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王骏  李波 《生物信息学》2016,1(3):92-128
文章使用2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据,运用双重差分(DiD)模型和工具变量下的局部平均处理效应(LATE-IV)方法,研究了唐山大地震对个体受教育水平和在劳动力市场中表现的影响。研究发现,唐山大地震使得个体受教育年限减少0.14-0.21年,可看作地震的短期教育损失;此外,唐山大地震使得个体受教育年限的减少进而带来的收入损失约为3.51%-4.77%,带来的人力资本损失约占2005年唐山地区生产总值的0.30%-0.41%,可看作地震的长期教育损失。  相似文献   
Trematode parasites have complex life cycles and use a variety of host species across different trophic levels. Thus, they can be used as indicators of disturbance and recovery of coastal ecosystems. Estuaries on the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan were heavily affected by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami. To evaluate the effect of the tsunami on the trematode community, we examined trematodes in the mud snail, Batillaria attramentaria, at five study sites (three sites severely exposed to the tsunami and two sites sheltered from the tsunami) in Sendai Bay for 2 years prior to and 8 years after the tsunami. While the trematode prevalence decreased at all study sites, the species richness decreased only at the sites exposed to the tsunami. Although parasitism increased over the study period post-tsunami, the community had not fully recovered 8 years after the event. Trematode community structure has changed every year since the tsunami and has not stabilised. This could be explained by the alteration of first and second intermediate host communities. Our study suggests that it will take more time for the recovery of the trematode community and the associated coastal ecosystem in the Tohoku region.  相似文献   
李伟  范庆安  张峰 《生态学报》2008,28(12):5871-5875
2008年5月12日四川省汶川县发生的大地震对当地人民的生命财产造成了巨大的损失。为了营灾民及抢救财产,大量国际和国内救援物资和人员陆续到达地震灾区,对减轻灾区民众的痛苦起到了积极的作用。随着国际国内救援物资和人员的到达,一些外来入侵种有可能随之进入灾区。如果这些外来入侵种得不到有效的控制,就可能造成生物入侵的发生。因此应该采取科学的对策及早进行防治,包括:(1)加强对外来入侵种的生态风险评估,(2)严密监测外来入侵种的动态,(3)采取科学方法控制外来入侵种。  相似文献   
为了解汶川地震对野生动物及其栖息地的影响,2008年10月中旬,选择在龙溪虹口和千佛山两个自然保护区进行野外实地调查。在调查的20条样线中,发现次生地质灾害体100处,平均面积为(12±2.5)hm^2。地质灾害体按基质成分所占比例由大到小依次为土壤、裸岩、流石滩、地被残留物,其中部分灾害体上已经长出草本植物。地质灾害点发生比例与坡度之间呈显著正相关,地质灾害体的面积和影响范围也呈显著正相关。野外调查中共发现动物活动痕迹点52处,没有发现因地震直接导致伤亡的动物个体,约60%的动物活动痕迹位于距地质灾害体100m的范围内,表明地震后动物的活动区域并未远离崩塌、滑坡等次生地质灾害体;与震前相比,在旅游景区发现更多野生动物的活动痕迹,表明人类活动停止后,野生动物重新利用这些栖息地。  相似文献   
刘彬  吴福忠  张健  杨万勤 《生态学报》2008,28(12):5892-5898
作为典型的生态过渡区,岷江干旱河谷-山地森林交错带不仅是藏羌居民生活的重要区域,而且在抑制干旱河谷上延和延伸亚高山森林生态系统的功能等方面具有十分重要的作用。但这种脆弱生态系统极易受到人类活动干扰和自然灾害的损害,使其成为“5.12”汶川大地震中受损程度较高、灾后生态恢复与重建的重点区域之一。基于岷江干旱河谷-山地森林交错带受汶川大地震破坏的特点以及该区的生态重要性和本身的脆弱性,损毁生态系统的快速评估与生态重建规划、生产与生态双赢共建关键技术、震后残存植被保育、水源涵养地植被保护与恢复、震毁植被恢复与重建、耕地生产恢复与重建、边坡综合治理、低效薪炭林改良以及居民聚居点风景林营造等被认为是震后生态恢复的关键科学技术问题。震毁生态系统的生态恢复过程监测与评估、干旱河谷-山地森林交错带生态系统的脆弱性机制及生态学过程、震后生态系统对变化环境的响应与适应机制等可能是未来的重点研究领域。  相似文献   
The Great East Japan Earthquake struck off the Tohoku and caused a tsunami in 2011. Most of the microbial characteristics of tsunami‐affected soil remain unknown and no published study has shown how a tsunami affects the risk of infection by Clostridium perfringens living in soil. In 2011 and 2015, C. perfringens was assessed in deposits in soil from tsunami‐damaged areas and undamaged areas of Miyagi. It was found that the number of C. perfringens was overwhelmingly greater in 2011 than in 2015 in the tsunami‐damaged areas. According to real‐time PCR, the prevalence C. perfringens organisms (%) was 103 fold greater in the damaged than in the undamaged areas.  相似文献   
汶川地震对大熊猫主食竹——拐棍竹竹笋生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖丽欢  徐雨  冉江洪  郑雯  缪宁  尚涛 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3001-3009
为了了解汶川地震对大熊猫主食竹生长发育的影响,2009年10月—2011年4月,在地震重灾区四川龙溪-虹口国家级自然保护区内设置150个样方,就地震强度、中度、轻度干扰对大熊猫主食竹拐棍竹(Fargesia robusta)竹笋生长发育的影响进行了研究。研究结果显示:(1)发笋物候上,地震强度干扰的发笋时间(Julian时间)较中度和轻度干扰显著推迟,而发笋期不受影响。(2)发笋量和当年生幼竹数是拐棍竹更新生长的数量指标。地震强度和中度干扰样方的发笋量都显著高于轻度干扰,而发笋量在强度和中度干扰间差异不显著;地震强度干扰样方的当年生幼竹数显著高于中度和轻度干扰,中度和轻度干扰样方间差异不显著。这说明地震的强度和中度干扰都有利于拐棍竹竹笋和当年生幼竹数量的更新。(3)基径和株高是拐棍竹更新生长的质量指标。强度干扰下拐棍竹的基径和株高都显著小于中度和轻度干扰,中度干扰样方的基径与轻度干扰差异不显著,但株高显著矮于轻度干扰样方。表明强度干扰下拐棍竹的质量最差,中度干扰的基径已基本得到恢复,但株高仍受到抑制。(4)地震不同干扰等级拐棍竹退笋原因划分为:外力机械损伤、动物取食、生长停止、其他4种。对地震不同干扰等级拐棍竹退笋原因比率的分析发现,强度干扰样方因外力机械损伤和生长停止退笋的比率显著高于中度和轻度干扰样方,而因动物取食退笋的比率显著低于中度和轻度干扰样方。证明强度干扰样方的竹笋更容易受到外力机械损伤和生长停止退笋,而中度和轻度干扰的竹笋更倾向于动物取食致退,揭示了拐棍竹的生长是与震后不同程度的干扰相适应的。  相似文献   
Prince William Sound (PWS) is a semi-enclosed fjord estuary on the coast of Alaska adjoining the northern Gulf of Alaska (GOA). PWS is highly productive and diverse, with primary productivity strongly coupled to nutrient dynamics driven by variability in the climate and oceanography of the GOA and North Pacific Ocean. The pelagic and nearshore primary productivity supports a complex and diverse trophic structure, including large populations of forage and large fish that support many species of marine birds and mammals. High intra-annual, inter-annual, and interdecadal variability in climatic and oceanographic processes as drives high variability in the biological populations. A risk-based conceptual ecosystem model (CEM) is presented describing the natural processes, anthropogenic drivers, and resultant stressors that affect PWS, including stressors caused by the Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964 and the Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989. A trophodynamic model incorporating PWS valued ecosystem components is integrated into the CEM. By representing the relative strengths of driver/stressors/effects, the CEM graphically demonstrates the fundamental dynamics of the PWS ecosystem, the natural forces that control the ecological condition of the Sound, and the relative contribution of natural processes and human activities to the health of the ecosystem. The CEM illustrates the dominance of natural processes in shaping the structure and functioning of the GOA and PWS ecosystems.  相似文献   
曾卫  封健  王华 《生物信息学》2019,26(11):103-107
灾后重建关乎灾区长远稳定的发展,不仅受到学者的关注,也是国家、政府高度重视的民生工作,其涉及社会、经济、环境、文化及物理等多个层面。芦山“4·20”地震发生以来,作为灾害的见证者和灾后重建的践行者,以芦山根艺苑广场设计为契机,通过访谈、问卷调查等方法,提出“重塑”的设计理念,以灾后重建中公共空间的生态重塑、文化重塑和公共重塑为研究内容,着眼于以问题为导向、需求为目标的设计框架,探索和归纳灾后重建中城市公共空间的设计路径,体现其本土性、文化性、公共性的价值内涵。  相似文献   
为揭示2008年汶川地震后大熊猫主食竹拐棍竹无性系种群的天然更新状况及影响因子,研究了3种不同地震干扰强度(强度、中度和对照)生境中拐棍竹的生长和发笋状况.结果表明:在3种生境中,拐棍竹存活笋的基径为中度干扰和对照生境显著大于强度干扰生境,存活笋的高度为对照>中度干扰>强度干扰.其发笋密度在3种生境中无显著差异,但强度和中度干扰生境中的存活笋密度显著大于对照,并且1年生和2年生竹密度与死亡竹密度之间呈极显著正相关.拐棍竹的发笋密度、存活笋密度、1年生、2年生和多年生竹密度之间均呈显著正相关,1年生和2年生竹密度与砾石和滑坡土壤盖度呈显著负相关,存活笋密度与郁闭度之间呈显著负相关.  相似文献   
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