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本文发表了江西卫矛属一新种,即井冈山卫矛Euonymus jinggangshanensis M.X.Nie。  相似文献   
本文从其特殊的身心成长经历以及对事业发展的深刻感触为切入点,细腻描述了其与国家历史休戚相关的独特成长道路和人生体验,其中无不包涵无限的爱国热情和积极的事业进取心,这些都会给广大科学研究工作者,特别是年青一代在事业发展的过程中带去启迪。  相似文献   
国家重点风景名胜区三清山,位于江西省东北部玉山、德兴两县交界处,面积220平方公里,最高峰——玉京峰海拔1816.9米。三清山历史上是道教名山之一,自古享有“清绝尘嚣天下无双福地,高凌云汉江南第一仙蜂”的赞誉。目前景区主要分为北山、南山两大部分。北山景区山势较南山景区平缓,有三清宫、龙虎殿、风雷塔等古建筑和石雕遗迹上百处,山峦被大面积的黄山松林覆盖,是听松涛、观云海、探古迹的胜境。南山景区则景色迥异,奇峰、怪石突兀林立,雾霭、烟云飘逸沉浮,虬松、异草争奇斗艳,有“司春女神”、“巨蟒出山”、“万笏…  相似文献   
通过野外调查和查阅大量标本、文献,对江西猕猴桃属植物的分布和区系特征进行了系统研究。江西省境内分布有猕猴桃属植物20种和11变种(或变型),其中葛枣猕猴桃(Actinidia polygama (Sieb.et Zucc.)Maxim.)、灰毛猕猴桃(A.cinerascens C.F.Liang)、楔叶猕猴桃(A.fasciculoides var. cuneata C.F.Lang)和簇花猕猴桃(A.fasciculoides C.F.Liang)为江西新分布。江西猕猴桃属植物区系特征表现在:(1)种类丰富;(2)特有现象较明显;(3)多型性突出;(4)地理成分复杂,以中国特有分布式样为主;(5)种间、种内分化较强烈;(6)与邻近地区猕猴桃属植物的关系密切。还对江西猕猴桃属植物的分布与自然生境的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   
2004年5月至2012年6月,在江西武夷山国家级自然保护区(黄岗山)采用野外观察和笼养观察法,对黄腹角雉(Tragopan caboti)的食物构成和习性进行了研究。研究期间共记录到黄腹角雉采食物种78种(类),其中,高等植物39科65属74种,伞菌目(Agaricales)口蘑科(Tricholomataceae)、膜翅目(Hymenoptera)蚁科(Formicidae) 、蜘蛛目(Araneae)园蛛科(Araneidae)和蜻蜓目(Odonata)各1种。显示黄腹角雉为植食性、食谱广泛的雉类,采食习性学习能力和环境适应性强,在不同环境条件下行为有较大的差异。  相似文献   
2012年2月在江西井冈山自然保护区采集到3只体型较小的蝙蝠,主要特征为:前臂长37.80~39.35mm,颅全长18.16~18.41mm;耳壳半透明呈圆形漏斗状;无尾椎骨,股间膜内凹呈"∧"形;背毛基部黑褐色,毛尖赤褐色,翼膜浅褐色。根据其特征鉴定为无尾蹄蝠Coelopsfrithi,江西省首次采集、记录到该种蝙蝠,属该省翼手目新纪录,并首次描述了该种阴茎骨形态。  相似文献   
Mating behavior of the Hog-badger (Arctonyx collaris) was recorded on 463 videos (totally 8053 s) taken with auto-trigger cameras between March 13 and May 13, 2017 in Jiangxi Wuyishan. Males followed and guarded the females for several hours before mating. One mounting behavior, and three mating behaviors were observed from 01:55 to 08:49 on April 18. The durations of mating behaviors lasted for 731s, 1690s and 1494s, respectively. Based on these observations, we found: 1) mating behavior was controlled by the female, including obvious sexual solicitations; 2) females can mate more than one time within one estrous cycle; 3) quickly and repeatedly pumping and inserting behavior was observed in male during mating.  相似文献   
A Late Pleistocene-Holocene pollen, phosphorus, and charcoal record was reconstructed from a peatland in southern Jiangxi Province in southern China. The area today has a mountainous and rolling landscape with villages, small towns, and agriculture dominated by rice paddies, vegetable, and fruit gardens, as well as areas of secondary forest and pine re-afforestation. The record opens before 14 300 yr BP, with Alnus woodland dominating the wetland areas and with an open Quercus woodland on the surrounding slopes. The forest area becomes more complex from approximately 12 800 yr BP and further from 9 000 yr BP. At approximately 6 000 yr BP, there is evidence of clearing and, by 4 500-4 000 yr BP, a complete collapse in the wetland Alnus and terrestrial forest as the low-lying areas are converted to rice production. For much of the record, the occurrence of fire around the site was low, although there is evidence of regional fires. Fire was used as a tool in clearing and then used in the annual cycles of stubble burning after rice harvest. Nutrient levels, as reflected by total phosphorus in the sediment, seem to be closely related to forest changes and high values in the surface layers probably result from land-management techniques associated with agriculture. Therefore, human impact greatly altered forest cover, fire frequency, and nutrient dynamics; this has been evident for approximately 6 000 yr BP and then intensities towards the present day.  相似文献   
于2009~2016年对江西东江源区主要山脉的森林植物开展持续调查,采集维管植物标本2402号,结合文献资料,整理出该区域维管植物名录,并进行统计分析。结果显示:本次调查共记录维管植物1286种,隶属于190科640属。其中,蕨类植物35科65属134种,裸子植物6科8属9种,被子植物149科567属1143种;种类最丰富的科有菊科(Compositae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、蝶形花科(Papilionaceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae);乔木层优势科有樟科(Lauraceae)、壳斗科(Fagaceae)、杜英科(Elaeocarpaceae)、大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)等,以泛热带分布类型所占比例最高(扣除世界分布的28.42%);属的区系成分以泛热带分布及其变型为主,占扣除世界分布的29.26%,热带亚洲分布及其相关类型的成分也较高。维管植物区系成分与东江源区所处纬度带较吻合,但热带和泛热带成分相对较高,可能与东南部暖湿气流及其东南沿海植物沿北迁徙有关。  相似文献   
以江西铅山红芽芋脱毒苗为试材,研究不同因素对红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织诱导及其再生体系的影响,以期对红芽芋脱毒苗的再生体系进行优化。结果表明,红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织诱导的最佳培养基是MS+TDZ 2 mg·L-1+2,4-D 1 mg·L-1。红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织分化的最佳培养基是MS+TDZ 2 mg·L-1+NAA 1 mg·L-1。红芽芋脱毒苗不定芽生根的最佳培养基是1/2MS+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1+PP333 0.5 mg·L-1。红芽芋再生苗最好的移栽基质为发酵后的腐锯木屑。红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织再生苗移栽时最佳的PP333浓度为20~50 mg·L-1。本试验成功建立了红芽芋脱毒苗球茎愈伤组织的再生体系,为红芽芋脱毒苗转基因的研究和种质创新奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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