全息显微镜),以具备主动运动能力的模式菌株铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosaPAO1)为研究对象,观测并解析了细菌细胞在气-液界面的二维运动特征和气-液-固界面的二维与三维运动特征。【结果】PAO1既能在气-液界面处执行近似直线轨迹的运动,也能在气-液界面下方执行顺时针或逆时针旋转的圆周运动(最小曲率半径Rmin=3μm)。在气-液-固界面处,6.45%的不运动细胞聚集于气-液-固界面边缘处,并在该处完成不可逆附着;同时,游动细胞由于受到液滴内部毛细管流和马兰戈尼(Marangoni)涡流运动的综合作用,直线游动至距界面约40μm内的区域后,其运动轨迹转变为垂直界面方向返回或以近似界面平行方向运动并附着,这些行为显著调节了PAO1的空间分布,促使了其朝向气-液-固界面的迁移,表明个体PAO1的鞭毛在此...  相似文献   
pepT基因编码一种金属依赖性肽酶T (peptidase T,PepT),能特异性催化三肽N端氨基酸,因此也称为氨肽酶T。研究发现大多数氨肽酶参与细菌蛋白质新陈代谢和调节三肽活性,但关于PepT在细菌毒力及致病性方面的报道较少。[目的]本文选取PepT为研究对象,研究其对副溶血弧菌生物学特性及致病性的影响。[方法]通过构建缺失株ΔpepT和回补株CΔpepT,比较菌株在运动性、生物被膜、环境耐受、细胞毒性等方面的差异。[结果]与野生株相比,ΔpepT缺失株的极性鞭毛转录水平极显著下降,浮游运动能力降低;同时生物被膜形成能力减弱,而细菌群集运动及环境耐受能力无显著差异。此外,缺失pepT基因会导致副溶血弧菌的细胞毒性和小鼠毒力作用显著下降。[结论]pepT基因与副溶血弧菌浮游运动和生物被膜形成能力相关,并且影响其致病性。  相似文献   
【背景】芽孢杆菌是豆制品的重要腐败菌,在气液界面形成生物膜,对产品生产带来持续污染。【目的】探讨藤椒精油(Zanthoxylum armatum DC.essential oil,ZA-EO)对腐败解淀粉芽孢杆菌DY1a菌体及生物被膜的抑制作用与机制。【方法】采用气相色谱-质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometer,GC-MS)分析藤椒精油主要成分与相对含量,通过二倍稀释法测定藤椒精油对菌株的最低抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration,MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(minimum bactericidal concentration,MBC),并分析精油对腐败菌胞外蛋白酶活性、腐败菌生物被膜形成抑制及成熟生物被膜的清除作用,采用扫描电镜结合三维光学显微镜分析生物被膜形貌结构变化,测定生物被膜胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substance,EPS)多糖与蛋白质含量变化;并通过细菌运动能力、细胞黏附及自聚集能力、细胞表面疏水性和Zeta电位来初步探讨藤椒精油对生物被膜的抑制机理。【结果】藤椒精...  相似文献   
目的:黄芪是一种传统的提高身体各项机能的中药,本研究旨在探讨黄芪在高原缺氧环境下对运动小鼠疲劳缓解的效果.方法:雄性昆明种小鼠,随机分为对照组和黄芪高、中、低3个剂量组(30.0,3.0,1.0 g/kg),平原对照组在平原环境下饲养,缺氧小鼠在模拟5000m高原环境中饲养,每天灌胃给药,10d后在缺氧环境下进行游泳力竭实验,观察小鼠游泳力竭时间,同时检测血乳酸、血糖、肝糖原以及血清SOD活性和肝脏MDA等指标的变化.结果:与空白对照组比较,黄芪各剂量组可明显提高缺氧小鼠力竭游泳时间(P<0.05),减少血乳酸曲线下面积(P<0.05);黄芪高、中剂量组肝糖原显著增加(P<0.05),力竭游泳后血糖明显升高(P<0.05),SOD活性升高(P<0.05),MDA降低(P<0.05).结论:黄芪可显著缓解高原低氧小鼠的运动疲劳,具有明显的抗高原疲劳效果,具有进一步研究的价值.  相似文献   
目的:研究精神疲劳状态下脑组织血氧饱和度的变化规律。方法:从某军校随机抽取25名被试,采用模拟飞行任务负荷构建精神疲劳模型,采用NASA-TLX量表评价模型。实验全程使用近红外光谱技术对被试脑组织血氧饱和度进行实时监测;实验前后分别对被试的作业绩效水平进行评估。结果:任务后NASA-TLX量表评分明显高于任务前(P0.01);任务前后作业绩效发生变化,反应能力测试的正确率下降(P0.01),错误率上升(P0.01);任务负荷后脑组织血氧饱和度相对于静息状态升高(P0.05)。结论:精神疲劳状态会影响被试的作业绩效。疲劳后脑组织血氧饱和度水平受被试动机以及代偿机制的影响高于静息水平。  相似文献   
王爱霞 《蛇志》2004,16(4):70-70
近年来,国内护士身心健康问题日益受到关注。护士易患疲劳综合征。疲劳综合征是一个发展的过程,它与长期过重的工作压力有关,这种压力导致心理紧张,产生躯体、情绪和心理的症状及体征,最终出现逃避工作的行为。  相似文献   
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