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不同光照下,冬小麦PSⅡ的光化学效率(Fv'/Fm')、非光化学猝灭(NPQ)和叶黄素循环组分中物质的转化[(A+Z)/(A+Z+V)]之间存在着密切的相关性。NPQ与(A+Z)/(A+Z+V)呈线性正相关,与Fv'/Fm'呈线性负相关。这种相关性与物种和环境条件无关。在过董光下,不抗旱品种较抗旱品种具有较小的NPQ升高和较小的Fv'/Fm'降低,干旱下这一趋势明显加大。据此可以判断冬小麦抗逆性大小。  相似文献   
气候变化和大规模的生态恢复使中国北方旱区植被发生了显著变化,量化气候变化和人类活动对植被动态的相对贡献,对于旱区生态系统管理和应对未来气候变化具有重要意义。目前,中国北方旱区植被变化影响因素的时间动态(2000年大规模生态恢复工程实施前后)和空间异质性(沿干旱梯度)仍需进一步的定量研究。基于多源数据,采用趋势分析、偏相关分析和随机森林模型等方法,分析了1981-2018年中国北方旱区气候和植被的时空变化规律,量化了2000年前后气候变化和人类活动对植被动态的相对贡献并分析其在干旱梯度上的空间差异性。结果表明:(1)1981-2018年期间,中国北方旱区的叶面积指数(LAI)平均增加速率为(0.0037±0.0443) a-1,且增加速率沿干旱梯度增大。2000年前仅10.46%(P<0.05)的地区显著变绿,而2000年后达到36.84%,且植被变绿主要归因于非树木植被。(2)2000年后降水对植被变绿的正效应在不同干旱梯度均增加,而在半干旱区和亚湿润干旱区,温度对植被变绿由正向促进转为负向抑制,而辐射在干旱区由负效应转向正效应。(3)2000年前后,气候变化均主导着植被的动态,贡献率分别为96.07%和73.72%,人类活动的贡献在2000年后进一步增强(从3.93%增加到26.28%),且沿着干旱梯度而增加,其中人类活动对植被变绿的贡献在半干旱地区增加最显著(+0.0289 m2 m-2 a-1P<0.05)。研究结果可为未来气候变化下中国北方旱区的植被恢复和可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
沙漠是指沙质荒漠,有时也广义地包括沙地。在中国“雄鸡”状版图的颈背处,是我国广袤的西北干旱区。在那里至西向东串珠状地横亘着温带沙漠和草原沙地。沙漠日照强烈,降水稀少,气候干燥!沙漠里泥土稀薄,基质疏松,土壤贫瘠!沙漠里多大风,风运沙移,沙暴肆虐!沙漠历来被人类视为生存的艰难之处,甚至禁区!  相似文献   
Large scale herbivorous insect outbreaks can cause death of regional forests, and the events are expected to be exacerbated with climate change. Mortality of forest and woodland plants would cause a series of serious consequences, such as decrease in vegetation production, shifts in ecosystem structure and function, and transformation of forest function from a net carbon sink into a net carbon source. There is thus a need to better understand the impact of insects on trees. Defoliation by insect pests mainly reduces photosynthesis (source decrease) and increases carbon consumption (sink increase), and hence causes reduction of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC). When the reduction in NSC reaches to a certain level, trees would die of carbon starvation. External environment and internal compensatory mechanisms can also positively or negatively influence the process of tree death. At present, the research of carbon starvation is a hotspot because the increase of tree mortality globally with climate change, and carbon starvation is considered as one of the dominating physiological mechanisms for explaining tree death. In this study, we reviewed the definition of carbon starvation, and the relationships between the reduction of NSC induced by defoliation and the growth and death of trees, and the relationships among insect outbreaks, leaf loss and climate change. We also presented the potential directions of future studies on insect-caused defoliation and tree mortality.  相似文献   
贺兰山位于宁夏与内蒙交界处,是中国为数不多的几个南北走向的山脉之一,主峰海拔3556米,山体东侧巍峨壮观,俯瞰黄河河套和鄂尔多斯高原;西侧地势和缓,没入阿拉善高原,是中国西北地区的重要地理界线,同时也是生物物种多样性中心之一。有人说,阿拉善即“贺兰”一音之转,可见贺兰山对阿拉善的重要性,尤其是为这个干旱地区带来了宝贵的降水,甚至有老百姓说:“没有贺兰山就没有阿拉善”。  相似文献   
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